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02x02 - Partners

Posted: 03/24/24 09:00
by bunniefuu
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Go, go, go, go, go! Ah!

See? Everything worked out.

Aww, I wanna be a letter.

Aww, I hope the experiment

McFly's been teasing all week
involves dissection. Huah!

Or an expl*si*n!

Or an exploding dissection!

All right, class, settle down.

Oh, there, there. Shh, shh, shh, shh.
There you go.

And put down those flame strikers.
You will set us on fire!

Oh, who's the wittle cutie?

And now, for what you've all been
eagerly awaiting.

For today's experiment, you will be

raising a baby.

You may be wondering
why it has very little resemblance to you.

Well, that is because
the laws have changed

and we can no longer
do this with real babies.


Oh, I agree, Stuart. I agree.

But regardless,
the experiment stays the same.

You will care for the flour baby
as if it were real,

feeding it, changing it, protecting it.

And if everyone
does the experiment correctly,

you will all enjoy
some of this delicious pizza.


Oh, Max.
This is going to be a piece of cake.

So you want to take care
of the diaper changing,

the feeding, and all that fun stuff?

You like doing that work, right?

You know what?

Let's be the coolest,
most irresponsible parents on the block.

Max? Max?

Dearest James.

If you're reading this note,
you already know I've left.

I'm sorry, but I know
you'll mess up the experiment,

and I don't want to be blamed
for ruining the pizza party again.

I'll mess up the experiment?

Yes, by not doing the assignment
like McFly said.


You always have to do things your way.

Hey, man. It's not my fault

I question things
that lead to other things

that distract us from the work at hand.

It's who I am.
And this is a science class.

Isn't that what you're supposed to do?

Question the science?

Test the theory and see if it holds?

It'll be better for the whole class
for me to work with my new partner:


New partner?

What? Why is everyone so dramatic?


Starring James.


Mr. McFly!

And introducing, Acorn, the new partner.

What? New partner?

Fine, Max.
Take a new partner so you can succeed.

I'll do the same.


Mr. McFly?

I need a new partner so I can knock
this assignment out of the park!

Hmm. Hmm.

Yes! Yes! Wonderful.

Ooh! I have the perfect
new partner for you.

James, this is Irma.



All right, y'all. Good luck.



I have a knack for design.

Irma! How about getting
a knack for this project?




How dare that dirty no-good trader

use my secret handshake with someone else?

Irma, we need our own secret handshake.

Ugh. Or maybe a secret elbow tap.

Oh Acorn, you are the best.

You're fantastic, Irma!

I mean you're only like
the best partner ever!

Stop, Irma!
We have to be careful with the baby!


You dropped the baby.

Ah! On second thought,
don't look, don't look!

Whoa. You're okay. You're okay.

Class. As everyone
but James seems to know,

it's feeding time now.

Irma! Feeding time for the baby, not you!

But our baby's delicious. You want some?

Um, everything okay, James?

Oh, Mr. McFly, everything's fine.

Nothing's happening here that will result

in everyone not getting some of that

delicious pizza. Ha-ha.


Oh, boy, here we go.

We're totally going to fail.
Why did Max leave me?

It could have been so perfect.

Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Go, go, go, go, go, go!

Maybe it's not too late.

Maybe I can get Max back.

I know what'll work. An apology!

Dear Max.

I forgive you.

So let's not be left questioning
what could have been,

and come back to me.

Yours truly. James.


Dearest Irma, could you mayhaps
deliver this message to Maximillian?

I'm leaving you.


You tried to eat our child
and you're leaving me?

I need a lab partner who appreciates me.

I can't tell where her snot stops
and I begin.

Oh, you're so disgusting, I love it.

But, but pizza.

Oh, oh! Ah-ha! Aww! Aww!

Oh, too bad.

I guess with no partner,

you won’t be completing the assignment,
will you, James?

Which means no piz-za.


you never said anything about
having to complete it with a partner.

You just said everyone has to
complete the assignment.

I'm gonna raise this flour baby
single dad style!


W-w-w-well, I-I suppose that may be true.

I guess I didn't specify that--

Yes! If I do this on my own,

Max will see
I don't need him as a partner,

and he'll regret leaving me,
and come back,

and everyone will get
their delicious pizza!

Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

Bu-bu-bup! Talk to the hands.

Okay. Come on. You can do this.

♪ Your mommy used to eat you ♪

♪ But you're safe with me ♪

♪ All because I have a gluten allergy ♪

♪ Boop ♪

♪ Boop ♪

James. I'm so impressed.

Oh, you really turned this around.

Oh. Um, yeah,
I-I guess I'm not so bad at this.

Thanks. I appreciate it. There, there.

Well, hmm.

You know, you really proved me wrong.

We may be having that
pizza party after all.

Oh, yeah, you're totally right!

We're getting pizza, everyone!

Oh, hey, can you watch him for a sec?

I'm gonna go grab his formula.

Here, man. Of course.

Okay, I'll BRB!

You're such a cutie.

Oh, what's that? You want up?

What's going on?

Someone turned out the lights!
Everyone okay?

Look away, baby girl.



Oh, no!

Who would do this?
Who would hurt our baby James?

You named your baby after me?

Huh? Oh, I never thought of it that way.

My, my, my. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

James, I cannot believe
that you would k*ll your namesake.

What? Me?

But it wasn't me!

You could not stand to see Max
and his new partner succeed,

so you were willing to do
whatever it takes to see them fail.

I can't believe you'd stoop so low, James.

But I didn't do it!

I didn't axe James Jr.

Max, please believe me.

I would never do that to you.

You believe me, right?

Wait! Let's talk this out!

Hey, all right, come on now,
that's enough.

W-wait, Acorn, please, let me explain.



Please! You have to believe me!
I didn't do it!

I don't know what to believe in, James.

Either way, it looks like
we won't get that pizza anymore.

But it wasn't my fault!

I don't know who did it!

James! Look out! No!



Max, you saved me. Why?

Because you are my friend sil--

Wait a minute! These boxes are empty!

Hey! Yeah!

Care to explain, Mr. McFly?

Uh, uh, about that.

There was never going to be
any pizza, was there?

Huh. W-w-well, ha, you see, there was a...

Whoa, w-w-wa-wait!
Kids, kids. I-I can explain.

I-it's all true!

I needed one pair of students to fail,

so I wouldn't have to buy you all pizza.
Pizza is expensive.

I thought I could rely on James
and Max to screw up, as usual,

but they separated.

And I had to do awful things
to that flour baby to cover my ruse.

You almost had us there
when you partnered me up with Irma.

Yeah. He almost did.

Oh, my gosh! Stop eating Michael!

Well, a fly gets crafty
when he's cornered.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. I can't believe

you went through all that trouble
just to deceive us, Mr. McFly.

Well, it wasn't all that much trouble.

I often go through garbage.
It's where we flies dine out.

But fair is fair.

I guess I can volunteer my life and body

for dangerous scientific studies

to finance your well-deserved

class pizza party!

Ha-ha! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

Oh, my gosh. Stop eating Michael.