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03x02 - Infinite Realms

Posted: 03/21/24 10:18
by bunniefuu
Ok, fenton.

You've looked evil in the face,

And defeated it, time and again.

You can do this!

Danny: we turn left at skulker's island,

Then right at walker's jail.

Or is it a left at walker's jail,

And a right at skulker's island?

Um, are we ever going home?

Or are we still playing lost in the ghost zone?

We're not lost!

My expertly drawn map

Tells me exactly where we are.

We just hook a u-turn around this swirling

Vortex of infinite pain, and we're home.

Oh, wait. That's a thumbprint.

If we don't get back soon,

I'm gonna die of starvation.

I've already missed my : feeding!

Would you guys quit complaining?

If we're gonna become a better ghost fighting team,

We need to know the enemy's territory

Inside and out.

So...we, uh, don't get lost.


Hey, ask them for directions.

And snacks, ask for snacks!

No, let's just follow them.

They're bound to lead us somewhere.

What is it with you guys not asking for directions?

Now I missed my : feeding!

If I don't make it,

Tell my p.d.a. I love her.

The cell phone meant nothing to me.



See? These guys seem to know their way around.

We'll be outta here in no time.


Ah! Ah!


Is everyone all right?

Besides being lost, almost k*lled,

And now having no way home?


Oh, man... My dad's gonna k*ll me!


He's not the only one!


♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom, danny phantom ♪

♪ Yo, danny phantom, he was just ♪

♪ When his parents built a very strange machine ♪

♪ It was designed to view a world unseen ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit ♪

♪ Then danny took a look inside of it ♪

♪ There was a great big flash, everything just changed ♪

♪ His molecules got all rearranged ♪

♪ When he first woke up, he realized ♪

♪ He had snow-white hair and glowing green eyes ♪

♪ He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly ♪

♪ He was much more unique than the other guys ♪

♪ It was then that he knew what he had to do ♪

♪ He had to stop all the ghosts that were coming through ♪

♪ He's here to fight for me and you ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's a phantom, he's a phantom ♪

♪ Danny phantom, phantom ♪


Good boy. Nice boy...

Lay down!

Very good.

Next we'll work on fetching the paper.


Danny! Danny!


Wait a minute...



The pain... It's gone!

Ah, ha ha ha! Thank you.


A boy and his snow monster.

Is there a greater love to be found anywhere?

To whom do I owe my debt of gratitude?

You? The savior of the ghost zone?


The savior?

Of the ghost zone?

Oh, great one.

Behold your humble servant.

Frostbite, leader of the far frozen.

Uh...uh, ha ha ha.

Uh, listen, i, uh--

Excuse me, your majesty.

Do you think you could talk it--

Him--whatever, into helping us?

Yeah, I need nourishment, stat.

Yes! It is my honor to assist the great one

And his servants.


Silence! Oh, sam of the very vegan.

To my village shall we go,

And a great feast shall we have!

Frostbite: this shrine is dedicated to you, oh, great one.

Danny: so this is why they think I'm the ghost zone savior--

Because I defeated the ghost king!

That's him being locked

In the sarcophagus of forever sleep. the world of

Freaky, hairy, frozen people with bad breath,

You're a legend!

It is my hope that our humble tribute

Pleases you, oh, great one.

This is all--swell, mr. Frostbite,

Eh, but we're kind of lost, and--


Frostbite: behold...

The infi-map.

All: infi-map?

We have guarded it for millennia.

Frostbite: it can lead the user

To any entrance of the ghost zone.

Any entrance?

I thought our portal and vlad's portal

Were the only entrances.

Your world has many natural entrances

To the ghost zone that only the infi-map can reveal.

For example--

An area you call the bermuda triangle.

That explains all those mysterious disappearances.

Everything that goes in comes to the ghost zone!


Frostbite: travelers pass quickly through,

Until they find their way back...

Yet not necessarily in the time period

From which they left.


Oh! Oh!

Danny: so the map not only leads you to earth,

But through time, too?


Frostbite: the ghost zone is constantly shifting.

Entrances appear in many different periods.

Most only remain open for a short time

Before closing forever.

Huh? Huh?

In the wrong hands,

The map could be very dangerous.

And you must never stray from its indicated path.

Which is why I will be escorting you home.

Wow! Thanks!

Eh--so, which way do we go?

The map can read your mind.

I shall simply speak where I wish to go,

And the map will take us there.

You mean, if I just say, "take us home,"

It'll take us--





That was better than the vomit vortex

At floody waters!

See? I told you I'd get us home.

Frostbite didn't seem too keen

On letting this out of his sight.

We better get it back to him.

We will, sam.

But who says we can't check it out

A little bit? After all--

I am the savior of the ghost zone.

Besides, who's gonna know?

That's check and mate, maddie.


I'm afraid it was a fair move.

Oh, that's games to nothing,

Once again, I rule.

Ah, maddie, I'm bored.

I rule at chess. [Purrs]

I rule at life. I rule this backwater city--

But it's not enough.

I know I'm destined to rule greater things

Than just amity park.



Splendid idea!

Watching tv to view others less fortunate than myself

Is the perfect pick-me-up.

And remember, if anyone asks,

You're my sister's cat.


Ah, let's see. "Shopping with sycophants,"

"Embarrassing celebrity arrests,"

Ah! Illegally spying on the fenton family,

My favorite!

Vlad: being the mayor does have its advantages.

Oh, I wonder what lame invention

Jack has come up with this week.

Oh, it can't be!


The infi-map does exist--

And daniel found it before I did!


Danny: we take a quick trip,

Come home, and send the map back.

What's the harm?

You'll go nowhere without me knowing your ever move.




Infi-map, take us to...

Uh, where do we want to go, anyway?

I don't know. Anywhere would be--


According to the map,

This is the river of revulsion.

Why is it called that?

Besides the smell, I mean.


Danny: this is carnivorous canyon.

The entire place is one big--


Not exactly the bermuda triangle.

Looks more like the dimera dodecahedron.

Ha ha--ahem.

Little ghost zone geometry humor.

Well, it's not on the path.

Frostbite said not to stray from the path.

Oh, just for a second or two.

We go in, look around,

And get out before it closes,

I promise.

Boy: mom, are you sure

There's no ghosts under my bed?

Of course not, billy.

Remember what president roosevelt said,

We have nothing to be afraid of

But fear itself.

Actually, it was nothing to fear but fear itself.

Aah! Aah!

Great, we just scarred a child for life.

I just wanted to make sure

She didn't mess up the one historical quote

I actually remember.

Well, you guys up for finding another hidden--


[Horse whinnies]

Cool, it's thanksgiving!

Sam: no, it's salem, massachusetts,

Back in the s.

The paranoid villagers used to punish

Completely innocent people

Because they thought they were witches.


Oh, no big deal, really.

They just b*rned them at the stake.


Well done, joshua.

That was your best time yet.

I'm a big barbeque fan,

But that's going too far.

Let's bail. The longer we're here,

The more chance we have of messing something up.

Can't you people get a life?


Sam! Sam!

Let me go! I'm not a witch!

Don't listen to her!

She is a witch!

And you know what we do

To witches around here.


Ahh... Mob mentality.

Such a soothing sound.

The portal's gonna close soon!

How the heck did vlad find us, anyway?


Tracking device.

I'm not a witch!

Are you people that paranoid?

Oh, wait-- salem, s.


Right on cue.


An evil spirit comes to rescue his dark mistress!

[Yelling angrily]

Stand back, I pray thee!

For i, john fenton nightingale,

Salem's greatest witchwacker,

Shalst vanquish this demon!

Deja vous.

John: this should vanquish quite nicely.

Are you kidding? With--


Uh! Wait, wha-- what was--

And it doth maketh a tasty treat!

Ah, my innards are now ghost-free.

Well done, john fenton nightingale!

It's called blood blossom, dear boy.

An ancient anti-ghost remedy,

Sort of like a primitive specter deflector.

It's delightfully quaint.



The spirit is vanquished!




I thanketh thee, ha ha ha!



Oh, no, you don't.


It's even more beautiful than I could ever have imagined!

And if the legends are true...

Take me to my destiny.


Tucker! Get danny out of the circle!



It's still hurting him!

Then get rid of it!


And it doth maketh a tasty treat!

Your cast-iron stomach!

Tucker, you've got to eat

All the blood blossoms!


But I've never eaten a vegetable in my life!


Hurry, there's not much time!


Thanks, tuck.

You owe me for this one--




And you can pay me back right now.

Vlad has the map.

He could be anywhere.

Fear not.

All I need to do is calibrate my p.d.a.

To his tracking device frequency,

And we can follow him wherever he goes.

I'm curious to see how a body

That's never eaten any roughage

Reacts when pounds of it

Is suddenly introduced.

Don't get your hopes up, sam.

We foley's can handle anything.


And we'll talk about it more right after I hit a restroom.


He's in there!


We're in rome!

They had bathrooms, right?

All hail vladius plasmonius.


You're alive? Ah!


Danny: not as unbelievable as this!

What have you done here, plasmius?

Welcome to my destiny, daniel!

Seems I was meant to rule after all.

Funny, all I had to do was float a little bit,

And these romans hailed me as a deity.

Stay as long as you want,

Just give me the map.

You don't understand how powerful it is.

You dare lecture me about power?

Release the lions!



Now I really have to go to the bathroom.

Oh, looks like someone

Forgot to feed the kitties this morning.

Ah, well, better late than never.



I love a good mauling, don't you?


I'm more of a pummeling guy myself.


You can't stop me, daniel.

The map shall take me to every realm,

And in every realm I will rule.

Some ruler.

You just set your entire kingdom on fire.

He's destroyed the city!

We shall destroy him!

Very well.

You may have thwarted my plans here, daniel,

But many other kingdoms await my genius.


Danny and sam: now where?


Up there.



I've defeated all your best ming warriors.

Now take me to your palace.

My rule shall begin immediately.


Danny: there is still more you must vanquish.

Too easy.









Man: you have dishonored our priceless treasures.

We shall never obey you.

You see what happens when you play ball in the house?


Try as you might, daniel,

You will not stop me from achieving my destiny.

Come on, guys!

[Toilet flushes]

Wow! The toilet paper had my fortune on it!

If I can destroy the world's first airplane,

Then man will never fly,

And I can rule the world from the air!




Congratulations, orville!

Smile, boys!


Everywhere I turn, you're there!

It's like having ectoplasmic gum on my shoe.

Very well, since you intend to plague me

No matter where I go...


Just give me the map, plasmius.

It's not meant for you.

Oh, but that's where you're wrong.

This map is going to take me to my destiny,

Or I shall destroy it forever.

Now, map, if you know what's good for me,

And what's good for you,

Take me to my destiny.

Ah, ha ha ha ha!

I can get us out of this,

But where'd he go, tucker?


Free to finally rule in peace!


Vlad: but--but there's nothing to rule here.

This place is nothing but ice, snow, and hopelessness.


Frostbite: I disagree.

And I'd appreciate the prompt return of our map.

Hah! Your map?

That is funny. This map is mine,

You abominable snow freak.


Sorry things got out of hand.

No need for apologies, great one.

And no harm done.

The map is mysterious.

Though it can lead you where you wish to go,

It sometimes takes users

Where it feels they need to go. it brought plasmius here

So you could get it back?

Let's get home.

This time I input the directions

Into my p.d.a.

All: thanks for everything!

Thank you, danny phantom,

For everything we still have.

Here you are always welcome.

And thanks for lettin' me use the restroom.

But words of advice: seat warmers.

Will he ever return?

Indeed he will.

He has more in common with us than he realizes.

As deputy mayor,

It gives me great pride to dedicate this statue

Of our new mayor to the town of amity park.



It's so lifelike.

I feel as though it's looking right through me...

As though it understands my every emotion!


You think vlad will ever find his destiny?

Maybe, but for now I'd say his dreams are on ice.


Oh, boy, that reminds me--

Curse you, vegetables!