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01x03 - Wanted Dead or Fly

Posted: 03/24/24 08:52
by bunniefuu
-Go, go, go, go, go! Agh!

See? Everything worked out.

Aw. I wanna be a letter.

Yes! Yeah! 98, 99, 100.

Yeah, get some.

Oh, hey.

You're probably wondering
how I got in this situation.

Well, it all started with homework.

My homework is an extension of myself.

My homework is an extension of myself.

My homework is an ex--

Dad! No interruptions! We're meditating.

Oh, sorry.


Problems are just solutions in reverse.

Problems are just--

You boys want a nut? They came with
our Unattractive Foods Subscription.

Mom! We're trying to do homework!

Oh, really? Because to me
it looks like you're procrastinating.

Be mindful!

Literature was not invented
to personally hurt me!

Literature was--

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!
Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

I think I got it.

You straight up m*rder*d that thing!

It was interrupting
our homework psyche-up ritual.

Interruptions are the bane
of human society.

All the great things we have not yet
accomplished as a species

are not yet accomplished because just
as someone was about to figure them out,

someone else interrupted.

Interruptions are why
we don't have jetpacks, Max. Jetpacks!

But what if it had a family?

That fly was on my turf.

I don't go out into nature and randomly
k*ll insects because that's their turf,

but when a bug comes into my house,
I take action.

So if a praying mantis
walked through that door right now--

That mantis had better be praying!

And, conversely, when I go into nature,

that praying mantis
can ipso facto eliminate me.

Huh, I never thought of it that way.

Well, at least
there won't be any repercussions.

Hey, hey, good job
powering through on last night's homework.

Yeah, my wrists are still tender
from those repeated blows to that fly.

Oh, Mr. McFly? Is something wrong?

Can I help you... find somewhere better
to cry so you don't embarrass yourself?

My Grandma McFly went out last night
and she never came home.

Your Grandma McFly?

Where did she go?

Oh, thank you for asking, Max.

She was last seen... here.

That's disturbingly close
to your house, James. Gulp.

Is she small?



Oh, extremely--

Does she interrupt you a lot?

Oh, constantly.
That's what I love most about her.

We McFlys are a very close-knit family.

Oh, sorry. That's my ringtone.

Ooh, I better take this.
My cousins are organizing a search party.

We're going to find Grandma... tonight.

I totally whacked McFly's grandma!

m*rder*r! Oop--

No! It was an accident!
I'm an accidenterer!

You hit her 15 times with Little Women!

If I knew it was his grandma,
I wouldn't have smashed her face in

with a literary classic
about women's struggle

between familial duty
and personal growth!

Oh, they're organizing a search party
for her! What do we do?!

Help me find Grandma!

Here she is.

Stuck to a wad of your old chewing gum.


I am so proud of you, James.

Taking the body to the police
and confessing your crime

is exactly what you should do.

That's exactly what I'm not going to do.

I'm gonna hide all the evidence.
No body, no crime.

But I'm already an accessory to m*rder!

If I help, I'll be aiding and abetting!

What's abetting?

I don't know,
but I'm abetting it's not good!

Someone's coming!
Quick, hide Granny!

You guys wanna try an ugly raisin?


You want a raisin? They're k*ller.


How about you, Max?
They're to die for.

No, thank you!

Oh, I see you've already got some.

Max already has a raisin?

I said I didn't k*ll anybody!
Now stop interrupting!

-Oh! Ow! My scapula!

My mouth tastes like crime!

Just relax. Stay calm.

I'm trying but it's not easy!

I wasn't talking to you.
I was talking to myself.

'Cause I am freaking out!

Okay, you know what?
It's all going to be fine.

We just have to get rid of the body.

No, no, no, no.
I can't do it!

Uh, fine.

Then stay here and sound like me

so my parents don't realize
I'm sneaking out to bury a corpse.

Ew. Gross. Stupid. Rant. Rant. Rant.

It's all about me and my big head.

Literally and figuratively.

Dab. Dab. Hashtag.

No body, no crime.

The deed is--

I had to do it! They were onto us!

Max, what have you done?!

I had no choice!

I k*lled one fly,
and they just kept coming!

It's like they're attracted to corpses!

Max, relax. We can still be okay.

We'll just-- we'll just bury them all.

But you're gonna help me this time,
and we're gonna need a bigger spoon.

You mean a shovel?

I hate doing this. I feel so dirty.

Oh, that reminds me.

We need to get industrial cleaner
to get rid of the evidence.

Come on, let's go find--

Well, guess what else?

During the search party, eight more
of my relatives went missing.

Now, I know something else is going on
and I am going to put an end to it!

Sometimes, you've got to take matters

into your own four hands.

Aw. Thanks for telling me.

Normally people just come in this late
at night and buy suspicious items

and don't give me any context.

Hmm. Aw. Hug.

Max, we gotta get home
before McFly sees us.

He knows! He knows!

How could he know?

Come on. Let's go get some fro-yo
and forget about McFly.

Okay. But he could follow us.

Not if we make an unexpected move.

-Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

You can stop doing unexpected moves, Max.

Oh, man.

I can't even enjoy all this fro-yo
with all this guilt on my mind.

Ah! Fly!


I did it again!
What is wrong with me?

Max! Wait!

No one knows we're covering up a crime!

-Hey, James.

Here's your bill.

Also, wanna win
a free fly fishing trip?

-Here's a flyer.

-Your outfit's pretty fly.

Did you know your fly is down?

What am I talking about?
James never wears anything.

Just stay cool.

Flies are living things, James.

They're to die for.

Did you know your fly is down?



It was an accident!
I'm an accidenterer!






Flies! Flies!

McFly's entire family?

Cookie? They're oatmeal raisin.

Ah. It was just a dream.

Oh, no! He knows what I did
and now he's coming for revenge!


Max! Max!

So you've m*rder*d someone
and now you're wondering, "What's next?"

Oh, shoo, fly. Shoo, fly!


Please! Don't do this! Ahhh!

Oh. Oh. Oh.
Oh, oh, oh, dear, dear, dear.

Oh, sorry, James. I was--
I was hoping you wouldn't see me.

Things are about to get very noisy.

And very messy.

Please! Please don't hurt me, Mr. McFly!

I confess! I knocked off your grandma
and buried your cousins!


Your cousins. The other flies.


James, what are you talking about?
My relatives are fine.

Grandma McFly wasn't even missing.

That's right.

Turns out the search party
was an actual party,

and she just didn't want to invite me.

Which is why I'm here tonight
fixing your leaky gutter.

My whatter?

Mm-hmm. The recent rain exposed
some problems with your drainage systems,

so your parents hired me to sort it out.

The extra money
from doing odd jobs like this

will help me save enough money
to send my grandma on a cruise.

Maybe, then maybe, she will start
inviting me to the family parties

instead of pretending she's missing...
or dead.

Rappel, rappel, and ground.

Oh. So, I'm not in trouble?

Heck no. Why would you be in trouble
for k*lling a fly?

It was on your turf, right?

Yes! Plus, it was interrupting me.

I've iced men for less.



I'm out!

You're under arrest for m*rder!

But how? Who?

I broke! I told them everything!
I'm sorry!

Your friend cut
a pretty sweet deal with the D.A.,

and now you're going to jail for life!


101, 102, 103...

So that's how I ended up here,
sentenced to life.

But it's not so bad.

At least nobody interrupts me
when I'm trying to do my homework.

Really? Because it sounds like
you're procrastinating to me.

And pardon the interruption,
but you're getting out.

Wait, what? Already?
I thought I was sentenced to life.

I've only been in here a day.

Yep. Fly life.
Heh. They don't live too long.

Hey! Hands off my horn!

My bad.

And stop leaning on my car!


I'm sorry I sold you out earlier, man.

I just saw all that cash
and I was tempted by new beginnings.

Don't worry about it.
Made me super ripped.

You k*lled it!

Don't worry. It was just a mosquito.

But, James, we're on their turf!