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03x03 - Super Goof's Super Puzzle

Posted: 03/20/24 20:08
by bunniefuu
Hey, everybody, it's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you want to come inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right. Let's go.


Aw, I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,
we get to say the magic words:

Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse!


♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y
M-O-U-S-E ♪

That's me.

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y
M-O-U-S-E ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

MAN: Roll call. Donald?

MAN: Daisy?

MAN: Goofy?
-[LAUGHS] Here.

MAN: Pluto?

MAN: Minnie?
-Oh, here!

MAN: Mickey?
-Right here.

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y
M-O-U-S-E ♪

MICKEY: It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

"Super Goof's Super Puzzle."

Hi, everybody,
and welcome to our clubhouse!

MINNIE: Mickey!
GOOFY: Hey, Mickey!

Say, that sounds like Minnie. And Goofy.

-Hello, Mickey.
-Hi, Mickey!

Did we get any mail today?

Well, let's check the clubhouse mailbox.


It's locked.

That sure is puzzling.

PETE: You bet you it's puzzling...

on account that I'm Puzzler Pete!

And today is, Puzzle Day!


So, what I did is I went
and got one, two, three

super puzzles for you to solve. [CHUCKLES]

And each time you solve a super puzzle,
you get a prize!


Oh, boy!
Your super puzzles sound super fun!

And super tricky.

Gosh! Super tricky super puzzles, huh?

We might need some super help
from a superhero,

like Super Goof!

♪ It's Super Goof
He's quite a guy ♪

♪ See him soar across the sky ♪

♪ His super breath blows trouble away ♪

♪ He's super-duper every day ♪

WOMEN: ♪ Is he strong? ♪
MAN: ♪ Ha, give him a chance ♪

♪ Why, he can lift up elephants ♪

♪ He has super breath
And he's super strong ♪

♪ He even has his own super song ♪

♪ He's Super Goof
Super Goof ♪

♪ Super Goof ♪

That's me. [CHORTLES]

With my super powers,

I'm gonna be super solving
all the super puzzles because I'm Super--

Aah! Whoa, whoa! Oh!


Oh, you're no match
for my super puzzles, Super Goof.


[CHORTLES] Um, maybe I could
use a little bit of help.

Good idea!

Will you help Super Goof solve
Puzzler Pete's super puzzles?

You will? That's super swell!

We'd better get some Mouseketools
to help too.

To the Mousekedoer!

♪ Mouseker-hey, Mouseker-hi
Mouseker-ho ♪

♪ Mouseker-ready, Mouseker-set
Here we go ♪

♪ You're a thinking and a solving
Work it through-er ♪

♪ Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you
Mouskerdoer ♪

♪ Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you
Mouskerdoer ♪

♪ Oh, Toodles
It's time to get to it, ha, ha ♪

♪ Show us the Mouseketools
To help us do it ♪

Meeska, mooska, Mousekedoer.

♪ Mouseketools, Mouseketools
Mouseketools ♪

♪ Here are your Mouseketools! ♪

MINNIE: Oh, my, a giant horn!

Aww, a cute little baby rattle.

PETE: Ooh, and bouncy shoes!

Great for reaching high-up things.

MICKEY: And the mystery Mouseketool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

♪ Toodles has the tools
The Mouseketools ♪

♪ So when we need them
Toodles will bring them ♪

♪ He's here for me-dles and you-dles ♪

♪ And all we have to say
Is "Oh, Toodles" ♪

♪ All we have to say
Is "Oh, Toodles" ♪

Now that we have Mouseketools,
let's solve the super puzzles!

And that's where I take over.

Get ready for my first super puzzle,

and it's a real puzzler,

on account of what you gotta do is
open the clubhouse mailbox!


To unlock the lock and open the mailbox,

you gotta play a special tune
that goes like this:

♪ Toot, toot, toot ♪

Now you try it. Ready?


♪ Toot, toot, toot ♪

Say, pretty good.

But the mailbox won't unlock
unless you play the tune.

On a musical-type
musical instrument, that is. [CHUCKLES]

Let's try a Super Mouseke-fiddly-foo.

Uh, I mean
a Super Mouseke-diddly-doo... Ohh!


You mean a Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

ALL: Oh, Toodles!


Do you see a Mouseketool
we can use to play Puzzler Pete's tune?

MINNIE: I know. The giant horn.

It's a musical instrument.

MICKEY: We got ears. Say, "Cheers."

Wow! When they said giant horn,
they weren't kidding.

It's so big, I don't know
how we're gonna play it.

Hmm. Doesn't Super Goof have super breath?

Why, sure, I do!

But, uh, how's that gonna help us?



I can use my super breath
to blow into the giant horn

and play the puzzle tune!


Oh, rats!

And you remember the tune
you gotta play, right?

Uh... nope.

What's the tune that will unlock
Puzzler Pete's musical lock?

Right! It goes...


♪ Toot, toot, toot ♪

Let's practice it.


♪ Toot, toot, toot ♪

Now use your super breath

and help Super Goof
play the tune just right.

Cup your hands like this. Ready?




Yippee! I Super Goofed it.

That was nice super blowing, everyone.

Now, let's see what's in the mailbox.

Oh! It's a note.


It's from you, Puzzler Pete.

It is?

[GASPS] Oh, that's right, it is.

Let me read that for you.

"Congratulations! You just solved
the first super puzzle."

Say, that means
you've just won your first prize,

and here it is now!

Hold on to those sticks, kiddo.

You're gonna need them
for a special surprise later,

I promise.

Oh, Handy Helpers!

Will you please keep these safe?

Now, come on, everybody,
it's time for my second super puzzle.

Follow me to Mickey Park!

My second super puzzle
is a little thing I like to call,

"Spot What's Different
About These Pictures."

Please welcome
my special assistant puzzlers,

Donald and Daisy!

ALL: Hi, Donald! Hi, Daisy!

Hello, everybody!

This is such a fun puzzle,
but it's tricky too.

All you've gotta do
is look at these two pictures

and see if you can spot what's different.

BOTH: Ta-da!

It's a pair of handy cranes.

SUPER GOOF: Gee willikers!

If you ask me, uh,

these two pictures
look exactly the same as each other.

MICKEY: Hmm, there's something different,

but I just can't put my finger on it.

[CHUCKLING] Oh, Mickey.

I think I see what's different. Look!

Do these handy helper hands
look exactly the same?

[LAUGHS] What's different?

Look at the number of fingers on each one!


This handy crane
has one, two, three, four fingers.


But this handy crane

has one, two, three,
four, five, six, seven.

Seven fingers!

Oh, goody!
You've spotted what's different.

This picture has more fingers
than this picture.

You've just solved
the second super puzzle.

Boy, that was fast.

Well, I guess now you get the next prize.

Ta-da! Here's prize number two!


two gloves?

Not just any two gloves.

These are Puzzler Pete's
super puzzle gloves!

Now, make sure you hold on to them

because you're gonna need them later for--
Oh, no!

Quick, everybody, follow those gloves!


Oh, no. Look!

That baby hippo is asleep on our gloves.

Never fear, I'm Super Goof!

I can move that baby hippo
by using my super strength!


Hmm, let's try that again.


Hmm, trickier than I'd expected.



Uh-oh, Mickey.

That baby hippo is too heavy
for Super Goof to move,

even with super strength.

Let's try a Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

ALL: Oh, Toodles!

MICKEY: Hmm, what Mouseketool can we use
to get that baby hippo to move?

A baby rattle, some bouncy shoes
or the mystery Mouseketool?

MINNIE: Well, we could try
the baby rattle.

Babies love to play with rattles.

Maybe the baby hippo would like it too.

MICKEY: Great idea, Minnie.

We got ears. Say, "Cheers."

Hello, little baby hippo.

Want to play with a rattle?


Huh? Ow!

Hey, I did it!

I Super Goofed it!

Oh, boy! Super puzzle gloves.

Okay, you got the gloves.

And now, there's only one more
super puzzle to solve.

Come on!

Welcome to super puzzle number three,

the number tree!

Now, all's you gotta do

is collect all of those numbers
from up in the tree.

Oh, but it's tricky, you see,

on account of,
you gotta get the numbers in order,

like if you were counting them.

But golly!
All those numbers are way up high.

How are we supposed to reach them?

Hey, I just make the puzzles.

You gotta figure them out. [LAUGHS]

Ooh, maybe a Mouseketool
can help us reach the numbers.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

ALL: Oh, Toodles!

MICKEY: Hmm, we have the bouncy shoes
or the mystery Mouseketool.

Do you think we could use the bouncy shoes
to jump up high enough?


MICKEY: We got ears. Say, "Cheers."

Oh, boy! I'm gonna Super Goof it
with bouncy shoes.


Now, remember, we need to collect
the numbers in order,

as though we're counting.

So, Mickey, when you're counting,
which number comes first?

Why, the number one, of course.

GOOFY: But I don't see
a number one up there anywheres.

MICKEY: Well, then,
which number comes next?

Right. Two.


What number comes after two?


But there isn't a number three.

MICKEY: Well, then,
what comes after three?


Number four. Got it!

Now, uh, what number comes after four?


MINNIE: But there isn't a number five,
so what comes next?


I see the six.

I got the six!

What number on the tree comes next?

MICKEY: Eight!
-Oh, golly!

MICKEY: And what number comes next?

MINNIE: Right, ten.


And the next number is...?

MINNIE: Twelve.


Good going, Super Goof. You did it!

Yep! I Super Goofed it

because I'm Super Goof!

Aah! Wow!


Quick! We need to get Super Goof
down from that tree.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

ALL: Oh, Toodles!

MICKEY: The only Mouseketool left
is the mystery Mouseketool.

Let's hope it works.

Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool."

ALL: Mystery Mouseketool!

MICKEY: What's today's
mystery Mouseketool?


It's an elephant!

PETE: Heh! I don't see
how an elephant's gonna be any help.

MICKEY: Oh, I have an idea.

We picked all our Mouseketools.

Say, "Super cheers!"

Say there, Mr. Jumbo,

would you mind reaching up
with your long trunk

so Super Goof
can climb safely down that tree?


Hi, I'm Super Goof.





-Thanks, Mr. Jumbo!
-Good going, Super Goof.

You got all the numbers down.

Yeah! And we solved
all of Puzzler Pete's super puzzles.

Hey, don't we get another prize?

Yeah, yeah, another prize. Here you go.

It's a... bag.


Yep, so's you can carry all those numbers
you got from the number tree.


Sticks, gloves, and now a bag of numbers?

I don't get it.

Puzzle Day isn't over yet, friends.

I've got something
super-duper to show you!

Ta-da! Here it is!

My super-duper puzzle.

ALL: Hmm.
-You see, the big clock is broken.

It doesn't work.

That's because it's missing some pieces.

The super-duper puzzle

is to figure out how to take
and use the three prizes you got

and... fix the clock!

Ha, ha! Good luck! [CHUCKLES]

Gosh! This sounds tricky.

First, let's think about what the clock
is supposed to look like.

This is what the clock
is supposed to look like,

so how do we use the prizes we won
to make this clock match this clock?

Hmm. What's missing from this clock?

MICKEY: I know. It's missing numbers.

And we have numbers in our bag.

Let's use them.

Look! There's number one.

But the next number's missing.

What comes after one?

Right! Two.

Do we have a number two in our bag?

Yep. We do.

MICKEY: Then comes three.
What comes after three?

MINNIE: Oh, yes. Four.

We've got one of those.

Then comes five, and then...

Oh, you got it! Six!

GOOFY: Then comes seven,

and after seven comes what number?


Then comes nine, followed by what number?


MINNIE: And then 11, and...?


GOOFY: We did it!

We used all our numbers
and fixed the clock.

Ooh, not so fast, Super Goof.

That clock is still missing something.

What else is missing from the clock?

MINNIE: Ooh! I know!
It doesn't have any hands.

Hmm, how can we make clock hands

out of these sticks and gloves?

Put the gloves on the sticks...

And put them on the clock.



Great grandfathers, you did it!

It's ticking and tocking.

Good clock work, everybody.

You too, Super Goof.

I Super Goofed it!

Ooh! Now we'll always
know what time it is.

Lunchtime, dinnertime,
nap time, night-time,

daytime, playtime, bedtime.

Thanks, Super Goof. Oh, thanks, everybody.

And thanks to you too!

Oh, but wait! There's more!



It's time for your super-duper prize!

-For solving all my super puzzles,

and my super-duper puzzle,

you get your very own
Puzzler Pete pocket clock!


Now you will always know
what time it is too.

-Oh, my!

[CHUCKLES] You know
what time it is right now?

It's time to stand up
and do the Hot Dog Dance!

Come on!


♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog ♪


♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears
It's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
The problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

Look at me, everybody!
I'm doing the Hot Dog Dance.

Just flap your arms
and kick out your legs.

That's it. You're doing great.

What a hot-dog day!

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ It's a brand new day
What you waiting for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out
Stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ We're splitting the scene
We're full of beans ♪

♪ So long for now from Mickey Mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the Mickey Mouse ♪

♪ Clubhouse ♪

Aww, thanks for stopping by.

MICKEY: Remember the puzzle

"Spot What's Different
About These Pictures"?

What's different?

GOOFY: One hand has four fingers
and one has seven.

MINNIE: And what was the tune we played
to open the clubhouse mailbox?

ALL: ♪ Toot, toot, toot ♪

MINNIE: Aww, you sure are super
at solving super puzzles.

MICKEY: See you real soon.