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07x02 - Good Grief

Posted: 03/22/24 09:02
by bunniefuu
[JACK] So there's,
uh, nothing you can do?

[ANDY] Dr. Shepherd made it very clear.

It... It would be too dangerous to put
you back to work as an active firefighter.

Then get a second opinion.

The workers' comp doctor is
the second opinion, and he agrees.

But my scans, they could change,
right? They could get better.

It's a lifelong
injury. And you know that.

So I'm not a-a firefighter anymore?

I just...

Then what? I mean, I... What... What...

- Nineteen will still be here for you...

just in a different way.

- I'm sorry, Jack.
- Mmm.

[BEN] I can't tell you how much stress

I've caused Miranda over the years.

But I can tell you that every
time I've switched careers,

I've gotten sharper, happier even.

I know this guy who busted his knee

and ended up teaching cadets.

Says it's the best thing
that ever happened to him.

What about third opinions?
I mean, doctors do say that...

Guys, I'm good, really.
I'm... I feel good.

Well, if you ever need anything...

[ANDY] Nineteen, line up!



I know we're all devastated,
but, uh, we have a job to do today.

There'll be a dinner
for Gibson tonight.

Montgomery and Hughes are also off,

so we'll have Powell,
Green and Cutler filling in.

Sullivan, Bishop with
Dr. DeLuca on clinic.

Warren and Ruiz on Crisis One.

- Powell, restock the clinic.
- I'd prefer to be out in the field.

Well, it's vaccine day, so
it's restocking or... desk duty.


That's all. Dismissed.

Herrera, from experience, when you're
captain, you don't negotiate.

You don't give people options.
You just tell her what to do.

Military 101.

- At ease, soldier.
- Captain.


- Kate.
- Yeah.


I've been meaning to reach out.
You know, Vic and I just ended so...

So you and I can finally be together.


- Chill. I was just messing with you.

- Um, but you know,

I am still down for a good time.

- [DISPATCH] Crisis One

- to 10627 Briarwood Drive.
- [CLEARS THROAT] That's me.


[EXHALES] Thank you for coming.

Yeah, I told you I would.

Plus, I'm not gonna let you walk into

a bar alone on your
first day out of rehab.

You're not gonna need those.

It's polite to bring
flowers to a funeral.

- You can't drink flowers, Hughes.
- What does that even mean?

This is your first
Irish wake, isn't it?

- Yeah.


Gird your loins.

God, don't say loins.



This is a wake?

Grief in its most drunken form.

- Didn't your uncle die of alcoholism?
- He did.

- Hey! Seany, you look like crap.

- James. [CHUCKLES]
- [CHUCKLES] How are you?

- Uncle S. [GROANS]
- Junior.

Hey, hey, hey. Is this...
Is this the new wife?

- [VIC] Oh.
- Ooh!

- Smoke show!
- Oh.

No, no. Friend. Vic.
Hello. Not wife. Not wife.

You're really out of
his league, sweetheart.

Wow, all right.

- We have fun. Hello.
- Hello.

- What the hell are those?
- They're flowers for...

- You can't drink flowers, sweetheart.
- [VIC] Right.

She's cute, but she
ain't too bright. Welcome.

- [RELATIVE] Uncle Jimbo!

Is this where you get your charm from?

You really needed to come to this?

Yeah, I'm the mayor's chief of staff.

I gotta stay on the right
side of the police department.

Oof. Networking at a funeral.

You really weren't cut
out for politics, were you?


- Oh. Hi.
- Hi.

- Hi... Uh...
- This is my, uh...

- Well, you're...
- Eli. I'm his Eli.

Hi. I'm... I'm
so sorry for your loss.

Your father was a, um... a-a great man.

He was great.

We all know my dad was kind of a d*ck.

- Oh, I like him. [CHUCKLES]

Anyway, it's good to put a face to the

name, Eli. Travis tells me great things.

Well, he said the same about
you. Clearly got good taste.


Oh, uh... Come in, please. Come on in.



- Can I help you?

Uh, hi. We're from
the fire department.

We-We got a call about a
disturbance at this address.

No disturbance here.

Watching TV. I like it loud.

[STAMMERS] You know, uh, I
see you're on dialysis.

[STAMMERS] It... It's red
and... and maybe a little infected.

I could take a look at it if
you want. I'm... I'm a doctor.


Saves me a trip to the clinic, I guess.


Will Jack be okay though?

[MAYA] The department will
make sure he lands on his feet.

Better than landing on his head.

No one has a sense of humor here.

- [GROANS] It's gonna be a busy one, huh?
- [CARINA] Yeah.

Only half the trouble twins today.

I'm sorry. I don't
see you in the system.

My wife is the one who usually does

this, but she's working today, so...

Uh... Oh, can I have your address?

No, I don't sign in. They know
me. I usually just talk to Jack.

- Yeah. Hey, hey. Hi, Gloria.
- [GLORIA] Hi.

- Um, I got this. You're good.
- Okay. Okay.

Hey, don't you remember my system?

I'm sorry. Peggy's the one...

[JACK] There are certain people who...

Look, this patient, you know,

she doesn't check in
like everyone else, right?

Her file is that... that black
folder there under the blue box.

- Everything okay?
- Yeah.

Yeah. No, uh, Gloria can't
check in like everyone else, right?

- Uh-huh.
- She moved away from her abuser,

and she doesn't
want her files public.

- [CARINA] Mm-hmm.
- You can't just suddenly

- change how we...
- Ja... Hey, hey, your

vision will stay alive.
I'll make sure of it, okay?

My nanny! She's bleeding.
She's hurt! Hurry!

Your nanny's hurt?
Where is she? Show me.


- No... [STAMMERS]
- But I could...

We got this. We got this.

- [JACK] Yeah. Mm-hmm.
- Yeah?

[NANNY] I was getting Winston off
the monkey bars, and he kicked...

Sorry, they're so dramatic.

I was getting Winston
off the monkey

bars, and he kicked
me in the mouth.

It looks like you got a good
knock, but nothing to worry about.

Are you feeling dizzy or lightheaded?

- A little, I guess.
- [CARINA] Hmm.

Looks like you got a
little sunburn there, huh?

Oh. Yeah, I was on a trip, and...

[CHILDREN] Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark!

- Sorry. [CHUCKLES] Sorry, they're loud.
- It's okay. They're kids.

Being a nanny is like the
strongest form of birth control.

- I'm never having one.
- [CHUCKLES] That's what I said.

Okay. Keep the gauze
in your mouth, and

I'll be right back
for an assessment.

Oh, hey. I, uh, submitted
the letter of recommendation

for your foster application.

- Thank you for doing that.
- [ANDY] Yeah.

- I hope they approve us.
- Come on. How could they not?

You... You'd be great foster parents.


Hey, you okay?


I just, um, always imagined Jack here.

Whenever I'd see myself as captain,
he was here, part of the family.

- But, uh, now he won't be.
- Nineteen is still a family.


[CHILDREN] Bark! Bark!
Bark! Bark! Bark! [HOWLING]

Whoa, whoa, whoa! All
the puppies at attention.

You know, I could turn
you guys into mice.

And mice are small, teeny, teeny,
teeny small, and they're quiet.

Why don't you come with
me? Here, take these balloons.

And, uh, have fun.

- All right. So, um, what happened here?

Oh, it's from my dialysis.

Fix one problem and
create another, right?


- [YOUNG ADULT] Mom, make me some eggs!
- That's my son, Sam.

Make 'em yourself!

Who's this?

- He's fixing my dialysis thing.
- I'm from the fire department.

You're just letting strangers in?

- You didn't get more eggs.
- I'll get more tomorrow.

This generation doesn't
know the value of a dollar.

And who are you again?

Oh, um... I'm helping
your mom out with her arm.

That's not what I asked. Who are

you? And what are you doing in my house?


- Hey. Hi.


We, uh... We got a call
about a fight next door.


You hear anything out of the ordinary?


I called.

- I don't know what to do anymore.
- What's been happening?

That kid, he's always flying
off the handle at something.

What kid?

Her son. He lives with her.

Look, some days he's fine.

You know, he even helped
me unload my truck once.

But other days, he can go
from zero to 60 in seconds.

Last week, he pointed his g*n at my dog.

I really think he would have shot him

or me if I hadn't put my boy inside.

He's dangerous.

[IN OUR WAKE]" playing]

Seany, what are you drinking?

Uh, I'm good. Thank you.

Junior! Couple of whiskeys.

- [JUNIOR] Neat?
- Yeah, neat.

Who fricking raised you, huh? [CHUCKLES]

I see you brought your rosary.

Oh, no. These are, uh... These are
prayer beads, you know? Mala beads.

[JAMES SR.] Oh, no, no, no. [CHUCKLES]

Please don't tell me you're
into that woo-woo crap, huh?


What, did you, uh...

Did you join a cult or you just
showing off for your girlfriend?

- She's not my girl...
- Not his girlfriend.

Ah, too bad. She'd
make some pretty babies.

- All right. Whiskeys all around.
- [JAMES SR.] Attaboy.

Ah. Thank you.

- Uncle Sean.
- I'm good, Junior.

I actually, uh...

- I actually just got out of rehab, guys.

- Right.
- Right, right, right, right.

- Oh.
- Yeah.


We really did lose you to a
cult, didn't we? [CHUCKLES]

Well, cheers. Here's to another death

in the family, the death of fun Sean.

- [LAUGHS] Slainte.


And he just proposed to me,
right there kneeling in a puddle.

And then suddenly, the rain
stopped, and the sun came out...

- I'm sorry.
- Yeah, it would have been nice

to get a heads-up your
boyfriend was coming.

I know. I didn't realize that
he needed to be here for work.

- To d*ck, everyone.
- To d*ck.

- To d*ck.
- To d*ck.

- He seems really great.
- [TRAVIS] No, no.

He, uh... He is. He is.


About the other day. I
mean... We shouldn't have...

You're right. You know, you... you seem

really happy. I don't
want to mess that up.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I gotta go say hi to
my Aunt Celine, so...

Okay, yeah. Sorry again.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So, I gotta get back to the office.

You wanna sneak out?

Uh, you know, I...

I'm gonna stay for just a little
longer, but I'll see you tonight.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- You look good in a suit.
- Thank you. [CHUCKLES]

Is it warm in here? I kinda feel fluish.

One of the kids maybe gave me something?

Uh, I can give you some acetaminophen

for the flu symptoms, but let me just...

[STAMMERS] Uh, did you get
bumped on this side too?

There is some bleeding on
the left side of your mouth.

I don't think so.

Hey, Bishop's wife.

There's a lady here who says that
she'll only be treated by you.

- [MAYA] I'll take over here.
- Okay, thank you.

Okay, let's take a look at you, okay?

[PARENT] You know you
wanna talk about it.

- [PARENT] I can see.

Uh, hi.

Hi. How can I help you?

Um, it seems like I have a-a migraine.

Okay. When did it begin?

Just comes and goes. Stress, really.

And what kind of a headache?
Is it stabbing, throbbing?

Both, I guess.

Okay, let's do a neural exam.

And what's your name?

- Nina.
- [CARINA] Nina.

Nina, I have something for you.

- [ROBERT] Go, go, go. Yeah. Oh.

She loves stuffed animals, but she

loves to watch kids even more, so...

Is there somebody who
would like to play with us?

- Maybe? Maybe?
- [GASPS] Yeah, yeah.

- [STAMMERS] I think so.

- Can I hold your bear?

- [PARENT] Aw.
- You gonna come with us?

All right, let's go.

- Aw. [SIGHS]

[CHUCKLES] I rarely get to
see her play like that. [SIGHS]

Can I check your pupils?

You don't remember me, do you?

[MAYA] Hey, Carina.

Uh, Carina, can I see
you over here, please?

- Now.
- Uh, yes. Uh, yes.

[STAMMERS] One second. Excuse me.



She spiked a temp of 102
and seems disorientated.

Alice, do you have any headache,
cough, difficulty breathing?

- When did you start feeling this way?
- No. Uh, I don't know.

Maybe yesterday or the day before.

I'm so jet-lagged. I
forget which day is which.

- You're jet-lagged?
- She did say she was traveling.

My boyfriend and I were backpacking
around Southeast Asia and...

- I think we need to get gowned.

- [CARINA] We might have a situation.

We're gonna need
masks for everyone here.

- Are you thinking it's...
- With these symptoms and the fact that

she was traveling
outside the country,

it might be something deadly
and very, very contagious.

- And everyone here could be exposed.
- Exactly.

So keep calm and get Captain Herrera.


- [CARINA] Mmm.

[MAYA] Captain, we may
have a patient zero.

- How long has she been...
- [MAYA] We're not sure.

- Hold on one second. Be right back.
- Okay.

- We should...
- We should lock it down.

Make sure everyone has these on.

I'll get on the phone with the CDC.

- [ROBERT] Everybody, please stay calm.

No need to panic, but we
need to lock this place down.

- All right?

[ROBERT] You know, tha...
that's all I know at the moment.

Uh, please, sir. Could you put
your mask back on your face?

You can't keep us here against
our will. I have a job to get back to.

[DAYNA] We are in the best hands.

This team will know what
to do even if it is Ebola.

- [ROBERT] No. Whoa, whoa. No, no, no.
- [PARENT] What? Oh!

I came in for a headache,
and I might leave with Ebola?

No, my kid is immune deficient. You're

telling me that you exposed her to...

[ROBERT] No one said Ebola.

- She just said Ebola.
- [ROBERT] Listen. We hope it's nothing.

- You hope?
- All right? We hope it's nothing,

but we're taking every precaution.

Please help me keep
everyone safe. Thank you.

[ANDY] Fever's 102.
We gave her acetaminophen.

pressure's trending low.

[ANDY] Blood pressure's
trending low. Right.

[STAMMERS] The CDC is asking if
she has any red spots on her palate.

[MAYA] What?

[MAYA] Carina.

[CARINA] Uh, okay,

Let me check, let me check.

- No, no, no.
- [ANDY] Okay.

[NATASHA] Ask them if they have a
differential. Is there anything else

- we should be looking for?
- [ANDY] All right. No spots. Okay.

What about a differential?
Is there anything...

[CARINA] What about the baby? We
might have to quarantine for 20 days.

They're gonna place him
with another foster family...

[MAYA] Let's cross that
bridge when we get to it.

I think I'm gonna puke again.

[CARINA] Okay. Here, here. Here.


Oh, right, you weasel your way
in here so you can charge her?

You want more debt, Ma?

These doctors just want our money.

He's right.

You're all crooks.
It's my money though.

This one lost three jobs this year.

That wasn't my fault.

- They had cutbacks at one place...
- You okay, Theo?

[SAM] That's not fair. You don't
know what you're talking about, Mom.

[MOTHER] Always cutbacks,
isn't there? Always.

There's more of you?

No, this is... this is just my partner.

He's checking in because we got a

call about a disturbance this morning,

and when we got here,
everything seemed all right.

So I offered your mom some
help, free of charge, of course.

There's nothing to get upset about.

Don't talk to me like I'm stupid.

I'm not stupid.

Nobody gives me the respect I deserve.

I'm the man of the house, damn it.

- Please. Man of the house.
- Shut up, Mom!

No, I'm just here to help.

Do you think I don't
know what you're doing?

- I'm not doing any...
- Stop it.

- Stop talking to me like I'm an idiot!
- Hey! Calm down.

[MOTHER] You want people to
stop treating you like an idiot,

- stop acting like one.
- Connie...

- I told you to shut your mouth!
- Okay, everybody calm down.

Let's just calm down.


Tiny umbrella makes it
feel like a cocktail.

I'd sell my firstborn
for a shot right now.

- [CHUCKLES] Seany.

- Grace. Hey. [CHUCKLES]

Hi! What's with the umbrella?
Should I ask your pronouns?

- [CHUCKLES] Vic, this is my cousin Gracie.
- [VIC] Hi.

Hi, hi, hi. [CHUCKLES]
Seriously though? What's...

Uh, seriously, this is a,
uh... a soda and, you know,

believe it or not, I'm... I'm sober.

- Get out! [SCOFFS]
- [SEAN] Yeah.

- Little Seany Blackout?

The prince of public urination?

- All right. Okay.
- Huh, baby boot and rally, huh? [CHUCKLES]

Oh, my gosh. Remember when
you jumped off the roof, huh?

- Where was that? That was...
- I don't think I jumped. I think I fell.

You know, I think he's probably
trying to put that behind him too.

Oh, please. Okay, if he can't laugh

about it, how's he gonna stay sober?

I've been sober for a year.

You think I wanna end
up like these dummies?

Wait a minute. Good-time Gracie's in AA?

[GRACE] God, no. All those
feelings and sharing and...

No, I just... I did it myself.

You get into one too many situations
and, uh, bells start to go off.

I am no longer welcome at school pickup.

Because I was topless.

- Once.
- Oh.

[GRACE] Okay.

Thank you so much for coming.

It means so much to me,
and just... d*ck loved you,

and I was always a little jealous,
but that's okay. [CHUCKLES]

Doesn't matter
now. Anyway, thank you.

Oh, Trevor, be a dear

and bring these plates to the kitchen.

I have to make room for
the coffee and desserts.

- Sure. Happy to help.
- Okay. Thanks, honey.


Oh, great. Is my mother
treating you like the help again?

- It's fine.

♪ I'm just calling to say ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I like it like ♪

♪ I'm just calling to say ♪

♪ I like it like this ♪

- ♪ Oh ♪
- ♪ I like it like ♪

♪ I'm just calling to say ♪


Hi, you gave the other
kids their own room.

My kid needs that too.
Because if she gets sick...

[STAMMERS] This is a nightmare.

[ROBERT] Okay, listen, the other kids

were exposed to their nanny all day.

We don't want them
to spread anything.

Your risk of exposure is low.

I know this is very
stressful for everyone, but...

Oh, no, no. You don't know stress.

I am a caretaker of a
child with cerebral palsy.

Twenty-four hours a day,

seven days a week, okay?

I'm at doctor's appointments
and physical therapy and OT.

And I wake up every morning at

because I'm just
thinking about her future.

Like, who's gonna take
care of her when I'm gone?

- Please, I just love her so much.
- Of course.

And I need her to be safe. Please
just tell me she's gonna be safe.

Listen, I'm gonna get you a...
a space just for you and Nina, okay?

And then maybe you can tell me more.

Until we can all go home, okay?

Yeah. Yeah, thank you.


Oh, man...



Oh, I feel like there's
a bad joke here, you know?

Like how you forced me out of the
closet just to push me back in.

Well, it's a pantry.

- Right. Right.

And this time, I'm corrupting you.

Corrupting me?

Yeah, well, just...

You know, 'cause when we met,

I was cheating on Alicia, and
you were really upset and...

Yeah, but I mean, this is different.

Is it though?

Trav, I shouldn't have
said that. I'm... I'm sorry.

It's fine.

Seriously, Emmett.

It's fine.

Oh, good, Trevor. Can you help, uh,

put the living room
back together with me?

- It's a mess in there.
- Sure.

- It's just getting worse and worse.
- Her fever's continuing to rise.

[MAYA] And her breathing
is still labored.

That's not a sunburn.
That's not a sunburn.

- [CARINA] Okay.
- It's not a sunburn.

[CARINA] Alice, can we
open your shirt? Yeah?

[ALICE] Oh, my God. What is that?

- What is happening?
- [MAYA] Alice, Alice.

She has a-a spiderweb rash,
bright red, on her torso.



I told you to shut that dog up!

Can I help you?

No, man. Just seeing if you're okay.

You saw. Now leave me the hell alone.


Crisis One requesting
backup to 10627 Briarwood.



And my pops was tough as
nails, right? You know?

In fact... [CHUCKLES] ... you know.

When he... When he broke his foot,
he never even went to the doctor.

Th-That... That's the
kind of man he was, you know.

He was strong, right? And
always down for a good time.


And that good time
k*lled him. [CHUCKLES]

Sorry. What was that, Gracie?

finish your speech, James.

[JAMES SR.] No, no, no, no, no. Please.

Please, share your
sentiments. Enlighten us.

[STAMMERS] Well, we're all acting
like, uh, Vinny didn't abandon us

and drink himself to death?

He was a bum. Everyone knew it.

Don't get all high-and-mighty
with your sober bullcrap, sweetheart.

Okay? My father could hold his liquor.

Don't get all pissy just 'cause
you can't have a couple of beers

without turning into a truck stop tramp.


- [VIC] Whoa, whoa! Stop!

[VIC] Stop it! Stop!

[SEAN] Hey, hey! Back up! Back up.

- James, are you okay?

- Yeah, yeah. I'm good.
- He's fine.

- You think my boy can't take a punch?
- [SEAN] Let me see it.

Connie, your son is exhibiting
some serious anger issues,

- and a g*n will just...
- It's hard for men like him.

There's no jobs. Of
course he's angry.

It's okay to be angry.
It's not okay to be violent.

Yeah. The bruises? I know
that they're from...

I told you they are from dialysis.

Dialysis does not leave fingerprints.


We have spats. So what? I push him.

It's how you make a man step up.

My father did the same
thing to my brothers.

- Don't judge us.
- I am not judging you.

I've just seen the
aftermath too many times.

Listen, you know, there is a petition.

It's called an "Extreme
Risk Protection Order."

You might know it as a Red Flag Law.

It's a suspension of a person's
firearms temporarily until

- the person's in a better headspace.

You wanna take away my
son's rights and his freedom.

No, that's not it at
all. Connie, listen to me.

If he loses his temper and
goes off on the wrong person,

he will end up in prison.

How much freedom will he have then?

[SAM] You called these idiots on me?

- [NEIGHBOR] Because you're a psycho!
- [g*nshots]

sh*ts fired. I repeat, sh*ts
fired at 10627 Briarwood.

I'll show you psycho.

- Hey, hey, hey! Put the g*n down!
- Sam!

Control your son, huh?

[BEN] Yeah, hey. You
can't fire a g*n here.

- It wasn't even pointed at him.
- [CONNIE] Sam, stop.

No! He lets that dog bark all night.

Someone needs to teach him a lesson.

You think I'm not gonna stand
up for myself? My mother's sick.

- She needs her sleep, man.
- Put the g*n down!

- Please.


All right. All right.


- Everyone just chill out.


- [BEN] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Easy.
- Bitch.

Are you on any medication, Junior?

No, I don't really do that stuff.

Okay. These'll have to do.

- [SEAN] Hold that.
- I'm cool with that.

- [VIC] Here.
- Here, for the pain.

- [JUNIOR] All right.
- Cool.

- We're g... What are you doing?
- [JAMES SR.] Attaboy.

[SEAN] Come on. We're gonna give
you some nasal packing. Hold still.

- A tampon? Ew, are you serious?
- Come here, come here.

- That's so gross.
- Hold still.

They're not used, James.

Hey, Junior. Give us a smile.

[JUNIOR] Hey, Dad, knock it off.

- Aw, look who became a woman today.
- Shut up.

Beckett, that's a lot of blood.
I think we should call an ambulance.

No, no, no. I'll give him
another shot. He'll be fine.

Stop giving him sh*ts and call 911.

Okay. All right. Don't
get your knickers in a twist.

I'll call, I'll call.

[GRUNTS] I'm good. I'm good.

Y-Yes, we gave her antibiotics,
but the rash is spreading.

Hey, ask her if she's
been bitten by anything.

Insects, mosquitoes.

Ask about dengue fever. I knew
someone in Iraq who had it.

- It's awful, but it's not contagious.
- Yes, yes. You heard that?

[CARINA] Anything?

Yes, yes. There are a
few bites on her ankle.

Confirming mosquito bites.

All right. Now, press
your hand on her back.


Onto the rash, press your hand.

If your hand leaves a white
imprint that doesn't fade,

it's consistent with dengue fever.

The CDC confirms it with all her
symptoms and the rash imprint.

Go ahead. Do it now.

- Yeah! Okay.
- [NATASHA] That's it.

[ANDY] We'll get a rush
test from Grey Sloan to confirm.

But if it's dengue fever,
then we're in the clear.

It's okay.

- It's okay.

[BEN] Whoa, uh, hang on.

What's going on?
You... You just leaving?

Uh, we got everyone's reports.

The w*apon was
discharged, but it

- looks like a case of self-defense.
- A what?

Yeah, he said the
dog tried to attack him,

so he fired the g*n into
the ground to scare it off.

[BEN] While the dog was on its leash?

Look, with no witnesses,
it's "he said," "he said."

[BEN] And you're believing Sam?

That dog looks pretty scary.

We gave him a citation for discharging

a firearm in a residential area.

That's all we can do. If there
are any more witnesses next time...

So you're gonna wait until
somebody's actually injured or dead

before you actually do something.

Got it.

- Connie, can I speak to you for a sec...
- Please, leave.

- Connie, please...
- She said leave.


Get off my property.

[SIGHS] Let's go.

Move back a little bit. No, no,
that way. Back that way. Yep.

A little more. No, no,
no. Back, back, back

and then, click, just...
[CLICKS TONGUE] ... like that.

Yep. Okay, perfect. Yes. Thank you
so much, boys. You're a real help.

And thank you so much for coming today.

Oh, it was lovely.

I should, uh, get going. [SIGHS]

It was good seeing you.

You too.


Wait. Wait, wait, wait.


I used to fix d*ck's
tie like that. [CHUCKLES]

- I want you to know that I...
- I know. I know you did all you could.

And he really did like you.

You're a good man, Travis. [CHUCKLES]

♪ You already know ♪

♪ So why are you asking? ♪

[KITTY] Hmm.

♪ The curtain's been drawn ♪

We apologize for your troubles.

And, uh, yes, we thank you for
helping us take every precaution.

- Please be safe.
- [ANDY] All right.

Alice, your dengue rapid
test came back positive.

You're being sent over
to Grey Sloan Memorial.

You'll be fine. You
just need fluids and rest.

What about the kids? I
need to call their parents.

We already contacted their
parents. They're on their way.

Sully, did the woman
with her daughter leave?

- Yeah.
- Ah.


Hey, buddy. Come here. Hey.
You wanna do me a favor?

Can you give this to the chief
for me? She's in there.

Thank you.


- Hi. Is this for me?
- Yes.

Well, thank you very much.

♪ There's nothing to say ♪

♪ That hasn't been said ♪


All right.

If you would please do me a favor,

take this back for me.

♪ Show me around ♪

Let's see what we got.

See what we got.


- Oh, wow. [GRUNTS]

Hey. Uh, Gibson
didn't take his helmet?

I mean, if anyone needs a helmet,
it's him, right? [CHUCKLES]

[SIGHS] I hate it here.

Hey, Ruiz, I need you
and Warren to make a stop.

When the ambulance gets here,

they're gonna take
you to the hospital.

- They're gonna cauterize your nose.
- Wait. You can't do it here?

What good are you? You
can't do it here?

- He needs a sterile environment.
- What the hell does cauterize mean?

It means burn, dummy.

It means they'll burn the
wound so it stops bleeding.

- I'm fine. I don't need a hospital.
- You do need a hospital.

You do need a hospital.

You know what? Get off
your high horse, Sean.

We used to give each other tattoos
with a needle and a hot pen.

- I see what you're doing.
- Same thing.

James, put that down. James!

- Nah, it'll be fine. Give it here.
- [GRACE] Just let him.

- [SEAN] James!
- Come on. Attaboy.

- Here we go.
- [JAMES SR.] That's it.

- Get it right up in there.
- [VIC] Stop, stop! No, no, no!


Stop, stop, stop!

[GRACE] Don't look, don't
look, don't look, don't look.

Don't look.

If you're not gonna go to
your dinner at the station,

we can at least have dinner together.

It's not that I didn't
wanna go. It's just...

It's an obligation that
nobody had time for, and I...

I'd rather not, you know, put...

Excuse us. Pardon me,
pardon me. Pardon. Excuse us.

Paramedic firefighters
coming through! Here we go.

Yeah, we got a call reporting
a bummed-out firefighter.

I'm sorry. Andy
called me. [CHUCKLING]

Sir, I'm gonna need
you to get on the gurney.

- I'm not getting on the gurney.
- Look.

- Don't make us sedate you, okay?
- Or restrain you, because we will.


Okay. Yeah. All right.
But I want sirens.

I wanna... And I wanna push the button.

- Done deal.
- Also, fake... fake siren.


- Okay, watch yourself.
- Yeah.

He said he wanted sirens? I got you.

Yeah. But, uh, I want the real ones.

Are you okay?

I thought I could still be part
of my family, but I don't know.

You know, sometimes giving up addictions

means you gotta give up people too.

Psychologists call it "ambiguous loss."

It's that feeling of grief from
relationships changing, you know.

- Thank you, Dr. Phil.

Why don't you join Crisis One?

I need a right hand.

- Okay. [CHUCKLES]
- What?

I see what you're doing.

You're trying to
make poor old Beckett

feel like part of the team.

Do it or don't.

- What a day!

[MAYA] I know. I know.

- She's sweet. Maybe a future nanny?
- Very sweet, yeah.

- [CARINA] Yeah, exactly.

- Dr. Carina DeLuca?
- Yeah, that's me.

You've been served.


What is this? [STAMMERS]

I think I'm being sued.

I thi... B-By... By that woman
that was here today with her kid.

Can she do that?

I was her OB five years ago, and...

I hate this. I ha... I hate this.

- How can... She has no... I have...
- Carina. Hey, Carina.

- I've... I've...
- Carina. It's okay.

- It's gonna be okay.
- What good is this gonna do?

It's going to be okay. We're
going to figure something out, okay?

- It's gonna be fine. Breathe, breathe.

- Hey.
- What if...

I don't... It's okay.

- Wha... Okay, but now?
- Now.

- Now? Okay, now?
- Now.

- Yes. No, I got it. I got it.
- I'm gonna get my coat.

Nope, it's in the car.
Let's go. Come on. Come on.

Hi there.

Can I help you?

I'm looking for Ben Warren.

Ben is not here
right now, but, uh,

is there anything I
can help you with?

Oh, no. Uh, never mind. I'll...

[BEN] I think you're lucky we
didn't strap you down to the gurney.

Uh, Connie. Hey.

No, it's, um...

- Hi. I-I got this.
- Yeah?

What can I do for you?

Uh, after you left, he went crazy,

started ranting about how
he wanted our neighbor dead.

- Okay.
- I don't want him to go to prison.

He's a good kid.

I need you to take 'em.

The g*ns. Just for a little while.
Just get them out of the house.

You're doing the right thing.
Now, come here, let me, uh...

I'll show you how to
get on the petition online.

It's... It's incredibly easy.

[TRAVIS] What is this missing?

Mmm. Salt.


Um, you know, Beckett's grandmother

told me you can cook
a pot roast with beer.

But I'm also pretty sure
she cooks everything with beer.

- That checks out.

Uh, how was the Dixon funeral?

It was fine. You know, it was a funeral.

Oh. It was really nice of you to go.

You're a better man than all of us.

And how was the wake?

Mmm. Well, his cousin cauterized
his own nose with a spoon.

So it turns out Beckett is
the sane one in his family.

I don't know about that.

You were great today.

With the lockdown and the kids.

Oh. Thanks.

So that's why you're
running the clinic now.

Well, respectfully, the clinic
will keep me from firefighting...

I'm not asking. I'm
telling. Military 101, right?

Yes, Captain.

That smells good.

- [VIC] Hey!
- [ANDY] Gibson!

- You made it.

- [TRAVIS] Hey, buddy.
- Hi.

- Hey.
- Let me take that.

- [ROBERT] Look who's here!
- [CHUCKLING] What's up?

Yeah, I'm sorry. My memory's
a little, uh... Who are you people?

- See? Funny.

You know, we can joke
about his... I can't.

Oh, my God.

Let's get dinner on the table.


How did you know I
was gonna skip dinner?

Mmm. 'Cause I know you, Gibson.

Come on. Let's sit
down. I'm hungry.


Sit here. The head of the table.

♪ Silent warnings ♪

♪ You make me cold ♪

♪ Walking home, no light on ♪

♪ I watched you falling ♪

♪ I let you go ♪

♪ Step by step you went alone ♪

♪ So call me when you
find your way home ♪

♪ I need to know ♪

♪ So call me when you
find your way home ♪

♪ I need to know ♪

♪ I watched you talking ♪

♪ I saw the sun ♪

♪ There were words over my head ♪

♪ 'Cause you were
preaching to the innocent ♪

♪ But I'm older now ♪

♪ And I don't wanna
see your color fade out ♪

♪ So call me when you
find your way home ♪

♪ I need to know ♪

♪ 'Cause I've been waiting for you ♪

♪ 'Cause I've been waiting for you ♪

♪ 'Cause I've been waiting for you ♪

♪ 'Cause I've been waiting for you ♪

♪ So call me when you
find your way home ♪

- ♪ I need to know ♪