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01x14 - Bird Bop/Pickle Problem

Posted: 03/24/24 09:30
by bunniefuu

NARRATOR: The world thinks
they're just adorable kitties,

but when trouble comes knocking,
they transform into...

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

AMAZING SINGER: Superkitties!


When there's chaos in the air

Don't you worry, don't despair

Evildoers best beware

They're Superkitties, meow!

They're brave, they're smart

They're strong, they're kind

And with their talents combined

They're Superkitties, meow!

GINNY: "The SuperKitties
and the Bird Bop."



This little kitty cat is so cute.

-Just like you, Bitsy.

Aw, you love this video.

I'll keep it on
while I go get lunch ready.


Oh. I'd love to see
a kitty video of you two cuties.

Did you hear that?

We could do our hippity-hop,
brother-bop dance.

We could be video stars, Sparks.

Come on. Let's do it again!

But we've already done it 2,200 times.


I guess we can do it one more time.

Paw to the left
Paw to the right

Kitty-purr, kitty-purr
Purr, purr

Roll to the left
Jump to the right

Tail-clap, tail-clap

Do the hippity-hop

Here comes my favorite dance move.

The hippity-bump!



Oops. Sorry, bro!

I'm okay.

One more hippity-hop from the top.

[SIGHS] Again?

Why don't we play something else?

Why? The hippity-hop,
brother-bop is the best.

-Come on!
-Hold on, Buddy.

Sparks doesn't want to dance anymore.

What? No, Sparks loves dancing.

-Don't you, bro?

It's fun dancing with you,

but I just want to do
something else now.

Buddy, you've got to listen
to what others want.

You can't make them do
only what you want to do.

Oh! I'm sorry, Sparks.

Let's do something you want to do.

Okay. How about we play...

BITSY: My video!

My video?

Hmm, never heard of that game.

Also, you sound just like Bitsy.

That was Bitsy. What's wrong, Bitsy?

I was watching my favorite Kitty video
and then it stopped.

-Now this video is playing!

Hey, Happy?
This song makes my booty wiggle.

Mine, too, Buddy.

Come one, Sparks!
Let's do the brother-bop again!

Oops, sorry.

Now's not the time for dancing.
Lesson learned.

Bitsy, don't worry.
I'm sure Amara can fix your video.

Kitty cat, kitty cat

It's the SuperKitty call.

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

AMAZING SINGER: Adorable they may be

But trouble's no match, you see

They're felines who fearlessly
respond to the call




Come here, tail.

Oh, oh...

I've got it.

Oopsy kitty!

And Bitsy


Sparks! Power up the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help.

SuperKitties, help!


Buddy, we have an emergency.

Stop that wiggle, booty.

What's wrong, Boomer?

I'm here at the park
with my human, Patricia.

And I was having the best nap ever.

Until it got really noisy.

Can't you just move
to a quieter spot in the park, Boomer?

I would, but the same noisy music video

is playing everywhere.

And nobody can make it stop!

Sparks, let's check
some of the other cameras in the park.




Sparks, can you zoom in on the tablet?

On it.

That's the same video
from Amara's screen.

BUDDY: Sparks, what's happening?

SPARKS: I'm not sure.

But it's happening in the park...

BITSY: And the Purr and Play.

And it's taken over the SuperKitty Comm.

It's Zsa-Zsa.


We should have guessed
Zsa-Zsa had something to do with this.

A minute from now
you'll want to hear it again

'Cause the way it makes you move

You wish it never would end

No other singer's as good as me
As everyone knows

Now it's time to sing along
if you know how it goes

Zsa-Zsa, ya-ya

Ya-ya, Zsa-Zsa
Nani-nani, na-na

Blah-blah, blah-blah


Ya-ya, Zsa-Zsa

Zsa-Zsa, ya-ya

Ya-ya, Zsa-Zsa
Nani-nani, na-na

Blah-blah, blah-blah


Ya-ya, Zsa-Zsa

The video is starting over again.

-And I can't stop it.
-BUDDY: Good thing.

I love this song. And so does my booty.

Sparks, we need to figure out
how that music video

is playing on everyone's screens.

SuperKitty Kit, meow!

SuperKitty Kit can scan the video signal

and tell us where it's coming from.

Look! The antenna on top
of Kittydale Tower

is sending the video
to everyone's screens.

Then we have to
get to that antenna and turn it off.

Paws in, SuperKitties!

We're brave!

We're smart!

Um, Buddy.

Oh! Sorry.

We're strong!

We're kind!

SuperKitties, go!

WOMAN: Meow!

BITSY: Look! There's Kittydale Tower.

GINNY: This is where Zsa-Zsa's video
is coming from.

Now we need to figure out
how to stop it.

ZSA-ZSA: SuperKitties!

What a super surprise!

Do you like my new music video?

Or do you love it?

BUDDY: I love it!

But you still have
to turn it off, Zsa-Zsa.

That's right. It's time
to change your tune, Zsa-Zsa.

You made all of Kittydale
watch your video.

Even if they didn't want to.

So now we're turning it off.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

You can't do that
without my remote control.

And I've decided
we're watching my fabulous video

again and again and again!



The only way to turn off the video
is to shut down the antenna.

And the only way
to shut down the antenna

is with Zsa-Zsa's remote control.

SuperKitties, pounce!

Bitsy Boots, blast off!

Gotta fly.

-Activate Yarn blaster.

You'll never get this
remote, SuperKitties!

You can't fly away
from us forever, Zsa-Zsa.

I don't have to.

Squad, catch!


Squad, keep the remote away
from the SuperKitties.

SuperKitties, Yarn blasters!

-Come on!
-Give it here!





You can't stop the music. Ha!

Zsa-Zsa's right.

We're never going to get that remote.

SuperKitties never say never.

We just have to think of a new plan.


I know what to do.

It's time for the hippity-hop,

You don't have to, Sparks.

Don't want to make you do
what you don't want to.

Thanks, Buddy. But now,
I'm ready to dance again.

-And don't forget

your favorite dance move at the end.

Pawsome! Let's boogie!

[CHIRPS] Everyone is dancing.

My song is a hit!

Paw to the left
Paw to the right

Kitty-purr, kitty-purr
Purr, purr

Roll to the left
Jump to the right

Tail-clap, tail-clap


Hippity... Bop!

-Oh, no!

I bumped too hard again.

You did purr-fect, Buddy!

SuperKitty Kit, meow!

-Got it!

No, my remote!


Sorry, Zsa-Zsa, but we put
a stop to your bird bop.

No, no, no! It's not over!

Squad! Get my remote!


Don't even think about it.



Don't leave me!

[SIGHS] Nobody likes my music video.

We do like it, Zsa-Zsa.

Actually, we love it.

It makes my booty wiggle.

The problem is you made it
so no one can watch anything else.

Like videos of cute kitties.

It's not fair to make
everyone in Kittydale

watch your video over and over, Zsa-Zsa.

But I love watching it over and over.

Just like I love dancing
with my brother.

I could do it all day.

Then you should.

No, 'cause sometimes he doesn't want to.

That's why you gotta listen
to what others want.

You can't make them do
only what you want to do.

Hmm. Well, I didn't
think of it that way.

Fine! Maybe taking over
every screen in Kittydale

wasn't a nice thing to do.

I'm sorry.

I think there may be
a nice way to share it

with anyone who wants to watch.

Go on...


Come one, come all,

to a special screening
of Zsa-Zsa's music video.

Starring me, Zsa-Zsa!

This is a big moment for me,

but also for you, my adoring fans!

Hit it!


It's got a great beat I can flap to.

A minute from now
you'll want to hear it again...

Everyone's dancing.

My song really is a hit!

Zsa-Zsa wanted everyone
to watch her music video,

so she made them watch it.

Even if they didn't want to.

But SuperKitties know
it's important to listen to others,

especially when they want
to do something different

from what you want to do.

And I'm taking that to heart.

Ya-ya, Zsa-Zsa

BITSY: "The SuperKitties
and the Pickle Problem."

-Kitties, it's time.

Whenever Ginny says it's time,
it's always something fun.

It's time for training!

Yay, training!

You were right, Buddy.

Training is fun,
but it's also super important

because we always have to be
ready to save Kittydale.

'Cause training helps us
when it's time for...

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

The SuperKitty call.

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

AMAZING SINGER: Adorable they may be

But trouble's no match, you see

They're felines who fearlessly
respond to the call




Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Oopsy kitty!

And Bitsy


Looks like training day's gotta wait.

Power up the SuperKitty Comm, Sparks.

Let's see who needs our help.


You can't hide your tuba?

I can't find my human!

-So close.
-What happened, Boomer?

We were walking in the park,

but then I saw a bouncing ball

and I told myself not to chase it.

But it was a ball!

I had to chase it.

But now I can't find my human!

I'm lost!


SPARKS: Checking the map.

I see one dog with a ball at
the edge of Kittydale Park.

We'll be there Kitty Cat fast.

But what about training day?

Don't worry, we'll start training
after we help Boomer find her human.

Paws in, SuperKitties!

We're brave!

We're smart!

We're strong!

We're kind!

SuperKitties, go!

Boomer, here, girl.

GINNY: There's Boomer's human.

SPARKS: And on the other side is Boomer.

Let's reunite them.


The SuperKitties!

My most favorite
superheroes in the world!

Boomer, your human is over there,

standing next to the gazebo.

WOMAN: Here, girl!

Thanks for answering
my call, SuperKitties.

I never would have found
my human without your help.



The SuperKitties just helped
that doggie find her human?

Come on, SuperKitties,
let's get back to our training.

Gotta be ready to help
the next animal in need.


One, two, and three...


Super speedy blast with Bitsy!

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

It's the SuperKitty call.


Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help this time.

It's me, Super Pickles!

Hi, SuperKitties.

Pickles? What's wrong?

Nothing. I just want my favorite
superheroes to come to my picnic.

Oh, that's super sweet, Pickles.

But the SuperKitty call
is just for animals

who need our help with emergencies.

And a picnic is not an emergency.

Then where can I find
the SuperKitty picnic call?

Actually, we don't have one.

Since it's not an emergency,

we can get back to training, right?

Right. We gotta go, Pickles.

Remember, the call button
is for emergencies only.

Right. Emergencies.

GINNY: Enjoy your picnic.

Okay, back to training.

Buddy, time to try out
our Brother Blitz.

Oh, yeah.

Brother Blitz!

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Whoa! Whoa!

Kitty cat, kitty cat

The SuperKitty call again.


SuperKitties! It's an emergency.

Someone took all
the balloons at the pier.


All the balloons? No!

Don't worry, Pickles.
We'll be there Kitty Cat fast.

Paws in, SuperKitties!

We're brave!

We're smart!

We're strong!

We're kind!

SuperKitties, go!

WOMAN: Meow!

Take cover, SuperKitties,
so no one will see us.

I just see a bunch of happy people
having their picnics.

BITSY: There's the balloon seller.

And they've got all their balloons.

So, what was Pickles talking about?

Do you think the thief gave
all the balloons back?

No. I think a little kitty
made up a story to get us here.


Hi, SuperKitties!

Pickles, there are plenty
of balloons at the pier.

I know. I made up an emergency story

'cause I really wanted you
to come to my picnic.

Pickles, we told you.

A picnic is not an emergency.

And it's very important
to always tell the truth.

But my picnic...

We'd love to hang out with you,
but today's our training day.

We've gotta practice our superhero moves

so we're ready to use them
when we get a call for help.

Hmm. Okay.

You were right, Bitsy,
this track is not easy.

You got this.

I'm doing it!

-AUTOMATED VOICE: Kitty cat, kitty cat
-I'm not doing it!

-I got you, brother!

Whoa! [GRUNTS]

-Thanks, Buddy.
-Kitty cat, kitty cat.


Come quick! There's an emergency!

Pickles, is this a real emergency?

Someone took
all the tuna fish from the pier!

[GASPS] All the tuna fish?


Now that sounds like an emergency.

Paws in, SuperKitties!

We're... Oh forget it.

SuperKitties, go! Again!

There's the tuna fish cart.

Wait. There's lots of tuna fish.

But Pickles said it was an emergency.

What in the fuzzy furball is going on?

What's going on, is that Pickles
called in another fake emergency.

PICKLES: SuperKitties!

I got a bowl of tuna fish so big,
I need help eating it.

It's an emergency!

Pickles, we told you.

SuperKitty calls
are for emergencies only.

And eating tuna is not an emergency.


Though I wish it was.

[SIGHS] I'm sorry.

We have to go now, Pickles.

We need to get back to training.

Stop, SuperKitties! Help!
It's an emergency!

I'm sorry, Pickles, but you've been
making up stories all day.

And I just don't think
you're telling the truth.

This time I am. I promise!

Look, my picnic's gone!

-Oh, no!
-Not Pickle's picnic!

Everyone's picnic goodies,
they're gone, too!

Where'd my blueberries go?

My tuna fish sandwich is gone!

Somebody took my hot dog!

Meowza! This is an emergency.

Did you see who stole the food, Pickles?

Yes. The thief looked like
a big running basket.

A running basket?


SPARKS: It's the running basket!

There it is!

SuperKitties, pounce!


BITSY: I don't see the basket.

Then we'll have to split up.

Hmm. Paws out, claws out! Ha!

One last pounce and I've got ya.

[MEOWS] Whoa!

Bitsy, get the thief!

On it! Bitsy Boots, blast off!



Not so fast, SuperKitty!


Who is in that basket?

Buddy! Time for a Brother Blitz!

Brother Blitz!

Time for this SuperKitty
to have a ball...oon!



Go get it, Sparks!

I've got you, basket.

You can't catch me if you can't see me.

Whoa! Oof!

Thanks. I'm okay.

How are we gonna catch that basket?

I'm not sure. But first, we find it.

Then we catch it. Come on,
SuperKitties, we can do this!

Oh. That truck is purr-fect
for my getaway.

Ciao for now, SuperKitties!


GINNY: Think again, Cat Burglar!

WOMAN: Cat Burglar

Oh, SuperKitties...

You really did steal
all the picnic food.

Once I saw how dee-licious
everything looked

at those picnics, how could I resist?

Especially the tuna. Mm.

Tuna fish is delicious,

but stealing is just plain mean.

That was pawsome!

Cat Burglar?

The one and only.

Thanks to you, we caught the food thief.

But we almost didn't believe you.

I'm sorry.

The problem with lying is that
when you do tell the truth...

It's hard to believe you.

From now on, I promise
to always tell the truth.

And I'll only call the SuperKitties

when there's an emergency.

And I don't see any emergencies, so,

I guess I'll go have my picnic
all by myself now.

Bye, SuperKitties.

Ah, excuse me.

[GASPS] I know, I know.

I'll go return all the food.

But can I keep the tuna?



Pickles kept lying, saying
there was trouble in Kittydale

because he wanted
to spend time with the SuperKitties.

But the problem with lying
is that it's hard to believe you

when you finally tell the truth.

And I'm taking that to heart.

I guess we should get
back to training now.


Maybe we can finish
our training a little later.

Is there still room for four more
kitties at your picnic, Pickles?

Yes, there is!


Best picnic ever!