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02x18 - Double Cross My Heart

Posted: 03/21/24 10:15
by bunniefuu



Well! It's a minor prize,

But any prey is good prey.



Ha ha ha!

The element of surprise--

The hunter's best friend!

And the hunted's worst enemy.


Decoy ghost liberated.

What about the unfriendly?

Any prey is good prey.

Unleash white lightning sidewinders.





I can't break free!

Auto eject in , , .

Target ghost obtained.

True, but his suit is hard-wired.

If we can access its database,

It may help lead us to our primary objective:

The punk known as danny phantom.

♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom, danny phantom ♪

♪ Yo, danny phantom he was just ♪

♪ When his parents built a very strange machine ♪

♪ It was designed to view a world unseen ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ When it didn't quite work his folks they just quit ♪

♪ Then danny took a look inside of it ♪

♪ There was a great big flash everything just changed ♪

♪ His molecules got all rearranged ♪

♪ When he first woke up he realized ♪

♪ He had snow white hair and glowing green eyes ♪

♪ He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly ♪

♪ He was much more unique then the other guys ♪

♪ And it was then danny knew what he had to do ♪

♪ He had to stop all the ghosts that were coming through ♪

♪ He's here to fight for me and you ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch em all 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch em all 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom

Sam: danny, if you're going to drool,

Would you mind not doing it over my tofu soy melt?


Drool on a tofu soy melt isn't drool;

It's seasoning.

Seriously, danny, you need to let go.

It was over between you and valerie

Before it really began.

Yeah, I know, but it's not easy.

I mean, do you guys realize what it's like

To like somebody you can't be with?

Do you, sam? Huh? Do you--ooh!

All I know is,

You'll never catch me going googly-eyed over some...

Ooh, my.

Ah! There you children are.

This is gregor, an exchange student visiting us from...


No. Thank you. I have already eaten.



Yes. There is only so many opening lines you can use

When you're actually from hungary.

Great. You're getting along,

And I don't get paid for overtime.

You kids have fun! Bye!

So, did you actually eat?

Yes, but not here.

I doubt there's anything I would like to eat here.

I don't eat anything with a face on it

Because I'm ultra-recyclo vegetarian.

Ultra-recyclo vegetarian?


Tofu soy melt.

Excellent choice, miss...

Manson. Sam manson.

It's short for samantha,

But my friends call me sam.

You can call me sam, too.

Why am I still talking?

I'm such a spaz.


I find it charming.


Well, I'd love to stay and chat,

But, uh, we got to go. Sam?


[People screaming]

[Gasp] [gasp]


Welcome to amity park.

Dime, please.


Now, there is a ghost who knows hair.

Where'd you go?



The guys in white.

You need our help?

Nah. I can handle these losers.

Losers who got better.

Commence attack protocol z

In accordance with standard rules of engagement,

Section two, paragraph one.

Second edition, abridged?

Second edition, abridged.


A lot better.


But I got better, too.

Aah! Aah!

Now to rescue sam and tucker from the clutches of a smarmy exchange student.

Nice pda.

Where'd you get the enhanced graphics?

I can...

How do you americans say it?

Beam you the upgrade software?

Europe is always months ahead of technology curve.

And we wear our berets just so.

Is very goth.

You're a goth? But you're in white.

In hungary, white is the new black.

[Sam giggles]

Exosuit analysis status?

Still unable to access databank,

But the noose is tightening.

We've traced the phantom from the town at large

To something called nasty burger,

Apparently the prime hangout for casper high.

[Bell rings]

Oh! Sorry! My bad.

Excuse me.

Will you wear this thing normal?

What? Gregor thinks it's cool.

Who cares about gregor?

Sam: guys...

Give you guesses.

I've been looking for you.

Where, in gregor's locker?

Whoa! Thank you, joe hostility.

Look. I'm sorry, sam.

I'm just saying that gregor--

That gregor what?

Uh...heh heh! Hi, gregor.

By the way, cool shirt.

Not too much red messing up the whole white thing for you?

It totally works for you.

I could never pull off such a look myself.

Really? Thanks!


Sam, would you care to show me around school?

I thought you'd never ask.

You know, he's not a bad guy.

I still don't trust him.



More on this later.



Firing ghost depth charge.

Prepare for the great white whale.

Wait! Those are only for...

Ah, the perfect way to spend lunch--

Shakespeare by the pool

And dry white toast.

Hunt for red october!

Deep water use.

[Cat screeching]

Danny: think about it.

Gregor shows up, so do the guys in white.

He's got the whole white hair-white clothes thing.

So do the guys in white.

And what's with the phony accent?

And that "pfft" thing?

So you're saying gregor's a spy?

And I'm saying that maybe I should keep an invisible eye

On him and sam.


I don't know. You're gonna spy on sam?

Hey, it's for her own good.

It's a bad idea!

Shouting angrily into the sky.

Very euro goth. I like it.

It's still a bad idea!


Oh, man.

If they share a strand of that spaghetti,

I'm gonna hurl.

Why do they call it a white sale

When none of the clothes are white?


The fox is in the henhouse.

Silencers on.


Intangibility suits deployed.

Operation ivory mist is go!


Close, but you'll never catch me now.

Guess again, kiddo.

What's the matter with you two?

I'm not doing anything.

Why can't you leave me alone?

An unauthorized entity of scale- ectoplasmic power?

A prepubescent specter operating freely?


Hey! I have totally hit puberty!

See that? Totally a chest hair!



Could this week get any worse?

[Sam giggling]

Wait. Sam, is something I must tell you

Right here and now.

Ok. What?

You have little tiny strand of spaghetti

Hanging from your lip,



Ok. Now it's officially worse.

I'm beginning to think that spying is better left

To soulless government drones.

Whoa! Easy there, big fella.

Don't you think we're rushing this a bit?

Uh yes, yes. I forget.

The american girls like to take it slow.

I've just got some things to figure out.

Of course. I respect this.


Do anything fun last night?

I don't know. Just hung out.

With gregor?

I wouldn't do that.

Why is that any of your business?

What are you doing?

I don't know. Just, uh, checking for pimples,

Dimples, spaghetti sauce.

Spaghetti-- [gasp]

Were you spying on me?

I told you it was a bad idea to spy on her.


You used your ghost powers to spy on me?

You've really crossed the line!

Not you! I was spying on gregor!

He's so obviously working with the guys in white.

Oh, so that's it.

The only way a boy could like me

Is if it was part of a plot to get you? Huh?

Ego much?

Hey, sam, you want to--

Whatever it is, yes.

I think I can guess the answer,

But how'd it go last night?

Well, I got hit in the face with a rock,

Gregor kissed sam,

And the guys in white att*cked again.

So there's got to be a connection between them and gregor.

Wait. Hold up. Gregor kissed sam?

Yeah, but apparently that's none of my business.

Tell you what.

Since you get att*cked every time you get close to gregor,

I'm gonna tag along with gregor and sam.

I'll be your mole.

Really? To protect sam?

That, and gregor rocks!

Plus you're my best friend,

And I got to watch your back, too, right?


Man in white: the purple-back gorilla information we accessed

Traces back to an assignment you gave in your class.

And what makes you think I want to cooperate with the feds?

Because ghosts are a constant threat to your student body.

And because we're with the government

And have access to your tax records.

What do you want to know, and how fast do you want to know it?

This is getting too close for comfort.

I need to lay low for a while

And let tucker do his thing.

Gregor: edward gory.

Excellent choice.

Even his name is... Gory.

Hey, guys.

Thanks for letting me tag along.

I hope I'm not getting in your way too much.

Of course not.

Yeah, of course not.

You asked to tag along,

Unlike some people I know,

Who better not be here now!

Shouting angrily to the sky.

It reminds me of home.

You're cool, gregor!



Classic american humor, yes?

Mmm. Mmm.

And my fly was down the entire time.

Unh! Tucker!

I'm so sorry for this.


His fly was down entire time!

Ha ha ha!

What is fly?


Oh. Does this bother you?

Pfft. Not at all.

[Cell phone ringing]

I have to take this.

So do i, apparently.

Yo, dude, what's up?

Hey, tucker, anything to report?

Well, I bought this great graphic novel at the scopey mart.

I was two under par at the put-putt course.

Oh! And sam has some kicking new surround sound.

I mean, anything about gregor?

If he's a spy, he's really cool for a spy.

Tucker, my friend, movie is over.

You up for bowling?

Got to go!

Great. Now I'm losing both my best friends.



Gregor, I know you're not what you seem to be and--


Gregor, I know you're up to something, and--

Oh! Come on!

Find the words.

Danny, I wish to talk to you,

If you are done talking to yourself.

Uh...ah. Ooh!

Uh...heh! Sure, gregor.

Uh, what's up?

I am not liked. You do not like me.

Gregor, that's not--

Let me finish.

You do not like me

Because you want to protect your friend sam.

And I respect this.

It's not just that.

You like her more than just friends?


You hesitate, which means you are unsure.

I am not, and I'm going to ask her out.

I hope we can-- how do you americans say?

Hang out?

I'm glad we had this talk.

Mwah! Mwah!

I know who you are, and I know what you're up to, and...

Somehow, I pictured this chat going differently.

[Bell rings]

[Students chattering]

Our son? Hanging out with danny phantom?

Well, that is preposterous.

Danny! Get over here!


We've managed to trace this pda to tucker foley.

We figured the ghost must be an associate of his.

Have you checked dash baxter?


He's too much of an oaf to be the ghost kid.

And you--you're too prepubescent.


And it's not that manson girl,

Which leaves the gregor kid

We saw them hanging around with.

Of course. How did we not see that?

He's got white hair, and so does the ghost boy.

Come on!

Hey! If you ever need a guy in orange,

Jack fenton's your man.

Wait. Gregor can't be a spy for them

If they're going after him with g*ns blazing.

And sam and tucker are right in the line of fire.

Cool! It's a new moon!

You guys want to take a look?

Later, perhaps.

I wish to have a word with sam-- in private.

I will not mince words, sam.

I like you,

And I would like to go steady.

With me?

With you,

And not with your losing friend tucker.

It's "loser."

Then you agree.

You two really have to see.

No, I don't agree.

Tucker may be annoying,

But he's one of my best friends.

He's part of the package.

Uh... Am I interrupting something?

Gregor? Dude? Hello!

Dude, do you ever stop talking?


Do you even know how obnoxious you are,

With your stupid jokes and your lame-o technology?


Uh, I mean...

Pssh! Is nothing., darn it.

Wait a minute. You were faking it?

The accent? And liking tucker?

Just to get on my good side?

Ah, I'm a guy. Hello!

I mean, I really like you, but...

Come on!

We're...through, aren't we?

Oh, beyond.

Oh, well.

[Girls giggling]


Better adjust my pitch.

Hey, babes, you like football?

Can I hit him for you?

[Both gasp]

Thanks, but I think that's covered.

[Both gasp]

Commence operation white noise, white heat.


Gregor, although I think you're the world's biggest jerk,





Oh, no. I'm too late.




Dude, you saved my life!

Yeah, but I despise you now.

We've got the ghost boy on the run.

Huh? Huh?

You boys looking for me?

Unh! Unh!

This town is too crazy for me.

I'm going back to michigan.

Don't you mean hungary, gregor?

My name is elliott!

Guys, I'm only gonna say this once.

Stay away from those kids.

Or what?



O, k,

Is that a cleanliness breach?

Are your suits completely black with filth?


Uh, did you know in hungary

That black is the new white?

So...i'm sorry.

I never should have betrayed your trust

By spying on you and your...boyfriend.

Ugh. He's not my boyfriend.

I dumped him as soon as I figured out that

You were right about him being a phony.

Apparently that is the only way

A boy can like me.

That's not true.

It's totally not true.

There are a million reasons

A boy could like you.

I mean, you're smart, you're fun,

You're cool, you're pretty...

Why am I still talking? I am such a spaz.

Still friends?

Pssh. The best.

You think I can use that "pssh" thing

To pick up girls?

Excuse me, ladies.

Tucker: pssh.

Aah! Aah!


That's a no. That's a no.
