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01x12 - Lab Rat Lift-Off/Rockin' Rockhound

Posted: 03/24/24 09:29
by bunniefuu

NARRATOR: The world thinks
they're just adorable kitties,

but when trouble comes knocking,
they transform into...

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

AMAZING SINGER: Superkitties!


When there's chaos in the air

Don't you worry, don't despair

Evildoers best beware

They're Superkitties, meow!

They're brave, they're smart

They're strong, they're kind

And with their talents combined

They're Superkitties, meow!

GINNY: "The SuperKitties
and the Lab Rat lift off."

LAB RAT: Hurry, Otto,
before they see you!

Don't forget the ketchup!



Nothing better than
dinner and a show! Huh, Otto?

Wait, Otto! Look!

This is it, folks,
the day we've all been waiting for.

In just a few hours,

Polaris the Astro Cat will blast off
in this very rocket.

She'll be the first cat
to go to the moon!

Of course they're sending
a cat to the moon!

It's every rat's dream to go there.

'Cause we all know the moon
is definitely made of cheese!

It should be a rat who goes.
A rat like me.

I sure wish I could
sneak onto that ship.

What is it, Otto?

As soon as that brave cat steps on
that rocket, she's going to the moon!

You're right!

If I take that Astro Cat's place
on the rocket,

then a rat will be
the one going to the moon!

And not just any rat. Lab Rat!



Come on, Otto! To the launch pad!

REPORTER: Here we see
Polaris the Astro Cat

training for her trip to the moon!

Whoa! Nice one, Polaris!

This kitty's moves
are out of this world!

Wow! Sending a cat into space? Amazing!

Wow! Look at Polaris go!
Isn't she just pawsome?

Yeah, but your flips and jumps
are pretty pawsome too.

Not like Polaris.

She can do the triple moon flip
and so much more.

That's why she's going
to the moon. [SIGHS]

You can make it to the moon too, Ginny.
We can help you.

That's right!
Astro Cat training starts now!

[SINGING] I know I'll never fly
into outer space

Doing flips and tricks like that

But still I love to imagine all the fun
I'd have as a real-life Astro Cat

I say whatever it is
that makes your soul go ooh

Don't give up
and it's bound to come true

Set your sights high because you can do

As hard as it may seem
Anything you dream

Ginny, why not listen
to your own advice?

-You'd make the awesomest Astro Cat
-So don't think twice

SuperKitties know that
when you got the right team

You really can do anything you dream

Come on!

Whatever it is that makes
your soul go ooh

Don't give up
and it's bound to come true

Set your sights high because you can do

As hard as it may seem
Anything you dream

-Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
-Go, Ginny!

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Looks like Astro Cat training
will have to wait. Come on!

-Kitty cat, kitty cat

It's the SuperKitty call.

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

AMAZING SINGER: Adorable they may be

But trouble's no match, you see

They're felines who fearlessly
respond to the call

Triple moon flip!




Oopsy kitty!

And Bitsy!


Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help.

-SuperKitties! Help!

She's calling us for help.
But why would she need help?

-She's amazing. She's...
-Um... Ginny?



How can we help, Polaris?

-Wait. Shouldn't you be at your rocket?
-That's the problem.

I was about to get on my rocket
and go to the moon

when I saw my missing space helmet
in the back of a truck,

but when I went in to get it,
the door slammed shut!

-Oh, no. How did you get out?
-I didn't.

I'm still in the truck!

If I can't get out of here, I'm going to
miss my chance to go to the moon.

Don't worry, Polaris.
We're not gonna let that happen.

We'll get you out of that truck,
and we'll do it Kitty Cat fast!

Thank you, SuperKitties.


That was Polaris.
Polaris needs our help.

Polaris needs our help!

Paws in, SuperKitties!

We're brave!

We're smart!

We're strong!

We're kind!

SuperKitties, go!


All right, Kitties.
Time to find Polaris.

SuperKitty Copter, activate cat tracker.

But there are so many cats!

True. But we need to find
the one in the space suit. I've got her!

-Polaris must be in that truck.
-We've gotta catch up to it.

I'm on it.


[GASPS] My hat.

[GASPS] Your hat!

The truck's going too fast!

BITSY: [GASPS] Look! A red light!
SPARKS: Now's our chance to catch up!

Oh, no. It turned green.

-We'll never catch it.
-Yes, we will!

Red light!

-Now's my chance.
-Are you gonna try the triple moon flip?

I don't think I'm ready for that,
but I'm going in.

Paws out, claws out.

Hurry, Ginny.
The light's about to turn green.

-I'm so glad to see you.

-She's so glad to see us!
-Ginny! Green light!

Quick, Polaris! Let's go!

You can do it, Polaris.

-Thanks for saving me, SuperKitties.
-Oh, it was nothing.

I mean, it's not like
we went to the moon or anything.

-You're so cool!
-Uh, Kitties?

I think you should see this.

Get ready, folks.

Polaris and her rocket
are about to launch to the moon

in just a few minutes.

Oh, no. Polaris!
You're gonna miss the launch.

We won't let that happen!

Come on, Kitties.
We've got a rocket to catch.


Stay tuned for more
on this exciting news story.


This is it, Otto!

Without that Astro Cat,

all we've gotta do is sneak
onto that rocket and fly to the moon!

And that helmet is the perfect disguise!

Soon, we'll be swimming in cheese!

That way.



No, Otto, to the left.

I meant that way! Whoops.

Whoa! Whoa!

I told you this would work.

We can enter the rocket
through the access panel.

Quick! Now's our chance!


Now we just gotta hop through
the access panel and we'll be on board!


Nothing can stop us now!

GINNY: Except the SuperKitties
and Polaris!


So you tricked Polaris
and locked her in the truck?

[SCREAMS] The SuperKitties!

And they rescued the Astro Cat! No!

Yes! And she's the one
who's going to the moon, not you.

Don't even think about
making a run for it.

Who, me?
I would never think of making a...

Run for it, Otto! Run!

-I know the perfect flip to stop them.
-And I'm ready to give it a try!

BOTH: Triple moon flip!


-Your trip to the moon...
-Has been canceled.

Okay, okay. You got us.

-Go for it!

-Pawsome moves, SuperKitty.
-You too, Polaris.

Wait. You think I have pawsome moves?

Super pawsome!

Aw, rats. Guess this means
I'll never get to the moon

and I'll never get to enjoy
that delicious moon cheese.

[SIGHS] And rats love cheese.

So that's why you tried
to take Polaris' place?

-To see if the moon's made of cheese?
-The moon is made of cheese.

Wait. It's not, though, right?

You know, Lab Rat,
instead of taking someone else's place,

maybe you could try
building your own rocket.

Really? You think I could?

Yeah! Then you could see for yourself
if the moon is really made of cheese!

As long as you work hard
and keep trying.

Like I kept trying the triple moon flip.

And one day, I'm gonna be an Astro Cat
and make it to the moon.

Like my hero, Polaris.

Then I'll be seeing you up there
on the moon too.

Oh, and by the way,
the SuperKitties are my heroes.


Well, I'm off.




Lab Rat really wanted to go to the moon,

but thought the only way
to get there was by taking

Polaris' place on the rocket,
which wasn't very nice.

Just a little more work

and this rat's gonna be stepping across
that glorious cheesy moon!

Otto, Polaris is on the moon.

Wait a sec.
That doesn't look like cheese.

The cheese must be
on the other side of the moon.

And Ginny thought she could
never be an Astro Cat like Polaris,

but as long as you work hard
and keep trying...

Yes! can do anything!
Even go to the moon!


And I'm taking that to heart.

BUDDY: Go, Ginny.
Go, Ginny. That's it, Ginny.

BUDDY: "The SuperKitties
and the Rockin' Rockhound."

BITSY: Whee!

Super speedy blasting Bitsy!

Paws up, Mr. Puppypaws.
Your plans are full of holes, Lab Rat.

Can't fly away now, Zsa-Zsa.

Weight-lift, go for a run. Why choose?

SPARKS: Oh, come on!


-You okay, Sparks?
-Yeah, just frustrated.

How come?

'Cause I can't get these crumbs out
from the spaces between these buttons.

Maybe I'm just gonna have to remove
all the buttons and clean each one.

You could.

Maybe I'll have to take apart
the whole computer.

How about...

Or maybe I'm gonna have to build a whole
new cleaning mode on the SuperKitty Kit.

Or maybe you could ask for help.

Hey! The buttons
are all clean in between!

-Buddy, you're a genius.
-My tail is a genius.

Next time, I'll ask for help sooner
so I don't get frustrated.

Thanks for showing me
another way to solve my problem.

Hey, that's what kitty bros are for.

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

It's the SuperKitty call.






[GIGGLES] Oopsy kitty!

And Bitsy!


Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help!

-SuperKitties! Good. You're there.
-Magda? What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong yet,

but the Kittydale Museum's
just received the Sky Jewel!

The Sky Jewel? That sounds special.

Very special!

And any thief with an itch to be rich
may try to steal it tonight,

before the museum opens
tomorrow morning.


Now, as the museum security dog,
my eyes, nose

and ears are the best
at detecting thieves.

But I could use a few more
to keep the Sky Jewel safe.

Ooh! The SuperKitties have
lots of eyes, noses and ears.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten!

-You can count on us, Magda!

We'll be there Kitty Cat fast.

Thank you, SuperKitties,
and please hurry!

No one's gonna steal that Sky Jewel,
not on our watch!

Paws in, SuperKitties!

We're brave!

We're smart!

We're strong!

We're kind!

SuperKitties, go!


There, the door is locked.
Now nobody else can get in or out.

BITSY: Pawsome!
ALL: Whoa!

This is just the most pretty-licious,
amaze-wow jewel I've ever seen!

-ROCKLAND: Why, thank you!
-Whoa! And it talks?

Hey, SuperKitties. I've just gotta say,
it is ultra-cool to meet you.

I'm Rockland the Rockhound.

Also known as Rockland,
my precious, talented nephew.

-And tracker of the Sky Jewel.
-Thanks, Auntie Magda.

Tracker? Wait!
You mean, you found the Sky Jewel?

Yeah, I sure did!

Now you understand why I have
to make sure nothing happens to it.

Don't worry. We've got
the SuperKitty Kit security system.

Once we set it up,
I can show you how it works.

So, how do you find
something like the Sky Jewel?

Well, there's gems and jewels
buried all over underground,

but no one knows where.

Humans use tools to find them
and dig them out.

-So, what do you use?
-Just my super-sensitive sniffer here.

You could smell the Sky Jewel
buried in the dirt?

My perfectly fabulous nephew sure could.

Only a few dogs and animals
have noses that special.

[SNIFFS] Hmm...

Just smells like a rock to me.

I never knew some dogs
could sniff out gems.

-That's really amazing, Rockland.
-Thank you.

There, the security system
is ready to be activated.

SuperKitty Kit, lasers on.

Now, if anyone walks through
any of these laser beams,

a very loud alarm will go off,
so no one touch any laser beams.

Ooh! So laser-y.

-Including you, brother.

[SIGHS] Now that the Sky Jewel
is fully protected,

there's only one thing left to do.

Stand guard?

Nope. Go on a super-fun tour
of the museum. [CHUCKLES]

BITSY: Great!

Trust me, nobody can sneak in
and get the Sky Jewel now.


-Take a look around, SuperKitties.

You are about to see some of
Kittydale's most extraordinary sights.

-Or not!

It's the SuperKitty Kit
security system!

-[GASPS] The Sky Jewel!

Don't worry, Rockland. We got this.

SuperKitties, pounce!

GINNY: It's the Budgies!
They're stealing the Sky Jewel!

ALL: Whoa!

After them!

Bitsy Boots, blast off!

SuperKitty Kit, meow!


Magda, Rockland, help them!
We'll get the jewel.

Thanks, Magda. Thanks, Rockland.

Wait. You're Rockland and you're Magda.


Furball Blitz!

Huh? Whoa!

-Thanks, Sparks.
-That's what kitty bros are for.

The Budgies are flying to the rooftop!
They're gonna get away.

-Away with my Sky Jewel!
-Birds can fly, but kitties can climb.

Paws out, claws out.

Yarn blasters, go!

Rockland, up the stairs. Come on!

That's it, my brilliant Budgies.
Bring the Sky Jewel to Zsa-Zsa!




I'll be taking that back.


The Sky Jewel! Got it.

-Don't got it!
-I got it! No!

-My turn!


-Hey! That's not very nice!

-Oh, no!

-It's all mine!
-Oh, no, you don't!

Squad, come back! My Sky Jewel!

It's over, Zsa-Zsa.

No bird is taking the Sky Jewel
from Rockland.

You can't take things
that aren't yours, Zsa-Zsa.

-It was wrong to steal the Sky Jewel.
-Well, isn't that just terrible for me?

Now I don't have the Sky Jewel
and I don't have my cameo brooch.

-Your cameo brooch?
-Yes. I lost it.

-You carry around a photo of yourself?
-Of course I do. Who doesn't?

-Don't answer that.

See? Right there.

My precious one-of-a-kind cameo brooch
decorated with exquisite gems.

I needed the Sky Jewel
to replace my lost brooch.

Same beautiful turquoise color!

I was going to chop it up,
make a new brooch,

maybe a matching tiara...

[SIGHS] I wish I had my old brooch back.

We can help you look for it, Zsa-Zsa.

-Really? Do you have a brooch tracker?
-I'm sorry, Zsa-Zsa. I don't.

Aw! This is so frustrating!

Hmm, gems?
But if you ask someone for help,

they might show you another way
to solve a problem.

-Isn't that right, bro?
-Sure is, bro.

Zsa-Zsa's cameo brooch has gems in it!

Do you think you could help
sniff it out?

I sure can!

-That's my Rockland.
-Hey, Zsa-Zsa?

Can you lead us to all the places
you were before you lost your brooch?



First, I stopped here
for some yummy berries.


Then I stopped by Renata Robin's
to show her my brooch.


I miss my brooch.


Then I flew over here because
this spot has the most delicious water.


It's so close. I just know it!

The smell is so strong.

We've been tracking it for miles.
But I can't find the cameo brooch.

[SIGHS] What can I do now?


-I found it! I found it!

My cameo brooch!


You mean,
you had it in there the whole time?

Silly me. I forgot I put it in here.

So I wouldn't lose it.


Well, anyways! Thank you, Rockland,
for helping me find my brooch.

And I'm mostly sorry for
trying to steal your Sky Jewel.

It is pretty nice, though. [CHUCKLES]


It is, and it's staying at
the Kittydale Museum, where it belongs.


When Zsa-Zsa lost her cameo brooch,
she turned to Sparks for help.

And he thought of Rockland,
the gem-sniffing dog.

If you ask for help,

you may find out there's more than
one solution to your problem.

And I'm taking that to heart.


I've missed you so much!
I've missed me so much!

-That's you on the brooch?
-Isn't it divine?

MAGDA: Yes. Divine!
GINNY: Oh, yes.