03x06 - Square Roots/1 Olie, 2 Olie, 3 Olie, 4/Switcheroo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Rolie Polie Olie". Aired: October 4, 1998 – April 28, 2004.*
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Show focuses on the Polie family, who live in a teapot-shaped house named Housey in a geometric world (Planet Polie) populated by robot-based characters.
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03x06 - Square Roots/1 Olie, 2 Olie, 3 Olie, 4/Switcheroo

Post by bunniefuu »


SINGER: Way up high
In the Rolie Polie sky

Is a little round planet
Of a really nice guy

[UP-TEMPO b*at]

SINGER: He's Rolie Polie Olie

He's small and smart
And round

And in the land
Of curves and curls

He's the swellest kid around



SINGER: And in the land
Of curves and curls

He's the swellest kid around

He's Rolie Polie Olie

He's small and smart
And round

And in the land
Of curves and curls

He's the swellest kid around



SINGER: And in the land
Of curves and curls

He's the swellest kid around

And in the land
Of curves and curls

He's the swellest kid

The swellest kid around


OLIE: Mom!


Hey, Mom!

Mom? Mom?



POLINA: Yes, Olie?

Where are we from, Mom?

Right here in Polieville.

Why do you ask?

I've got to do a report for school.

Teacher says people from other places

have special stories to tell.

I'm sure that's true

but no matter where people are from

they have special stories.

So who should I do a report on?

You could do your report on Billy Bevel.

The Bevels are from a planet
very, very far away.

Oh, yeah! That's right.


Good idea.

I'm going to do my report on Billy.

Thanks, Mom.

OLIE: These different-shaped footprints

are made by different-shaped
people from somewhere else.

And this is the different-shaped person

who made the different-shaped footprints.

Uh, hi.

This is my bestest friend
in the whole universe

Billy Bevel.

He's from a square planet,
but he lives here now.

Right off you can see
that I am different, I'm square.

So's my dad.

And my mom and my baby brother Binky.

We're all from the square planet Cubey.


Where's the planet Cubey?

BILLY: Well, it's...

Put your peeper to the lens
and feast your eyes

on our little block of heaven.

Founded on the fourth
day of the fourth month

the square planet Cubey
has four seasons

and four continents.

Our flag's a perfect square

to remind us that everybody's equal.

MR. BEVEL: Or, as we like to say,

if you're supposing your side's bigger
than anybody else's

you'll end up a "wrecked-angle."


Get it, Olie-o?

"Wrecked-angle"? "Rectangle"?

[LAUGHING] Oh, yeah, sure.

A little quadratic humor.


Uh, so, what other
special things can you tell me?

Well, let's ask Mom.

OLIE: Hiya, Mrs. Bevel.

Is that rolling?

Oh, jeepers, is my hair out of square?

Not a corner out of place,
Benita Chiquita.

What's it like to be
on the square planet Cubey?


It's chock-a-block with places to shop.

You can always get a square deal, and...

the food, well... Hang around for lunch

And munch a square lunch.

Even though we live here now,
we still eat the way we did

back on the square
planet Cubey.

So we always have

four square meals a day.

And for dessert,
feast your eyes

on the national food
of the square planet.

Hot dog!

Waffles with ice cream cubes!


I thought your class

might dig some samples of food

with a square planet twist.

Rolie-o squares.

Gee, thanks, Mrs. Bevel.

Everybody that will dare

angle over
for the old grand square!

Let's do-si-do!

Square dancing's our traditional
square planet dance.

-Round we go!

-Swing your partner!


Yee-hee-hee! Yow!

Forward! Yip!

And back!

And promenade!

Side to side
and give a nod!


This is fun!


Wow! Square dancing
is really fun.

Sure is, but let me tell you
a little secret.

Benita and I
are partial to the box step.




OLIE: And here's
the Bevels' square cat, Dicey.


OLIE: She's one foursquare feline.


So tell us, Bevels.

Why'd you move
to the Rolie Polie planet?

Well, I figure
whatever the shape,

we're all the same inside.

I wanted Billy and Binky
to see every curve and angle

in this crazy jigsaw puzzle
we call life.

I'm just trying to make sure
my little squares

turn out to be
well-rounded people.


You mean,
give them a whole new angle?


Right on, Olie-o, right on!

OLIE: So is a square planet fun?

It's totally Cubular!

OLIE: Don't you miss it?

It was kind of hard
getting used to a new place

but planet Polie is home now.


I made my bestest friend
in the whole universe here.

OLIE: Thanks, Billy.

Even if sometimes
we do feel

like a couple of square pegs
in a round world

we build solid blocks
of friendship wherever we go.


A-go-go fish-o!







-MR. BEVEL: Dicey!
-PERCY: Spot!


MR. BEVEL: Here, kitty, kitty!

-Come back, Spot!

OLIE: Oh, my!
Any last words, Billy?

I guess you could say
a square person is, well...

Not squishy,
we're not squeaky...

We're solid, dependable.



BILLY: Like Mom said,

"Solid blocks of friendship
wherever we go."

Hey, Billy?

Yeah, Olie?

Let's go play.


Swish! Zoom!



Sorry, Dad.

It's almost time
to watch Space Boy.

That must mean you've done
your homework already.

Not exactly.

But I promise
I'll get it all done

once Space Boy
is over.

Homework comes first.

Do I have to?

'Fraid so, Olie.

All right.

Two plus two...

Three plus three...

There's too much math here.

I'll never get it done in time.

Knock, knock.

OLIE: What's that?

My old Multiplicatorator.

It acts up every once in a while

but it ought to do the trick.

What's it do?

It's a number cruncher.

You can check your answers
with it.

Wow! Thanks, Dad.

You bet.


Hey, Spot, noses off.

This is Dad's Multiplicatorator.

I answer the question myself.

One plus one makes, um...


Now I check it.

One plus one makes two.

Gee Willikers!

One plus one
really does make two.

Oh, Space Boy is going
to start soon.

Hey, wait a minute.

If there were two Olies,
one could do my homework

And one could watch Space Boy.

I hope this works.

One plus one makes...


Howdy, Olie number one.

It worked!

A splitting image of me!

Nice to meet you,
number two.


Hey, Space Boy is on.

Homework comes first.

Aw, do I have to?

Why do you think
I made two of us?

Here's my homework.

Now, while you finish up
my math homework

I'm going
to watch Space Boy.

Got it?

Got it.



Why should I do all the work?

Now, how did Olie number one

make this work?

Welcome to Olie's world.

You're on homework detail.

Do I have to?


Why do you think I made you?

MAN: Pow! Zip! Zing!

Ahh! This is the life.

MAN: ...The episode of
"Space Boy and Space Dog."

Hey, did you do my homework?

I passed it off to Olie number three.

Number three?


Did you do my homework?

I passed it on to Olie number four.

He's taking care of the boring stuff.

Number four?

Oh, no!

This wasn't supposed to happen.


What's that?

Who's doing my homework?

That's number six's job.

Are you supposed
to be doing my homework?

Nah. I made five more Olies

to take care of all the yucky stuff.

Five more?

That's six plus five.

Uh... That's 11. Plus me...

It's an Olie overload!

I sure do love rolie-poly ice cream.

Want a scoop?

Oh, no.

PERCY: Hey, there, Olie!

Homework done?

I'm taking care of it, Dad.

MAN: The girl is saved!

Join us next week
as our terrific twosome

go in search of more...

Who's doing my homework?

Not us.

Not us.

-Not us.
-Not us.

-Not us.
-Not us.

Not us. Not us.

PERCY: Olie?

What's all the ruckus?

You done with your homework?

I'm taking care of it, Dad.

I've got to get this under control.

Oh, no!

Pardon me.

No more!

Sorry, guys.

Time for subtraction.

Four minus three equals...


Hey, everybody, a surprise upstairs!

Come on!

All right!

Come on!

Out of my way!

Hurry up!

All right! All right! All right!

Eighty-five, Eighty-six...

What's the big surprise?

It's a really neato trick.

Eighty-seven, eighty-eight...

Whoa! Hold on a sec.

How do we know you're the real Olie

and not a fake?


That's easy.

Here, Spot!


Who's the real Olie?

Hi, spot.


Come here, doggy.




A dog always knows his master.

Good boy!

Eighty-nine minus eighty-eight equals me.

Just me and you, Spot.

Like it should be.

Sorry, pal.

Two minus one...


Who ever said math was easy?

Now, where was I?

How's it going, Olie?

Did the Multiplicatorator help?

You know, Dad, I started to use it

but I decided I'll do my homework

the old-fashioned way.

All by myself.

Okeydokey, Olie.

One plus two equals three.

Three plus two equals...


Seconds left
in the kicky hoop championship.

The round team has
to make one more basket to win.

What is captain Olie going to do?


MAN: Ooh!

Oh, no!



OLIE: Sorry, Mr. Bevel.

-No Problemo, Olie.

-Just a little bop on the old flattop.

Whatcha building there, Baxter?

Building myself a boxing ring.


Keeps the sides flat
and the corners tight.



Gee, that's some fancy footwork.

Hop over sometime
and I'll show you a few moves.

Maybe box your ears and dock your clock.


I'm not sure about the boxing, Bax

but I'll be happy to give you a hand
building your ring.

Shimmy on over, Percy.


OLIE: Hey, Mrs. Bevel.

Uh, why are you standing on your head?

Oh, practicing my yoga-a-go-go, Olie.

Getting some grease to the old headgear.


OLIE: It sure seems fun being square.

Do you think it's more fun
than being round?

Olie. You can't know a person's true shape

until you've walked around in their shoes.

What do you mean?

Well, if you got a glimpse of the world

through a square person's eyes

you might get
a whole new outlook on things.

That sounds like fun.


Hiya, Mr. Polie.

-Howdy, Billy.

What do you think of my new shoes?

Absostupenderlutely wow!

Super traction air commander
high block and tackles.

I can do anything when I wear them.


OLIE: Wow!



Do you think I can try them?

BILLY: Sure.

Whoa, Dad's right.

Wearing somebody else's shoes

sure does give you a different outlook.

On your box...

get set...




BILLY: You okay, Olie?

Yeah, Billy.

Gee, I guess round feet
don't work in square shoes.


What's wrong, Olie?

I don't know.

I just sort of wanted
to know what it was like

to be square, and do square things.

I know what you mean.

I've always wanted to try and be round

and do round things, like roll down a hill

and loop-de-loop real easy.

You have?


How's about we switch bodies?


Then I can see what it's like

to be round...

And I could see
what it's like to be square.


OLIE: Ready... Set...



It worked.


I feel so...block solid.


I feel so...Rolie round.

Last one in the tube is a square peg.

In a round hole.




My corners are stuck.


There's lots of stuff

that's hard to do
when you're square, Olie.






It's hard to...stay on the swing.


Are you all right, Billy?

Yep. Just had a little trouble stopping.

Guess being round can be tough, too.



Howdy, Spot.



Changing shape sure is fun.



I always pictured

my boxing ring as a square.


When you said "ring"
I thought you meant round

but we can make it square.

I wonder why they call it a "boxing ring"

if it's square, Perce.

I don't know, Bax.

Hmm, where's my right angle-ator?

Can we help?

Grease my gears. [CHUCKLES]

We're walking in each other's shoes.

You boys are getting
a whole new angle on things.


I can be a right angle-ator, Dad.


Being square's great.

What about you, Billy-o?

Can you do something round?

I can break-dance.




I guess that's why
it's called "break dancing."



In the final moments
of the Blockerball championship

The Bevel blaster gets
one past the Rolie goalie.

I'm a lot faster at Rolie tag.


I'm not.

I really have a grasp on squareness.

-I have worn the square shoe

and I've walked the square walk.

-I have gone the square mile.

I have achieved total squareness.




That was fun.



Olie, can we switch back now?

Being round's fun,
but I kind of miss being square.

And I kind of miss being round.




Wow, I've got my corners back.

But now I can't break-dance as good.

But you can wear your super traction

Air commander high block and tackles.

I can't be a square Bevel blaster anymore.

But you're better at Rolie tag.

Yeah, and no matter what shape I am

I have the mostest fun
with my bestest friend

No matter what shape he is.

You betcha.


It still looks round to me.


I guess I just don't have square-ability.




Now, that's getting knocked
off your block.


OLIE: Hey, look.

PERCY: Our nutty mutt
has turned into a batty boxer.


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