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01x07 - Shannon

Posted: 03/23/24 20:46
by bunniefuu
[classical violin song playing]

- You think you can ignore me?
- What are you doing here?

- That I'll just go away!
- You can't be here.

- You cannot walk out on me!
- I didn't walk out on you!

We made plans!
You made promises!

- What's going on in there?
- You ruined my life.

- Don't think
I won't ruin yours.
- Can you please just calm down

- so we can talk about this?
- [man] Is everything all right?

- Everything's fine! [grunting]
- [thud]


- Where'd she go?
- You can't just come in here...

- Where is she?
- She left.

[tense music]

What was that? Are you okay?

[opening theme music]

Hey. Can I make you
something to eat, baby?

- No, I'm good.
- Do you want to talk about it?

- Nope.
- Sidney...

- What?
- Well, Mike and I told you

last night that
we were engaged.
I thought maybe you had

a multi-syllable response.

Mike seems cool. Having him
around will make me feel safe.

How's that? Thirteen syllables
and a gerund.

All right.
We talked about this.
You are safe, okay?

I took Keith's pop g*n away,

which he only borrowed
to protect us.

He wants to protect us?

Wow. Three years of AP English,
and I finally understand irony.

Please tell me
the kitchen's open.

Oh, for you, always, baby.

- Some cereal?
- I'm really happy for you, Mom.

- Mike is awesome.
- Thank you for saying that.

But I really want you to know
that Mike is not going

to replace your father.
He will be a good influence,

- but your father
will still be...
- [door opens]

- [Jason] Hello!
- ...incapable of knocking.

- Hi.
- Hey.

Hi, hi. Check it out.

- What is it?
- See for yourself.

Open it up.

That right there
is the original

factory walnut shifter
for the TransAm.

You're gonna finish restoring
the TransAm? With him?

Yeah, with him.
It was our project.

Tell your sister how many
liters are on that engine,
how much horsepower.


Okay, it's, uh...
it's been a while.

Try forever.

So you don't remember.
You'll remember.

Or learn for the first time.

It's ridiculous.

All right, come on.
You remember, right?

No, I... I do and I don't.

- [door closing]
- Memories from before

are more like flashes
and feelings than numbers.

[alarm blaring]

[tense music]

[Shannon] Why are you never
there when I really need you?

Mrs. Steerman, what time
did you get this voicemail
from your daughter?

Shannon left it at 8:15.

I called her when my shift
ended, but she didn't pick up,

so I came over. I've been
waiting for her ever since.

She sounded pretty upset.
Any idea why?

Foster care, abused by my ex,
me battling my demons.

You heard the message.
I wasn't there for her.

Tell me about her friends.

Was she in contact with her
biological parents?

When I adopted her,
I was told they passed.

As for her friends,
I wouldn't know.

We've been trying to reconnect,
but it's been hard.

I hope to God you can find her.

Playing the violin.

I don't get it.
All I know for sure is that
music saved her life.

I'm gonna send you a barcode
from a lottery ticket,

see if you can find out
where it was sold.

- [camera clicking]
- But... kids are wired

different than you. They're
yours, but they're not you.

No matter how much
you love them,

you never fully
understand them.

So the street side of
the curtains are sun bleached

and the alarm's set
for seven p.m.

so I think she worked nights
somewhere in Lakeview.

Do you have any idea
where she worked?

Like I said,
we've been estranged.

How do you know the job
was in Lakeview?


All right, so she bought
lottery tickets here

between five and seven,
presumably after work.

Maybe the owner knows
where she works.

You think Sidney's
wired differently?

- Differently than what?
- Than us.

Well, Keith not
remembering the car was
definitely a surprise.

The car's just
an example, okay?

She can't accept him.
I'm not wired that way.

- [phone chiming]
- All right, here we go.

Mike ran Shannon's financials,
so apparently,

there's no payroll,
no W2 records,

but between five and seven,
it seems that she also

makes a weekly
cash deposit of $400

- at an ATM across the street.
-$400, that's a rent check

and a bagel, no cream cheese.

Yeah, no wonder
she plays the lottery.

All right, the lottery
is aspirational,

so she's aspiring to...

Well, we know
she wants to be a musician.

[soft music]

We're Detectives
Batista and Grant.

Are you the one in charge
of this place?

- That's right. Walter Peterson.
- Hi, Walter.

- Do you know
a Shannon Steerman?
- Of course. She works here.

Cleans the place in exchange
for free studio time.

Is something wrong?
Is she okay?

When's the last time
you saw her?

Night before last.

Did you notice
anything unusual?

[man] We made plans!
You made promises!

[Walter on tape]
What's going on in there?

[man] You ruined my life.
Don't think I won't ruin yours.

[Shannon] Please,
can you just calm down so...

No idea who he is.

Never saw him before, or since.

Did she tell you
anything about him?

Not a word. She freaked out,
ran off, left this behind.

All right, we need to look
at your security footage.

Don't have any. People who
come here like their privacy.

Then we're gonna need
that recording.

- What's that gonna do?
- I hate to break it to you,

but you're not the only one
with unusual resources.

[Kemi] Hey, I just sent you
an audio file.

We're looking for a name
on the male voice.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll hold.

Um, okay, so Betty works
for a software company

that develops speech
recognition algorithms

for all of your favorite
digital assistants.

They also have
a massive database

of voice samples that
we can run our suspect against,

because voice matches
are nearly as dependable

- as fingerprints these days.
- Okay, I got a question.

What does Betty
get out of the deal?

- Uh, 5,000 bucks.
- Wow.

Which I will put
on my credit card,

because I need the
Airline Miles for my trip
to Machu Picchu.

It's our anniversary.

I don't want to know this,
but whose anniversary?

Me and Pachacuti
Inca Yupanqui.

- It's our 563rd.
- Oh. Oh, nice.

I expect the precinct
to reimburse me for the source,

and I will keep
my Airline Miles. Yes?

- Hey.
- Hey.

How's Keith and Sidney?
Thought they took
the news well.

They seemed fine
to me this morning.

Oh, so I guess you two
didn't have the talk.

- The talk?
- I was...

Oh, you need a PT guy.

I got the guy, Tua,
he's the best.

Remember in Miami
when I threw you off the...

Yes, I remember, and no,
no, it's not about the PT guy,

it's about my need to hide
the hide-a-key from people

who don't live at the house,
but act like they do.

- Got it.
- Oh my gosh, you're the best.

- Can you send me the file?
- [chiming]

Oh, got it.

All right, uh, voice matches
a Rory Stanz.

He has a white collar sheet.
Nothing recently.

It looks like he's gotten
his life together.

Okay, let's pick him up,
see what he has to say
about Shannon.

It won't be much. Stanz was
k*lled the night before last,

about an hour
after they fought.

- [Nikki] What?
- [phone ringing]


Okay, so they got
in an argument,

he's dead, and now,
she's missing.

- That can't be a coincidence.
- Call Homicide.

Get what they have on Stanz,

and then see if she meets
their suspect profile.


You know, in her bedroom,
she left her wallet

and her cell phone. Why run
without those things?

Um, she didn't run,
and if the hit off the alert
I just got is accurate,

she's definitely not in hiding.

So, you think
you should be first chair
and lead the orchestra?

It's nothing personal.

Challenging me for my job
is very personal,

and I won't forget it.
Even after you b*mb.

Shannon? Can we talk?

Sure, but I'm not Shannon.

You're not Shannon Steerman?

Georgia LaCava.
Shannon is my twin sister.

Your twin? Oh...

Is she okay?

- You only met three months ago?
- That's right.

After Shannon saw me perform
at Music in the Park.

And before that, you had
no idea that you had
a twin sister?

I was adopted when I was one.

Told I was an only child.

Where's my sister and
how can I help you find her?

His name is Rory Stanz.
Do you recognize him?

No. Who is he?

We were hoping
you could tell us.

This was Stanz two nights ago.

[Rory] You think
you can ignore me?

- That I'll just go away?
- [Shannon] You can't be
in here.

- You cannot walk out on me!
- I didn't walk out on you.

We made plans!
You made promises!

One hour after
this was recorded,

- Rory Stanz was m*rder*d.
- Shannon could never do that.

I thought you only just met.

I was adopted
into a loving family.

Our lived experience
was very different.

But we are the same.
I was given every opportunity.

My parents paid
for the best tutors,

bought the best instruments...
Shannon had none of that,

but still, we played almost
note for note. It's who we are.

Yes, we just met,
but no one knows her better,

and I know she didn't do it.


I hope it's all right
I called my fiancé.

Yeah, of course.
Um, come on in.

[tense music]

Um, I got an idea.

Maybe you can help us
get into Shannon's phone.

How? I don't know
the password.

I know, but you're
the same person.

You are the password.
Do you mind?


Hey, Rachel, comma.

Just hanging out with my friend
from the lake, period.

No, that's... Um...

Me again, period.

And my friend
from the lake, period.

His nasal aperture is steepled,
FYI, period.

Helps me know that he has
a narrow nose, period.

Pretty cool, huh,
question mark.

Oh God, um...

This is C, period.
From the MPU, period.

In case you wanted to,
you know,
call me back, comma.

But you don't have to, ellipses.

Are you asking for a date
or a mercy k*lling?

God, I would take either
at this point.

Give me this.

"Hey, Rachel.
Want to grab lunch?"
Boom. Done.

- It can't be that easy.
- I mean, it depends

if she thinks you're pitiable
or pathetic, so...

Now can we get to work please?

I am working. On Yorick.

Alas, poor Yorick has to wait.
Uh, Shannon Steerman's phone.

We need to download
everything off of it.

Um, emails, texts, the last
websites that she visited.

Her last contact
was 16 hours ago,

so we're running out of time.

Spoke to Homicide.
I gave them the hair brush

that Jay found at Shannon's
apartment to run against the
hair that we found on Stanz.

Digital microscopy matches
color and cortical texture.

It's not proof, but the g*n's
definitely smoking.

So our missing person
just became the prime
suspect in a m*rder.


[Nikki sighing]

Who do I tell first?

The grieving mom
or the agonized sister?

E-mails are a tale of woe.

She couldn't pay her rent.
Water bill's overdue. Man...

- [phone vibrating]
- Oof.

Looks like I'm pitiable.
Rachel, hi!

Yeah, I'm sorry about
all the messages...

Yeah no, everyone always does
miss the steepled aperture.

- [chuckling]
- Uh, lunch?

No, I mean, usually I just
have lunch at my desk, so...

Okay. Um, lunch
at my desk it is. Um...

[Kemi] Oh, this is terrible.

I know, I can't believe
she said yes.

No, not you.
In her Notes app.

- More tales of woe?
- Try full-on tragedy.

"Dear Mom, it's not your fault.

"I always thought
I was unlucky,

"I just didn't realize how
unlucky until I met Georgia.

"The world doesn't
need both of us,

"only the better version.
So I'm leaving.

"Going to the only place
where I could imagine
having everything.

"The only place that brought me
peace and happiness.

"Don't be sad.
It's better this way. Shannon."

She wrote this yesterday
before she called her mom,
but she never sent it.

Could be she was having
second thoughts?

Either way, we gotta
find out where she found

peace and happiness.
We're gonna need their help.

[Nikki] I'm so sorry that
you had to read that.

Our hope is that
Shannon reconsidered.

Why would she ever
consider this?

Well, I know you don't think
that she had anything to do

with Rory Stanz's m*rder,
but if she did,

that might be something
she couldn't live with.

You think my sister
k*lled him?

All that really matters
right now is that we find

Shannon before
she does anything,

and we can't do that
without your help.

Anything in that letter?
Something you recognize?

Maybe, I-I don't know.

At Music in the Park,
the conductor always welcomed

the audience to what he called
"Nature's Concert Hall."

Music in the Park. That's where
you guys first met, yeah?

She said it was
her happy place.

[violin playing]

[violin music continues]

[Nikki] Shannon's body
was brought to the morgue
last night.

Rachel's doing
the autopsy today.

Oh, then maybe she'll have
to work through lunch.

You know, the injuries
were pretty significant.

I don't want Shannon's mom
to see her that way,

so I asked Rachel
to bring you the autopsy photos

to touch up
when you get to work.

Oh, I'm at work, actually.
Me and Yorick.

Now? It's 7:15. Who's Yorick?

- [door opens]
- It's the John Doe
that I pulled out of the lake.

I should have something for you
on him pretty soon.

- Okay, great.
- Come on, come on,

- are we doing this or what?
- Keith is ready. Sid?

Your guess is as good as mine.

- All right, I want to
talk to Sid.
- No, no, no.

You should be with Keith, okay?
It's your project.
And after I'm done,

we have to talk about hiding
the hide-a-key.

Does 300 horsepower mean it's
getting pulled by 300 horses?

That'd be amazing.
You, me, and 300 horses.

- Like a chariot.
- [knocking]

[Nikki] Sid?

You're giving him the car
this morning, aren't you?

And clearly that upsets you,
and I need you to tell me why.

My brother loved that car.

If this is about questioning
who he is, it's done.
It's over.

We tested him,
and he passed, okay?

Come on, this is important.

I want you to go downstairs
and be a part of it.

And I'm not asking.

Mom, I can't right now,
I'm sorry.

- Want to do the honors?
- Hell yeah.


All right, settle in,
hands on the wheel.

Feel it a little bit.
How's it feel?

- It feels amazing.
- Good, good.

- Congratulations, it's yours.
- Are you serious?

- Yeah!
- You're kidding.

No, I'm not kidding.
We built it together, come on.

- Thank you.
- Come on. Of course, buddy.

Enjoy it.

I... I could see
it bothered you

when I didn't remember
the liters or the horsepower.

But I remember how I felt
working on it with you.

I know it was one of the best
times of my life.

Yeah, you and me both.

I'm gonna go to work,
come back,

and we'll go
for a drive, all right?

On the off chance that
I can't wait that long,

would it be okay
if Oliver takes me
for a drive after school?

- Who's Oliver?
- The kid from group therapy.

We've become friends.
He's a super nice guy.
Totally responsible.




I thought the computer did all
the work, but you got skills.

Yeah, I got mad skills with
people who don't talk back.

Not so much with people
who have, you know, flesh.

Have dinner with me.

I know places where the food
is actually edible.

I, um... I would,
but I just, um...

Forget it, it's fine.

No, it's just I said that
I would get Shannon done.

Did you know that disturbances
in glucose metabolism

are associated
with suicidal ideation?

It might take a while,
you know, that's why...

Shannon's medical file
indicates that she's diabetic,

but during her autopsy,
I saw she wasn't wearing
an insulin pump,

so her sugar must have been out
of whack when she jumped.

You're not the only one
more comfortable with people
who can't talk.

Although, I gotta say,
you take it to a crazy extreme.

The blood. Do you see,
on her face?

There are two layers. Look.

I can't believe
I didn't see it before.

I'm sorry, I wasn't
trying to like not make
eye contact with you.

Thank you, and I'm sorry.

For what? It's a long list.

For correcting you
about Shannon.

You're wrong about
how she died.

The medical examiner's
autopsy concluded that Shannon
committed su1c1de.

As soon as you identify
the body,

she will be released
to next of kin.

I've already made
the funeral arrangements.

- You have?
- Yeah, as her next of kin.

- I'm her mother!
- A lot of good that did her.

Hey, hey, hey, let's just calm
down, all right? Take a breath.

If you ask me,
everyone's too calm.

My sister's death
may be ruled a su1c1de,

but we both know
she k*lled her.

Baby, we know
that you're upset...

I'm not upset, I am livid.

A sweet, decent woman is dead,

and someone has to be held
to account for that.

I did the best I could.

You let your husband
abuse her.

You sat there with a needle
in your arm and did nothing.

- Georgia...
- Do you have any idea

how talented she was?

I'm auditioning
for first chair today,

a dream I've had since
I was six,
and with all my advantages,

I may not make it.

But Shannon with nothing

would pass with flying colors.

- Honey.
- What? It's true.

I know. I'm on your side, but
this isn't the time or place.

Come on, let's go for a walk.

Linda, I'm sure
she didn't mean it.

She should. 'Cause it's true.

I didn't k*ll my daughter,

but she committed su1c1de
because of me.

No, she didn't.
Shannon didn't commit su1c1de.

She was m*rder*d.

This is what
Shannon looked like
when she was found.

Using an algorithm
that I created as a summer
intern at NASA,

which, until this moment,
was classified,

this is what she looked like
before she fell.

You say there was blood
on top of her blood.

Yes, which is my cue
to admit that I got it wrong

because I didn't take into
account postmortem bleeding,

or do an internship at NASA.

- People bleed after they die?
- Yeah, they do.

I actually once did
an autopsy study

of 64 cases of asphyxic deaths

to determine the amount
of bleeding that
happens postmortem,

which I can tell that
absolutely no one
in this room cares about,

but it is how I learned
that she died before she went
into the ravine.

The blow to her head
that k*lled her,

that created that first layer
of that blood mask,

and there was a second
layer mask that was caused

when she hit the rocks
hours after her death.

So this wasn't
just a body dump,

it was also an attempt
to hide the cause of death.

Hey. Homicide pulled warrants
for Stanz's financials.

They didn't flag
this transaction as suspicious,

but I think we all know
what it is.

The wire transfer is traceable

to an account held
by Georgia LaCava.

Uh-huh. And Georgia said that
she had no idea who Stanz was.

- Yeah.
- And if she did,

did Georgia know that he was
threatening her sister?

I mean, for all we know,
Georgia wasn't thrilled

to discover that she had
a twin sister.

Could it be that she paid Stanz
to scare her away?

Okay, so we thought
that Shannon k*lled Rory,

now we gotta figure out
who m*rder*d them both.

I think we should
go see Georgia

and see if she's got
the answers.

- [sighing]
- Well, that was embarrassing.

- Oh.
- After screwing me in public,

the least you can do
is buy me dinner.

Oh... No, I mean, I didn't
mean to embarrass you,

I was just trying to...
It was just like a theory.

It's all good, it's all good.

- When you're right,
you're right.
- Okay.

So... Tempo at eight?

Okay. [clears throat]

- [Rachel chuckling]
- Yeah. That...

Oh, don't, don't, don't pop
a blood vessel.

- Hi.
- You're gonna be fine,

and I have exactly
what you need.

- Okay.
- As long as you're not allergic

to sunflower seeds.

[chuckling] Dear God, dude.

I can feel that on my Jimmies,
can you feel that?

I feel something.
I'm not sure what.

Okay, what's the deal?
You just inherited a primo car,

and you're sulking
like a wounded beagle.

I guess I should be thrilled.
I just feel guilty.

Let me guess, you're unworthy.

You don't deserve this car,
and other textbook
victim pathologies.

- Victim pathologies?
- Yeah. It's all armor.

You've built it up over time
to protect yourself

from getting hurt. You deserve
this car. We deserve this car.

What if I said
I wasn't a victim?

I'd say you're in denial.

[engine revving]

No, I mean, if I hadn't
been honest with you,
what would you say?

[engines revving]

Oh, we have to wipe
the floor with them.

Come on, how about
a little less beagle,
a little more Mad Max?

Yeah. Let's live a little.


[tires screeching]



[upbeat music]


Come on!


[tires screeching]

Well, we wanted more Mad Max.

My parents are gonna k*ll me.

[doorbell ringing]

Do you think she has
a hide-a-key?

No, and if she does,
I bet you know where it is.

[doorbell ringing]

Ah, she's not home.

And no, we're not going in
without a warrant.

Can't get a warrant
without probable cause, right?

Can't go in somebody's house
to find probable cause

without a warrant,
so what do you do?

Put on gloves.


[clears throat]
About the hide-a-key...

I get it, Nik.
You want me to knock.

Jay, Mike is moving in, okay?

Not today or next week,
but soon.

What does that mean?

It's not about knocking,
you don't want me
to show up at all?

- That's not what I'm saying.
- Well, I don't get it.

It's about a schedule. Okay,
will the kids be with you

at your place? Or will they be
with me at mine?

You mean yours and Mike's.

You gotta understand,
it is very difficult for me

to imagine Mike helping
the kids with homework.

It's difficult for me
to imagine them doing
anything with me not there.

Okay? It's not easy.
That's it, it's not easy.

Are you talking about him with
the kids or him with me?

Neither is
particularly easy, okay?

Okay, here's something.
Awards. Photos.

Doesn't seem odd to you
to throw this stuff away?

Not as odd as this.
There's enough bleach in here
to disinfect a sperm bank.

Right, or a crime scene.

Looks like we just found
our probable cause.

[violin playing]

[woman] Very nice, thank you.
We'll let you know.

Break a string.

Hey, forget her.
Just focus.

Shannon would've
wanted you to ace this.

I'll be performing Paganini's
Caprice ♪24 in A Minor.

[classical violin music]

Two toned floor.
There was a rug here.

All right, k*ll the lights.

[violin music continues]

Got traces of blood.

Well, we know Shannon
was k*lled before she was
thrown in the ravine.

Now we know where.

We just don't know why
Georgia k*lled her sister.

The personal items
in the garbage,

you're right. It is odd.


So maybe Georgia
didn't k*ll her sister.

Maybe we've been looking
at this all wrong.

Linda, I need to ask you
some painful questions
about your ex.

You said that he abused
Shannon, right?

I did. But I told you
he's dead.

Whoever did this to my girl...

I know that he couldn't have
done it, but when he hurt her,

did you ever have to take her
to the ER because of it?

He broke her arm twice.
I took her to the ER for that.

Which arm was it?

Her left. Here. Both times.

Hey, I just pinged
Georgia's phone.

Her and the boyfriend
are both at Orchestra Hall.

- For her audition.
- Mm-hmm.

- Kemi?
- Yeah?

Have C pull Shannon's
autopsy X-rays, okay?

I need him to call me
when he has them.


I can't believe it!

- [laughing]
- You blew them away!

They promoted you so quickly,
I almost feel sorry for Ingrid.

It's incredible.
Me, first chair violinist

of a Big Five orchestra.
You have no idea
how insane that is.

Ah, it's not insane at all.

I know how hard you work
and you deserve this.

I'm so happy right now.

I know I shouldn't be,
after what happened to Shannon.

What happened to her
is terrible,

and I hope whoever did it
rots in jail, but...

You had nothing to do
with that, okay?

Now repeat after me.
[clears throat]

I, Georgia LaCava...

Go on.

I, Georgia LaCava...

Am the first chair violinist
of the Philadelphia Orchestra.

There, how's that sound?

Like I'm finally
where I belong.

This right here is some vim
in your vigor.


I don't like vim.

People with vim scare me.

- Yeah, they also get dates.
- I have a date.

Sunflowers, honey, cinnamon,
and some instructions.

It's a ritual love bath.
But before you take it...

- I'm not going to.
- need to get Shannon's

autopsy X-rays from Rachel
and then call Nikki.

It's starting to look
familiar. Nice work.

Hey, Kemi, um...

What's it like, having vim?

Uh, it's very much... me.

I just wish I had been nicer
to her. She was so lonely.

She showed up out of the blue
and asked you to arrange

an audition with the orchestra.
An audition people spend

their entire life hoping to get
like she was entitled to it.

In a way, she was.
At least as entitled as me.

It was her dream, our dream.

I'm still wrapping
my head around that one.

Two strangers who want
the exact same thing.

Like you.

I bet she loved you too.

[scoffs] I highly doubt that.

You're gorgeous, smart, successful...

A great kisser.

Who wouldn't love you?
I know I do.


- What is it?
- Nothing. I love you too.

[tense music]

[sirens blaring]

[Nikki] C, talk to me.

I'm looking
at the autopsy X-rays.

Okay, for Shannon
Steerman, right?

It's her name on the X-rays.

Yeah, it's clearly
marked it's her.

I need you to look at her
left arm, okay? Her humerus.

Okay, I got that in front
of me. What am I looking for?

Evidence of an old break,
a fracture line, greater bone
density, anything.

No. This arm's never been
broken. Why do you ask?

Because Shannon Steerman
broke her humerus twice.

Then why wouldn't it
show up on the X-ray?

Because those aren't Shannon's
X-rays, those are Georgia's.

These... These are the autopsy
X-rays of the woman

who was at the bottom
of the ravine.

[Jason] Just call
the DA right now,

have her issue
an arrest warrant
for Shannon Steerman

in connection with
the m*rder of her sister,
Georgia LaCava.

I made a reservation
at The Landing to celebrate.

Well, we are celebrating.
At least I am.


I don't know what it is,
but this feels... off.

Well then, I'll just have
to work a little bit harder.

I dare you to tell me
this feels off.


- What's this?
- Uh, it's nothing.

- It's attached to you.
- I went to the doctor.

It turns out I'm diabetic.
I would've told you sooner,

but between Shannon
and the audition...

It's an insulin pump,
a lot of people have them.

Oh, my God. I can't believe
I didn't see it sooner.

I knew something wasn't right,
but this is insane.

- You're insane!
- Wait! Where are you going?!

- You k*lled her, didn't you?
- She was cheating on you.

She doesn't care about you
the way that I do.

Ah, get off me, Shannon!


My name is Georgia LaCava!

[tires screeching]


Out of the car.


Out of the car!

Good, hands on the hood.
Hands on the hood.

You're under arrest
for the m*rder of your sister,
Georgia LaCava. Come on.

I first saw Georgia
at a Music in the Park concert

three months ago.

I couldn't believe it.

Not only that
I had a sister, but...

this sister, a sister who was
everything I wanted to be.

- And you hated her for that?
- Hated her? I loved her.

I was obsessed with her.
I followed her,

I saw where she lived,
where she worked.

- I... watched her with Luke.
- You stalked her.

Yeah. And because I did,
I learned she had a secret.

Rory Stanz.

She was cheating
on Luke with him.

God knows why.

I wanted to live in her world,

and maybe she wanted
to slum it in mine.

After she broke it off,
Rory threatened to tell Luke.

She paid him to go away.
But he didn't.

He just asked for more.
When she finally refused,

he lost it.

The tape that we heard
of him threatening you.

He followed you to the studio
thinking you were Georgia.

I wanted her to love me
the way that I loved her.

I wanted to be a part
of her life, her world.

I thought if I solved
her problem, she'd let me in.

And your idea of solving
her problem was k*lling Stanz?

And when Georgia
didn't let you in,

and she was horrified
by what you did,

maybe threatened to tell
the police, you k*lled her.

Georgia and me,
we were the same person,

but because of
a random decision
at a foster home

when we were babies, she got
everything and I got nothing.

What she had,
I... deserved it
as much as her!

I wanted it as badly.
I worked as hard to get it.

But the only way I could
was by doing what I did,

so no, I didn't k*ll my sister,
I took what
was rightfully mine.

- Baby.
- Hey, Linda. Linda!

- I thought you were gone!
- Linda.

Whatever you did,
I'm here for you,

- I'm not going anywhere.
- Linda, she knows that, okay?

She does. But you have
to let her go.

All this time,
she was right in front of me
and I didn't see her?

Didn't recognize my own child?

You can't blame yourself.

When it comes to our children,

we see what we want to see.
Trust me, I know.

You never should've
let me drive.

- Now you tell me.
- Be honest, why did you?

I'm confused. What happened to
"feeling it in my Jimmies"?

You were held for six years,

and you still trust people?
Who does that?

What about you? You're not
exactly a poster child
for victim pathologies.

I mean, where's your armor?
How come
you're not self-protective?

- I tell people I escaped.
- Didn't you?

Yeah, I did. But... there
was someone else who didn't.

He was with me the last year.

We were supposed
to go together.

When it was time,
she was with him.

I still think
I should've waited.

I know he would've
waited for me.


She go on the wall or not?

Well, it's a wall of
found people. She's been found.

It's not our fault she belongs
in a Hitchcock movie.

Oh, I called your PT guy,
told him I knew you.

- Oh yeah?
- He still agreed

to meet with me anyway.

- It's the hide-a-key?
- Put it wherever you want.

Don't ask Nik, though,
because I know all her spots.

It'll be under the red pot.

Maybe you don't understand
the principle of the hide-a-key

it's to hide the key...
from me.

Look, Sid and Keith need you.

Sometimes you can give them
what they need and still knock.

This is for when you can't.

- Red pot.
- Yeah.


You make it very difficult
for me to hate you.

[water running]

[soft music]

♪ From the second I saw you ♪

♪ I've been falling ♪

♪ In that space between
the moment and the ground ♪

Vim's good.

You could use some vim.


♪ Now I'm dying
to be somewhere,
somewhere, somewhere ♪

♪ In your universe ♪

- [Nikki] Drag racing?
- [Keith] I know, I'm sorry.

You know that people die drag
racing? You could've died!

It was my idea, so my fault.

I could've told him
not to do it.

It's just as much
my fault as his.

Nik, it's my fault because...

This is not helping!
You're not helping!

Okay. I just wanted him
to have a good time.

Uh, I guess
we're all to blame.

You are to blame.

You're also unhurt,

which is all that I really
care about. That you're okay.

That's it?
That's your take home?

He crashes my brother's car,
and all you can say is,

"Thank God you're okay?"

- Get upstairs.
- Oh, so now you're mad at me?

That doesn't even begin
to explain it.

Finally, something
we agree on.

♪ Oh darling, if I could
just hold you ♪

♪ I'd give it all
to just know you ♪

♪ Leave it behind in a second
as long as you're there ♪

♪ I don't care,
just want to be somewhere ♪

♪ Somewhere, somewhere ♪

♪ In your universe ♪

Hey! Come in!
What's going on?

I followed
the instructions, I did!

Okay, it's okay.

I just don't have it!

Vim, and I just want it so bad.

♪ I crashed back down
and breathing hurts ♪

♪ My heart's a million miles
away from Earth ♪

♪ In your universe ♪

♪ I just want,
just wanna be there ♪

♪ Just want,
just wanna be there ♪

♪ Just wanna be somewhere
in your universe ♪

Your sister really
hates your guts.

Yeah, she does.

My parents
don't understand why.

But you do?

It meant a lot to me,

hearing you open up about that
boy that you were held with.

Sharing that... made me feel
like I can trust you.

I feel the same.

You told me your secret truth.

Now I'm gonna tell you mine.

You're not the only one who
left someone behind.

Do you have any idea
why I'm so mad at you?

Can you get past yourself

long enough to put
yourself in my shoes?

Or your father's?

For six years,
we have fantasized

about getting our family
back together, and not once,

not one time did I imagine
that when that happened,

it would freak out
our daughter.

If there's something
that you're not telling us,

some deep, dark secret,
something about Keith that
you're holding back,

now's the time, please.

You want me to tell you
my secret?

You're gonna feel better
if you do, okay?

- I really don't think so.
- Look at you.

It's obviously eating you up.

Tell us, and you'll
feel better, okay?

- And we will not
get mad, right?
- Right.

So just tell us.

Okay. Screw it.

The reason why I put locks
on my door

and I don't call him Keith...

and the reason why I resent him
for being able to drive a car

that my brother loved
and adored is because
he is not my brother.

Okay, we know
that you feel that way,

but how can you
possibly be so sure?

Because I k*lled my brother.

[closing tune playing]