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01x05 - Boy with 2 Brains

Posted: 03/24/24 08:54
by bunniefuu
-Go, go, go, go, go! Agh!

See? Everything worked out.

Aw. I wanna be a letter.

I've made it.

And now that I reached my locker,

I can finally unload some of these
completely outdated

and technologically insufficient books.

Huh? What the...?

Oh, they're tiny.

Why, Max? Why are the lockers so small?

Um, apparently they had
to expand the trophy case

to make room
for all the participation trophies.

Participation trophies?

Those things
have literally ruined society.

Trophies used to mean something, Max.
They were a way to signify the best.

First place in the spelling bee,
most three-pointers in a game...

Well, I-- I got a trophy once
for shoving the most marbles up my nose.

A true talent.

That's what the emergency surgeon said!

Well, now your trophy's worthless.


Because today, everyone gets a trophy,
which means everyone's the best,

which isn't possible,
which means we live in a world

where trophies
are completely without value.

If I ever find the guy who--

A D?! Oh, you gave me a D, Mr. McFly?

You trying to ruin my rep?

I'll let you get back to teaching
when you give me an F!

Oh, poor Mr. McFly.


Didn't you see? Stuart's bullying him.

Well, I hope Stuart's not expecting
an award for being the best bully.


We're walking up to him right now,
he's fine, he's fine, back off!


Oh, you saved me.
You saved me.

That is the nicest thing
a student has ever done.

You will get an award for this.

For bravery in a hallway
or other school path of travel,

I award James
with the Nicest Person trophy.

Nicest person! Nicest person!


Um, thanks?

This, uh, this means so much to me.

But I thought you said trophies
were really bad--

Forget everything I said, Max.
Trophies are great.

Huh, I never thought about it that way.

James! James! James! James! James!


So, when I saw Stuart bullying Mr. McFly,

I launched a trophy at him
with pinpoint accuracy,

-saving everyone's favorite teacher.

And that's why I'm the nicest person.

Nothing like the taste
of a shake from a trophy cup.

How can you be so relaxed?
Stuart is gonna beat the snot out of you.

Because, Max, I'm the nicest person.

You can't hurt me.
The people wouldn't stand for it.

Maybe it's because
we don't have trophies in the future,

but isn't this just a shiny cup?

No. No, no, no, no, no.

A trophy is so much more.

I honestly don't know how I lived
without this piece of shiny plastic

to feed my narcissism.

How is it more? You drink out of it.
I drink out of my cup, too.

You misunderstand. I earned this.

So? I earned my cup.

No, you paid for your cup.

Yeah, with money I earned convincing Max
he owed me money in the future.

She said, if I start paying it off now,
I get to pay more interest later.

What is that?

I wanted to be a part of the cup fun. Ooh!

This isn't fun, Max, it's an argument.

Oh, yeah.

And that's not a cup. That's a flower pot.

-Oh, so Max's cup is no good either.

This isn't about the cup.

-It's about the meaning of the cup...

...which is that I'm the nicest.

Your cup is a worthless piece of garbage.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to
take a self-satisfying chug from my cup.


Well, if you're so nice,
why'd you drink that kid?

It's more than the cup!
Wait, what now?

You drank Stuart, man.


Oh, no!

Eh, no big.

You're gonna leave Stuart inside you?

Why wouldn't I?

I'm the Nicest Person.

He can't hurt me.

My niceness is way stronger
than his bully energy.

Yeah, right.

Oh, I'm gonna make everybody hate you
so they take your trophy away.

If you admit my cup's as good as yours,
I'll get him out for you.

No way. My niceness will overcome.

Aren't you gonna clean that up?

What? No, I got the Nicest Person award,
not the Best Waiter award.

Oi, oi, oi, oi.

What, what!

Oh, my ball.

Looks like a job for Dirt's Nicest Person.

Max, elevation, please.

Oi, oi, oi. Hey, everyone, look at me.
I'm the nice kid. Ha!

Wait, that wasn't me!

Yes, it was.

You wanna praise my cup now,
or wait until you're a shell of yourself,

being manipulated
to set the entire town on fire?

Please. We set the town ablaze
in the other episode.

No way we'd do that again.

My niceness will reign supreme.

-Yeah, baby!

Woo-hoo! Non-copyrighted
Troop Organization cookies.

I read about these on the Food Web.

Well, today's your lucky day to try them,
because I'm gonna hook you up.


No, I will not let you ruin
Echo's first cookie,

even if her choice
is just tasteless shortbread.


Try again.

Oh, no, you don't!

Oh, no, you don't!

And to think, I thought
Stuart being inside you was a bad idea.

It's delicious!

Oh! Ow!

I don't understand it.
How can a bully control me?

I'm the Nicest Person.
I can't do anything bad.

Have you never seen a horror movie?

You give a demon permission to stay,

you're handing them
the keys to the kingdom.

But I'm the Nicest Person.

You can say it as much as you want,
but if you want it to be true,

you should probably stop
giving that dude a wedgie.

They'll take my trophy away.


-Go on, 'git.


Oh, they will take your cup away.

Unless you accept my help,

but that's gonna cost you
declaring my cup the superior cup.

Oh, look at that. Stairs still here.

I'll prove I can do this.

James, wait!

Wait, hold on.

Allow me.


Pushy, pushy.

Where did all these people come from?
I don't trust you.

No! I can do this!

Left foot, right foot.

Well, that took forever.

Yes! I'm still the Nicest Person!



I'm okay!

No one cares.

Fine. Your cup is the superior cup, okay?

Yes, I win!

And... garbage.

What the--

I thought you wanted your cup
in the trophy case.

Nah. I told you,
we don't have trophies in the future.

I really just wanted to see
how far you'd take this.

Totally worth it.

Well, now that I've been put
through the wringer for your amusement,

get Stuart out of me
before my trophy gets taken away!

Sure. One bully exorcism coming up.

Have you ever done an exorcism?

Oh, yeah, totally. In the future,
they teach it in elementary school.

Ooh! Ah! Ooh!
My body can't squish like yours.

Oh, I know.
It's hilarious.

The first step of this exorcism
is to weaken the demon,

A.K.A. Stuart, with a reading.

Step two is to make him
want to leave your body.

we're gonna drive Stuart nuts.

Oh, you think you can out-bully a bully?

What's the final step?

Is that when we exercise?
I need a change of clothes!

Every bully has a hole in their heart.

Ugh, gross.

And if you can figure out
what will fill it, they'll move on.

Heart? You think Stuart has a heart?

There's nothing inside
but anger, and rage, and...

and possibly bacon.

You better figure out
how to fill Stuart's heart hole

-by the time we get to step three...

...or he's gonna be controlling you
the rest of your life.

-I'm ready!

-Let's exercise.

Okay, Max.
Step one is to drive Stuart nuts.

A reading from a sacred text.

Poopsy Whoops and the Kitty Carnival.

Oh, no!
Pre-school books are for little idiots!

Poopsy Whoops was a kwitty kwat.

Poopsy Whoops wore a fur hat.

Oh, it makes no sense!
He's covered in fur!

How, how is this a best seller?!


Now, phase two. Unlivable host.

Which hot sauce do you want to start with?
Badonka Burner or Rectal Fry?

Oh, hilarious names,
but, no, I'm-- I'm not into that.

Ah, no! It burns my everything!

It burns my everything, too!

Good, that means it's working.
Let's kick it up a notch.

Okay, what's next?

The final step.

All right, James,
time to fill Stuart's heart hole.

Ew, gross. And, uh, I got nothing.

What? I told you--

I know what you told me, but Stuart's
seriously got nothing inside him,

minus pieces of me he ate,

which kind of means we're now
some insane form of turducken.

Without it, we can't defeat him.

Which means...
you can't stop me!


Oh, no! My buddy's body!

Ah! He threw me! And I'm in a cage!

Hey, don't mistreat Max.
He still owes me money.

Oh, everyone just hated me
for pummeling Mr. McFly.

So that's what I'm gonna do now,
as James.

No way they'd let him
keep his trophy.

Watch me go! Whoo!


Morning, James.

How's our town's Nicest Person?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Oh, my gosh, Stuart.
That's it. A trophy.

What are you talking about?

Your heart hole.

Ew, gross. I know how to fill it.

Just now, I felt how you feel
every time you pass the trophy case,

unrecognized and overlooked.

For best bullying
in a school or playground,

I award Stuart
with the Worst Person trophy.

Do not take his trophy!

Oh, you already solved the problem, huh?

Mm-hmm. Yep. All good.


It feels so good
to be recognized for my contributions.

I'd like to thank McFly for being so weak.

Well, uh...
uh, thank you.

Oh, and James,
thanks for having such a big head.

Oh, and Rudy,
oh, well, without you,

I wouldn't have had the opportunity
to create the art of wedgie.

Oh, still picking out those acorns, huh?

-Hey. Hey, don't put the music over me.

I still got things to say.
Don't put the music over me!

Well done, James, well done.

Though, I guess we need
to get you a new trophy.

No, thanks.
Being nice was actually pretty horrible.

Oh, then,
I guess all's well that ends well.

Yup. Wait, did I just award bullying?
