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01x20 - Control Freaks

Posted: 03/21/24 10:00
by bunniefuu
And I thought "the merchandise is flying off the shelves"

Was just an expression.





Whoa. Who are you guys?


Hey! I'm not a hat person--

Especially if the hat is a dwarf.

[Alarm ringing]

Ok. All things considered,

Maybe the tiny hat guy was better.




You know, it's ghosts like you

That give ghosts like me a bad name.


Freeze, inviso-bill!

Although it's hard to come up with a worse name than that.

Hey, want to take this stuff

And blame the ghost kid?

Argh. You're under arrest.


♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom, danny phantom ♪

♪ Young danny fenton, he was just ♪

♪ When his parents built a very strange machine ♪

♪ It was designed to view a world unseen ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he is danny phantom ♪

♪ When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit ♪

♪ Then danny took a look inside of it ♪

♪ There was a great big flash, everything just changed ♪

♪ His molecules got all rearranged ♪

♪ When he first woke up, he realized ♪

♪ He had snow white hair and glowing green eyes ♪

♪ He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly ♪

♪ He was much more unique than the other guy ♪

♪ It was then that he knew what he had to do ♪

♪ He had to stop all the ghosts that were comin' through ♪

♪ He's here to fight for me and you ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom

Woman: good morning, sunshine!

And how do we greet the brand-new day?

With a smile on your face

And an attitude of gratitude!

Ugh. I'm a creature of the night

Doomed to a family of morning people.

Uh, sam, sweetie,

I thought maybe we'd try to mix it up a little

With the wardrobe today.

Nothing says, "hey world, look at me!"

Like floral prints.

Ok, but I need to add

Just one little personal touch.

Woman on tv: up next: is your teenage daughter moody, surly?

Is her outlook on life blacker than her eyeliner?

Take an active interest in your child.

Know who her friends are.

Learn to recognize a bad influence

When it walks in your door.

[Door opens]hey, sam.

I got that morbid anti-social youth cd you wanted.

What? Have you heard "my parents reek?"

That cut rocks.

I am freakshow...

Ringmaster of the circus gothica,

Where your nightmares come alive.

Circus gothica, where the clowns never smile.


Circus gothica: come and get your freak on...

With real freaks.

Circus gothica, coming to amity park.

Cross over to the dark side.

Cross over to the dark side.

Now there's some evil mind pollution

We won't be seeing anytime soon, sweetie.

But we already bought our tickets.

We'll be fine.

It's just harmless entertainment,

Right, danny?

Cross over to the dark side.


Can we leave now,

Or do you want to stay and corrupt my grandma?

Cross over to the dark side.

I'm just kidding. Lighten up!

Will you quit messing with my parents?

That's my job!

What? Uh... Sorry, sam.

Must have gotten a little spacey.

I was up pretty late last night.

Just watch what you say around them.

They already think I'm on the road

To troubled teenhood.

Where are you going? School's this way.

The circus gothica train

Pulled into town last night.

I'm cutting first period

To watch the opening ceremony

At the train station.


Take it easy.

Tucker's got first period free.

He's covering for me.

This is so wrong...

But you make it right.

Don't blame me if you get caught.

And speaking of getting caught...

I'm going ghost!


Opening a new bank account?

Don't forget your free toaster!

Curse you, ghost kid!

Oh, great. More fans.



The crooks got away, I'm late for school,

And...i've never seen so many goths

Out in broad daylight.

Well, look who decided to slum it

With the troubled teens.

What? I'm not in trouble.


Oh, yeah. You're an upstanding citizen.

Need to hide from the law?



Come back here, inviso-bill.

Greetings, fellow outcasts.

I am freakshow, your master of ceremonies.

Are you ready to smile, relax,

And forget all your troubles

Amid the pleasant diversions of the circus?


Then you've come to the right place!

Prepare to be disturbed and appalled

By a small sample of the bizarre and abnormal world

Of circus gothica.



This is the greatest moment ever.

Nothing could ruin this for me.

Parents of amity park,

We urge you to boycott this morbid as*ault

On the morals of our children.


What are they doing here?

Why can't they have day jobs like regular parents?

Don't let the rantings of the closed-minded norms

Beat you down.

Show them your true colors!

And when I say colors, I mean all black.

Make them see you for who you are!

Make them see us for who we are!

Hey, everyone, over here!

We're danny fenton and sam manson.

We cut school, and we're proud of it!


You're one of us now.

Sam? Sam?

Principal: some might call this little act of rebellion

A cry for attention,

But I call it a cry for detention.

Ha ha. Isn't that clever?

Nice job, danny.

Maybe I should've cried, "hey, it's inviso-bill!"

I'm sorry! I don't know

What came over me back there.

Bad judgment, that's what.

Next time, think before you act.

Obviously, the apple doesn't fall far

From the overbearing orange-jumpsuited tree!

You got a problem with jumpsuits?!

Jack, let me handle this.

You got a problem with jumpsuits?!

Samantha, I forbid you from seeing this boy

Or any of your other troubled friends.

My friends are perfectly normal!

This is so wrong.

Slaves, center ring.

For generations,

My family has controlled ghosts with this.

Untold power, and all they could think to do

Was to entertain the masses,

Whereas I have found a much more profitable use

For you minions.

And as soon as the newest member of our cast joins us,

This entire town will be mine for the taking.

I wanted to experience something horrific

And unimaginable.

This isn't what I had in mind.

We can always go to the circus tomorrow.

That is, assuming we're not grounded

And your parents let me within feet of you.

Guess we'll have to settle

For the live webcast of opening night.

Creatures of the night,

Unleash your dark side at...

Unleash your dark side at circus gothica.

And just where do you think

You're going, mr. Fenton?

Unleash your dark side at circus gothica.

Cask of amontillado!

Let me out. Let me out!

Danny, what are you doing?

We're in too much trouble as it is!

No such thing as too much trouble.

Unleash your dark side at circus gothica.

Man, we better follow him.

Oh, no, but that would mean skipping detention

And going to the circus!

Hello. Irony.


Please welcome a performer who puts the "death"

In death-defying acts:

The grim reaper himself!



Freakshow: what are you doing back here?

Whoa, freakshow. This is so cool.

Focus. Um...

I'm looking for a friend of mine

Who was acting kind of weird.

Oh. That narrows it down to, oh...

Everyone in this tent!

Ha ha!

What are you doing, dolt?

Get back out there and do your encore!


What is that?

Is that--is that free will?

Obey me, minion!

What? You're controlling him?

Get her.


Please welcome a brand-new bit of talent

To the high wire

In her first and final performance.




Danny, listen, you don't want to do this.

You're being controlled!




Danny, don't scare me like that!

How should I scare you?

Consider that a warning, girl.

Jeez, sam, you nearly gave me a heart attack.

Can we take time out from your goth-a-palooza

And actually look for danny?

That was danny under the hood.

Freakshow's controlling him

With some kind of crystal ball.

Come on!

Sam, shouldn't you be in detention?

Um...lancer let us out?

Let me out!

Are we late for the protest?

I brought the fenton riot gear.

What? I didn't invite them.

Hey, isn't danny supposed to be with you?

Not according to this restraining order, he's not.

Well, he's not here, and he's not at school.

So where is he?

[Alarm bell ringing]

Ecto butts in gear.



This party's just getting started.


Oh, please.

In the wake of parental protests,

Circus gothica ringmaster freakshow

Had this challenge to his critics.

I invite you to attend a free performance

For parents, police, and concerned authority figures.

See the show and see for yourselves

That we're harmless entertainment.

In other news, police got a break

In the recent rash of mysterious burglaries

As security cam footage revealed the ghostly culprits.

And finally, have you seen this out-of-shape teacher?

He was last sighted

In the casper high school library.

Sam, did you catch the news?

We gotta do something to save danny!

How ironic is it that I'm stuck under house arrest

While my parents go to a free circus gothica show?

Only slightly less ironic than the fact

That they were right about it being evil.

And just where do you think you're going, bubeleh?

You don't understand, grandma.

My friend is in trouble,

And if I don't do something right away--

You know, I had a wild streak

When I was your age.

Why are you showing me this?

Who knows? Maybe I'm old and babbling...

Or maybe you should sneak out

And help your friend

While I'm lost in my memories.

This is so wrong, but I dig it!

I'm keeping a detailed list of anything

I find objectionable, immoral, or obnoxious.

He on the list?

Right now, he is the list.





Hey, sam.

Is this a great circus gothica hat or what?

I'll take that as an or what.



There's the crystal ball.

Let's grab it and-- argh!


Danny, no!

Yes, yes, please scream.

A shame anyone who might help you

Is busy enjoying my free show.



Ghosts! Ghosts!

We're trapped!

Ok. That's objectionable,

Immoral, and obnoxious.

We have to jump.

You crazy? I can't jump.

And I can't abandon danny.

Aah! Oof.

Plus, I'll never hear the end of it

If my parents learn they're right

About him being evil.


Stand back, everyone.

I ask you once again:

You got a problem with jumpsuits?!


What are you waiting for?




Danny, it's us.

Sam and tucker, your best friends,


Tucker? Sam?

I...i... a ghost.

I have no friends.

Don't waste your breath, children.


He's under my control now.

We owe you fentons a debt of gratitude

And an apology.

Save it for the bake sale, thurston.

We need to bust out of this tent.

Leave it to us.

If there's one thing we mansons know how to do,

It's whip an angry mob of parents into a frenzy.

[People screaming]

Saddle up the fenton r.v.

We'll head those spooks off at the pass.

Don't just stand there. Finish them!

Maybe you should try holding that thing up

A little higher.

Way to go, man.

Now, give me .

Very good, drone. Now, bring me my staff.

Come on. Bring it.

Fight it, danny.

He's not holding the crystal ball anymore.

You are!


Obey me, ghost. Give me my staff.

Come on.

I saw you up on that high wire.

You were fighting him the whole time.

Fight him now, danny.

You're not just a ghost. Fight him!

Quiet! All of you!

I need to think.

Stop her! Now!

Well, it's the crystal ball or your friend, danny.

Your choice!

I didn't mean that to be so literal!

Sam! No!

Sam? Sam!

[Sam screaming]

Danny, are you ok?

I think so. It's all a blur.

I did some bad stuff, didn't i?

Nothing you can't fix.

Good. Now, maybe you can convince tiny here

To let go of me.

What? Huh?

Where are we?

Are we free? Finally free?

Only one way to find out.

Ok. When I called you "minions,"

It was really a term of endearment

Like--like, "I love my minions."

You wanted a big haul? Try this on for size.

Gah! Oh, that quite smarted.


So, what do you say we stick around and explain to the cops

We were being controlled by an evil ringmaster?

You know, I had a feeling that would be their answer.

Nice work, kids.

You caught that weirdo goth punk thief red-handed.

I'm just happy you're all safe.

More than safe. They're heroes!

We're so proud of you.

But you're all still grounded!

Grounded, schmounded.

This is cruel and unusual punishment.

I know, but it was the only way

I could convince them

To lift the restraining order on danny.

At least freakshow's in custody

And the stolen goods were returned.

So, why do I feel like we're forgetting something?

Waiting for godot!

Is anybody out there?

This is so wrong!

See you monday.