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01x09 - Treat Truck Trouble/Leapin' Laser

Posted: 03/24/24 09:27
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: The world thinks

they're just adorable kitties...

But when trouble comes knocking,
they transform into...

FEMALE VOICE: Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat

WOMAN: [SINGING] SuperKitties


When there's chaos
In the air

Don't you worry
Don't despair

Evil doers best beware

They're SuperKitties


They're brave
They're smart

They're strong
They're kind

And with their talents
Combined, they're



BUDDY: The SuperKitties
and the Treat Truck Trouble.



Kitty treats. Kitty treats.

Who wants kitty treats
from the Furry Good Treat Truck?

[GASPS] Kitty treats?

-Kitty treats!
-Kitty treats!

Kitty treats!



You kitties sure love your treats.

I call dibs on the fishy ones.

Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine!

'Cause they're my favorite.

We know they're your favorite, Buddy.

If you want 'em,
all you gotta do is ask. Nicely.


"Ask nicely." Okay.

May I please have the fishy ones?


I thought you'd never ask.



Buddy, what's wrong?

These kitty treats taste like...

doggy treats!

[ALL GASP] Doggy treats?

Yes. Exactly like doggy treats.

But Amara said they're kitty treats

from the Furry Good Treat Truck.


Definitely puppy treats.

Maybe Chef Marcy mixed them up.

Chef Marcy wouldn't make
a mistake like that.

FEMALE VOICE: Kitty cat, kitty cat

[ALL GASP] It's the SuperKitty call!

WOMAN: [SINGING] Adorable they may be

But trouble's no match
You'll see

They're felines
Who fearlessly Respond to the call





Puppy treats.

Whoa. Ooh. [GIGGLES]

Oopsie kitty. Yeah!

And Bitsy


Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Comm,

let's see who needs our help.

SuperKitties! Something
terrible's happened!

What is it, Velvet?

I took the tiniest nibble

from some nice, fresh bunny
treats and they tasted like...

doggy treats!

Just like our kitty treats!

We're getting more calls.

Sparks, bring up the other calls.

I'm on it, Ginny.

-SuperKitties! Please help!

My turtle treats...

Taste like doggy treats?



Pets of Kittydale, a question.

Did all of your treats come from

Chef Marcy's Furry Good Treat Truck?

ALL: Yes!

We've gotta find out
what's going on with Chef Marcy.

Or none of us will have tasty treats...

ever again!

But, to clarify,
we will still have doggy treats?

Yes, but every pet
in Kittydale deserves tasty treats.

Oh, thank you, SuperKitties!

We need to get
to Chef Marcy's Furry Good Treat Truck.

Paws in, SuperKitties.

We're brave.

We're smart!

We're strong.

We're kind!

SuperKitties, go!


MR. PUPPYPAWS: Nope. No...


Definitely not.

There, there.
Criss-crossed off the list.

Now, everyone will know
that Chef Marcy is making

doggy treats only.

Thanks to me, Mr. Puppypaws.

Mr. Puppypaws

Or should I say, Chef Puppypaws?


[BARKS] As long as I have this,

I can control Chef Marcy
so she makes oodles and oodles

of doggy treats for me forever.

Must make doggy treats. Must make
doggy treats. Must make doggy treats...

[SINGING] When Mr. Puppypaws
Has to scratch an itch

There's nothing
That can get in the way

It took an awful lot
Of planning

To develop a switch

To make this baker bake
The way I say

And now that I've got it
I'm filled with glee

For as the sign now reads

For all to see

There'll be doggy
Treats only

Especially for me

Must make doggy treats,
must make doggy treats...

Give me, give me, give me
Those doggy treats

I want, I want, I want
I want doggy treats

They're so yummy in my tummy
Those doggy treats

Oh, my, am I drooling?
Ha, who am I fooling

This is just the beginning
Of my flavorful feast

I'll have mountains
Of them on my own

I'll be swimming through
The streets in doggy treats

And sitting on
My doggy treat throne

And I'll rule over
A city made Of doggy treats too

Where when it rains
It rains doggy treats

'Cause that's what
One can do when

It's doggy treats only

Doggy treats only

Doggy treats only

Especially for me

And it's simply the way
That it's got to be



Right, Quaxley.

GINNY: Mr. Puppypaws.

What are you doing
in Chef Marcy's Furry Good Treat Truck?

Oh, me?

Just, um, helping.

What's that, Chef Marcy?

You need me to help mix the batter?

Oh. Sorry, got to go.
Chef Marcy needs me.

Don't come inside.

Wow. Dogs really do have good hearing.

I didn't hear Chef Marcy say anything.

That's because she didn't say anything.

I've got a feeling
Mr. Puppypaws is up to something sneaky.

Come on, SuperKitties.

-Yes. Yes.
-Must make doggy treats.

Must make doggy treats.
Must make doggy treats.


Mr. Puppypaws isn't helping Chef Marcy,

he's using a remote to control her.

That's not very nice.

Ugh. SuperKitties.

That's right, cats, it's not nice.

But why would I ask nicely

when I have this?

Must make doggy treats.
Must make doggy treats.

We've gotta get that remote.

Paws out, claws out.


Release the flour, Chef Marcy.

Oh. Must release the flour.

Must release the flour. Must release...

[CHUCKLES] Gesundheit.

Phew. I'm okay.

Leave it to me. Bitsy boots, blast off!

Chef Marcy, spill the milk.

Must spill the milk.


Oopsie kitty.

Oh, and I thought kitties loved milk.

No we don't, it's bad for cats.
Furball blitz!

Chef Marcy, block the blitz,

we can't let them get the remote.


Yeah, that didn't work either.

Exactly. Give up, SuperKitties,

as long as I have this remote,

it's doggy treats for everyone.



Must make doggy treats.
Must make doggy treats.

-Our friends will be so sad.
-But I will be so happy.

Ginny! Well maybe
we can't get that remote...

But our yarn blasters can.

SuperKitties, let's wrap this up.

Not today, SuperKitties.

Buddy, you know what to do.

One brother boost, coming up!

My remote!

Not anymore.

Must make doggy treats.
Must make doggy treats...

-How do we stop her?
-Try the red button, Ginny.

Must make doggy treats. Must...

-We did it!

No, no, no! My treats!



Oh, I just had the weirdest dream.

Whoa. That's a lot of doggy treats.

I better start baking treats
for all the other pets.

They must be so hungry.




Our treats are back!



Do I smell

kitty treats?

Sweet, I smell turtle treats.

Everyone gets their treats now,
except me.



Don't you get them from your human?

No. Every day, my human and I pass

Chef Marcy's Furry Good
Treat Truck on our walk.

And every day,
no matter how loud I bark,

I never get any puppy treats.

Have you tried
asking your human nicely for a treat?

Instead of barking?



Why would I do that?

Because it totally works.



Sometimes, if you really,
really want something,

all you gotta do is ask nicely.



Aw. You want something?

One special puppy treat
for my polite little pooch.


-Here you go.
-Thank you.


It's polite and it totally works.

And I'm taking that to heart.

Bitsy, may I have
the fishy treat? Please?

Here you go, Buddy.

Thanks, Bitsy.


Kitty treats.


The SuperKitties and the Leaping Laser.

Would it please you
if I cheese you, flower?


Stop right there, Lab Rat.

Lab Rat

You're not turning
one more thing into cheese!

SuperKitties. So "Gouda" of you to come.


Now, scat, cats.

Oh, no. The SuperKitty Kit!

That was easy-cheesy.

"Cheddar" luck next time, Lab Rat.

Ugh! Let's beat it, Otto!

We'll be back, SuperKitties!

How's a rat supposed
to get anything evil done around here

when there are
always kitties getting in the way?


Kitties here, kitties there,

kitties everywhere, ruining everything.

If I could just get rid
of all the kitties for good,

I could do whatever I want.

Otto, I have a brilliant idea.


To the lab!

-Is it broken?

It's gonna be okay, Kitty Kit.

I'll fix you up good as new.


Can we help you fix it, Sparks?

Yeah, I wanna help!

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

-Brother time!
-Brother time!

Brother time is brother time

With the number
One super fun Brother of mine

There's nothing better
than spending time with your brother.

-In that case,

we'll go upstairs for some kibble time.

Yummy-yummy in our tummies.

Don't you worry, Kitty Kit,

we're going to get you all fixed up.

Careful, Buddy.
We don't want to make it more broken.

Right. Sorry, sorry.

Hmm. [GASPS]

Wait, I found the problem!

What is it?

I've just gotta go get a special tool,

don't touch the Kit
while I'm looking for it, okay?

Paws off. Like you said,
don't want to make it more broken.

Right. And then I need
some alone time to fix it

and we couldn't have brother time.

You can kitty-count on me.


The panel! It opened!

Oh, no.

What if he thinks I did this?

What if he gets mad at me?

What if... [GASPS]

We never have brother time again?

I'll just close it back up.


Oh, no. No, no, no.

Must save brother time.

Found the tool!

-This will do the trick.


There, that should do it.

-So, everything's okay?
-Looks like it.

Whew. Oh, good. Brother time is saved!


FEMALE VOICE: Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

[ALL GASP] It's the SuperKitty call!

Kitty cat, kitty cat
Kitty cat, kitty cat

WOMAN: [SINGING] Adorable they may be

But trouble's no match
You'll see

They're felines
Who fearlessly Respond to the call




Oopsie kitty.

And Bitsy


Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help.


Hey, Sam and Eddy, what's going on?

A lot! The kitties of Kittydale
have gone dotty!

What do you mean, dotty?

We mean,
they're all following a red dot!


SuperKitties! Look away.

I love a red dot!

Sparks, do something!

I'll turn it off.
See you soon, Sam and Eddy.

Whoa. What just happened?

Where'd the red dot go?

That red dot comes from a laser pointer.

Kitties can't resist a red dot.

It makes every kitty go red-dotty,

just like you two did.

Whoever is controlling
that laser pointer

can control every kitty in Kittydale!

We have to stop them!

Not without my dot blockers.
SuperKitty Kit, meow!

Is that supposed to happen?

No, it shouldn't.

Let me do some adjustments.


SuperKitty Kit, bring out
dot blocker glasses.

Wear these and you won't get red dotted.

All right. Paws in, SuperKitties.

We're brave.

We're smart.

We're strong.

We're kind.

SuperKitties go!


Look at all those cats.

And they're all following the laser dot.

SuperKitties, pounce!

Are you okay, Sparks?

I don't know. My kit's fritzing.

Maybe I didn't fix it right?


Or maybe it's because I...

Over there!

It's Lab Rat.

Lab Rat

I should have known
this was your dotty scheme!

I told you I'd be back.

And this time,
no one is going to stop me from turning

Kittydale into Cheesydale!

Why, you ask?

I didn't ask.

Because you are going out of town.

You and the rest of these...
Ugh, kitties

are going to follow this red dot

into a big box waiting in the park.

No kitty can resist a red dot.


She's right, they can't.

But wait! There's more.

I'm going to mail
that big box far, far away.

No more kitties in Kittydale!

No more kitties in Kittydale.

We're not going anywhere, Lab Rat.

And neither are these kitties.

Oh, yeah?

Otto, turn on the second laser!

I saved the super powerful one
for you, SuperKitties.

Otto, why isn't it
working on the SuperKitties?

Because my brother
invented special glasses to protect us.


Otto, get those glasses!

SuperKitties, get that laser pointer!

Uh-oh. Otto, hold on.

Now's your chance to get those glasses.

[GASPS] Ginny!

Give me those!

Bitsy boots, blast off!



BOTH: Ooh.

Follow the red dots, SuperKitties.


-It's up to us now, Buddy.
-Sparks, wait.

I need to tell you about something I did

-to the SuperKitty Kit.
-Tell me later, Buddy.

Whoa. Whoa.

Hold on! I got you, Sparks!

Brother blitz!

Are you okay?

Uh-huh. But I don't think
the SuperKitty Kit is.

-Come on, we gotta go.

When you went to get the tool,
I touched the SuperKitty Kit...

To close it because it opened.

And lots of bits fell out.

I don't think I put them back in right.

-I'm so sorry.
-Oh, I see.

There, all fixed.

I guess you'll never want
brother time again.

What? No, you're my brother. I love you.

We'll always have brother time.

Really? You mean it?

I sure do.

I love you too, Sparks.

But we've gotta get moving.
We have kitties to save.

Let's do this.

Brother time
Is brother time

With the number one
Super fun brother of mine


Stop right there, Lab Rat.

Fantastic! More SuperKitties.

Otto, get their glasses.

Can't get 'em if you can't catch us.

Furball blitz!

Out of my way!

Time to put a stop to the dots.

The dots. They're gone.

End of the rope, Lab Rat.

Aw, rats.

Sorry, Lab Rat.
These kitties stay in Kittydale.

Run, Otto!


You two were "pawsome".

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

-Brother time!
-Brother time!

Brother time is
Brother time

With the number one
Super fun brother of mine


SuperKitties, huddle.

And cuddle.

The SuperKitty Kit is good as new.

When Buddy broke the SuperKitty Kit,

he thought he and Sparks
would never have brother time again.

But that would never happen.

Your family loves you no matter what.

And I'm taking that to heart.

Cat pile!