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01x07 - The Legacy

Posted: 03/21/24 18:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on Allegiance...

My client has the right to
a full and complete account

of all the evidence held against him.

What's Max found out about their case?

All they have is a collection

of deliberately-twisted
and misleading facts,

and, apparently, some
kind of show-stopper.

- What show-stopper?
- I don't know.

- It's been sealed.
- Your Honour, in this entire document,

only a handful of
unredacted words remain.

It is beyond me how my client is
expected to mount a defence at all.

That's the beauty of an
accusation like this...

the Crown can keep
refusing to disclose evidence

on grounds of national security.

trial date is finally set

for Minister Ajeet Sohal,

who remains under house arrest
on charges of treason...

[MALE REPORTER] Police have been voicing

concerns about the
rise in incidents

of vandalism and hate
crimes in Surrey...

[WOMAN ON SHOW] My boy, he's 12,

he doesn't want to wear
his patka to school.

What am I supposed to tell him?

say it again, Canada,

this is your wake-up call.

Take a good look around.
Who are you going to trust?

- [MAX] Good morning!
- Hey, morning, Max.

So this is what we've come to.

They've left me no choice...

We are out of time
and we are out of options.

I'm going to have to go nuclear.

Oh, yeah? As in?

I'm applying for a Stay of Proceedings.

A Stay of Proceedings?

I am asking the court
to throw out the case...

on the basis

that the Crown's disgraceful violation

of my client's Charter of Rights...

thank you...

will bring the administration
of justice into disrepute.

So no trial.

- That's right.
- That's badass, Uncle Max.

I gotta go.

- I love you.
- Love you.

You think it will work?

This case is bullshit.

We know it. The prosecution knows it.

The public may think I'm
getting off on a technicality.

It is not a technicality.

It is an attack

on the fundamental integrity
of the justice process itself.

Look. We win this challenge,

the charges are dropped,

the case dissolves,

and you, my friend, are a free man.



Wâpan, I'm right here.


- Where is she?
- Hey. Come on.

Come on, let's get
you back to your room.

- No...
- Hey, hey.

Come on, Sage. You should be resting.

- Where is she?
- Let's just get you back to bed.

- I want to see her!
- I know. Let's go. Come on.

[VINCE] Third time in
the E.R. this year, JJ.

Maybe time to stop
smashing store windows

with your bare hand.

Code white. 5th floor.

Code white. 5th floor.

You want me to check it out?

Yeah. I'll stay with JJ.

Tell me where she is!


- Where did you take her?
- Hey!

- Why is no one talking to me?
- Are you all right?

- Wâpan...
- [SABRINA] Hey.

- [PA ANNOUNCEMENT] Code white. 5th floor.
- Get her before she hurts someone else.

What's the patient's name?

- Sage Paynter.
- Sage.

Sage. I just want to talk, okay?

- I want to see Wâpan.
- Who's Wâpan?

My baby girl!

- Jordan, they won't let me see Wâpan!
- Hey!

- Hey, is that your partner?
- Get your hands off me!

- My husband, Jordan.
- [SABRINA] I don't want to put handcuffs on you,

but I need to be able to trust
that you're not gonna hurt anybody else.

So can I trust you, Sage?


Let him go.

Where is she?

Where's our baby?

Hey, Vince, I could
use your help up here.

I just worked five 12-hour shifts.

I have been punched, bitten and spat on.

I am tired of the abuse.

This patient has anger
issues and mental issues.

She's unstable...

She's looking for her baby.

Yeah, and you can see why

the social worker had to
come and take that baby away.

Why are they doing this?

It's going to be okay.

I'm going to fix this.

Where's Auntie?

Healing Circle.

I left a message.

The baby's not here.

A social worker took her.

The mother has mental-health issues.

The nurse was waiting for
the husband to get back

before telling them.

- They don't even know?
- No. On top of that,

she wants us to arrest her for as*ault.

We can't do that.

Gave her 10 stitches.

- Vince.
- I know, I know.

Oh, shit.

[CHARLOTTE] Sage, Jordan.

The Ministry has taken
custody of your infant.


I want my baby!

[CHARLOTTE] I'm sorry, Ms. Paynter,

I'm going to have to ask you to
stay calm right now. Okay? Please.

- Where did they take her?
- Auntie's gonna help.

Auntie's gonna help.

[SAGE] Where did they take her?


I understand that you
are upset right now,

but we need you to stay calm...

Get off of me!

I'm getting the hell out of here!


She didn't mean to hurt anyone.

They gave her medication.

She's not usually like this.


Help us get our baby back.

[VINCE] We have to take her in.


- Ms. Raymont,

this is Constable Sabrina
Sohal with the CFPC.


Sage Paynter and Jordan Awaskis.

I'm wondering why their baby
was apprehended this morning.

Uh, I wish I could help,


it wouldn't be ethical,
or legal, of me to disclose

confidential client information.

I'm just trying to understand.

I wish I could tell you.

All I can tell you is...

when the parents are...

exceptionally young...

when one or both may have
a history of addiction,

mental-health issues,

trouble with the law...

If a home is found to
be unfit for a baby...

unsafe crib,

mold, exposed wires...

It's heartbreaking. I know.

And it pains me and my colleagues

to have to take babies away
from their natural parents.

But believe me,

it pains us even
more to leave a baby

in an at-risk situation.


we've made that mistake once too often.

And the results can be tragic.

You. Baby face.

I'm here for my niece, Sage Paynter.

Paynter, with a "Y".

And I want her released immediately!

[JORDAN] Auntie Jo.


my boy, come. My boy.

[JORDAN] Auntie Keekee.

- Jordan.
- Auntie Bea.

Got your things.


need to sign for them.

That's a beautiful flower.

Am I going to jail now?

No, you can go home today.

You'll get a notice to appear in court,

and a lawyer will help you.


[SAGE] They took her away.

- [JO] It's okay, my girl.
- [SAGE] They took her away.

We'll get this sorted out.

We'll get your baby back.


How dare you arrest a Life-Giver

hours after giving birth?


- I'm so sorry, but a nurse was assaulted.
- [JO] No, no, no!


There won't be any more stolen babies!

Not on my watch!

Are you Sage's mother?

I'm her Auntie.

And, her mother, yes.

Her baby came two weeks early...

and that's why we weren't there...

so how the hell did that social worker

know that the baby was coming?


Birth alerts are illegal now!

- I this is a difficult...
- [JO] Listen to me, you.

My niece and nephew are good kids.

They have jobs and a nice home.

Come and see for yourself.

We'd be happy to.

Well, good.

You can give us a ride, too.

Took three buses to get here.

[WOMAN] Yeah, jeez.

[JO] Come on.

You two can ride with me.


[JO] Take a look around.

Tell the Ministry we've
got nothing to hide.

Tell them this home has
everything a family needs.

Jordan was in the middle
of fixing the place up for the baby.

They thought they had more time.

Imagine coming home without your child.

You should be looking for her right now.

There's no exposed wiring.

I don't see or smell mold.

Sewed and beaded those herself.

Look at the beadwork.

So good you can barely
see the Spirit bead.

It's right there.

They're beautiful.

I taught her when she
was just a little girl.

She does that to honour
her late Métis mother.

Flower Beadwork People.

This looks like a brand-new crib.

[JO] Oh, yeah.

It's safety-approved, too.

Jordan carved that headboard himself.

[VINCE] He carved this?



Beautiful, intricate work.

He has a great construction job.

Plans to become a carpenter.

That's sage, not dope.

It's a sacred medicine
used for smudging.

Yeah, go ahead, open it.

Have a whiff.

Jordan and Sage are traditional kids.

They don't drink or drug.

They have a family that supports them

and loves them.

- [WOMAN] That's right.
- But, still, their baby girl is taken.


Something isn't right here.

Apartment's a little lived-in
and run-down, but it's clean.

Yeah, those kids are not addicts.

So how did the social worker
know that the baby was coming early?

I don't know.

There used to be birth alerts,

but they've been illegal since 2019.

Okay, what are birth alerts?

When an at-risk mother
delivered a baby,

the hospital would
alert Social Services,

and they would...

apprehend the child
without the parents' consent.

Without their consent?

How do I have a Masters in Crim
and that never came up once?

[DISPATCH] Disturbance at
the Ministry of Family Care,

756 Old Trunk Road. Indigenous male.

5' 10". Medium build.

- Jordan.
- [LUKE] This is 30-64.

- We're close by and en route. Over.
- [DISPATCH] Copy that, 30-64.

You heard them. No, you
heard them. They're on it.

It can't hurt to just
go check things out.

I spoke with Dispatch.

Kid's got a record as long as his arm.

Causing a disturbance,
resisting arrest...

I wasn't causing a disturbance,

I was protesting
development at Burns Bog.

And I didn't resist arrest.

- Right.
- Sir...

his newborn was
apprehended this morning.


his emotions just got the best of him.

You got a point, Tucker?

Do we really have to arrest him?

Come on, on your feet. Let's go.


Hey, Sarge.

Officer Sohal,


- I just want to know where my baby is.
- Jordan, I know,

but you have to go through
the proper channels.

Yeah, what do you say
we take him off your hands, Sarge?

Save you the paperwork.

Sure. He's all yours.

Tucker, let's go.

We didn't do anything wrong.

You took our baby because we're Indian!

- Come on.
- Admit it!

[VINCE] Hey.

Let's go outside, talk about this.

Is your supervisor
here, Theresa Raymont?

No, she's not in at the moment.

I need to know why Sage Paynter's
baby was apprehended this morning.

I can't share that information with you.

If I have to come back
with a search warrant

and go through every
single file in this office,

I will.

Okay. I'll get you the file,

but you have to know
that there's information in there

that I can't share with you

because it's against the law.

From what I can see here,

Ms. Paynter reached
out for prenatal care.

- And?
- And that's it.

And that's all you're
willing to tell me?

No. That's all that's in her file.

No mental-health issues?

Unsafe housing?

And according to this,

Ms. Paynter's file was supposed
to be closed months ago,

but with her case
worker on stress leave...

it must have slipped through the cracks.

So why was her baby apprehended?


No one from this office
apprehended a baby this morning.

If no one here took her,
then who the hell did?

Theresa Raymont.

- Are you sure?
- I'm sure. I've known her for years.

Good woman. Tough job.

She can just walk in and...

Patient in 12-D is crowning.

Dr. Henry's still in the
O.R. with a C-section.

Okay, let's go. You're going
to have to make this quick.

Well, how did she know that
Sage was having her baby?

You'll have to ask her.

Did you call to alert her?

Of course not.

So it's just a coincidence she turned up

right after Ms. Paynter
unexpectedly delivered her baby early?

It's possible Theresa accessed
Ms. Paynter's medical files online,

- and knew she'd been admitted.
- How would she access...

Your questions are
going to have to wait.

This delivery can't.

I talked to Theresa this morning.

Why didn't she tell me that she
apprehended Sage's baby herself?

Privacy laws?

All these privacy laws
and yet a social worker

can just access a
patient's medical files?

Oh, yeah, they can if the
patient signed a consent form.

You think Sage would sign that?

I don't think now's the time to be
asking Sage if she signed the form.

I'm calling Theresa, not Sage.

You've reached Theresa Raymont

from the Ministry of Family Care.

Please leave a
message. Thank you.

[SABRINA] Still no answer.

[VINCE] You know what...

I don't think she signed it.

- What?
- I don't think

Sage would have signed
that medical consent form.

Her baby's gone.

Her baby's out there
somewhere and we need answers.

- Please don't cry.
- [WOMAN] Don't cry? Don't tell me...

I'm doing everything I can to
get you a visit with your little boy.


Ms. Westfeldt, a nurse at Surrey General

confirmed that it was
your boss, Theresa Raymont,

that took the baby this morning.

[SABRINA] Your boss told the staff

that the couple was unfit
to raise their child,

but that doesn't seem to be the case,

so why don't you tell us
what's really going on?

Ms. Westfeldt?

I became a Social Worker
to help struggling families.

I thought I could make a difference.

Turns out...

I'm just a part of the problem.

You know, most of my
clients are Indigenous...

their children get taken
away because of poverty...

and those that do get their
kids back... and that's rare...

they have their social workers
police them like they're criminals.

And God forbid if
they ask for support...

because that'll get their
files flagged for sure,

because if they need
help, they must be at risk!

You know, I'm probably going
to lose my license over this,

but I can't stand by

while my boss forges on

as if the laws haven't changed.

Those are Theresa's files.

These are the only two
families that take newborns.

You have to do something.

We just talked to the foster family.

They haven't received a baby today

and they aren't expecting one.

Nothing on our end, either.


Where else would a social
worker take a newborn?

Dispatch, 61-03.

We need a BOLO on Theresa Raymont.

Hey, Gillian. Anything
on Theresa's call logs?

Yeah... uh...

she made several calls
to the Punjabi Mini Mart.

Two of them this morning.

Yeah, which one?

The one on 117th.

We're on our way.

Cutting and laminating machines.

A shredder.

You need all those to make sweets?

I make boxes.

To sell sweets.

None of these seem to
match your packaging.

Forgery is a federal crime.

You want to try that again?

This woman stole a
mother's newborn baby.

Do you want to be complicit
in child abduction, Mr. RJ?

Because that's life in prison.

Okay. I tell you.

She needed a birth certificate.

- She picked it up this morning.
- What name did you put on it?

I don't keep those files.

- I just do the print order.
- [GILLIAN] Sabrina.

I found something in
Theresa's flash drive...

This isn't over.

- We'll be following up.
- Yeah, hey. What is it?

It's a medical consent
form, signed by Sage.

Is there a flower in her signature?

No. No flower.

It could be forged.

Sage signs her name with
a wild rose at the end.

Sounds like Theresa set up
her own personal birth alert.

- Yeah, I might have something here.
- I've got Luke with me.

Tucker's there?

Gabby's got a commitment,
I thought I'd lend a hand.

So Theresa's been gathering information

on support groups for women
who are unable to conceive.

- You have names and contact numbers?
- No.

Just a zoom link for
their online meetings.

The next one's not until next week.

Are these support
groups based in Surrey?

No. They're all over North America.

[SABRINA] They might be
desperate to become mothers.

Is she going to sell the baby?

A newborn female Indigenous baby

is believed to have been abducted

by a social worker, Theresa Raymont.

Caucasian, 50s.

Last known location
Surrey General Hospital,

but that was hours ago.

The car registered to Theresa Raymont

is a silver 1993 Toyota Camry.

An Amber Alert's gone out,
images of Raymont

have been released to
all units in the area.

That's all we got.

Let's get out there, let's find
this little one, bring her home.

Okay, let's go.

Do the parents know yet?

Not yet. We'd like you
to notify them in person.

Okay. I'll let Sage know we're coming.

[VINCE] Thanks.



Have you brought any news?



the social worker who
apprehended your baby...

she didn't place her in foster care.

We believe that she's abducted her.

- What?
- She forged your signature

and illegally accessed
your medical records.

That's how she knew
Sage was in the hospital.

And she gave false
statements to the nurse


took your baby.

- Took her where?
- [VINCE] We don't know.

We haven't been able to locate her yet.

But the CFPC has put out an Amber Alert

and we have made it our top priority.

My baby...

If you had listened
to her in the hospital,

instead of arresting her,

none of this would have happened!

You find her.

You hear me.

You find our baby girl!

We will...

- I promise.
- [JO] Let's go into the lodge.

You need healing.

Never make promises.

What was I supposed to tell them...

that their kid's gone forever?

It was a rookie move.

You're giving them false hope.

The system is screwed.

We have to make it right.

It's our job to enforce the law,

not to make impossible promises
to compensate for the past.

We don't get to choose
the laws we defend

based on our personal values.

What happens when the laws don't work?

[GILLIAN] 61-03.

- 61-03. Go.
- Theresa's cell phone just turned on.

It pinged off a tower on the
south end of the White Rock Pier.

On our way.

- [SABRINA] White Rock Pier?
- [VINCE] What's she doing near the pier?

- Meeting someone?
- We got to get to her

before she can pass that baby off.

[GILLIAN] She's on the move.

Phone just pinged off a
tower at Semiahmoo Park.

[SABRINA] That's south.
She's heading for the border.

We've alerted Customs
and Border Control.

There's no sign of
Theresa's car yet.

Theresa just called a Canadian number...

- the Sunrise Motel.
- Address?

1411 Peace Arch Road.

[VINCE] Peace Arch Road...
we're not far from there.

We're sending backup.



[SABRINA] Theresa!

It's over.

Give us the baby.

- I can't do that.
- [SABRINA] Yes, you can.

Sage and Jordan, they are good people.

The baby will be safe.

Those two are putting on a good show,

because they know we're watching.

Eventually, they'll drink, or drug,

and the baby will be neglected.

Theresa, the baby hasn't made a sound.

Is she okay?

Theresa, is the baby okay?

She's fine.

She's stalling for time.

Baby's gone. Where is she?

Where is she?

She's safe.

With people who can take care of her.

What people, Theresa?

Who did you give the baby to?

Do the right thing.

- I have.
- Command. 61-03.

We have Theresa Raymont in custody,

but the baby is gone.

We need Border Patrol to
check every outgoing vehicle

for an Indigenous baby,

possibly accompanied
by two White adults.

I want a chopper in the air
and I want CCTV footage

from here to Washington State.

Now! People, let's go!

Move, move, move! Come on!

[SABRINA] Theresa Raymont,
you're under arrest for kidnapping,

falsifying government documents...

- [LUKE] Yes!
- Nice work, Rookie.

Too late. The baby's gone.

- What?
- She's not talking.

Can't you see?

I'm helping save these babies!

What do you mean "these babies"?


[SABRINA] Please tell Sage

that we are one step
closer to finding Wâpan.

We've got the social
worker in custody now.

We're going to get answers.

I will. I'll talk to the prosecutor

as soon as I get back.

Thank you. Bye.

The first baby I took from his mother...

... probably be my son's age right now.

Let's just drive.

Six other Indigenous
babies in Theresa's files

were adopted illegally
in the last two years,

and Gillian found templates
for forged adoption papers

on the flash drive,

but thanks to international
red tape and privacy laws,

they may now be unreachable.

I don't know what to tell Sage.

And on top of everything,
she still has to face as*ault charges?

Yeah, like I said, I'm
trying to get those dropped,

- but my boss...
- Your boss is a d*ck.

Sage's aunt, she
suggested a Sentencing Circle?


That's a good idea.

I'll have to get "the d*ck" to sign off,

and the nurse'll have to agree to go...

if she's open to a
restorative justice approach,


I'll see what I can do.


Can't make any promises.

No promises.

[THERESA] Those two had no
business raising a child.

I understand that Sage and Jordan

originally came to
see your social workers

for prenatal care.

Tell me, what happened in that meeting

to convince you that they
couldn't care for their baby?

These people had to ask for help

to parent their own kid.

That's what happened.



My name is Joanne Paynter.

I'm Sage's Auntie

and a proud Métis from
Northern Saskatchewan.

Creator has invited us

to be here together
in this Sacred Circle,

where we are all equal.

No one sits at the front.

We're all connected by our heartbeats.

We're here to understand

the harm that our niece has caused...

... and for her to take
responsibility for that,

so that we can all move
forward in a good way.

This is about healing,

not about dwelling
in guilt or innocence.

I've been doing all I can

to save these kids

from a lifetime of risk and trouble.

I'd like to offer some words
from Edmund Metatawabin,

former Chief of Fort
Albany First Nations.

"There's no concept of
justice in Cree culture.

The nearest word we have
is kintohpatatin,

which means that you
have been listened to

and your needs will be taken seriously."

I look around this Circle

and I see many Life-Givers.


Keepers of Mother Earth.

The backbones of our families,

our communities.

There is nothing more traumatic

than taking a mother's baby from her.

[THERESA] These Indigenous families

can't take care of their kids.

Just look at all the alcoholism,

dr*gs, and v*olence...

they're often living
in unsanitary, unsafe conditions.

That's statistics, okay?

Not racism.

I was ripped from my mother's arms

by the police.

I was five years old.

Forced to go to residential school.

I was so scared.

I cried for my mom every night...

[THERESA] I'm grateful

for adoptive parents...
how selfless they are.

Imagine, total strangers,

who actually want to raise these babies.

Stolen babies.

Taken from the parents who
should've have raised them!

Two men came to our door
with a police officer.

They took me and my brothers and sisters

away from my mom and dad.

The Ministry took our pictures.

They cut our hair.

They put those
pictures in the paper, and...

advertised us.

"Adopt an Indian Métis kid."

They tore us apart.

Adopted us out to different families...

White families.

I never saw my brothers
and sisters again.

[THERESA] I'm not a criminal.

If you put me away,

who is going to save these babies?

Oh, enough of this shit.

What's happened to you?

The police used to help us.

You need to tell us right now

where the children you
illegally apprehended are.

With good parents.

Decent people, who will
give them a good life.

That's not for you to decide!

Theresa, look at me.

You are facing very serious charges...


fraud, forgery...

a life behind bars at
a federal institution...

among people that you are
not likely to consider decent.

So, if you would like a chance

at improving your odds,

you need to tell me all of the names

of people who have illegally
acquired a child through you...

right now.

When I was four years old,

a social worker took me from my mom


put me in a home with total strangers.

"Foster care"...

they called it.

I didn't understand
what I had done wrong.

My mom...

... she did the best she could.

And we didn't have a nice
house or fancy furniture, but...

we had each other.

At night,

she would lie down beside me,

and she would tell me stories

about when she was a little girl.

Growing up in the bush
with her kôhkom...

and her mosôm.

Those were the happy times.

But then a social worker took her away.

And put her in a foster home.

Said that no little girl should
be running around in the bush,

living in a cabin
without any running water.

She went to eight different
foster homes in total.

And she died in Vancouver's Downtown
Eastside with a needle in her arm.

My Auntie Jo fought hard
to get me out of the foster home.

She went to court and everything.

She raised me with love...

and our traditional teachings.

I wanted...

to raise my own little
girl the same way.

But they took her from me.

I'm sorry for the
pain that I caused you.

For hurting you.

v*olence is never acceptable, no
matter how much your heart is hurting.

I'll accept whatever sentence

the Elders and the Judge decide on.

Six adoptive parents.

We need to bring these
children back home.

What "home" means to
them at this point...

I'll get our team to start
contacting the parents

and I'll have the Crown
start working on warrants.

I want to go to Washington State.

I want to talk to the people
that adopted Sage's baby.

Can't do that, Vince.

We have to go through
the proper channels.

The US and Canada are both
signatories to the Hague Convention.

There is a legal process
in place to return children

wrongfully removed from
their parents to another country.

And if we have to
wait for a court order,

it could be weeks or months
that Sage is separated from her baby.

And we both know, the longer
the baby's with the adoptive parents,

the harder it's going to be
to convince them to surrender her.

I've gotten to know this
family. I've seen their goodness.

I can be persuasive.

I can help the adoptive parents

understand that this child
belongs with her family.

Okay. Okay.

Okay, but do not get your hopes up.

And I want another officer with you.

[LUKE] Inspector Degas,

I'll get my gear.

Oh, okay.

I came here to give my victim statement,

so Sage could get Restorative Justice...

... but after hearing
each of your stories...

I've been a nurse for
more than 20 years.

I've delivered more Indigenous
babies into the foster system

than I can remember...

Theresa Raymont seemed
so sure of herself.

I didn't ask questions.

I became a maternity nurse
to bring new life into the world.

Not to bring more pain
to another generation of mothers.

I'm so sorry.

[LUKE] So, I had a friend back home.


We played hockey together.

We'd just won the Provincials, right?

Bobby scored. Top corner. OT.

And his whole rez was there,

cheering him on, just losing it.


So, Manny, our goalie,
threw this huge party.

We got so shit-faced.

And then after,

we're all piling into this cab,

not everyone can fit,

so Bobby says he'll take the next one.


Yeah, they found him the next day

on the outskirts of town,
frozen to death.


What happened?

It was a Starlight Tour.

Manny said that Bobby
decided to walk home, right?

And so the cops just picked him up.

Drove him out there.

Minus 27.

And when they found
him, he was in sock feet,

you know?

The police...

they took his boots, Vince.


I'm sorry, Tucker.

I just told myself that I'm going to

make sure that it never happens again.


We've got to bring that baby home.


[JO] I'd like to invite
the Judge to speak next.

[JUDGE] I want to thank
you all for your honesty...

and for sharing your stories...

so openly.

I want you to know that
you've been listened to...

... and that I'm taking
your needs seriously.

Ms. Paynter...

I can only imagine

the heartbreak you're feeling

from having your baby taken from you.

The Elders and I have had a good talk

and we've agreed on your sentence.

You will share your story

of what happened to you

with maternity nurses

in hospitals across the Lower Mainland.

You'll also continue
your work with Elders

and provide prayer and support
to new Indigenous mothers.

[SAGE] Thank you, Your Honour.










[VINCE] There you go, there you go.

All right.

- You're home.
- You're home.



Hey, you!

Son of a g*n!

Ah, come here!


Thank you.

[VINCE] Our pleasure.


You did a good job.

For once.


You think I'm coming with you?

Yeah, come... and don't think
we're gonna adopt you now.

I wouldn't think of it.

[LUKE] Yeah.



Mm. Smells amazing.

How was your day?

It was happy.




- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Max thinks he can get the judge

to agree to a Stay of Proceedings.


Yeah, we're hopeful.

Hope is good.

Is that your mom's kara?

After she passed away...

... you and the aunties...

you really stepped in.

I don't think I've ever told
you how much you mean to me.


... your mother was like
an older sister to me.

A loving and kind soul...

just like you.

"Kindness is like snow.

It beautifies everything it covers."

I haven't heard that in a long time.

Of all of the lines your mother quoted,
that was always my favourite.

At the end of every ski day,

we would make a snowman,

and then we would lie on our backs,

and flap our arms and legs,

making snow angels,

and then the entire time,

she would be quoting poetry.

Do you remember that
last week in the hospital?

I made all those snowflakes

and I hung them on the
ceiling of her room.

We would just...

we'd just lie on her bed...

staring at them...

and she said...

she said...

Oh, come here. It's okay.

Oh, honey.


