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02x06 - Identity Crisis

Posted: 03/21/24 10:06
by bunniefuu
Sam: ember?

Ghost zone.

Tucker: skulker?

Ghost zone.

Box ghost?

Who cares?

Hey! I have feelings too, you know!

All enemies captured and accounted for,

Which means, as promised,

The % ghost-free weekend o' fun starts now!

"Hard drive full?"

Well, hang on. I'll just delete some old...


I am so downloading that!

Ah, heh-heh...

How'd that get there?

Oh, hey! Look.

Here's something I can delete!

This old version of "doomed!"

Danny, wait!

That's the video game where you trapped...

Ha ha ha!

I, technus, am free at last!


Well, free-ish.

But even from the confines of this computer,

I, technus, will rule once more!

But first...

Ha ha ha!

Hey! Do you know how many digital collectables

I had to trade for that?



Too bad you can't expunge me

And save your friends at the same time, huh?

Then I'll just have to be in two places at once!


Oh, for the love of pete. Here.

Weekend o' fun started yet?

Phew! It's starting now.

Indeed it is. But first...

Ha ha ha!

♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom, danny phantom ♪

♪ Yo, danny phantom, he was just ♪

♪ When his parents built a very strange machine ♪

♪ It was designed to view a world unseen ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he is danny phantom ♪

♪ When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit ♪

♪ Then danny took a look inside of it ♪

♪ There was a great big flash, everything just changed ♪

♪ His molecules got all rearranged ♪

♪ When he first woke up, he realized ♪

♪ He had snow white hair and glowing green eyes ♪

♪ He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly ♪

♪ He was much more unique than the other guys ♪

♪ It was then that he knew what he had to do ♪

♪ He had to stop all the ghosts that were comin' through ♪

♪ He's here to fight for me and you ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom

Sorry I'm late.

My pda's acting wonky.


Maybe you should just junk this thing

And get a new one.

[Evil laughter]

Ow! It was just a suggestion.


Looks like we're gonna miss the movie.

Unless we find some way to ignore all speed limits,

Red lights, and certain laws of physics.

[Screaming, siren]

Couldn't you have just flown us?

The way my dad drives, this is faster.

Are you kids sure there's a ghost in that movie theater?


And if not, you can pick us up

In two hours and minutes.


Two hours and minutes.

Good thing I installed the fenton onboard computer

To plot our clearest route.

Ha ha!

Ha ha!

Uh, dad? Is this some new safety feature?

Safety features?

Safety features are for punks!


Hang on kids!

I'm deploying the fenton ejector.


Next time, your mom's driving.




Hmm, plasma screen, surround sound...

I don't know what this thing does...

Ooh, these are on sale!

Behold! The new technus .!

Now with pop-up blocker!

Sounds like the same old technus to me.

What do you say you shout out your plan

And we get this thing over with?

Technus . Does not reveal his secrets!

Heh heh! Go on! Try me!

Uh... Boxers or briefs?

None of your business! See?



Danny: I promised you guys a ghost-free weekend o' fun,

And now I gotta spend it tracking down technus!

I just wish there was some way

I could do both--

And maybe there is.

The fenton ghost catcher--

Expunges all things ghostly.

Danny, wait. You don't need to do this.

We don't mind spending the weekend

Fighting ghosts with you.

I mind.

My ghost fighting life and my personal life

Are always interfering with each other.

You have a personal life?

Well, I will now!



At last!

I'm danny phantom: full-time superhero!

Danny: yeah, sure whatever.

And I'm gonna par-tay as

Danny fenton: full-time...

Uh...heh dude!

This has "bad idea" written all over it.

I call the fun danny!

Say, you wear an awful lot of black

For a superhero sidekick.

Have you considered switching to bright, primary colors?

Tucker, wait up!

Yeah! Now this is more like it, dudes.

No responsibilities, no ghost fights,

No lame super heroics.

No manners.

You gonna wipe that up?

Looks like that guy's butt already has it covered.


Danny! Danny!

Lighten up, guys. It's a free country.

Besides, what can a guy with a wet butt do to us?

Not much...unless he's the manager.

Whoa, bummer.

And stay out!

No prob. I'll just phase us back in.

Ugh! Ugh!

Whoa! I can't go ghost!

That's not right!

We should go back to the lab and check this out.

Or...we could go bowling.

Who's up for bowling?

I am! I call the fun danny!


Now this is more like it!

No distractions, no cumbersome secret identity.

More time to dispense my unique brand of ghostly justice.


Leaping lightning rods!

This looks like a job for danny phantom!


You felonious fiend!

Your ghost shield prevents me

From painfully pummeling you into a pulp!

Too bad for you,

Danny phantom is only half-ghost.


I can't turn human!

Neither can i, but you don't hear me

Shouting it to the heavens.

I don't do that anymore.



[Rooster crows]

Great gobs of ghost goop! Danny'll wanna see this!

He's not here!

I mean danny's probably still asleep.




Get a load of this!

Ghosts? Who cares?

Goin' to meet sam and tucker at the pier.

But you... But he...

But i...argh!

That can't be danny!

I'll say!

No son of mine says "who cares about ghosts"!

Danny: oh, man, this is the life.

I wish I could stay on this ride, like, forever.

And you may just get your wish.


Why couldn't you wish for super models?

Did someone say "super"?

Oh, somebody k*ll me.

Ha ha!

Tremble before the power of technus .!

Wait a minute.

Electric street car, power line, generator...

You've been recharging yourself all night.

Technus . Is a wattage-wasting wastrel!

Relax, citizens.

Danny phantom is on the job.

Danny, shouldn't you do something?

What? He said "relax."

Hop aboard, son!

Your old man's gonna show you how to catch a ghost.

You kids'll be safer down there.


Dude. Uh, dad...

I don't know about this.

Ok, now you're gonna want to nail him

Right between the eyes.


Now waste him!

Take the shot, son.

Make your old man proud.



Dueling doppelgangers!

Have you lost your half of our mind?!

Dude, I'm not the one wearing a bed sheet.

I'll save you, danny!

Wait, they're both named danny.

Now that's gonna be confusing.

I'll save you, son!


Back-up copies of yourself.

Why didn't I think of that?

That was awesome! Let's go again!

The rampaging robotic rogue

Is heading for the power plant!

We have to stop him

Before he consumes this city's energy supply!

What do you mean "we?" That's your job!

Uh, besides, I can't go ghost.

No. But you can get past the ghost shield, human.

Hang on, danny!

Cool ride.


You want firepower?! I'll show you firepower!


Now let's see how else we can drain his batteries.

I'm powering down? But how?




Uh, okay, when dad asks me who trashed the van,

I am so not covering for you.

And that's the sort of irresponsible attitude

That makes you such a disappointment to our family!

Uh, hello!

Not our family. My family.

You're the full-time hero, remember?

Then perhaps it's time we fused back together!


Danny! You all right, son?

I've never felt better in my life.

Curse this infernal messy room!

This looks like a job for the vacuum cleaner!

Danny, something's up.

You are definitely not yourself

Since you fused back together.

Of course I'm myself!

I'm more than myself!


No! We must become one again!

We didn't "become one," dude.

You overshadowed me.

You're right.

Something must have gone horribly awry

When I used the ghost catcher to duplicate myself.

You didn't duplicate yourself.

You split yourself in half.

But in theory, another trip through the ghost catcher

Should straighten out this mess.

Or it could make it times worse.

Danny, dad wants you to--aah!

Dad: danny? What's going on in there?

Quick! Hide!

Grrr! Grrr!

No! Just one of you!

I call the fun danny!

I call the... Darn it!

Hey, what's the ghost catcher doing in your room?

You march that back down to the lab right now, son.

I swear, I don't know what's come over jazz.

Danny, please be a dear

And show her you're all right.

I'm more than all right.

I'm danny fenton!

Ha ha! Oh.

Hey! Ahh!

Does this smell funny to you?

I thought I told you

To take that ghost catcher down to the lab.

Fear not, paunchy patriarch!

Tucker, I don't have time for this.

And you really should do something

About that problem dandruff.

Danny, the ghost catcher can wait.

You need to talk to your sister.


Danny, hide! Danny, hide!

Um...ready or not, here we come?

[Doorbell ringing]

I'll get it! I'll get it!

This your vehicle, ma'am?

Hey! It's back from the shop!

You hide,now on,

And I will be danny.

I think not!

You were danny all day

And did a pretty poor job of it.

Good news, kids.

We recovered the rv's black box data recorder.

This baby'll show us

Exactly how that ghost took control...

Just as soon as I download all its memory

Into the fenton mainframe.

Dad! No!dad! No!


Excellent. My upgrade is complete.

With the technology in this house,

I can drain all the power from this city...

And then the world!

Nobody heard that, right?

Goin' ghost! Goin' ghost!

Whoa! Hey!

I can still do that?!

I'll save everyone.

You deal with the house hijacking horror!

Ow! Would it be too much to ask

For all of my powers back?

Eat ghost ray, you evil electrical extensions!

Fizzling phantoms!

Are my powers diminished, as well?


At least that one still works.

That's for totally ruining my weekend o' fun, dude!

Oh, I'll ruin more than that, whelp!


Wait! Where's danny?

I'm right here, mother!

Wait a minute. Weren't you just...?

Mom? Dad? Danny? Other danny?

Jazz! Jazz!

Mmm! That was tasty.

Now, let's see what I can do with all that power.

We have to stop technus

Before he takes over the whole city.

Oh, good luck, dude.

I only have half our powers!

We must do it together!

It's your duty!


He said "doodie."

We have to stop him!

Tried it. Didn't work.

Back to bowling.

It'll be fun?

And you'll get to hit stuff?


You go inside and get the ghost catcher.

I'll keep technus busy.


Uh, how 'bout we all go inside?

No one can stop me now!

No one maybe.

But how about two?

Two or ,,

You still can't get past my ghost shield!

Uh, dude? That only works

If we're outside the ghost shield.

No matter. My upgrade is extremely adaptable.


I'll save you!


If you wish to split your focus,

You must learn how to multitask.

Multitask this!

What? Nooooo!

Then it's time my ghostly form

Had an upgrade, as well.

You cannot defeat me!

Oh, yes we can!


We did it! No, I did it!

All right, technus, it's just you and me now.

Me, the one and only danny phantom.

Technus . Will escape to fight another--

Shouting out your plans again?

That is so ..

I'll be back, child. Count on it!

Way to pull yourself together, danny!

How'd that last pass

Through the ghost catcher do that, anyway?

"Side : merge. Side : separate." Duh.

Too bad I can't pull together

That fun weekend I promised you guys.

You kidding? This was a fun weekend.


We're your friends, danny,

Kicking back or kicking butt.

One danny? Then I'm not nuts.

I'm not nuts!

Oh! Isn't that sweet?

That's exactly what you said when you proposed to me.

And you still said yes.

Who's nuts now, huh?

Good to see you're in one piece, son.

All: tell me about it.

Now to work on putting the house back.

Um, dad?

Maybe that can wait until after the summer?