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01x07 - Breakfast at Lydia's/The Trouble with Wendys

Posted: 03/24/24 09:39
by bunniefuu


(Bats squeaking)

My Dad is going to be
so impressed.

I can't believe
I'm employee of the month.

I wonder if she tucks in
her napkin.

Oh, I knew it.


Well, this is the reward

for winning
employee of the month,

and I'm not one
for bucking tradition.


I can't believe she b*at Gavin,


Well, I guess all my hard work
paid off.

Now you'll get to experience
Chef Quasimodo's

breakfast ghoul-ash.

I start every day with it.

It's the reason
I'm always in such a good mood.



Uh, it's good,

but I think it's missing
a little something.


Hi, guys.
Quasi, just wondering.

Uh, you got any salt
around here?


It's, uh, it's not for me.
It's for, uh, Aunt Lydia.

So, you and your "Aunt Lydia"--

Uh, no need for air quotes.
She's real.

Require salt
for your ghoul-ash?

Just a smidge.
You know, for flavor.

Do you mind?

Why would I mind?

You're just suggesting
my masterpiece

of culinary perfection
lacks flavor.

That shouldn't bother me.

I've only been cooking
my entire life.

I'm just going to pull this--

Is this enough salt
for you?

This insult is
too much to take.

I quit, I quit,
I quit!

So, I'm guessing pepper
is a no-go?


If Aunt Lydia finds out
Quasimodo quit

and she doesn't get
her favorite breakfast tomorrow,

not only will I lose my
employee-of-the-month title,

I'll be grounded
until the end of time.

Oh, so not that long.

You know, breakfast is the most
important meal of the day.

The cereal companies
got to you, too, huh?

You guys, focus on
the important thing here.

Like how I could lose my crown.

Come on.

You don't really care about
being employee of the month.

It is the most important
award of the month.v,

and now, me.

My Dad will be so proud
of his little Mavy Wavy,

and I'll be able to milk it
for months.

That's so... sweet.

But if Aunt Lydia finds out
what I've done, she'll strip me

of the award and lord it over me
for the next thousand years.

No thanks.
I've got to get Quasimodo back.

Check it out,
my fiendish friends.

A fresh batch of tasty jellyfish
rolls straight off my hotplate.

There's no time for eating,

We have serious--
Holy moldy.

This is
really good.

Well, thank you.
The secret is--

That you can cook.

This will solve
all of my problems.

You can replace Quasimodo,
make the ghoul-ash,

and Aunt Lydia will of course
never find out.

Uh, is this a hair?

Hmm. Let one go,
they all want to follow.


What is taking so long?

Have no fear.

Your breakfast ghoul-ash
is here.

Yep, everything
is totally normal.

Time to chow down.

It looks different.

Uh, that's because
I got Quasimodo to make you

a special version.

it looks different because he's
using imported fungus breath.


I don't like change.


Hmm. The nose hairs
are well prepared.

It's perfect!
Maybe even better than usual.

You can really taste
that imported fungus breath.


I mean, uh, enjoy.


Pedro, you are
the ghoul-ash ghoul.

Well, I did have a little help.

I was just in it for the hat,

but it was an honor
to be a part of the team.

I spent most of the time
karate-chopping baguettes.

Whoa.Yeah, sure,

but I was actually
talking about Jerome.


Jerome is the real reason
I can cook.

He tells me what to do.

Well, thanks to you guys
and Jerome,

Aunt Lydia
loves the ghoul-ash.


Who needs Quasimodo

Employee of the month
in the hizz-ouse.

(Bell dinging)

Okay, she's here.

Where's the food?

About that, small problem.

Pedro refuses to make it.

Not me; Jerome.
He's an artiste,

and like all great artistes,

he never makes
the same dish twice.

B-but you have to.

Start cooking already!

Excuse me, Mavis.

This is our kitchen,

and if anyone
is going to be yelling, it's me.

You call that
a karate chop?

This is
a karate chop!

You should wear hats more,

They really bring out your eyes.

Thank you.

And now,
I'm not going to make anything.

Not only because I'm an artiste,

but because I'm too tired
from all that yelling.

I need a nap!

Oh, no.

Please, Jerome, can you help me?

This isn't good.

If Aunt Lydia doesn't get
her breakfast soon--

Okay. Uh--

If it's just a bug
helping Pedro cook,

it'll probably work
again, right?

Okay, let's try it.

Okay, bug.
Show me what you got.


It's crawling in my brain.

Why would you do that?

Sorry, Hank.

Okay, new plan.

I find Quasimodo
and bring him back.

sure Aunt Lydia

doesn't come into
this kitchen.

You got it.

This could take forever.

Quasi could literally be
anywhere by now.

There he is.


Welcome to
Quasimodo's Slop Bucket,

where apparently
the only customers

are adorable woodland creatures.

You've got a food truck now?
But you can't drive.

Mais oui.
That's why it's parked.

I'm sorry I asked for salt.

Could you please come back
to the hotel?

We're all really missing
your breakfast ghoul-ash.


You want me to accept
your apology after your insult?

For that you must
eat your words.


Uh, I'll do whatever
it takes

to get you back cooking
at the hotel.


♪ La-la-la ♪

My 99-course
tasting menu.

You enjoy every bite
without complaint,

and I will return.


I'm totally going to love
everything you make.

Nope, nope.
Can't do it.


I knew your immature palate
could not handle my skills.

I win!
Although I kind of lost

since you don't like my food,
but whatever.

♪ La-la-la la-la
la-la-la la-la, winning ♪

This is the worst.

Aunt Lydia is going to flip and
I'll be stripped of my title.

Maybe I can bribe Jerome.

But what would a bug chef want?

Did you say "Jérome"?

No, I said "Jerome."

Jérome and I were
culinary school rivals.

One day,

your father came looking
for a chef for his hotel.

We both made
our special dishes.

I became the new chef
at Hotel Transylvania,

and Jérome swore revenge.

Now, he's come for my kitchen.

I shall return to the hotel

and reclaim
what is rightfully mine.


(Door bursting open)


Put down my utensils
and get out of my kitchen.

Jerome says, "Never."

This is
his kitchen now.

We'll see about that.

Or you could have a cook-off ?

The best breakfast ghoul-ash
gets the kitchen.

Huh, huh?

Yeah, sure.
That works, too, I guess.

Makes more sense, really.


En garde!

Time is up.


Two breakfast ghoul-ashes.
Mavis, you sly bat.

Now, which one to serve?

Where is my breakfast?


(Clearing throat)

Um, breakfast is served.

This is the best ghoul-ash yet.


Quasimodo is back,
Aunt Lydia is happy,

and I'm still
employee of the month.

Everything is coming up Mavis.

Speaking of
employee of the month,

after making this breakfast,
it's clearly Quasimodo.




That's cold, Gavin.

Go, go, go!

Last one to the finish line
is a rainbow-loving unicorn.




First place, in your face--


I win.
Yay, me.

♪ Victory dance
Victory dance ♪

♪ Drop a b*at, Wendy ♪

♪ Beep-ba-doo beep-beep-ba-doo ♪



Where's Wendy?



Who's your blobby?
Who's your blobby?

How are you so lucky?

There's not a scratch
on you.


Well, except for that huge wad
of gum in your ponytail.


It's gum, all right.

Scare-a-mint, I believe.
Nasty stuff.

Luckily, there's an easy fix.

I'll just cut it off.

This ponytail is part of me.

I've had it since birth.

There's got to be another way.


No one ever lets me
use the chainsaw.


Everyone scrub
in for surgery.

I love scrubbing.

Pointy thing.
Metal guy.

Slice doohickey.

Turkey sandwich.

Now that lunch is over,
ice cube.

One, two, three,


Another patient saved.

Take that,
Professor Doubtberg.

Mr. Blob?

I've got good news and bad news.

The bad news is
my sandwich was terrible.

The good news is,
Wendy and her ponytail are fine.


Dr. Gillman,
I owe you my life.

And now I'm going to
stick by your side

until I can save you.


It's the way
of the blob.

You want to save my life?

Invent a time machine
to go back 10 minutes

to stop me from eating
that terrible sandwich.

Can we, Daddy?

Guess we're doing this
the old-fashioned,


Stuck on you it is.

(Playing ukulele)

♪ Always together
and never apart ♪

♪ I'll stick with you until
I stop a poisonous dart ♪

I just did my job.

♪ And you do it so well

♪ If a Ninja tries to whack you
I will ring his bell ♪


♪ You saved my life
and I'm paying you back ♪

♪ I won't let anyone give you
a heart att*ck ♪

you can stop testing now ♪

(Singing indistinctly
with mouth full)

♪ Always together
I can't take much more ♪

♪ Wendy, for the last time ♪

♪ Back away ♪
♪ I'll just stay ♪

♪ From the ♪
♪ At the ♪

♪ Door ♪

Back away from the door.


It's been days now.

When is Wendy going to
drop this Gillman thing?

I miss my pal.

And this place is getting
a little too dude.



(Phone ringing)


Mavis, help.

You've got to
make her stop.

I can't work,
I can't take a shower,

and the only time
I can pee

is when I'm in
the swimming pool.




Okay, hang tight.
We're on it.

and tell Wendy I said hey.

Tell her I also said hey.

How did you--
Get out of my ears!

What are you going to do now?

Chipmunk with
a flamethrower?



Sorry, Dave.
Maybe next time.

Wendy needs to save
Dr. Gillman

to pay him back
for saving her life, right?

So, maybe we just need
to put him in danger.

Yeah. You're an expert
at putting people in danger.

Honestly, I'm surprised you
haven't k*lled anyone by now.

No idea
what you're talking about.

Wasn't me.

Wendy, hey.

How's it going with
Operation Save Dr. Gillman?

One, it's called
Operation Glitter Hero,

and two, it's taking forever.
He's, like, never in danger.

Oh, really?

Look out!

Okay, now is your chance
to save Dr. Gillman.




You should see a doctor, kid.

Yay! Wendy saved Dr. Gillman
all by herself

and there was nothing suspicious
about it.






Oh, Mavis.

I owe you my life.

What, what? No, no.
Uh, that was just a reflex.

A fall like that
wouldn't k*ll you.

It'd k*ll
my adventurous nature.

But I was saved,
and by my bestie.

Looks like I'm on Mavis watch.


I know, right?
So exciting.

We blobs are born guardians, so
I won't let you out of my sight

for a second.

It'll be like a sleepover
that never ends.

Free at last.


Mavis really saved you,
and as per the way of the blob,

I still need to repay
that debt, so...


Whatever my blobette sees,
I see.

This way Mavis and I
can be totally inseparable.

Great, huh?

Welcome to my nightmare.

♪ Always together
and that's the worst part ♪

♪ She'll stick to you like glue
because of one dumb cart ♪

♪ Drop a light fixture
it won't fix a thing ♪

♪ Another blobette
means another stalker, zing ♪

♪ Even with teamwork
they can't get it right ♪

♪ Man, they really stink at this
they're not so bright ♪

♪ They just keep on failing ♪

♪ They're blowing it, yup ♪

♪ That's it,
I can't keep singing ♪

♪ Or I'm going to throw up ♪

♪ Blob-blob-blob blob-blob-blob
blob-blob-blob-blob ♪

♪ Blob-blob-blob blob-blob-blob
blob-blob-blob-blob ♪

♪ Blob-blob-blob blob-blob-blob
blob-blob-blob-blob ♪

♪ Blob-blob-blob blob-blob-blob
blob-blob-blob-blob ♪

♪ Blob-blob-blob blob-blob-blob
blob-blob-blob-blob ♪

Okay. Just me,
or is this getting weird?

Too bad about Wendy.
At least this will be over soon.

What do you mean?

When a blob splits too much
for too long,

eventually their brains
turn into mush.

(Everyone screaming)

Why didn't you say anything?

Since when is it my job
to warn people

about their impending death?

We have to find Wendy.


Wendy, you've got to
pull yourself together.


Not until I save all
the purple cheese monkey grape.

Uh, what was that last part,

Horse beanie.
(Blowing raspberry)

Whoa. It's true.

Her brain is turning to mush.

Don't worry.
I know just what to do.


No chipmunks
with flamethrowers.

Aw, come on!
Then why do I even have him?

Everyone with a blobette, please
head to the ballroom right now

for a special celebratory dance.

Ooh, me love
dance time.

Yeah, I know.
Mic drop.

(Feedback whistling)

Oh, sorry, sorry.


♪ Wendy, Wendy, Wendy
your blobs are way too trendy ♪

♪ It's getting loco, very
you're losing it, it's scary ♪

♪ Me have to save
the squee bow ♪

♪ Her brain's
becoming mush yo ♪

♪ She's got to stop
there's no doubt ♪

♪ And we're all going to
help out ♪

♪ While the music is playing
keep your hips a-swaying ♪

♪ If you've got a blobette
get ready to lob it ♪

♪ That's it, Wendy, bounce high
higher than the sky, high ♪

♪ Now let's let our blobs fly ♪

♪ One, two, three, olé ♪


We did it.



Wendy, you saved him.

Which means
she's your problem now.


Everyone wins.

Not everyone.
I dropped my sandwich.

Nope. I saved that, too.
