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01x13 - Hole Lot of Trouble/Roboctopus

Posted: 03/24/24 09:30
by bunniefuu

NARRATOR: The world thinks
they're just adorable kitties.

But when trouble comes knocking,
they transform into...

Kitty Cat, kitty cat

Kitty Cat, kitty cat

AMAZING SINGER: Superkitties!


When there's chaos in the air

Don't you worry, don't despair

Evildoers best beware

They're Superkitties, meow!

They're brave, they're smart

They're strong, they're kind

And with their talents combined

They're Superkitties, meow!

BUDDY: "The SuperKitties
in a Hole Lot of Trouble!"

At the fuzzy and furry Fun Run,

Buddy zooms over the hurdles!

He swerves like a snake
through the sticks!

And the crowd goes wild
as he crosses the finish line!

-Yeah! Go, Buddy!

-Did you win?
-I came in second!

-You came in first, brother!

Okay, Kitties!
Who's ready for this race to start?

I'm so, so, so ready!



[GIGGLES] Oopsy kitty!

I think I am. Ate breakfast, check.
Stretched out, check.

Put on my...


-What's the matter, Buddy?
-My headband!

I forgot to put it on my head!
And it's not here!

-Your special racing headband?
-Oh, no!

Yeah. The one you gave me
for my very first Fun Run.

I've worn it every single year.

I can't run the race without it!

-Don't worry, Buddy.
-We'll help you find it!

Where are you, headband? Where are you?

I just had it in my paw!
But then I put it down,

and I can't remember where!
And if I can't wear it,

then I won't be any good at racing!

My hurdles will be horrible!

-My swerves will stink!


My slides will be sloppy!


Oh, excuse me.

GINNY: Buddy!

I can see how upset you are

-about losing your headband.

I get worried when
I lose something, too.

But I have a special trick
I use to find it. I stop...

[STOPS PANTING] I've stopped.

I take a breath...

I took a breath.

Breathe out, Buddy!

-And I retrace my steps.

If you go back and think of
all the places you've been,

I'm sure you'll find your headband.

Retrace my steps?

[CHUCKLES] Buddy, you don't have to
walk backwards to retrace your steps.

Oh, good! That will make it way easier.

Well, first I was doing
my stretches over here.

[GRUNTS] Then I scratched
my back on this tree...

And then I played
with a butterfly like this.

Then I rested on this rock,

because doing
all those things made me tired.


My headband! There you are!

I was so, so, so worried
you were never coming back!

Yes! Your special racing headband
is back, Buddy!

Thanks for helping me retrace
my steps, Ginny.

You got it, Buddy.


Kitty cat, kitty cat

It's the SuperKitty call.

Kitty cat, kitty cat

BITSY: Over there!

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

AMAZING SINGER: They're felines who
fearlessly respond to the call




Oopsy kitty!

And Bitsy


Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Kit.

Let's see who needs our help.

SuperKitty Kit, meow!

SuperKitties! We need your help!

It's okay, Gabriella.
Just stop, breathe,

and retrace your steps,
and you'll find whatever you lost!

Thanks, SuperKitty,
but I didn't lose anything.

I was getting ready for the Fun Run
when all of a sudden,

everything started rumbling like...



[GASPS] That's the rumbling!

It's coming from above ground!

And every time it happens,
dirt falls from my ceilings and walls!

If it keeps happening,
our homes could be destroyed!

Please hurry, SuperKitties!

Gabriella, get everyone out of
the burrow so you don't get hurt.

We'll be there Kitty Cat fast!

Paws in, SuperKitties!

-We're brave!
-We're smart!

-We're strong!
-We're kind!

SuperKitties, go!


Sparks, scan the park.

Let's see what we can find out.

SuperKitty Kit, scan!

Look! There's Gabriella!

Gabriella. Is everyone okay?

Phew! Yes. The rumbling has stopped,

but when I came out of the burrow,

I noticed all these holes
that were never here before.


That's a lot of holes.

Whatever made them must've
caused all that rumbling!


I'm okay!

Oh, no! Animals could get hurt
if they fall into those holes!

And if there's holes
on the Fun Run course,

animals might fall in them
during the race!

Hey, everyone!
I think I figured out something.

Check it out! I used the Kit
to scan the holes, and look!

They're all exactly the same size!

-So what's that tell you?
-When animals dig holes,

we use our paws or noses.
No two holes ever look the same.

I don't think animals dug these holes.

I think they were made
with some kind of tool.

These are pretty big holes,
so the tool must've been big.

I bet a big hole-digging tool

would look like that thing over there.

We should look for one like that.

That must be the tool
that's digging all the holes!

We need to find out
who's digging with that digger.

-Come on!
-Go, SuperKitties!

GINNY: Mr. Puppypaws!

AMAZING SINGER: Yes, it's Mr. Puppypaws


Stop digging those holes right now.

Lots of animals live underground,
and you're ruining their homes.

Aw, I feel so bad!

This is probably
the baddest I've ever felt

in the history of... Never!

Tell your friends
that they can go and find new homes,

because I'm digging holes
with Sir Scoopsalot,

and you can't stop me!

Dig, Sir Scoopsalot! Dig, I say!

SuperKitties, pounce!

Not here! Not there...

Not here! Not here. Not here!

SuperKitty Kit, meow!

Stop your Sir Scoopsalot, Mr. Puppypaws!


Not here! Not here!

Argh! Hey, I can't see!

There he is!

He's headed straight for the Fun Run!

And straight for all those animals!

-Coming through!

Bitsy Boots, blast off!

Look out, friends!


MR. PUPPYPAWS: Nope, nope, nope!

BUDDY: Oh, no... The Fun Run!

Stay with him, Buddy. I have an idea.

Paws out, claws out!


BUDDY: Buddy zooms over the hurdles.

He swerves like a snake
through the sticks!


He slides like a penguin
through the log!

Furball Blitz!

[CHUCKLES] So long, SuperKitty!

Enjoy your flight!

-My flight was good.

-I do wish there were snacks.


Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

Get out. Get out! Get out!

Now's my chance!

It's over, Mr. Puppypaws!

Your digging has come to a finish!

The finish line?

Hey, did I come in first?


-Yay, SuperKitties!
-You did it!

Mr. Puppypaws,
it wasn't okay to dig all those holes.

You almost ruined the Fun Run.

And almost hurt a lot of
animals and their homes.

But you don't understand!

What don't we understand?

This morning, I was digging
holes in the park

so I could bury bones,
and I lost my best friend, Quacksley!

Is Quacksley his toy ducky?

Uh-huh. That's what he lost.

I think I might've accidentally
buried him in one of the holes I dug!

Not here. He could be anywhere!

I've got to find Quacksley.

Without him, there won't be any more
bedtime barking parties,

or sneaking kibble snacks.

What if I never hear
his little squeaker?

Mr. Puppypaws...
You've got to stop digging.

I get why you're so upset.

I know what it feels like
to lose something you love.

-You do?

I lost my most favorite headband,

and I didn't know what to do!
But Ginny taught me to stop...

Well, you SuperKitties made me stop!

Take a breath...



And retrace your steps.

Try to remember
everything you did today.

Well... I buried a bone
next to this rock.

Then I buried a bone over here!

And then, I had some water

because I was thirsty
from all the digging. And then...

[GASPS] Quacksley!

I missed you, too, Quacksley.


Quacksley says, "Thank you."

We're very happy you found
Quacksley, Mr. Puppypaws.

But now, there are some things
you've gotta do to make this right.

Yes, I know.

Fill up all the holes.

And apologize to all the animals.

And apologize to all the animals.

-And fix the Fun Run.
-And fix the Fun Run.

And never do anything bad again?





Buddy and Mr. Puppypaws
both lost something they loved.

They were so upset that they couldn't
remember where they left them.

But if you stop, take a breath,
and retrace your steps,

you just might find
what you're looking for.

And I'm taking that to heart.

Come on, Bitsy! The race is gonna start!

First one through the Fun Run
gets extra tuna crunchies!

You're on! [GIGGLES]

BUNNY: Ready...



BITSY: "The SuperKitties
and the Roboctopus."

BUDDY: I've never seen Bitsy speed
around the track so fast!

She's gonna break her record
time before I can say...


I didn't even get to say it.

Say what?

-Hmm... I don't remember.

Hey, Bitsy! I'm upgrading
the SuperKitty Kit

so it can get me around faster
when we're saving Kittydale!

-Do you want to help me test its speed?

Sure. My Bitsy Boots
are always up for a race.

Good luck with that, brother.

Yeah! No one's faster than Bitsy.

That's true. But I just want to see
how fast the Kit goes,

now that I bumped up the speed.

-Two laps around the cavern?
-You're on!

SuperKitty Kit, power up speedy mode!

Okay, SuperKitties!
Ready? Three, two, one...

-Bitsy Boots, blast off!

GINNY: Go, Bitsy!
BUDDY: Go, Sparks!

BOTH: Go, Bitsy and Sparks!

That's one lap down, one more lap to go.

-GINNY: Wow.

What a race!
The SuperKitty Kit wins by a whisker!

Wow. That was amazing.

I had no idea the Kit
would go that fast!

Hey! I'm gonna call
the upgrade the Bitsy 2.0!


Are you okay, Bitsy?

With Bitsy 2.0,
the SuperKitties won't need me anymore.

No, Bitsy, that's not true.

Kitty cat, kitty cat

It's the SuperKitty call.

Kitty cat, kitty cat





Psst, Bitsy!

Bitsy 2.0?

Oopsy kitty.

And Bitsy


Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help.

SuperKitties! We need your help!

Sally and Sadie Squeakerton!
What's wrong?

We're in Kittydale Park where
the big cheese sculpture exhibition

is being held later today.

Right now,
it's being set up by the famous

cheese sculptor, Brie Fromage.

I just love her blue cheese period.

We were hoping to gather
cheese scraps to bring

to our annual Fancy Cheese Festival.

It's a party we host
for the animals in Kittydale Park.

-Ooh! I see cheese!
-Be right back!

Oh! Did you see that?
Did you see that?

Every time we go to grab a scrap,

something swipes it super fast!

Good thing
the SuperKitty Kit is super fast now!

Yeah. Now that it has
the Bitsy 2.0 upgrade.

Don't worry, Squeakertons,
we're gonna stop whatever's

swiping the cheese
and save your Fancy Cheese Festival.

Okay, SuperKitties.

Let's get to the park
and see who's taking the cheese!

Paws in, SuperKitties!

-We're brave!
-We're smart!

We're strong!

SPARKS: Um, Bitsy? Are you okay?

Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry.

We're kind.

SuperKitties, go!


Look! There's Brie Fromage!

BITSY: And there's the Squeakertons!

-Come on, kitties, let's go.

Just look at this tiny pile of cheese.
It'll never be enough

to feed everyone
at our Fancy Cheese Festival.

No! Not the cheese!

All we have is this
little pile of scraps!

But it won't be enough to feed everyone!

What could be snatching all the cheese?


BUDDY: We could ask that thing.


-It's an octopus.
-It's a robot!

It's a...

[CACKLES] Roboctopus!


Pretty ingenious, huh?

Lab Rat!


So you're the cheese thief?

Of course I am! Who else would invent

a cheese-swiping robotic octopus?
It's brilliant!

But it's not nice.

[LAUGHS] Of course it isn't nice!

I'm a villain.
And the ultimate cheese lover.

So I will be taking
all the delicious cheese scraps I want!

Like those tasty tidbits over there!

With these eight extra super fast arms,
nobody can stop me!

Bitsy can! Go ahead. Show her, Bitsy.

-I sure will!
-We'll see about that. [CACKLES]

Bitsy Boots, blast off!

Wow. That is fast.


It's not fair to take every
piece of cheese for yourself, Lab Rat!

Yeah! And don't even think
about stealing that ginormous

Kittydale Tower sculpture,
made entirely of cheese!

-Right over there!

I shouldn't have said that.

Wait a minute.
I don't need to steal scraps!

With all that glorious cheese
from that Cheesydale Tower,

my belly will be full forever!


Thanks for telling me, SuperKitties!

We've gotta stop her, SuperKitties!

There's no time to lose.

SuperKitties, pounce!

Paws out, claws out!

Furball Blitz!

Bitsy 2.0 has got the speed we need!


-Sparks, distract Lab Rat!
-You got it, Ginny!

Buddy, go for the legs!

Bitsy... Bitsy? Are you okay?

Where are you going? We need you!

No, you don't.

With Bitsy 2.0,
the Kit's even faster than me.


Otto? Why aren't you with Lab Rat?

Did Lab Rat replace you
with the Roboctopus

and its eight super fast arms?

And now you feel like
she doesn't need you anymore, right?

I know how you feel.

[SINGING] Like a worn-out sock

Or some moldy old cheese

It stinks to feel left out and unneeded

Like a tick-tockless clock

-Swept away by the sea

You sing?

I'm lost and totally defeated

BOTH: And that's not the way
I deserve to be treated

Four paws, eight arms with wheels

Nobody likes how it feels
to be left behind

It's not very kind

Four paws, eight arms with wheels

It really reveals

That I need you

And I just need to hear you
say you need me, too

Hmm! Looks like

I need my large cheese slicer
for this sculpture!

SuperKitties, we need to tie
this octopus down

so it can't steal that cheese.

Buddy, Yarn blast, go!

Got it. Whoa!

I just gotta break free
from these SuperKitties,

and Cheesydale Tower will be all mine!

SuperKitties, I see a switch
on the bottom of the Roboctopus.

I'm gonna fly under it on the Kit
and try to turn this robot off.

Time to go for a spin.



BUDDY: Oh, no, she's getting away!

I've got this! Bitsy 2.0, go!

My Roboctopus arms
should deal with you nicely, SuperKitty.

While I steal my Cheesydale Tower!



Whoa! What's happening?

No! That horrible SuperKitty
broke my Roboctopus!

Oh, no! My Kitty Kit isn't working.

I can't get to the switch!

-That's not good.

We need you to Bitsy Boots, blast off!

I need help. Otto? Where are you, Otto?

SPARKS: Bitsy!
LAB RAT: Otto!

BOTH: Help! We need you!

They need us?

Maybe we haven't been replaced
after all.

Hop on, Otto! Bitsy Boots, blast off!


GINNY: Bitsy, go for the power switch
above you, and hurry!

They need fast? I'll show 'em fast.

Go, Otto!

Whoa! Hurry, Otto!

[GASPS] There's the power switch.



What? Otto! Thank goodness.

Bitsy's back!


Thank you, Otto. You're my hero.

-Pawsome, Bitsy.
-Way to go.

You were great, Bitsy!

But... Where were you, Bitsy?

I didn't think you needed me anymore
when the SuperKitty Kit

got the Bitsy 2.0 upgrade.

I'm so sorry, Bitsy.
I didn't mean to make you feel

replaced by the SuperKitty Kit.

No gadget could ever
take the place of a friend like you.

Bitsy 1.0 will always be the best Bitsy.

What? You felt like I didn't
need you, either, Otto?

I could never replace you!

It was your eight awesome arms

that inspired me
to create this thing in the first place.

I'm sorry, Otto.

Aw. So, are you two ready
to return all the cheese?

Excuse me, we're having
a friendship moment here.

[SIGHS] Fine. We'll give it back.

Welcome, everyone,
to the Cheese Sculpture Festival.

I'm Brie Fromage, and this is
my greatest sculpture yet,

Cheesydale Tower!

BOTH: Welcome to
the Fancy Cheese Festival.

Hope you all enjoy my cheese.

Those cheese scraps
are for everyone, Lab Rat.


Sparks and Lab Rat didn't know
that new gadgets would make

me and Otto feel like
we weren't needed anymore.

But they learned
it's important to never make a friend

feel like they are not needed.

Thanks, Otto.

And I'm taking that to heart.

DUCK: Delicious! What a delight.