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01x09 - My Brother's Keeper

Posted: 03/21/24 09:50
by bunniefuu
[Bell ringing]





Ahh, spirit week. I love it so.

The pomp, the circumstance,

And mostly, the spirit sparklers.

Jasmine, did you know I was a cheerleader

When I went to school here?

Really? Weird.

No clue.

Look, can I talk to you for a minute, mr. Lancer?

About my brother danny?

He's been acting really strange lately.

Like he's not himself anymore.


I'd talk to him, but I'm his older sister,

And he's just gonna think I'm being bossy.

And if he doesn't get some help,

If he doesn't talk to somebody,

All that frustration I think he's repressing

Could come out the wrong way.


Good one, fenton.

You let him get away, you idiot.


♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom, danny phantom ♪

♪ Young danny fenton, he was just ♪

♪ When his parents built a very strange machine ♪

♪ It was designed to view a world unseen ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he is danny phantom ♪

♪ When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit ♪

♪ Then danny took a look inside of it ♪

♪ There was a great big flash, everything just changed ♪

♪ His molecules got all rearranged ♪

♪ When he first woke up, he realized ♪

♪ He had snow white hair and glowing green eyes ♪

♪ He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly ♪

♪ He was much more unique than the other guy ♪

♪ It was then that he knew what he had to do ♪

♪ He had to stop all the ghosts that were comin' through ♪

♪ He's here to fight for me and you ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

Jasmine: is it always so cold in here?

Of course.

I find that cold temperatures

Keep the mind icy sharp.

And don't you worry

About this mess of an office, either.

Stuff happens. No biggie.

Right, jasmine?

It's jazz. My friends call me jazz.

Yeah, well, your brother calls you fink!

Danny, I'm just trying to help.

Come on, we used to talk all the time.

Yeah, when I was and you weren't a fink.

That's more than enough out of you, fenton.

Get to class while ms. Spectra and I

Decide what your punishment is.

Unlike her brother,

Jazz is one of casper's best and brightest.

She'll be giving the keynote pep speech

At our centennial spirit-a-thon

On wednesday.

Right on. That's why I'm here.

To pump up the pep one student at a time.

Jazz, dr. Spectra is a highly respected motivational speaker

And teen therapist.

She's agreed to help pump up the volume

On that old casper high spirit this week.

And this is my assistant bertrand.


Jazz, we're gonna have a super week.

Wait'll you see what we have planned

For the spirit-a-thon.

Right after your speech--

Show her, bertrand.

We'll set off this domino chain

That says "casper spirit."

The dominos represent how each person's spirit

Effects the next person they touch.

Slammin', huh?

If by slammin' you mean weird,

Then yes.

And the spirit sparklers go off afterwards...right?

Oh, you bet they will.

After all, what's spirit week without spirit sparklers?

You know, you're a little over-peppy,

But my brother might benefit from talking to you.

But he's so mad right now, he'd never listen to me.

Yes, well, he'll listen to me.

So, you're saying my popularity is, like,

Completely dependent on my beauty?

I'm not saying it's fair, sweetie.

But if you feel you need something

Like a lot of makeup, I say go for it.

You're the only you you've got.

Danny, come on in.

I can't believe my stupid sister convinced lancer

To make this my punishment.

And can we please turn up the heat in here?

I can see my own breath.

Wow, you do complain a lot.

Hmm...well, your sister did say you could be a bit of a baby.

What?! Sweetie...

It's not your fault she thinks you're a loser.

Wait, jazz called me a loser, too?

Hey, those are her issues.

I'm not saying you're a loser, danny.

I think you're a great kid.

Then why do I feel so miserable?

You know what I think?

You might be a mess,

But "mess" is just the beginning of "message."

Now go out there and be a better you.


Why are you wasting your time on a messed up kid

When we've got a big to-do planned for wednesday?

Yeah, but wednesday's still a couple of days away.

Hmm, teen misery is the nectar

That keeps me looking fabulous.

And that fenton kid is like a walking spa treatment.

Hmm, then maybe I should up the ante.



Dude, you ok?

I'm fine.

I can't believe my sister told that shrink

I'm a loser.

Are you sure jazz said that?

That doesn't sound like jazz to me.

Hey, you guys.

What doesn't sound like jazz to you?

Still mad?

Wow, you are the smart one.

Danny, I know you're angry, but I'm worried about you.

Ever since the accident--

Jazz, I know you think you're helping,

And I'm sure when I'm older I'll appreciate it,

But right now, I don't.

You have to talk to somebody, danny.

You barely have any friends.

Besides these two.

And you have absolutely no extracurricular activities.

Unless you count the ghosts.

Shut it.

Well, maybe this is me now, huh?

Not everybody's pumped up

Full of spirit all the time, you know.

Huh! Ghost sense.

I don't see anything.

Danny? You're shivering.

Leave me alone!

It's worse than I thought.

A freakishly large hornet!!


Owww! My leg!


Aah! Aah!


Danny: back off, ghost bug.

Ghost bug?

Wait a minute, that was a ghost?

That was two ghosts?

Somebody called for an exterminator?

My, you are clever, aren't you?

Swat this, big boy.



I should have gone intangible.


I'm not getting better at this.

I'm getting worse.


All right, pal, time for you to--

Gone. Great.

Another bad guy gets away.

Maybe jazz was right. Maybe I am a loser.

A ghost?

Wait'll I tell danny.

Jazz: what do you mean, you didn't see a ghost?

It didn't look like a ghost to me.

It just looked like a big bug.

So I ran like a loser.

I was right.

You're not going to listen to me, are you?


Well, you don't leave me any choice.

Mom, dad, can I talk to you about danny?

What? Jazz. No!

Is there something wrong with danny?

Is there a ghost involved?

Is there something you want to talk about?

That involves ghosts?

I...i...actually, yes.

Jazz thinks she saw a ghost today.

Tell them, jazz.


Why didn't you tell us?!

It would have been a good chance to try out

The portable fenton ghost peeler.

It peels ghosts apart-- atom by atom.



Well, enjoy your chat.


[Bell rings]

Jazz: don't you think he's been acting weird?

I mean, haven't you noticed how gloomy and negative

He's been lately?

Uh, jazz, we're danny's friends.

That means we keep his secrets from you.


We've all got our problems, jazz.

I know you're worried, but danny's ok.

He keeps some things to himself,

But it's not like he's doing anything criminal.

[Alarm bell ringing]

[Sirens blaring]

A month's detention?

But I didn't do anything.

Hey, mr. Lancer, it was an accident.

But we're gonna take that accident

And make it an acci-don't

And learn from it

So it never happens again.

But-- no buts.

You could learn a little bit

About school spirit

From ms. Spectra here.

When I was in school,

I got the same advice.

And look how I turned out.

And this is supposed to help me how?

We're gonna help you overcome your fear

Of being called a baby.

I'm not afraid of being called a baby.

I'm afraid of being called a loser.

Ahh, and therein lies the problem.

You care too much what other people think.

Where do you want us to put these banners up, miss--

Hey, guys, check it out.

It's the casper high spirit baby!

Ha ha ha... Ha ha... Ha ha ha...

Of course.

I don't know.

Ms. Spectra says I worry way too much

About material possessions.

At least you'll have them.

Spectra says I'm gonna grow old, broke, and alone.

Man, it was brutal

Making you wear that stupid baby suit.

I could hardly watch.

Though I did get some good digital pics.

Hey! Whose side are you on, anyway?

Danny, come on, you know he's kidding.

Ah...yeah, I know.

I don't get it.

Why am I so depressed and angry all the time?

That shrink was supposed to be helping me.

Ever since I started talking to her, I've been feeling worse.

Hey, danny, how's it goin'?

Like you care.

Just go away, jazz.

Oh, no.

If my skin's perfect, I'll be perfect.

Do you mind?

You're like the second old woman

To hover over me today.

And I'm so not in the mood.


Gotta keep jazz busy.

Yeah, well, if you're gonna take her side,

Then you hang with her, too.

Here, take my seat. You've already taken my friends.

Danny, wait!

Come on!

He went this way.

I'm sure I can head him off.



Did you see that?

Tell me I didn't see what I just saw.

It's not what you think, jazz.

Of course it's not.

Ghosts aren't real.

Jazz, you sound like your father.

Samantha, voice-over: he keeps some things to himself.

Tucker, voice-over: we're danny's friends.

That means we keep his secrets from you.


Oh. Oh, of course. Ha ha...ha!

My parents are such loons, it's rubbing off.

Oh, my gosh, is it that late?

I've gotta work on my spirit week speech.

Whew... Whew...

Do you mind? I was here...



Aaaahhhh! Aaaaahh!

I know you need your makeup,

But you're just gonna have to wait your turn.


You're not very good at this, are you?

Yeah, well, maybe I don't need to be to beat you.


Then again...

Hey! Get away from him.

Or don't.

Seriously, it's open for discussion.

No! You leave them alone!


Oh, look, the little loser ghost has a few baby helpers.

Do...not... a loser!!

Well, that's enough damage for one afternoon.


Sure hope they're insured.

Great, he got away again.

Another ringing endorsement

For the town screw-up.



Ugh! What?!

Nothing! Uh, so, uh, danny,

I know I've been kind of hard on you lately,

But you know I think you're great, right?

Yeah, right.

That's not what I hear.

Then you've heard wrong.

Look, I know you think I'm pushy and I'm a know-it-all.

I know you think I can be a jerk sometimes.

You know, you can stop me at any time.

I know.


All I'm saying is I'm your sister,

And I care about you.

And even though you don't think I'll understand,

You can talk to me about anything.



I'm just saying,

If we can find that ghost at jazz's school,

We're gonna peel that ghost like an onion.

Well, we can't completely vaporize it.

Don't you want to at least examine the remains?

I don't feel like talking about it.

Yeah, I'd imagine not.

Oh, gross!

Samantha: um, is it me,

Or is this the worst spirit week

In the history of casper high spirit weeks?

Another day.

Another hours closer to a career of pumping gas.

At least you have a job.

Apparently, I'm gonna end up a hobo.

I didn't even know they had hobos anymore.

Did you know wrinkles can start emerging

As early as your mid-twenties?

And to make it worse,

We're all gonna have to sit through jazz's idiotic speech

When she tries to put the "i" back in spirit.

Or some other nonsense.

What the heck is she so happy about?

Don't ask me.

I'm usually the sour one around here.

But compared to everyone else, I'm the goth bird of happiness.

Me, too.

And we're the only two people in this school

Who haven't had a session with dr. Spectra.

Wait a minute. Let me see something.


I was gonna delete that.

Glad you didn't. Look at that.

I kept thinking I was seeing my breath,

That it was cold.

But what if that's my ghost sense?

What if spectra is somehow making people more miserable?

What if she's a ghost?

Only one way to find out.

I hate my life.

I hate your life more.


And remember,

There's only an "i" in misery if you spell it that way.


Man, that's good.

I'm gonna miss these kids.

They're a waterfall of misery.

There you are. You hooked up the device?

Of course.

And when the spirit sparklers go up,

Vaporizing the only chipper kid left in the entire school,

There'll be enough misery and anguish in that room

To keep us looking young forever!

[Bell rings]

Well, there's the bell.

Shall we go here a speech and bum some more kids out?


Cheerleaders: , , , ...

Hey, what's the matter with you kids?

You call that a cheer?

We got spirit! Yes, we do!

We've got the spirit! How 'bout you?

[Crickets chirping]


After we've destroyed everything,

You up for a cappuccino?

Oooh, that's a marvelous idea.


I figured it out, finally.

You feed on misery, don't you?

I'm sorry. Can I help you?

No, I'm sure you can't.

You can't help anyone except yourself.

You find that one thing

That a kid's most afraid of--

Their future, their looks,

Their confidence--

And you pick at it and pick at it

While your snippy little ghost assistant

Feeds on it.


Very good.

But I fear you've missed a few details.



In this, our centennial year, we pay tribute to the past

With the ceremonial dominoes,

Each of which will fall into the next

And finally trigger the ceremonial spirit sparklers.


[Crickets chirping]

You thought you were going to stop us?


You're just a frightened little kid.


Let go of me!

Why would I do that?

Your doubt, your misery, it's delicious.

And the best part is,

As soon as that silly speech is over

And that last domino falls

And the sparklers vaporize the speaker,

We'll leave you here to take the blame.

And by the time I'm done with you,

You'll be sure it was all your fault.

Man, I am so tired of you dumping on me.

And I am so tired of dumping on myself.

Jazz never did that.

Even when I was mad at her.

And I won't let her down!

Bertrand, sic him.

I so don't have time for this.




You're through.

And you're done telling me what to do!



Look at you.

What are you?

A ghost trying to fit in with humans?

Or some creepy little boy

With creepy little powers?



I don't know.

You're a freak!

Not a ghost, not a boy.

Who cares for a thing like you?

Jazz: excuse me.

I don't know this kid, but I hope it's ok

If he gets a second opinion.

Is this is weird?


Talk about having nothing within.

Aaahh! Nooo!

I'm nothing without my youth.


Hey, it worked.

But it's still weird.



You'd better go.



Oh, uh, right.

He can tell me when he's ready.

Miss fenton, you're needed.

Students: jazz! Jazz! Jazz...

Hey, she's ok.

Lancer: ahh, everybody's mood has lifted,

As though some gloomy malevolence has been shooed away.

Your disappearing act worked marvelously.

They've got their spirit back.

Jazz: they're not the only ones, mr. Lancer.

They're not the only ones.