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05x25 - Representation

Posted: 03/21/24 18:22
by bunniefuu
[narrating] In the daytime, I'm Marinette.

Just a normal girl with a normal life.

But there's something about me
that no one knows yet.

'Cause I've got a secret.

[theme song playing]

Simply the best!

Up to the test when things go wrong!

Miraculous, the luckiest!

The power of love, always so strong!



[techno music playing]

God save the queen.

Now their mayor has resigned,
Parisians are holding a new election.

And, surprise, they have a candidate
who might go the distance.

Her name is Miss Bustier,
a French teacher.

Like all candidates before,

she will be running against
Mr. Armand D'Argencourt.

So good luck to them, and Vive la France.

But the big news is the London
arrival of the royal couple of fashion.

Adrien Agreste and his perfect love,
Kagami Tsurugi,

heiress to the Tsurugi Industries.

Did the capital of love eat too many frogs
that it let its sweethearts go overseas?

Let's see some pictures.

Kagami is the greatest love of my life.

You only love once, the first time,
and it's forever.

How did I get into this mess?

By letting your father decide your future,

and selling your life story
through a fake narrative, as usual.


Forgive me. That was a bit harsh.

Ever since I became the muse
of the Agreste brand

and Adrien and I fell in love,

my life has been nothing but perfect.

-[scoffs] Lies.


[door opening]


I can never seem to go against my father.

But I won't give up my love for Marinette.

I could go see her
as often as I want as Astrocat.

[Plagg] And how will you explain
this incredible ability of yours,

making the London-Paris trip so often?

Just have to tell her that I'm Cat Noir.

What? You can't.

-[Adrien] Plagg, claws out.
-What about your secret identi-- [screams]

[panting] Power up!

[wings blast]

[crowd cheering]

-[fireworks explode]
-[bystander] Whoo!

[Tikki] Marinette,

are you sure you want to go?

We fought so hard for a happy ending,
Tikki. [sniffs]

We have to go to this dance.
If only for my friends' sake.

You are so brave.
Is there anything I can do?

Do you know a surefire trick
to keep from crying?

-If I did, I'd use it on myself.

[doors opening]

[inhales sharply] I won't cry.
I won't cry.

I won't cry. [sniffs]

With a little luck,
no one will even notice me.

[door screeches]

[Nino] Give it up for the girl
who organized this awesome night with Zoé.

Make some noise for Marinette!

-[crowd cheering]

[Argos grunts]

-What if it's not actually her?
-I couldn't believe it either at first.

[Marinette] I'm petrified at the thought
of doing something careless again

and losing my miraculous
because I won't be focused on my mission.

But it's the only possible explanation.

[Argos] Do you think she can be trusted?

She's my friend. We don't have a choice.

My mother and Gabriel Agreste will never
allow us to love each other freely.

Only Ladybug can help us.

[Argos grunts]

Fold my feathers.

Thank you, Marinette.

Without you, I never would have
had the courage to run for mayor.

You're welcome, Miss Bustier.

We've always been an inspiration to you.
I mean, the opposite. [laughs]

She incorporated our ecological proposals
in a program.

If Miss Bustier is elected,
there'll be more trees and less cars.

The planet will breathe.

I'm happy the planet gets to breathe.
Right now, I'm the one who can't breathe.


Are you sure you're okay, Marinette?

You don't look so good right now.

Me? Not looking good?
What are you talking about?

I'm here. Totally here.

I got a bouquet, a crown, a log.
And I'm dancing. Whoo-hoo!

Oh, wow. Speaking of which,
why don't I go try out that trampoline?

Hop hop. See ya.

-[trampoline springs]

-[grunts, thuds]
-[Zoé] Oh, Marinette. We did it.

Do you see this? The dance is incredible.

Yes. Yeah. Totally, Zoé.
I'll be right back.

[Marinette panting]

-[grunts] Marinette?
-Oh, sorry.

Did you see him?
Adrien. He was right there.

-Adrien? But--
-Marinette, are you crying?

Who? Me? Of course not.

[whimpers] Adrien!


There's no way. [grunts]

[line ringing]

Hello. You've reached Adrien's voice mail.
Leave a message.

-[fireworks ascending]

[Alya] Marinette. Stop.
You're just hurting yourself.

You know he's in London.

What if he's come home?

What if he disobeyed his father
to come and find me?

London isn't that far.
We'll find a way to go and visit him.

You have a right to be sad, Marinette.

This is anything
but the ending we expected.

[gasps] I remembered, I forgot
a giant cookie that I made for the party.

So, I'm gonna go get it.
I'll be right back. [panting]

That was the worst lie she's ever fed me.

-How could they disappear?
-[electronic beeping]

That your son should disobey you, Gabriel.
That does not surprise me.

-But my own daughter? Akumatize me!

I'll take care of this.

All I want is for Adrien to be free.

Nathalie, Adrien is no longer in London.

Where is he?

I don't know where he's gone. [coughs]

But the farther away he is from you,
the better.

I was wrong to entrust my son to you.

You are unworthy of upholding
the legacy of the Agrestes.

I am his father
and I'm the only one my son will obey.

He's bound to escape you someday.


Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Well, I'm sure he went to find her.

[electronic droning]

[electric whirring]

[electric crackling]

I'm going to need your help
to find my son, dear Megakuma.

Kaalki, your power is now mine.

Dark wings fall.

My son,

if you no longer respect
your father's authority,

then get ready to face
that of Nightormentor.

I guess all I have to do
to find you is to find her.




Adrien! Adrien!


[Astrocat] Power down.

Poor Marinette.

She looks so sad.

-[Alya] Hey, guys. [panting]
-[Nino panting]

-She's gone.
-[students] Huh?

-You can't blame her

for not being in a party mood.

And Adrien, he's our buddy.

Why didn't he tell us anything?
We would have helped him.

His father can't have
that much control over his life.


Where is Marinette Dupain-Cheng?

Where is my son, Adrien?


Mr. Agreste?

No, I am Nightormentor.

And if you don't want me
to awaken your worst nightmares,

you'd better answer my questions.

My son is with your friend, isn't he?

You're protecting them.

Dude, your son is in London.

You sent him there yourself.

And you shouldn't be so proud
of what you're doing to your own son.

[grunts] Need a little
parental counseling?

I take counsel from no one.

You, little kitty-- like my son--

could use a demonstration
in how to obey your superior.

Seems to me that it's the father who's in
need of a little demonstration right now.


[Kim] Yeah. Get him, Cat Noir!

[grunts, gasps]

[vapor surges]

No. No. No! [groaning]

[horse whinnying]

-[heavy breathing]
-What did you do to her?

[Nightormentor] Her worst nightmare
is awakening.

But I can rid her of it
if you answer my simple question.

Where are Adrien and Marinette?


[vapor surges]

[coughs, grunts]


[electric guitar twangs]

Marinette is not here!

I will free you from your nightmares
once I've found my son and your friend.

[Cat Noir] You really can't be trusted.

-What kind of father are you?

[grunts] No!

There's a 98.9% chance
that he went to Marinette Dupain-Cheng's!

Go, Cat Noir! Teach him a lesson!

That villain's son
and his girlfriend are lucky

to have friends like you.


It's Marinette. Leave a message. Beep.

Maybe the Resistance should get involved.

You're right, Comrade Ketchup.

[electric zapping]

Hmm. Voyage.

-[device chiming]

M'Lady, if you're looking for me,
I'm at the Dupain-Cheng bakery

with an akumatized villain.

It's time you learn
to let your son live his own life, Father.

[civilians sighing] Aah.

-[spectator 1] Hey look at that. Aah.
-[fireworks exploding]

[Marinette panting]


[grunts] Sorry.

-[spectator 2] Bravo.

[sighs, gasps]


[gasps, sobs]

Adrien. [sobbing]

It's so sad.

The reason we're doing this, Duusu,

is because we're hoping
for a happy ending.

Then it's wonderful.

Are you ready?

-Duusu, spread my feathers.
-[electric whirring]


-Oh, Amok,

let our thirst for truth take shape.

[warping, bubbling]

I am giving you life so that
you can help us bring the truth to light.



-[door creaks]
-That's enough!

-Leave these school kids alone!
-Learn your lesson, Cat Noir,

don't put your nose
where it doesn't belong.

On the contrary,

I think you need someone
to give you parenting lessons.

It doesn't seem to be your strong suit.


[Nightormentor] Voyage.

-[Cat Noir grunts]

[mechanical whirring]

[Marinette grunts]





[Félix narrating] Once upon a time,
in a faraway kingdom,

a queen and a king were expecting a child.

[as king] Oh, my queen.

How I look forward to seeing our child.

Thanks to him, our lineage will continue
and our family will reign over the kingdom

for eons to come.

But the queen did not
give birth to one child

but to two little girls.

[king] Oh, my queen.

Which one should we entrust
our kingdom to?

Because she had been born
seven seconds earlier,

the king and queen decided to entrust
the fate of the kingdom to the firstborn.

[fireworks ascending, exploding]

[distant cheering]

[Nightormentor growling] Adrien.

[grunts] I'm guessing he's avoiding you.
You don't seem like a nice father.

Very well.

I'll do away with you first.

And I'll take your miraculous
and give it to Monarch.

How about you start leaving your son
and the girl he loves alone?

-[Nightormentor] Voyage.

[Cat Noir screams]



[Félix narrating] The king
and queen's twins grew up,

each day as different in heart
as they were similar in body.

-The firstborn, curious and brazen…

…despised life at court
and escaped at every opportunity.

The younger daughter,
well-behaved and respectful,

did everything she could to please her
parents and stayed quietly in the castle.

[king] Oh, my queen.

Did we entrust our legacy
to the right princess?

[Kagami as queen]
She will fall in line eventually.

Confident that she would settle down
as she matured,

the king and queen allowed
the curious princess to leave

to study beyond the sea
in another kingdom.

There, she immediately found true love
in a humble tailor.

[gasps] It can't be.

The tailor was making clothes
so magnificent

that they revealed the beauty
of the soul of anyone who wore them.

[clock chimes]

Although it made her parents furious,
the curious princess gave up her rank,

her wealth and her kingdom
to live a bohemian life with the tailor.

[clock chimes]

[clock chimes]

[clock chimes]

[clock chimes]

Oh, my humble husband.

We only require a child
for our happiness to be complete. [sighs]

[clock chimes]

Meanwhile, the good princess,
to please her parents,

resigned herself to marry a wealthy,
though heartless, lord of w*r.

The king, the queen and the lord
all dreamed of the same thing.

A child for the good princess.
An heir for the kingdom.

[Nightormentor] Adrien!


I don't think I'd like
having a father like you.

-[metal clashes]
-If I were your father,

I would start
by teaching you some manners. [grunts]

And if I were your son,

I'd tell you you can't always
make decisions for people.

That to have a child is to
help them blossom,

to grow, to find themselves
and to be free! [screams]

[Nightormentor groans]


You're insolent.

-You're insolent. Cataclysm.

I feel sorry for your son.

-Don't be. He's very happy.


-[vapor surges]
-[groaning, grunting]


It's time for you to learn
to respect adults, child,

and to pay the price
for your defiance and disrespect!

No! [groaning]

[clock chimes]

[Félix narrating] Time was passing.

And neither of the two sisters
managed to have a child.

Eventually, with deep sorrow,

the curious princess resigned herself
to returning to court

in order to benefit, like her sister,
from the best remedies.

But even the best remedies
couldn't seem to overcome their curse.

Until one day, the curious princess
learned that she was expecting.

She was pregnant.

The lord of w*r burst out in anger.

It was his wife, the good princess,
who deserved to have a child,

not her curious and futile sister
who had abandoned her kingdom

for that inferior tailor.

[Kagami as lord] That's unfair.

Why should you be the one
who gets to have a child?

[tailor] Maybe it's a miracle.

[lord] You don't deserve this.

The curious princess felt badly
for her twin sister.

So she asked the tailor
if he could do something

for the good princess and the lord of w*r
to have a child as well.

[tailor] After much study,

I have discovered
a solution for you and your wife.

But there will be a price to pay.

You will give me your best knight
to guard my future son.

In exchange,
I will lend you this magic amulet.

It will allow you to give life
to your dream and to control it.

[lord] Sorcery? Never!

[tailor] Well, it's up to you, of course.

Oh, feather.

Take shape and give substance
to our immense yearning for a child.

His jealousy came to life.

The good princess finally became pregnant.

A few months later, the twin princesses
gave birth to two little boys

as similar as their mothers were.


What happened?

What do you think happened?

It's always the same problem
with ill-mannered children.

They can't control their anger.

[whimpering] No. No. No, no, no.

I couldn't have done that.


You can put an end to this nightmare.

All you need to do
is give me your miraculous.

[Cat Noir] Take it.


[Félix narrating] Some time after his son
was born, the lord of w*r fell ill.

And the weaker he grew,

the more convinced he became that
he was paying the price for using magic.

He started to see his child as a monster.

And soon, his fear turned into hate.

[lord] Monster! Monster! Monster!

The miraculous child did not understand.

Why didn't his father love him?


And why did he feel obligated
to obey all his orders,

no matter how unfair they might be?

-[lord] Sit. Stand.
-[whistle blows]

-[lord] Walk. Grab.
-[whistle blows]

And if he became fond of anyone
who displeased his father…


…an order from his father
was enough to trouble his feelings.

[lord] Monster. Monster. Monster!

The child realized that his life
was linked to that ring.

And it was only when his father died
that he could recover it

and his freedom along with it.

He understood that the amulet that had
allowed his mother to give him life

could also take it away.

So he went to the house of the tailor,
who had become a prince,

to steal the jewel.

But the tailor had become
a powerful prince.

The child had to steal other
magical amulets that the tailor desired.

Only then was he able to make an exchange.

[gasps] The day I lost the miraculous…

-[Nino grunts]

Why would you be so mean to people?

You look a little stumped.

[students grunting]

You miserable brats. Oh. [grunts]

I will teach you the meaning of the word--

[Lé Chiên] Cat Noir.

-[Cat Noir gasps] Oh.

We need you, buddy.

Given the fact that Ladybug isn't here,
Paris needs you 100%.

[Alya grunting]

-Enough. [grunts]
-[Alya yelping]

-[Nino] Alya!
-[Zoé] No!

Insolent children.

[Cat Noir shouts]

-[Nino] All right!
-[Zoé] Yeah!

Cat Noir!

Well done.

Then the miraculous boy
met a girl like him.

They fell in love.

Just like the curious princess
and the tailor before them.

They just wanted to be free
and to love each other.

But this time, it's the tailor
who is trying to stop them.

They could use someone's help.

Someone like Ladybug.

She's the only one
who can face the tailor.

'Cause she's the only one
who can fix things.


[Kagami] You know what it's like
to not love the one you want.

[Félix] You know what it's like
to fight to save the people you love.

[Kagami] You have to lie all the time
and never reveal who you really are.

[inhales sharply, gasps]

[birds chirping]


[Marinette] I'll help you.

Will she have the courage
to face the father of the boy she loves?

Trust me, nothing will stop her now.

[bells chiming]

It's time to drop the masks.

-[clanging, ringing]

Claws in.

-What's happening?

Ladybug didn't perform
a Miraculous Ladybug.

The nightmare's still here. [groans]

That was one sad fairy tale, Marinette.

That's because it's not just a fairy tale,
my Tikki.

And it's not finished yet. [gasps]

Seems like Cat Noir's had a busy night.

-Tikki, spots on.

[clanging, ringing]

You were right, Plagg.

I can't tell Marinette that I'm Cat Noir.

And I can't disobey my father either.

You saw the result.

I can't stay here.

-Plagg, claws out.

Power up.

[wings whoosh]

[Ladybug grunts]

[Cat Noir] That's where you'll find
the Megakuma responsible

for that jarring nightmare. [chuckles]

"Jarring." Get it?

No more evildoing for you, Megakuma.

[electric whirring]

Time to de-evilize!


Bye-bye, little butterfly.

[Cat Noir] So, did you set it free?

We're such a great team,
even when I'm not here.

Now hold out your fist, and let's…

-Pound it.
-…pound it.

[Gabriel] Everything is under control,

Our children will no longer escape us.

This means we can launch
Operation Perfect Alliance.


It's time to put an end to the adventures
of Ladybug and Cat Noir.

[theme song playing]

[song ends]