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01x07 - Bitter Reunions

Posted: 03/21/24 09:46
by bunniefuu
Finally. One day where I get home on time

Without any ghost detours making me miss my : curfew.





Or not.

Going ghost!

You fellas look lost.

Any chance of you staying that way?

Mind your own business,

Fancy pants ghost boy.

Hey, we've been circling this town for hours.

We could have been half way to florida by now.

Ask for directions.

I know where I'm going!

You so do not!

Ask him!

Ask me what?


We're on a search and destroy mission.

Can you help us find and peck to death

This guy here?


Uh-huh! See!

I told you he'd know where he is.

Nice try, kid.

Get him, boys!

Give it your best shot, guys!

I'm a whiz at dodge ball.

Ok, technically, it's dodge beak,

But who cares?


It's almost :.


You know that old saying

About a bird in the hand?


Well, neither do i!

And don't go messing any windshields

On your way out of town!

I wonder why those guys were trying to waste dad.

[Clock chimes]

Oh, no.


You're late again, young man.

Oh, poop.

♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny phantom, danny phantom ♪

♪ Yo, danny fenton, he was just ♪

♪ When his parents built a very strange machine ♪

♪ It was designed to view a world unseen ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit ♪

♪ Then danny took a look inside of it ♪

♪ There was a great big flash, everything just changed ♪

♪ His molecules got all rearranged ♪

♪ Phantom, phantom

♪ When he first woke up, he realized ♪

♪ He had snow white hair and glowing green eyes ♪

♪ He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly ♪

♪ He was much more unique than the other guys ♪

♪ It was then that he knew what he had to do ♪

♪ He had to stop all the ghosts that were coming through ♪

♪ He's here to fight for me and you ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all because he's danny phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's danny phantom ♪

Mother: danny,

This is becoming a problem.

You're constantly late coming home...

You're shirking from your chores...

You're grades are slipping...

You're shirking from your chores...

You already said chores.

I know, but when you don't do them,

I get stuck with them.

Look, I'm under a lot of pressure.

You two have no idea what it's like

To be a kid today.

Come on, danny,

That's the oldest excuse in the book.

There's nothing you're going through

That your father and I

Didn't go through when we were your age.


Well, I beg to differ.

The reason danny doesn't think

You can relate to him

Is that you never take the time

To tell him about your childhood.

Danny: jazz!

Have you ever told him how you met?

About your first date?

Danny: jazz? Where you went to college?

You know, jasmine,

That's a great idea.

It is? What is?

This is!

You can come with your mother and I

To our college reunion.



Sure, my old pal vlad

Is throwing a huge shindig there.

We'll take the rv so the whole family can go together.

You can learn more about

Your mother's and my college days,

And while we drive,

I can blather on about ghosts!



Ha ha! It works!

I can't wait to blather on about that, too!

Jasmine: how does this happen?

You goof up, and I have to spend

Days jammed in the fenton ghost rv?

That's the fenton family ghost as*ault vehicle, folks.

Every button in this baby

Is a ghost's worst nightmare.


I need some air.

Don't press any buttons!

I'll get you for this.

Get some rest, everybody.

I want the entire fenton clan

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

When we meet masters tomorrow.

Wait, wait, wait.


As in vlad masters--

Who was named "affluence" magazine's

Billionaire of the year?

That's the guy.

In college, he was my best friend.

We were very popular guys.

Roommates, lab partners,

We did everything together...

Until the thick fingers of fate

Stuck themselves right in vlad's eyes.

I'm telling you, jack,

It won't work!

Bogus, v-man! It totally will!

This proto-portal is guaranteed to

Bust open the wall

Into the ghost dimension.

Jack, these calculations aren't right.





Jack, narrating: he was hospitalized

With a horrible case of ecto-acne.

It devastated him...

And k*lled his social life.

We haven't spoken since that day.

But the good news is,

I think after all these years,

He's finally forgiven me.


And maddie!

You've never looked lovelier, my dear.

Please, please, come in.

Vladdy, my man,

It's good to--



Jasmine: what's with the green and gold?

You're a billionaire.

Surely you could afford an interior designer.

Jazz, hello?

Football helmets, jerseys...


He's a packers fanatic.

Jack: hello?!

Vlad: fanatic is such a negative word.

But, yes.

I don't understand.

You have billions of dollars.

Instead of buying this stuff,

Why don't you just buy the team?

Because the packers are owned

By the city of green bay,

And they won't sell them to me!

One of two things my wealth

Has not as of yet...

Been able to acquire.

Is he hitting on mom?

As long as he's got working toilets

And mom says no, who cares?

I'd, uh...

Better let jack in.

Danny: whoa, cool!


This ball was autographed

By the legendary ray nitschke himself.

It's my prized possession.

Jack: heads up, v-man!

Ha! I see you've still got the old moves.

Give me that!

I never had any old moves!

All those years in the hospital

Robbed me of that!


But it gave me time to chart out

A course for my life, didn't it?

Make some decisions

That helped to make me very wealthy

Very quickly.

And it never would have happened

Without you, jack.

Uh, yeah.

Maybe we should go.

No, no!

You should stay with me!

That's the whole reason

I'm throwing the reunion here

In my castle--

Previously home to the legendary

Wisconsin dairy king...

Just so I could reconnect with you, jack.

I insist you stay.

Well, I don't know.

We do have a really cool rv.

Let's stay here!


You know, jack,

The dairy king's ghost

Could haunt these very halls.

I'll get the bags!



Oh, great.

Just what I need,

A working vacation.

Hey, what gives?!


Sweet relief.

Hi, guys!

Remember me?



That was almost too easy.

Vlad: ah.

Bright boy.

Oh, whatever.

I was aiming for the birds,

But you'll do.




Whoa. Fast.

All right.

Better stop fooling around.


Aah! Oof!

My vultures were supposed to bring

The big idiot to me,

But you'll do.

Danny phantom. Right? know me?

Of course I know you.

You're the ghost boy who uses his powers for good.

How quaint.

Aren't you going to try to shove me

Into your ridiculous thermos?


I don't want to fight you.

No. No you don't.


Get away!

Oh, an ectoplasmic energy blast.

So year one.

Tell me, child,

Can you do this yet?

No, I can't!

How are you doing all this?

All: years of practice,

Which you, unfortunately, have no time for.




The ghost boy is jack's son?

Well, what do you know?

No! Get away!


Where am i?

What happened?

Vlad: I was going to ask you

The same question, young man.

I must have been worn out

From the long car trip.

I'll be ok in the morning.

I'm sorry for the scare.

Oh, what's a little scare

Between friends, son, hmm?

Sleep tight, little badger.


Sleep tight.

Ha ha ha!

[Pep band music plays]

Danny: jazz, aren't you coming to the reunion?

What? And watch a bunch of old fossils

Pogo to new wave music?


Did you know the packers won

The very first super bowl?


Announcer: on a snowy day at lambeau,

Bart starr faces butkus and the bears.

Hey, harry!


I'd know that voice anywhere.



How nice.

Danny, meet harriet chin.

She's a big-shot reporter

For the "milwaukee journal" now,

But back in my college days,

She was just harry.

Harry chin. Ha ha! Get it?!

I'm really sorry, harriet.

Sweetie, you married him.

You should be.

[New wave music plays]

Hey, my song!

Come on, let's pogo!


Ok, I'm officially mortified.

What took so long?

Vlad: well, son,

You're looking much better.

I was wondering...

If you could do me a huge favor.

Oh, sure, mr. Masters.

But call me danny.

Son is what my dad calls me.

Oh, yes, yes, of course.

Now, could you go to my lab--

Second door on the right upstairs--

There's a present in there for your father

That I'd like you to bring down.

Ha ha. Ok!


That lab accident cost me my youthful chance at you.

But that's all about to change.


I don't see a present.

Hey! Wait a minute.

Oh, no.

No way.

Huh? Whoa!

Let go!

Those ghosts!

They were two of the first ghosts I fought!

And they're not alone, pup.




How did you get back in your ectoskeleton?

What are you doing here?

All excellent questions.


Huh? Hey!

I can't phase out of this.

It's disrupting my powers.

And that's not all it does.


Ha. Uh...

The glowing blade is new.

You like it?

I've had some upgrades.


Vlad: enough!

I didn't free you to k*ll the boy, skulker.

Your work is done.

Yes, well, i...

I've gotta go to the library

And check out a book on a gorilla.



The ectopusses.

I don't understand.

Of course not.

You're, what, ?

Too young to drive

And not in college yet.

I sent those ghosts

And others to test your father's skills.

Imagine my surprise when I find you,

The second ghost hybrid his foolishness created.



I'm going ghost!

Going ghost!

Why can't I go ghost?

You have a battle cry-- hilarious.

I, on the other hand...

Have this!

A spectral energy neutralizer,

Designed by skulker, paid for by me.

And as long as you're contained

Within that box,

You're as human as your idiot father.

Let me out of here!

Why? So you can go back to

Stumbling through your adolescence

Desperately trying to get control of your powers?

Powers, by the way, that I've had

For years.

I have experience, my child.

And the money and power

Attained through using those powers

For personal gain, you see.

I could train you, teach you everything I know,

And all you'd have to do

Is renounce your idiot father.

Dude, you are one seriously crazed up fruit loop.

That is never going to happen.

Yes, we once your father is out of the way,

We'll see how you feel.


Then I covered the guerilla uprising in rumackistan,

Got an exclusive with the rebel leader

That got raves--

Am I boring you, jack?!

Frankly, yes.

So, what do you say we liven up this shindig?


Jack, what's the matter with you?

Why, maddie, didn't you always know I'd turn on you?

That when you chose me you chose wrong?

Get out.

Get out of me!

I don't know what's come over you,

But when I write about this--

Ghost... Overpowering me.

Maddie, run.


He's a ghost?

This is the story of the century.

Come on!

We have to get to the fenton family ghost as*ault vehicle--

I mean the rv!


Man: well, gosh and golly,

It looks like you could use a speck of help there,

Don't you know.

Hey, you're the dairy king.

Oh, great.

What are you gonna do,

Suffocate me with limburger?

Strangle me with swiss?

Or-- ha ha!

Let me go.

Well, thank you.

But why?

Not all ghosts are evil, right?

Some of us just want to be left alone there,

Don't you know.

Hey, will you help me fight plasmius?

I'm the dairy king, kiddo.

Kings don't fight.

The send other people to fight for 'em.

That's royalty there, don't you know.

Try the gouda!

It's dairy fresh!

Maddie: jack!


So, maddie,

When did you first realize

Your husband was a monster

Bent on destroying his smarter,

More successful, and better-dressed peers?

What are you talking about?

That jumpsuit is incredibly stylish.

[Engine revs, tires squeal]


I'm guessing we won't be invited back.


If you live to tell the tale,

Remember that big, fat jack fenton

Did this to you!

Danny: guess again, cheesehead.


Nobody uses jack fenton as a human meat puppet!

Daniel, stop.

Think about the things I could show you,

The doors I could open for you.

You, danny phantom, and I vlad plasmius,

Together we could rule.

Forget it, pal.

Your money can't buy my mom,

It can't buy the packers,

And it can't buy me!

I know who you are.

I'll tell my father.

I'll tell everyone.

And so will i.

Honestly, if you expose me,

You expose yourself.

[Horn honking]


Mind if I cut in?

Let go of me!

Never again, woman.


Oh, great. It's a stick.

And I wasn't going to come to this thing!


Jack, look out! The rv!

Sorry, dad.

I've got one shot at this.



Ha ha!

Uch! Uch!

Jack! You did it!

It was nothing, mom--

Uh, maddie.

Sure, maddie.

You make sure harry's ok while I finish this.

How's it going, v-man?

Oh, you've overshadowed jack.

Oh, I'm so scared.

Now, what's next, a card trick?

Listen to me.

I swear I'll walk out of my dad right now

And expose us both unless you agree to a truce.

You're bluffing.

No, I'm not.

My parents will accept me no matter what.

But if I expose you--

Well, what would my mom think of you?

You'll be miserable and alone

For the rest of your life

Unless you call a truce.

Using your opponent's weaknesses against him.

I am teaching you something after all.

Very well.


Eventually, you will join me, by choice--

You and your mother.

But for now...


Curse you, jack fenton!

Your world-renowned expertise

Of all things ghost

Has defeated me!

Until next time, son.


World-renowned expertise.



I have never seen you like this!

You beat that ghost all the way to kenosha!

I did? Oh, heck,

I'm just doing my job.

And mine!

Jack, for all the years I thought you were a crackpot

I sort of apologize.


This story will make your career--

And mine!

I can't believe they fired harry.

Of course they fired her.

She tried to file some crackpot story

About ghosts.

It's the "milwaukee journal,"

Not the "national enquirer."

I can't believe harry blames me.

And vlad was so mad,

He didn't even say good-bye.

And we were all such great chums in college.

Uh, whatever.

Who cares what you were when you were younger?

It's who you grew into that makes you who you are.

You think? Hey!

If you can cause that much damage in college

And still turn out to be this cool,

Ghost-butt-kicking adult,

Well, maybe there's hope for me yet.

Thanks, son.

But your curfew is still :.

Oh, man!

♪ Billionfold, inc.