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01x04 - Andy

Posted: 03/23/24 20:44
by bunniefuu
You got this.

Here you go!

- Whoa!
- Keep your balance!

[soft music playing]

Whoa! Oh!



There we go.

Pedal! Pedal!

Way to go, Andy,
you're doing it!

[laughing happily]
He's actually doing it!

Oh, he's fast.




[tense music playing]

- Andy!
- Andy!

He must have gone all the way
around to the house.

Excuse me, um...
Um, I'm looking for my son.

He's riding a red bike.
He's wearing a camo helmet.


- Andy?
- Have you seen him?

- No.
- Have you seen him?

Sir! Sir! Sir!
This is my boy.

This little boy,
have you seen him?

- I'm sorry.
- [crying]

- Anything?
- No...

I'm sorry, please.

Our boy, have you seen him?
His name's Andy.


[theme music playing]

[knocking on door]

Did you get it?
Please tell me you got it.

You know that I used to
handle security for the Sixers.

You didn't get it.
They were out of stock,

but the owner's son,
he has one.

He has a test tomorrow,
but for a pair
of floor seats...

You can get floor seats?

Not unless I moonlight
for like a month,

but seeing as my nights
have been pretty free lately...

[excited screaming]
You got it!

I got it! I don't know what
a graphing calculator does,

but I got one.

I know that I could've
ordered one,

but I really wanted him
to have everything he needs

for his first day of school.

Sidney told me that
you're running his DNA?

This is to do
differential calculus.

Which means that he can do
differential calculus.

Our son, who could barely
do long division.

When he was away,
he was given books.

He said he studied.
He said studying was

- the only thing
that he could do.
- I know. And that's all I need.

But Sidney, she needs more.
I really hope that she gets it

- when the results come back.
- You don't have to hope.

It's him.

There he is!

Ready for your first day
of school?

- I think so.
- Hey, tonight,

- we celebrate your first day.
- Sounds great.

You're not going
anywhere, mister.

It's a school night
and I'm making meatloaf.

Meatloaf. House specialty.
What's the occasion?

Finally! Come on,
you're gonna be late.

You gotta go.

Aren't you forgetting

First day of school photos.
Come on, by the fridge.

Say, "I'm back"!

- I'm back!
- [camera shutter clicks]

Sidney, you're in
a lovely mood.

Yeah, I am. I feel like
today's gonna be an A+ day.

- Mm-hmm.
- [camera shutter clicks]

[alert ringing]

Look who's famous.

Valuable too.

Neighborhood's being canvassed.

So far, there's no witnesses
and no video.

- And the parents?
- In your office.

There's no work history
on Mom, but Dad is a doctor

who just had a patent
on a cancer drug

that just went into production.
We're running the financials,

but it looks like he stands
to make a fortune on it.

Hey. Andy's six.
And he's very cute,

so if you could put
some extra mo in your mojo,
that would be great.

I need you to paint
these candles.

- Why?
- Because I don't do dark magic.

And if I did,
I'd use animal blood.

Oh, I'm sure there's a pig
smiling somewhere,
but why me, I meant?

Because this isn't for Andy.
It's for Sidney.

I had a bad dream
about her.

I need to cleanse her.

Soap and water's no good?

Can you take the candles?
Just paint them.

- Sure.
- Thank you.

- The answer is no.
- I know it's hard to imagine...

- It's not someone we know.
- Somebody you work with, then?

You're about to make
a lot of money.

Yes, from helping people.

Pat, honey.

We know that Steve
adopted Andy.

Can you talk to us about
his biological father?

Fairy tales.

He can't sleep until
I've read him one.

I need you to stay with me.
His bedtime is 8:00.

- He needs to be back by then.
- His dad.

Tell us about his dad.

There's nothing to tell.
He's dead.

[phone notification]


Pat, who is it?

It was Lynn.
Sending us prayers.

Like I said,
it's no one we know.

Whoever it is,
they might reach out.

Ask for money, a ransom.

And if they do, you need
to tell us about it.

Of course.

Whatever you tell us
to do we'll do.

Are you okay?

Can I use your bathroom?


[phone ringing]

Where is he?

Is he okay?

200 grand.

Today. I'll text
the where and the when.

[door opening]

- Who are you?
- Ghost of Christmas past.

Do what I say and the 718

won't come back to haunt you.

- [crying]
- Pat?


Listen, I...

I can't promise you that
Andy'll be back by 8:00.

But I can say that he will have
his fairy tale ending.

Okay? We get our babies back.

It's what we do.

[soft music playing]

We got a hit.
Clark and Webster.

Let's do it.

I saw you and Nicole
came to work together.

Yeah, it's Keith's
first day at school.

I know.
There's times like this,

a dad's gotta be there.
You have to be there.

- Even after tonight.
- What's tonight?

Nicole and I are telling
the kids about the engagement.

- She didn't tell you, did she?
- The meatloaf.

I'm told
it's the house specialty.

- How old are you?
- I mean it. You're their dad,

- this doesn't change that.
- Were you born in the '90s?

You know what,
don't answer that...

It could incriminate you.
Let's go.

There he is.

- Go.
- What are you gonna do?

You're gonna go around
or something?

No, I'm giving you
a head start.

I figured at your age,
you could use it.

He's getting away.
From you, maybe.

Do not expose my children
to Wilson Phillips.

- [chuckles]
- Hey!

I got it, old man.


Hey, where is he?

- Where's the boy?
- I don't know about a boy!

The boy you stole from.

- I didn't steal nothing, man!
- Hey! This boy.

If you didn't steal nothing,
then where did you get this?

I'll show you.

Let's go.

This is where I found it.
I didn't see no boy.

Okay. Whoever took Andy
was definitely here.

We get a security camera,
we get an ID.

Hey, I need you to run
a plate for me.

Yeah, call me back. Thanks.

You heard me, right?
I said a security camera.

Yeah, the car is
a security camera.

It has a feature on it
called Sentry Mode

that records
suspicious activity.

It also alerts the owner
when it's being vandalized.

So, we'll run the plates,
we'll get a name and then,
we'll make a call.

Well, we don't have time
for that.

What, you got a better idea?

You're saying that if this car
gets vandalized,

the driver gets notified

Yeah, it's an app
on his phone.

Then yeah,
I got a better idea.

Look who the cat dragged in.

Hi, Andy. I'm Vicki.

I know you're scared right now.

But I'm gonna take
real good care of you.

I wanna go home.

I know, honey. I do.

And here's the thing...
You are home.

[tense music playing]


So you skipped a grade,
and now, we've got
classes together.

This is not a buddy system.
I'm not your lifeguard.

We walk through that door
and you drown,

I'm not giving you CPR. Got it?

Got it. No CPR.

Welcome to high school.


[indistinct chatter]

[humming continues]

[phone ringing]

Detective Adebayo.

Yeah, I asked for
their financials.

You did what?

- We shot a car.
- No, no, he shot a car.

A parked car.
With no one in it?

- Just to be clear, he...
- We shot the car

to let the driver know
that it'd been vandalized.

Okay, let me get this
straight. So you vandalized it

so the driver would know
that it was vandalized.

We vandalized the car so that
the driver would show up,

access the sentry system
and give us this.

The beater's registered
to a Brad Skinner at
a Bronx address.

We've added it to the alert
and then contacted NYPD.

They have him
on three priors,

possession, as*ault
and armed robbery.

- And now, as a kidnapper.
- And that's Andy.

Any connection
to Andy's parents?

- Not that we can find.
- I found one.

An hour ago, Steve
made a $200,000 withdrawal.

Unless he had a sudden urge
to join a country club,

I'd say it's a ransom payment.

Didn't we tell them to contact
us if there was a demand?

Clearly, he didn't.
We need to find out why.

And Skinner,
if he left a trail,

- we need to find it.
- That's us.

About Keith. What...
What about the DNA?

I haven't heard, but
I'll let you know once I do.

Like you'll let me know about
the engagement party, or...

It's not a party.
And I just didn't want
to say anything

in front of the kids. Keith's
back, Jay. He's settling in.

It's time to move on.

So you and June have
something in common now.

She wants a child.
You raise great ones,

and now you're ready
to have one with her.

She'd be an idiot
not to come back.

I just wouldn't sh**t up
any more cars until she does.

[sirens blaring]

I'm not giving him back.

Chillax. I'm just bringing
him so that they think we are.

- Ransom wasn't the plan.
- Let's go.

Having a kid's expensive.
This way, they cover his nut.

Hey! I said we're going.


I'll call the cops.
Swear to God I will.

- Yeah? And tell them what?
- The truth about Andy.

I got that to protect me.

What's your excuse?

You ain't calling no one.

Let's go!

Is this him?
Did he take Andy?

We were hoping
you could tell us.

I told you, I don't know
who took him.

You did. And an hour later,

you made a $200,000

Did this man take my son?

Do you know where he is?

We understand why people keep
ransom demands a secret.

- But you should not.
- I'm not.

There hasn't been a demand.

I don't know who this is,
and I didn't withdraw
any money.

- Pat, where is she?
- She's with a friend, Lynn.

You need to get her
on the phone,

because we gotta ask her
some questions.

Like why she took out
that money.

Because it was withdrawn,
and if you didn't do it,
who else could?

This is ridiculous.
She did nothing.

She's with a friend.


I was calling for Pat...

No, no updates...

Just have her call me
when she gets back?

She went for a walk.

Um. And left her phone?

Risk missing a call
about her son?

What other explanation
is there?

That the kidnapper
told her not to
bring the phone.

So that we couldn't trace it
to the ransom drop.

I found it. Skinner's trail.

Credit card payment
on a motel on 6th.

All right,
well, I'll notify SWAT.

Hey, been there done that.
Let's go.

[tense music playing]



The desk clerk said that
there was three of them.

Andy, Skinner and a woman.
I got a description, but no ID.

So we're pulling CCTV
and dusting the room.

Find out who they are
to find out where they are.

That's what we always say.
But with a child...

I promised a fairy tale ending.

Because that's all
I know about Andy.

That he's a child who
likes children's stories.

Fairy tales are a particular
type of children's story.

My point is that we know
nothing. We've got nothing.

Except that Andy
likes terrifying stories.

Fairy tales
are terrifying for a reason.

They teach children
no matter what to persevere.

That the world
is a dangerous place

and no one is going
to save you,

so you have to save yourself.

There were gummies
in the room, right?

Yeah, on the floor, why?

Because maybe knowing
who Andy is

will help us
find him after all.

[Kemi scoffs]


So, M.E. is still determining
the cause of death.

But it looks like a g*nsh*t
wound to the chest,

but there are lacerations
around his neck.

That lines up with
our witness testimony.

She observed Brad
on the ground,
Pat kneeling over him.

And then she claims she saw
Pat s*ab him in the neck.

If Pat was here,
she's fled the scene.

PPD finished a search
of the park
and no sign of her or Andy.

What about the 200k in cash?

- It's unaccounted for.
- And those?

These were in
Skinner's jacket.

One is his and the other,
it's unclear.

We'll have to run a IMEI.

All right, we'll call it in
on the way back.

Um, are you familiar
with Egungun-Oya?

Definitely not.

Okay, she's the Mother
of the dead.

She guides the destinies
of the deceased.

And in Sidney's case,
the living.


There's a darkness
in her eyes.

I believe she's haunted.

She's been having trouble
processing Keith's return.

Let's just say
she's a tad overwhelmed.

Do you mind
if I pray with her?

Um... I'll leave it up to her.

If she's open to it, you know,
you have my blessing.

Thank you.

[school bell rings]

Target acquired,


I almost feel bad for him.

Do you think we should
let him sit with us?

- I said almost.
- Hey, Keith!

[indistinct chatter]

Oh my God, is he friends
with Bianca?

He wasn't.

Your brother is sitting
at Mount Olympus

with Bianca Delvain
and the other gods.

- He's not my brother.
- [scoffs]

- How's it going?
- Hey, um... I'm Keith.

- Yeah, I know.
- Perfection.

This is perfection.

[sighing] Just let it suck.

Once the DNA test comes back,
it'll be over.

Will it?

After what happened,
I didn't sleep
for a whole night

for like almost three years.

Every time I closed my eyes,
I could see him.

His face...
The way he looked at me.

The surprise. The terror.

Sid, we were 12.

Yes. But you didn't
have to look your parents
in the eye every morning

and lie to them,

watching their hopes
fade day-by-day,

thinking that they might
see Keith again.

And then watch their marriage
fall apart

because of the horrible
thing you did.

And then this... guy
shows up, looking like Keith.

And acting like Keith.
For God knows what reason.


It just took
so long to move on.

And now, it feels like it's
happening all over again.

And since
I didn't say anything then,

I can't say anything now.
So I'm... I'm trapped.

[intriguing music playing]

The Medical Examiner's
report is in.

Brad Skinner
died almost instantly

from a g*nsh*t to the chest.

I say almost instantly
because he survived

a few minutes longer due
to medical intervention.

A medical intervention?

Turns out Pat wasn't stabbing
Brad in the neck,

she was performing
a field tracheotomy.

The g*nsh*t made
his tongue "edematous".

I had to look that one up too,

it means fluid-filled
or swollen.

So, it looks like she was
trying to create an airway

- for him to breathe.
- So if Pat tried to save him,

- who tried to k*ll him?
- Yeah, about that...

I checked out the two phones
you found on the deceased.

One did belong to Brad Skinner.

The other... a woman named
Vicki Parsons.

I'm pulling her history now.

- A possible accomplice?
- That would be my guess.

She matches the description
of the woman who checked into
the motel with Brad.

So what's our theory here?

That Brad and Vicki Parsons
take Andy,

ransom him to the mother.

Vicki turns on Brad
and runs off with the money?

But why would Pat try

to save her son's kidnapper?
And who has Andy?

So, we're looking
for two women,

Pat Wells and Vicki Parsons.

We find them,
we find our missing child.

Hey, TSA got a hit
on Pat Wells.

- She just bought
a train ticket.
- Let me guess, to the Bronx?

- That's right.
- This whole thing goes back

to the Bronx.
How many tickets?

One ticket,
traveling alone.

[indistinct announcement
on speakers]

Hey. It's a very
good-looking kid.

It would be a shame if
something happened to him

because you didn't cooperate
with the authorities.

We know they
contacted you, Pat.

They made demands.

You tried to get Andy
back on your own.

Something went wrong.
You got scared.

So you ran. We get it.

But it's time
to let us help you.

Let us help Andy.

Where is your son?

Who has him?

Well, would you look at that.

I'm a new woman.

Andy's not being trafficked,
he's not being ransomed.

Not by Vicki Parsons.
Check it out.

Okay, the Parsons abducted
him. Ransomed him.

m*rder*d Brad Skinner.
What, do you think, she's out
there getting him a pony?

So, listen... Vicki Parsons,
four years ago,

she filed a missing
person's report.

Four years ago,
Andy was two.

The report she filed,
it was about the abduction

of her two-year-old son.

You wanna hear
something weird?

Whatever it is, we just
heard something weirder.

Pat Wells...
is four years old.

You know what's weird
about that?

I mean, aside from everything,

what's weird about that
is that makes perfect sense.

- [phone chiming]
- [sighs]

Oh, it's Sidney.

You know what's really weird?

Is that our daughter's eggs
are being read.

Makes perfect sense to me.

Have you found Andy?
Please tell me
you've found him.

Baby, did you withdraw

I was trying
to get Andy back.

From Brad Skinner.
Who's now in a body bag.

All I care about
is finding Andy.

Which explains the body bag.

I didn't k*ll him.

He was dead
when I got there.

Why don't you talk to me
about Vicki Parsons?

- I don't know who that is.
- Well, four years ago,

Vicki filed a missing
person's report

after her son
had been abducted.

four years ago, you were born.

Yeah, um...

Driver's license,

social security card,


Every single one of them
issued four years ago.

Either you dated the Unabomber
before that,

or you teleported in from Mars,

or you changed your identity

after stealing
someone else's kid.

So, yeah, when I said it
was a coincidence,

I... I was being ironic.

Talk to us, baby.

That'll make finding Andy
a whole lot easier.

I want you to close your eyes
and open your hands.

I want you to put all your bad
energy into those objects.

Once you do, I'll be able to
read them and
know if it worked.


There you go.

I want you to pay
very close attention.

Pat Wells, she had a train
ticket to New York.

Vicki Parsons,
Bronx phone number.

Which gave NYPD an address
to stake out.

She got a rap sheet
a mile long.

Possession of coke, PCP,
heroin, meth.

She's an equal opportunity offender.

Now, we're just
waiting on the financials.

What about medical records?

What are her eating habits?

I once had a client
had a stalker.

Found that guy based
on his obsession with kielbasa.

I bet your client
was very happy.

Yeah, with the result.

With me, not so much.

We had a misunderstanding
about a word.

One word? What does that mean?

Ex. As in ex-wife.

I thought she was.
Turns out she was not.

Pat, honey,
the longer you wait,

the harder it will be for us
to find Andy.

I was a neonatal nurse.

Working at a NICU in the Bronx.

We got preemies.

Kids who'd lost oxygen
during delivery.

And some of whose mothers
were drug addicts.

Like Vicki Parsons.

She never visited.

Andy was fighting for his life

because of her
and she never came.

Not one time in two months.

And in those two months?

I cared for him.

I changed him. I fed him.

I read him fairy tales.

Then she sobered up
and she took him away.

Until she started using again.

Ten months old
and he's back in the ICU.



And yet, he remembered me.

We had a connection.

He was like
this little sunflower

and I was the sun that he
instinctively knew to turn to.

It happened two more times.

Child Protective Services
did nothing to stop it.

She got better.
I lost him.

She got worse.
I got him back.

The last time, I couldn't.

I wouldn't let him go.

I looked in her records,

I got her address
and I watched.

[crying] I didn't have a plan.

It's okay.

I just knew that
sooner or later

something bad was gonna happen

and I needed to be there
when it did.

It was a Saturday afternoon.

Blazing hot.

She was high or drunk or both.

She parked.

And just left Andy
in the car.

He would've died if
I hadn't done something.

I couldn't give him back.

Not to her.

So I left the Bronx.

I moved to Philly.

Changed my name.

Met Steven.

And told him Andy's
father had died.

He doesn't know any of it.

I didn't want my past
haunting him like it's come
back to haunt me.

Someone tried to help
Brad Skinner.

Someone with medical expertise.

That was you, wasn't it?

I thought if I could
keep him alive,

he could tell me
how to find my son.

My son.

Not hers.

Yeah, okay. Thanks.

The financials were a dead end.

There's no activity on Vicki's
bank account or credit.

Mostly because she doesn't have
a bank account or credit cards.

Cash only, then, probably.

Yeah, but not by choice.

She filed for medical bankruptcy.

So she's drowning in debt.

She's also got chronic
health problems

because of the drug thing.

And she had a pacemaker
implanted last year.

So, long story short, there's
no financial trail to follow.

You can't follow the money,
you can't follow
the kielbasa...

Follow the heart, right?

- Hmm.
- No, okay.

I know that look.
That's a bad look.

No, it's good.
Let's go for a ride. Come on.

- [sighing]
- Come, come, come.


Now crack the eggs in a glass
and I'll read them.

[inhaling deeply]

[Kemi speaking in Hausa]


So now, we'll let them soak

and then I'll read them.

And the candles,
once they burn out.

And the limes,
take those home.

Squeeze those
into 12 cups of water.

Pour it on your body
and don't wash it off.

Okay. The lime juice,
don't wash it off.

It'll protect you.

From what?
You still haven't said.

If you do as I say,

God willing...'ll be okay.

This seems on the up-and-up.

This guy's a miracle worker.
Trust me.


What the hell
are you doing here?

Well, I need you
to track a pacemaker for me.

But where's the southern

One, I'm from Cleveland.

Two, June told me
what you did.

So why don't you go home
and dip your chachis

in a pot of boiling water,
you faker!

You're not welcome here.


I must've blinked.
Did I miss the miracle?

I got a warrant! You want me
to break the door down?
Open up.

There's no way
you have a warrant.
Does he have a warrant?

- I don't think he would lie.
- Let me see it. Let me see it.

- This is
a dry-cleaning receipt.
- I know!

- What do you want?
- I want you to...

Will you relax?

Hey, I know you and June
share an alpaca fetish

and that you guys bond over
hypoallergenic fleeces,

whatever, but there's
a child, he's been abducted.

His name's Andy. And right now,
the person who took Andy,

he's getting
further and further away

while you scream spittle
at me all over the place.

What does that have
to do with me?

Well, the kidnapper
has a pacemaker
and it's in the cloud.

You can hack anything
because you're brilliant.

I told him that you love kids.

There's nothing you wouldn't
do for children.

You're extremely compassionate.

And noble.
He used the word noble.

Nah... I'm just
a regular dude.

He says you're
a miracle worker.

That's right.
You are a miracle worker.

Can you make
a miracle happen for Andy?

- Can you do that?
- Of course I will.


- It's gonna cost you.
- That's fine. How much?

Apologize to June.

All right, that's none
of your business.

For the record,
I did apologize to her.

- She doesn't
want to talk to me.
- Because you made excuses.

Did you try, without
qualifiers, or justifications,

like K-Stew after Rupertgate,
to just apologize?

Yeah. I didn't think so.

Okay. All right.

I'll beg for forgiveness
next time I see her.

No. Not next time.

Now time, dude.

[phone ringing]

- Hello?
- Hey! It's Renwick.

I got someone here that
wants to talk to you.

- A kid is missing, dude.
I don't have time for this.

- Lord...

Hi, June.

I know that I'm the last person
on Earth

that you wanna speak to
right now.

But I need you to know
that I'm sorry.

I never should've lied to you,
I should've been honest

about the fact that I wasn't
ready to have a child.

I'm so sorry,
from the bottom of my heart.

I am genuinely,
genuinely sorry.

So am I...

that you're only calling me
because Ren put you up to it.

That's fair.
But truth be told,

you won't take my calls.
I wanna speak to you.

I'm ready to speak to you.

Well, there is something
I wanna tell you,

but I don't want to do it
over the phone.

How about we meet tonight?

Great. I'll be there.


For the record,

I'm rooting for you two.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

That's really nice.

- Do you know the manufacturer?
- Lugenix.

Their cloud security's a joke!

They rolled their
own encryption

and used a faulty
cipher feedback.

Can you find the pacemaker
in the next hour?

Bro... Five minutes. Tops.

Okay. Five minutes,
that's pretty good.

I told you,
he's a miracle worker.

- [phone ringing]
- Hey. Any luck?

I've got a track
on Vicki Parsons.

She's headed north
on route 611,

- heading towards Warrington.
- I'll coordinate with P.S.P.

to set up a roadblock
at Danboro Bridge.

I'll meet you there.

Are you thirsty?

Okay, baby.

Let me know
if you change your mind.

[sirens blaring]


[tires screeching]

Step out of the vehicle
with your hands up!

No! No! No! No!

Andy, listen to me.

I know you're scared.

I'm sorry I wasn't
there for you.

Mommy was sick.

And I tried to get better
for you.

So I could find you.

I searched for so long, baby.

So I could finally
be a mother to you.

Do you understand?

None of this is your fault.

But I need you to take my hand.

I need you to trust me.

Everything's gonna be
okay from now on.

Mama's finally gonna
take care of you.

[sirens blaring]

No one approaches the vehicle.

We got it from here, okay?

Come with me. Block out
this road. Nobody in or out.

Ms. Parsons.


Vicki, I'm gonna need you
to put down the g*n

and let Andy go, okay?

If I drop this g*n,
I know what happens next.

I go to jail and you give
my child back to that woman.

We know the truth, Vicki.
We know that Andy is your son.

- What about Brad?
- Why don't we go down
to the station?

We'll talk about Brad, okay?

He said he loved me...

He said that
we'd get Andy back.

That we would all be together.

I was stupid enough
to believe him.

He just wanted Andy
for a payout.

And that's when you found him
at the park,

you confronted him.

We got into an argument.

I wasn't gonna let him
give my son away.

He pulled the g*n on me.

We struggled for it...

And I shot him.

- [g*nsh*t]
- To protect Andy.

Sounds to me
like self-defense.

Maybe a judge will see it
the same way.

They'll charge me
with kidnapping my own son.

My own child!

I wasn't gonna let Brad
give my child back

to the monster
that took him from me.

And I sure as hell
won't let you.

Vicki, come on,
baby, please.


[dramatic music]

No, Nick, hey!


[melancholic music playing]

[door opening]


He's fine. He's here.

Sergeant Schultz
will take you to him.

Oh! You did it!

You gave us
a fairy tale ending.

Thank you.

Of course. Now go.

This isn't about the bridge,
is it?

I apologized to June.

She's gonna meet me later.

I'm not surprised.
When you want to,

you can be
very not un-charming.

Ah. You're telling
the kids about Mike.

I'm gonna have kids with
someone who's not their mother.

Is that a fairy tale ending?

I want to see my family.

- You can see Andy.
- I want to see them both.

I've already explained
the situation.

The situation?

That you're treating
my wife like a criminal.

- No.
- Steve.

It's okay.
You can see them both.

I don't blame her
for not telling me.

After what happened,
I don't think anyone could.

She kept what she did
a secret to protect Andy.

And herself.

She took him from his mother.

And because she did,
Andy has a stable home,

two parents who love him and
an incredibly bright future.

We're going to write
a case report.

And when we do,
we're gonna have
to include all the facts.

What Vicki Parsons did.
And what Pat did, too.

Taking Andy.

Hey, why don't you go be with
your family.

All right? Go ahead.

You know if he's taken
from us,

he has no one.

Not even his crazy mother.

Without us, he's alone.

He's right.
If we tell the truth,

and nothing but the truth,

the DCFS will take Andy
from him.

He'll end up in foster care.

As opposed to ending up
with a woman
who changed her identity

to hide the fact that
she kidnapped a baby?

Well, she saved
that baby's life!

All I'm saying is
she committed a felony

and we can't cover that up.

You know what, the report,
feel free to not assign it
to me.

I'll do it.

You sure? I can help you if...

It's okay. I got it.

Hey, I need you to take these.

The candles and the yolks.

Oh, we're not doing
breakfast for dinner?

Give those to Sidney.

It contains bad energy.

Tell her to bury it
as far away as possible.

How bad is the energy?

It's something...


But you got them. Or it.

I won this battle, but...

It's definitely a w*r.

Hey, J.

This just came
for Captain Batista.

I'll give it to her.
Thank you.

That's it?
Outlaw couple tries to abduct

wealthy family's child
for ransom.

One kills the other,
then commits su1c1de.

- End of story.
- I know how you feel
about this.

This is not about how I feel.
This is about the facts.

The ones any report
issued from this office
are obligated to include.

Are we obligated
to destroy Andy's life?

Because that is what including
all the facts will do.

- You don't know that.
- No, Kemi's right.

If the DCFS finds out
all the facts,

they will take Andy away.

This is not about
what the DCFS will do.

This is about you
doing your job.

Which last time I checked
did not include playing God.

- That's not what I'm doing.
- You're right.

Presumably, God would be
an excellent social worker,

like, I don't know,
the people at DCFS

who are actually equipped
to decide the fate of a child.

I feel perfectly equipped
to decide this child's fate.

I know you do.

That's what frightens me.

Are you really going
to send this in?

I already did.

I know we were supposed
to tell the kids about us
at dinner, but...

I don't think I can be
with you tonight.

I understand.

It's him. It's Keith.

DNA confirms, that's our boy.

I don't understand.

We took DNA
from his toothbrush

and from his baby hair,

from before he was taken
and then, after he came back.

- They match.
- He's your brother, butter.

Is that from Kemi?
How'd I do?

you're a work in progress.

But this is a good first start

if you can bury this
far, far away.

I say the garbage disposal
is good enough.

You owe Kemi
more respect than that.

You need to respect her,
respect her process.

Okay. That's fair.

But this process, this DNA,

okay, this is undeniable, verifiable,

no egg yolk necessary,

super mo in the mojo.

You're right. About Kemi.

- I need to respect her.
- This is good news.

Yeah, Keith,
he's got good mojo.

Me, I've got candle wax
and runny eggs.

And limes... to protect me.

You do not need protection.

Yeah, I do.

We all do.

Sid. Sidney. Sid...

Well, I guess,
the good news is

no one has to eat
your meatloaf. Huh?

I thought you loved
my meatloaf.

Then again,
June thought that

you were trying
to get her pregnant.

You know, I am sensing
a theme here.

The report...

You did the right thing.

Thank you.
What can I say,

I love a fairy tale ending.

You'll get your own fairy tale
ending with Mike too.

You also can be not un-charming
when you wanna be.

Why is this so hard?

Well, I think, because...

grief is the price
we pay for love.

Go. Be with June.

You sure?
Yeah. Positive. Positive. Yes.

This day has to end with
a fairy tale ending
for someone.

[soft music playing]

You didn't believe me?

[tense music playing]


You heard us talking.

I can't believe you thought
I was an imposter.

Baby... Keith!

[door closing]

Thanks for having me over.

How's Carol?


Which is why
we're meeting here.

Your sister hates me that much?

I'm 42, and because of you,
I'm living here, so...

You do the math.

I've done the math.

And I want us to get pregnant.

The sooner the better.

Okay? What is it?
You don't believe me?

No, I... Oh, my God.

I do believe you, it's just...

There is someone else.

There's... Wow.

You moved out a week ago.

Yeah, he's amazing.

He's a neurosurgeon.

Uh, and...

He likes to cook.

- And he backpacks.
- Okay.

Are you dating him
or are you building a monument?

No, no. I'm not dating him.

I've actually never met him.
And I'm never
going to meet him.

But I am going
to have his child.

Immaculate conception.

Cue the wise men.

Or in this case
the sperm bank.

No, June, don't do that.
I'm right here.

I want this. Okay?

Look at me, I want this.

I want to thank you for
being incredibly irresponsible,

because you taught me
to look out for myself.


...that's what I did.

- He rigged it.
- A DNA test?

That's impossible.

So is the result.

And before you say that maybe
we're wrong,

please don't.

Because the alternative
is too horrible to contemplate.

So what're you gonna do?

Well, I'm gonna
protect myself.

And then I'm gonna
tell the truth.

[dramatic music playing]

[breathing heavily]

911, what's the nature
of your emergency?

There was a drowning.

Is the person under water?
Are you unable to see them?

Yeah. That's right.

There's a body at the bottom
of Union Lake.