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01x05 - Groggy Groundhogs/Go Birdy

Posted: 03/24/24 09:24
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: The world thinks
they're just adorable kitties,

but when trouble comes knocking,
they transform into...

-Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat



When there's chaos in the air

Don't you worry, don't despair

Evildoers best beware

They're Superkitties, meow!

They're brave, they're smart

They're strong, they're kind

And with their talents combined

They're Superkitties, meow!

BITSY: "The SuperKitties
and the Groggy Groundhogs."


Hello. How are you doing today?



Aw. Come back here, you little cutie.


[GRUNTS] Oopsy kitty!

Why are you and Mr. Greeny
trying to get into my kitty cubby?

You have your own special space.

Oh, well, it's just that someone's
in my special space.

But we both can't fit
in my special nap space.

Wait. What do you mean
someone's in your special space?


That's not a kitty.

That's a groundhog.

Ginny, Buddy!

[GASPS] Awesome!

Bitsy, why is there
a groundhog in your cubby?

I don't know.

Mr. Greeny!


Tickle, tickle, tickle.

There, there, Mr. Greeny.

You're okay.

Ginny, Mr. Greeny and I really
need our special space back.

Yes, they really do.

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Looks like that'll have to wait.

ALL: It's the SuperKitty call!

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Adorable they may be

But trouble's no match, you'll see

They're felines who fearlessly
Respond to the call




And no groundhogs.

Oopsy kitty!

And Bitsy


Sparks, power up the SuperKitty Comm.

Let's see who needs our help.


Peanut? Hey!

SuperKitties, I need your help.

There's something in my water dish,
and it's definitely not water.


What's the groundhog from upstairs
doing in Peanut's water dish?

-I think it's a different groundhog.

Another call is coming in.

Bringing up the call now.

SuperKitties, help!

How am I supposed
to stock my acorns for winter

with a groundhog in my tree?


-Another call?


SuperKitties, all my favorite
napping boxes are filled with...

Whoa, oh, oh!

Let me guess. Pick me. Pick me.

-Um, you.

Good guess. Groundhogs.

Sleeping groundhogs all over the city.

And in my cubby.

Pets of Kittydale, we're going
to get to the bottom of this.

ALL: Hurry, SuperKitties!

Hmm. Groundhogs shouldn't be
in everyone's special spaces.

It doesn't make sense.

Right. Where did all those
groundhogs come from?

And why are they so sleepy?

I have an idea.

I'm pulling up the information
on groundhog sleeping habits.

Groundhogs usually sleep in burrows
underneath Kittydale Park.

But something...

Or someone.

...or someone moved into
their special space.

Oh, look at them leaving.

And they'd have to sleep somewhere else.


We're going to find out

who's in the groundhogs' burrows
and get them out.

So everyone can have
their special spaces back.

Paws in, SuperKitties!

-We're brave!
-We're smart!

We're strong!

We're kind!

ALL: SuperKitties, go!

To Kittydale Park.

Let's start by finding
the groundhogs burrow.

My Burrow Finder
will locate it in no time.

Or we can ask Lab Rat if she's seen it.

Lab Rat


That is definitely the entrance
of the groundhogs' burrow.





That's right, Lab Rat.

What are you doing
at the groundhogs' burrow?

Groundhogs' burrow? [SCOFFS]

This is my very own

brand-new Fortress of Ratitude.


Fortress of what-itude?

Never mind that.

Otto, it's time to make our escape.

And don't bother coming inside.

There are way too many tunnels.

You'll never catch us.


Bye-bye, SuperKitties!

Now that we found who took
the groundhogs' special place,

it's time to get it back.

SuperKitties, pounce!







Playtime's over, SuperKitties.

Now it's time for you
to get out and stay out.

-Hit it, Otto.

This burrow is mine. [CACKLES]

We're not gonna make it.

Yes, we are.

Bitsy Boots, blast off!

What the whiskers?





Oh, rats.

Whoa, would you look at this place?


Lab Rat, you've got some
really cool stuff in here.

Away from my research.

It's time to go, Lab Rat.

This is the groundhogs' space.
Not yours.

Fine. Throw me out of my lab.

But you should know we're here
because someone took our special space.


Let me guess.

Was it a groundhog?

No, it was a truck.

A truck?

What was your space exactly?

It was a dumpster.


A dumpster? I was not expecting that.

Oh, really?

Is it such a surprise to think a rat
and a tiny octopus live in a dumpster?

That beautiful purple dumpster

was our home.

Yesterday, we left our home
to find some cheese.

And when we got back,

our dumpster was being taken away.


It was gone. Gone, I tell ya.

And we never saw it again.

That is the saddest story ever.

Maybe I can help you
get your dumpster back.

You'd do that? For me?

And Otto?

Everyone should have
their own special space.

And you should give this special space
back to the groundhogs.

Yeah, all the other animals in Kittydale

will be able to get
their special spaces back.

Because their spaces
are filled up with groundhogs.

One's in my cubby right now going...


Then that's what we'll do. Right, Otto?

So how do we do this?

Well, I have a gadget.

What are we waiting for?

Let's power up that gadget
and get everyone their spaces back.

Especially ours.

SuperKitty Kit.

Power up the tracker.

This is a map
of all the dumpsters in Kittydale.

LAB RAT: There it is.
Our purple dumpster.

Let's go check it out.

Look, Otto, our dumpster!

Look at it, Otto.

It's glorious.

We've got our space back.

We got our special space back!
We got our special space back!


[CLEARS THROAT] Thanks, SuperKitties.

I should invite you in
for cheese and crackers as a thank you,

but I'm a villain.

So I won't.

Run, Otto,
to the real Fortress of Ratitude.



Wake up.

You can go home now.


Everyone should have
their own special space,

just as long as that space
doesn't belong to someone else.

And I'm taking that to heart.

Bye-bye, groundhog.

Enjoy your burrow.

I will.


I will.

[YAWNS] Who's ready for a nice cat nap?

I know I am.


Oh, yeah.

Here you go, Mr. Greeny.
Our own special space.


What do you say?

Ready for a nap?

Yeah, me, too.

GINNY: "The SuperKitties Go Birdy."

It's Kittydale Day.

Ooh, would you look at this?

What's Kittydale Day?

Only the most pawsomest day ever.

It's when everyone in town

celebrates how cool it is
to live in Kittydale.

And they give out crinkle ball toys.

Crinkle ball!

Kittydale Day is for everybody in town,

but I like to think it's a big party
for the kitties of Kittydale.

There's a smile on every face

When I look around this place

Because today's
An extra super special day

Yeah, there's magic in the air

And crinkle balls to spare

'Cause the thing
That everybody wants to say

Because we feel this way is

I love Kittydale
I love Kittydale

-Kittydale is the best

No other city can
Make me sing a ditty like this

-I'm so obsessed

I love Kittydale
I love Kittydale

Kittydale's where it's at

Especially if you happen to be

A Kittydale kitty cat

-It's Kittydale Day
-A kitty cat

-It's Kittydale Day
-In Kittydale

It's Kittydale Day

I love Kittydale

Ah, nothing,
nothing can stop the celebration.

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

ALL: It's the SuperKitty call.

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

Kitty cat, kitty cat

They're felines who fearlessly
Respond to the call





[GIGGLES] Oopsy kitty!

And Bitsy


Sparks, let's see who needs our help.

SuperKitty Kit, meow!

SuperKitties, help!

Jet, what's the matter?

All the kitties in my neighborhood
are acting strange.

Strange? How?

Is it all the singing
and dancing for Kittydale Day?


Uh, no, I mean strange like this.


They're acting like birds.

But why?

We're gonna find out.

Don't worry, Jet.
We'll be there kitty cat fast.

Thank you, SuperKitties.

Tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet. [LAUGHING]

Just joking.

[CHUCKLES] Paws in, SuperKitties!

We're brave!

-We're smart!
-We're strong!

We're kind!

ALL: SuperKitties, go!



It's like they've
forgotten they're kitties.

I know how to remind them.

Crinkle ball.

No cat can resist 'em.

Well, that didn't work.

We've got to find out
what happened to them.

Wait. Has anyone seen Jet?

Where is that doggie?




Jet's a birdie, too.


-And so is that squirrel.

Cats, dogs, squirrels?
Everyone's a birdy.

BITSY: Even the birdy's a birdy.

-The birdy's a birdy?

Oopsy kitty!

Wait. What is that birdy carrying?

BUDDY: It's spraying something.


Meowzers. Did you see what I saw?

I did. If you saw that real bird

-turning that human into a birdy.
-That's not just any bird.

That's a budgie.

And that can mean only one thing.

SuperKitties, follow that bird!

Paws out, claws out!

SuperKitty Kit, meow!

BOTH: Activate Yarn blasters!

I knew it. Zsa-Zsa.


Happy Kittydale Day, SuperKitties.

Zsa-Zsa, whatever your
bird-brained scheme is, it's over.

Give us those spray bottles.

I don't think so.

This town needs more birdies,

and soon everyone
in Kittydale will be a bird,

thanks to this perfume.

I call it...

Zsa-Zsa's Secret.

Ooh. What's the secret?

It turns you into a bird.

Squad, spray those SuperKitties.

SuperKitties, scatter.

Bitsy Boots, blast off!

Furball Blitz!

Buddy, no!

So long, SuperKitties.




Are you joking again?


He's gone birdy.

Nobody turns my brother into a chicken.

We're going after them.

SuperKitty Kit,
activate SuperKitty Copter.

Let's fly!


Buddy, the other way!

You two, wrangle the chicken.

I mean, Buddy.

I'll start the SuperKitty Copter.


Here, chicky-chicky-chicky!

BITSY: Oopsy kitty!

Let's do this.

Spray, squad, spray! [LAUGHS]

When we're done,
Kittydale will be Birdydale.


-I see them.

You okay, Buddy?

My Yarn blaster!

-Calm down, Buddy.
-Hey, Buddy!

I can't control the Copter.


I've got the Kitty Copter
under control now.

I'll check the e-meow-gency kit.

Give him this, Bitsy.
Birds love bird seeds.

Here, Buddy.


All better, Buddy bird?

Come on. We've got to stop Zsa-Zsa.


Once I spray the festival,

all of Kittydale
will be acting like birds.


He's finally taking a nap.

Can you see Zsa-Zsa?

She's just up ahead.

I know how to stop her.

Once I leave, distract Zsa-Zsa for me.

Activate Yarn blaster.

[GASPS] SuperKitties?


You'll never catch me

before we spray the crowd
and turn everyone into birds.

I win! I win, I win, I win!




Don't leave me here with these...

Ugh, Kitties.

It's over, Zsa-Zsa.

The spraying stops now.


Fine. You win.

You're kitties in Kittydale.
You always win.

What do you mean?

Well, look around.

Everywhere it's kitty benches,

kitty trees, kitty lights.

-Well, what about us birds?

Isn't it my town, too?

So, instead
of kitties, kitties, kitties,

I decided it should be
birdies, birdies, birdies.

Is that why you did all this?

Because you felt
left out on Kittydale Day?


I thought if I turned everyone
into birds, I'd belong.

Well, it was wrong
to turn everyone into birds.

But you're right, Zsa-Zsa.

What? Really? I am?

Kittydale is the name of our town.

But all sorts of animals live here.

So Kittydale Day
should celebrate everyone.

Not just kitties.

We're sorry, Zsa-Zsa.

We should all celebrate. Together.

Well, I do like a good party.



But first, Sparks has to change
everyone back to normal.

One Birdy-No-More Spray coming up.


Starting with Buddy.

Activate Birdy-No-More Spray.


[IN NORMAL VOICE] What just happened?


Kittydale Day definitely
isn't just about kitties,

because Kittydale is home to everyone.

That's what makes this town so special,
and I'm taking that to heart.


It's Kittydale Day!

A day for celebrating
everyone in Kittydale.

Now, let's dance!

Where'd you get a microphone?

I always carry one
just in case a song breaks out.

Don't you?

[SINGING] We love Kittydale
We love Kittydale

Where no one's alone

'Cause all the creatures
You'll find here

Of every kind here

Are what make Kittydale home

Our home

Our home sweet home

Come on, everybody

It's Kittydale Day

We love Kittydale!