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04x25 - Martian Minnie's Tea Party

Posted: 03/22/24 19:22
by bunniefuu
[birds chirping]

[laughs] Hey, everybody!
It's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you wanna come inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right! Let's go!

[loon howls]

[laughs] I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,

we get to say the magic words.

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!

Say it with me.

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!

[cheerful music playing]

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

That's me!

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

[announcer] Roll call.


-[announcer] Daisy!

-[announcer] Goofy!

-[announcer] Pluto!

-[announcer] Minnie!
-[giggles] Here.

-[announcer] Mickey!
-Right here.

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

[Mickey] The Clubhouse presents...

a Minnie Special.

[Minnie] "Martian Minnie's Tea Party."

[bike bell rings]

Oh, hi there! [laughs]

Good to see you!

You know, whenever you're here,

things around the Clubhouse
just seem a little bit brighter!

[Martian Mickey] Hello?

Mickey? Mickey Mouse?

Calling Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

Come in, Mickey!

Hiya, Earth Mickey!

Oh, boy! It's our pal Martian Mickey.

He's calling all the way
from the planet Mars!

[laughs] Hiya, Martian Mickey!
How are things on the red planet?

Well, that's why I'm calling.

You see, there's a problem up here,

and I could use some Earth know-how
to solve it.

Say no more! I can be there in a jiffy!

Well, I was kinda hoping
Minnie would come.

Minnie? Uh... oh!

[Minnie giggles]

Did I hear someone call my name?

Gosh, Minnie, Martian Mickey's calling.

You're needed on Mars!

Hello, Minnie. Say, can you
come up here right away?

Oh! [chuckles] Why, I'd love to!

I'll just hop in the Clubhouse Rocket!

Oh that'll take way too long!
I've got a faster way.

This Martian machine will bring you here
in a flash of light!

-Back in a minute!


Uh-oh! Oh, this is gonna be great!

[clattering continues]

[chuckles] Ready!

All right! Now just stand still!

You'll be here in a flash!

Whoo! Here I go!


[laughs] Oh, my!

That tickles!

Welcome to Mars, Minnie!

Why, hello there, Pluto from Pluto!

Whoa! Oh-h-h! Ooh!

[laughs] Are you OK, Minnie?

Oh, I'm fine!
I forgot about the gravity here.

Everything's lighter on Mars. Even me!

So, what kind of help do you need, boys?

Oh, gosh, we're not the ones
who need your help.

A special friend of ours does.

[Martian Mickey]
It's Martian Minnie!

Thank you so much for coming, Minnie!

Oh! It's so good to meet you.

I feel like I know you already!

Oh, I feel the same way! [chuckles]

You see, there's something
I've always wanted to do.

And I've heard that you're an expert.

I want to have a tea party.

[gasps] Oh! I love tea parties!

[chuckles] I'd be delighted to help!

-Wonderful! Where do we start?

♪ The food should be divine ♪

♪ The music, oh so fine ♪

♪ The table must be set
With special care ♪

♪ The decorations, beyond compare ♪

♪ Still the best part of parties ♪

♪ Is being with your friends ♪

♪ They make it something special ♪

♪ From beginning to end ♪

♪ The food should be divine ♪

♪ The music, oh so fine ♪

♪ The table must be set
With special care ♪

♪ The decorations, beyond compare ♪

♪ Still the best part of parties ♪

♪ Is being with your friends ♪

♪ The best part of parties
Is being with your friends ♪

♪ Like you! ♪

It'll take more than the two of us
to get ready.

I'd better call Mickey!

[phone dials]

-[Minnie] Hi, Mickey!

Um, I'd like all of our Clubhouse pals
to come to Mars

and help my new friend, Martian Minnie.

-Martian Minnie?

She needs us to help her
get ready for a tea party.

Sure! Count us in!

Will you help Martian Minnie
give her tea party?

Hot dog! Come on.

Let's go get our Mouseketools!

♪ Mouseke hey
Mouseke hi, Mouseke ho ♪

♪ Mouseke ready
Mouseke set, here we go! ♪

♪ You're a thinking and a solving
Work-it-througher ♪

♪ Mouseke me
Mouseke you, Mousekedoer ♪

♪ Mouseke me
Mouseke you, Mousekedoer ♪

[bell ringing]

Oh, Toodles! It's time to get to it!

Show us the Mouseketools to help us do it!

Meeska, Mooska, Mouseke-Doer!

Mouseketools, Mouseketools, Mouseketools!

♪ Here are your Mouseketools ♪

[Mickey] The handy crane.

A parachute. Look out below!

A butterfly net. Catchy!

And the Mystery Mouseketool!

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

♪ Toodles has the tools
The Mouseketools ♪

♪ So when we need 'em
Toodles will bring 'em ♪

He's here for meedles and youdles!

And all we have to say is, "Oh, Toodles"!

All we have to say is, "Oh, Toodles"!

Come on, everybody!
We're on our way to Mars!

Oh, hello! Welcome to Mars, everyone!

Oh, boy! Two Minnies.

Two Minnies are better than one!

It's like Minnie has
an out-of-this-world twin sister!

OK, Martian Minnie,
we sure have a lot to get done.

What should we do first?

Well, we need snacks for the tea party.

Snacks? Oh!

Uh, uh, Martian Mickey,

why don't you and Earth Mickey

go find enough Yum-Blatz
to feed our guests?

Oh, boy! [laughs]

Yum-Blatz are Martian hot dogs!

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And here on Mars, hot dogs...

I mean, uh, Yum-Blatz, grow on bushes!

Come on, Plutos!
You can help me and Mickey find them!


Let's go!

Now, what do we do, Minnie?

Well, next we have to find a spot
to set up the tea table.

It's perfect Martian weather.

Why don't we have the party outside?

[gasps] What a splendid idea, Daisy!

Of course, we'll need a big table.

Ahem. We'll set up the table, m'ladies!

You can count on us to get it shipshape.

-Right, Donald?
-You bet!

Thank you, Earth boys.

Now, girls, let's go
pick out the decorations.

How do you set up this thingamabob?

I'll show you how it's done!

All you've got to do
is press these buttons.


Hmm. Mm-hmm.

I thought it'd be taller!

Me, too! Let me try again.

-Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Ya-hoo-ee! Whoa!

-[Goofy] Whoa!

[both] Arh!

Whoa, ow!


-[Donald] Whoa!
-Donald Duck!

This is no time for playing around.

-You, too, Goofy.
-Okeydokey, Daisy!

Handy Helper! Would you please help them?

Thanks a lot!

[muttering] Phooey.

Now that the table's up,
we should hang the decorations.

Let's start with the lights.
Take the end, Minnie.

OK, Minnie! Take the other end
to the top of that tree.

How are you going to get up there?

You don't have rockets in your boots
like Martian Minnie.

Oh, but I have something just as good:
a Mouseketool!

Everybody say,

[sing-song] "Oh, Toodles!"

[sing-song] Oh, Toodles!

Wow, that trick was out of this w-w-world!

[bell ringing]

[Minnie] Let's see.

We have the handy crane,
a parachute, a butterfly net,

and the Mystery Mouseketool!

Which one can help me get up
high enough to hang the decorations?

[Daisy] The handy crane could lift you up!

We've got ears. Say "Cheers!"

We'll give you a lift, Minnie!

There. How's that?

Just perfect!

[Donald] Ooh! Look at that!

Ooh! I love it!




Oh, boy!
The Plutos have spotted something!


Yum-Blatz bushes!

Bu-but I don't see any hot dogs.
Um, I mean Yum-Blatz!

The Yum-Blatz are inside the pods.

You can tell when they're ready to pick
when they have four yellow dots.


Mm-mm. There's nothing like
the smell of fresh-picked Yum-Blatz!

[both] Yeah.

Come on, Mickey!

But remember, only pick the pods
with four yellow dots!

Do you see any Yum-Blatz pods
with four yellow dots?

Great! Let's pick them!

We sure have plenty of Yum-Blatz!

But, uh...

I forgot to bring something
to carry them in.

No problem! We'll just get a Mouseketool!

Oh, of course!

Everybody say,

"Oh, little mechanical Earth helper!"

[both] [sing-song]
Oh, little mechanical Earth helper!

[bell ringing]

-Toodles to the rescue!
-[bell ringing]

[bell ringing]

[Mickey] We have a parachute,
a butterfly net,

and the Mystery Mouseketool!

[Martian Mickey] Why don't we
turn the parachute upside down

and use it like a sack!

-[Mickey] Great idea!
-[Martian Mickey] What is it you say now?

Oh! I remember!

We've got ears. Say "Cheers!"

[Mickey] Arh!

Now let's get these Yum-Blatz
back to the tea party!

Thank you, Handy Helper!

Earth-girl friends, what do you think?

Are these dishes good for serving tea?

They sure are!

Oh, I love this teapot. It's so... spacey!

And the teacups are so pretty!

Oh! That's what's holding down
the flying saucers!


Gosh! Genuine flying saucers!

Huh? Whoa!


Come on, put 'em up, put 'em up!
Come on, put 'em up, put 'em up!




Um, we come in peace.

[laughs] I'm so sorry
I let the saucers fly away.

Don't worry, they're just being playful.

But we do have to gather them up!

I think it's time for another Mouseketool.

Everybody say,

[sing-song] "Oh, Toodles!"

Oh... Whoa! Toodles!

Com-com-coming in for a landing!

[Minnie] Hmm. Let's see.

We have a butterfly net
and the Mystery Mouseketool.

[Daisy] We can catch those pesky saucers
in the butterfly net!

We've got ears. Say "Cheers!"

OK, chase the saucers my way,
and I'll catch them!

Here you go!

Count the saucers with me as I catch them!

One, two, three!


[Daisy] Four, five, six, seven!

[Daisy] Eight, nine!



[Daisy] Ten, 11, 12!

That's all of them!

Good job! Earthlings are so clever!

[Pluto barking]

Good news, everybody!

We have Yum-Blatz!

Thank goodness! It's almost time
for our tea party to start.

[transporter buzzes]

Ooh! A guest is arriving!


What... Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoo!

Whew. Ahem. It's me, Space Pirate Pete!

The most feared name
in the known universe!

Uh, am I early? I brought biscuits.


[Marian Minnie]
Moon-Man Chip, Moon-Man Dale,

I'm so glad you could come!

-Thank you for asking us.
-Yeah, thanks!

When do we eat?


Greetings from the Milky Way!

Lady Moo Moo!
Oh, so good of you to come!

These are my Earth and Space
Clubhouse friends.

Charmed to meet you, everyone!

My, what stellar decorations!

Positively celestial!

It's all so inspiring.


♪ May I have your attention ♪

♪ While I mention something about me? ♪


Ooh, heavens!
This planet is a little light on gravity!

Let's get a Mouseketool! Everybody say...

Allow me.


[sing-song] Oh, Toodles!

[bell rings]

[Toodles laughs]

[Mickey] Gosh, all we have left
is the Mystery Mouseketool!

Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool!"

[all] Mystery Mouseketool!

And today's Mystery Mouseketool is...

[Lady Moo Moo] My stars!

It's a lovely pair of suction-cup boots!

So chic!

We've picked all our Mouseketools.

Say "Super Cheers!"

[bell singing]

Oh, how heavenly!
These should do the trick!

Now, where was I?

Oh, yes... Hmm...

♪ Me, me, me, me, me ♪

♪ May I have your attention ♪

♪ While I mention something about me? ♪

♪ There's nothing I adore ♪

♪ Any more than sipping tea ♪

♪ Pour it from a pot
You must sip it ♪

♪ Careful, 'cause it's hot
Don't you drip it ♪

♪ Sip it smells so good ♪

-Cream and sugar?
-We thought you would!

♪ Put a teaspoon in the cup
You must sip it ♪

♪ Then you stir it up
Try not to chip it ♪

♪ Sip it, it's so sweet ♪

Have a biscuit? Baked by Pete!

♪ Sip it, it's ready now
Sip it, I'm a happy cow ♪

♪ Sip it
It's ready now ♪

♪ Sip it ♪

♪ Happy cow ♪


it's so exhausting being galactically hip!

More tea, Lady Moo Moo?

Oh, don't mind if I do!

Wowsers! This is one swell tea party!

[both] You said it!

Hot dog! These are great Yum-Blatz!

I think everyone's having
a wonderful time!

Oh, that's just what I was thinking!

♪ Oh, the food is just divine ♪

♪ The music is
Oh so fine ♪

♪ Didn't you love Lady Moo-Moo's dance? ♪

♪ I do it whenever I get the chance ♪

♪ Still the best part of parties ♪

♪ Is being with your friends ♪

♪ They make it something special ♪

♪ From beginning to end ♪

♪ Whether it's catching up
With true friends ♪

♪ Or getting to know some new friends ♪

♪ The best part of parties ♪

♪ Is being with your friends ♪

♪ That's right! ♪

What a lovely tea party, Minnie.

And you made it all possible. Thank you!

You're so welcome, Martian Minnie.

And thank you for all of your help!

You know, it wouldn't have been a party
without you!

But the party's not over yet.
Come on, everybody!

Let's get back to Earth
and do the Hot Dog Dance!

♪ Hot dog ♪


♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggedy-dog ♪

♪ Now, we got ears
It's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
The problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggedy-dog ♪

[bell ringing]

We had fun on Mars today.

So let's all do the Hot Dog Dance.

Up, up, up and dance, dance, dance.


What a hot dog day!

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggedy-dog ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day
Whatcha waiting for ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out
Stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggedy-dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggedy-dog ♪

♪ We're splitting the scene
We're full of beans ♪

♪ So long, for now from Mickey Mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the Mickey Mouse ♪

♪ Clubhouse ♪

Aw, thanks for stopping by!

♪ Pour it from a pot
You must sip it ♪

♪ Careful, 'cause it's hot
Don't you drip it ♪

♪ Sip it smells so good ♪

-Cream and sugar?
-We thought you would!

♪ Put a teaspoon in the cup
You must sip it ♪

♪ Then you stir it up
Try not to chip it ♪

♪ Sip it, it's ready now
Sip it, I'm a happy cow ♪

♪ Sip it
It's ready now ♪

♪ Sip it ♪

♪ Happy cow ♪