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01x26 - Fangceañera

Posted: 03/24/24 10:19
by bunniefuu
[ghostly vocalizing]

[rap b*at playing]

[hard rock playing]


[bats squeaking]


-[knocking on door]



Rise and... Well, just rise.

You have chores to do.

What? I have to do chores?

But it's my birthday.

[clucks] Not yet.

What the chicken said.

But, Aunt Lydia,

it's my fangceanera.

My dad is coming.

I'm finally earning

my family cape.

Then you had

better get started.

Add "replace door"

to your list.


[Mavis] Ow.

[bell dings]

"Sort the mail," she said.


"Trim the vines," she said.


"Pull the weeds," she said.


-[creature growls]

Ha! Uh-oh.




-[giggling nervously]



Mavis, what are you doing

lazing around? Come on.

Ow, ow, ow.

And so, on today of all days,

she still made me do chores.

I mean, my dad is going

to give me my family cape.

Some monsters totally live

in their own underworld.

This needs more

squid ink, I think.


Is it me, or did it

just get breezy in here?

Just you.

[Pedro] Yo, yo, yo!

It's the birthday vamp.


Happy Birthday, Mavis.


Aw. Thanks, guys.

You remembered.

[chuckles] Well, you

might have hinted a tisk.

Hey, 62 nights

till my birthday.

Yes, 61 nights

till my birthday.


Guys, 60 nights until my...

Okay, okay. We get it.

Anyway, this is a huge day.


Because today

I'm getting caped.

I know. I'm so excited.

Pedro, that is so sweet

that you care so much

about me earning

my Dracula family cape.

It really means a lot.

And you thought

I said "cake."


Imagine, if you will.

Tonight, I'll travel to

the mysterious vampire realm

where I'll face

the fangceanera

Wheel of Destiny.

[thunder crashing]


[all] Ooh.


Spin the wheel

and whatever horrible,

terrible task it lands on,

you must complete it

to earn your cape.

I hope it's rhythmic


It's not rhythmic


I said, "I hope."

It'll be way worse,

but I'm ready.

This cape is like a sign

to the whole underworld

that I'm not a kid anymore.

-Starting with my--

-[Dracula] Mavey.



You're finally here.

Happy Birthday.

Honeybat, you look

absolutely corpse-like.

Hankie, got your ear.

[chuckles] That never gets old.

Ms. Blob, lovely to see you.


And I want to say Jeremy?

Eh. Close enough.

Uh, second breakfast?

I thought you'd never ask.

[both laughing]

[whoops] Wait for me.

Here. I brought you something.

[gasps] What is it? What is it?

Oh, thanks, Dad.

It's beautiful.

It was your mother's.

I've been saving it for today.

You can't imagine how hard

it is to save something

for over 100 years.

You have dungeon sales,

you move, things get lost.

I'm glad this didn't.

I love it.

This is a big night

for you, Mavis.

Are you sure you're ready?

We can always

postpone, you know?

I don't think you can

postpone birthdays, Dad.

And anyway, I'm ready.

Trust me. I got this.

[yawning] Okay, sweetie.

I've had a long trip

from the Vampire Council.

I'm going to take

a quick bat nap

and we can talk later.

[both] Uh-huh.

So, your dad is going

to his room, huh?


And you don't see

a problem with that?

[gasps] Oh, my goblins.

And there it is.

Dad, wait! You can't go in.

I can't go into

my own bedroom?

Why not?

Why not? [stammers]

Because the pipes burst

and the floors

are soaked with sewage.

So, I'll walk on the ceiling.

I mean, your casket.

It's gone.

No. It's out. For polishing?

[exclaims] I'll sleep

on the pullout

bed of nails.

Don't worry about me.

Oh, I'm worried, all right.



Hello, brother.

What are you

doing in my room?

Your room? [chuckles]

Look around.

This is my room now.




Is that a chicken?


Her name is Diane.

She used to be a human.


-It's kind of a long story.

So, where do I sleep?

Uh, well, the hotel

is booked solid.

[flies buzzing]

You know, it's really

not so bad once you

get used to the smell

-is what I keep

telling myself.



Okay, just...

Hold still, baby boy.

[grunts] Mummy!

Okay, everybody. Listen up.

Introducing my 115-year-old

daughter, Mavey Wavey.

I mean, Mavis Dracula.

[all gasping]

Holy rabies.

-[all cheering]

-Go, Mavis!

Happy Birthday, Mavey.

We're so excited

to share it with you.

Now, before we start

with the fancy party,

I thought we'd share the most

intimate part of the ceremony

with our closest

family and friends.

Oh, and Klaus.

He said my name!

He said it wrong,

but he said my name.

Aw, man.

I can't wait to see this.

She's going to disappear

into some weird dimension,

and then spin the wheel

and do whatever

awful task she gets,

like wrestle a chupacabra.

Uh, yeah, we all know

what a fangceanera is, dude.

I'm just excited

to see it up close.

It's been 400 years

since we've held one.

Is it true the last vampire

got eaten by a yodeling

lake monster?

Yes. That is why you must

be prepared for anything.

I have been working

on some sweet moves.

When my turn comes,

I'll be ready.

-[cheesy electro-pop playing]


Booty-shaking, booty-shaking.

Booty in your face.



Dude, you got

to cut that out.

Well, anyway, Mavis

is older, so I have

time before I have to...

Spin the fangceanera

Wheel of Destiny!


What is that thing

supposed to be?

The fangceanera

Wheel of Destiny!

This is [clears throat]

the much-safer

updated version.

We just invented it this week,

couple of tweaks,

but isn't it awesome?

One, no, it isn't.

And two, why

would it be here?

I'm supposed to travel

to an unknown realm

caught between

the many goblin


Oh, yeah, the realm.

It's being fumigated.

So, instead you can spin

the new wheel, right here

in your home,

where you're protected.

Air conditioning.

You'll be

a trailblazer, Mavis.

This is an atrocity,

a mockery of our

most esteemed ritual.


You can't stop

progress, Lydia.

Now, go ahead, Mavey.

Spin the wheel.



Blow out candles?

Wait. That's it?

That's all I have to do

to earn my cape?

[chuckles] Hey, come on.

Blowing out candles

is super dangerous.

Right, Frank?


-He's not wrong.


Yeah. Now we're talking.

-[Pedro groans]


Ah, you see?

Look how dangerous.

I mean, think

of your dangling sleeves

precariously hanging

over the flames.

The horror.


[inhaling deeply]

[exhaling deeply]



Give it up for my

baby bat, Mavis,

who has earned a traditional

Dracula cape of her very own.

[fanfare sounding]



-No cake.

I mean, no cake

until she gets her cape.

I forgot it in my suitcase.

I can't believe my dad

doesn't trust me enough

to spin the real wheel.

When is he finally going to

admit I'm not a kid anymore?

I like being

treated like a kid.


Boo-boo-boo boo-boo.

-[keys jangling]


Well, I don't.

I want a chance

at my destiny.


You want to prove

you are a true Dracula?

The proof is in the pudding.

[all gasp]

Oh, there's pudding!

[sighs] I can't live knowing

I got the kiddie version

of my fangceanera.

They can save

the fake stuff for Klaus.

Oh, thank you.

Well, then, I'm coming along.

No, you may not.


Only vampires may cross

the sacred threshold.

Time for battle.


Be right bat with my cape.

[all gasp]



Where did she go?

[all gasp]

Mavis! What did you do?

Only what you were

not prepared to do.

Trust me.

Yo! We going to cut

that cake or what?

The boy makes

a solid point.

Okay, relax.

This is what hundreds of

vampires have done before you.

Nothing to be afraid of.

-[thunder crashing]


I hope.


I've been waiting a long time

for you, Mavis Dracula.


Well, I also did some reading

and learned to play the pungi.

[playing pungi]

But mostly waiting.

I'm Miranda,

keeper of the Wheel of Destiny.


I presume you're

ready to spin?

Gargle with garlic?

Capture an invisible imp?

[exclaims] Hot yoga?



[all gasp]

I can't watch.

My Mavis!

Let go, brother.

She is to do this alone,

without any interference,

or the consequences

will be dire.


You're right. No interfe...

Hey, who spilled

I Can't Believe It's Not

Hemoglobin on the rug?

I will end them!


[Frankenstein] Whoa.

Dibs on his coffin.






Dad, what are you doing?

[chuckles nervously]

Oh, hey, Honeybat.

I'm going to go out

on a limb here

and say this didn't work out

the way I hoped.


Can I spin again?

What about my cape?

Can I still earn my cape?

Interference in the fangceanera

rituals is strictly prohibited.

Not only do you

not get your cape,

but he loses his, too.

You can't take my cape.

I'm the grand vamp

of the Vampire Council.

Do you know how important

that cape is to me, and how...

Okay. I see

what I've done now.

This was my big chance to

prove my worth as a vampire.

As a Dracula.

To show you

how much I've grown.

I'm sorry, Mavey.

I only did it to protect you.

I know, Dad,

but you're going to have

to let me find my own way.

It's time.

Please, give her

another chance.

-[both] Please!



Just stop making that noise.


-[all cheering]

But you're going

to work for it.

You want to earn your cape?

You have to spin three times.



-[all gasping]

-Oh, my.

Three spins?

It's impossible.

No vampire can do that.

I can.

[all] Ooh!


Mavey, please don't.

Dad, you have to trust me.

I can do this.

I was born to do this.



This is going to be easy.



Okay, this will be

less easy.


the stake gauntlet.

-Who doesn't love a good steak?

-[Mavis] Whoa.


That kind of stake.



Harder than it looks, huh?


-[Miranda cackling]




Boom drac-alacka!

[exclaims] Yes! Go, Mavey.

Task number two.

-Retrieve a Bigfoot hair.

-[Mavis gulps]





It's weird.

Why does this stuff

feel so familiar,

like I've done it all before?



"Sort the mail," she said.

"Pull the weeds," she said!




-[all cheering]

She's actually doing it.

There's only one

challenge left.

Please be rhythmic


Please be rhythmic


I can't believe it.

So, Aunt Lydia has been

training me all this time?



Last one,

and it's my favorite.

Skeleton army.


[Miranda cackling]

Bet she didn't

train you for this.

[all gasp]

"Trim the vines," she said!

Boom drac-alacka.




[all cheering]





I'm so proud of you, Mavey.

I always knew

you could do it.

Well, I know now.

How's that?


[both] Uh-oh.

Three tasks?

I never thought

I'd live to see the day.

I mean, I guess I didn't,

but congratulations anyway.

You've earned your cape,

both of them.

It's perfect.

Just like you.

Good luck, Mavis Dracula.

Wear that cape proudly.

Oh, and tell "Klaush"

I'll see him soon.


[gasps] She said "Klaush"!

She said it right.

No one ever says it right.

[coughing] Oh.


Oh, why do I always

use such a big cloud?


[all cheering]

That was the most

awesome thing

I have ever seen.

Yeah, and since

we're best friends,

it's basically

like I did it, too.

Yep, sure is.

Is it time?


Time for cake!


Needs more squid ink.

Called it.

[both shouting]

A job well done, Mavis.

Thank you for believing

in me, Aunt Lydia.

It means a lot.

I always knew you

could do it, child.

Even if I didn't

show it ever.

Aunt Lydia, I never

thought I'd say this,

but can I hug you?

Very well, but hurry up

and be quick about it.



She's ice-cold.

[whispering] I know,

right? So freaky.


[rock music playing]


Uno, dos, tres, cuatro

Happy Birthday to you

Your best friend

is made of goo

You've just earned

your vampire cape

No thanks to you-know-who ♪


[both] Go, Hank's head.

Go, Hank's head.

Go, Hank's head.


Look at me.

I finally learned to do the

chicken dance.

Everybody do the Wendy.

Wendy! [grunts]

Pedro, what's the deal?

You're stepping

all over my jam, man.


Hi, baby boy.

Check out my moves.


I don't want to jinx it,

but I think maybe

he's the one.



This is such

a disgusting party, Mavey

I'm so proud of all

you've done at the hotel

while I've been away.

Thanks, Dad.

Even though you almost

totally ruined my fangceanera.

I mean, like destroyed,

blew apart, obliterated...

Okay. I get it, I get it.

I couldn't have done it

without you cheering me on.

I'm so glad you're here.

Me, too.

After all, I've waited

Since you're having

such a good time,

does this mean

maybe you can leave

the Vampire Council behind

and stay at the hotel?

[all gasp]

[Dracula] Well...

[bats squeaking]

[music playing]
