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01x06 - Blueberry Bonanza/Snow Day

Posted: 03/24/24 09:25
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: The world thinks
they're just adorable kitties.

But when trouble comes knocking,

they transform into...

ALARM: Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat

WOMAN: [SINGING] SuperKitties


When there's chaos in the air

Don't you worry, don't despair

Evil doers best beware

They're SuperKitties


They're brave
They're smart

They're strong
They're kind

And with their talents
combined they're...



GINNY: The SuperKitties
and the Blueberry Bonanza.



Wake up, every kitty.
Today is the day!

Today's what day?
The Blueberry Bonanza!

BOTH: The Blueberry Bonanza?

What's the Blueberry Bonanza?

Just the bluest, bestest,
better than the restest day ever.

The Blueberry Bonanza
sounds amazing!

-Tell me everything.

[SINGING] They've got blueberry biscuits
Blueberry muffins

-And blueberry pie

Blueberry minces and blueberry blitzes
to blueberry fry

Yum, yum.

There's blueberry cake of course
That they bake of course

Or give blueberry pancakes a try

There are hundreds and hundreds
of blueberry dishes

And every one of them DEL-icious

It's the Blueberry Bonanza

When everyone in town agrees

There's nothing better than blueberries

Blueberry bonanza

Oh, but there's so many dishes
left to list

Hmm, now what have I missed?

-There's more?
-For sure

Blueberry ice cream
is a blueberry dream in a blueberry cone

And blueberry pups go blueberry nuts

For a blueberry bone

But however you like to eat 'em

No other treat can beat 'em

And that is why today I love to say

It's the Blueberry Bonanza


Blueberries, yay

Now who's ready to pick juicy berries
and share tasty treats?


Ooh, ooh, ooh. Pick me!
I mean, pick me to pick the blueberries.

We are? I am!

Then what are we waiting for?
Come on!

Oh, Ginny, what will we try first?

Blueberry ices, blueberry tarts?

ALARM: Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat

ALL: [GASP] It's the SuperKitty call!

Kitty Cat! Kitty Cat!


Adorable they may be

But trouble's no match
You'll see

They're felines who fearlessly respond

To the call




-And Blueberries...

[GIGGLES] Oopsie kitty.

And Bitsy


Sparks, power up
the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help.

-SuperKitties, help!
-Velvet, what's wrong?

My niece and nephew and I
are at Kittydale Park

to pick blueberries
for the Blueberry Bonanza.

But the blueberries are all being swiped

from under our noses.

[GASPS] What was that?

It took all the blueberries
on that bush.

With the berries disappearing
that fast,

soon there won't be any left
for anybody else.

That's not nice.
Those berries are for everyone.

We know! [WHIMPERS]

-Poor bunnies.
-Poor everyone.

Don't worry, Velvet.
We'll get those blueberries back.

No one's gonna ruin
the Blueberry Bonanza.

Paws in, SuperKitties!

-We're brave.
-We're smart.

-We're strong!
-We're kind!

ALL: SuperKitties, go!


No berries?

Where are the berries?

Let's look over there.

Not a single berry left.

What do we do, Ginny?

Sparks, do you have a blueberry tracker?

No. But I do have a brilliant idea.

That's my brother,
always with the brilliant ideas.

So what you thinking?

I'm thinking we need something,

well, someone, blue and purple
that every kitty loves.

-Oh, is it, Buddy?
-Is it?

Yes. But not just any Buddy.


Yarn blaster, knit!


It's Blueberry Buddy!

Surprise! [CHUCKLES]

Wow, Buddy, you look good enough to eat!

Buddy will trick the birds...

Into thinking I'm a big blueberry.

Whoa, whoa...


Oops. Sorry, Buddy.

Now we can catch whoever's
stealing the blueberries.

I'd say that's a berry, berry good plan.


It's funny because I'm a berry.

Come and get me, blueberry bandits.

Whoever you are.

I'm just a super yummy
big and juicy blueberry.

All alone, waiting to be picked.


Look, birds.


Surprise, surprise, it's the Budgies.

Zsa-Zsa's Budgies.

Zsa-Zsa's Budgies


Whoo-hoo! I'm flying!


No! I'm not!

-Are you okay?
-That was...

But the plan didn't work.

It did work. Now we know the Budgies
are stealing the blueberries.

SuperKitties, follow those budgies.


GINNY: Huh? There's the Budgies.

And the blueberries.

And there's Zsa-Zsa.


-But what's that?

Oh, I'll tell you.

Why, that's my birdie
berry basher, of course.

Amazing. That thing can really
bash some berries.

Which is not a good thing...

And neither is taking
all the blueberries, Zsa-Zsa.

Why are you bashing
all those blueberries?

Well how else am I to make more
of my Blueberry Beaute-foot cream?

ALL: Foot cream?

It is how I, Zsa-Zsa,

keep my talons looking
and smelling berrylicious.

You stole everyone's berries

and ruined the Kittydale
Blueberry Bonanza

to make foot cream?

Oh, are you jealous you don't have any?

Oh! Oh, I'm sorry,
but it's all for me.

[CHUCKLES] Budgies!

Would you all be dears

and pour every last berry
into the Birdie Berry Basher?


SuperKitties, huddle.

If we don't stop Zsa-Zsa
from smashing those berries,

nobody will get to enjoy
the Blueberry Bonanza.

The Blueberry Bonanza will go on.

We'll climb up
the Birdie Berry Basher and grab

the rest of those berries
before they're smashed!


Paws out, claws out. Ha!

Yarn blasters, go!

SuperKitty Kit, meow.



It's raining berries!
Look out!

Squad, stop it!
Don't waste my berries!

There's too many berries!
I can't go on.

[MEOWS] Then go down
and catch those berries!

On it!


Bitsy Boots, blast off!

Berry style!

Sparks, grab a bucket

and block those berries from above.

-Buddy, let's keep climbing.

On it. [GRUNTS]

It's time to put a stop
to your berry bashing, Zsa-Zsa.

Squad! Pour all the berries
into the berry basher!


Buddy, you stop the Budgies
and we'll stop the basher.

One Berry Blocker Blitz, coming up.

Furball Blitz!


Okay, Buddy's stopping the berries.

-Now we've got to stop the basher!



-Scram, budgie!

ZSA-ZSA: Come back, squad!

If you leave me, there'll be no more
blueberry beauty foot cream for you.

Oh, feathers.

GINNY: Great berry catching, Bitsy.
BITSY: Thanks!

Now we can get these blueberries
back to everyone.

Stop! My berries!

Zsa-Zsa, your blueberry
stealing days are over.

Those berries are coming with us.


What will become of my talons?

You SuperKitties are taking away all
of my beautiful blueberries, oh...

Not all.

You can keep all the berries you bashed.

We'll take the rest for everyone
at the Blueberry Bonanza.

What's a Blueberry Bonanza?

She doesn't know
about the blueberry bonanza?

-Or the bunnies?

Activate screen.

Everyone was so excited to pick berries

and share delicious treats
at the Bonanza.

But when they got
to the blueberry meadow,

there was no berries on the bushes.

So, when I took all the blueberries,

nobody got to pick any?

-Not even the baby bunnies.
-Oh, poor bunnies.

Well, there's nothing worse than
sad, baby bunnies.

Uh, I'll share the blueberries.


Oh, what's this?
What are they doing?


They're happy
you gave them back the blueberries.


Oh. Oh, is this...
Is this what sharing feels like?

Yup. Isn't it the best?

It's too bad nobody got
to pick the berries themselves.

Good thing the raspberry festival's
coming real soon!

Raspberries? [GASPS] Perfect!

I have a delightful formula
for raspberry perfume!

But of course,
I only need a few.

Zsa-Zsa wanted all the
blueberries for herself,

but SuperKitties know it's better
to take only what you need

and share the rest.

That way, everyone can have some.

And I'm taking that to heart.

Come on, everyone.

Let's go check out
the Blueberry Bonanza!


They've got blueberry biscuits

Blueberry muffins and blueberry pie

Blueberry minces and blueberry blitzes

To blueberry fry

There's blueberry cake of course
That they bake of course

Or give blueberry pancakes a try

There are hundreds and hundreds
of blueberry dishes

And every one of them DEL-icious

It's the Blueberry Bonanza


-Blueberries yay

GINNY: The SuperKitties
and the Snow Day.


-Would you look at that?


-It's beautiful.

Hmm, with all this snow, I won't
be opening the Purr and Play,

so it's officially
a snow day, kitties.

Ooh, I'm gonna go make
some hot chocolate.

[GASPS] It's my very first snow day!

What should we do?

Should we build a snow cat?
Who's got a carrot?

Ooh, or maybe we should play
with your mega snowball maker?

Is it powered up?

I don't have a mega snowball maker.

[GASPS] Or maybe we could build
a huge snow fort.

-What if we...
-Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I know you're feeling a lot,
but slow down and take a deep breath.



Now, what would you
really like to do?

What I really want to do

is play in the snow with my friends.

-Of course you.


Ooh, ooh, can we go sledding?
Can we?

Zooming down a big, snowy hill together?


Great idea!

And we know the perfect spot.
Right, Sparks?


A special place that only
animals know about,

the secret-slickedy-sledding slope!

It's "slooper!"

I mean, super.

A sledding hill just for animals?

Oh, wow, this day's going
to be extra pawsome.

ALARM: Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat

ALL: [GASP] It's the Superkitty call!

Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat


WOMAN: [SINGING] Adorable they may be

But trouble's no match, you'll see

They're felines who fearlessly
respond to the call




Sledding, sledding, sledding!

-Oopsie kitty.

And Bitsy


Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help.

-Help, SuperKitties!
-Help, SuperKitties.


Hang on, everybody.

We can't hear you
if you're all speaking.

I worked really hard and built
a snow pup like this.

I went inside to get my chew toy,
when I came back out...

All the snow was gone.

Even your snow pup?

Even my snow pup. [WHIMPERING]

And what about the rest of you?


But how could all the snow melt so fast?

Good question.
But don't worry, we'll figure this out.

You won't miss out
on your snow day, everyone.

But will we miss out on our snow day?

No way. If you want to sled,
we're gonna sled.

Let's go to Peanut's Yard.
Paws in, SuperKitties.

-We're brave.
-We're smart!

-We're strong!
-We're kind!

ALL: SuperKitties, go!


Just like you said, Peanut.
There's no snow.

No snow, no snow pup.

-The ground isn't even wet.
-So it didn't melt.

It's like the snow was zapped away.

But that couldn't happen.

When I was getting my toy,
I did hear a weird noise.

Oh, like... [VOCALIZING]



That's it! That's the noise!

-You're amazing!
-But that wasn't me.

I don't think...

-There it is again.

Follow that sound.


Look! No snow anywhere.

BITSY: Where did all the snow go?


This is terrible.

Who's doing this?


Who do you think?



Lab Rat

With my genius Snow-a-Go-Go,

I can make snow disappear.

-But it's a snow day.

Ooh, snow!

Uh-uh, it's a no snow day!

Huh? Huh?

Nobody's playing in the snow today.

Not even on the secret,
slickedy-sledding slope?

[GASPS] Oopsie kitty.

That slope is a secret.

The sledding slope?

It's so secret I almost forgot.

Well, thank you
for reminding me, SuperKitties.

See you at the sledding slope.

Or, should I say, the sledding nope.


We've got to stop Lab Rat!
SuperKitties, pounce!

Otto, am I the smartest
or am I the smartest?


Oh, sorry. Here you go.
Nice and warm.

I'll answer that.

I am the smartest! [LAUGHS]

-Look at that, Otto!

More snow.

-More snow has to go!


Stop them, SuperKitties!

They're getting away!

Not if this kitty has anything
to say about it!

Paws out, claws out.

You can't slip away that easily,
Lab Rat.

Oh, sorry to leave you high and dry!


Goodbye, snow! [LAUGHS]

-Go get her, Buddy!
-Furball Blitz!

No snow!

Freeze, Lab Rat.


Phew, that was a close one.

Otto, you won't have to worry
about that, "brr" cold snow much longer.

Snow is a no-go,

so it's time to no snow
the slickedy-sledding slope.


I don't know if we can stop her before
she gets to the slope.

GINNY: She's going too fast!

Then I better go stop her!

Bitsy Boots, blast off!


You can't stop me.

-I don't have to.


Oh, rats!


Here you go.

Oh, Otto, your snow dome is broken
and now you're shivering.

Got it!

Give me my Snow-a-Go-Go!
Sorry, but I can't do that.

No more Snow-a-Go-Go-ing
for you, Lab Rat.

No fair!

It is fair. We saved snow day!

But you ruined the day for poor Otto.

Look what you've done!

Now I can't finish

getting rid of the snow
and now Otto will be freezing

and everyone will have fun without...

Lab Rat, it seems like
you're feeling a lot.

How about you stop...

And take a deep breath...


And let out your deep breath, too.


Now what?

Now think about what
you were trying to say and try again.


Just look at my little Otto shivering.

I was using the Snow-a-Go-Go
to zap the snow away

so he wouldn't be so cold.

-You were doing all this for Otto?

When we saw it was a snow day,
we wanted to go sledding.

But we couldn't find any eight-legged
snow pants to fit Otto.

And he was too cold
without snow pants.

He was so sad

watching everyone else
having so much fun.


I'm having so much fun!


So, I decided if Otto can't have fun,

nobody can have fun!

And then I invented
my amazing Snow-a-Go-Go!

Oh, if I can't make the snow go away,

Otto will just keep shivering
and being cold.

Oh, poor Otto.

What do you think, Sparks?

Is there something we can do to help?

Sure there is.

SuperKitties, circle up.

Yarn Blasters, knit!



LAB RAT: Thank you, SuperKitties.

-Otto's warm and cozy.
-BITSY: And cute!

And now he can play with everyone else
and have a real snow day!


Other than the secret sledding slope,

there's no snow anywhere in Kittydale.

And that's not fair.

Oh, yeah.
Well, I can fix that.

Every genius invention
always has a reverse mode.

Forget you heard that.

Now it's a Snow-Snow-Hello!

Really? It can make snow?

Yup. I am a genius, after all.


Otto and I will put all the snow
back in Kittydale.

And have fun doing it!



We did it.
The snow day is a go-go.

And now it's go time for snow time.



I'm having so much fun again!


Oh, look at those duckies go!

Lab Rat wanted to help Otto,
but she wound up hurting others.

It's important to be fair.

Everyone deserves to have fun.

And I'm taking that to heart.

What we need is a sled.

How about a super sled?

SuperKitty Kit, meow!


ALL: Wow!

We have a SuperKitty Sled?

Pawsome, Sparks.

Hop on, Bitsy.

Yay for snow day!

ALL: Yay for snow day!