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02x04 & 02x05 - Reign Storm

Posted: 03/21/24 10:05
by bunniefuu


[Door creaking]

Here we are.

Pariah's keep,

Home of the fright knight, and before that...

The ghost king.

And here I am, vlad plasmius,

With all his power in the palm of my hand.



Oh, of course.

The ring of rage only works

When one wears the crown of fire.



Separately, they're nothing, but together,

They give you power unimaginable.

Who dares?

Oh, hello.

Plasmius. Vlad plasmius.

Did I mention I'm a huge fan of your work?


The fright knight lives!

To serve me.

King pariah, you're up.

And perhaps it's time to remind you,

And that intruder,

Who rules this place!

I've got to get out of here before he...

Finds me.

You have freed me from my sarcophagus,

And thus woken me from the forever sleep.

You're not the one who woke me!

You are a duplicate!

So where?

Oh, surely you and I can work out

Some sort of deal.

A deal?

Call me. We'll talk.



Sweet! The fenton pants are charged and operational.

I'm telling you, maddie,

When this new ecto-skeleton is finished,

It'll be able to b*at back any ghost,

No matter how powerful.

Yeah, but the interface is still glitchy

And dangerous, jack.

We need to work the bugs out before--

Vlad masters?

Jack, my fat old friend,

Help me.

♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom, danny phantom ♪

♪ Young danny phantom, he was just ♪

♪ When his parents built a very strange machine ♪

♪ It was designed to view a world unseen ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he is danny phantom ♪

♪ When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit ♪

♪ Then danny took a look inside of it ♪

♪ There was a great big flash, everything just changed ♪

♪ His molecules got all rearranged ♪

♪ When he first woke up, he realized ♪

♪ He had snow white hair and glowing green eyes ♪

♪ He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly ♪

♪ He was much more unique than the other guy ♪

♪ It was then that he knew what he had to do ♪

♪ He had to stop all the ghosts that were comin' through ♪

♪ He's here to fight for me and you ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom

You seem pretty happy today.

Why shouldn't he be?

Last night he shoved ember and skulker

Back into the ghost zone.

And I still had time to finish lancer's

Totally useless book report.

Nothing could spoil this day.

Think fast, fen-tony.




No stopping any time, nitwit.

You realize you're playing with fire.

Well, sometimes I have to use my powers

For the greater good.


And come on!

How good was that?

Nice. Using your powers to stuff toilet paper

Into a locker.

He's gonna find out it's you.

Have you seen his grades?

Never gonna happen.

Hey, this is fenton wipe!

Never is karma's doorbell.

Ding-dong. It's for you.

Ha! I blast you with my ball

Of infinite exposition.

Oh, man. You bored my character to death.




Find your own hiding spot.

I've got dibs on under the nerds playing nerd poker.

Ease up, fenton.

You're not the only one

Who needs to hide, you know.

Valerie, where are you?

It's only years until senior prom.

Why won't you say yes?

Years? We could be here awhile.

Want to check over our book reports?


Hiding from dash.

Hiding from nathan. You?


At least try it on!

Come on. Over there.

We can all hide in my house.

So, what's up with this?

Why are you helping her all the sudden?

Oh, she hid me from dash earlier today.

I'm just returning the favor.

Well, be careful.

The last thing you'd want to do

Is invite your arch enemy into your own house.


Ah, hello, daniel!

Too late!

You! What are you doing here?

Ow! Ooh!

Totally valid question.

Still steaming?

You have no idea.

I was just, you know, passing through.

And then I saw that marvelous battle suit

And thought, "since I can't just destroy jack and take it,

"I suppose I'll steal its secrets

Right out from under his nose."


Oh...i swear I am such a josher.

More tea, please.

Not there! Ooh!

I don't know what you're up to, plasmius.

Actually, I do. You just told me.

That's right!

And say a word, and I'll share your secret with--aah.

The young miss gray.

You know me?

How do you know her?


Galloping goblets.

It's the ecto-exitus alarm.

The ecto-whaty-what?

The ecto-exitus alarm.

An alarm that only goes off

If we're about to face a massive ghost invasion.

Stall them!






Looking for your ghost-hunting equipment?

Ghost hunting? How do you know

About my ghost- hunting equipment?

Please, walk with me.

Ok, here we go.


Ha ha ha!

Oh, man. Only you?



I told you there was a way out through here.

Now go, go, go! Goooo!


I know this might sound a little fishy,

But skulker isn't the bully here.

Bully? What are you talking about?

What are all of you running from?

His name is pariah dark, the king of all ghosts.

And while we may be in a hurry,

We'll always have time for this.

[Danny grunting]



You ok?

Sorry. Standard question.

What was that about?

I don't know, but I think vlad plasmius

Just became the least of my worries.

So, the equipment is to your liking?

It functions properly, does it?

Heck yeah.

It's like you designed it just for me.

Why would you do that?

I'm, like, .

You're also the most capable

Ghost hunter I've ever seen.

You're smart, you're fast, you're strong,

And most of all, you're motivated.


Of course.

Why else would I say such a thing?

I'd have to be some sort of, ooh,

Diabolical villain

To manipulate you like that.


Oh, I k*ll me! Or jack.

And, my dear, it's the reason

I entrust you with this.

A ring?

Not just any ring.

It's been passed down from ghost hunter to ghost hunter

For generations.

I don't know what to say.

Don't say anything, dear,

But please, let's keep it our secret, hmm?


What was that?

Probably jack goofing up again.

I believe you have a job to do.

I won't let you down, mr. Masters.

Oh, of that... You can be sure.

And young daniel will be so busy protecting you

Stealing that battle suit will be a snap.

Your armies are amassed?


Then, on my orders--

On my orders!

Go to that world.

Bring the ring to me

And to those who stand in your way,

Show no mercy.

Go! Go! Go! Go!

Tucker: dude, you ok?

Sorry. Standard question. Late night?

Of course it was a late night.

Every ghost I know

And about a million I don't are loose!


Not to mention I couldn't sleep

Because my arch enemy was in the guest room next to me.

My parents sleep in the bedroom next to me.

It's not the same,

But I can't sleep either.

Hey, danny.

Hey, val.

"Hey, val?" Isn't that the same val

That's usually on a jet sled

Trying to pace danny?

Yep. And apparently next week,

We're having cookies with skulker.

You might want to, uh... Bag lunch it outside.

This isn't exactly the safest place for you right now.

What makes you say that?

Hey, fen-terd.

No teachers around to protect you.

No nerds around to hide you.

Hey, I resent that!

I'm plenty nerd.


Dash, take a hike, will you?

I'm way too tired to put up with you.

Besides, shouldn't you be failing a test,

Kicking a puppy,

Or b*ating up somebody weaker than you now?

Come to think of it, yeah!

Ugh! Ugh!



Sweet. Is it?

I know dash is a jerk,

But what if he saw something?

He's not gonna see something.

Besides, I'm tired of getting kicked around all the time.

Maybe it's time I do a little kicking back.

Jack: vladdy, my man,

Will you hand me that whatchamajiggit?

Here you go, old chum.

Any idea when this suit might be finished?

Don't push it, me v-man.

I'm working on it as fast as I can.


Can we pick it up a little bit?

What was that?

Could be me.

I made huevos rancheros for breakfast.



Jack, look out. The door.

Go, and find the king's ring.


Jack, we have to shut the portal.

Yeah. I'll get right on that.



Let go of the woman I love!

Like a dear friend.

Is any part of that suit operational?

Well, the pants part,

But it's not calibrated yet.

Using the suit could k*ll you.

Well, then, maybe you should try it first.

It is your battle suit.


That it is, v-man.

It's time to kick a little butt...

And these are just the pants to kick it in.

Neural receptors engage.




The kick is up...

And it's good!

Ha ha! No one can touch me while I'm wearing the fenton--


The ecto-skeleton weakening me.

Jack, the suit's draining you like a battery!

Vlad, help me get these pants off jack.

Nope! Sorry.

That's all you.



Those poor humans.

They're being overrun by ghost bullies.

Oh, who cares about them?

That is the ghost king's crew.

He's on his way here!

Which means we have to camouflage ourselves.

And do you hear that? That's confusion and panic,

Which means it's the perfect time to find our hiding place.



Lunch, anybody?


We need boxes! And lots of them!



Hey, kids, here's a little ditty I like to call

"Get out of my new home!"


She rocks!

Away, humans. This is skulker's lair now.

This is not on the square, skulker.

We're pushing those people from their homes.

We're no better than the ghost king.

No one lives here. It's a store.

This seems oddly familiar.

Danny: sam, please, tell tucker he's nuts.

I don't feel like I'm nuts.

And I don't think he is, either.

Valerie is one of your enemies, danny.

You think it's smart to be letting her this close?

Psh! I can handle it.

Besides, she's not so bad

Once you get to know her.

Thanks. You're not so bad yourself, fenton.

What's up with them?

They're really good friends,

And they're just being overprotective.

Of what?

It's not like we have anything to hide.

Whoa! I got to jet.

Ooh! Dash!

Uh, look, this is really bad timing.

Can we reschedule?

Don't think so, runt,

Unless you think you can make me.


And there's more where that came from, baxter, so watch it.


It feels good to use your powers

On your enemies, doesn't it, daniel?


Actually, yeah. It does.

Where's he running to all the time?

Only guys I see running off like that

Have a job or a girlfriend.

He doesn't have a girlfriend, valerie.

Uh-huh. Right.

What are you talking about?

You like him.

Uh...hello! He's my best friend.

I'm sure he is, but if you like him--

I mean like him, like him--make a move,

Because if you don't,

Somebody will.


Woman: this is tiffany snow with action news,

And this is the ghost emergency broadcasting system.

Amity park is in the midst of a massive ghost att*ck.

And now, here's lance thunder with the ghost weather.

As you can see, we have random ghost activities

In restaurants, malls, and this box store.

If you look to the west,

You can see a huge wave of ghost skeletons

Heading from the center of town toward casper high.

We have to...have to...

Jack, you're still wiped out from the fenton pants.

I'll get danny and jazz.

All parents are advised

To immediately pick up their children and run!

Run for your lives!

Not the hair! Not the hair!


Ugh! Aah!

Calm down, daniel.

I didn't come here to fight you.

I have other things to worry about.


You're helping me?

What do you want, my mom's cell number?

No! But, ooh!

If you wanted to give me her number...

The king's prize--return it!

I don't have it!

But, if you join me, perhaps together--

Guess what, everybody?

The best ghost hunter in amity park is here,

And that means you're about to get your butts handed to you.

She really is quite good at this.

She also thinks we're the enemy.

Good point.

Danny, please be careful.

Doesn't anybody in this town drive a compact car?

Kids, have you seen valerie?

She's with danny.

Kids, have you seen danny?

He's with valerie.

Who's valerie?

All right, ghost, what's going on here?


Uh, thanks?

You're welcome.

Look, I know this is gonna be hard to believe--


But that guy is the problem right now,

And I could really use your help.

I still don't trust you or your spooky friend.

You don't have to trust me.

Just fight with me!



Fool! All I wanted to do was seize the ring

And return to pariah's keep,

But now you give me no choice.

By the authority vested in me

By my lord and liege...

I claim this town, now and forever,

Under the banner of lord pariah, the king of all ghosts!





My pawn!

I mean... That poor girl.

The sword is sunk, your die now cast,

The sword removed shall signal fast.

Make reappear the ring thou hast

Or your next day shall be your last.

"The ring thou hast?"

Maddie: children of amity park,

Report to the safe bosom

Of the fenton family as*ault vehicle.

Mom? Maddie?

I can't let her see me like this.

Uh...she was like that when I got here.


Snow: welcome back to big scary town watch.

I'm tiffany snow.

We're in our fourth hour of captivity,

And amity park remains cut off from the outside world.

With more on that, outside the safety of our studio

Is our own lance thunder. Lance?

Why the heck do I have to be here?

I'm a weather man, for the love of--

Tiffany, despite the odd circumstances,

An eerie calm has fallen over amity park.

Emergency teams still having no luck in piercing the dome.

Wishing he had taken that job in chicago,

This is lance thunder, action news.

Maddie: this suit is the only hope we have

To punch through that dome,

But I still don't think we'll be able

To perfect the neural receptors.

Which is why I'll wear the suit.

If anybody's gonna b*at that ghost back

Into the ghost zone, it's me.


No, jack. Look at you.

You're still wiped out from the last time.

It kills you, doesn't it?

How much they love each other?

I have other things to worry about...

And so do you.


And yet, I will always have time for that.

You feeling any better?

A little, although I'm surprised you care.

You guys don't like me very much, do you?

We don't know you very much.

And honestly, you used to be pretty mean to us.

You think we're just gonna start hanging out with you

Without wondering what you want?

And where you got that ring?

That officially falls under the category

Of none of your business.

Hey, guys!

Can I talk to you for a second?


Yo, man, you do know

The minute you turn into danny phantom,

She's gonna sh**t first and ask questions never.

She's not gonna find out.

How do you know she's not snooping right now?

What if that ring on her finger

Is some sort of ghost detection device?

Ring? What are you talking about?

Oh, man. That's gotta be the ring

The fright knight's looking for.

Vlad must have given it to her.

Isn't he a little old for her?

He's obviously using her

To hide the ring from the fright knight.

Something's going on with that ring,

And we need to make the ghosts tell us what it is.

I'd much rather kick your butt,

But this works, too.

Did you actually think you could sneak up on me?


No ixnay on the aitbay, skulker.

Maybe he can help us.

Please, just tell me what's going on!

Let me help you guys.

How is that helping?

It's payback.

It helps me on the inside.

It was many years ago, before you, before me.

Before most of us. His name was pariah dark,

And he ruled the ghost zone.

He was a ghost of such power and magnitude

Only he could control the energies contained

Within the crown of fire and the ring of rage.

When wearing both, he could do anything.

Until a group of powerful ancient ghosts

Banded together in a last-ditch effort to defeat the king...


By locking him within the sarcophagus of forever sleep...

Or so we thought.

He's only been free for a day

And he's already destroyed our homes.

And that's without the ring.

We can't let him get it!

But I'm gonna need all of you

To help me put the ghost king to sleep.

I'll need you to battle against all odds,

Face untold danger, doom, and destruction

With no guarantee of ever coming back.

Who's with me?


You should probably take that as a "no."

You wanted to talk to me?

You're putting innocent people in danger.

It stops now!

Really? Ha. You know what I'm up to?

Your tiny teen mind has pieced together the rest of my plot?

That you stole the ring, woke the ghost king,

Gave it to valerie to hide it,

And now you're waiting for your chance to steal it back?

That's pretty good.

It's almost as though I barely consider you a thr*at.

Oh, there's that temper of yours again.

What are you going to do?

What if valerie sees us, hmm?

Danny? You guys still in there?

Oh, sugar cookie!


Sneak att*ck. Very good, daniel.

You're getting more like me

With every battle.

I am nothing like you!

Oh, you're not? Using your powers

To get back at people you don't like?

Throwing the first punch?

You're more like me than you know.


Oh, yeah? Well, if that's the case,

Then instead of asking you to get the ring back,

I'll make you!

Daniel, no!

The sword is a signal.


A signal of what?




Of surrender!

Ooh! Ooh!

Citizens of amity park,

This is jack and maddie fenton.

Hi, everybody.

Malevolent spirits have pulled our entire town

Into a dimension known to us humans as "the ghost zone."

I'm launching the ghost zone probe now.

I'm also increasing the ghost shield's radius to protect the city.

Jack: that fact that we are currently in an alternate form of reality

Would be a lot cooler if it weren't for the fact

That we are all in mortal danger.

The shield's cranked to capacity,

And our probe of the ghost zone is operational.


Maddie: for your own safety,

Please run underneath the fenton anti-ghost shield,

Where our daughter jazz will be serving tea and cookies.

And boys, she's single.


But more than anything, know this:

This is not my fault!

I repeat: this is not my fault!

They're ghosts and humans!

Is there no end to this day's surprises?

Valerie: hey, stone face, surprise!




The ring! Give that to the king now!

You want it? Then go get it!



Pariah: actually, my loyal servant,

It is!


Come, we have plans to make,

For soon this human world will also be mine!


Maybe I'll just rest... For a second.

The ring! It's gone!


There, you see? I told you they were up here.

What do the kids call it?

Hanging out.



I'm getting worried.

We haven't seen danny or valerie in hours.

Jack: oh, they're fine.

They've been up in danny's room.


For hours.

Danny, you're ok?

Whoa. What happened to her?

You name it-- fright night, ghost king, vlad.

All of my enemies.

Everything I thought I could handle but couldn't.

Dude, you can't blame yourself for this.

It's not your fault.

Maybe not,

But it is my responsibility.

And while the ecto-skeleton can enhance your natural ability -fold,

Using it could be fatal.

Which is exactly why I'll be using it,

Because if the suit's k*lling anybody,

It's gonna be me. Ah!

You're already weak from the first time you used the suit.

I'll be going in. Ah!

Forget it, mom. Danny needs both of you.

I'm doing this.

I'll do it! Ow!

I'll do it! Oh!

Woman: I'll do it! Ow!

I thought I was gonna have to blast everybody with the ghost ray,

But this is much more efficient.

What? Danny, no, you can't!

I'm the only one who has a chance to save our lives.

Somebody ought to tell her that.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to step away from the suit.

Back off, spook.

I don't know how you got in the fenton's ghost shield,

But this is my fight.

No, it's not.

Not anymore.


What's going on in here?

You're not the boss of me!

Yah! Aah!

No, but he is.


Aah! You're dead for this, you hear me?


Grr! Ah!


You've been battling ghosts all this time?

Are you ok?

I'm...uh. I'm fine.

Then you are in so much trouble!

Activate neural receptors.

Initiate power-up sequence.

Yeah. There we go.

I can see you over there, you know?

Danny, please.

Come on, guys.

You didn't think it was always gonna be as easy

As shoving the box ghost into the fenton thermos, did you?

I'll be back.

Your mom used the word fatal.

Guys, I'll be back.

But if there's anything you wanted to say to me,

Now might be an excellent time to do it.



Humans, hear my decree!

Well, that's my cue.

Tuck, I'll need you to drop the ghost shield on my way out, ok?

Ok. Be careful, dude.

Go get him, inviso-bill!

It's not inviso-bill!

It's phantom! Danny phantom!


Maybe if I try to pick these guys off one at a time...

Ha ha! -Fold, huh?

That doesn't reek!

Uh. Whoa.


Gotta be smart about how much of my own power I use at once.

Still not reeking.





In general, I'm pretty opposed to v*olence,

But I'm willing to make an exception in this case.

Get out of here, guys!

It's too dangerous for you to be here!

We're not staying.

We're just making a delivery.

How did they cram all of you into the specter speeder?

Hey, you ever been inside your stupid thermos?

Compared to that, it was the taj mahal in there.

Less talking, more fighting!

Beware! For my place of employment has given me a new w*apon!

The bubble wrap...

Of death!


Now will you be my friend?


Now go, defeat him,

So I will be free to hunt you another day!

Guy really knows how to motivate you.

Well...this is it.


A little ragged round the edges, eh, child?

What do you say we ditch the snappy banter

And get right to the part where I kick your butt?

Very well, I accept your terms!




Having that much power, it's a burden, isn't it, child?

The power isn't the burden.

The burden is in how I use it.

And I've been using it poorly lately.



Now leave my town alone!

[Gasp] [gasp]


Surrender, child.

You can't possibly win.

I don't have to win.

I just have to make sure that you lose!



No! No!


I don't understand.

What, that I used two -year-old pawns

To turn a knight and topple a king?

It's chess, danny.

Of course you don't understand,

But then, you never really did.

Danny? Danny?

Huh? Huh? What?

You gave us quite a scare there, little badger.

Vladdy said he found you just outside the dome

After the town flickered back to reality.

He saved your life.

Things might have been weird there for a while,

But if vlad saved your life, then I say bygones.

And you will always be welcome in our home, v-man.

You can stay in danny's room!

Too bad you lost your ecto-suit, jack.

That's ok, v-man.

Those pants made me look fat.


Well, the worst ghost crisis in the history of amity park is over.

Clean up continues

And a sense of normalcy has returned.

And while we may never know exactly what happened...

Where's my bubble wrap?

One thing's for sure--


Or should I say danny phantom--

Has gone from villain to hero in the eyes of many in our town.

That depends on who you're asking.

Father: valerie, was that the ecto-g*n?


[School bell rings]

Dude, you have to let go.

I can't. What was that all about?

The ghosts are all off rebuilding their homes,

But the ecto-skeleton is gone.

And what about vlad?

Did he make some sort of pact with the fright knight?


Danny, you b*at the big bad guy

And you saved the town.

That's enough for one day, don't you think?


You got a lot of nerve just walking up to me

In broad daylight, fenton.

Actually, I wanted to say I was sorry.

I pulled some pranks on you and,

Well, with all the weirdness in the last few days,

I'm sort of thinking that just because I can do something

Doesn't mean I should.

So, apology accepted?

Apology accepted.



Looks like everything's back to normal.

Looks like.


You know how I said I didn't really like fenton?

I kinda like him now.

Yeah, well, i-- I mean we

Like him, too.

And we're watching you.

I accept your challenge.

Then you leave us no choice.

Nathan! Nathan!


Valerie, come back!

Why won't you say yes?