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01x11 - Burble Bungle/Sticky Situation

Posted: 03/24/24 09:28
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: The world thinks
they're just adorable kitties,

but when trouble comes knocking,
they transform into...


Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat



When there's chaos in the air

Don't you worry, don't despair

Evildoers best beware

They're Superkitties, meow!

They're brave, they're smart

They're strong, they're kind

And with their talents combined

They're Superkitties, meow!

SPARKS: "The SuperKitties
and the Burble Bungle."


Watch this.

Burble, laugh.


Burble, do a flippity-do.

Ooh, Burble.


Are you okay, Buddy?

-I wish I had a Burble.
-What's a Burble?

[EXCITEDLY] It's the best toy ever!

Mama! There's my mom. Gotta go.

-Hi, sweetie.
-Hi, Mom.

Did you have fun?

I wish I had a Burble so, so much.


Hmm. What's this?

-Is this yours?

Uh-uh. It's Tiana's, she just left.

Okay. Well, I'll just put it
in the lost and found for now.


Wishes do come true!

Look, I have a Burble!

Buddy, that toy belongs to Tiana.

I know, but I'll just play with it
until she comes back for it.



Burble, flippity-do!

-Aw, hugs, Burble?

Burple! Burple! Burple!

[LAUGHS] I love you, Burble.

Whoa, the sun turned white.
Wait, that's not the sun,

it's the moon.

-Whoa, new light went on.

I guess time flies when you're playing
with an adorable little Burble.


Come back, Burble.


What's with the cheese?

Don't you want to keep playing with me?

Okay, well, finding cheese is fun, too.

I think.

Where are you going?
That's Amara's cheese!

Wait, little Burble.

Maybe I should get my friends
to help me.


Nah, it's just one little cute Burble.

I got this.


More Burbles?
Okay, maybe I need help now.

Nope, more Burbles is more fun.

Hey, you have cheese, too?

How about Burbles hugs?

Oh, no, more Burbles with cheese?

Something's not right.
Burbles, this was fun,

but you gotta go back
where you came from

and return that cheese, okay?

Burbles, stop!


Hey, stop, that tickles!

BURBLES: Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!

This isn't cute anymore.

I need to make a SuperKitty call.


AUTOMATED VOICE: Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

ALL: It's the SuperKitty call.

Kitty cat, kitty cat
Kitty cat, kitty cat

Adorable they may be

But trouble's no match, you see

They're felines who fearlessly
respond to the call




Where's Buddy?


He's not over here!

Oopsy kitty!

And Bitsy


Buddy, where are you?

Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Comm.

We've got to see who needs our help,

then we can keep looking for Buddy.



-ALL: Buddy?
-Hold on, Buddy,

we're looking for Buddy.

Wait, Buddy? You're Buddy. It's Buddy.

Why are you outside? It's nighttime.

I know, I was playing with my Burble
and followed it outside

and it met up
with lots of other Burbles.

-BURBLES: Cheese! Cheese!
-What are they all doing?

Stealing cheese from all over town,

which is really, really wrong.

And you have to
help me stop them, please?

Of course we'll help you,

but why didn't you
ask for help sooner, Buddy?

You were all sleeping.
And I thought I could handle it myself,

but then I couldn't handle it myself,

and I didn't want you guys
to know I couldn't handle it myself

and now it's a big Burble bungle!

I'm really, really sorry.

Don't worry, Buddy,
we can still save the day,

or night, together.

Stay where you are, Buddy.
We're on our way.

Paws in, SuperKitties!

We're brave!

We're smart!

We're strong!

We're kind!

ALL: SuperKitties, go!



You're here!

Now how do we stop them?

BURBLES: Cheese, cheese, cheese.

That is one big bunch of Burbles.

Let's find out where they're going.


You have to change into
your SuperKitty suit first.

Oh, right.


Now let's follow those Burbles
and figure out

why they're stealing everyone's cheese.

Somebody must be
controlling them. But who?



Who else could think
of this brilliant plan

to control Burbles
and steal cheese but me,

Lab Rat!

Lab Rat


BURBLES: Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!

Beautiful, beautiful Burbles! Yes, yes!

Cheese, please.




See, the thing about being a rat is that

You always want more cheese
Give me that good good Gouda

That gooey gooey Gouda
Leave it all with me, please

I said cheddar is better
And, mozzarella, love ya

Let me tell you
and I'll tell you with ease

That swiss don't miss
And brie's always bliss

I could jump for more of that cheese



Yeah, yeah


Lab Rat! We should have known
this was your idea!

Yes, you should have!

This plan is so brilliant
only I could have come up with it.

First, I invented Burbles,

making them so cute everyone wanted one.

Then, when the moon
was at its brightest,

it activated their cheese-stealing mode!


Well, now you need to send them...

-And their cheese...
-Back where they belong.

Hmm. Let me think about that.


You won't, we will.

I couldn't do it by myself,

but now I have the help of my friends.

Burbles, get those SuperKitties!

BURBLES: Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!

Okay, Burbles. That's enough cheese.
You can stop now.

Getting cheese is all they do now.

They've got to be stopped.

These are not the Burbles
I know and love.

Ah, cheese-alanche!

Ugh! Rats!

Come on, let's help Lab Rat!

LAB RAT: Stop right there!

I don't need any help. [STRAINING]

I can get out of a pile of cheese,
thank you very much.


BURBLES: Cheese! Cheese!

[SHOUTS] There is such a thing
as too much cheese.

Who knew?


Lab Rat, it's okay to ask for help.

It is?

Well, okay then. [SHOUTING] Help!

SuperKitties, pounce!

Sparks, you block the cheese,
we'll rescue Lab Rat and Otto.

SuperKitty Kit, meow!

BURBLES: Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!


Paws out, claws out.

Bitsy Boots, blast off!


You call this helping someone?

Faster, faster!

BURBLES: Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!

Buddy, stop the Burbles!

On it! Sorry, Burble buddies,

but it's time for a Furball Blitz!



Getting back up? This is not good.

Ginny, they're still going.

Push the buttons on their bellies.

That'll turn them back
to normal, but do it fast!

Fast is what I do best.



Burble. Burble.


-My Burble friends are back to normal!

We did it!

-We sure did.

But now someone else has work to do.

Lab Rat, you've got to return
all of this cheese

and the Burbles
before people notice they're gone.

All of it? Oh, rats.

Sometimes being a supervillain
is no Gouda.

It's really heavy...

Buddy and Lab Rat thought they could
fix things on their own,

but if something feels like
too much to handle by yourself...

it's okay to ask for help.

A little help, please!

Here you go, Lab Rat.

It's a lot of cheese,
but we'll help you return it.

And I'm taking that to heart.



Tiana! Here you go.

My Burble! Thank you, Miss Amara.

BURBLE: Burble, Burble!

You okay, Buddy?

I'm gonna miss those hugs.

Did somebody say hugs?

We've got
your SuperKitty hugs right here.



BITSY: "The SuperKitties
and the Sticky Situation."


What a remarkable day to be me,

the wind in my fur,
my best friend Quacksley by my side,

and my best stick, Sticksley,
ready to be fetched.

All right. Go fetch
and make some new doggy friends.


Canines of Kittydale!

Are you ready
for a fun afternoon of fetching?


Then behold,
the most special of all sticks,



You call that a stick?
This is my special stick.


Now that's a stick!

Now, who wants to play fetch
with my stick?



I guess
you weren't so special after all.

Goodbye, Sticksley.

Our plans have changed, Quacksley.

Today I shall create
the most special stick

in all of Kittydale,

the Bow-wow-wowza Stick!


Okay, SuperKitties.
Time to practice our SuperKitty skills.

-Sparks, catch it! Buddy, grab it!

Bitsy, nab it!

[MEOWING] Grabbed.

Ha! Nabbed!

Hey, Bitsy. What are you doing?

I'm trying to knit a special blanky

for Renata Robin's new baby birds.

-Looks like you've made some already.
-Yeah, that's a lot of blankies.

Renata calls me their Auntie Bitsy,

so I gotta make those itty-bitty birdies

the most special blanky ever.

But which one
is the most special of all?

The pink one?

This green one?

What about this blue one?

Well, I think they're all special

because you made them with love.

The question is,
which one is special to you, Bitsy?

This one.

I knitted it
right after the babies hatched.

Well, if it's special to you,
it'll be special to the babies,

Auntie Bitsy.

Then that's the one I'll give to them.

Come on,
let's go see those baby birdies.

AUTOMATED VOICE: Kitty cat, kitty cat
Kitty cat, kitty cat

ALL: It's the SuperKitty call.





Oopsy kitty!

And Bitsy


Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help.


Renata! We were just coming
to visit the babies.

Oh, good, because...

Meowza! What's that noise?

That's why I...


That's why I called, something very loud

is grabbing anything made
of wood and chopping it up.




-But your tree is made of wood!
-I know!

And your baby birds

-are in the tree!

Hold on, Renata,
we'll be there kitty cat fast!

To protect those baby birdies!

Hurry, SuperKitties!

Time to stop the chop, SuperKitties!

Paws in!

-We're brave!
-We're smart!

We're strong!

We're kind!

ALL: SuperKitties, go!




Look what someone threw away, Sam.

Ooh, a hot dog.

BOTH: Our lucky day!

BOTH: Our hot dog!

Where is that chopping sound
coming from?

Whoa! What is that thing?

-What's it doing?
-And who's controlling it?

It's Mr. Puppypaws!

Mr. Puppypaws

Yes, I am controlling
the Chippy-Chopper!

-Why, you ask?

It is creating
the most special fetching stick of all,

just for me, me, me!

And I'm calling it
the Bow-wow-wowza Stick!

I guess
that answers all of our questions.

Mine. All mine!


Now, to see which one is
the best Bow-wow-wowza Stick.

[SNIFFING] Not special.

[GRUNTING] Not special!

[SNIFFING] Not special!

[SNIFFING] Not special!


None of these sticks are special enough.

I need better wood, fresher wood.

Better and fresher wood.

That tree, [GASPS] it's magnificent.

I'm sure to get the most
special fetching stick from that.

Chippy-Chopper, mega tug mode!


Oh, no!

Oh, yes! Chippy-Chopper,
chippy-chop that tree!


But that's Renata's tree!

Don't chop our tree!

Bitsy Boots, blast off!

Thank goodness you're here.

Hop on, little baby birds.

Auntie Bitsy will protect you, babies.

The Chippy-Chopper!

[MEOWING] How do we stop it?

Sparks, scan the Chippy-Chopper,
see if there's an off switch.

Buddy, let's try to slow it down.

Paws out, claws out.

Furball Blitz!

SuperKitty Kit, meow!


Chopper scanned.

Got you, brother.

Let's see what the scanner says. [GASPS]


It looks like the Chippy-Chopper
has some sort of button at the top.

-Try pressing it!
-Great thinking, Sparks.

I see it.

Watch out, Chippity-Chopper!


-I'm fine.

-Stop that Chopper!

Chippity-chop! Not gonna stop till
I find the stick that is tippity-top.

[MEOWING] Sparks, you have to stop it.

This is their home. Almost got it...


Oh, no.



Time for Auntie Bitsy to tie things up.

Bitsy Boots, blast off!



[GROWLS] My Chippy-Chopper!


Why did you do that?

Now I'll never be able to make
a special fetching stick.

But why do you need
a special fetching stick?

[SIGHS] Because my old fetching stick
isn't special enough,

so I tried and I tried to make
another one that is special.

-Oh, now I understand.
-You do?

Uh-huh. I tried and tried to make
something special for the baby birdies.



I picked the blanky
that was most special to me.

So what would make a fetching stick
special to you, Mr. Puppypaws?

Well, it would be old, and chewed on,

and have a funny knot
right in the middle. [LAUGHS]

-[GASPS] That's Sticksley!
-So where's "Sticksley" now?

I threw it away.

I'll never be able to find it again!

Never say never.

Who was that?

That's Renata Robin.
You almost chopped down her home.


Oh, um, sorry about that.

Renata looks for sticks
for her nest all the time.

If anyone can find your stick,
Renata can.

Here you go.


Oh, Sticksley, you were special enough
all along.

Thank you
for returning it to me, Renata.

-I'm sorry I almost destroyed your tree.

Speaking of destroying things,

looks like
the park is missing some stuff.


BOTH: Our hot dog!

Yes, that.

Don't worry, Mr. Puppypaws.

I can make the Chippy-chopper
into a "Stick-reverser."

-And what will that do?
-It'll turn all those sticks

back into the things you chopped up
faster than you can say fetch.


Well, maybe not that fast.




Oh, yeah!


Mr. Puppypaws didn't think
Sticksley was special enough,

so he tried to make
another fetching stick.

But once he realized
how special Sticksley was to him,

he knew he already had
just what he was looking for.

'Cause if it's special to you,
that makes it really special.

-And I'm taking that to heart.

Thank you, Auntie Bitsy.