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02x01 - Memory Blank

Posted: 03/21/24 10:01
by bunniefuu
Guys, come on.

We're going to be late for school.

Guys? Guys?

Isn't it everything I told you it would be and more?

You did not lie, dude.

You did not lie.

Both: the gi-normo ,.

Seats made of owl leather?

Interior wood paneling from the amazon rainforest?

Gallons to the mile?

This car is an environmental nightmare.

I know what you should do.


You could totally haunt this place,

Scare people away from here,

And make them buy something else.


Cut it out, sam.

It's a cool truck.

Besides, this wouldn't be the first time

One of your bad ideas

Got danny into trouble.

What are you talking about?


Ok, I showed you the portal.

Can we get out of here now?

My parents could be back here any minute.

Besides, they say it doesn't work anyway.

Come on, danny.

A ghost zone?

Aren't you curious?

You got to check it out.

You know what?

You're right.

Who knows what kind of awesome,

Super cool things exist on the other side of that portal?

Hang on.

You can't got walking around with that on your chest.


How is it bad I was there?

If it weren't for me,

He'd be flying around with his dad's face on his chest.

You know how you can say thank you?

By crushing a few trucks.

Sam, I'm the good guy,

So unless these super awesome trucks are being used for evil,

I can't do anything.

Except wonder if it's got a g.p.s.

Satellite guidance system.

And rims.

Both: big, spinning rims.

Oh, I give up.

I just wish somebody would destroy these stupid trucks.

Well, it's about time you made a wish.

And so you have wished it, so shall it be.


I wonder what this button does.

Get away, fiend!

Whatever you do,

Leave this truck alone!

Aw, man.

I just became lactose intolerant.

♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom, danny phantom ♪

♪ Yo, danny phantom, he was just ♪

♪ When his parents built a very strange machine ♪

♪ It was designed to view a world unseen ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit ♪

♪ Then danny took a look inside of it ♪

♪ There was a great big flash, everything just changed ♪

♪ His molecules got all rearranged ♪

♪ When he first woke up, he realized ♪

♪ He had snow-white hair and glowing green eyes ♪

♪ He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly ♪

♪ He was much more unique than the other guys ♪

♪ It was then that he knew what he had to do ♪

♪ He had to stop all the ghosts that were coming through ♪

♪ He's here to fight for me and you♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's a phantom, he's a phantom ♪

♪ Danny phantom, phantom

Good job beating the big cow, danny.

Yeah, well, it hasn't stopped sam from busting my chops

About cruelty to unliving plastic animals.

I had to choose between fake cows and evil trucks.

The cow won.

Oh, my gosh, I almost forgot.

"Trinity of doom" is out this friday.

Femalien vs. Terminatra vs. Nightmerica--

All my favorite female movie monsters in one film!

So it's a chick flick?

Oh, duh.


Not just a chick flick-- the chick flick.

The biggest female box office monsters

Battling it out in a big budget special effects bonanza!

And since you promised we'd all go on friday,

I bought us tickets.


You never told me whether or not

You were coming to my quinceanera on friday.

That's because when you invited me I thought you were joking.

And that you forgot to invite me.

And remembered not to invite me.

Oh, ha ha ha!

No, silly.

You're all invited.



Really? Really.

I knew danny wouldn't come

If I didn't invite you two,

But I especially want danny to be there.


Of course.

My papa is throwing the party at the country club

And it's happening on the same night as a meteor shower.

And I really want that ghost boy to be there,

And since the ghost boy

Seems to show up wherever you do,

I figured I had no choice

But to invite you and your loser friends.

Hey, we're right here, you know.

Yeah, I know.

The ghost boy?

Oh, he'll be there, paulina,

I promise!

Uh, guys?

Movie? Friday?

Non-refundable tickets?

Oh, come on, sam, we never get invited to these parties.

And I don't get to go if he doesn't go.

Both: pretty please,

With those dark licorice sprinkles

And the black frosting you like

With those little gummy bats on top?

All right, all right.


You're coming to the party, too, right?

Yes, I'll be there.

I'll be there... Unless something should happen to paulina,

And then the party got cancelled,

Not that I'd wish that.

Well, she did say "wish."


Mr. Lancer: thousands of meteors will be visible

In the skies of amity park this friday.

People tend to wish upon these falling stars

Without realizing that at the speeds they're falling,

They could drill through your tiny skulls

Like they were wet toilet paper.


Papa says the stars are falling on birthday just for me,

And I'm going to wish to meet the ghost boy.

And if one of those meteors flies towards me,

The ghost boy could save me!


Oh, yeah.

You know what I'd wish for?

Extra arms to catch more footballs--

And to wail on you, fenton.

But that doesn't technically count as a wish

Because I can do that any time.





Uh, did it just say your name?


"w*r of the worlds" creature,

Get away from my youthful charges!

Well, I tried.


[Fire alarm ringing]



Ghost boy, wait!

I have an invite for you.



All right, gruesome, what do you want?

Who sent you?


It said "sam"?

Actually, it was more like, "sa-a-am,"

But you get the point.

You can't really blame me for this, can you?

Well, it's got something to do with you,

But don't worry.

I saved paulina, so you don't have to apologize.

Good, because I'm not going to.

You just have to wear this specter deflector

And stay out of the way.


Sam, something weird is going on,

And you're clearly the cause of it.

It's probably better for all of us if you just lay low.

Yeah, sam, you should just lay low.

[Paulina screaming]

Paulina! Again?

This is going to have to wait.

I'm going ghost!

Stay here.

Oh, I will.

I promise...

The same way you kept your promise

About going to the movies friday!

Ah, well, more for me.

Hey, I just got this back from the cleaners.

This is, like, the worst birthday week ever.

Well, let's see if we can't change that a little.

And now it's not!

Wait, let me give you this.

If I invite you,

I can un-invite danny fenton and his loser friends.



Sam: leave him alone!


Man, you're right.

That specter deflector works like a charm.

Nice save.

Although, to be fair,

I probably wouldn't have needed it,

If it weren't for you in the first place.


Uh, excuse me?

I save your butt

And you're giving me grief?

Welcome to my world, remember?

"We should make the menu recycle-vegetarian."

"We should let the gorilla out."

"We should sell all of your dad's stuff at a garage sale."

Anything else you want to blame me for?

World hunger, the ice age, puberty?

Sam, both monsters knew your name.

Either there's another sam involved in ghost fighting

Or it's you.

How about a "thank you," huh?

You think paulina would have saved your butt back there?

She would if she wanted me to come to her party.


Danny, I swear,

There are days I wish I had never even met you.

Way to go, fenton.

You just ticked off one of the only two real friends you have.

Sam, wait!




You look different.

More powerful?

Why, yes!

The more wishes I grant, the more powerful I get.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, and only days away from the meteor shower

When everybody will be making wishes.

Ha ha ha!


What do you want?

You out of the way by friday night.

But it's not about what I want.

It's about what your little friend wants,

And she just wished she'd never met you!


Oh, no.

And so she has wished it,

And so it shall be!


[School bell ringing]


This could be a new record,

But there's still room for more.

Go get mikey.

So what do you want to do tomorrow?

I don't know.

According to my p.d.a.,

We're free every night through college.


Do I know you?

Oh, very cute.

I said I wished we'd never met

And now you're pretending we didn't meet.

You're hilarious.

No, seriously, do I know you?

And more importantly, would you like to know me?

Hi, I'm tucker-- tucker foley.

That's "t.f.", As in "too fine."

Oh, gross.

Are you hitting on me?


I wish somebody would show you what this feels like!

So you have wished it, so--you know the rest.


Aah! Aah!

Aah! Boo.

Aah! A ghost!

No memory, no powers--


That's desiree, the wishing ghost.

Danny, you've got to do something.

Why aren't you going ghost?

Look, kid, I don't know who you are

Or what you're talking about,

All I know is I am out of here.

We're sorry!

We're sorry!

I rock!

Oh, no.

Last night I wished danny had never met me,

And desiree must have made it so we never met,

Which means he never got his powers.

Danny, you've got to listen to me!

Why won't you believe me?

Believe what?

That I had super powers,

You and I are best friends

Even though I never met you,

And you're the only one that knows it?


Isn't that crystal clear?

I've got to do something to get him to listen to me.

How do I get through the thick head of a -year-old boy?

Oh, darn it.

Hi, mind if I join you?


She surrendered her individuality for a boy.

I'm so proud of her!

So this is a photo I have of the of us from eighth grade.

This is the same one you have in your locker.

Notice anything?


You broke into my locker

And doctored an old photo of me.

You must really like me--

Or you're nuts.

You're not nuts, are you?



Danny: wait a minute, that's my parents' lab.

Who are you?

I'm sam manson.

A few months ago,

I convinced you to go into this.

You went in there.

There was an accident and you got--

Super powers?

Actually, ghost powers.

But we had a fight and I wished we'd never met,

And that ghost in the school made it happen.

I was wearing this,

Which I think is why

The ghost didn't effect me.

But you don't have your powers anymore.

Voice: paulina.

Aah! Aah!

Danny, you got to--


Actually, I got to.




That might just be the coolest girl on the planet.

Or she's nuts--

Really, really nuts.



That happen a lot?

More than you remember.

Ok, you got my attention.


Come on.

Tucker: all clear, danny.


How's it going over there?

Pretty good.

I'm guessing if we set everything

The way it was when it happened,

It'll happen again.

Are you sure about this?

No, but you saw those things,

Those monsters--ghosts.

Those ghosts were attacking our school.

Besides, I always wanted to go in here.

Who knows what kind of awesome, super cool things

Exist on the other side of that portal.

Well, here goes everything.

Wait a minute.

Uh, what is that?

Just trust me, ok?



Danny, are you--

You're a ghost--again!

You're right.

I am a ghost.


Is this cool?

Oh, it's very cool.

Jack: what's going on down there?

Oh, man.

Your dad.

You've got to change back to normal.

Change back? How?

I don't know.

You just think about it or something.

I call that a fake-out make-out.

Yeah, I know.

You're in a lot of trouble, mister.

And who the heck are you?

Uh, I'm paulina.

Then danny fenton is never ever allowed to see you, paulina.

So, now what?

Sam: I don't know.

I'm sort of making this up as we go along.


Mr. Fenton, I know astronomy can be dull,

But I would appreciate it if you would not take a nap in my class!

And remember the meteor shower tonight.

Don't forget to watch-- and wear a helmet.

It's a once in a lifetime experience.

What are you going to wish for?

I don't know,

But I'm sure, with everybody wishing at the same time,

Somebody will give me an idea.

Oh, no.

That's what desiree wants,

To grant all those wishes at the same time.

This is bad.

And this is worse.

Hey, why is there all this meat down here?

Let's get this party started!

[Dance music playing]


She almost seems human.

I'm going to have to forget that.

A falling star.

All right, danny, do your thing--

And remember, nobody make a wish.

Ok, I'm going to become ghostly!

It's "going ghost."




Where did my legs go?



Hey, everybody, falling stars!

Close your eyes and make a wish!

I wish I had one of those sweet monster trucks.

Do you pay attention to anything at all--ever?

This doesn't seem very monstrous.


Keep wishing, fools.

Keep wishing.

What do I do? What do I do?

You fight her, and then you use this.

For what, soup?



Danny, concentrate!

Who the heck wished for evil plants?


You're back?

But how?

Danny, use your ghost ray.

You can fire a ghost ray out of your hand.

Ghost ray, ghost ray...

That can't be right,

But it will have to do.


Now, while she's both grossed out and off guard,

I'll--i don't know how to use this!


You don't remember anything, do you?

I don't need to remember everything

To know I have to stop you.

Although remembering would be nice.

Oh, this is all my fault.

I wish I had never fought with danny...

And she's granting every single wish she hears.

I wish danny and I have never had that fight!

And I wish danny, tucker, and I remembered everything,

And his costume stayed the way it is

Because I really, really like it!

So you have wished it, and so it shall be!

No, no, no!

I got to stop granting every wish I hear.




Did you do something to my costume?

No, it's always been like that.

Oh, man, that was close.

Watch where you're pointing that thing.

[Dance music playing]

Um, weren't we invited to that party?

Yeah, and now that everything's back to normal,

She sort of expecting a visit from the ghost boy.

You should probably keep your promise.

Yeah, I probably should.

I never realized how different my life would have been

If I hadn't met you.

I got to say, it's sort of cool to know.

Still, sorry about that stupid fight.

Can we forget it ever happened?

So you have wished it, so shall it be.

Hey, I'm right here.