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01x05 - Bleeding Heart

Posted: 03/22/24 19:41
by bunniefuu
In Toronto's w*r on crime,

the worst offenders are
pursued by the detectives

of the specialized Criminal
Investigations Unit.

These are their stories.


We missed the bus, Sam.

No chance. It goes by every, uh...

It's fine. You have enough
gas to get you to work.

How will you get to work, eh?
Walk your pretty legs downtown?

Pretty? These legs are gorgeous.

Supermodels would cry for them.


Ah, come. You don't worry yourself.


I know it doesn't feel like
it, but we're almost there, Zee.

- And where is that exactly?
- The place I promised.

Where we do what we want
to, not what we have to.


Where I take care of you,

and we take care of everyone we love.

- You believe it?
- I believe you, Sam.

I have to go to work now.


Please? This is the last
time I'm gonna ask...

No, listen! I'm not giving you the card.

You gotta pay your bills,
you pay them with cash.

Anise, you don't get to decide!



- Your sister?
- Who else?

Some vultures are trying
to steal our house,

and she's walking around
with her head in the clouds.

- Are you going to be okay?
- Honestly, I... don't know.

Don't worry about the vultures, Anise.

In the end, those people
get what they deserve.

Yeah. Thanks.

Of course.


Ugh, Sam, my screen's frozen again.

Yeah, bruh. I told
you, you should've come.

Becks bought out the entire island.

Oh, yeah, yeah, came yesterday.

Zero to 60 in three, and sexy as hell.

- This his car?
- Sick, right?

Took a picture of it
out in the parking lot.

Could've registered it online, but no,

he's gotta make my life
miserable 10 minutes before break.

I can take him over here. But...

you're gonna owe me big, bruh.

Thank you.

Yeah, of course I got
the paint custom-ordered.

Now all I need is a
co-pilot who can keep up.

Sir, I'm ready for you over here.


You don't own a watch, bruh?

You're the one dragging on my
time, so don't be rushing me.

Boss, boss, you can't just...


Okay, okay, fine. Fine.

I can fit one more, but it's gotta
be here in the next few hours.

It's going out in the morning. Hey!

Hey, change of plans.

Leave it off.

No, no. Chick was a no-show.

I'm telling you, man, these
apps are a waste of time.

Uh, excuse me, sir.

You know who I am, you
know what I rolled up in.

My phone's about to die. I'll give you

a shoutout for the game, alright? Yeah.

Um, sir?

Tip comes after...
you've brought the car.

That's the thing. We
can't seem to find it.

- You lost my fob?
- No!

It's just not where we parked it.

We searched the whole lot, even checked

- around the entire block, and we can't...
- Where the hell is my car?!

If you had 100K lying around,
which one would you pick?

- What do you mean?
- I'd probably go for the...

What happened to the straps?

Uh... I dunno.

- You cut yourself getting this on?
- No. Why?



Poor guy. Worst inspectors usually
find is dr*gs in the dashboard.

- Was this a planned inspection?
- No. Random spot check.

It's impossible to
search every truck leaving

the province, so these
unexpected inspections,

they increase our odds in, you
know, catching something off.

Well, couldn't be more off
than this. Who's in charge here?

Leos Marek. Said he
was having chest pains.

Medic's looking at him now. I'll
go see if he caught his breath.

Victim suffered severe head trauma.

Judging from the blood on his
shirt, neck wounds... maybe.

Somebody went at him with a vengeance.

There's spatter on the carrier frame
and the exterior of the car door.

Victim must've been struck
through the open window.

k*ller grabs some rebar...

cracks his head with the first blow,

impales him through the
neck with the second.

Mr. Marek, we just need
to talk to you over here.

- Any ID on the victim?
- No, nothing. No phone either.

I'm Detective Graff. This is
Detective Bateman. Is this an employee?

- No.
- We need access to your security feed.

Uh, those broke down last year.

I know, I should've replaced them.

It's interesting that
you didn't, though,

considering the amount of high-end
merchandise you have lying around.

The manifest says these are
bound for Montreal, yeah?

Yeah, which always happens to
be a... popular departure point

for the export of stolen vehicles.

Yeah, they just ship 'em out
of there, and weeks later,

they go for top dollar anywhere
from Malta to West Africa.

You can ask the
inspector. They're clean.

You can check the registration papers.

We'll happily take you up on that.
How long these cars been here?

They've been loaded a
couple days at least.

Except yesterday...

somebody took this one out for lunch.

So our victim is also a car thief.

Same car he was found in was
reported stolen yesterday.

Red-light camera snapped
this two kilometres

from the restaurant where it was taken.

I ran your victim through facial
recognition. He isn't in our system.

He's either a good thief or a
new thief. No criminal record.

Can't say the same for
the owner of the car.

That would be... Engel Muller.

Not the happiest camper.

He's no Ali, our Mr.
Muller, but he's a fighter.

He's had some practice.

Three prior assaults to his name.

The last one was eight months ago.

If this is what he's doing
to the messenger of bad news,

I can only imagine what he'd do to
the man who actually stole his car.

That dirtbag gets what's coming to him,

and I get Special Forces on my doorstep?

Well, to be fair, Special Forces
would've come through your windows.

We knocked.

So, again, what were you
doing late last night?

I was in a cab... on the
way back from the game,

because that kid stole my ride.

I'm the victim here.

Well, actually,

you're a victim with a
short fuse and a long record.

And that kid, the one
who stole your prize

possession, he's missing half his skull.

Look, I don't know who stole my
car, but I know I didn't k*ll him.

Three assaults, motive,

and a car that can track
anyone who takes it.

The prosecutor's gonna say
you, uh, hunted him down.

And when they see his baby face,

a jury's gonna eat you alive.

Okay, look... [SIGHING]

... the assaults, they were...

they were away games
and... too much alcohol,

but they got me on anger
management six months now.

I'm sure the valet you gave a concussion

to will be really happy to hear that.

And his lawyer, the one he hired to sue

you for as*ault, I bet he'll be tickled.

And your report says that your car

had an after-market tracker installed.

Yeah, but I hadn't... set it up yet.

I only had the car two days.

Now, high-end car thieves, they
usually case their targets in advance.

So he might've been around the building.

I need you to take a closer look.

You know him.

No, I don't know him...
but I'm pretty sure we met.


Okay, victim is Sam Falade, 28.

Emigrated from Ghana a
year ago. Clean record,

but he's been clocking in at the vehicle

registration office
for the last six months.

No better job for a car thief. A
daily inventory of high-value cars,

and all the details he needs

- to make 'em disappear.
- Yep.

And looks like our government
man likes working overtime.


- Zara.
[AUTOMATED VOICE]: This customer voicemail is full.

- Hey, any luck? Did you hear from Sam?
- Please try again later.

I'm sure it's fine. But maybe someone

can cover the rest of my shift today?

- Yeah, let me... let me look at the schedule.
- Okay.



I'm gonna need you to fix this.

Where did you get Sam's phone?

Is he okay?

- What happened to him?
- That's not your business.

- He didn't come home since...
- Shhh.

Keep calm. Keep quiet.

Or else we'll be having a
more concerning conversation.



Dead? Are you sure?

- Oh, yeah.
- But it makes no sense.

Me and Sam are tight.

I know he wouldn't be
involved in anything illegal.

Trust me, I know him better than anyone.

- So you were friends? - Yeah.
- You guys hang out a lot?

I... I wouldn't say a lot...

Well, the last party you
had, did you invite him?

Or did he invite you to his?

You were colleagues, Taylor,

which should never be
confused with actual friends.

Was Sam a good worker?

Came in early, worked late. He
was like the office poster boy.

Then why does his file say he was
issued a formal warning last month?

Uh... he did get caught once.

Doing what?

We're not supposed to be on
our phones during work hours,

but he was constantly texting his girl.

Like, nonstop, he was on the phone,

"baby" this, "sexy" that, even
taking bathroom breaks to do it.

D'you ever meet this girl of his?

Like you said, we were colleagues.

Collegial enough for
him to give you her name?


- Thank you.




Split cable, rigged metre,

plywood partitions.

I'd say this house has been chopped
into a half-dozen single units.

Looks like Sam borrowed these from work.

Registration papers for
Engel Muller's vehicle

and the other five cars on the carrier.

It's worth at least
one million in total.

And he's living here. Sam's
not reaping what he sows.

Must be working for someone
who's making the real money.



It's okay. We're police.

It's okay.

Sam hasn't done anything
illegal. He's a government worker.

One who likes to take
work home with him.

Registration papers for six stolen cars.

Your Sam does... excellent work,

but his talents don't stop there.

He also doctored your
immigration papers.

We found these under your bed.

- Our papers are good.
- Sam's an excellent forger.

Your papers are good. Very
good. But they're still fake.

We spoke with Immigration Enforcement.

They said they're in
a processing backlog.

Most people are looking at years to

get into the country, and you and Sam,

you sailed through in record time.

You must've had help.

Someone offered you a way to turn years

of waiting into months. Why not take it?

I'm guessing they called themselves

"immigration brokers" to sound official,

but it's really just a
euphemism for organized crime.

I bet they made it sound easy.

Fast track to Canada, a job
waiting for you when you get there,

you'd be able to pay
it all back in no time.

But that bill just keeps growing.

So they coerce Sam
into working for them,

using his special skill-set...

to make stolen cars disappear.

These people...

they're the ones you're
hiding from, aren't they?

Zara, we can't help you unless
you tell us who they are.

I never met anyone.

Sam didn't want to involve me. But...

when he didn't come home last night,

I-I didn't know, I was afraid...

I was afraid the brokers might
have changed the agreement.

Did Sam ever mention a name? Anything?


But today, a man came to my work. He...

he was the same man that picked us
from the airport when we first came.

He didn't talk the
whole trip, he just...

dropped us off at that awful place.

- Was he talking today?
- Only to tell me to keep my mouth shut.


to give me Sam's phone.

Those phones, they run for about $4,000.

He didn't buy it. It...
it was a gift from work.

Most people are crossing their fingers

on a list to get one of these phones.

It seems unlikely a new hire would
just be given something like this.

We sold six of these at my work
this year. My boss even bought one.

May I take a closer look?

I know the password, but...

everything has been deleted from it.

Please. You have to help Sam, please.

I know we're illegal,
but he's a good man.

Please, ma'am. Please.

Please. [CRYING]


No! No, no, no!


Leos Marek has gotta be involved.

Well, Sam wasn't just a petty car thief.

He's skilled, he's smart.

Yeah, he wouldn't trust his
export business to an amateur.

Only questions is, was Leos
Sam's partner or his boss?


Show me your hands!

The boy in the car?

I k*lled him.

Why are we taking so long... ?!

The man asks a reasonable question.

I'm just trying to put facts
on the feeling, Inspector.

This Sam kid was good. You called
it with the immigration papers.

Fake, but the quality's extraordinary.

What does this have
to do with our suspect?

I looked at all the
invoices and shipping

manifests you took from his office.

Every last one was doctored, but
not in some generic broad-stroke.

At least not in the last six months.

Take the vehicle with our victim inside.

Sam factored the weight of the
stolen car into the invoice details

so it wouldn't flag Customs if
they checked the car carrier.

He was so good.

Hey! I already confessed!

How much easier can I make this for ya?

None of this feels right.

We turn up on the scene and find a
guy sliced up like a horror movie.

And now, when a good lawyer could walk

him away from all this in a few years,

he's ready to eat a m*rder charge?
There's no way this is our guy.

This guy wants to give you a statement,

and if I was you, I
would go and take it.



So you ready to tell us how
you lost four pints of blood?

What, this?

I ran into a door.

Well, then, this isn't
gonna last too long.

Should we, uh, start recording,

or do you want to
wait for your attorney?

I don't need any lawyer. Let's
just get this show on the road.

I steal cars, alright?

I brought in the kid
for a little extra help.

I'm the brains, he's the brawn.

Then he tried to stiff me.

I got mad. [SIGHING]

I k*lled him.

End of statement.

Wow. That was succinct.

- Hmm.
- It's also a...

big leap for a guy who has no
violent offences on his record.

Tell you what impresses me the most.

It's the way you doctored the
paperwork to be precise to the pound,

yet didn't tip off to the stolen cars.

Now, the car you put the kid in,

how much does that car weigh, exactly?

What does it matter?

Should be an easy answer for
the brain of this two-man show.

Yeah, and given the carriers have to

report to government weigh stations

with every pound accountable, I mean,

you should know that as well as you know

your own name, so how much did it weigh?


Leos, we know you're a car thief,

but you're not the
brains behind all this.

And sure as hell you're not a k*ller.

You have a wife and kids.

Do you really want this false confession
to rip you out of their lives?

Better they come see me in jail...

than I'm a free man playing
chess with my daughters' eyes.

And would the men who would
do that to your daughters

be the same men who
would advise a car thief

to take the heat on a m*rder charge

to keep the smoke from
blowing in their direction?

I gave you my statement.

Now I need my painkillers.


- You're thinking it's La Lame Rouge?
- Well, the chess reference.

They're the only
syndicate I know that, uh,

sends its victims' body
parts in toys and games.

Better to be locked up for m*rder

than see everyone you know slaughtered

by the most vicious ones in the game.

Okay, so Leos is working with the LLR.

Hmm. They're pressuring him to take
the heat for Sam's m*rder, but why?

Maybe LLR are the ones who k*lled Sam.

Maybe Sam pissed them off, didn't
pay his immigration debt fast enough.

That is assuming you're
right about it being LLR.

Could be a rival trying to pin
it on them for a power grab.

Well, there is a way we
can find out, so, uh...

- So?
- So when he rips our heads off for asking,

remember it was your idea.

Let me drive.

Knock louder.

This was a mistake.
We shouldn't be here.

Look, she's nice. And
she'll tell you the truth.

Or at least you could
see it for yourself.

Hey, you promised if
I gave you the money,

you'd have this conversation.


Excuse me, is Zara home?

This was a mistake.

Connie. Connie!

- So this friend of yours, who is he exactly?
- I didn't say he was a friend.

- Right. You don't believe in work friends.
- I didn't say that either.

You kidding me right now?

Her idea completely, LJ.

Detective Frankie Bateman,

meet Detective Langston
James, g*ns and Gangs.

Pleasure to meet you.

You can't put this on your partner.

Think you can snap your fingers and

have everyone drop everything for you?

I do not.

I got a caseload of semi-automatics
about to hit the streets,

but Herny Graff needs a favour, so...

I need a favour repaid, remember?

Car thief caught a hell of a
beating. What's this gotta do with me?

Well, we think it
might be La Lame Rouge.

The car thief, Sam, was good
at forging documents, too.

The Sam kid... it's not LLR k*ll.

What if he was competing with them,

got in the way of their car-theft ring?

If this was LLR inflicting punishment,

you would've found a piece of that
kid in every corner of that car.

If he was as good as you
say, he was working for 'em.

I don't understand.

Think of La Lame Rouge
like a corporation.

It's got divisions and franchises.

Car theft pays the general staff,

but finance fraud puts
the CEOs on private planes.

We're talking money laundering,
credit-card fraud, romance scams.

Doesn't make sense to k*ll
a top producer. [BEEPING]

Yeah, I got g*ns on the move.

Now you owe me.




So, Sam I am.

I live in this closet
with my girlfriend Zara,

work my 9 to 5 doing
motor-vehicle registration.

Turn over my paycheque and any info
I collect there to the LLR brokers,

who fast-tracked my immigration.

Even start stealing cars for them,
but that doesn't drop my debt.

So I branch out.

I work different
departments in LLR, but, uh,

I still remain a top-tier
soldier in document forgery.

My girlfriend knows I'm stealing cars,

but... I'm not letting
on to the rest, so...

how do I keep a secret in
a room too small to hold any?

Where... do you keep your secrets, Sam?





Lisa... Beth...

Sam, Sam, the ladies' man.


So Sam works for LLR as a car
thief and a romance scammer.

Tsk. Double duty.

More like overtime.
I'd have name tags, too,

on my phones if I had
this many girlfriends.

Yeah, well, it's a volume business.
LLR's known for their scams.

Last year, they took over 100 million

- from their marks in Toronto alone.
- Wow.

These guys often have
multiple women on their roster,

sometimes multiple avatars.

Luckily, our Sam only has one.

This is our victim's dating profile.

Looked a little different
in real life, right?

First rule of catfishing:

Present the image you
think they're gonna go for,

then take them for all they're worth.

Until somebody finds you out
and brains you with rebar,

and you end up dead in a stolen car.

So the k*ller could be
a scorned lover, but...

if she never saw Sam's face,
never knew his real name,

how did one of these women find him?

I went through Sam's
Yanzhi. The night he died,

someone was tracking his phone right

to the location where he was k*lled.

He underestimated one of his marks.

And hell hath no furry
like a woman scorned.

We're gonna need all the, uh, names

and addresses of all of his victims.


I have to say, Connie, this
house has very good bones.

Love the closet space.

And you had the roof done when?

Look, I don't have time for this.

- For... ?
- For this dance,

where you pretend the
market's not on my side

when we both know this house
could be a total teardown

and still go for over a million easy.

I need an unlisted sale, and fast.

So the only real question is,

are you an agent who
can make that happen?

Of course.

However, given that your
sister is a co-owner,

we would need her signature, as well.

- I can have that by tomorrow.
- Perfect.

In the meantime, if you're
looking to scale down,

I would love to show you some
lofts in the Distillery District...

That won't be necessary.
I'm leaving the country.


Uh, Detective!

A word.

Please explain to Mr. Forrester

that which I cannot possibly fathom.


The m*rder confession from Leos
Marek you've decided to toss?

It's not tossed, it's just not true.

The man is a car thief, not a m*rder*r.

I'm aware of the difference,
Detective Bateman.

But he's been in our custody
longer than we can justify.

Either we get him in front
of a judge or we release him.

We believe he was threatened
into that confession.

With a machete, to be specific.


We think LLR is involved.

You think they're good for Sam's m*rder?

Not directly.

We think the romance scams
he was running for them

put him in the crosshairs of a woman

who wanted some payback of her own.

You've got 24 hours.

If this doesn't pan out,
I'll be proceeding with Leos.

Detective Graff.


Look, I know that you and Detective

James have your little
bromance going on.

But I do not have time in my life

for g*ns and Gangs losing their minds

over you pulling him from
their active investigation.

If there was a problem, LJ,

he would've said something.

Believe me.

If it happens again...

it'll be a problem for the both of you.

Believe me.

Connie Walker, 38.

Messages are all pretty benign.

"Keep the faith. Call me.
I miss you. Where are you?"

Valerie Noel, 34.

Now, last text from the Val phone...

was sent by her to Sam four months ago.

"Please call. Need my money
back by Friday. Please, babe.

Having anxiety."

Before that, it was
all... love and roses.

Looks like when, uh,

Val's money was gone, so was Sam.

Okay. So...

the only person still pinging
Sam's burner phone is Connie.

She's stacking heart
emojis on every message.

Holding out hope.

Or... she's calling him
to give herself an alibi.

K*llers try that all the time.

"Why would I keep calling
him if I knew he was dead?"

I'm not buying Connie as a k*ller.

Look at her profile.
Cosplayer, book editor,

fan-fiction writer... [PHONE CHIMING]

If Connie wants to k*ll someone, she's

sprinkling oleander
on a cucumber sandwich,

not, uh... bashing in
a guy's head with rebar.

Because real K*llers don't do Comic Con.

Yeah, but they might give
someone a $4,000 tracking device.

I just got word from Yanzhi.

You remember Sam's fancy phone?

The one Zara said he received as a gift?

Well, apparently, he
registered it to their website,

but guess who it was
registered to before that?

Connie Walker. Now
who's getting hustled?

Sam's fancy phone, the one
you said he got as a gift.

And so? I gave it to you.

It was a gift, but it was giving to
him by a woman named Connie Walker?

Do you know her?

It's not safe for me now. Does it
look like I have time for chatting?

Zara, do you know this woman?

My boss at Cellphone City,

her name is Anise Walker and
her sister's name is Connie.

So... so Connie came into the store
and bought one of these phones?

No, but... Anise did.

She said she was giving it
to Connie for her birthday.

Zara, how did you get
the job at Cellphone City?

I met Anise on campus at a job fair.

I don't know how Sam got
the phone from Connie.

Zara. Hey.

Where you gonna go?

Wherever I can unt...
until they deport me.

Okay. Here.

I want you to call this number, okay?

She is the best immigration
lawyer in the city,

and she's also a dear friend of mine.

She will help you find
somewhere safe to stay,

and when your immigration
hearing comes up,

I promise I will testify on your behalf.

You've cooperated fully
under great duress.

Trust me, that will go a long way.


Did you really think I wouldn't find out

you forged my name to
sell the house I own?

- What are you doing?
- My name is on the card, remember?

- The card is for emergencies only.
- Well, this is an emergency!

And it's not your house, Anise.
Mom left it to both of us?

I'm gonna need half
of whatever we get for

it to set up in Tunisia.
I leave Saturday.

Connie, wait. We talked about this,
okay? We're not selling the house.

If you want to be difficult,
I'll just pull the equity, okay?

But one way or another,
I'm getting my money!

Connie! Connie! What are
you... Where are you going?!

I'm gonna stay at an
Airbnb near the airport.

Connie, can you please stop and talk
about this for a second?! Please!


I don't understand why my name
would be in a criminal's phone.

I mean, there must be some mistake.

Well, it's not just any criminal.
He's a top-tier catfisher.

Yeah, goes by the
screen name Simple Sammy.

We really do appreciate you
accompanying your sister, Anise.

It can't be easy being
the adult in this scenario.

Easy, Bateman. We don't even know if

Connie was involved with this guy yet.

Connie, if you will, please?
Through this door. Thank you.

- If you'd follow me.
- Wait. I...

It's okay. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

You'll see there that, uh, we
arranged the women by cities.

Please take a seat.

Yeah, he was pretty prolific,

our Simply Sammy.

But, you know, I guess
scammers have to be.

What did this person even do?

And why would your partner
think I'm involved with him?

We found Sammy's personal phone,

a silver Yanzhi,

worth almost $4,000.

And the thing is,
it's registered to you.

My sister's an executive assistant,

so she makes decent amount of money.

So what if she buys
herself an expensive phone?


we both know Connie lost
that job six months ago.


I bet I can guess who's
been picking up the slack.

She's my sister.

I'm not just gonna cut her loose.

Like you said... one of
us has to be the adult.

I was the one helping Mom with her bills

when Anise was off
trying to be a rock star.

Mom died and... Anise gets this job,

and suddenly she's not my
sister anymore, she's my boss.

Ah... telling you what you should do,

how you should live, and who you
should love. That's not fair, right?

I mean, it's up to you if you want to

give your fiancé some money, yeah?

A hundred-thousand dollars?
That's how much she sent him?

So far.


thousands of texts between
her and Sam over the past year.

A hundred-thousand dollars
moving in his direction.

Sam had the hard-luck stories,
your sister has that big soft heart.

It's a problematic combination.

Please. Not for him.

You see the engagement ring she's
wearing? The one Sammy got for her?

I saw it on her credit-card
statement. She bought it for herself.

I'm... I'm sorry. That's incredibly sad.

She's been on the honour
roll all through school.

She has a PhD in business admin,
and she can't figure this out?

How's that even possible?

That's... a nice ring you have there.

I had a five-karat once.

Only, the husband that came
with it had this delightful habit

of reminding me I wasn't
worth it or anything else.

But no one seemed to
have a problem with that.

I'm not the fool people
take me for, Detective. Okay?

Why am I really here?

Because just a few nights ago,

just a few miles down the road, in fact,

the man you know as
Simply Sammy was m*rder*d.

- What?
- Now, I'm...

sorry to bring that news to you.

No, he... You're wrong.

No, ma'am.

I have to talk to my...

- m*rder*d?
- I'm afraid so.

Anise... we need Connie to make
a next-of-kin identification.

She's not his kin.

But of all Sammy's victims, Connie has

had a relationship with him the longest.


for the sake of the victims,
we need this guy identified.

So we need a level head
to make the ID stick.

Now, we're not gonna get that from
your sister without you present.

No, I... I can't, okay?

Please don't ask me to
do that! I need to...

I can, Connie.

'Cause I know you are not the weak woman

that your sister makes you out to be.

The woman sitting in
front of me right now...

she owns her life and
she owns her choices.

And if Sam was one of those choices...

then I know you won't run from it.



How does this work exactly?

The pathologist will show you
a body, and you say if it's Sam.

Show me a body? I thought I
was just looking at pictures.

- You need her to see the actual body?
- Uh, I can't do that.

Wait, wait, wait. Connie,
it's okay. It's fine.

You can do it. We're sisters, right?

Our mom's daughters.

We're strong. We're both tough women.

If this is gonna help the
police, you need to do it.

Okay. Okay.

This way.

The next-of-kin here
to identify the body?

You can do this, 'cause
you're strong, okay?

Of course.

If you'd like me to take you through

Dr. Da Silva's report, I can do that.

Don't bother. It's not Sammy.

I've never seen this man in my life.

Are you sure, Connie?

This is Sam.

This is my fiancé.

I don't even know why we're in here.

I mean, they obviously
look nothing alike.

Connie... I'm sorry, but this...

This is the man you've been
texting for the last year.

This is the man who's
been bleeding you dry.

How would you know?

How could you not know, Connie?

Why do you hate my fiancé so much?

He's been nothing but good to me, Anise.

Why do you always think such
horrible things about him?

- Because I'm not a fool.
- That's true.

You're far from a fool, Anise.

You bought your sister
that phone because you knew,

you knew Connie would send it to Sam.

She gave him everything.

And then you tracked him.

You found out who Sam was for real.

You knew where he lived,
you knew he had a girlfriend.

Zara, your co-worker.

Did you find her on campus and offer

her a job to keep your enemy close,

or just to find out more about Sam?

We know you tried, Anise.

You found the real Sam, but
your sister didn't believe you.

You told Connie about Zara.

Still she didn't believe you.

And now you're standing not
more than three feet away

from the man you m*rder*d to free her,

and she still doesn't believe you.

What are you talking about?
My sister didn't m*rder anyone.

Look, I don't know who this person is,

but my Sam, he's in Tunisia,
getting things ready for us, okay?

Government officials locked him up for

refusing to pay bribes for his factory,

but I settled them, okay?

- So everything's settled now.
- Ugh.

What, Anise?

It's okay.

When you love someone,
you stand by them, okay?

You don't just bail when
life gets hard, right?

It's okay. It's okay.
You showed me. And...

Sam would never do that to me,
and I will never do that to him!

Stop. Just stop!

I'm the one who's been
by your side, not him! Me.

He took our money,

he took our house!

He took you.

And I'm still here trying to help you,

trying to make sense of all this,

trying to break you from this spell.

That's why you gave her the phone.

Because you knew...
she'd send it to him.

Of course, I knew.

And it worked.

He took it everywhere with him.

So proud of this phone I
busted my ass off to buy!

So I tracked him for a while.

Saw he was mixed up with the
stolen cars, and I thought:

This... this is something the
police would actually take seriously.

I wanted to find something to get
him in trouble, get him arrested.

No. No, it's not true,
because Sam is in Tunisia.

And you can come with me.
You can be my maid of honour!

So what happened?

I followed him to that shipping yard.


I told him I'm gonna
tell the police everything

he's doing if he doesn't leave us alone.

He just shrugged it off
like it didn't matter.

I asked him: "How could you
do this to another sister?"

You know what he said?

"I have three sisters...

and you're not one of them."

I'm done.

I'm tired.

I've done everything I could!

The worst I could do.

And that's not gonna change anything.

No. Sam's gonna call me back and he's

gonna set everything out straight, okay?

- Look, can we wrap this up?
- Everything's okay, Anise!

- Honestly, I'm done.
- For what it's worth,

Sam wasn't a criminal kingpin.

He was just someone
trying to survive one.

Please, no. Anise?

- Anise!
- It's over, Connie.

- I need my sister.
- Sorry.

I need to be with my sister!

Let me. Please let me go! I...

Stop it! [SOBBING]

She's still waiting for
Sam to text her back.

Nah, don't worry, he will.

By tomorrow, they'll have
somebody else taking his place.


Maybe sooner.