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01x09 - Burn Notice

Posted: 03/20/24 20:34
by bunniefuu

Over there!

Through those branches!


[SUNNY] Do you think
they're still alive?

Because there was no blood on
the boot according to the chat room.

[TESS] You really gotta stop
reading these things, okay?

They haven't been declared missing,

they just missed a couple of posts.

There is no "there" there.

Yeah, but it's such a crazy story.

Skyler and Amelia, two BFFs,

who are live-streaming their road trip

across the continent,
when all of a sudden,

they stop broadcasting,
and poof! The van disappears.

I don't know, I've never been
much for influencers, so...

These two were different.

Their van runs solely
on used fryer grease,

making them completely carbon neutral.

Yeah, and helping them get clicks.

How can you be so cynical?

That boot was found in your area.

Do you know how many women
go missing every year?

Yeah, I do, a quarter million
at least in the U.S. alone,

but this boot was found
by crime junkies.

- So?
- So, the entire search was prompted

by an unsubstantiated
Skymelia sighting.

It's just internet hysteria.

You know, for someone
who is so disinterested,

you sure know the lingo.

Jake's here. [GASPING] Ooh!

He might have Skymelia updates.

- This is where we part ways.
- Why?

Can't I stay on? Maybe he can
get you on the case...

- Bye, Sunny.
- No, it's... Mm!

[JAKE] Hey, so,
talked to my buddy in New York.

I got the information
on your friend, Sunny Patel.

- Not my friend.
- I'm not even gonna ask about that.

Okay, I sent you the audio
link as well, but headliners,

Uh, she grew up in Delaware.

She's divorced, she's got no kids,

and she's lived in New York
since about 2006.

- That's it?
- That's it, yeah.

- You looking for something else?
- A traumatic event,

maybe a conviction,

some kind of connection to a crime.

You want to tell me what's going on?

Uh, no, you know,
it's just a woman I met

in one of my guiding apps.

She just... I don't know,
I got a hunch about her.

- Well, you're usually bang on.

Not according to this report, though.

Oh, okay, Leo is
asking if we want coffee.

- You want a coffee?
- No, I gotta get home.


Hey, should I be concerned
about this woman?

Uh, no, you know what...
it's probably just in my head.

Don't-don't sweat it.


♪ There's somethin' in the shadows... ♪


[KYE CALLING] Hey, Sunny, you home?

That's a joke, for the record.

It's Kye, obviously.





- Surprise!
- Oh, my...

- Mia?

Lucas let me in. He came
by to pick up a wine decanter,

which I'm guessing
you're not gonna see again.

Yeah, 'cause I could see it
so well to begin with.

Ah, which brings me
to the reason for my visit.

You have officially graduated

from the Mia Moss
Blind Enhancement Program!

Where is your hand? Hand! Hand!

I am pretty sure that is not a thing.

And I am here to present you

with the traditional graduation cap.

- Whoa!
- You look fantastic.

Yeah, um...

this is Lucas's hat,

and you are a total weirdo.

[LAUGHING] Correct on both counts.


Truth is, I was in the area,

and thought I'd check in.

- How you been coping?
- Yeah, uh...

you know what, surprisingly well.


- Yeah.
- Still using the apps?

Why? Are you still judging them?


I do practice my cane technique


and mostly, I use the apps.

What, "Be My Eyes"?

"Aira"? "Blind Square"?

EyesUP mostly.

I beta-tested for them.

- Yeah?
- Been after my endorsement ever since,

trying to use my client base.

Oh, let me guess,
you are holding out for more money?

I'm not a fan of the apps,

but I understand
they work for some people.

Yeah, they do...

if you get the right guide.

This is Sunny?

She's not quite what I pictured.

but I guess we've never
Face-Timed before

[TESS] Well, I never asked her.
I mean, what would be the point?

Anyway, this is the only
Sunny Patel in New York City

who worked in marketing at
Chastain, and Jake's guy vetted her.

- Well, that's a good thing, right?

I don't know, something just feels off.

Are you sure
you're not just overreacting?

She tried to access
a Level 5 cold case,

even I'm not cleared for that.

Well, maybe she was
just snooping around.

Why don't you confront her about it?

Because if I'm right
we might spook her,

and if she spooks, she might disappear.


We need to find out what she's
up to without her knowing we know.


Why don't you get her on another case,

try to draw out personal info

while I do a little digging here?

- Okay?

Digging into what?

I mean, we already did
three background checks.

Well, I can dig deeper than Jake.

So just make sure
it's a case that she's into

so that she lets her guard down.


Yeah, I can do that.

All right, I'll catch up with you later.

Okay, I'm ready. Ready go!


[SUNNY] So, first,
we have Skyler Simon.

She's 22.

She's the taskmaster,

and she's all business,

and then we have Amelia Meadwell,

who's also 22,

with her signature pink cowboy boots.

She's a little bit quirkier,

but she's actually the one

that you can't take your eyes off of,


Yeah, I, uh, got the picture.

So what, you've just been
watching their whole trip?


You know, it just...
gets me out of the house...


So, are you really
gonna be asking Bennett

- to get you on the case?
- Uh, yeah, if I can convince him there is one.

I mean, look,

you've followed my instincts
plenty of times,

so maybe it's time
for me to follow yours.

So, walk me through
everything you know.

I would love to.

[SINGING] ♪ Sweet Caroline ♪

Bum, bum, bum!

♪ Good times never seemed so good ♪

So good! So good! So good!

So this is my favourite episode,

where they go to the
Adirondacks out East,

and they have a run-in
with a black bear,

- and they flirt with a park ranger.

You really think this could be a case?

Well, it's too early to tell,

but, you know, I've been
thinking about my cynicism

for all this influencer stuff,

and I don't know,
maybe it's clouding the fact

that two girls
might actually be missing.

What do you have
against influencers anyway?

Well, there's nothing worse than

pretending to be
someone you're not, right?

- [QUIETLY] Mm-hmm.
- But, you know, then again,

flirting with a park ranger
sounds pretty great, so...

Oh, I should read you
some of the theories

from The Skymelia Report.

Honestly, out of all the chatrooms...

Wait, go back.

To... what, the singing?

[TESS] No, just after.


- There.

There what? It's a stump.

No, listen.

- That bird.

That's a Steller's Jay.

I know from visiting
my grandma in Oregon.


So Steller's Jays are West Coast birds.

And they're in the Adirondacks,
which is out East.

So why pretend to be
somewhere they're not?


you would make a valuable asset

to the Skymelia chat rooms.

You know, there might actually
be something to this, Sunny,

but we need back-up.

I'm ready.

These girls covered some distance.

Yeah, 51 stops in four months.

All right, so the game is

we pull everything we can

from similar looking livestreams...

plants, fungi, animals,

whatever stands out...

cross-reference them
against each other,

and then find where these girls are

by process of elimination.

[SUNNY] Well,
I'm one step ahead of you.

Based on Tess' bird clue,
I did a deep-dive.

Check this out. [TYPING]


What am I looking at?

[SUNNY] It's called
"Pacific Bleeding Heart."

It only grows on the West Coast,

and now check out my screen grab

of the September 10th livestream

from the Ozarks out East.


Oh, there it is.

- [TESS] What?
- [MATT] Pacific Bleeding Heart...

right there in the background.

Right, so they were definitely
faking these livestreams

from the same place.

All right, let's go through
all 51 stops,

flag any of them that look suspicious.

I'll pool them together,

run them through a data-finder,

and see if I can hone in on a location.


this is like looking for
a needle in a haystack,

when your haystack
is the size of North America.

Okay, so you said Steller's Jay...


Okay, and now we have
the Pacific Bleeding Hearts

grow here...

and now we'll
cross-reference them together.


Our haystack is now
the size of North Dakota, eh?


I think I got something.



[MATT] Here's a livestream

of Olympic National Park

on September 4th.

Now, here's one of a campsite

north of Spokane two weeks later.

The tree in the background

looks like it was split by lightning.

- [TESS] And?
- [MATT] That doesn't just happen

in two different places
in two different time zones.

- Okay.
- That's the same tree.

[SUNNY] So now we have a landmark.

- I guess we're going on a road trip.
- [SUNNY] Really?

I love road trips!

[SINGING TOGETHER] ♪ Sweet Caroline ♪

Bum bum bum!

♪ Good times never seemed so good ♪

♪ So good, so good ♪

So good!


Uh, is this even a road anymore?

What, did you take
a wrong turn or something?

No, we're good, I think.

Well, these logging roads are remote.

We've narrowed the location of the tree

down to a three-kilometre radius.

Then we'll do a grid search.

Okay, so what's next?
I've got "Bohemian Rhapsody",

or "Dancing Queen"?

Ooh! A little Lady Gaga action?

"Poker Face" should do the trick.

Oh, man, I remember
when that one came out.

God, I was still on foot patrol,

and it was everywhere on my rounds.

I was in my third year university.

That thing was playing
on a loop in all the bars.

I was in high school.

That was our lunchroom jam.


can you... [CLICKING] can you...

- Hey, Matt?
- C-can you...

- Matt?
- I can't...



Okay, we're clear.

High school?

But that song came out in...

- 2008.
- Yeah.

Which would make her no older than 33.

And Jake's guy said that Sunny is 41.

No wonder she prefers
the voice calls to the video.


Okay, let's not push this,

because she's gonna get her guard up,

but we need to clock every bit of
personal information that she drops.

Let's get her back on.


just wanna talk to you first.

Where are we at exactly?

[CHUCKLING] Uh, you're asking me?


Well, we kissed,

and I thought that would
maybe change things,

but every time I try to get close,

you seem to pull back.

Okay, Matt, if this is
about this morning,

you know, news flash,

I can't exactly
read your body language.

[CHUCKLING] Yeah, okay,
so if you could see,

then you'd be all over me?

We are in the middle
of a potential homicide...

This has nothing to do with
your vision, and you know it...

- This is your classic go-to...
- So excuse me very much...

- every time you try to avoid...
- for reading a romance...


[TESS] Wow, are you serious right now?

[MATT] I thought I saw something.

- Where are you going?
- Just hang tight!

Wh... Matt!

- No, no, no, no, no.
- Matt!

[MATT MUTTERING] No, no, no, no...

[WHISPERING] No, no, no, no...

[MATT] It's their van.

It's bad, Tess.

[TESS QUIETLY] So, that's, uh...

that's what I was thinking about.

All right, thanks, man.

[SUNNY] What a terrible way to go!

The cruiser is 10 steps ahead.

Ah! I hate the bush.

Yeah, really inconsiderate
of them to die out here.

Okay, so the body's been
severely damaged by the fire,

but based on appearance,

and what remains of the I.D.,

it's likely Amelia Meadwell.

No signs of foul play yet.

Well, since when
do vans blow up on impact?

There were canisters
of fryer grease inside.

It just takes a spark.

The van had to have been
travelling pretty fast

to get over that embankment, right?

Skyler was the one who usually drove...


I don't think so, buddy.

Hey, no selfies, no texting!

So, body is being transported to Lindy,

it's the nearest small
town, and get this,

Amelia's father lives there.

That cannot be a coincidence.

Where do we stand
with the local police there?

We've been asked to stay on,

given the, um,
high-profile of the victim,

even though it's technically
not our jurisdiction.


I'd sooner chew glass
than spend another minute out here.

All right, Jake, how about you and I

- talk to the dad and get a statement?
- Mm-hmm.

All right, I just need a minute.

[SUNNY] Hey, Tess,
if you're looking for Matt,

he's 10 steps ahead.


I gotta go to Lindy.

- Are you good?
- Yeah.

Just gotta head back for class.

Keep me posted.

[LEO] ... and we'll text you
anything that I have, so we can, uh...

[TESS] I'll see you back there.

- [MATT] Okay.
- [TESS] Yup.

[MATT] Yeah.

I can't believe it.

It's her.

It's my baby girl.

Can you remember the last time
you saw Amelia, Mr. Meadwell?

A month, maybe?

She used to call me every week.

Are you sure this is Amelia?

Her, uh...

lotus flower tattoo.

She got it on her 18th birthday.

It's supposed to represent her
being the best that she can be.

We fought about it at first,

but I grew to love it.

Oh, and the scar on her shoulder,

she got that when she was 11.

A glass shelf collapsed

when she was reaching
for the special plates

for my birthday dinner.

Do you have any idea
what she was doing in the area?

Maybe she needed her dad's help.

I wish she and Skyler never met.

And why do you say that?

Amelia never gave a damn
about clicks or likes before Skyler.

Skyler just wanted to be a Kardashian.

You know, hungry for
her moment in the spotlight,

and she dragged my daughter
into a world she didn't belong.

Amelia was driving very fast
when the van crashed.

Was that typical of her?


Amelia was a timid driver.

She, uh, she used
to joke that she was...

... born to be chauffeured.

Well, do you have any thoughts
on why she might have been speeding?

Amelia had a lot of stalkers.

Maybe one of them was following her.

[SUNNY] He's not kidding.

Amelia had plenty of stalkers.

Any stand out to you?

[SUNNY] Yes.

There was AmeliaLuv349,

this retired postal worker,

and then there's AmeliaMuseX,

this Wisconsin artist,

who has painted over a
hundred pictures of her...

and then there was somebody
by the name of "The Cardinal",

who claims that she's
gonna replace Skyler

as Amelia's real BFF,

and follow her to the end of
the earth on a red motorcycle.

[TESS] Oh, man,
you gotta love the internet.


Well, you know...

there are parts of it that are great.

You know, most of it is fake.

[SUNNY] Do you know how old
you sound right now?

Just because something
is framed by a camera

doesn't make it not real.

Look, all I'm saying
is it's hard to know

who to trust sometimes.

I know.

I'm sorry,

it's just that Amelia
was this young, vibrant woman.

I just think we owe it to her

to follow every clue.

All right, we will.

Maybe I have gotten too cynical.


We've got a leak.

Word's out about the van discovery.

Does no one understand
the phrase "Keep a lid on it" anymore?

Well, cat's out of the bag anyways.

I just got word from the Auto Shop.

Techs took the van apart
piece by piece.

The burn pattern doesn't
match the point of impact.

Wait, so the fire wasn't caused
by a spark from the crash?

How did all that grease go up in flames?

- Kerosene.
- What, like from a camping stove,

- or a lamp?
- Nothing like that in the van.

Someone doused it and lit a match.

Wait, you're talking about a homicide.

Or a suspicious death
at the very least.

BOLO's out for Skyler Simon,

and the press is being notified.

I mean, whoever burned the van
could be trying to hide

the physical evidence of the body.

Mm-hmm, burn is a good way

to hide a s*ab wound or b*llet hole.

Body's being sent back to Vancouver.

Let Tess know.

You gotta to hear this.

got "Bohemian Rhapsody",

or "Dancing Queen,"

Ooh! A little Lady Gaga action?

God, you sneaky devil.

[MATT] Now listen to this.

key word is collaboration.

We need better synergy
with Sales, Development, and Finance...

Wait, who the hell is that?

Sunny Patel.

Pulled from a 2018 clip

at a marketing seminar in New York.

But that is a completely
different person.


Call from Jake Campbell.

- [JAKE] Hey, Tess, it's me.
- [TESS] What's up?

[JAKE] So there's been
a break on Skymelia.

You need to get your ass down here.

Okay, um...

Hey, this is, uh,
kind of a lot to ask, but...

do you mind driving me?


Okay, you're upset.

What? How could you tell?
I literally said one syllable.

Is this about Jake?

This has nothing to do with Jake.

Okay, so it's about
our talk in the car.

Let's just say that
I would rather talk about

the elephant in the room
than pretend it doesn't exist.

All right, fair enough,
but what you said

really caught me off guard.


Maybe that's part of the problem.

Okay, so now I have issues.

All right, let's go...

No, you know what, I'm just,
I'm gonna get an Uber.

You stay here and keep
digging on fake Sunny.

[BENNETT] The manhunt for
Skyler is now North America wide,

but nothing so far.

[JAKE] That's 'cause she's
more than likely a victim herself.

My guess is we're looking
at a double-homicide.

Do we have any update on the body?

So far, no signs of any knife wounds

or b*llet holes,

but the full autopsy of a
burn victim takes a while.

You need to see this.

heard what happened, 'Meels.

You can't be gone!

- This is live?
- [LEO] Sure is.

All right, let's get a ping warrant
so we can geo-track her location.

I'm already on it.

- Uniforms are on their way.
- All right.

Looks like Skyler's gonna
get her chance to talk.

She won't wanna livestream this one.

We were so close to
ten million followers.

That's the new Holy Grail,

and Amelia wanted to quit.

Said she was emotionally exhausted,

but I showed up for her,

made some changes.

What kind of changes?

I found a way to do our
livestreams without all the travel.

You started faking your journey.

Well, Amelia wanted to be
close to her dad,

so we set up in the woods
north of Lindy,

and pretended.

You know that's funny,
'cause we talked to her dad,

and he didn't say anything
about any recent visits.

Yeah, that's... that's on me.

Without real locations,
we needed better content.

Gotta feed the algorithm, right?

- What does that mean?
- Gimmicks.

"Amelia tries roasted frog leg",

and "Campfire Rube Goldberg Machine".


So, when was the last time
you saw Amelia?


She wanted to drop in on her dad,

but she couldn't get her bit down.

I wouldn't let her leave
until we nailed it.

So, we got into a fight,

and she got in the van and drove off.

Were you fighting a lot?

The last month or so, sure.

Man, this one time, she got so mad,

she threw her boots into the bush.

That was the pink boot
that the Skymelia fans found

north of Vancouver, right?

You gotta love the viewers. [CHUCKLING]



So you fought, and, uh, she left.

What happened after that?

I figured she'd come back
in an hour or two.

After a day of filming,
my phone was dead, of course,

so come morning,

I bailed on our gear,
and tried to hike back.

It took me another day and a half

to make it to the road,

then I waved down a trucker.

How did you find out what happened?

Trucker's radio.

I had to get online,

so I borrowed his phone
and streamed my reaction.

For Amelia.

Our fans needed me, okay?

Very noble.

[TESS] Did you also hear

that, uh, somebody

poured kerosene on
the van after it crashed?

And you think that was me?

What better way to get

[SHOUTING] We're... !

We were Skymelia.

People like me,

but they loved her.

Maybe too much.

Amelia's father said
that she had some stalkers.

You know anything about that?

Some of our fans are more
enthusiastic than others,

- that's all.
- What does that mean?

[SIGHING] Amelia got paranoid.

She started seeing people following her,

watching her from rooftops.

She even kept seeing
this one motorcycle.

Did she say what colour it was?



[TESS] It's not the first time

I've heard about a red motorcycle.

Yeah, okay, here it is.

"The Cardinal".

Has over a hundred posts.

Promises to replace Skyler
as Amelia's real BFF.

So there's this stalker,

calls herself "The Cardinal".

She fantasies about
being Amelia's real BFF.

Okay, let's get that to Tech,
see if they can track her down...

Nah, it's a waste of time.


it is a lead.

It's conjecture.

That girl hikes a day and a half,

doesn't have a single scratch on her,

and livestreams
the second she gets back?

Doesn't sound like
a BFF in mourning, to me.

Okay, fair enough, but this
stalker has posted about Amelia

over a hundred times.

You don't think Skyler knows that?

She reads everything about herself,

and she's just feeding us
what we want to hear,

as a distraction.

Speaking of Skyler,

she's agreed to cough up
the co-ordinates

of her operation in the woods.

I need a couple of you to
process the scene for evidence.

I think I'll skip this assignment.

Still allergic to nature?

Guess that leaves you and me, huh?

Uh, yeah, gonna be like old times.

Are you going on a date with Jake?

You mean homicide investigation.

With a partner straight out of GQ.

Wear clean underwear.

The guy looks like he's done
the Grouse Grind a few times.

[MATT] How did she say it exactly?

I mean, it just came out,
like she wasn't even thinking about it.

"The Grouse Grind".

That's short
for hiking Grouse Mountain,

- something only the locals would know.
- Yeah, exactly,

which suggests
that she lived here before.

All right, look, let's figure out when,

and why she kept it from us.

Yeah, I've gotta head back up north,

but I'll send you
whatever I find on her.

All right, still need a photo.

Can you hack into EyesUP?

Oh, I can, and I did.

The photo on file is of the real Sunny.

I would hack Fake Sunny's email,

but, uh, we don't have it.

Wait, wouldn't Fake Sunny
still have to give EyesUP

an email address?

That would be fake, too.

Yeah, but it would be her main
point of correspondence.

I mean, there has got to be
a photo in there somewhere.

Yeah, well, we can't just
call them up and ask.

They're not going to listen to us.

To us, no...

but they might listen to Mia.

Great, thank you.

Yeah, uh, I'll let Jake know.

All right.

[JAKE] Hey.

[TESS] Bennett just called. He set
us up with a couple of motel rooms

- just north of Lindy.
- Yeah, that's a good call.

There's no way we're gonna
beat the daylight up here.


Better have a good restaurant up there.

Up here?

Hope you like gas station beef jerky.

- Thank you so much for this, Mia.

Always up for sleuthing,

especially undercover.

Gives me a chance to roll out...

... my Texas accent.

- No, no, no, no.
- Oh, yeah! [LAUGHING]

- It's important that they know it's you.
- [MAN] Ah, Ms. Moss, what a pleasure!

Do we finally have your endorsement?

Uh, no, not quite yet.

Although one of your agents
is up for the prestigious...

Moss Award

for their exemplary work
with the sight loss community.

[MAN] Oh, that's wonderful!
To whom should I bestow the honour?

Oh, well, actually, I was hoping
that I could congratulate them myself.

So I was hoping you could
give me their contact details.

It's Sunny Patel.

I'll get right on that, Ms. Moss.


I still think we should've
gone with the Texas accent.

[JAKE] ... turns out it's not a baby

in the dumpster at all, it-it's a...

it was a burrito.


[JAKE] Yeah, it was, like, a large...

but an unusually large burrito.





I missed this.

Yeah, me too.

So how's your, uh...
how's your pal, Matt?

- Oh, Matt?


Yeah, he's fine.

He... loves to communicate.

And that is a problem because... ?

Oh, it really shouldn't be.

It just...

I don't know, I mean, why?

Why does it make me run
screaming for the hills?

Well, maybe because you're Tess Avery.

- Tess Avery?
- Yeah.

[CHUCKLING] You say that
like it's such a big thing.

Who is this Tess Avery?

This Tess Avery,
the infamous Tess Avery,

she is impulsive,

she grabs whatever she wants

with excruciating, terrifying,

- beautiful force sometimes.
- Yeah?

She's opinionated,

to a fault sometimes.

She has a wonderful smile,

which she rarely uses,

could use more, frankly.

- Smiling?
- Mm-hmm.

Blech. Smiling is overrated.



- [TESS] You remember this song?
- [JAKE] Of course, I remember this song.

Yeah, this was our first
year together as partners.

When, um...

we solved the McLennan murders, right?

[LAUGHING] Oh, man,
it was also the year that we...

No, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah...

- What?
- We agreed never to talk about that.

[SIGHING] Right, yeah.


'Cause it was a mistake.

♪ ... But we did nothing ♪

♪ Absolutely nothing that day... ♪

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... Oh!

- Okay. That was...

♪ ... What the hell am I doing
drinking in L.A. at 26? ♪


Are you good from here?

- No.
- No?

Come here.

♪ ... The fever for the flavour ♪

♪ The payback will be later ♪

♪ But still I need a fix... ♪






- Hello?
- [MATT] We have a face.

Mia pulled Sunny's fake email address

like an expert pickpocket.

There was tons of correspondence

between her and other agents,

including a screen shot
that one of them sent

of a few of them on a zoom call,

and by process of elimination, boom,

there she was.

So this whole time she has been lying?

Yeah. Yeah, she has.

Now we need to figure out why.

By the time you get back,
I should have all the answers we need.


Thank you. Thanks, Matt.


You left out a few details there.

- I'll call him back.
- No.

- Yeah, let me call him back.

What were we thinking?

I don't think we were thinking.

- And it's overrated.

- Jake...
- Mm-hmm?

We work together.

This is wrong

- on so many levels.


Oh, it's that little treasure Leo.


Hmm, oh, hey,

coordinates for Skymelia's
staged headquarters.

- Okay, we should get going.
- Yeah.

Let me have a shower.



- my.
- No, Sunny, just...

help me find my shirt.

Okay, um...

give me a... a 360.


No, I can't find it. Can you go wider?

Oh! Right there, yeah, bingo.

Um, just two steps forward.

Oh, higher...

on the fan.

It looks like you had fun.

- No comment.
- Oh, come on, we're not gonna talk about it?

Who's the lucky guy?



My... Oh...


[LAUGHING GIDDILY] Oh, that's Jake!

He's, like, naked!

I'm just gonna sit down.

Okay, please, enough with
the running commentary.

[STAMMERING] But this is what we do.

We talk about it. Come on!

Well... not anymore.


[JAKE] Okay, end of the road.

[TESS] Wow, these girls were
serious about not being found.

[JAKE] "The woods are
lovely, dark and deep."

[TESS] Wow, I'm gonna
pretend you didn't say that.

[JAKE] Call me the poet detective.

Okay, so to the left
over here, that's...

looks like where they parked the van.

and I guess this is,

I don't know, like, the staging area.

[SUNNY] This must be Skymelia HQ

You're right in the middle of it!

What else can you see?

Maybe give me a 360?

[TESS] Anything?

Stop. Right there.

Some dried up branches
straight ahead, about 14 paces.

They look out of place.

[TESS] Jake.

[JAKE] Where you going?

[TESS] Come on, this way.

[SUNNY] Careful, there's a branch!

- [TESS] Oh, jeez!
- [JAKE] Oh, wow.

- You okay?
- Uh, yeah, good, just...

What is that? Do you smell that?


It smells like gasoline.

Skymelia ran on fryer grease,
not gasoline.

Yeah, fair enough.

You know what,
those are not van tracks.

Those are...

Motorcycle, I think?

The Cardinal.

Maybe Skyler was right.

[JAKE] Came from the north.




[TESS] That could have
been Amelia's stalker,

the one who calls
goes by "The Cardinal".

Yeah, look, they...

A bunch of dead branches over here,

It's like they're trying
to hide something, you know?

[TESS] Like themselves,

or the bike they came in on.

I mean, if it is the red motorcycle,

it's gotta gas up somewhere, right?


No gas stations up there,

but we found a farmhouse

that gives food and
lodging to foresters.


[BENNETT] The owner saw
a red motorcycle.


Okay, I'm not gonna flex here, Leo.

Just tell me you got some CCTV footage.

Oh, no, that's way too remote,

but I'll do you one better.

The owner jots down plates

of hikers they think
are in over their heads.

We traced one
to a woman named Kara Calpakis.

Here's where it gets weird.

I sent you a video.

[WOMAN'S VOICE] Don't you understand?

I love you, Amelia.

I'm your true BFF, not Skyler.

One day, you'll understand,
even if you don't right now.

Wait for me, Amelia,

I'm coming for you,

in this life or the next.

Okay, that's not creepy at all.

Were you guys able to track her down?

[BENNETT] We made it
all the way to her house,

but the neighbour said
she left on a trip a week ago,

so we got a warrant for her cellphone.

This part is even creepier,

so brace yourselves, kids.

Turns out Kara Calpakis
made several phone calls

after Amelia's body was
found in the burnt-out van,

and they were all
to one particular man.

Darcy Meadwell,

Amelia's father.

[WOMAN'S VOICE] I am coming
for you, in this life or the next.



She should have used warmer
light tones on her ring light.

I mean, did you ever see Kara before?

Is it possible that
she was after Amelia?

We may have seen her
at a gas station once,

but to me she was just a fan,

and fans validate our work.

Hey, uh, can I get a selfie with you?

This interview is over.

But my fans would get
such a kick out of this.

You look just like a real detective.

So we just checked Darcy's house.

There's no sign of him anywhere.

Probably hanging out
with his daughter's stalker.

I don't know, I don't
have Darcy pegged as a k*ller.

Yeah, then why the hell is he in contact

with a nut job like Kara Calpakis?

They did have a common enemy in Skyler.

[JAKE] I mean, he did
express his resentment

that it took his daughter away.

They could have teamed up against her

and accidentally
k*lled the wrong person.

[LEO] Not buying that.

If he knew the stalker did it,

maybe he's planning to k*ll her.

We just got a ping
from Kara's cell phone

off a tower not far from you.

It's near an old cabin
that belongs to the Meadwells.

You need to get your asses
over there now.

- You got it.

[SUNNY] This place is creepy.

Like, horror movie creepy.

Oh, hey, hey, Tess, Tess, Tess...

Yeah, what you got?

[JAKE] I think I'm looking
at Amelia's pink boot, right?

- [TESS] What?
- Can I help you, detectives?

You want to tell me
what this is doing here?

[SIGHING] It's not what you think.

- Not what I think?
- [DARCY] It's the other boot.

And why have you been in contact
with your daughter's stalker,

Kara Calpakis?

- Is that her inside?

No, of course not!
You have to understand,

- I'd do anything for my daughter!
- Kara!

[SUNNY] But why? It doesn't make sense.

Kara Calpakis,
could you please step outside!



I don't think it's her.

What are you talking about?

[TESS] Darcy...

I know you're a good man,

but sometimes, a father
loves his daughter so much,

he does the wrong things
for the right reasons.

You know the DNA is going
to catch up with both of you.


I know you're in there.


You faked your own death.

You k*lled Kara.


- [TESS] Or was it your father?
- No, it was an accident.

Kara had been stalking me for months,

and Skyler didn't care.
She just pushed for more.

I just... I just wanted out.

So, I, um...

I took Skyler's keys, and...

got in the van, and drove myself away.

I drove for an hour before realizing

that there was someone
in the car with me.


And when I woke up, I didn't know...

I didn't know where I was. I...

And then I saw her.

I didn't know what to do.

My cell was shattered,

I was confused,

and I'd...

I'd never seen a dead body before.

So I-I used Kara's cell,

and I called my dad, and he found me.

It was all my idea.

When I saw Kara was Amelia's size,

and had copied
her lotus flower tattoo, I-I...

You saw the chance
to save your daughter.

My, uh, daughter deserves
to have her life back.

Please don't take my dad away.

He was just trying to protect me.

What happened to Kara's red bike?

I pushed it into the river,

and then we drove back to
where Amelia tossed her boots.

But there was only one.

[SUNNY] Amelia is crying.

Darcy is putting his arm around her.

I think I have something in my eye.

[TESS] I feel for you, Amelia, I do,

but Kara had a family, too,

and they deserve some closure.

I just wanted to escape the attention.

There's not much chance
of that anymore.


However... Hang on, hang on.

Are you sure that it's Sunny?

Then I need to confront her.

Are you sure that's a good idea?

She might take off.

She's an agoraphobe,

that much I believe at least.

She's not going anywhere.

When are you gonna tell her?

After I blow off some steam.

[SUNNY] It takes a lot
for me to trust someone...

[TESS] That was a Level 5
security file.

I probably just
clicked on the wrong file.

[TESS] Everyone has at least
two great loves in their life.

Maybe Kye is next.

[SUNNY] No, I had that
once with someone.

[TESS] What happened?

He died.



as you all know by now,

Amelia Meadwell is alive,

although she and I parted ways.

Second, thanks to recent events,

I just got our ten-millionth follower,

so kisses for your support,

and third, "Skymelia" is done.

Today, we begin "The Skyler Express"!

Now let's see what happens

when we combine cola
with scotch mints...


It's not gonna be the same...

[SIGHING] I still can't believe
what Amelia tried to pull.

Can you imagine faking your own death

to escape your life?

All that secrecy and deception?

Yeah, secrecy is right.

Is something wrong?

[TESS] I know who you are.

Your real name,

it's Sunita Sharma...

and you're wanted for m*rder.