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05x23 - Collusion

Posted: 03/21/24 18:20
by bunniefuu
[narrating] In the daytime, I'm Marinette.

Just a normal girl with a normal life.

But there's something about me
that no one knows yet.

'Cause I've got a secret.

[theme song playing]

Simply the best!

Up to the test when things go wrong!

Miraculous, the luckiest!

The power of love, always so strong!



[Gabriel] Emilie, my love,

a cycle is coming to an end.

In a matter of days, it will all be over.

Or rather, it will all start over again.


I swore to you that I would do everything
to bring us together again.

We're almost there.

[Emilie] When Gabriel has a vision,
nothing can stop him.

Not even the impossible.

His passion sweeps everything away.

He wanted so badly to make me happy
that he pushed us too far.

And when I realized that,

I couldn't make him understand
that sometimes you have to let go.

Now it's too late for me…

-[Gabriel grunts]

…but not for you, Nathalie.

Adrien shouldn't have to suffer
the consequences of our mistakes.

Our little prince has the right
to create his own vision of happiness.

Please, protect him.


-Morning, Marinette.
-Morning, Adrien.

[both humming, grunting]

-Watch out, Marinette.
-Oh! Thanks, Adrien. [chuckles]

And voilà!
My darling daughter's croissant.

And chouquettes for her Adrien.

Thank you. See you later, Marinette.

-Good morning.
-[Gabriel] Just in time for breakfast.

By the way,
how did your friend, Marinette,

take the news of your upcoming departure
for London, Adrien?


[Gabriel] You haven't told her yet,
have you?

I can understand,
it is, indeed, a little sad.

But you know
I'm doing this for your happiness.

Are you sure this is about his vision
of happiness and not your own?


I am his father
and I know what is best for him.

You should have listened
to Marinette's advice, Father.

Your pancakes taste as bad as ever.

Have a nice day, Nathalie.

[door opens, closes]

If you don't mind, I'd rather walk.

I need to take my mind off things.

[Plagg] You really put your father
in his place.

I can't wait to see his face when
you tell him you're not going to London.

I have no idea how to tell him that,

But you're going to tell him, right?

You can't wait until you're gone
to tell him you're not going.

All I know is, whatever happens,

Marinette and I will last forever.

Forever? Well, in the meantime,
you only have a few days left.


-Thank you.

[Marinette sighs]

[Adrien] Oh!

[both grunt]

How can they still get it wrong?
It's not like it's complicated.

For these two, it is.

-It's very complicated.

You too, that's enough. Do it!

Wh-- What are you talking about, Rose?

The kiss. The wonderful act
that will seal the eternal love

between the cutest sweethearts ever.

The sweethearts
we've been waiting forever for.

So, you two kiss now.

Or I will kiss you both.

It's nice of you to support us, Rose,
but we're waiting for the right time.

-Aren't we, Marinette?
-Oh, you said it so well.

You're perfect, Adrien, as always.

-No, you are.
-No, you are.

-No, you are.
-No, you are perfect.

-No, you are perfect.
-No, you are perfect.

-No, you.
-No, you.

Oh, you're so cute.

But so irritating too.


Adrien-nothing and his baker girl.

Or, "How to go from magazine paper
to toilet paper."

Be mean while you still can, Chloé.

I'm gonna let you in on a secret.

Remember your friend, Lila,
who used to hurt everyone with her lies?

See her anywhere in this classroom?

No. Because I put a stop to her nastiness,
and I'll do the same with you.

Oh, I'd very much like to see that,

[Lila] Let her think that she's the best.

We're not done with her yet.

[Ms. Bustier] No, Kim,

the sansculotte of the French Revolution

weren't called this because they ran
around in their swimsuits.

[students laugh]

It was, in fact,
because unlike the rich aristocrats,

-they wore plain canvas pants. [gasps]
-[music playing on phone]

No one cares. No one cares.

No one cares about this.

-[Rose] Chloé, quit it.
-[Nino] Turn that off!

-[Rose] We wanna hear the lesson. We care.
-Of course you find it interesting.

You'll all need to find jobs later on,
but I won't.

That's the difference between
the sansculotte and the aristocrats.

-Isn't it, Ms. Bustier?
-Chloé, that's enough.

Turn off that music right away or

-I'll send you to the principal's office.
-I don't think so.

I think you're the one who's going.

Ms. Mendeleiev,

the new school rules allow music in class,
don't they?

[stammers] Are you sure?

Would you like me to disturb my father,
the mayor of Paris,

so he can confirm that for you?

[phone ringing]

Ms. Bustier, please see me in my office.


Chloé, are you out of your mind?

Ms. Bustier is pregnant.

-She doesn't need this stress.
-We won't let you treat her like this.

And how are you going to stop me, huh?

By drowning me in your tears?

Chloé's wishes
are Paris City Hall's orders.

It's an order from the mayor.
He's my superior.

I have no other choice but to comply.

-What did you say to Mylene?
-No, Ivan. That's exactly what she wants.

[Lila] Now.

Ow! Marinette slapped me.

What? No, I didn't.
I was stopping Ivan from--

Chloé's lying.

-Chloé's lying. She's a manipulator.
-[Chloé] You see?

They all pretend to be nonviolent,
but they'll attack a helpless girl.

[sobs, sniffs]

Ms. Mendeleiev.

This is absurd.

You can't expel Marinette
days before the end of the school year.

-Without an investigation? Or proof?
-Look. How's that for a proof?

Chloé, do you remember
this gift you gave me on my birthday?

To me, that is proof
that you're a fragile teenager

who doesn't know love
and is simply looking for attention.

And we all tried to help you.

So please, whatever it is you want,

ask yourself if it's worth
all the suffering you're causing.

Did you hear that?

A homeroom teacher using
a student's feelings to blackmail her.

This is inappropriate.

-Utterly inappropriate.

My father, the mayor,
would never tolerate this in a school.

-He asked for her immediate dismissal.
-He asked for her immediate dismissal.

Olga, you can't do this.

[sighs] I'm sorry,
but since the mayor is my superior,

I have no choice but to comply.



[Monarch] A committed teacher
who was unjustly dismissed.

This is perfect for my Megakuma.

Kaalki, your power is now mine.

Voyage, my Megakuma,

and turn this feeling of injustice
into righteous anger.

-Ms. Sans-Culotte, I'm Monarch.

You have fallen victim
to a corrupt system.

But I am offering you the power
to avenge this injustice.

[grunts] No, thank you.

[gasps] What do you mean, "No, thank you"?

[sighs] All I want is to talk some sense
into my student

[sighs] using words.

[sighs] I don't need your evil powers
for that.


-[Alliance beeping]

You have an appointment in ten minutes
with the mayor and Tsurugi-san.

[sighs] Dark wings fall.


Just let me have a word
with that new principle of yours.

It wouldn't do any good, Gisele.

Besides, I'm sure we'll find a solution.

I won't let you down.

-Neither will we, Ms. Bustier.
-[Rose whimpers]

-You can count on us.
-[students] Mm-hmm.


Because it looks like
they haven't really learned their lesson.

But if she's in prison,

-or gets expelled from Paris--
-Okay, okay, okay.

We'll talk about this later.
I don't have time to chat right now.

Are you going to let your father
talk to you like this, Chloé?

What? You think you're going to teach me
how to be mean?

No. Of course not.

But you should go see your father
at the palace

to remind him
that no one disobeys Chloé Bourgeois.

[Tsurugi-san] Our police robots are
the future of security, Mr. Mayor.

And Paris will set an example
by being the first to use them.

Elegance and power
in the service of order.

What about all of my policemen
who will be out of a job?

They've got to make a living.

Your policemen mostly get paid
for doing nothing.

It seems that Ladybug
and Cat Noir are the ones

who have been enforcing the law in Paris
for the last months.

-Wouldn't you agree?
-Or would you rather trust children,

whose identities you don't even know?

Or robots that will be under your full,
yet remote, control?

If you want to remain the engineer
of Paris for a long time to come, André,

you have to board the train of the future
before it leaves you at the station.


How dare you hang up without obeying me?

-[Lila] Turn on your camera.
-Why do you want me to do that?

-To do what?

Just trust me,
and you'll get everything you want.

-[chuckles] Uh…
-[device beeps]

You have to do what I want because
everyone has to do whatever I want.

Ms. Bustier must go to jail.

And all the students in my classroom
must be forbidden

from attending any high school ever.

[groans] Don't you think this is
taking things a bit too far, Chloé?

Mom is right.
You have no command of authority.

That's why nobody obeys you.
You're ridiculous.

You're right, Chloé. Your father is weak.

And if it weren't for Ladybug
and Cat Noir,

Paris would be run by akumatized villains,

You're such a weak mayor,

that if it weren't for Ladybug
and Cat Noir--

And everyone knows how pathetic they are.

If it weren't for them,
Monarch would be the mayor of Paris.

[Lila] If you, Chloé, were the mayor,

you'd ban superheroes.

[Chloé] If I were the mayor,
I'd ban superheroes.

You should follow your daughter's example,

She isn't as cowardly as you are.

Oh, come on.

Ladybug and Cat Noir are wonderful.
Everyone loves them.

As for her classmates,
what she's asking for is unreasonable.

Would you let me forbid Adrien
to go to high school?

The question is irrelevant.

When next school year starts,
Adrien will be in London.

Adrien-nothing-- I mean,
Adrien won't be in Paris any longer?

[grunts, sighs]

I'll do whatever you want, Chloé.
I promise.

But right now
you must let me finish this lunch.

Well done, Chloé.
That was a real display of power.

[Chloé] Hmm.

This fool's dithering
is wasting precious time

that we can no longer afford to waste.

Or more exactly,
that you can no longer afford to waste.

[grunts] I'll talk to him.

[Mylene] First, Mr. Damocles,
and now Miss Bustier and Marinette

all dismissed because of Chloé?
We can't let that happen.

There's only a few days left
before the school year ends, Mylene.

It's never too late for justice.

But what about the end of the year dance?
It's the perfect time for kisses.

What are you gonna do if you can't go?

No one can stop us
from loving each other, Rose.

[students] Aw.

[Adrien sighs]

[door opens]

Seriously, Gabriel, what's this
whole police robot idea all about?

Have I ever offered a single bad idea
to you, Andre?

We've always helped each other,
haven't we?

Remember when we were young and penniless?

When Emilie, you and I would make the
world right from our little attic room?

You made me my very first suit
so I'd feel confident

and Audrey, whom I'd fallen in love with,
would finally notice me.

Don't you think we were much happier
back then?

That our lives were more beautiful?
More fair?

Come on. You have everything to be happy,

You have your wife, your daughter,
Paris City Hall.

A woman who barely respects me,

a selfish, heartless daughter
and a city hall that I never wanted.

I only got into politics like Dad
to impress Audrey.

You know that.

[Gabriel] I have no idea
what you're talking about.

[Andre] Look at me, Gabe.

All my life I've lied, I've cheated
and I've abused my power.

I used to a dreamer, an artist.
I wanted to make movies.

I've become a tyrant in servitude
to my family and their friends.

Police robots today? And tomorrow?

I'll replace teachers with machines,

Or perhaps I'll turn the school
into a prison?

A factory of fools just smart enough
to buy products

that make you, me and Tsurugi-san rich?

And you, look at yourself.

You used to create unique clothing
to help people's dreams become a reality.

Today, you design police robots
and connected rings.

You know what? Maybe there's still hope.
Maybe we can still change.

Give up our privileges,
go back to the way it was before.

What should I tell Tsurugi-san?

Tell her no. I won't do it.
City Hall is no longer for sale, Gabe.

If that's what you want.

Hey, this script wasn't that bad at all,

[chuckles] Funny scene, huh?

Look at me, Gabe. All my life I've lied,
I've cheated and I've abused my power.

I used to be a dreamer.


Police robots today.

And tomorrow, I'll replace teachers
with machines, maybe.

Or perhaps I'll turn the school
into a prison.

All my life I've lied, I've cheated
and I've abused my power.

Police robots today. And tomorrow,
I'll replace teachers with machines.

I'll turn the school into a prison.

Alliance, send the video, please.

It's gonna be okay. I'll be right back.

[Alliance chimes]

All my life I've lied, I've cheated
and I've abused my power.

Police robots today.

And tomorrow,
I'll replace teachers with machines.

-I'll turn the school into a prison.

It's not about me getting fired anymore.

The mayor can't do this.
Someone has to stop him.

Now is the perfect time.
Voyage, my megakuma.

[Monarch] Ms. Sans-Culotte,

you thought an education could
change the world for the better,

but your superiors betrayed your ideals.

If you want to protect them,
you're going to have to fight.

No, there has to be another solution
besides v*olence.

There is: power.

And I'm about to give you one.
A magical, mighty power.

All I ask in return are
Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous.


I'm only doing this for the children,


-[table clatters]
-[glass smashes]

[Monarch] To give strength
to your revolution,

I am entrusting you with the essence
of the Miraculous of Jubilation.

It will give you the power to make people
see their dreams of freedom

and thus win over supporters
for your cause.

Daizzy, your power is now mine.

To arms, citizen. Form your battalions.



-No one can stop the revolution.

[balloon] Ah, ça ira, ça ira, ça ira

Long live the revolution.

Caline, you can't do this.
You said it yourself.

-There are other ways.

Dark wings, fall.

The trap is set, Tsurugi-san.

While we wait for Ladybug and Cat Noir
to fall into it,

the only thing that remains is for us
to turn Chloé Bourgeois into a savior.

So Mr. Banana, your autobiography,
Stay Peachy, is being made into a movie.

What can you tell us about it?

-Stay Peachy.
-[Ms. Sans-Culotte] That's enough.

Television shouldn't be used
to stupefy the masses,

but to awaken the consciousness
of the people.

All my life I've lied, I've cheated
and I've abused my power.

-Police robots today.

And tomorrow,
I'll replace teachers with machines.

I'm sure everything will be okay.
The resistance won't give up.

I hope so.

Is something else going on?

Do you wanna talk about it?

-[phone chimes]

-Megakuma Alert. Megakuma Alert.
-I have to--

I have to go.

My father insisted I come home right away
in case of a Megakuma alert.

[grunts] I hope Adrien isn't in trouble.

I'm sure he'd tell you if he were,

You must be right. Tikki, spots on.

[grunts] I was just about to tell her,
but it's never the right time.

Plagg, claws out.

I've cheated and I've abused--

Police robots today. And tomorrow,
I'll replace teachers with machines.

Are you kidding me?
Has be been akumatized or something?

-[phone rings]
-Mr. Agreste?

Chloé, I was very impressed
by your eloquence earlier,

and it compelled me to give you a gift,

the most precious,
the most superb gift there is.

The only thing you could have
offered me was Adrien.

But now that he's made a fool of himself
with his baker girl,

I don't want him anymore.

I was actually thinking of a gift
that would grant you power.

No need. I already have everything I want
since my dad is the mayor of Paris.

With his confession, your father
may not be the mayor for much longer.

And if he's no longer able to protect you,

what will happen when you have
to answer to all the people you've hurt?

All right. Wait a second.
What's this gift you keep talking about?

[footsteps approaching]

[Ms. Sans-Culotte panting]


It's almost Bastille Day, M'lady.

Do you think this akumatized villain wants
to celebrate the French Revolution early?

Mostly, I think it's strange that Monarch
would support a revolutionary.

Ladybug, Cat Noir, help the sansculottes
free Paris from its aristocratic Mayor.

Terror isn't a solution.

There are elections
to make your voice heard.

Or a revolution when everyone is corrupt.
Nothing can stop freedom.

We're all for the dance
and fireworks on July 14,

but don't you think that's a lot,
Ms. Sans-Culotte?

Be careful she doesn't make you
lose your head, kitty.

I can't make heads or tails
of her definition of justice.

Let's try something else.

Lucky charm!

-[Ladybug gasps]
-A crown?

[Ladybug] Revolution? Sans-Culotte?

Mayor Bourgeois acting
like the king of Paris,

and maybe should be removed from office
after all.

Are you saying we should give this
villain free rein?

I don't know. I feel like
that's what the lucky charm means.


You're right.

It's not up to us to decide who gets
to be the mayor and who doesn't.

An akumatized villain just needs
to be de-akumatized.

Take care of them
while I accomplish my mission.

[both gasp]

[Ladybug screams]

[laughs] This is what happens
when you hesitate.

When faced with adversity, we must dare
and dare again and go on daring.

Hey, wait.

My stepdad Mayor Bourgeois
has made some mistakes,

but, deep down, he's not a bad man.

I've tried to listen to people, to educate
my students, to convince with words.

But we have to face the facts.

There's only one thing that ever works:
a revolution.

[Ladybug grunts]

Give yourself one last chance.

You're a teacher, aren't you? Then try
to use your best w*apon one last time.

Your words.
Granted, they don't work on everyone.

But if this girl is telling the truth,
maybe it will work with the mayor.


And I've abused my power--


You have reached Gabriel Agreste's
voice mail. Please leave a message.

I thought we were friends, Gabriel,
but it seems that is no longer the case.

But then again,
what did was just the push I needed

to finally make the right decision.
I do feel sorry for you, however.

Goodbye, Gabriel.

Mr. Bourgeois, you cheated,
lied and used collusion.

You must be accountable to the people
and step down as mayor of Paris.

You're absolutely right.

I should never have become mayor
in the first place.

And such an excellent teacher as you
should never have been fired.

So, we're going to fix this.

By the powers vested in me,
I now reinstate you to your position.

[all gasp]

And now, by the powers vested in me,
I fire myself from City Hall.

Ah! What a relief.

I'll let you close the door
on the way out.


You were right. Sometimes,
a revolution can also be won with words.

-[powers surge]

-[Gisele gasps] Caline.
-[Caline] Gisele.

-Ha! Pound it.
-Pound it.

It's weird. I didn't get to use the crown.

The Lucky Charm always indicates
the right way to defeat the villain.

-But you also use it to repair the damage.
-Maybe you're right.

Miraculous Ladybug!

[waiter gasps]

[Chloé] Arrest Ladybug and Cat Noir.

-[Ladybug gasps]

The Lucky Charm wasn't
for Ms. Sans-Culotte.

A crown for the queen of brats, of course.

Ladybug and Cat Noir have just helped
a supervillain force my father,

the mayor of Paris, to resign.

They have no right to use
their magic powers in that way.

Lucky for us all, I'm here to defend my
father and protect de-- motra-- mocracy.

[Lila] Slowly, Chloé. De-mo-cra-cy.

-[Lila] Well done.

What do you think you get to defend? Your
father stepped down of his own accord.

You see? Here they go again,
using their powers against

demacro-- demicro-- Uh, decromacy.

They're not superheroes.
They're supervillains.

That's enough.

[both gasp]



[Chloé] People of Paris,
until we find a detromatic solution--

I mean a solution that will work--

I'll be your new mayor of Paris.
That's it.

Power must-- One sec. [clears throat]

I can't say that. It's ridiculous.

[Lila] Trust me.
Nothing is more powerful than a lie.

[scoffs] Obviously.

Power must return to the people.
And I am of the people, which is why,

as of today, the super offenders Monarch,
Ladybug, and Cat Noir are outlawed.