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03x01 - Eye for an Eye

Posted: 03/21/24 10:17
by bunniefuu
At last,

My new mansion is complete.

Bigger and better than it was before.

Everything is absolute


Including my new subterranean ghost lab.

Completely undetectable

To prying eyes.

This showplace

Is the pure embodiment of me.

Larger-than-life, reeking of money and power,

And totally impenetrable.

What in blazes?

Operation white wall is go.

Tear this place apart!

If there's ghost contraband here,

We'll find it.

See here, I demand an explanation.

Save it for the slow and painful

Interrogation, rich boy.


My precious house,



No sign of ecto material anywhere.

Guess that fenton kid was wrong.

Fenton kid?

Oh, so that's it.

All right, then, daniel.

Game on.

Um, you know,

It's funny you should mention

The fentons, gentlemen.

Woman: although no ecto contraband was found,

It's certain that the mansion itself

Didn't stand a ghost of a chance

Against the government onslaught.

Now, on to the upcoming mayoral election.


Ha ha ha!

Oh, man,

That's got to be the greatest

Practical joke ever.


I really knocked vlad

Off his high horse this time.

I mean, can you even imagine his face

When the feds busted in on him like that?

Nobody move. This is a raid!

Uh, I think I have a pretty good idea.

♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom, danny phantom ♪

♪ Yo, danny phantom, he was just ♪

♪ When his parents built a very strange machine ♪

♪ It was designed to view a world unseen ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit ♪

♪ Then danny took a look inside of it ♪

♪ There was a great big flash, everything just changed ♪

♪ His molecules got all rearranged ♪

♪ When he first woke up, he realized ♪

♪ He had snow-white hair and glowing green eyes ♪

♪ He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly ♪

♪ He was much more unique than the other guys ♪

♪ It was then that he knew what he had to do ♪

♪ He had to stop all the ghosts that were coming through ♪

♪ He's here to fight for me and you ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's a phantom, he's a phantom ♪

♪ Danny phantom, phantom

Danny: hey, that's my computer!

My bed!

My dresser!


My dad!

Danny, what on earth is going on?


The guys in white are trashing our house!

They're my heroes!


Oh, I mean, uh, quit trashing our house!

Hey, is that the ecto annihilator ?

Those things rock!

Stand down, fenton.

Our intel says you're harboring ghost fugitives.

We're shutting you down,

Lock, stock, and ghost lab.

No way!

You'll get to my lab over my--

Gee, i, uh--heh,

Kind of forget how the rest of that goes.

Show you to the lab, fellas?

Sam: hold on a second.

Do you have a search warrant?

Warrant? Warrant?


Laugh it up, boys, but page ,

Subchapter , paragraph b

Of the anti-ghost code says you need a warrant.

Unless exigent circumstances

Supersede the authority of the judge or magistrate.

Exigent circumstances?

Ha ha ha!

Save it, k.

We don't even know what that means.

Ok, you're off the hook

Until we can get a warrant,

Or a legal dictionary.

Stay for dinner, fellas?

I mean, uh, out of my house, now!

And, um...

Any chance of hooking me up

With one of those ecto annihilator thingies?

Thanks for the backup sam.

I'm glad you're up on your anti-ghost laws.

No problem.

They really did a number on your room, though.

Yeah, and I don't think they acted alone.

Man: onetime community pillar vlad masters insists

That he had nothing to hide.

Onetime pillar, indeed.

Danny fenton has tarnished my reputation,

And made me the laughing stock of wisconsin,

And nobody bows down to a laughing stock!

But I'm sure that my shrewd countermove

Has put the skids to his teenage high jinks.

We now go live to breaking news

From air copter

Flying above the hotel.

Oh, butter brickle!


Can you say too much information?


Maybe when I'm done suppressing my gag reflex.

You ok down there, danny?

Better than ever.

An invisible wall, ha ha!

Top that, plasmius.

[Bell rings]

Hey, tucker, danny stashed away

In the locker room as usual?

You know mr. Modesty.

After gym class,

When he cleans, he cleans alone.




Huh? Oh, no!

A ghost kid with tan lines, who knew?

Sam: so, how about that big mayor's election?


Forget changing the subject, sam.

I'm never gonna live this down.

Never is a long time, danny.

Ha ha ha ha!

But the next few weeks will be brutal.

Everybody out!

This is an evacuation!

This place is being demolished

By order of the new owner.

New owner?

That's right, daniel.


You know, these walls are infested

With harmful ecto-bestos.

As the new proprietor,

It is my duty to tear this place down.

With your own extensive background

In demolition,

I'm sure you understand, yes?

, , ,


How could they?

I did some of my best nerd wailing

In the men's room there.

Farewell, old friend.

We hardly knew ye.

Let this be a lesson, danny.

I put the "pro" in quid pro quo,

Not that you're bright enough

To know what that means.

I get the idea and I don't like it.

Danny: believe me, this isn't over yet.

Oh, good!

I'll take that as a challenge.

And I do so enjoy being the challenger.

Our election day coverage continues.

Hey, dad? Is it ok if i--

No, bu--bu-- not now, daniel,

It's election day

And I've got my votin' shoes on!

I've gotta run out and cast my vote

For the next mayor of amity park.


Vlad masters for mayor!

Oh, he's a last minute write-in candidate.

At least now he's channeling

His sociopathic lonely bachelor energy

Into something positive.

But he doesn't care about other people!

And that's why he'll make a great politician!

Vlad: if elected,

I hope to breathe new life into this town.


Ha ha ha! That's my vladdy.

Breathin' life and takin' names.

I'm his number supporter.

And someday, maybe... His running mate.

Hey, maybe I need some running shoes, too.

I--i gotta go.

Did you just see a flash of light?

That's only the brightness

Of a new day dawning over our fair city.

Kudos, vlad!

They say you can't fight city hall,

But they never said you couldn't fight in it!

Woman: thank you for revealing more to us

Than just your moles, mr. Masters.

No, no, no, thank you, dear lady.

And remember to vote for citizen vlad,

Although I'm sure you will, ha ha!

And by the way, those are beauty marks.

That's debatable.





Why, daniel,

Come to wish your old uncle vlad

Good luck, have you?

Save it, plasmius.

Whatever you're up to, it ends now.

Oh, I assure you, my boy,

It is only just beginning.


Looks like vlad's a little rusty.

Which is all the invitation I need.

Ho-hum. Is that it?

You forgot to take your supplements.

Have a dose of vitamin me!

Ha ha ha, you've lost your edge.

Why don't you go back

To wisconsin and look for it?

In other words, get out of my town!

Fool, do you really think I'm this weak?

I'm more powerful than you'll ever know,

And even now, my power increases.






Oh, man!

He's overshadowing the voters!

Out of my way, I'm votin' for vlad.

I mean,

Out of my way, I'm voting for vlad!



Holy hanging chads!

In all my days as a reporter,

I've never seen

Such a groundswell of support

For any candidate!

According to the latest polls,

Dark horse vlad masters

Is the next mayor of amity park

By a landslide!

Reporter: what an upset!

You're telling me.




What is it you young folks say?

Don't hate, congratulate?

Vlad: [laughs]

Oh, what do I care? Go ahead and hate.

Woman: and here he is now,

The new mayor elect of amity park,

Vlad masters!

Masters! Masters!


Thank you!

Vlad: thank you, one and all.



The fentons are a heartbeat away

From the mayor's office!

Next stop, the white house,

And I'm gonna be vlad's number man!

Jack, you're dreaming.

Am not. Why, just this morning,

He told me when he thinks of number ,

He thinks of me.

I'd like to take a moment now,

If I may,

To thank a very special person in my life.

Oh, oh, shucks, oh, vladdy,

Save it for my swearing in.

Come on up here, danny fenton!


I'm rubbing your nose

In this mess you made, daniel,

Doesn't it smell yummy?

It was this young man

Who inspired me to pursue

My true calling: politics.

Vlad: for that, I owe him a debt.

And I will pay it by protecting him

And all the precious children of amity park.

From the biggest problem facing this town--




I have a bad feeling about this.

Relax, sam.

So he'll propose a couple of lame laws.

How bad could it be?

Tucker: no!

Vlad: the techness act will ban all high-tech gear

Susceptible to ghost infiltration.

Tucker: no, no, no!

Vlad: a strict dress code will guard against

Anything dark and gothic

Which can attract ecto-unfriendlies.

And, in addition, there will be a p.m. Curfew,

Mandatory role call before and after classes,

And heightened security

To ensure the safety of all students.

No, no, no!

For the record, dude, this reeks.

And everybody thinks it's your fault, danny.

Guilt by association with vlad.

Danny: hey, I'm taking the biggest hit here!

With all this surveillance and restrictions,

Vlad's making sure

That I can almost never go ghost.

That might be a good thing.

Looks like you're paranormal non grata again.

Vlad's claiming that danny phantom's presence

May be more of an invitation to ghosts

Than a deterrent.

Which we all know is an absolute load.

With me out of the picture,

Ghosts will be on the loose all over town.





Boy, vlad's p.r. Machine

Is really trumping up

All these ghost battles.

All those phony att*cks were staged.

Vlad's convincing everyone

That they don't need me anymore.

But on the bright side,

At least vlad's rebuilding our hangout.


Tucker: mcmasters?

Can I help you... To leave?



Bouncer: there are no teenagers allowed here.


You can't be serious.

Now, b*at it, all you's kids!

Dash: this is all your fault, benedict arnold.

You're responsible for this lousy mayor.

Ok, I really feel like crud now.

There's only one thing left to do.

I'm going gh--


Tucker: no worries.

Vlad took away my tech,

So I'm taking his.

Go ahead, dude.

Hello, special new friend.


I had a feeling you'd come.

Look, this goes against

Everything I stand for, but--

I'm sorry I played those stupid pranks on you.

And I'm hoping you'll accept my apology,

And stop making things miserable

For me and my friends.


How nice? A gentleman's handshake.

But you forget.

Where you and I are concerned,

I am no gentleman!

Oh, come on!

Can you even pretend to have a heart?

I'm making an effort here!

I know!

And even though the apology

Is a welcome departure

From your usual childish arrogance,

It belies a greater truth.

You had this coming!


No buts!

Trust me when I tell you that your life

Has just begun to become a relentless nightmare

Beyond your feeble imagination,

And one thing further--

When I said this place is off-limits to teens,

That includes ghost teens!



How'd that go?

This reeks. I'm ruined.

My ghost career is over,

My school career is over.

Every kid at casper hates me...

More than usual.

Yeah, but I'll bet they hate vlad even more.

I've got an idea.

Dash: let me get this straight.

You're leading a protest

Against your buddy the mayor?

Trust me, he's no buddy of mine,

Or yours!

He's just using us!

But the people have the power to make a change.


We can take back this town

One nasty burger at a time.

So what do you say, are you with us?


It's a chaotic scene here at mcmasters,

As irate casper high students protest the eatery's

No teenager policy.

We better get down there, jack!

Right! Gotta protect vlad's investment!

I meant to protect our kids.

Oh, yeah, that, too.

Maybe grab a vladdy meal to go!

Fries not lies!

Fries not lies!

This is so cool.

This protest is bound to rattle vlad's cage,

Right, danny?

Where's danny?

He must be taking a break.

But I'll tell you who is here--

The mayor himself.

Now, now, children.

I'm sure we can reach some sort of

An understanding here.

We're not children,

So stop treating us that way!


Just what I'd hoped for.

Now it's time to blow vlad's game

Once and for all.

Jack: never fear, vladdy!

We're here to scoop up the small fry.

Which reminds me, you ever thought

Of super sizing those vladdy meals?

Oh, for the love of--

Come on, now, dudes.

Can't we rap about this?

Open up a meaningful dialogue?

How about I open something up?

Like a big can of worms!

It's that ghost kid!

Just a moment.

We're all friends here, mm?

Let the lad have his say.

Uh, really?

Ok, then I'll give it to you straight.

The mayor is a phony!

And he's hiding a secret

That would shock you all!

Danny: it's time for the whole world to know,

Vlad masters is really--

Man: the most feared nemesis

In the entire ghost realm!


Oh, dear!

It's a clearly evil

Yet devastatingly handsome ghost villain,

Whatever shall we do?


Check and mate, daniel.


All right, you carbon copy freak!

I'm taking you down!

I don't think so.

Remember, I'm merely a single duplication,

And still far more powerful than you!


Ooh, I'll bet that hurt!

At least I hope it did.




See? Danny phantom attracts the worst

Of what the ghost world has to offer,

And he's virtually powerless to stop them.



Let go of me!

Oh, I will in just a few seconds.

Watch and learn.

I see that I'm forced to take

Matters into my own more capable hands.

Stand down, fiend!

There's a new mayor in town,

And his name is vlad masters!


Oh, no!

Please don't hurt me, mayor masters,

I beg of you!

Ha ha!

Please take pity on me,

I'm but a poor, dumb ghost.

I can't help being bad.

Which is exactly why I'm taking you down!


He's gonna zap his own clone

To make himself look good!


He does just the opposite!

I've got an idea.




Go ahead, do your worst!

Uh--oh, wha--

What happened?

I'm just a helpless, impressionable teenager

Who was minding my own business



Oh, my gosh! The mayor sh*t danny!

He zapped an innocent kid!

What! I--no!

I mean--




Danny, are you all right?

Oh, my baby!

Please, i--i can explain--

Vlad: by popular decree,

I hereby rescind all previous

Anti-ghost restrictions.


I gotta admit, he's good.

Yeah, he's good,

But you were better.

Yeah, taking that blast forced vlad

To save his image by getting rid of

Those stupid laws,

And making the world safe

For sweet technology again.

In addition,

I'm going to rebuild the nasty burger.

Teens welcome!

Who's your favorite mayor now?


Wow, a little self-serving,

But another victory for our side.

All in all, danny, I'd call it a draw.

Yeah, I guess.

There's only one problem with that, though.

Whenever there's a draw,

There's bound to be a rematch.