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01x09 & 01x10 - Briana/Max

Posted: 03/23/24 20:48
by bunniefuu
[western classical music

You look amazing.

We better head down.

You ready?

Just give me literally
one minute.

You okay?

More than okay.

I just wanna be present.

In the moment.

I don't wanna forget
any of this.

[indistinct chatter]

[nervous sigh]

[Here Comes the Bride
playing on organ]

- [knock on door]
- I know, I'm coming!

[gasping] Ow!

[organ continues playing]


[objects clattering]

[bride grunting]

[taser buzzing]

She said she'd be right down.

- Do you want me to go get her?
- Uh...

- [stammering]
I'll come with you.
- Okay.

- Bri?
- Briana?




[ominous music]

[theme music playing]

[distant sirens wailing]

Do you believe in
love at first sight?

[Nikki] I do.

We only met three months ago.

But we knew from
the very first moment.

Mm, is it possible maybe
she got cold feet?

No. If she ran away,
who trashed the bridal suite?

Someone took her!

Tell us about Briana.

She's a high school
arts teacher.

Pay is trash, so she bartends
on the weekends.

And then...

And then, she uses the money

to buy art supplies
for the kids.

What bar?


Elkins Park.

Did she say that she had gotten
in a fight at work or...

Was there anyone who objected
to her marrying you?

No, it was the opposite.

Friends, family,
everyone was thrilled.

Okay, well...

Thank you, Trevor.

We'll reach out
when we have something.

But trust me,
we'll find Briana.

Come on. I'll walk you out.

And on the way,

I'll let you know why you
should give me that rose.

[somber music]

Okay. So, he thinks
that someone trashed the room.

Maybe it was her.

Right? I know if
I was having second thoughts

and a bunch of people
are sitting down at the altar

waiting for me,
I might break a chair or two,

throw things around.

Okay, so you still think
she got cold feet.

I don't know. I don't have
enough information yet.

- [door closing]
- Kemi, what's your read?

That Trevor is heartbroken.

If in fact it turns out
that she did cut and run,

my guess is that
he joins a monastery.

All right.
Let's run Briana's financials.

And to get into her e-mails,
talk to her co-workers.

- Yep.
- And...

- Yes?
- In case our runaway bride

was actually taken...

- Uh-huh?
- Issue an alert.


[alert blaring]

There were no windows
in the basement.

It got so cold,
I could see my breath.

I don't think the cabin
even had heat.

It was remote. It was...
It was probably off the grid.

Did you get a name?

She never told me.

You know how old
she was approximately?

She was older than Mom,
younger than Grandma. I...

What I remember are her eyes.

They were...

grey and empty.

Do you know why
she was holding you?

What did she want?

My blood.

Every two weeks,
she would put an IV in my arm

and drain my blood into
one of those medical bags.

Uh, it made me tired.

And she gave me these vitamins.

She said it would help me
make more blood.

Why, um...
Why did she want your blood?

- You have any idea?
- I don't know.

She said I was an angel
who was gonna get my wings
for my sacrifice.

Do you remember
anything else, honey?

I wasn't alone.

There was a... a boy.

She brought him in
a few months
before I got away.

Oh, we were in different rooms, but...

The vents were connected
or something.

I never saw him.

But after she'd go to sleep,
we whispered.

He said his name was Max.

He could still be there.

I've should've said
something earlier,

I know I should've.

I was just...

I was scared.

God, what if he's still there?

It's okay. You're okay.

We'll find him, I promise.

We need to dig into every
single missing person's case

in the Tri-state area, okay?

named Max.

Okay. The last two years
should do it, Mike.

Hey, look, look, look.
Hey. I get that you're excited,

that you're hopeful, I am too,
but you're his parents.

Yes. And if we went
by the book,
we would recuse ourselves.

- We're not gonna do...
- Look. I know that it's hard...

No, no, no.
Not hard, impossible.

- But go ahead.
- Okay, if we did nothing,

and then the person
who took Keith gets away,

we would never,
ever forgive ourselves!

Look, I get that.
But you being involved
could guarantee she gets away.

Okay? If you catch her,

a defense attorney
will use your involvement

to prove the investigation
was biased.

Okay? That facts were bent.

That it was less of a case
and more of a vendetta.

You have to let me
take point on this, okay?

I'll fill you in
every step of the way.
You have my word.


Mike is right.

For now, he takes point.

- Guys.
- [Nikki] Yeah, hey.

Okay, so Trevor said
that Briana worked weekends
bartending at Morgan's,

but Mr. Morgan who...

By the by, it reminds
of this fling I once had
with Mahatma...

- Kemi.
- This is not the right time.
Got it.

Mr. Morgan said
that she quit six months ago.

Well, she lied about
her Saturday nights

and then pulled a no-show
at the wedding.

Maybe our blushing bride
isn't so blushing after all.

And she isn't so broke either.

Six months ago,
Briana set up a C corporation

called the CeramicAngel.

She made $200,000
in six months?

Probably not from slinging
margaritas at happy hour.

So, the CeramicAngel web page
describes the company

as a "specialized
content creator."

And among
the itemized deductions
is a gym membership,

which tells us nothing
but makes me insanely jealous.

Does the company
have an address?

I guess you could
call it that.

Okay. Oh, wow.

[Jason] This is corporate headquarters.

At least
she's got low overhead.

How is somebody making 200,000
creating content like this?

I don't think it's the content
the people are paying for

but the outfit she's wearing
while creating the content.

Looks like our blushing bride
is a secret camgirl.

There are 86 boys between
the ages of 11 and 14

who were reported missing
in the last two years.

None of them named Max.

Off those, 22 went missing
around the same time
that Keith said Max showed up.

Now, we don't know
where Keith was being held,

but he said it was about
a 25-minute drive away

from the convenience store
where we found him.

If we assume all the other
victims were taken

in that same general vicinity,

we get eight kids.
And one of those eight...

His name is Joseph Maxwell.

If he was reported missing,
there must be a police report.

Yeah, there is.
Filed in Jersey.

Maxwell lived
in a homeless encampment
right across the border.

That's it? Two pages?

He was a homeless kid.
His parents are deceased.

In the camp one day,
out the next.

Now, the presumption
is he moved on.

Only reason
he was reported missing
is 'cause another kid

in the camp insisted
he had been taken.

Cory Evers.

Yep. I'm on my way
to get him now.

Uh... Should we go
over what to ask him?

- No, no. I got it.
- We need to make sure

- that we cover every base.
- Hey, hey, hey.

I got it, okay?

No, no, no.
She's not that type of girl.

She's, she's,
she's kind. She's sweet...

No one is saying that
she isn't any of those things.

We took a pledge.

We were waiting
until marriage.

She's the love of my life.

Maybe you should have a seat.

[Nikki clears throat]

Hey, guys! Ceramic Angel here.

Man, I have had a tough day.

How about you?

You wanna talk about it?

If you want,
you can message me
and we can connect.

I know that when I open up,
I feel a lot better.

- You had no idea about this?
- [Briana]
I'm sure you will too.

That my fiancée
is a porn star?

No, I did not!

It's a subscriber website
called Fan of Yours.

They have music, cooking,
um, adult content

and for a price,
direct contact
with the models.

Direct contact.
Well, that's a polite way
to put it.

Direct contact through texts.

Okay? Not in person,
it's not pornography.

It's a...

therapy for lonely people.

[Jason] Mm-hmm.

In Briana's case,
for 15,000 people.


watch her do this?

to watch her do this.

It's not bad because
that narrows down
our suspect pool

to one of her subscribers.

- Ooh, that's lovely.
- [Kemi] Hey!

- What?
- It looks lovely, but...

what it says about Trevor
and Briana, not so much.

- Which isn't all
that surprising, actually.
- Mm.

Briana had dozens
of blocked users.

Maybe one of them was,
I don't know,
a possessive nutjob

who couldn't stand the idea
of his secret camgirl

marrying somebody else?
I don't know.

Hey, about
this rose situation...

- Yeah?
- You putting in a good word

for Trevor and Briana
with whomever
you put in a good word with,

maybe you could do that
for me with Rachel?

Please, tell me that
you called her to apologize
for standing her up?

I... I did in my head.

Oh. The Orishas
are helper spirits,
they're not miracle workers.

We got a hit on the alert.
Another Fan of Yours model

says that Briana had a stalker.

Well, there goes
the runaway bride angle.

Someone was leaving notes
on her windshield

demanding she returns
what's not hers.

Notes on your windshield
means that he's local, though.

- You could filter that
with the blocked users.
- Yes, I can.

Okay, that leaves PlaidTshirt77.

Real name: Henry Starkey.

He paid $47,589.

That was before his account
was blocked three months ago.

That is a lot of money
just to be booted.

- Find Starkey, see what
he has to say for himself.
- I got it.

Hey, Cory.
You're not in trouble.

But a friend of yours is.
Jo Maxwell.

I already told
the cops about Max.

They didn't care.

Why do you?

My fiancée's a cop.

And her son was taken.

We think it might be
the same person who took Max.

So, you're only looking
to get a cop's kid back?

No, no. He escaped.
We're not...

We're not looking for him.

We're looking for the person
who took him.

And if you help us out,
there's a good chance

that we could find her
and we could find Max.


Know what a Bluetooth tag is?

Yeah. It's a small
tracking device.

That way, us street kids
can keep track of each other
on our phones.

We'd put them in our shoes
so we could always
find each other.

You think you could find him?

[breathing shakily]

I tried.

Followed the signal
up the 611 to Berg Point.

[Mike] Hmm.

It went dead after that.

My fear is he did too.

You know, Bluetooth tags,
they work on a mesh network.

They get the signal sent from
Wi-Fi routers and cellphones.

So, if Max was taken
somewhere remote,

Cory's cellphone might not
be getting a signal,

but a network
of cellphones might.

And if there is no network?

I get my guy
to make us a network.

Or I have a better idea.

You give me your guy's name
and then I do it.

Because I'm running point
and you both agreed
not to be involved.

Mike. If he can find
the signal,

he can find Max. Okay?
It's our best shot.

We have to try it.

All right, fine.

I'll work on the Briana case
until you get a location

off the signal,
then you give it to me,
and then I go.

- Understood?
- You have my word.

All right.

- You ready?
- Yeah. Let me just stop

at the evidence locker,
pick up a few things.

[birds chirping]

[knocking on door]

- Hi.
- [Kemi] Can I help you?

Detective Adebayo.

Is Henry home?

I'm Henry.
Is something wrong?

Tell me about Briana Williams.

I don't know who that is.

Or why we had
to talk in private.

You might know her
as Ceramic Angel.

Oh, Lord.
You know about that?

It's why we're talking
in private.

Oh. [chuckling]

No, I appreciate that.
But Gloria knows.

When she found how much money
I spent on that damn site,
she about blew her head off.

Or mine.

Still... not illegal
last I checked.

No, but kidnapping is.

Briana Williams
went missing yesterday.

Well, that's awful,
but if you think I'm somehow
involved in that...

I mean, you sent her
angry messages.

Your account was blocked.

There were threatening notes
left on her car.

I don't know anything
about that.

I've never met her.

Yeah, I said some
angry things in the chat,

that's because I felt betrayed.

Because she was getting married.

Because she was a bot.

- A bot?
- I asked her in a chat

what clay she liked to use.

"I prefer kaolin,
it's so pearly."

Then I asked her when
she started to make pottery.

Same answer.

What's her favorite book
or movie?

"I prefer kaolin,
it's so pearly."

Same answer.

Like she was stuck in a loop.

That's because she was.

Because she wasn't a she,
she was an algorithm.

The girl I thought
I was pouring
my heart out to,

I'd never even talked to. Once.

Yesterday between 5 to 7,
where were you?

Ham radio club.

A group of us meet
every Saturday.

If that's when it happened,
well, I got 10 guys

who will swear
I couldn't have done it.

So, Henry's alibi checks out.

If a fan took Briana,
it wasn't him.

No, I don't think
it was a fan.

I went through the e-mails.

Six months ago, Briana hired
somebody to grow her brand

through ads, promotions,
and automated client interaction.

- Okay, so bots.
- Yeah.

Sam Lindquist grew her
from 800 subscribers to 15,000.

And the e-mails show
that he gets a cut-off

of what each new
subscriber pays.

So, an e-pimp?

But where is the motive
to take Briana?

He makes money when she does.

Exactly. Watch this.

I have some news that I wanted
to share with you all.

First, the happy news.

I met someone
and I'm in love.

His name is Trevor
and we're engaged.

Which brings me
to the less happy news.

This is my last video.

Now, a week ago,
the golden goose
decides to call it quits.

But in the e-mails,
Lindquist was livid.

Even refused to post the video.

Last thing that he wanted
was for her to get married.

Well, there's our motive.

Uh, let's bring this e-pimp in
and see if he had opportunity,

along with bad teeth
and gold chains.

- Yep.
- [Mike chuckling]

I told you on the phone.
I do weddings

and I do car shows. And I do
the occasional quinceañera.

- That's it.
- You remember the Mitchells?

Steve and Annie? He did
their daughter's bat mitzvah.

It was... 500 drones
recreating the Six-Day w*r.

It was beautiful.
He is extremely talented.

- I'm not a spy.
- [Nikki] No, no, no.

We're not trying
to spy on anyone.

We are trying to find someone.

Okay? There was a child
that was abducted

and he's being held
somewhere very remote.

[Jason] Yeah. The kid's got
a Bluetooth tag, right?

And we believe
it's still active,

but we can't get
close enough to detect it.

I mean, we could.
We could drive around the woods

for the next two years,
or your drones

could cover that same
ground in what,
like an hour?

Y... Yeah.

His name is Max, okay?

We don't know how long ago
he was taken,

but every hour that passes
reduces our chances
of ever finding him.

And detecting that signal...

- may be our only chance.
- [Jason] Yeah.

We need your drones.
That's it. Simple.

Okay, look. Like, I have
the drones to cover the area,

but even if I help you,

you're gonna need a cellphone
for every drone

in order to track the signal.

So, unless you have a few
hundred phones lying around...

We do not,
but the evidence locker did.

Easily a few hundred phones.

You got yourself some drones.

[zipping, clattering]


Why are you so serious?

We're finally gonna catch
Keith's kidnapper.

I know.

I just...
I can't help but think that

she is doing to Max was she did
to Keith and that is just...

almost too much to bear.


[drones buzzing loudly]

Here we go.

[suspenseful music]

Can I help you?

I'm here to see
Detective Sherman.

You're Sam Lindquist?

No. She is.

So, you created the bots
to what, scam people?

No, it was for fun.

And it was for money.

A lot of money.

This isn't a joke, Samantha.

[Samantha] Fine. Whatever.

It started because
my older sister

has a big following
on Fan of Yours.

Madison's involved in this?

She's a performer.

And I'm an OPM.

Online personality manager.

Maddy has fans
that like to talk to her.

She was spending
too much time online

and her grades started to slip,

so I said I'd make some bots,
try to help her out.

You made bots for other women?

Like I said, it's kind of fun.

You know, you've gotta develop
these personalities,

learn to type
like other people.

Older clients are challenging

'cause they like to put these
periods in their sentences.

I bet you do that, huh?

What's wrong
with using periods?

Nothing. The olds are big
on periods. Yeah.

And double spacing
after periods.

How did you learn
how to do this?

Guess I've always
just liked coding.

Wait, wait. Don't you feel bad
for cheating the subscribers?

Cheating them?

I'm not cheating them,
I'm helping them.

Yeah, I mean,
models can't talk to
that many subscribers.

It's impossible.

So, they just talk
through my bots.

Fans feel special,
models feel safe,

and I get paid,
so win-win-win.

Yeah, until the models
wanna retire.

You stood to lose a lot
of money when Briana did.

Yeah, and I tried
to talk her out of it,

but I don't kidnap people.

I mean, I've got plenty
of clients.

If anybody had a financial
incentive to kidnap her,

it's the kidnapper.

What do you mean?
Well, on my way over here,

I get a notification saying
there's been
suspicious activity

on Briana's Fan of Yours
cash account.

Yeah, I know.
So I tried to open it,

but I guess I'm locked out.
I don't know.

All right. Well, we're
gonna have to unlock it.

I'm gonna need the account
number and the access code.

I don't know, Jay.

Whatever's out there,
I'm not sure I wanna see it.

Whatever it is, we will
face it together. Okay?

- [beeping]
- Got something.

- Come on.
- No, no.

I told Mike we'd let him
take it from here, okay?

I gave him my word.

I know.

This isn't about Mike, Nik.

It's about finding the monster
that took our son.

Check it out. Yeah.

You and I both know
we can't leave this alone.

[suspenseful music]

[floor boards creaking]


[ominous music]

[Nikki gasps softly]

[Jason] Found the tag.

Once Keith ran...

She must've known we'd get her
sooner or later.

I think we need
to bring Keith here.

That's a bad idea, Jay.

This is evil. Okay?

It's gotta be stopped.


I accessed Briana's
cash account.

[Mike] And?

And it turns out
the suspicious activity

was a cash withdrawal
of $47,589.

The exact amount that Henry
spent on Briana?

Yup. I'll call Judge Shapiro
and get an arrest warrant

so we can bring Henry in
and bring back Briana.

Yeah, about that,

I don't think Henry took her.

What, you think someone
just happened to demand

These are the text messages
that Henry sent to Briana.

On the left, the ones
when it was all good.

On the right, the angry ones

when he was demanding
his money back.

Now, the words and phrasing
are the same,

but the way
that they're written
is different.

Now, I called Sam Lindquist.

Yes, my theory rests

on a 17-year-old girl
with an attitude problem,
but still.

The extra letters,

it's called
expressive lengthening.

See, women at two times
more likely to do that
than men.

On the left,

"Oh, my god,
you're so beautiful."

Right, "OMG, I can't believe
what you've done."

See, men spell that out.
Women, not so much.

Now next, two spaces
after the period on the left,

one on the right.

Now, if Henry didn't write
these angry text messages,

my question is, who did?


The only other person
who wanted the money

and who could access
the cash account to get it:

his wife. Gloria.


I love weddings.

I loved my wedding.

I love my husband.

And he loved me.

Until you seduced him.

[Briana whimpering]

You were smart to give me
the access codes.

I got what I wanted.

What I deserved.

And you...

You got a message
to stay away from my husband.

I got my life back.

So now...

[panicked whimpering]

you get yours back.

Come on, get up.

It's time to go.

[fighting grunts]


[both grunting]

[glass breaking]

[breathing heavily]

[glass breaking]

[panting furiously]

I need a hand with something.

Can it wait 'til after
the game, hun?

I woke up at 5 a.m.,
cooked your breakfast,

made your bed and washed
your laundry.

And all the while,
you sat on your ass!

Now, I'm asking for help.

And no, it cannot wait
until after the game, hun!

Okay, okay. I'll help.

What's gotten into you?

Is that blood?

[ominous music]


I don't understand.

W... What happened?

It's your floozy!
The pottery girl!

Yeah, I know who it is,
Why is she here?

What the hell did you do?

I do what you fail to do.

I've got our retirement
money back!

Oh, my God.

Is she dead?

I was about to let her go
but she att*cked me.

I defended myself!

Do you realize the police
are looking for her?

- This is insane!
- Don't you dare, Henry!

You fell for this idiot
and gave her all our money!

You created this mess.

I just tried to clean it up!

You said you wanted to save
our marriage.

That's what you told me,
God and Dr. Meyer.

So, unless everything you said
in couples therapy was a lie,

you will help me.


Help you how?

We have to get rid
of the body!

[door creaking]

It's okay.

House is totally clear, buddy.
Nobody's here. It's just us.

[floor board creaking]

I used to hear that at night.

Above me, when she walked,
the floor was creaking.

It's like the house was alive.

[Nikki] This room, does it look
familiar to you?

Keith, uh...

Do we have the right place?

I didn't spend
much time up here.

Downstairs is
where we were kept.

[Nikki] Hey.

You don't have to
go down there.

[Keith] It's fine.

If it helps find Max.

[ominous music]

This is it.

This is it.

Hey. You okay?

I'm fine, I'm fine.
Trust me.

You said you talked to each
other through a vent?

Yeah, he was in
the next room over.


There is no next room over.
His room was over there...

Doesn't make any sense.

[door creaking]

[Nikki] Hey, what is it?

[Jason] I think I found Max.

[tense music]


Living room clear!

- [distant officers shouting]
- Clear!

[tense music]

- Did you see their cellphones?
- No.

Okay. Let's get a tracer
on them.

Whatever happened here,
hopefully they panicked

- and forgot to toss them.
- Okay.

Rachel and C are still
at the cabin, okay?

CSI is there.

If there is a lead to be found,
they will find it.

[cellphone vibrating]

It's Mike.

- Hey.
- It wasn't Henry.

It was his wife.

Or at least we think it was.

We got a track
on their cellphones.

Loop me in and send me
the location.

I'll meet you there, okay?

Hey, uh, the signal.

Did Jay's guy find it?

Yeah, he did.

Okay, great. Send me a text
message of the location

and we'll get a Tac Team
as soon as we can.

That won't be necessary. I...

Oh, Mike, it was horrific.

You gave me your word, Nik.

I know...

Your word.

And part of me wishes
that I kept it.

And the other part?

Wishes that you understood
why I didn't.

This is insane.

You want sane?
Don't cheat on your wife.

Okay, it's enough.
Now, go get her.

We're never gonna get
away with this.

Not if you don't stop
whining, we won't.

- [gasping, muffled screaming]
- Oh! Oh!

Holy Mother of God,
she's alive!

[gasping frantically]

- [panicked breaths]
- It's okay! You're okay!

Can you breathe?

[out of breath] I don't know...

Where am I?

No! No! Get away from me!

Easy, I'm not gonna hurt you!

Oh, dear God, shut up, Henry!

We have to get her
to a hospital.

So she can ID us
to the police?
I don't think so.

Just let me go! I'm not gonna
tell anybody, I promise!

That ship has sailed, honey.

I know this is hard,
but at this point,

we're short on options.

- Henry, step away from her.
- Wha...
What are you gonna do?

- Move away from her, Henry.
- Gloria, you can't do this.

I can and I will.
Now move!

- I won't.
- Stop taking her side!

I'm not taking her side!

[sobbing] I didn't mean
to hurt anybody!

I can't believe after
all of this, you choose her?

I'm not choosing her!

Then get away from her!

- I won't ask a...
- [g*nsh*t]


[scream of terror]

[Briana] Help!
Somebody help me!

Hey, Jason.
Uh, Henry has been stationary
for the last 20 minutes.

It looks like
he's on the corner
of Roscoe and Belden.

- On my way.
- Yeah, we'll see you there.

Hey, uh, when we meet Jason,

try not to bite his head off.

They're gonna blow
Keith's case.

Mike, it's an impossible situation.

If I was Nikki,
I wouldn't have been able

- to sit
on the sidelines either.
- She doesn't see it.

Or she doesn't want to.
Neither of them do.

Is that what
this is really about?

The case?

What else would it be about?


Her and Jason
being on one side
and you on the other?

Look, blended families
are hard.

And no matter what, you know,
they could be doing nothing.

And it wouldn't make any sense.
There's gotta be times

that you feel like
you're the odd man out.

No. Has nothing
to do with that.

And no, I don't.

Saying you're never jealous?


- Nervous?
- No.

- Worried?
- Absolutely not.

Okay. Then act like it.

That's Henry's car right there.

[suspenseful music]

All right. Lead the way.

If there's any friendly fire,
leave me out of it.

He's dead ahead.

Oh, God. It's Henry!

His pulse is weak.

- He's lost a lot of blood.
- [distant g*nsh*t]

All right, call 911
and meet them by the road,
all right?

Let's go.

- [g*nsh*t]
- [Gloria] Give up!
Because I won't!


Honestly, I don't know
what Henry saw in you

other than a pretty face.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

I love Trevor.
He's all I care about.

Then you shouldn't
have led on my husband.

I'm sorry!

Oh, you will be.

Gloria, put the g*n down.

Drop the g*n right now.

Of course.

Treat me
like the bad guy here.

I'm not the one selling
delusions and fantasies.

She destroyed my marriage,
my life!

I'm just returning the favor!

I know you're angry,
I know you're upset,

and more than that,
you're hurt.

And you feel betrayed
by somebody you care about.

I get it, I do.

But you can't let Henry's
failings turn you

into something you're not,
a k*ller.

[whispering] I shot him.

I shot Henry.

We got to Henry, okay?
We're helping him.

Look, I'm putting
the g*n away.

All right?
What happens next?

You sh**t her,
sh**t my partner
and you sh**t me?

Gloria, look at me.
Look at me. It's over.

It's over.

Give me the g*n.


Put the g*n down.

No, no, no, no!
Hey, hey, hey!

[Briana screaming]


Come here. You're okay.

You're okay. Shh! You're okay.

- You're okay.
- [Gloria sobbing]

You're all right. It's over.

Shh. I know, I know, I know.

I know, I know.
It's over. Come on.

I thought I was doing
post-mortem on one victim.

You were.
Things have changed
since then.

And for the worse.

You could've called
and told me.

Kind of like you would
if you agreed
to have dinner with me

then didn't show up.
Oh, wait.

- Yeah, well, about that...
- Look. I get it.

Sometimes I come on strong
and it can spook guys.

But you could've been honest
instead of stringing me along.

I'm an adult. I can handle it.

[stammering] I... I...

Let's just get this done
and get this over with.

I've got a date in two hours.

- Hey.
- Cadaver dog got a hit,

so we called up
the recovery team.

That's just the tip
of the iceberg.

We found a few more sites

with soil disturbances,
so we rolled out
the ground-penetrating radar.

How many bodies
have you found?


So far.

[ominous music]

[indistinct radio chatter]

What the hell happened?

Cadaver dogs found five more
sets of human remains.

Initial exams show that
they were
possibly malnourished.

Dental work is practically

You think there were
living in the street
like Jo Maxwell was?

Yeah, I do.

So, we got an M.O.:
someone who likes
to prey on homeless kids.

And that someone,
a serial k*ller.

Look, that room with
the scalpels and the IVs,

it appears as though each
of them were the subjects

of some sort of surgical procedure.

It might've been the cause
of death. I don't know.
It's too soon to tell.

C, bring the bodies
to the morgue
for Rachel to identify, okay?

- Yeah.
- [Jason] I'll go with him.

We find out who they are
and inform the families.

Thank you.


I know that you don't think
I should be here.

Yeah, Kemi thinks that
I'm jealous of you and Jay.

That I'm nervous and worried.

She thinks that's
the real reason

why I don't want you
working the case.

Is that the real reason?

She says that blended
families are hard.

And that it's only natural
that I feel like
the third wheel sometimes.

Mike, if I have done anything
to make you feel that way...

No, no, you haven't.

And Jay hasn't, and I don't.

So, that's not why
you don't want us
working the case?

Of course it is.

That doesn't make any sense.

She said that too.

Kemi is annoyingly perceptive.


what does make sense,

the only thing that makes
perfect sense

is that you and Jay
do everything possible

to find the person
that took your son.

And nobody should keep you
from doing that.

Least of all, me.

[indistinct chatter]

- [computer beeps]
- Hey, guys.

Wow, this is gonna be hard. Um...

No, no. I really
don't wanna see this.

No, I get it, I get it.

Briana had a secret.

A part of her that
she didn't share with you.

It's easy to see that
as a deal-breaker
in a relationship.

But I think that if you watch
the rest of this video,

you will understand
why it's not.

[sighing] Okay.

- [computer beeps]
- I have some news

that I wanted
to share with you.

I met someone.

I'm in love!

His name is Trevor and, um...

we're engaged.

Which does bring me
to the less happy news.

This is my last video.

But I just... I wanted
to thank you for everything.

And I really hope
that you all find someone

who makes you as happy
as Trevor makes me.

You're a lucky man.

Now, go tell her that.

[reflective music]

[whispering] Yeah.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.


[door closing]

That was sweet.

For them, yes. For you,
I was hoping instructional.

I heard it didn't go
so well with Rachel.

Briana didn't tell Trevor
her truth

because she thought that
she would lose him if she did.

And you think
she was an idiot?

Total moron.

Okay, so, I've been
a total moron.

You're too kind.
On yourself.

I stood you up for dinner,
I never explained why.

Which was super lame.

And then, I ghosted you.

Dear God, can you skip
your greatest hits

and get to
your apology already?

I just, in the past,
when I've let people
get to know the real me,

it hasn't always worked out
and I just...

It's made me a little g*n-shy.

[chuckling] What are you,
like a secret fascist
or something?


No, I...

But there is something that
I need you to know about me.

Let me guess. Um...

You don't go to movies
or concerts.

You get overstimulated.


Yes. Yes, but no.


that's not what
I'm trying to say.

Well, what then?

You can only order takeout
through an app

and drive-throughs
are tough for you?

I know about
your social anxiety.

I'm a trans man.

And I just...

I didn't know if you knew.

Um... And...

Yeah, I hate drive-throughs
and fabric softeners

and, um, contrary
to popular opinion,

I thought Game of Thrones
was overrated, so...

Okay. I...


That is, uh... a problem.


But how do you feel
about House of the Dragon?

Okay, well, um, I...

I don't know, I think
House of the Dragon is, um...


- Well...
- You really are a moron.


All right. ME's office
identified the bodies
and none of them are Max.

The other six families
have been notified.

So, Max is still out there
but we're no closer to finding
him or Keith's kidnapper.

Maybe we are.

All these boys,
they were identified

that they lived

in different encampments.
They all come from
different cities,

but I did find
one thing they had in common.

They all received
medical treatment

from a health clinic
called Cradle Mobile.

You think that someone that
worked for that organization

maybe who we're looking for?

I don't know. Maybe.
But I got a list

of all the doctors who worked
the mobile cites
in the last seven years.

I got names, I got photos.

I really wanna show it
to Keith.

[ominous music]

You know,
the person is in there.

But if you don't remember,
it's okay.

This her?

That's her.

Beth Colt.

She's the monster that took me.

You believe in heaven,
don't you, Max?

I don't know.

Heaven is a happy ending
for those who do noble deeds.

When you think about it
like that,

death isn't so scary.


I just wanna go home.

The Lord calls us
all home eventually.

Now, I want you
to get some sleep.

You've got a big day tomorrow.


[birds twittering]

[breathing shakily]


[heart monitor beeping]

[Beth] It's perfect.

Steady, strong.

Just like my Noah.


Though... it would help
if you'd try to relax, dear.

Please. I don't understand
why I'm here.

What do you... what do you
want from me?

Oh, it's not about
what I want.

It's about
what Noah needs.

My son. He's about your age.

There's another boy here?

He was asking about you
just this morning.

He called you
his guardian angel!

[Beth laughs]

Would you like to meet him?

[breathing shakily]

He's... fragile now. Resting.

So you'll have to keep
your voice down.

Noah. Sweetheart,
are you awake?

I've brought you a visitor.

- What's wrong with him?
- His heart is broken.

He needs a new one.

But thanks to you,
today is his lucky day.

Bless you, child.

[Nikki] Here's what we know.

The remains of six young men
were found at a cabin
in Hyde Park.

Joe Maxwell
wasn't one of them.

CSI's still on site,
but we have to assume

that he's alive and Beth Colt
still has him.

[Mike] So everything Colt
told the clinic

that she volunteered at
was a lie.

The medical license, name,
address, all falsified.

And the only thing that's real
on that screen is her photo,

which we ran through the AMA's
physician master file database.

Her real name
is Elizabeth Coulter.

She's a trauma surgeon.
NYU class of '04.

[Jason] Single mother,
a flourishing career

until her seven-year-old son
Noah was diagnosed
with Amyloidosis.

It's a disease that causes
multi-system organ failure.

She tried getting him
on every transplant list,

but he did not
qualify because...

Because they don't give
a kidney to a kid

who'll need a lung
three months later.

- It's... heartbreaking.
- And confusing.

Her son dies,
she goes off the grid,

she changes her ID
and then just starts k*lling
other kids? Why?

For a start, I don't think
her son is dead.

Amyloidosis is incurable.

I don't think he's cured,
I think he's not dead.

The autopsy results
on the bodies
found at the cabin

show that all six died
of exsanguination,

and that's not even
the most upsetting part.

Uh, this is the most
upsetting part.

Organ removal.

Yeah, each victim had at least
one vital organ removed.

Heart, liver, kidney.

So you're saying
that she's harvesting organs

from kidnapped kids
to keep her son alive?

I'm not not saying that.

Halothane is a banned anesthetic.

[Kemi] Banned, but not
out of circulation.

I know people who still use it.

Mob doctors,
back alley surgeons...

Halothane is more
than the legal stuff,

so almost every
bargain basement
bottom dweller uses it.

Although... I think
it's highly unlikely

that they're gonna offer up
their suppliers to a cop.

How about to a patient?

Mr. Jones.
Glad you came in today.

It says here you want
a nose job.

Yeah, um,
it's obviously not cosmetic.

I have a deviated septum.

Did you want to take care
of the hairline
while we're at it?

What's wrong with my hairline?
My hairline's perfect.

Maybe give
the cheekbones a boost.

We're currently doing
a two-for-one deal.

On cheekbones? Huh...
People do one cheekbone?

I'm just saying
that I can help you
with whatever you need.

Well, uh, clearly,
I need a lot,

so how much for
the two-for-one deal?

It's a 650 deposit.
We take E-Pay.

There's a barcode
on the paperwork there,

it's standard stuff
if you want
to take a moment to read...

All right, well, here's what
I'm gonna do instead.

I'm gonna, uh,
read you your rights.

I'm with the Philadelphia
Police Department.

You just earned yourself

And I know you like a deal,
so I can knock that down

maybe 10 percent if you tell me
who your halothane supplier is.

- You got 10 seconds, 10, 9...
- Fine.

But you didn't hear
any of this from me.


There's three local suppliers.

Show me your hands!

Come on. Move!

Police! Don't move!

Hands off the g*n!

[door banging]


Down on the ground!
Get down!


I need you to listen
to me very carefully,

'cause I'm only gonna
say this one time.

I'm not here as a cop,
I'm here as a father.

What you sold, you sold to
a woman who abducted my son.

Her name's Elizabeth Coulter.

I need to know
where I can find her,

and I need to know right now.

- Sad story.
- Is it?

- I wish I could help.
- You don't. Uh, but you will.

Maybe... Maybe you're just
camera shy.

I know what you're thinking.

But a child is being
harvested for parts.

Jay is doing his best
to keep that from happening.

Doing the wrong thing
for the right reasons

is still doing the wrong thing.

- Mike...
- But what I'm thinking is...

I don't really have
a better idea.

It's the scumbag
in room three.

Coulter had him send
the halothane

to a shipping and receiving
warehouse in Callowhill.

You have an address?

[gulls cawing]

[Jason] I hate stakeouts.

You want to act,
you feel this urgency,

but all you can do is wait.

I hate them
for another reason.

- Ken was a good dude.
- Great partner. My friend.

After he was k*lled...

those were some dark days.

Not so dark too, on the couch.

You were supposed to stay over
to help me grieve.

Well, I did. Sex is a way
to cope with grief.

Then we did a copious amount
of coping, then.

Whatever happened
to that couch?

I don't know.

It was a nice couch, though.


[suspenseful music]

There she is.
The woman who took Keith.

I'll get closer,
get a positive ID.

You go around the back.

[door buzzing]

Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, police, open this up.

[door buzzer sounding]

[truck honking]



[phone ringing]


- [gasping]
- [Joseph]
Hello, can you hear me?

Please. Please, wake up.

- Max?
- Yeah.

How did you know?

My name is Nikki.
I'm a police officer.

- I've been looking for you.
- She was just here.

She said she was coming
right back.

Is she alone?
Have you seen anyone else?

[door opens]

Good. You're awake.

- What are you doing?
- Just a mild sedative.

- Wait.
- It'll make you feel better.

You don't have to do this.
Beth. I'm a police officer.

I know about your son.

That you want to save him,
right? But at what cost?

I won't bury my child.

Because of that,
six other mothers
had to bury theirs.

- I was almost number seven.
- Oh, my God.

You held my son.

Yours was the one
that got away. How poetic.

These transplants
require a lot of blood.

Your son was a steady supply.

You had no right.

I never took more
than he could handle.

Still, his was a noble deed.

But now here you are,
in his place,

ready to do the same.

Of course, open heart surgery
is much more extensive.

We'll likely have
to bleed you dry.

[muffled grunting]

I don't care if the vice
president is in town, okay?

I don't care
if it's the president.

I don't care if it's the pope,

I don't care
if it's the ghost
of Queen Elizabeth.

She needs a babysitter,
she can pay 20 dollars an hour

like everybody else.
One of ours is missing.

Forget the motorcade
and help us find her, please!

Yeah, they're staring,
but they're not annoyed.

They're happy
somebody's screaming about it,
and so am I.

Halothane supplier,
what do you got? Anything?

Look, just to be clear,
to find Nicole,
no lanes, okay?

- Anything goes.
- I got you. What do you got?

- Come on.
- You got clamps, anesthesia,

CT scanner, surgical table,
dialysis machine, stirrups.

All sent to the shipping address.

- Why hasn't the alert gone out?
- I asked them to wait.

- Well, what for?
- So I could be the one

to tell my kids that
their mother is missing.

Jason, Jason. Please tell them
that we're going to do

everything that
we possibly can.
And once that alert is issued,

I will see to it
that it's reissued

- with regular updates, okay?
- Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Say that again.

- Tell Sid and Keith...
- No, no, regular updates.

- What about it?
- Yeah. Certain medical devices

have regular software
updates remotely.

If one of the machines that
she has gets those updates,

we'll be able to track her
through her IP address.

Let's go. Let's go,
let's go, let's go.

Hey, Sid. Listen,
I need to talk to you
and your brother right now.

[door opens]

Hey, Dad wants to talk to us.

Okay. Knocking would be good.

"Dear diary, when will
the fuzz on my lip
turn into a real moustache"?

I never saw you
as a journal keeper.

We... learned
to do it in therapy.

It's part of
the healing process.

Oh. Sorry.

Dad, you still there?

Yeah, hey, uh, I gotta
tell you both something.

- It's important.
- Dad, if this is about finding

the person that took me,
I've been reading about
what happens next...

- No, no, Keith...
- No, I know.

I'll have to identify her,
testify against her.

When I escaped, I thought
I'd never have to be

in the same room
as her again, but...

Hey, listen.
It's not about that,

it's about Mom.
Something happened to her.

What? What happened to her?

She was taken.

[alarm blaring]

We need to focus
on getting out.

- No, we can't escape her.
- Of course we can.

You know, she took my son once.

She held him, just like you.

And he escaped.

You can do it too.

You have the same fight in you,
I can tell.

Now, um...

You see that IV
in your arm right there?

I'm gonna need you
to take it out.

What if she comes back?

Maybe we should just wait
for the police.

I don't think
we have time to wait.

Come on, Max, you can do this.

Grab the plastic tube
right there and pull.

Now, uh, give the tube
a firm yank.


That's okay.
That's what we want.

You see that surgical table
right there?

It has tools that you can use
to free yourself, Max.

How's your aim?
Ever play cornhole?

- With the beanbags?

- Yeah.
- Instead of a beanbag,
you have an IV bag.

Which you're gonna throw
onto that surgical table,

and then you're gonna
take the tube,

and then reel it over to you.

Take your time.

Yeah. Oh, that's perfect.

That's great. Just, uh...

Come on, reel it in.
Reel it in, yeah.


Can you reach the syringe?



Now, here's what
I need you to do.

Dialysis machines,
they get software updates.

This is good, but to track it,
we need to know
who the manufacturer is.

CMT Incorporated,
and we already pulled
the warrant.

It's a map
of every CMT customer

who has a dialysis machine
in the greater metro area.

Those are IP addresses
that CMT provided.

- How many addresses is this?
- 145.

That's too many addresses,
we don't have time.

We got a hit on the alert.

Colt's car was spotted
in the vicinity of Alden Park.

Oh, yeah, that area,
I count... ten.

Ten? Ten, we can do.
Ten's good.

[Kemi] And to paraphrase
our fearless leader,

- let's bring our baby back.
- But I want to come with you!

Are you field trained?

Captain Batista
gave me a chance, trusted me
when nobody else did.

I shot a g*n once!

Fine, let's go. Ride with me.

[suspenseful music]

[inaudible conversations]

I want you to push
the needle halfway in, okay?

Not all the way. And then,
bend the tip

You're gonna feel
a little resistance.

I don't think it's working.

Come on,
just keep trying, Max.

You got this, okay?
You can do this.

It worked.
Get your straps.

There you go.
Now the straps on your legs.

You're amazing.

Okay, now grab the scalpel
and cut my straps.

Come on. Come on, come on.

She's coming.
Wait. Stop, wait.

[footsteps approaching]

[door creaking]

Okay, go, go.

[panting] Oh...

Come on.

Hey. We're gonna get you
out of here.

Come on.


Once you're out,
you're gonna run.

Go to a neighbor's house,
wherever you think

that it's safe, and then...
then call 911.

You're not coming with me?

There's another boy in here
that needs my help.

Noah. Yeah, I saw him.

There's something wrong
with him.

I know, I'm gonna get him,

and then we'll be right
behind you, okay?

You have to go. Come on.

Careful, careful. Shh.



I'm a police officer, Noah.
I'm here to help.

Noah, can you stand?

Noah? Can you talk?

Oh, my God.

It's rude to enter
someone's room uninvited.

She's not in trouble,
she was taken.

Yeah, this was such a bad idea.

- Where's Sidney?
- In her room, terrified.

Waiting by the phone
for an update.

You gotta calm down, okay?

- Nikki's gonna be all right.
- You don't know that.

Whatever happens to her
is gonna be my fault.

I never
should've said anything.

You couldn't have known
this was going to happen.

What you did was brave.

- Really?
- Yeah.

'Cause from where
I'm standing,

- it looks pretty selfish.
- You tried to stop a woman

from k*lling more kids.
How is that selfish?

- This was about revenge.
- No. This is about justice.

Jason and Nikki
are gonna stop her.

They're gonna be heroes.
You're gonna be a hero,

and that woman is gonna get
what she deserves.

Maybe. Or maybe someone
I care about
is gonna end up dead.

Another dead end,
what do you got?

I just got off the phone
with Joe Maxwell.

Captain Batista
helped him escape.

He got to a convenience store,
he called 911.

Wait, where's Nikki?

He said she stayed behind
to help save Noah.

[phone ringing]

I'm on my way, Mike,
almost there.

We're rerouting
all the vehicles to you.

Ten minutes max.

You said that when it comes
to finding Nikki,
anything goes.

Did you mean it?

Yeah, I did. I do.

Then I'm not waiting
for backup.

Good. I can't lose her, Jay.

My sweet, brave boy.

We're almost ready.

- [clattering]
- [Nikki] Beth. He's dead.

You can't bring him back.

I think we'd better
settle you down.

[Nikki grunting]

[muffled speech]

Wait, wait, wait.
Wait, your son.

Before you put me under,
you should...

you should know something
about your son.

Come here.

It's clear, uh...
he doesn't get
his looks from you.


[cylinder valve squeaks]

On second thought, maybe
we don't need anesthesia.

[suspenseful music]



Hey, hey, hey! Hands, hands.

Let me see your hands
right now.

Noah will die
without this transplant.

Put down the knife.
No one has to die.

Jay, Noah. Noah.

No, don't you dare.

No. Don't. Don't, don't!
Don't go near him.

Don't go near my son!


You're okay. You all right?

Yeah, I'll be better
once I get out of here. Ow.

- [Jason]
Put some pressure there.
- Yeah.

It's okay, honey.
I won't let them hurt you.

I won't let anyone hurt you.

You're not gonna let
anybody hurt him?

What about my son?
What about my son?


Down on the floor right now,
face down.


Get down on the floor
right now.

- Please don't.
- Please don't?

I thought about what I'd do

in this moment for the last
six years of my life.

- [Nikki] Jay!
- Do you understand? Six years.

- [g*n loads]
- You don't want to do this.

Six years,
there's been a b*llet in this
g*n with your name on it.

- And that's what you deserve.
- I know how you feel, okay?

I feel it too, but you...
you can't do this.

You understand me?
That's what you deserve.

Jay, please. You don't want
to do this, baby.

[breathing heavily]
Think of Sidney.

Six years.

- [sighing]
- Please, Jay.

- My family deserves more.
- Thank you. Oh, God.

Elizabeth Coulter,
you're under arrest

for attempted m*rder,
wrongful imprisonment,

and the kidnapping of my son,
Keith Grant.

[handcuffs clicking]

She can't see you.

I know that this is hard, but
if you can positively ID her,

that is critical evidence
that can be used
against her at trial.

Trial? Won't I have
to testify against her?
She'll see me then.

She will not touch you
ever again.

I promise, okay?

How's Mom?

She's all right. She lost
a little bit of blood,

so she's a little lightheaded.

It's normal, right?

Fifteen stitches, but to catch
your kidnapper,

I promise you she would say
that it is worth it.

Okay? The question is,
did we catch her?

- Number two.
- Number two.

Number two, step forward.


Yeah, that's her.

I know who you are.

You're the one who got away.

[Jason] Come on,
don't worry about it.

She's right.
Keith is the one who got away.

- And Mom. Don't forget Mom.
- [Keith] Yeah,
don't forget Mom.

Yes, Mom and Keith
are the ones who got away.

And while we mourn the loss
of the ones who didn't...

To the ones who didn't.

...but we celebrate
the victory
of the ones who did.

Look, I don't want
to sound corny,

but we can also raise a glass
to justice being served,

and to the bad guy,
or in this case,

bad girl being caught,
and this story
ending happily ever after.

- Aww.
- [Kemi]
That didn't sound corny.

That was a whole can of corn.

- And I loved it. I loved it.
- Thanks.

It was pretty good.
Pretty good, actually.

Come on.


I'm glad Oliver is here.

He's become a good friend,
hasn't he?

He has. I... I definitely
couldn't have gotten
through this without him.

[Kemi chanting indistinctly]

You should probably go save
him from Kemi, though.

Once she starts
rubbing those eggs,

there's no telling
where things may end. Go.

[Kemi chanting in Hausa]


I'm not nuts.


Or psychic,
but dumb and dumber,

I can sense in my sleep, so...

No, no, no, keep going.

Hey, I believe you.
He's the heathen.

[Kemi] Go, both of you,

before I curse you to speak
in tongues or something.

You can do that?

- She can do that?
- Out!


[tense music]

[door opens]

[door closes]

How weird is this?

When she was rubbing the egg,
I actually felt something.

Like what? Like...

Like maybe it's not over?

More like she could see
what I was thinking.

You should be thinking
it's not over.

I'm gonna have to testify
against her in open court.

I know you're scared of that.

You're the only one
who knows why.

Which is why I'll be with you
every step of the way.

You hear me? Every step.

Bro, this is a great day.

You should be flying high
right now.

Look around.
You've got everything
you could ever want.

This house, this family.

- A super-hot sister.
- You did not just say that.


I wish I was
in your shoes, man.

You're set for life.

[car door closes]

[engine starts]

[car approaching]

[tires screeching]


I warned you
not to tell anyone.

I told you what would happen
if you did!

- Hey, you hear that?
- Yeah. Where's Keith?

You will never
get away from me.



[handle clicking]


- Hey!
- Dad! Dad!

- Hey! Hey!
- Dad! Dad!


- [screaming]
- Keith! Baby!

Yes, yes. Black mini SUV,
Pennsylvania plates.

Hey. First three digits,
Whiskey, Delta, Seven.

- That's all I got.
- You got that? Yes.

Good, good. I need the alert
to go out ASAP. Thanks, Sam.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
we'll let you know.

[breathing heavily]

I can't do this again, Jay.
I won't make it.

You're not gonna have
to do anything again.

I'm here, you're not alone.

We're in this together,
we're gonna find him.

I promise,
we're gonna find him.

We hit every house
on the block.

Nobody saw anything.

Hey, I'm pulling as much
security cam footage as I can.

- Whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa...
- What do you got?

- What is it?
- [Kemi] I got into
Keith's phone,

and there are texts on
a messaging app. I think...

I think whoever took him
had been contacting him.

"You run away from me,
tell anyone about me,
I'll k*ll you."

And from the metadata,

the harassment started
over a month ago.

Why didn't Keith say anything?

Sidney, did you know
anything about this?

- No, I swear.
- How could I have
not noticed?

Hey, hey, hey. Do not beat
yourself up about this, okay?

Hey, you were with him
every step of the way,

and he felt that, okay?
He was probably just
too scared to say anything.

Wait a minute.
Lightning does not
strike twice.

Keith gets picked up again,

right on the same day
that we get
Elizabeth Coulter?

Cannot be a coincidence.

You think she has something
to do with this.

Look at these messages,
she's making good
on her threat.

All right.
There's only one way
to find out, come on.

[tense music]

[Nikki] Where is he?

I could ask you
the same thing.

- Noah's safe.
- He's very sick.

He requires a clean
and sterile environment.

- He's susceptible to infection.
- [Nikki] Noah is fine.

You can see him
as soon as you can tell us
where our son is.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

You have an accomplice?
Did you pay somebody?

To do what?

You knew that Keith was
going to testify against you,
so you handled it.

We know that you
have been threatening him
ever since he escaped.

I don't know anyone
named Keith.

That's Keith.

That's the boy that you took.

I have never seen that boy
before in my life.

Okay, I answered
your questions.
Can I see my son now, please?

No, no. No, you can't.

[Beth] You told me
I could see my son!

She is lying, okay?

If she admits to taking Keith,
then that could be used
against her at trial.

Look, that is way
too calculated for somebody

who thinks
her dead son is alive.

Whoa. She's lying,
or Keith's lying.
What are you saying?

What I'm saying is there's
a few inconsistencies.

Keith doesn't exactly
fit the profile
of Beth's usual victims.

Okay, he wasn't homeless...

He's walking around late
at night, he's soaking wet!

She sees a target
of opportunity
and she takes it!

Okay, but Keith was ransomed.

So she realized
she made a mistake!

What, six years
after the fact?

- That doesn't make sense.
- Easy. What about Max?

Okay, the cabin in the woods.

Everything that Keith
has said has panned out
exactly as he said.

I know, okay? I just...

Look, the security footage
in your neighborhood
gave us nothing.

The alert didn't either.

And there are literally
hundreds of black SUVs

with plates that start
with those three digits.

- [cellphone ringing]
- Okay, we have no leads.

So if we want Keith
back safely,

we have to consider
other angles.
That's all I'm saying.

Hold on, it's Sidney.
Hey, baby.

I think I may have
found something that can
help with Keith.

Hold on, let me put you
on speaker.

So I went through his room,
and I know that maybe
I shouldn't have, but...

he keeps a journal for therapy,
and he mentions the woman.

The one sending threatening
messages to him,

and she's stalking him too,
and apparently,
she came to the house once.

Did he write down her name?
Any kind of ID?

No, he just calls her E.H.

I wonder how many black SUVs

with the plates
that start with W-D-7

are registered
in those initials.

Her name is Evelyn Hadley,

and she has a criminal record
a mile long.

Petty theft. Robbery.
Possession. as*ault.

What does she want
with our son?

Well, her car is registered
to 47 Lamont Ave.,

so I say we go ask her.

[intense music]

You're okay, baby.
Hey, you're okay.

You have to go.
You have to go, she could...

- Where is she?
- Hey, don't worry.

I mean it! Please, just go!

What are you doing
in my house?

- Hey! Don't move, hands up.
- Get away from my son.

Please don't make
this difficult.

- Your son?
- [scoffing]

Tell them, Lucas.

Tell these nice people
you've been lying to them
the whole time.

[dramatic music]

Can't do it, can you?

Even now, you can't man up
and tell the truth.

Mom, just let them go.

[Jason] I'm sorry,
what did you just say?

- Did you just call her "Mom"?
- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Look, I swear, I didn't want
to hurt you guys.

She saw you on the news
last year.

That program about
missing kids.

Keith was one of them,
and she saw how much

I looked like him and
how desperate you guys were.

She thought
maybe she could
make some money.

I didn't want to, I promise.
I tried to tell her
that and she...

Don't act
like such a victim.

It's not like I put
a g*n to your head.

I studied you for her,
at first,
but the more I read,

the more perfect
your family seemed.

I started to imagine
what it would be like
to be a part of that.

You came into our house,
you lied to us.

- You lied to our daughter.
- Sidney was right, she knew.

[Lucas] I know I have no right
to ask for forgiveness,
I just...

I wanted what he had.

A real home.

- Put the g*n down!
- Hey, hey, hey!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Put the g*n down!
- He's my son, okay!

Not yours! Mine!

Okay, uh, clearly,
we missed something.

What is she talking about?

His name is Lucas,
he's an imposter.

[Evelyn] He's a pain
in everyone's backside,

so unless you're planning
on locking him up,

- I'd ask that
you leave my house.
- Hey, just relax, okay?

Everybody put the g*n down,
we can talk about it.

What you did,
you gave us hope.

I thought about that,
that it would make you happy.

No, no, no.
We wanted our son back.

And I want mine.
And now that I got him,
I think we're done here.

You ransomed us, you sent him
texts threatening him,

and now, we have reason
to believe

that you've been
physically abusing him.

You're going to jail, Evelyn,
there's no way around that.

Don't do this.
Don't make it harder
than it has to be.

That's rich coming from you.

None of this would be happening
if you hadn't pretended
to be their son!

I know, it was my fault,
not theirs!

They're good people!
They made me happy!

Don't make it sound
like they're good people,
and I'm the crazy one!

Mom, I am begging you!


On the ground, on the ground.
Hands behind your back.

EMTs! EMTs now, please!
Hey, baby.

Okay, look at me.

You need to focus.

- Hey, hey. Stay with me.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Sorry for nothing, baby.


- I got the pressure.
- [indistinct chatter]


- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- [Nikki] Hold on.

[soft eerie music]

[sirens blaring]

This can't be happening.
It doesn't make any sense.

Not to me. Max, the cabin...

- How could he have known?
- [Mike] Yeah, about that.

I just sent somebody to check
on Max to get a statement.

He confirms there was another
boy with him at the cabin,
but his name wasn't Keith.

It was Oliver.

Everything that Lucas said
about what Beth did was true.

Except she didn't do it to him.

She did it to me.

I was... a human blood bag.

For two years.

And so, when I saw a chance
to escape, I did.

Except I left Max behind.

Why didn't you go to the cops?

[Oliver] I don't know.

I should've, but the guilt
was overwhelming.

And the longer I waited,

the harder it was for me
to come forward.

But Lucas offered you
a way to make it right.


I needed a second chance,

and... he needed
his case closed
so you'd stop digging.

But how did Lucas
ID Beth Coulter?
He'd never seen her.

And I can never forget her.

So I found a photo
of her online.

Okay, that's your story,
but what about Keith's?

Okay, Lucas knew everything
that Keith would know.

Nicole's blueberry pancakes,
Jason's good luck bracelet.

Those were all details
he'd found in interviews.

He had newspaper articles
going back years.

[Kemi] What about the DNA test?

Nikki thought she was
testing Keith's baby hair,

but Lucas had replaced it
with his own.

[Mike] What about
the scar on his arm?


[breathing heavily]

He actually burned himself
with boiling water?


He did anything he could...

to escape the life he had.
You would too.

Keith's life was a fantasy.

At least he got to live it
for a few months.

[Nikki] We should've known.

Hope is a very
powerful thing, Nik.

We're police officers, Jay.

I'm the head of
the Missing Persons Unit.

We're also parents.

We're parents who wanted
our kid back.

We saw what we wanted to see.

What do we do now?

I don't know. I guess
the only thing we can do.


[soft music]

They say that when
you lose someone you love,

that you also lose
a piece of yourself.

That our soul fractures.

And when tragedy happens,
our soul flees from us.

Hiding as a way to protect
itself from the pain.

I call this soul loss.

They're dredging the lake.

Whatever they may find,
at least you know
what happened that night.

And you know
it wasn't your fault.

Look at that...
a silver lining.

[Kemi] Pieces of our soul
get stuck dwelling in the past,
unable to move forward.

But a fact about
our physical world

is that matter can neither be
created or destroyed.

[Jason] You know,
you're not supposed
to drink alone.

[Kemi] This is the same
for our spiritual world.

No matter what,
you cannot lose your soul.


- Thank you.
- For what?

Letting me stay
on the grieving couch.

Yeah, it's... it's like
déjà vu all over again.

I mean it. Thank you, Nik.
I didn't want to do this alone.

Yeah, neither did I.

I love you.

I love you too.


Thank you.

[Kemi] Grief is the act
of soul retrieval.

And if we commit ourselves
to it, the soul will, in time,

return to its intact state.

And that's why
we're here today.

To retrieve
our collective soul.

And to celebrate the life
of that beautiful boy

that we all miss so much.

Keith was a light
to all who knew him.

And in death, his light
continues to shine.

So, the journey
of the last year
has not been easy.

Child, it has not been easy.

But, um, in the end,

there was forgiveness
for those of us who needed

to let down our burdens.

Answers where there had
only been questions.

And though they may not
have been the answers
that we wanted,

we are grateful all the same.

With every end,

we mark a new beginning.


[Jason] That was the moment
I knew we had
a drummer on our hands.

Edwina was never the same.

Edwina. I had to wear earplugs
in the house

for six months straight
after that.

Yeah, his Nickelback phase
was always t*rture.

[glass shattering]


[Jason] You're a drummer!

Finish the gig!?
Finish the gig!

Yes! And the crowd
goes wild! Yes!

Keith is the greatest
drummer in the world!

That was amazing.

And healing.

Yeah, whoever thought
our mental health

would be almost
entirely dependents

on our concierge Shaman
who does
the occasional egg reading?

And lime bath.

And candle wax interpreter.

Okay, that is my cue to go.
You're welcome, friends.

Yeah, I'll come with you.

Unless you're planning
to apparate.

I should probably go to.
It's been a minute,

but I think I know
where my apartment is.

That was awesome. Ugh,
I'm so glad that we did that.


Oh, um, I gotta handle
something real quick.

I'll meet up with you guys
in a bit. Okay?

- All right.
- Thank you.

Okay, bye.



You forget something?

[Jason] Nope.

The hide-a-key?
It's a housewarming gift
for the man of the house.

You know you don't have
to do that, right?

I know. I figured
I should, though.

You know,
if you ever get lost,

you always got a place to stay.
The couch.

Got it. Thank you, brother.

My man.

- Talk to you soon.
- Yeah.

All right.

[soft music]

[instrumental music playing]