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03x28 - Minnie and Daisy's Flower Shower

Posted: 03/20/24 20:27
by bunniefuu
Hey, everybody! It's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you wanna come inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right! Let's go!

Ha-ha. I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,

we get to say the magic words.

Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse!

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse!


♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E ♪

That's me!

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside, it's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

Roll call!



-Heh. Here!

-Ruff! Roow!

-Ha-ha. Here!

-Right here!

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside, it's fun inside ♪

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E ♪

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.


Hi, everybody. Glad you could all make it.


Hiya, Pluto!


You can say that again.

Pluto said
we're in for a lot of fun today.


Oh, Mickey.

Hiya, Minnie, Daisy.

Oh, Mickey, we have a big problem.

Today we're putting on a flower show
in Mickey Park...

But we have no flowers.

Oh, no!


There are supposed to be roses
in the square garden...

Sunflowers in the circle garden...

And daisies in the diamond garden.

Those are my favorite flowers.

But there hasn't been any rain,

and flowers need rain showers to bloom.

VON DRAKE: Did someone said
"rain showers" with their voice?

Well, worry no more, ladies.

Because now Professor Ludwig Von Drake,

that's I,
have the solution of your problem.

Behold my latest brilliant invention.
Look at that!

It's Professor Von Drake's
Rain-Making Pitter Patter Glitter!

With this, you're able to making
all the rain you need,

so your flowers would get enough water

and bloom, bloom, bloom
for today's flower show.

Oh. How does it work, professor?

I gonna show you, all right?

First, we need to getting a rain cloud
that's matching the shape of your garden.

So if you got a triangle-shaped garden,
you gotta make a triangle-shaped cloud.

All we do is sprinkle that cloud
with pink glitter

when you are saying, "Triangle, triangle!"

Then your cloud will gonna turn
into a triangle-shaped cloud.

How fun! And how do we make it rain?

Well, for that, you gotta sprinkle
your shape cloud with this blue glitter.

Oh, goody, goody.

With the Pitter Patter Glitter,

we can make shaped rain clouds
to water our shaped gardens

for the big flower show.

Yes, indeedy-doo!

You are now all set to make it rain.
And with that, I gotta go.


How much glitter
should we sprinkle on each cloud?

Oh, ho-ho! That's easy.
Sprinkle just a twinkle.

A twinkle is another way of saying
just a teeny, tiny bit,

like a smidge, a dash or a pinch.

So repeat after me.

♪ Sprinkle just a twinkle ♪

♪ Sprinkle just a twinkle ♪

♪ Sprinkle just a twinkle ♪


Bye-bye, professor.

Bye, professor.

Say, will you help us make rain
for Minnie and Daisy's flowers?

You will? Hot dog!

Then let's go get some Mouseketools.

♪ Mouseker-hey, Mouseker-hi, Mouseker-ho ♪

♪ Mouseker-ready, Mouseker-set
Here we go! ♪

♪ You're a-thinking and a-solvin'
Work-it-through-er ♪

♪ Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you, Mousekedoer ♪

♪ Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you, Mousekedoer ♪

♪ Oh, Toodles, it's time to get to it ♪

♪ Show us the Mouseketools
To help us do it ♪

♪ Meeska, mooska, Mousekedoer! ♪

♪ Mouseketools, Mouseketools

♪ Here are your Mouseketools ♪

A bicycle pump, for pumping air.

A newspaper.

A blow dryer. Ho-ho. Windy!

And the mystery Mouseketool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

♪ Toodles has the tools
The Mouseketools ♪

♪ So when we need them
Toodles will bring them ♪

♪ He's here for meedles and youdles ♪

♪ And all we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles!" ♪

♪ All we have to say is "Oh, Toodles!" ♪

Now that we got our Mouseketools,

let's help Minnie and Daisy make it rain.

Bye, Mickey! Gotta go!


Goodbye, boys!


Ha-ha. They're sure not wasting any time.

Minnie, do you think we should practice
using our Pitter Patter Glitter?

Oh, good idea.

First let's practice making a shape cloud.

Ah, what shape should we make?

Oh, look!

We should make a cloud the same shape
as the one on the golf course.

What shape is it?

Well, it has one, two, three sides, so...

It's a triangle. Right!

Wonderful! We'll make a triangle cloud
to rain on the triangle golf course.

Do you remember how much
pink glitter we need to use?


♪ Sprinkle just a twinkle ♪


And remember,
to make a triangle-shaped cloud,

we say "triangle" as we sprinkle.

So say "triangle" and sprinkle with me.

Triangle, triangle!

Did we turn the cloud
into a triangle cloud?

Mm. Let's count the sides.

One, two, three.

Three sides. It's a triangle, all right.

We did it!

Now help me sprinkle our blue glitter
to make the triangle cloud rain.

And remember...

♪ Sprinkle just a twinkle ♪


Hooray! We made it rain.

Good rain-cloud-making, everybody.

Ah, phooey!

-Oh, dear!
-Oh, my!

Hey, what's the big idea?

We're sorry, Donald.

We were practicing making rain showers
for our flower show.

We didn't see you down there.

You can say that again!

Oh, I wish we had an umbrella to give you.

Maybe there's a Mouseketool
Donald can hold over his head

to keep him from getting any wetter.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

Oh, Toodles!


Okay, let's see. We have a bicycle pump,

a newspaper, a blow dryer

and the Mystery Mouseketool.

What can Donald hold over his head
to keep him from getting wetter?

The newspaper.

Donald could hold it over his head
like an umbrella.

Ooh, let's try it. Ha-ha.

We've got ears. Say, "Cheers."

It worked. Is that better, Donald?

Well, yeah, but it'd be even better
if I could finish my game.

We'll try not to make it
rain on you anymore, Donald.

And don't forget about
our flower show today!

That'll cheer you up.

I hope so!

Let's make some more shaped clouds, Daisy.

That's a great idea.

♪ In the blink of an eye ♪

♪ With a twinkle of glitter ♪

♪ You can change a cloud's shape ♪

♪ Just say a shape's name ♪

♪ For example, triangle ♪

♪ Sprinkle just a twinkle ♪

♪ Triangle, triangle! ♪

Ooh! Ha-ha-ha.

♪ Look! It's a triangle shape ♪

This is so much fun!

♪ Oh, it's lots of fun
When you've got some glitter ♪

♪ Think of the shapes you can name ♪

♪ Say the name of the shape ♪

I know! Star.

♪ Sprinkle just a twinkle ♪

♪ Star, star! ♪



BOTH: ♪ And poof!
The shape and your cloud are the same ♪

Oh, this is wonderful!

Oh, goody, goody!

We made triangle-shaped clouds
and a star-shaped cloud.

Now let's make an octagon-shaped cloud.

Oh, do you think we can?

An octagon is my favorite shape.

It has eight sides, you know.

What do we have to say
if we want to make an eight-sided cloud?

We have to say "octagon."

Come on, sprinkle a twinkle and say,
"Octagon, octagon."

DAISY: Did we do it?
Did we make an octagon cloud?

Let's count the sides and see.

Come on! Count with us.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight sides!

It's an octagon, all right!

So pretty! Good counting, everyone.



Oh, no! The patch on the Glove Balloon
has come off.

And now the Glove Balloon is leaking air.

Good thing we're close to
the octagon cloud.

I think we can land on it safely.


Nice landing, Minnie.

But... Oh, no! We're stuck here.

And now we won't be able to make
the rest of our shape clouds.

And then we can't make them
rain on our gardens.

We'd better call Mickey for help.

Say, Mickey, did you see
all the amazing shape clouds in the sky?

Sure did, Goofy.

Minnie and Daisy are gonna make
rain showers for their flowers today.

Hot diggity!
I like rain, and showers and flowers too.



MINNIE: Mickey, the Glove Balloon
just sprung a leak,

and now we're stuck on a cloud.

Don't worry about a thing, Minnie.

Pluto and I will come and rescue you.

Please hurry.

If Daisy and I don't sprinkle the clouds,

there won't be any rain
for our flower gardens,

and our flower show will be ruined.

Don't you worry, Minnie. We're on our way.


Come on, Pluto the Rescue Dog.

We're on a mission.

To the Toon Plane!


Ready for takeoff, co-pilot Pluto!


Wait for me! I wanna help too!

Good thing the professor said

I could borrow his Blimpy Blazer
any time I wanted,

but, gawrsh,
it's more like a skimpy blazer.

Come on! Let's fly!

Up, up and away!

Hmm. How do you work this thing?

Oh, yeah! I gotta press this button.


Oh, Mickey, uh,
you know where we're going?

Uh-oh, I forgot to ask.



Say, Minnie, could you tell us
which way to go to find you?


First, fly over the two triangle clouds.

Next, fly under the star cloud.

Then fly straight ahead,
and you'll find us on the octagon cloud.

That's the cloud with eight sides,
you know.

Thanks for the directions, Minnie.

We'll be there in a jiffy.

Oh, hurry, Mickey!

Okay, Pluto, get ready to go over
the triangle clouds.


Whoa! What's going on?


Oh, no! Goofy, what are you doing?

Enjoying a bologna sandwich.


You want a bite?

Oh, not now, Goofy.

We have to go over the triangle clouds,

and with you sitting on the wing,

I can't get the Toon Plane
to go high enough.

Hey! Where'd everything go?

Well, we didn't make it over
the triangle clouds.

We're in 'em!

And it's so cloudy,
I can't see where we're going.

Gawrsh, that's not good.

Say, do you think a Mouseketoolie
could help us blow away the clouds?

That's a swell idea.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

Oh, Toodles!


Let's see. We've got a bicycle pump,

a blow dryer and the Mystery Mouseketool.

Can the blow dryer help us?

Oh, yeah! We can use it
to blow away the clouds!

We've got ears. Say, "Cheers."

Okay, Goof, blow away these clouds.

Right, Mickey!


MICKEY: Hot dog!
We can see where we're going again.

And look, we made it past
the triangle clouds.

Now, where do we go next?


Right! Next we go under the star cloud,

and then it's straight to
the octagon cloud

to rescue Minnie and Daisy.

Hold on tight!


Hey, I see Minnie and Daisy
on the octagon cloud.

Hurry, Mickey! We're running out of time!

If we don't make shape clouds
to rain on our gardens,

our flower show will be ruined!

And I see the hole in the Glove Balloon.

We need to plug that leak
in the Glove Balloon fast.

But how?


Pluto's right.

We need a Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

Oh, Toodles!


MICKEY: Can we use the bicycle pump
to plug the leak in the Glove Balloon?

I don't think so.

That means it's time for
the Mystery Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool!"

Mystery Mouseketool!

What's today's Mystery Mouseketool?


How can Goofy help us?


I could use the bologna from my sandwich
to plug up the leak.

Then we can fill the Glove Balloon
with air!

Do you think it'll work?

Yeah! Let's try it.

We got ears. Say, "Cheers."

Look at me, I'm a real live Mouseketool!


Bologna's good for everything,

especially with mustard. Heh.

Now that Goofy has plugged up the leak,

we need to blow the Glove Balloon
back up again.

Then we need another Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

Oh, Toodles!


MINNIE: There's only one Mouseketool left,
the bicycle pump.

DAISY: Can we use the bicycle pump
to pump air back into the Glove Balloon?

Yeah! I think so too.

We picked all our Mouseketools.

Say, "Super cheers."

Let's all pump up the balloon together.

Ready? Pump, pump, pump.

Pump, pump, pump!

We did it!

Good job, everybody!


See you at the flower show, girls.

Thanks for rescuing us.

You too, Goofy.

Aww, 'tweren't nothing. Heh.

Heh. See you later!


Minnie, we've gotta hurry
and make rain showers

so our flowers can bloom.

Let's get started.

Oh, look! We're right above our gardens.

Oh, goody. What shape is our first garden?

Right! Square.

So we need to make
a square cloud to match.

Help me turn this cloud
into a square shape.

Sprinkle just a twinkle
and say "square" with me.

Square, square!

Oh, goody!

We made a square cloud.

What's the shape of our next garden?

Yep, a circle.

Help me again, okay?

This time, sprinkle just a twinkle
and say, "Circle, circle."

Hooray! We made a circle cloud!

What's the shape of our last garden?


I think you're right. It's a diamond.

Ho-ho. So we get to make
a diamond-shaped cloud.

Sprinkle just a twinkle
and say, "Diamond, diamond."

Hooray! We did it!

What good cloud-shapers you are!


Now let's make our clouds rain.

Daisy, do you have your blue
Pitter Patter Glitter?

I sure do!


Oh, boy! We're just in time
for the flower show.


Just look at those wonderful shape clouds!
How about that?

Yeah. Minnie and Daisy made them.

Ha-ha. With a little help.

I can't wait to see what comes next!

I know what comes next.

I hope you got a newspaper.

Come on, everybody,
help us make rain showers.

Hold your hand out over the clouds and...

♪ Sprinkle just a twinkle ♪

♪ Sprinkle just a twinkle ♪

♪ Sprinkle just a twinkle, yeah! ♪


Looks like rain, Daisy. Ho-ho-ho!

Wow. Rain showers.

But where are the flowers?


Just watch.

MICKEY: Oh, boy!

DONALD: Look at that!

Oh, boy! Wowee-whoo!

Flowers from showers, and beautiful too!

Hooray for Minnie and Daisy!

♪ We've got flowers from showers today ♪

♪ Now Mickey Park is a giant bouquet ♪

♪ There are sunflowers, roses ♪

♪ And daisies, don't you know ♪

-♪ And a great big ♪
-♪ How big? ♪

-♪ Really big ♪
-♪ Super big ♪

♪ Mickey Mouse Clubhouse rainbow! ♪


Thanks for helping make rain showers
for all the flower gardens today.

Thanks a bunch! Ha-ha-ha.

Clubhouse showers bring
Minnie and Daisy's flowers.

And a rainbow too.

That makes me wanna stand up
and do the Hot Dog Dance.

Come on, let's all do it.

♪ Hot dog ♪


♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears, it's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, the problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog ♪

We've had such a great day today,

so let's all celebrate
by doing the Hot Dog Dance.

Up on your feet, everybody,
and dance, dance, dance! Ha-ha.

What a hot-dog day!

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day
What you waitin' for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out
Stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog ♪

♪ We're splittin' the scene
We're full of beans ♪

♪ So long for now from Mickey Mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the Mickey Mouse ♪

♪ Clubhouse ♪

Aw, thanks for stopping by.

MINNIE: Remember when we sprinkled
our Pitter Patter Glitter

to make the octagon cloud?

How many sides did the octagon have?

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight!

Eight sides.

MINNIE: And how much glitter
did we need to sprinkle?

♪ Sprinkle just a twinkle ♪

Ha-ha. See you real soon, everybody.