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01x05 - Become

Posted: 03/24/24 10:28
by bunniefuu
[Walker growling]


[Helicopter flies overhead]

[Walker growling]


[Knife thuds]

[Knife thuds]

[Helicopter flies overhead]

Our Father, who art in heaven --







♪ Oh, the good life ♪

♪ Full of fun,
seems to be the ideal ♪


♪ Mm, the good life
lets you hide ♪

Tasteful Noods?

♪ All the sadness you feel ♪

♪ You won't really
fall in love ♪

♪ For you can't
take the chance ♪

♪ So please be honest
with yourself ♪

♪ Don't try to fake romance ♪

♪ It's the good life ♪

[Walker growling]

♪ To be free
and explore the unknown ♪

[Walker growling]

♪ Please remember
I still want you ♪

♪ And in case you wonder why ♪

♪ Well, just wake up ♪

♪ Kiss the good life ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

Never did like those.

No 'Michonne's", huh?

Not even once.


Is this a terrible gift
to bring to R.J.?

No one has ever once
called him "Junior".

Ah. Okay.

You're bringing
yourself back.

That's more than enough.

"The Brave Man", huh?

You are.

More than ever.

He might be
ready for this.

Is that who he is?

Judith has a sword.

They're us.


I got you something.

I think it was baking soda
and spearmint.

As requested.

Man of his word.

It only took
a couple lifetimes.

I was in love with my son's
best friend.

I didn't know what to do.

Then you asked
for that toothpaste.

I was damned if I wasn't
gonna find something.

You found your moment.

Is this one?

You tell me.

"Three Pines Cabin".

You see that sign
on the road?

Looks like we found a place
to stay for the night.

Luck's holding up.


Thorne was so uptight.

She was trying
so hard for this army.

Too hard.

She was trying to get home,
to South Africa,

to someone she loves.

Okafor found her,
and she stopped trying.

You know,
I never let go.

I denied it,

and I pushed you away,
but I never let go.

I didn't know.

What is it?

"The people
from the people."

Woman: Look out!

[Walkers growling]


[Walkers growling]

Their skin's
like stone.

It cracks.
I break, you s*ab.



We should --
We should thank these folks.

They get crusty like that, uh,
'cause of the seam vents.

Calcified or something.

And there's
the wet ones.

You got your baked
and your boiled.

Kind of like pierogies.

I lived in, uh,
Pittsburgh for a bit.

They look pretty hungry.



Are -- Are you

Stay safe.

Appreciate the help,
but we're gonna need more.

All of it, in fact.

Red, no.
They helped us.

It's nothing personal,
and we are grateful.

It's just the way things are.
You know what I mean?

Shit gets worse
by the hour these days.

You want to
just take it back?

Yeah, we can just roll this
back to you

just saying thanks,
if you want.

Hell no.

What do we say?

New shit presents itself,
always take the new --



I'd like -- I'd like to roll --
do the roll back now.


We wouldn't be alive
without him.

How do we know you won't do
this to someone else?

You don't, but if you let me
and my family live,

I'd consider that
an instructive experience.

Promise us
to let people be.

You serious?

Why would you care about
saving anybody's skin

other than your own?

You look after you.

Anything else in this world
is a fairytale.

You think?

It's very hard to think
right now.

Well, how about
you just listen?

I-I'm peeing.

We saved you, and the only
people in danger

of being k*lled --
well, it isn't the helpers here.

Why don't you just promise,
and we'll believe you?


Yeah, yeah.

I'll leave people be.


Yeah, that's -- that's fair.



I was really looking
forward to that.


Wait 'til we're gone.

Keep your promise, assh*le.

Red's red g*n.

You think it was okay
to leave them the other one?

I don't think they'll come after
us, if that's what you mean.

And maybe he'll keep
that promise.

What were you saying about
"the people from the people"?

[Sighs] I don't know.

It's just something
that's stuck in my head.

Protect the people
from the people.

You think
they would've made it?

What, if we
hadn't come along?

I don't know.

Broken axe, low on b*ll*ts,
three walkers.

They'd made it this far,
and just like that,

the sister
steps in an old snare.

Lucky for them,
someone was nearby.

Lucky for them,
it was us.


We didn't
even think about it.


Might be strange to admit it,
but that felt good.

Us against the world.

Or savin' it.

I am surprised you took back
the noodles, though.

They pulled a g*n on us.

You don't get noodles
for that.


Toothpaste, booze.

What are you
up to, Grimes?

I'm just working
with what I got.




Come, Holy Spirit.

Bless this water that it
may become your Holy Water.


It's okay.
I'm alone.

Is it okay?

Even if you are alone?


Is this coming back?


I just wanted
to see you.

But you can't say to anyone
that I was here, okay?

I was using Eugene's
ham radio with --

with Rosita's help,
trying to somehow find you.

You -- You found me.

You left because you were
being judged for things

you did in your past

instead of who you
were trying to be.

But I was up to something,
and you trusted me,

and it was a mistake.

Rick brought you in
because he believed

that people could change.

He called you
"one of us."

He died trying to bring
people together.

He died?

The bridge.

He had to destroy it
to stop an incoming herd.

He was caught
in the expl*si*n.

My mistake
wasn't trusting you.

It was losing
my faith in you.

Can you forgive me
for that?

What about all the people
who can't forgive you?

What about the ones
you made gone?

How do you
live with that?




I can't talk about the things
I've been a part of,

things I will be a part of.

Not even to your people?


Not without telling them
about all of you.

You can talk to me.

Clergy confidentiality.

You weren't even here, Anne.

I forgive you.

Anne: Morning, lovebirds.

Tie him to the bed,
then yourself.

Sit down.

[Knife clangs]

[Axe thuds]

Sit down.

[Handcuff clicks]

You think she's alone?

She's alone, and I bet
nobody know's she's here.

That's just rude.

How do you think
she found us?

Just gonna jump in.

The circumstances of your

together were suspicious,

so I'm back
with the reclamation team.

Then I saw the wreck.

It felt like
a profound moment.

Strange, the things your brain
remembers in a moment like that.

The smell of ozone, a spider
on the floor of a helicopter,

and a yellow truck
sitting there.

I had this nagging feeling.

I insisted on going back,

but I wouldn't pull anyone
away from the Summit.

It's too important.

Flew myself to the nearest
jump point, supplied up,

the emergency vehicle there.

Your crash site was rubble
when I returned.

Then I saw you left
bread crumbs.

Dead delts.
Ramen wrappers?

All the way down Highway 90.

The most direct route
to Virginia.

Nobody knows she's here.

She missed her chance.

Should've k*lled us
while we were sleeping.

See, I've been thinking
about someone else I k*lled.

A confidante.

Someone monumental
in my development as me,

as a person who will help
turn the world.

I left things unsaid between us.

I didn't want to do that
before I k*lled both of you.

You just
play games, Anne.

You don't give a shit
about that army or that city.

I do.

You think I'm still her.
I'm not.

I'm not that woman
from the heaps either.

We take. We don't bother.
Didn't work.

I am decorated
Warrant Officer Jadis Stokes

of the Civic Republic Military,
defender of the Republic.

You're doing this
for you, Anne.

For the Republic.

If I were to let you go home
and somehow,

some other enterprising
warrant officer

were to find you,
my connection

with Alexandria
would be discovered,

and that important work
would end.

I saved your life.

You took it.

You took it from him,
you took it from me,

you took it
from our children.

All those years they grew up
without their father.

All those years I didn't know
if he was alive or dead.

You stole
our family, Anne.

I didn't k*ll you in your
sleep because I wanted --

I needed to thank you.

By dying here today,
Alexandria will remain safe

and your children
will have a better world.

You could have made
other choices,

but you didn't lose here.

You won a different way.

It's the end of your story.

Let that be your peace.


[Rick grunts]




We got to go!


Anne: How's Rick's wife doing?


She's away,
helping people.

Why did you
call her his wife?

I mean, wasn't she?

Well, not officially,
but --

If that
matters anymore.

It's funny.

One day, Rick said that
I should marry them.

Maybe we should do it
right there on the bridge

that we were building.

But I couldn't see the future
he described,

so I sat on a log
in the forest,

and there at my feet,
in the dirt,

right in front of me,
was a ring.

It seemed like it'd make
a pretty nice wedding ring,

so I kept it, and I thought
to put it someplace

where Rick would find it

because I could suddenly see
that "someday".

But what
happened happened.

Well, I have spent
the last year

looking forward
to our next visit.

Just sitting here
and talking.

Almost makes me feel like
how it was, like who I was.

The other

it's less about
personal connection

and more about

to something
greater than myself.

Even if that means
I have to do

things that
are difficult.

Even cruel.

If you're here
expressing doubts,

then isn't that a sign
that that isn't who you are?

Knowing you're doing wrong,
it means that --

It's about survival.

It's about
what comes after.

Survival of others.

And that part of me

that I've harnessed,
it has kept me alive,

and maybe it can keep the rest
of the world alive, too.

The group we were
in conflict with --

they compromised
our walls.

Food is scarce.

Children are hungry.

Maybe you and your people
could help?

It wouldn't
have to be much.

We'd repay you
as soon as we got --

Gabriel, you know
that I can't.

I'm not even here.

Please know that
my remorse is real.

As you do cruel
and difficult things.

Yeah. I should go.

Wait. I'm sorry.


Take this with you.

You've been
questioning things.

This is a symbol
of faith.

Of love.

Maybe it'll give you
something you need.

Giving it to you is giving me
something that I need.

Next year?

Same day, same place?

If I'm alive.


Go, go, go.

We can't k*ll her.
Oh, we can.

I told you, she left a file
about home for the CRM to find.

To destroy Alexandria,

because that's what
she does, Rick!

She destroys!

She robbed us of you
being there

to see your son being born,
taking his first step.

Okay, what do we
do after she's dead?

Whatever we have to do.

Hold on.



Do you see
that drop-off?



[Walkers growling]

[Walkers growling]

We got company.

On three.
One, two, three!



Which way to that
jump point?

You think that
I give an antelope's ass

about some ramen?!

That's just pasta.

The hell I care about pasta?

Hel-- Hello.


Good g*dd*mn.

You look like a pile
of hippo shit, sister.

I'm not here
to hurt anyone.

I just need
a little help.


I'm being pursued by
some very dangerous people,

and I just need
a little help.

My community is safe.
And it has walls and food,

and I can offer you
a place that is you just --

if you just get me
somewhere, you know?

It's not far.

Yeah, well, how far
is "not far"?

It's just a few miles.


You're tall.

Rick: The bases are across
the country from each other.

We need to know
which one she hid it in.

If we can take her alive,
talk to her --

You heard her hate
being called Anne.

I think she's still
in there somewhere.

And if there's something
she can give us first,

something to help
keep Alexandria safe --

We'll keep it safe.

But she's gonna die.

We need to keep it safe
without risking anything.

I couldn't
see some things.

I couldn't.
You helped me.

Maybe we can help her,
and if we can't...

Then I can k*ll her?

Be my guest.

Maybe just maim first.

You see this?


[Walkers growling]


[g*n cocks]

It's you.
I'm sorry.

She promised she's take us
with her.

All we do was
lure you in here.

We're not like you. We wouldn't
have made it on our own.

That's four on two.

People are a resource.

Whatever she said,
it's not what you think it is.

So long as I got a meal and
a new pair of pants, I'm good.

There's still time
to roll this back.

No, there's ain't.

Goodbye, Rick.






[Indistinct shouting]

I half thought you wouldn't
show up this time.

After what I denied you,
I wouldn't have blamed you.

I was...


And I don't pretend
to understand

your community
or your commitment to them.

But I do know something
about that part of yourself

that you're
scared of losing.

What if it's
already gone?

Every year, I come back here,
I've done worse things.

I know why they're done.

I believe in what
we're trying to do.

But there's the Plan
and the "why".

And then there's
the blood.

I know you feel
you can't tell me.

But you can.

I'm here.

I can't.

And if I can't,
I'm not here.


You are.

Can I confide in you?

Of course.

I look forward
to these days,

to have this,
to have you to myself.

This secret.

These days.

I have you,

and that proves that you're
still here, Anne.

It just does.

Why don't you come with me
back to Alexandria?


Nobody needs to know
about your community,

about anything.
I can't.

For all the reasons
that I've already told you.

That's just it.

You haven't told me anything
about your group,

other than that they're people
who horde supplies

while others starve.

You think that the purpose
of what we do

is to make
people suffer?

That I'd be part
of a group like that?

Is that what
you think of me?

I know you're not them.

I see it when I look
in your eyes.

I did this.

This was me.


I'm sorry I came here.

[Walker growling]

I'm sorry I made
myself vulnerable.

I'm sorry for turning you
into a loose end.


[Walker growling]

I'm sorry.

Rick: How about
you show yourself?

We talk?

You mean
"get me to talk", right?

Ambush me, break
all my bones one by one

'til I spill where
I hid my file on Alexandria?

Not gonna happen, Rick.

I live for the cause,
and I will die for the cause.

I'm not a traitor.

Not like you.

[Walkers growling]

Michonne: You okay?

That was close.

You two together --
you are unstoppable.

But that won't
save your kids.

You k*ll me, they're dead.

I die from my wounds,
they're dead.

[Walkers growling]

I get k*lled by walkers,
they're dead.


[Walkers growling]




It didn't have to be this way.

You were on the path, Rick.

After all these years, you were
finally feeling

the responsibility to fight for
something bigger than yourself.

And Beale saw it, too.

He was gonna give you
the Echelon Briefing

the moment you returned.

Your eyes would have been opened
to the true size and scope

of what the CRM is gonna do
to bring this world back.

You could have ensured
Alexandria's security.

But you didn't.

You let Michonne
pull you away from that.

All you had to do was leave when
Rick arranged for your escape.

But you didn't.

And now, here we are,
and the fates of your friends,

your children, sealed
because you are just like her.

"You look out for you."

You don't really want to
k*ll everyone back home, Anne.

I know you don't.

It's not about "want".

It's about keeping your humanity
or saving humanity,

and it is a choice.

I've chosen my community.

I've chosen my life.

So, who's gonna die today?

The two of you?

Or me and everyone
back home?

She's right.


I didn't want
to see it.

I wanted her dead so I didn't
have to see it.

But, Rick, there has to be
a sacrifice.

Since I found you, all that
I've done has been for us.

But now I see this can't end
with us going home.

Well, what's it gonna be?


There's still
a deal to be made,

one where we all can
live and Alexandria.

Michonne gets some supplies
to keep you long enough

to get you to the jump point,
and I'll go back with you.

We'll say I was injured
in the crash, the lone survivor,

and I'll go back to the CRM,
to working for a future,

like none of this ever happened,
on one condition.

Michonne gets away and I never
tell them about Alexandria.

It's the only way
this works.

We got a deal?

Why should I trust you,

after all the shit
that you've pulled?

We got
a deal or not?


We got a deal.


Come closer, Rick.

Show yourself.

We laid down our weapons.
Lay down yours.



You've looked better.

I was a fool to think
I could take you

down with
you two together,

which is why I agreed
to your deal.

Her getting the med kit.


I don't trust you, either,
but I respect you, Rick.

You're lying to yourself.

You keep
lying to yourself.

You don't keep
coming back here.

You never left.

You're wrong.

I'm not --

Go ahead.

sh**t me.

Make me understand.
Show me who you are.

Michonne: Drop it.


I said drop it.

You double-crossed me before
I double-crossed you.

That's a good plan.

Drop the g*n,
or I will k*ll you.

Even if it means
that Alexandria is destroyed?

[Walkers growling]


[Walkers growling]



[Breathing heavily]


Everything I've ever had
or lost.

My people, my friends,

I was tired of losing.

I was finally part of something
that could last.

And I couldn't lose another

My old one.

And my new one.

I knew if I didn't k*ll you all,

somehow, some way,
you'd come for the CRM.

So, I drew up the dossier
to protect myself

and make sure you couldn't.

I thought, in my death,
it was worth it.

I'd chosen a side, right?

I thought I had.

Back and forth.





[Walkers growling]


You came to me to help
you find an answer.

You just found it.

I'll see you
next year, Anne.

He already showed me.

I found my answer.

The dossier -- it's in
my room at the Cascadia Base.

Just destroy it and go home.

The CRM will bring
the world back.

Tell me you won't
come after them.

Michonne: No.

Because we are coming for them.

We're gonna get the dossier.

And then the CRM --

we're gonna stop them.

He's gonna get
the Echelon Briefing

and find out everything
that they do

that the city
doesn't know about.

The city I saw won't stand
for what they are,

and we're gonna help
the city stop them,

because, Anne,

the CRM is not the answer,

and they must end.

We're gonna do that.

You kept us alive
for a reason.


I wish I'd died an artist.

It was never about survival
in that life.

It was just about truth.

And this is mine.

The end of my story.

My peace.


On the bridge, you told
Gabriel you wanted to marry her.

He found this, and he wanted
to give it to you.

How did you --

You weren't
dreaming, Rick.

Go ahead.

Do what you said you would do.






The jump point's just over
that ridge.

What you said to me before,
in front of her --

it wasn't just for her.

Michonne: You couldn't have
changed them by yourself, Rick,

but together?

The whole damn world --

I see how we could
make it better,

and if we can,

Rick, we have to.

Michonne, wait.

I've been wanting
to say something.

It's a broken world,

and you're the only thing
that puts it back together.

'Til my last breath,
I am yours.


I could never have
imagined this.

But it could only ever
have been you.


I'm yours.






[Helicopter chuffing]



