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03x27 - Goofy's Thinking Cap

Posted: 03/20/24 20:26
by bunniefuu
Hey, everybody. It's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you want to come inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right. Let's go.

Ha, I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,
we get to say the magic words.

Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse!

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse!

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y
M-O-U-S-E ♪

That's me!

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y
M-O-U-S-E ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

Roll call!





-Oh! Here!

-Right here!

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y
M-O-U-S-E ♪

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

Goofy's Thinking Cap.

Hi, everybody! Welcome to the clubhouse.

Today, Clarabelle has
something really fun for us.

A scavenger hunt!

Oh Mickey! Where are you?

Ooh! Come on.

Hello, everyone!
It's time for my scavenger hunt.

That's a fun game

where you look all over the place
trying to find things.

Today, you need to find
three special things!

I'll give you hints about
what each special thing is.

Figure out what they are, find them,
and then give them to me!

Oh, boy! That sounds fun!

And tricky.

Will you help us find them?

You will? Hot dog!

Is everybody ready to begin?

Hang on a second.

I have a funny feeling like,
uh, maybe I forgot to put something on.

Something important.

Do you see what I forgot?

Oh, my gosh! You're right!

I forgot my pants!

Pineapple undies.

Whoa! There. That's better.

Boy, you sure are smart!

I wish I could be a smarty-pants like you.

PROFESSOR: Whoo-hoo! Hang on
and stop with everything.

Hello there, everybody!

You know, I heard that what
Goofy just said, and guess what,

thanks to yours truly,
Professor Ludwig Von Drake,

you can be a smarty-pants,

with my latest brilliant invention
that I have right here.

Behold! The Mousekethinker!


All right. All you gotta do is wear this
on your goofy little head like a hat.

And then the Mousekethinker
will gonna give you

all kinds of brilliant thoughts

and you, too, will become a smarty-pants
or your money back!

Thanks, professor.

I'm gonna be a smarty-pants!


Ooh. Ha-ha, right.

Maybe you better get some Mouseketools
to help you with it, too.

Well, the professor's work here is done.

See you around! Gotta go! Bye now!

Up, up and away!

To the Mousekedoer!

♪ Mouseker-hey, Mouseker-hi
Mouseker-ho ♪

♪ Mouseker-ready, Mouseker-set
Here we go ♪

♪ You're a thinking and a solving
Work it through-er ♪

♪ Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you
Mousekedoer ♪

♪ Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you
Mousekedoer ♪

♪ Oh, Toodles
It's time to get to it ♪

♪ Show us the Mouseketools
to help us do it ♪

♪ Meeska, mooska,
Mousekedoer! ♪

♪ Mouseketools, Mouseketools
Mouseketools ♪

♪ Here are your
Mouseketools ♪

GOOFY: Uh-oh, those Mouseketools
are all funny-looking!

MICKEY: Hah! Those are

A Mouseke-What-About-It-Huh?

MICKEY: A Mouseke-Think-About-It-Tool
can be anything we need

to solve a problem.

We just gotta think about it.

GOOFY: Can we think about
a baloney sandwich?

MICKEY: Yep! If that's the Mouseketool
we need to help us.

All we gotta do is think about it.

Then we say, "Mouseke-Think-About-It Tool,
we pick a baloney sandwich!"

Then that's what we get!

Oh, I get it!

♪ Toodles has the tools
The Mouseketools ♪

♪ So when we need them
Toodles will bring them ♪

♪ He's here for meedles and youdles ♪

♪ And all we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles!" ♪

♪ All we have to say is "Oh, Toodles!" ♪

Now we're all set
for Clarabelle's scavenger hunt.

And remember...

♪ When you need a Mouseketool today ♪

♪ Get it the Mouseke-Think-About-It way ♪

♪ Got an idea?
Get ready to shout it ♪

♪ But first Mouseke-Think-About-It ♪

And now, here is a hint
about the first special thing

that you need to find.

It's something that rabbits love,

and they're orange and pointy.

Golly! Hmm, that's a tricky one.

Let's think a minute.

What kind of things do rabbits love?

Well, I know! Rabbits love to hop!

Say, let me try thinking
by using the Mousekethinker.


Oh. I think I got it!

How's about carrots?

Carrots are orange and pointy.

And do rabbits love them?

They sure do!

I think the first special
thing we gotta find is carrots!

Good Mouseke-thinking, everyone!

Now, where can carrots be found?

I know, I know! The garden!

That's right, Donald. The garden.

Come on!

Here's the garden!


But where's all the carrots?

Oh, if you want carrots, you're too late.

Captain Jumps-A-Lot just
took every single one!

Aw, nuts!

Gosh, now what're we gonna do?

We're gonna catch up to
Captain Jumps-A-Lot, that's what.

But Captain Jumps-A-Lot
hops very fast. We'll need help.

Let's try a Mouseke-Think-About-It-Tool!

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

Oh, Toodles!


Hmm, let's think.

What could we use to help us catch up
to Captain Jumps-A-Lot?

Uh... How about running shoes?

What about a train?

Oh, I know. A rocket ship!

Hmm. Those are all fast, but...

Oh! Oh! Well, I got a Mousekethinker idea!

Maybe we can use bouncy shoes!

Then we can hop-hop-hop fast-fast-fast

and catch up to Captain Jumps-A-Lot!

MICKEY: Good Mouseke-thinking, Goofy!
Let's try it!

Everybody say,

we pick bouncy shoes!"

ALL: Mouseke-Think-About-It-Tool,
we pick bouncy shoes!

We got ears, say "Cheers!"

Oh, goody! Bouncy shoes!

I'll catch up to Captain Jumps-A-Lot
in no time and get those carrots!

Come on, everybody, get up-up-up!

And bounce along with Daisy!

Ready? Hop!

♪ Do the bouncy shoe
hop-hop-hop ♪

♪ Catch that rabbit
Hop-hop-hop ♪

♪ Come on, hop-hop-hop-hop ♪

♪ It's the bouncy shoe
Hop-hop-hop ♪

♪ Do the bouncy shoe
Hop-hop-hop ♪

♪ And stop-stop-stop ♪

Captain Jumps-A-Lot, would you mind
sharing those carrots with my friends?

We need them for our scavenger hunt!

We did it!

Thanks, Captain Jumps-A-Lot.

Glad we could help!

Good luck with the rest
of the scavenger hunt!

Yippee! We got carrots!

Now, let's take them to Clarabelle!

Well, congratulations!

You found the first special thing.

Carrots! Rabbits love them,
and they're orange and pointy!

And I figured it all out
by using the Mousekethinker!

Now, here's a hint about
the second special thing you need to find.

These things are nutty,
and two of your buddies collect them.

What things can you think of
that are nutty?

Hmm, walnuts are nutty.

And peanuts.

And chestnuts!

That's nuts!

Hey, you're right, Donald.
Those are all nuts!

Hey, you're right, Donald.
Those are all nuts!

Nuts are nutty.

Very good! Now you know you need nuts.

Next, what two buddies
do you know, who collect nuts?

Any ideas?

I think I got it!

Chip and Dale!

Chip and Dale are buddies,
and they love to collect nuts!

Well, that's Mouseke-thinking!

Let's see if Chip and Dale
have some nuts for us!


Oh, boys, I forgot to mention,

I'm going to need 12 nuts!

Hello, Chip and Dale!
We need some nuts, please!

Hiya fellas! We got lots of nuts!

How many do you need?

We need 12 nuts!

Gee, we need something to catch them with.

Let me turn on my Mousekethinker.

I know! We ought to try another

Ha-ha, you mean a

Everybody say, "Oh Toodles!"

Oh, Toodles!

Gosh, what kind of things can we use

to catch the nuts?

We could use a box!

Uh, how about a hat?

Oh, I know. An oven mitt!

Hmm... A box, a hat, an oven mitt.

All good ideas. Why don't we try...

Whoa! Oh, oh, oh!

Uh, I have another Mousekethinker idea!

Maybe we could use a baseball glove.

It can catch a baseball,
so maybe it can catch 12 nuts!

Good Mouseke-thinking, Goofy.

Now, everybody say,

we pick a baseball glove!"

ALL: Mouseke-Think-About-It-Tool,
we pick a baseball glove!

We got ears, say "Cheers!"

Here they come!

♪ One, two, three, four
nuts so far, but we need more ♪

♪ Five, six, seven, eight
Counting nuts and doing great ♪

♪ Nine, ten, eleven ♪

♪ We're almost done ♪

♪ And twelve

♪ That's all we need
What fun ♪


Yippee! We did it!

We got all 12 nuts!

Now let's take them to Clarabelle!


You found the second special thing. Nuts!

They're nutty,
and two buddies love to collect them!

We sure do!

Now, here's a hint about
the third special thing you need to find.

This has a white shell,

it's yummy when you crack
it open for breakfast,

but this one is really, really big!

Good luck! Bye-bye!

Hmm. What has a white shell,

and is yummy
when you crack it open for breakfast?

Well, an egg can have a white shell.

Yeah, and eggs are yummy!


Yippee, we figured it out!

We've gotta find an egg!

It's gotta be really, really big!

And maybe that means
we need to find a giant egg!

Yeah, but where?

Let me try thinking
with the Mousekethinker!

Oh! We can find a giant egg
at Willie the Giant's farmyard hen house.

Good Mouseke-thinking, Goofy.

Come on, Minnie can fly us there
in the Glove Balloon!

Thanks for the lift, Minnie.

You're welcome, Mickey. Anytime!

Oh, look, there's Willie the Giant now.

Why, hello there, my little friends!

I'm just leaving to go visit my mama!
What can I do for you?

Willie, we need a giant egg
for Clarabelle's scavenger hunt.

Could we have one of yours?

Sure thing, little lady. Help yourself!

Thanks Willie! And tell your mom, "Hi!"

Oh, this is fun! Hold on, boys!

Whoa! That's a really, really big egg!

Just what we need!

Oh, dear, it's so big.

How are we ever going
to carry it safely back to Clarabelle?

Let me think.

Let's try a

Ha-ha, you mean a

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

Oh, Toodles!

Hmm, what kinds of things can we use

to carry the giant egg
safely back to Clarabelle?

How about a big box?

Or a really big bucket?

Uh... Oh, I know! A baloney sandwich!

Oh, brother.

MINNIE: How about a basket?
I carry eggs in a basket.

Hmm, but this is a really giant egg.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Me! Me! I got it!

Maybe we could carry
the giant egg in a giant basket!

Good idea! Everybody say:

we pick a giant basket!"

ALL: Mouseke-Think-About-It-Tool,
we pick a giant basket!

We got ears, say "Cheers!"

Gosh, it's pretty.

Pretty big.

Oh dear. Goofy's right.

Now we have the giant basket
to carry the giant egg safely,

but the basket's too big to carry!

Oh, it's always something!

I think we need another
Mouseke-Think-About-It-Tool right away!

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

Oh, Toodles!

Let's think here.

What kind of things can help us
get the giant basket

back down to the clubhouse?

Well, we could use a scooter!

How about a rocket ship?

Oh, I got it! A giant balloon!

Hmm. Lots of good ideas.

Let's try using...

Oh! Oh, I'm getting another good idea!

Ooh, I think I got it!

We could use a Handy Crane!

The Handy Crane can lower the giant basket

all the way down from Willie's cloud,
to the clubhouse!

Yeah! Everybody say:


we pick a Handy Crane!"


we pick a Handy Crane!

GOOFY: Say, we just picked all our

I think we should say,
"Super Mouseke-Think-About-It cheers!"

Super Mouseke-Think-About-It cheers!

And here we go.

One giant egg, coming down!

My goodness, a giant egg!

Congratulations! You did it!


You found all three special things.

Carrots, nuts, and now a giant egg!

Oh, this is marvelous!

Yup, thanks to the Mouskethinker!

And thanks to you, too!

Now that I have carrots, nuts
and a giant egg,

I have everything I need
for a special surprise for you all.

A special yummy surprise!

Can you guess what it is?

Oh! Those three things we found

were ingredients to make
your famous Clarabelle's Carrot Cake!

Why yes! Oh my goodness, Goofy,

you are such a smarty-pants!

Aw, shucks!

♪ It's Clarabelle's
Carrot Cake! Uh-huh ♪

♪ The kind of cake
I love to bake ♪

♪ With a really big egg ♪

-♪ And carrots ♪
-♪ And nuts ♪

♪ It's the best there is
No ifs, ands or buts ♪

♪ So have a slice for goodness sake ♪

♪ Of Clarabelle's famous carrot cake ♪


Oh, boy! Mmm, delicious!

Thanks for doing all that great
Mouseke-thinking, Goof.

Aw, I kind of feel like
the Mousekethinker did all the thinking.

Not me. It's the real smarty-pants!

Whoo-hoo-hoo! Hold everything right there

and stop for a second what you're doing!

The professor is here!

There's something very important
I gotta tell you about.

I forgot to put the batteries
in the Mousekethinker!

You see that? Ha! No batteries. Ha-ha.

Which means the Mousekethinker
didn't do any Mouseke-thinking!

All you got here is a funny little hat
with a blinky-linky light on it.

Oh, but then where did
all that great Mouseke-thinking come from?

Oh, all of that came out of you, Goofy.

And you thought it was the Mousekethinker,

but in fact, it's you who been doing
all your own thinking for all day!

Pretty good job, too.

What do you know, I am a smarty-pants!



I gotta get me a belt.

Oh, boy, what a hot dog day!

And you know what I think?

I think we should all stand up
and do the Hot Dog Dance!

♪ Hot dog ♪


♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears
It's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
The problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

Look at me, everybody!
I'm doing the Hot Dog Dance.

Just flap your arms
and kick out your legs.

You're doing great!

What a hot dog day!

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ It's a brand new day
What you waiting for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out
Stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ We're splitting the scene
We're full of beans ♪

♪ So long for now From Mickey Mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the Mickey Mouse ♪

♪ Clubhouse ♪

Aw, thanks for stopping by!

What things did you find today

that were orange and pointy,
and rabbits love them?

Carrots, of course!

And what has a white shell,

is yummy for breakfast,
and is really, really big?

A giant egg!

You betcha! See you real soon!