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01x04 - Attack of the k*ller Garage Sale

Posted: 03/21/24 09:23
by bunniefuu
- Okay, in algebraic terms, A squared plus B squared

equals C squared, where C is the hypotenuse while A and B

are the sides of the triangle.

Got it?

- [sighs]

- Dash, you have to focus!

I'm doing a thesis on tutoring the un-tutorable,

and you're disproving my thesis that nobody's un-tutorable!

- You know, you're beautiful when you use the word un--

untu--uh...whatever that word is.

- Hey, Jazz.

Dash! What are you doing here?

- [zapping] - [gasps]

- ♪

- Watch it, Fentonowski!

- Uh, sorry. I was just, uh, passing through.

- Now that that twinkie's out of the way,

you're coming to my party Saturday, right?

It'll be a chance for you to see me in my rightful setting--

King of Casper High.

- And a great place to work on my thesis on the effects

of being mean to my brother and then asking me out.

Hmm. I'll go on one condition.

- Hey, Danny! Check out my latest innovation

in ghost-grabbing technology: the Ghost Weasel!

It collects ambient ghost energy

and sh**t it into the Ghost Zone.

- Does it work?

- Why wouldn't it?

Only one way to find out.

- [machine whirs]

- ♪

- [struggling]

Darn it! Better get the Fenton Unlodger.

- ♪

- Dad, couldn't you just throw it into--

- [machine whirs]

- [beeps]

- ♪

- [machine beeping]

- --Reverse!

- [machine beeping]

- [evil laughing]

- Child! You have freed me, Technus,

ghost master of science and electrical technology!

- Oh, no, you don't!

- ♪

- You're not going to use the technology in this lab

to take over the world!

- What?

That's a great idea!

Have you ever considered tutoring?

- ♪

- [zapping] - [grunts]

- ♪

- You know what? I've already been dumped on

once in my own house.

And that's enough for one day!

- [machine whirring]

- ♪

- [yelling]

- ♪

- [expl*si*n]

- [splattering]

- JACK: Danny, I'm coming back,

and I can't wait to see the lab looking exactly as I left it.

- Ugh!

- ♪

- Yep. Perfect.

- ♪

♪ He's a phantom

♪ Danny Phantom, Danny Phantom ♪

♪ Young Danny Fenton, he was just ♪

♪ When his parents built a very strange machine ♪

♪ It was designed to view a world unseen ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom ♪

♪ When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit ♪

♪ But then Danny took a look inside of it ♪

♪ There was a great big flash, everything just changed ♪

♪ His molecules got all rearranged ♪

♪ Phantom

♪ When he first woke up, he realized ♪

♪ He had snow white hair and glowin' green eyes ♪

♪ He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly ♪

♪ He was much more unique than the other guys ♪

♪ It was then that he knew what he had to do ♪

♪ He had to stop all the ghosts that were comin' through ♪

♪ He's here to fight for me and you ♪

♪ He's gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom ♪

♪ Gonna catch 'em all 'cause he's Danny Phantom ♪♪

- ♪

♪ He's a phantom, phantom

♪ Danny Phantom


- ♪

- [indistinct chatter]

- So, Saturday night plans. I say we hit the amusement park.

I hear the new roller coaster has a free fall

that'll take three years off your life expectancy.

- No way. It costs bucks just to get in there,

not to mention food and stuff.

- Hey, if you're tapped out, I could lend you the cash.

- "Lend" means "repay," and "repay" is out of my reach.

Right, Danny?

Danny? Hello?!

- ♪

- [crowd cheering]

- DANNY: Great, it's the hottest party

of the whole school year, and Paulina's going,

and I'm not, again.

- I don't understand what you see in her.

- Are you kidding? She's only, like, perfectly flawless.

- Okay, uh, let me get the Mighty Meaty Cheesy Melt.

Um, how meaty is that?

- That would be mighty meaty.

- Well, can I get it a might-less meaty?

- That's one Mighty Mini Meaty Cheesy Melt.

- You're right. She's a goddess.

- Why don't we get invited to the really cool parties?

We've got style, charm, good looks.

At least I do, anyway.

- Dream on. On the social circuit,

we're as invisible as Danny in his ghost mode.

Not that it'll matter five years from now,

but we have each other, right?

- DASH: Here!

Your sister made me invite you.

Just you!

Show up, shut it, go home, and nobody gets hurt.

- Hey, Danny!

- What's up, Fenton? Party!

- See you Saturday, Danny.

- I'm--I'm invited!

I've arrived!

- Swell.

Send us a postcard from Popularity-ville.

- I will!

- [school bell rings]

- Seriously, Danny, ever since you got that invitation,

you're all about the in crowd.

- Come on, Tuck. [chuckling]

That's ridiculous.

Kwan! Looking good!

- Fenton-meister! Woo-hoo!

- He's right, Danny. It's like-- - DASH: Hey, Fenton!

Come here!

- --we're not even here.

- If you're coming to my party, you have to look the part.

This is what we're all wearing Saturday.

Very high-end, very hip, very Dash.

You do have one, right?

- Huh? Uh, yeah! Oh, sure.

I--I have two. That's how hip and high-end I am.

- Well, wear one.

I might have had to invite you, but if you embarrass me,

your sister's gonna be doing her thesis on your bruises!

- ♪

- Oh, man. This must cost a fortune!

Where am I going to get the money by Saturday?

- You know, I almost hate to offer--

- PAULINA: Hey, Danny!

You wanna hear my new CD?

It's really crunk!

- Is crunk good? - It's Paulina.

- Crunk's good! Be right there!

- Okay, this is getting really annoying.

- ♪

- [machine whirs] - [machine growling]

- Mom, what are you making?

- Hot dogs!

- We invented a way to cook them

ten times faster than a microwave.

- [bell dings]

- [growling]

- Great. You've figured out how to put the "Frank"

back in "Frankenstein."

- Hey, Dad, can you spare me some cash?

I-I need to buy some clothes for Saturday.

- Danny, Danny, Danny. You know, as inventors,

your mother and I have plenty of money.

- But as parents, we understand that you should understand

the value of money.

You want money, you gotta earn it.

- You mean, get a job?

- That, or sell something.

Like your old comic books or some other junk you don't need.

- Uh, speaking of which,

that junk from the Ghost Weasel expl*si*n

needs to go in the shed, if there's room.

That old barn hasn't been cleaned out in years.

- This is not junk!

Every single item in this box is of vital importance to me.

- Do you even know what this is?

- Not a clue. But I know it's important,

so it's off to the shed.

- [door creaks open]

- ♪

- [thud]

- You know, maybe I should get rid of this junk.

Ah well, that's a job for another day.

- Saturday's another day.

- ♪

- DANNY: It's a perfectly good vacuum motor, Mr. Lancer.

Only used once! Ten bucks.

- Looks to be in fine shape.

This should fix my Hair Hornet very nicely.

- Hair Hornet?

The crazy vacuum cleaner/ hair clipper they sell on TV?

Don't you need hair for that?

- Good one, Mr. Foley.

I'll remember that on Monday when I'm grading tests.

- ♪

- Just sold a toaster.

You know, I'm surprised your dad's letting you

sell off all his stuff.

He's such a pack rat.

- Yeah, well, he's been planning on getting rid of this junk

for a long time.

He won't even miss it... I hope.

- I'm pleased with the turnout today.

We're doing a really brisk business.

- I'm still bucks short of what I need for those sweats.

- You're still welcome to hang with us tonight.

Mega-movie marathon at my place.

- Your place?

Wow. You never invited us to your place before.

- That's because we're usually fighting ghosts with you.

I figured it's time--

- Hey, Fentina!

- --for you to totally ignore me

for about the billionth time this week.

- Jazz has given me so much extra schoolwork

that my computer's overloaded.

Got anything to make it work?

- Oh, sure do.

This motherboard and this Portals XL operating system

will make it work like it's brand new!

Twenty bucks takes it all,

and I'll even throw in this upgrade disk.

- Done. See you tonight.

And just because I can't believe I'm saying it,

I will say it again. See you tonight.

- ♪

- Twenty bucks! I'm in!

Oh, jeez. I better get to the mall before the shops close.

You guys don't mind cleaning up for me, do you? Great! See ya!

- So now we're his clean-up crew, too?

- TUCKER: See you tonight!

- [crickets chirping]

- [doorbell rings]

- Right. That's two medium, one pepperoni, and one veggie.

Put it on my tab. Hey, Tucker.

- I hope they hustle.

I'm starved. - [doorbell rings]

- Here's your pizza, Sam.

- Thanks, Nate.

- Ten bucks? Thanks, Sam!

- You tipped the guy a ten-spot?

- Whoops. Sorry. I thought it was a one.

Come on. We're watching movies downstairs.

- ♪

- This is your downstairs?!

- What? Too much?

- Uh-huh.

- I know, I should have told you and Danny this a long time ago,

but my family's kind of...filthy rich.

Weird, huh?

- Whoa! Time-out! You're loaded?

- My great-granddad Izzy was an inventor.

He invented that machine that twirls cellophane

around deli toothpicks.

- You're the deli toothpick cellophane-twirling heiress?

No way!

- Look, if this is too much for you,

we can do something else.

- Are you kidding?!

- I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday night

than with a back-shaving jamboree.

- [razor whirs]

- ♪

- [razor whirring]

- ♪

- ♪

- Popularity, here I come.


- ♪

- [razor whirs] - [gasps]

- ♪

- Uh!


- ♪

- Whoa! Whoa! I just got my hair the way I like it!

On my head!

- ♪

- And I'm way too young to shave!

- Going ghost!

- ♪

- Ah!

- ♪

- Okay, it's a haircut, not a head-cut!

- ♪

- [grunts]

- ♪

- [glass shattering]

- [groaning and grunting]

- ♪

- Huh?

- ♪

- I know I should be concerned, and I will be.

Right after the party.

- [scooter revs]

- ♪

- Tucker, are we watching movies or not?

- Okay, okay. Just a few more questions.

Could you buy a plane? - Yep.

- A yacht? - Yep.

- Um...a bowling alley?

- Nope.

- [beep] - ♪

- There's no place to put a second one.

- [horn honks]

- ♪

- Yippee! Bubbe's hot tonight!

- ♪

- [sniffs] That's weird,

because you don't smell stinking rich.

- Ugh. Will you stop it?

That's the whole reason I didn't tell anybody.

- But I don't get it.

With all this money, why do you hang out with me and Danny?

If you flash a little of that bling bling,

you'd be Miss Popularity!

- I don't need popularity, Tucker,

especially not if I have to buy it.

- You should tell that to Danny.

Can you believe people actually spent good money

on that old junk from his parents' shed?

- Well, I did snag this really cool remote for three bucks.

And he did give Dash a pretty good deal on the computer stuff.

- DASH: Maybe Fenton's not such a loser after all.

[laughs] As if.

But this thing runs like a race car!

- [beeping] - Whoa! Getting late.

Better shower and change before the early birds show up.

- ♪

- [evil laugh]

- ♪

- [barking and growling]

- [screams]

Great. Leftovers.

- Well, is it the b*mb?

Is it fresh?

Is it stoopid... with an O-O?

- Oh, it's stupid. I'll give you that.

- Well, you'll change your tune when you see me at the party.

When are you changing?

- Not changing. Not going. - What?

You're the only reason Dash invited me!

- Not caring.

- JACK: Code red!

- And...not staying.

- Somebody's raided the junk shed while we were away.

Danny, did you see anything?!

- Uh, no, no! Not a thing, but...

we should compare notes once I get home from the party. Bye!

- Good plan, son!

In the meantime, I'd better secure the lab.

Cover me, boys. Serpentine!

- [growling]

- Okay, this is it.

Don't screw it up.

Look out, world, here comes Danny Fenton!

- [doorbell rings]

- Uh, Dash?

- Oh, right, right.

You're not really part of my posse,

so you didn't get the email.

You see, after buying that computer stuff,

I didn't have enough money to buy the sweatsuit,

so I changed the dress code to loser chic!

- [indistinct chatter]

- Oh, swell.

- You like it?

It's so horrible, it's cool!

Eck, who dressed you, your mom?

- Uh--[sighs]

- TECHNUS: Yes! It is time!

Calling all mechanized spirits!

Come to me, my minions!

It is time to fulfill my destiny!

[evil laughing]

- ♪

- [whirring]

- ♪

- Ah! Wwah!

- Tucker, if you want to watch a part over again,

could you please tell me first?

- Me? You're the one messing with the remote.

- ♪

- I'm not schooled in the ways of the rich,

but do all your remotes do that?

- No. Well, my toaster does, but it's from Denmark.

That stuff Danny was selling must have been contaminated

with ghost stuff!

- ♪

- [zapping]

- ♪

- Looks bad.

Probably a job for Danny Phantom.

- Probably. And if I wasn't so mad at him,

I'd probably care that it's going to interrupt

his big jock party. Shall we?

- ♪

- Hi, I'm Danny. Do you guys--

Hey, aren't you in my fifth period?


- ♪

- What am I doing?

These people aren't my friends, even if they all look like them.

Man, I wish Tucker and Sam were here.

It's lonely being popular.


[gasps] That's odd.

- [electronic beeping] - [gasps]

- [evil laughing]

- ♪

- I am Technus, master of all things mechanical!

And once I complete my construction,

you will all succumb to my awesome pow--pow--

Whoa, whoa. Pow--pow!

What is wrong with me?

- DANNY: The upgrade!

Dash still hasn't upgraded the software!

Oh, no! You're not getting that upgrade disk

and making yourself more powerful!

- What? Another great idea!

The heck with tutoring!

You should be a teacher!

- ♪

- Ghost toast?

Jeez, how many letter jackets does one guy need?

And these-- I don't even wanna know.

- ♪

- [crash]

- You are a formidable opponent,

but a little wet behind the ears.

Perhaps you could use a little drying off?

- [machine whirs]

- [yelling]


- ♪

- TECHNUS: A-ha!

- DANNY: Ah!

- ♪

- [beeping]

- [growls]

- ♪

- [grunts]

- [steam hisses]

- Fenton... you're a dead man!

- ♪

- Sam! I got the Fenton Thermos!

You know, Danny's really got to start carrying this

in some sort of lunchbox.

- Everything is gravitating here to Dash's house.

Looks like whatever fun Danny's having

will be coming to an end soon.

- [crash]

- [yelling]

[groans] Hi, Sam. Hi, Tuck.

Glad you could make it.

- ♪

- I am Technus, master of technology

and destroyer of worlds!

Behold my awesome electronic fury!

Who's your daddy?

- Huh?


- [metal dings] - [grunts]

- [metal dinging]

- [groans and grunts]

Guys? Help!

- ♪

- [metal dings]

- Come on, guys!

Guys, come on, seriously!

- ♪

- I'm sorry I chose hanging with the popular kids over you guys.

It was stupid and shallow, and I'll never do it again!


- How can we be of assistance?

- He's running an old version of Portals XL.

- That piece of vaporware? It's the worst software ever.

- Keep him busy.

I think I know how you can beat him.

- That, I can do.

Get back, you hunk of my dad's junk!

- Could mere junk do this?

- [electronic beeps]

- ♪

- Give me that!

- ♪

- [groans]

Tucker, any time!

- I'm trying, I'm trying!

- What's wrong?

- I'm trying to bypass the program, but I can't!

He must have upgraded.

- What do we do?

- We need the latest version of Portals XL,

but where are we gonna get it this time of night?

- Leave it to me.

- [dialing phone]

- [grunts] Guys?

- Here you go, Sam.

- Thanks, Tracey.

- Wow! You have access to the latest technology after hours?

- Yep.

- What else can you do after hours?

- Just sign the voucher, sir.

- Uh, excuse me. I'm Sam.

I don't believe I caught your name.

Perhaps you should scream it really loud

and shout out your motive.

- Hello. I am Technus!

Manipulator of machines!

Lord of all gadgetry!

Wizard of integrated circuitry!

- Go on.

Isn't there more you'd like to tell me?

- Oh, yes! I am also master of all...

- What's happening?

- ♪

- TUCKER: Portals XL is happening.

Everybody knows that every new version of Portals XL

has a gigantic hole in its security system.

- What?! No!

- Yes!

- ♪

- Process this!


- Wait! That doesn't go there!

- ♪

- [suit powers down]

- And for my final trick.

- ♪

- Noooooo!

- ♪

- [metal dinging]

- [alarm sounding]

- Nice going, Tuck.

- Don't thank me. Thank lousy software.

- [school bell dings]

- So, what's the damage from this weekend?

Did you get in trouble for taking your folks' stuff?

- Not really.

I hauled it all back to the shed yesterday while they were out.

My dad's checking every piece

for government surveillance devices.

- Sounds like you got off pretty easily.

- Well, I do have to return those stupid sweats

so I can refund everybody's money.

And I still feel terrible about the way I treated you guys.

Of all people, I should know how it feels to be invisible.

- So would you say you've learned a lesson from all this?

- ♪

- Fenton!

- Yep. That one person's trash

is another person's revenge.

- ALL: [laughing]

- ♪


- ♪ Billionfold - Inc.

- ♪