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05x18 - Emotion

Posted: 03/21/24 18:18
by bunniefuu
[narrating] In the daytime, I'm Marinette.

Just a normal girl with a normal life.

But there's something about me
that no one knows yet.

'Cause I've got a secret.

[theme song playing]

Simply the best!

Up to the test when things go wrong!

Miraculous, the luckiest!

The power of love, always so strong!



At last! Spearmint for his eyes,
for his skin: vanilla.

Blueberry for her hair,
rose for her perfume, and voilà!

Mmm. Mmm, mmm?

-No drama this time? Everything all right?
-Everything's perfect.


I never thought
I'd serve this flavor combination.

Now that
my mission on Earth is accomplished,

I can finally ride off into the sunset

and make new flavors of ice cream
for the sweethearts of Venus!

I'm only kidding of course.

André is to Paris
what whipped cream is to chocolate.

-Bon appétit, kids.
-[Marinette] Thanks, André.

[André humming]

-[cell phone ringing]
-[Adrien groans]

Oh, sorry. I have to go.
I'm meeting with-- with my father.

I didn't tell you about it,
because I forgot.

[grunts] And I'm already late.
See you soon, Marinette.

Uh, see ya.

Is it me or did he just get super weird
all of a sudden?

When you're together,
you two are always weird, Marinette.

Mmm. That ice cream looks delicious.
You done with it?

-[Tikki lapping ice cream]

[Marinette sighs]

I don't understand.
We hang out almost every day.

We've both told each other we're in love

yet every time we're about to kiss,
something comes up.

We're together having a good time,
and poof!

Off he runs, like a princess
who's about to turn into a pumpkin.

Do you think Adrien's hiding something?

-You don't know?
-Don't know what?

[both laugh]

You, the girl who used to know Adrien's
schedule over the next 15 years by heart,

you have no idea what he's doing tonight?

Well, no, I don't.

I'll have you know
that because of a certain friend's advice,

I stopped making Adrien plans,
and I decided to let things happen,

because, no, I can't control everything,

and, yes,
he is free to do whatever he wants.

Alliance, could you please look up
the Diamonds' Dance?

Tonight, Adrien's attending
the Diamonds' Dance,

a society ball
his father organizes every year

for his most powerful friends
and their children.

But why didn't he tell me about it?

He didn't wanna make you sad
because he can't bring you.

You've gotta be
on the official guest list to get in.

Kagami will be there,
as well as Prince Ali, Chloé, Zoé--

Zoé? But we're supposed to go
to the movies together tonight.

[both grunting, groaning]

That's enough for today.
Go get your things. We have to get ready.

Yes, Mother.

[Lila] Hello, Kagami.

Uh, I'll be right with you, Mother.

You don't look happy, Kagami.
Is something wrong?

I can't stay long, Lila.

I'm accompanying my mother
to the Diamonds' Dance… [slurps]

…and I really don't feel like going.

My mother and Adrien's father want
to introduce us

as the queen and king of the ball,

which is so embarrassing
since Adrien and I aren't together.

Even though I still have feelings
for Adrien that I don't always understand,

he and Marinette are deeply in love
with each other.

I'm surprised you're not taking this
opportunity to speak ill of Marinette.

I'm not the one who doesn't like her,
she hates me.

I only wanna be her friend.

Uh, wait, what's this Diamonds' Dance
all about anyway?

It's where the most powerful families
introduce their greatest treasures:

their heirs and heiresses.

Adrien, Chloé, me.
Our families see us as diamonds.

And I wasn't invited?

Of course not. You're not
a precious stone,

-you're just a stone.
-[gasps, sighs]

Oh, forgive me Lila. That was too direct.
I didn't mean to hurt you.

I don't think of you in that way,

but unfortunately my mother
and Gabriel Agreste do.

It's okay, I'm not upset.
It's only normal I wasn't invited.

I was just a little surprised.

Then I am reassured. See you soon, Lila.



-[Marinette] You're not going, Zoé?
-[Zoé] Thanks, but no thanks.

I prefer brain-eating zombies in movies,
not in real life.

And that's
just what the Diamonds' Dance is:

a party for brain-eating zombies.

Back in New York
I already hated these hypocritical parties

where I had to pretend
to be friends with the same brats

who were making my life a nightmare
at school.

Now that I've learned
not to allow my family to control my life,

thanks to you, there's no way
I'm going back to the old one.

I'd much rather watch a movie with you.

Hmm. Now I get why Adrien
didn't look too happy to leave earlier.

But that still doesn't explain
why he didn't tell me about it.

You know, it's easy for me not to go.

My sister hates me,
my mother can barely remember my name,

no one will notice I'm not there.

But it's different for Adrien.
Everyone knows him.

He's the heir of Gabriel Agreste,
greatest fashion designer in the world.

All of this puts a huge amount
of pressure on him.

Of course, it makes total sense.
That's why he didn't tell me.

I helped him escape
from his modeling life,

so he couldn't bring himself to tell me
he was still under his dad's rule.

He was afraid to disappoint me.

Oh, poor Adrien. To think
that I can't even go there to support him.

Hmm… You could if you really wanted to.

I can't go to the ball dressed like this.

Oh, don't worry about that.
They'll have planned everything.

-[Alliance 1] Welcome, Prince Ali.
-[Alliance 2] Welcome, Ms. Soraya Khan.

Adrien has a right
to be with whoever he wants. [coughs]

Above all,
he has the obligation to follow orders.

We'll see about that.

[Alliance ringing] Incoming call.
Lila Rossi. Incoming call.

-[ringing stops]

[Gabriel] You've reached the voice mail of
Gabriel Agreste. Please leave a message.

Mr. Agreste, there must be some mistake.

I still haven't received my invitation
to the Diamonds' Dance,

yet I am one of the treasures
of the Gabriel brand, am I not?

[laughs] I'm counting on you
to have the invitation rushed over to me,

along with the dress I'll be wearing.
Thanks in advance. [grumbles]

A slight setback, Tsurugi-san.
Adrien shouldn't be long.

Shouldn't? He should already be here.

Our children are this year's queen
and king of the ball, and Adrien is late?

Good evening, Gabriel.
Good evening, Tsurugi-san.

A-And where's Adrien?

-Ah. [laughs] See you inside.
-[Chloé] The traitor must be hanging out

-with his baker girl again.

[car door closes]

[security Alliance]
Welcome, Adrien Agreste.

[Marinette huffs]

Uh, Marinette, are you sure
it's such a good idea

to attend a party you're not invited to?

I don't actually want to go
to the party, Tikki.

I wanna tell Adrien that he could've
told me he had to go,

and that I didn't mind him going,
since I wasn't interested in going anyway.

So, you're going?

Yes! But not to go.
It's the thought that counts, right?

-[security Alliance] Welcome, Zoé Lee.

[exhales] Yes.



Please excuse my tardiness,
Ms. Tsurugi-san.

For my first time as king of the ball,

it is a great honor to have
your wonderful daughter as my queen.


[clears throat]

Our king and queen will be magnificent,

[Amélie] Gabriel, my son Félix
has been missing for weeks now.

Not only have you and your friends been
no help with the search,

but now I'm not even invited to the ball?

You haven't been the same
since my sister Emilie disappeared.

Why are you rejecting us?

This is not the place
nor the time, Amélie.

Nathalie will see you out.

I don't understand
how Gabriel could've become so cruel,

let alone why you're still complicit
in his actions.

Sorry, Amélie. I have no choice.

There's always a choice, Nathalie.


Miss? If you're looking for the entrance
to the ballroom, it's this way.

-Have a nice evening.

[disco music playing]

[guest 1] Did you see Guenievre's father?
I heard…


[guest 2] …everyone's talking about now.

Shall we?

Oh. You're new. What's your name?

Uh, Zoé! My name is Zoé.

Yuck! Just like my half of a sister.
But at least you have style.

How rich are your parents?
Rich? Very rich?

Immensely rich, of course.
Otherwise, you wouldn't be here.

It's too bad
we can't bring our underlings with us.

Sure, these tin cans can serve properly,
but we can't make fun of them. So lame.

-What's your underling's name?
-Um, Chloé. Her name's Chloé.

-Oh. But that's my name too.
-No one's perfect.

She's lame, utterly lame.

[guest 3] My butler? His name is Jean…
Or is it Jean-Charles?


Your being late was a brilliant way
to infuriate our parents,

but the hand-kissing
might have been too much.

Why was it too much?

Because you're in love with Marinette.

Are you jealous?

A little.

Lately, you've become closer
to who I wished you could've been.

You're more assertive and braver.

But I will shut off my feelings,
because Marinette is my friend.

It's admirable of you, my queen.

It's okay, Adrien,
they're not watching us.

We don't need to play puppets
for our parents.

But they're still the ones pulling
the strings, aren't they?

I am a descendant of samurai women.

In my family,
you obey orders because you choose to.

[announcer] The queen and king are about
to open the ball.

Here we go.

[waltz music playing]

Tsurugi-san, our king and queen are going
to live up to our expectations.

Let's leave. I dare you.

Are you insane? We can't do that.

Of course we can. I can.


-You'd do that?
-Wanna bet?

No, we can't.

See? You're not as free as you claim.

Don't you think that we should be able
to decide our future?



-Uh, where are you going?
-Hey, Adrien, it's me.

-[Marinette] Hi, Kagami.

What's going on, Gabriel-san?
Is there a problem?

Adrien, I just wanted to tell you,

even though you had to go
to a dance you didn't wanna go to,

it didn't mean you couldn't have told me

that you didn't wanna go
but were going anyway.

And the only reason why I'm at this event
is to tell you this.

Dupain-Cheng? Security!

A baker girl has crashed our party.
Mediocrity flour alert!

Yuck! To think that I touched her.

-[Marinette gasps]

And I also wanted to tell you
that I love you.

And that I know you're doing your best,
which is already totally amazing,

and that we'll see each other tomorrow
at school. Have fun tonight.

Mmm. [sighs]


[waltz music intensifies]

[security robot] Zoé Lee. Adrien Agreste.
No intrusion detected.

Zoé Lee. Of course!

My half of a sister conspired
with Dupain-Cheng.

This isn't Zoé Lee. That's Dupain-Cheng.

Tear off her mask!

-Ew, I can't touch a baker girl.
-What if I broke a nail?

-All eyes are on you.
-They're looking at me like I'm a monster.

Look closer, Marinette.
They're the monsters.

[gasps] You're not Adrien.


Félix, where's Adrien?
What did you do to him?

[Chloé] Dupain-Cheng!

-[both groaning]

-Duusu, spread my feathers.

Let the moon rise!


You are all at my mercy.

The red moon gives me the power

to wipe out anyone who's been bathed
in its light with a snap of my fingers.

What is that idiot talking about?
He's ridiculous.

-[crowd screaming]

[Gabriel] Félix!

Good evening, Uncle.
You can call me Argos now.

How dare you?

-I will never allow you to--
-[Argos] Oh, I think you will, Uncle.

It's time for someone to put an end
to your endless trying to control people:

Adrien, my mother, me, and turn us
into whatever you want us to be.

I'm freeing us from you.


[fingers snapping]


Kagami! [grunts]


No! [grunts]

Rejoice, Kagami. Now you're truly free.

-[Marinette whimpers]
-[Argos grunts]


Where is Adrien?
If you've hurt him in any way--

Adrien is the last person
I'd want to hurt, Marinette.

I care about him,
and he's lucky to have you.

Stay here and keep safe.

Marinette, I can't believe that was Félix.

And this time I won't let him get away.

[Marinette] Tikki, spots on!

[bystander] What?

What is that?

[Argos vocalizing]

What the eye can see
Ain't all that matters

All's not gold that glitters

Everything I want
Should be mine forever

At the snap of my fingers

Light I fly like a butterfly
Rising high to the sky

From up here I look down to earth

Snapping my fingers


At the snap of my fingers

Ladybug. Good. Now we just need
to wait for Cat Noir,

and then you'll
both give me your Miraculous.

So that's it then.
You're working for Monarch. [grunts]

You're the reason why I lost the
other Miraculous in the first place.

And why he took them.

You gave them without any regard
for the consequences it might have

on the people of Paris.

[Argos] True. Except I work for no one.

I only helped Monarch
because it served my plans.

I needed the Peacock Miraculous
and today I need yours and Cat Noir's

so I can make my wish.

[Marinette] Your wish? What do you want?
What are you trying to do?

You're destroying the world
and we don't even know why.


When I merge your Miraculous together,

I'll make a wish to create a better world.
A free world.

Where no one will be under
anyone's control anymore.

Where no one will be excluded like I was.

A world without people like you
to decide what's right or wrong,

who gets powers and who doesn't.

-There would be a terrible price to pay.

There's no price too high for me.

I have nothing to lose.

You're no better than Monarch
if you use the same methods he does.

I'll never give you my Miraculous.

Then I'll do without it.

If you don't let me recreate the world,
I'll use my own power to transform it.

I'll just snap my fingers
until there's no one left.

I won't let you do this.

And how do you intend to stop me?

By now, the whole world's been bathed
in the light of the red moon.

You don't know what object controls
my Sentimonster or where it is.

If you try anything, I'll snap my fingers.

You've lost, Ladybug.

No! There's always a solution.

Lucky Charm!

-[Argos] See?

That's checkmate, Ladybug.


You're right, I can't defeat you.

But winning isn't always
what we think it is.

For the last time.


All of humanity will disappear
if you don't hand it over.

Are you willing to pay that price?

You're the only one
who can answer that question.

[groans, roars]

You monster.

You made everyone I love disappear.


Not everyone.


Félix? What happened?

What have you done?

I created a better world,
my favorite cousin.

-A world where you're free.

Everything I did, I did for you.

Oh, little Amok, can you feel my anger?

Bring light to my creation, dear Amok,
and let my emotions come to life.

Hello, red moon. I'm Argos.

Together, we're going to save Adrien
from my uncle's grasp

so that he can finally be free.

[groans] And I'm already very late.
See you soon, Marinette.

Uh, see ya!

-[Argos] Adrien!

-Shh. Mmm.

[snaps fingers]

[Argos] Hold my feather.

[Argos] For weeks, I'd been waiting
for the perfect opportunity

to set you free.

To set you both free.

To set us all free.

And offer us a new world where no one
can tell us what we can or can't do.

And voilà! We're free and we're together.

Aren't you incredibly happy?

[grunts, screams]

[Adrien] You're out of your mind, Félix.

You can't do this!

You've gotta bring those people back.

Bring them back, now!

What's there not to like?
What's the problem?

I thought you wanted to be freed
from your parents?

Look! Isn't this great?
Just the three of us.

We have everything we need to be happy.

Happy? When there's no one left?

How can I be happy without my friends?

Without my father?
Without the girl I love?

You really think I'm that evil?



That's weird.

[gasps, groans]

I don't understand. She should come back.

Something's wrong.
I can usually bring back whoever I want

but it's like she-- she's nowhere,
like she's completely gone.

-I'm sorry, Adrien.
-Sorry? You're sorry?

You're not even in control
of your own power.

Don't you realize what you've done?
Bring everyone back. Now!

Okay, okay, all right.

I never meant to hurt you two.

[person gasps] Huh? What's going on?

It worked!

[Kagami] And Marinette? Where is she?

[Adrien] Where's Marinette?
What did you do with her?

Spots off.

Kagami! Adrien!

-I'm here. I'm fine.
-[Kagami, Adrien gasp] Marinette!

[Adrien] I was so scared.


[Argos] My friend,
I've made a terrible mistake.

I shouldn't have created you
out of so much anger.

Your power is terrible.
What would happen if I lost control?

Can you forgive me?

My friend. My sister.

I release you from existence. [whimpers]


You were right. I did everything
you told me to

and Gabriel didn't do
or say anything to help me.

He despises me. He's a monster.

They're all monsters.

Hold my feather.

Not all of them.

And a three-flavored ice cream
for the best friends in Paris.

You kids are going to give me
a brain freeze some day.

It's always something with you three.

Thanks, André.

You know, the only reason I didn't
tell you about the Diamonds' Dance

is because my father ordered me not to.

I'm afraid he doesn't wanna
see us together, Marinette.

I just don't understand why.

Maybe you could suggest that he and I meet
so we could try to have a heart-to-heart.

-Maybe that would make things better.
-You're right.

It won't be easy, but I'll try.

You two have really come a long way.

I'm proud of you
and honored to be your friend.

In fact, I'm going to follow your example

and do what I should have done
a long time ago.

I'm going to have a heart-to-heart
with my mother.

[Gabriel] I told you not to tell your
friend about the Diamonds' Dance, Adrien,

precisely because I knew
it would only lead to trouble.

As proven by the disaster that ensued.

I'm sorry but I don't want to hear another
word about this Marinette ever again.

Was there something else
you wanted to tell me?

No, Father.

-[Gabriel] Nathalie.
-Yes, sir?

I'm getting tired
of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

She's starting to get in my way
almost as often as Ladybug.

[Alliance ringing] Incoming call:
Lila Rossi.

Lila! When will you understand?

I don't wish to talk to you, so stop
calling with your foolish demands.

Inviting you to the Diamond Dance?
Why would I do such a thing?

Because I am an image
of the Agreste brand.

My bottles of perfume are images
of the Agreste brand too,

and yet you don't see me
inviting them to my events.


I've had enough of these people
who don't know their place!


[exhales] I'll show you that I'm not just
some bottle of perfume, Monarch.

[theme song playing]

[song ends]