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05x05 - Desperate

Posted: 03/20/24 09:37
by bunniefuu

Not what I heard.

From Emma?

The girl who never lets the truth

get in the way of a good TikTok?

Wow, nice modernization of Mark Twain.

You're being such a bitch.

- Chill out.
- Uh, Josh, that's not okay.

- Come on, man.
- Piss off, Basam.

You can't even talk to girls.

He talks to me.

You don't count.

- Hey!
- That's so rude.

Guys, come on.
The sun's not even up yet.

Can we dial it down, please?

You know what?

Speaking of great American authors,

in "A Confederacy of Dunces,"

Ignatius's hunting cap
is symbolic of what?

Maybe it's not symbolic.

It's just 'cause Toole's
friend at USL wore one.


O, Fortuna, blind.





Hey! You stopped in the
middle of an intersection.

What the hell?

- What is this guy doing?
- Hey!



Can you hear me?


- Ah!


Unlock the door now.

- Okay.
- Unlock the door.

Okay. Okay. It's open.

Everybody put your phones
on the ground now.

Okay, just listen to him, guys.

- Phones on the floor.
- Just do what he says.

Everybody out. Now.

- Hurry up!
- Now!

- What's going on?
- Let's go. Hurry up.

Move your ass or everybody dies.

- Now!
- Okay. All right.

To the back.

- Go, go, go!
- Teacher...

All right. Yeah.

- Open it.
- Okay.

All right! All right. All right.


- Corey Marks?
- Over there.



- Hey.
- What happened?

My landlord evicted me
because I was behind on my rent,

and things got
a little heated, and you know,

a few punches got thrown.

A few punches got thrown?

What's the charge?

Third-degree as*ault.
I'm about to process him.

It'll be up to the judge.


Why were you behind on your rent?

I stopped paying because
he wouldn't fix a stove.

So you decided to smack a guy?

It wasn't my fault. He started it.

Remy, is that you?

Sanders, hey.

How's it going, man?

All right. This your son?

Uh, nephew.

He got into a little dustup
with his landlord.

He's a good kid.

Made a mistake.

Old friend. He's on the job.

Let me see the paperwork.


That was dope how you fixed that.

I didn't fix anything.

You got a felony kicked down
to a misdemeanor

and no bail. That's fixing it.

You still have a desk appearance,

and you better take it seriously.

You gotta think about how it
could affect your medical license.

I know.

Where's your stuff?
Where are you gonna go?

I... I don't know.

Call your mother.

Remy, I can't.

We're not talking.

Oh, boy.

You need to fix that.


Can I crash with you?

Just until I figure things out.


You said we're family.



You're unbelievable, you know that?

I'll buzz my doorman, Georgie,
tell him you're coming over.

Thank you.

I appreciate it.

Uh, wait, Remy.

I don't know where you live.

I'll text you the address.

Maybe this one you'll actually read.


Morning, people.

This one's all hands on deck.
What do we got?

A woman was k*lled,
and four students and a teacher

from Tillman High
were abducted this morning

from their school SUV in Pennsylvania.

Julia Newlin, Evelyn May,
Josh Hollingsworth,

Basam Malek, and their
debate coach, Henry Kipman.

- How old are the kids?
- They're all 15.

AMBER Alert's already out.

School's in a wealthy district,

so of course, the media
will be swarming soon.

The teacher's
and students' phones were off.

I couldn't track them.

Do we think that the
deceased woman is involved?

Claire Sutter, 25, from Pineville.

She was on her way to the gym.
No priors.

Sounds like wrong place, wrong time.

Back of the SUV has a dented bumper.

Okay, so the Honda stopped
in front of the SUV,

another car hit it from behind,
and maybe pinned them in?

Do we know anything about
the car that hit them?

It could have a dent
in the front of its bumper.

Other than that, the area is rural.
No cameras, no witnesses.

Rich school, abduction
in the middle of nowhere...

this was planned.

Let me take a wild guess.

The Honda was stolen.

Out of Newark yesterday.

MPD's trying to get us more info.

[SIGHS] Anything else from the scene?


And speaking of scene,
we don't even have one.

What do you mean?

Local PD towed the cars.

ERT's en route to search them
at the local impound.


Uh, students and families are starting

to gather at the high school.

Nina and I will take the school.

Hana, set up the MCC
and liaison with ERT.

Ottsville was the closest town
to the accident,

so they probably passed through.

Ray and Barnes,
see if anyone saw anything.

Let's roll.


This is a public high school?

Not how you grew up?


Fewer lawns and more metal detectors.

Kids here are born on third base,

and the rest of us
aren't even up to bat.

People can't help
what they're born into.

Well, that I can agree with.


Principal Hillen?

Call me Graham, please.

- Agent Scott and Chase.
- Yes, yes.

Did you pull any
security camera footage?

Yes... our team is reviewing
the past month.

They'll let me know
if they spot anything

- out of the ordinary.
- We'll need to get a copy.

Of course.

Who knew the route the SUV was taking?

They were on their way
to a debate tournament,

and the teacher, Henry, Mr. Kipman,

he would have been the only one.

Ladies and gentlemen,
these are FBI agents,

and they're here to help us...


Is there anyone who'd wanna hurt Basam?

Ah, I don't know.

Has anything out of the
ordinary happened lately?

No, I don't think so.

Will Mr. Newlin be joining us?

He's at a medical conference in Zurich.

He's getting on a flight.

What do these people want?

That's what we're trying to figure out.

When was the last time you saw Evelyn?

I dropped her off here this morning.

We were arguing over some
expensive boots that she wanted.

Was anyone angry with Henry
that you know of?

No. Everyone loves him.

His whole life is this school
and these kids.

Remy, I need to see all their phones

to set up the pen registers.

All right, listen up, everyone.

Agent Gibson here needs
to see your phones right away.

We just need to...

They're just kids.

Who would do this to them?

Yeah, real early this morning.

He was wearing driving gloves.

- Driving gloves?
- Yeah.

He parked his Honda right out there.

And when he came in,
it was hard not to laugh.

Okay, Mr. Midlife Crisis,
you're a race car driver.

- Was he with anyone else?

Another guy met him a few minutes later.

Also wearing driving gloves?


Huh, must be a club or something.

Uh, I found zero cameras.

Oh, honey, see our stoplight?

That went in last year.
That was big news.

There are no cameras around here.

Two guys, both wearing driving gloves.

Did they pay with credit card?

Uh-uh. Cash.

You see what they were driving?

Well, the first one was a Honda.

The other guy had a van,
the kind that makes deliveries?

What color?

Black with no back windows.

How'd you see the van?

The guy left his gloves,
so I ran 'em out.

He took his gloves off?

They both did.

They had to eat.

Is there any chance you
haven't washed their dishes yet?

Oh, well, my obsession
with "The Real Housewives"

is about to pay off.

Dishes are still in the sink.

Thank you.

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

Get over there.


Shut up.

She's scared.


Hey, hey, hey.

Everyone, just... just
stay calm, all right?

We're gonna get through this.

Just do what these men say.

Yeah, you know, your teacher's
giving you some sound advice.

Stay put, be quiet,
and don't try anything.


We're right outside.

Okay. All right. Okay.

Hana, did it come through?

Yeah, the prints on
the glass came back a match.

Meet our fugitives,
Aaron Quallich and Luca Marino.

Oh, these guys have been busy.

Let's see.

Witness intimidation,
fraud, extortion...

wait, will you scroll down?

Huh, associates of the Esposito family.

Organized crime usually
flies under the radar.

Well, the mob's never been
shy about collecting

their debts, so maybe
that's what this is about.

Looks like Luca's a floater,

but I have a last-known for Aaron

in Delaware Township, New Jersey.

All right, we're close to it.
We'll hit it up.

I'm gonna grab Remy.

We'll talk to the families and
see if they recognize these guys.

Let's see. No. I haven't seen...


Take a good look. Take a good look.

- Sometimes...
- None of us do.

Where's my son?

- It's gonna be okay.
- I just need you to stay calm.

- I can't.
- It is going to be okay.

- It's not gonna be okay!
- Listen to me...

- Stop telling me how to relax.
- Okay.

I can't believe this is happening.

Well, it is happening.

And I think we know why.

- Margaret...
- Excuse me?

Are you implying something?

Basam's a Malek.

You're practically royalty.

They know you have money,
now all our kids

are in danger because of you!


All right, all right, listen.

Everybody, everybody, calm down.

Take a deep breath.


- Oh, my God.
- What?

- Oh, my God.
- What is it?


- Oh, my God.
- Evie.

- I can't look at this.
- Oh, Basam.

- Oh.
- Oh my God.

No. No, no.

IXQL and SWIFT code, so it's
probably an offshore account.

I mean, what do we do? Just wait?

"2 million per person, or in two hours,

we start pulling triggers!"
We gotta do something!



I know this is scary,
but it's actually a good thing.

[SCOFFS] This is not a good thing.

They're communicating
with us, and that's a positive.

If we pay them,
will they give us our kids?

The FBI's full resources
are focused on this.

We're doing everything possible.

- So what? Do we pay?
- No.

The longer this goes, the more
information we can gather.

- You have to trust us.

Okay, please.

Excuse me one second.

Can you trust him?

Pen register pay off?

Okay, so the text was definitely sent

from a burner phone, but it's off.

I might be able to track
where it was sold from.

These pictures have no natural light,

blank background.

These poor kids could be anywhere.

Yeah, thanks.

That was Newark PD.
We struck out with the Honda theft.

I got the ERT report back.

So the Honda was definitely wiped.

Okay, what about trace?

There's lots of it.

But there's no way to distinguish

the owner of the Honda
from Aaron or Luca.

Have ERT cross-reference
the trace from the school,

SUV, and the Honda.

Anything from Barnes and Ray?

No, they're at
Aaron Quallich's last-known.

He's not there, but they're
speaking with his roommate, Gio.

All right, keep me posted.

These parents are losing their minds.


They're barely hanging on.



Should you do that, Mr. Kipman?

He told us not to try anything.


Evie, I need to do this.

You know, we can't just sit here.

[GRUNTS] Josh.

Josh, come here. I think this is loose.

Just try and push.



Hey, did you guys hear that?



What's in your hand?



- That's stupid.
- Yeah.

- Don't do that.
- Yeah. Yes.

That's not enough.

These guys think they're smart.

No. No.

Looks like I'm gonna
have to teach 'em a lesson

on how to listen.

- I'm sorry...
- [g*nsh*t]

- What the hell, man?

You just k*lled 2 million bucks!

He's a teacher.

We were never gonna
get money out of him.

Plus, maybe now they'll listen.

Okay, so the families don't really
seem to have any mob connections.

Not that they're admitting to.

Did you hear back from Organized Crime?

No, they're still running
names and checking informants.



Hey, Barnes, what'd you
find out from Aaron's roommate?

Not a lot.

Aaron moved out over a year ago.

He gave us Aaron's cell,
but it's been disconnected.

We're still missing something here.

I mean, there's millions
of kids out there,

so why these kids?

Well, I can't answer that.

But I can tell you that the burner phone

that sent the ransom demand

was bought at a car wash in Doylestown.

Doylestown isn't far.
We'll go check it out.


Hello? Is anyone in there?


You gotta help. Ian's lost his mind.

Now, please, hurry.

Ian. Ian, stop.

- This is a mistake.
- No, it's not.

Ian, come on. The FBI said to wait.

I don't care what they said.

It's not their son
with a g*n to his head.

- Don't do this!
- Get out of my face!

Hey! Back off!

Don't you make that call.

You don't tell me
what to do, you freaking...

You'll get my daughter k*lled!

What the hell is going on here?

He's gonna pay the ransom.

I beg you to reconsider.

Beg all you want,
I'm getting my kid back.

- What about our kids?
- That's up to you.

If you have the resources,
I think you should pay.

It's a lot of money, Ian.

It's your daughter, Margaret.

Do you wanna not pay
and have her k*lled?

Do you wanna live with that
for the rest of your life, huh?

I know where you're coming from,

but this is a terrible idea.

Your strategy is not working.

Are your parents in?

Yeah, they're in.

Wire the money.


And what if because you paid,

they k*ll my kid to make a statement?

We need to find a way to work together.

My job as a father is to protect my son.

So if that means paying,
then maybe you should too.

- You son of a bitch!
- Enough! Damn it!

It's hard to imagine
anything more stressful

than your children being in danger.

I get that.

But you need to get
a hold of yourselves.



Birch Park, Easton, PA.

Bag in trash can
with directions to Josh.

- Let's go.
- That's a bad idea.

Says the guy who's done
nothing to bring my child back.

These people are career criminals.

You have no idea
what you're walking into.

He is my son.

I would walk into hell
if it would bring him back.

Then we're coming with you.

No, no, no. I am not doing
anything to put my son at risk.

I wasn't asking permission.

We'll set a perimeter out of sight.

No uniforms, just eyes.

We're doing this my way or no way.

You guys don't wanna
do this alone, okay?

- We'll meet you there.

Do not play hero.


Hey, Jenna.

Who the hell do you think you are?


I have taken care of Corey
since the day he was born,

and you think that you can
just swoop in and take over?

That's not what's going on here.


He won't talk to me, his own mother,

but he is talking to an uncle
that he met five minutes ago.

How dare you get between us?

What was I supposed to do?

Not help him?

Excuse me.

FBI agents Barnes and Cannon.

We have a few questions for you.

Of course.

What's going on?

How long does this camera keep footage?

It doesn't. It's fake.

Teenagers kept stealing
energy drinks and beer, so.

Do you sell prepaid cell phones?

Usually, yes.

I sold the last three yesterday.

And how many people bought those phones?

One guy, bought all three.

Three phones. There's a third person.

Or maybe he just needed an extra one.

How'd he pay for the phones?

Cash. Why?

Do you recognize either of these two?


Is there anything you can tell us

about the guy who bought the phone?

Average white guy.

Hair color, eye color?

I don't know.

But he was wearing a Princeton
ring, that I remember.

It's my daughter's dream school,

so I asked him about it.

- What's up?
- Hey, Remy.

We got a third suspect.

No ID, but he's wearing
a Princeton ring.

Cross-check Organized Crime files

with Aaron and Lucas' rap
sheets with known associates.

Look for anyone with
connections to Princeton.

At the park now. Gotta go.

All right. Got it.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Hey, guys, they're pulling in right now.

- I've got this one.
- Okay, I'll take the back one.


- What?
- Ian!

What? What's wrong?

Oh, God!

Oh, my God.

"A little piece of Josh for you.

"New plan.

Double money."

They're gonna k*ll him.

They're gonna k*ll my son.

No, no, no. It is going to be okay.

Ian, it's his ear!

Oh, my God, they're gonna k*ll him.

Hey, it's okay. I need you to
take a deep breath for me, okay?

In and out.


Is that a Princeton ring?


The car wash guy ID'd you.

You bought the phones.

You're working with Aaron and Luca.

Wait, are you insane?

He would never.

Tell him.

I would never, ever do anything

to hurt my son.

I love Josh.

What do you think I am?



- What do you know?
- What?

- What do you know, Ian?
- Nothing.

If you know something,
tell me, tell me what you know!

I don't know... I don't know anything!


What did you do, Ian?

No one was supposed to get hurt.

If you wanna see your son again,

you better tell us what
the hell is going on right now.

I work in clean energy.

And when I need land
and someone doesn't wanna sell,

I send Aaron and Luca, and people,

they change their minds.

Oh, my God.

Things have been tight.

I needed money, you knew that!

We ran your financials.

Shell corporations, fake accounts,

everything's collapsing.

Where'd you get
the 2 million for the ransom?

My parents.

You said our money
was tied up in investments.

What else did you lie about?

Paying was supposed to get
the other families

to pay, too,
and then Aaron and Luca and I,

we would split the 10 million.

And the kids, the kids would come home.

I've known them for years.

I don't know why they changed the plan.

I don't know why they'd do this to me.


He's our son, Ian!

He's our son!

- You're a monster!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Where are the kids?

At an Airbnb I rented under a fake name.

"One hour, people start dying."

Where is the Airbnb?

Martins Creek, 15 minutes away.

Scramble SWAT.

Have PD pick up Nancy.

Oh, no, no, no.

Am I going to jail?

You bet your ass you're going to jail,

but first you're coming with us.

I might need you to negotiate
with these psychos.

Okay, listen. Listen!


Two armed suspects, four children,

and a teacher as hostages.

Ray, you and Mitchell with me.

The rest of you take the house.

Let's get it.

Clear the garage.

- Copy that.
- Hey, guys, over here.

Garage is clear.

Pull Ian out of the car now.

Pull him out!

You jerking us around with
these kids' lives on the line?

- What?
- We just searched the entire property,

and it's empty. Nobody's here!

No, this is the place.

I can't believe this.
They screwed me again.

Where the hell are these kids, Ian?

We've only got 30 minutes.

I swear to God, I don't know.


ERT trace report just came in.

There were three elements
that overlapped

the Honda and the school SUV...
manganese, carbon, and sulfur.

Great, how does that help us?

Manganese is in everything.

Carbon, it's also coal.


High sulfur content can be found

in mill tailings also associated

with dry rock coal mining.

Coal mine, there's gotta be
some around here.


There are three nearby.

Two are operational, one is shut down.

It's right near where
the kids were abducted.

It's owned by Salkin Energy.

Oh, no.

What? You know Salkin?

I tried to buy from him last year,

but they didn't wanna sell,
so I sent Aaron and Luca

to negotiate, and it didn't work, but...

- But what?
- I don't know.

It's just... they spent a lot
of time in Salkin's offices,

so they may know about the mine.

Call Salkin, and have their
people meet us at the mine.

For your sake and your son, you
better pray this is the place!


You're losing too much blood.

I'm fine.

You always have to argue with me.

'Cause you're always wrong.

- Aah!
- Sorry.

Sorry, I'm sorry.


You don't have to do this.

I know you hate this kind of stuff.

Actually, I don't.

My dad just says that 'cause he thinks

I'm too weak to be a surgeon like him.

He's wrong.


- It's fine.

He was a good teacher.

He cared so much.

I wrote a short story.

He's the only one I showed it to.

He said I reminded him of Ocean Vuong.


What was it about?


It's stupid.


It's not.

It was about how my parents
expect all these things from me.

Good grades.

Spend more time volunteering,
be the best debater.

Now I'm not the best at anything.

I can't believe I'm never
gonna see them again.

The last thing I said
to my mom was I hate you.



Got a black cargo van,
front dented bumper.

This is it. They're here!

Generator's still running.

They must have power down there.

Agent Scott, I'm Kim Loza,

director of mine safety for Salkin.

I brought the map you asked for.

It's a lot bigger than I expected.

Well, Kilo's a five-mile labyrinth

of interconnected rooms and shafts.

Okay, so what is this here?

These are tunnels, those
are rooms, these are shafts.

- How long has it been closed?
- Years.

Frankly, even before that,

the cribbing was about
as stable as wet cardboard.

But MRT's an hour out...
our Mine Rescue Team.

Mines are incredibly dangerous,
but this is an elite team

that has trained for years
to go in and take care of it.

We're not waiting.

Well, I can't let you go down there.

They have four children and a teacher,

and they're gonna start
sh**ting in 15 minutes.

It's not your call.

The generators are up, right?

Lights are on.

Elevator shafts should be working.

Where's the most likely place
they would hold these kids?

The mine is divided
into two chambers, A and B.

There's dozens of possible spots,

but most likely one of the storage rooms

because they have locking doors.

There's one in A right here,
and one here in B, right here.

Hana, stay up here
and coordinate with Loza.

How are we on comms?

Well, they're simplex,

so they should work person to person.

What about communicating with you?


Set up a portable repeater for sure.

Be careful.

Everything is unstable,
everything's connected.

If you sneeze in A,
you've got a dust cloud in B.


Oh, ooh, ooh, this sucks.


What happened to a good
old-fashioned bank robbery?

Tell me about it.

Just think of it
like an amusement park ride.

That can collapse and k*ll you?

- What?
- The Tower of Terror.

These idiots could be anywhere.

There's a million hiding places.

Any more good news?

That's about it.

Nina and I will take A, you take B.

Eyes wide open, comms on.

Copy that.

- Come on.
- Yeah.

You okay?

- Seriously?
- Yes.

Yeah, no.


Radio check.

Can you hear us?

Yeah, nothing yet.

Stay alert.


It looks like nobody's been down here.

Let's just keep going, Ray. Come on.



- What was that?
- I don't know.

Hey! Somebody let us out!


You think it's settling?


No. We need to move.

Go. Out. Now. Quiet.



Go, go, go, go.

Let's go. Let's go.

Move it.

Let's go. Quiet.

That was close. You all right?


Come on.


Ray, we heard voices.

They're in chamber A. Get over here.

We're on our way.

There's dirt and rocks
falling everywhere, man.


Damn it.

We have to leave him. Secure the area.

- Anything?
- Teacher's dead. Kids are gone.

There's only one way
they could have gone.

Come on. Go, go, go.

Get down. Get down!

Go, go.

Don't say anything, or I will sh**t you.


Flashlights off.

Hug the wall.


- Thank you so much.
- Are you okay?

- It's okay.
- You're safe.

Don't look down.

Hana, both subjects are down.

- We got the kids.
- Copy that.

Thank God.

Josh is gonna need a medic.

And the teacher's DOA.


That does not sound good.

Remy, what's wrong?

All this g*nf*re has caused the mine

to become even more unsafe.

We'll head back to the elevator.

- You okay to run, son?
- Yeah.

Okay. Go, go, go.

Hang in there, guys.
Elevator's not far. Come on.

That's what the noise was.

Hana, there was a cave-in.

We can't get to the elevator.

- So does this connect?
- No, no, no, it doesn't.

Okay, uh, what about here?

It's sealed.

That's their only option.

Okay, guys, you need
to go back into chamber A.

Are you serious? We can't go back there.

All the way to the dead end,
past the storage room,

there's a side tunnel.

I know where it is. We were just there.

Okay, in there, there's a
room with an old utility lift.

Let's go.
Are we sure that lift is gonna work?

I sure hope so,
'cause it's your only way out.



No, I can't go back.

There has to be another way.

The only way out is back in.
We gotta keep going.

It's just a jog in a coal mine.

What about Mr. Kipman?

I'm sorry, no.

It doesn't feel right
to leave him behind.

Keep your eyes up.

You don't want this in your memory.

They got what they deserved.

Where are you guys?

Hana, we're at the side tunnel.

- You sure this is it?
- Yes.

Remy, this is your only way out.

Come on.

Move. Move.

Let's go.

Stay there. Stay back.

Hana, we're in the lift room.

Copy that.

I'm checking the lift's exit route.

Let's see if this thing works.


Damn it.

Why isn't it working?

I don't know. It doesn't
seem to be operating properly.

Wait, turn it off.

Yeah, the belt is missing.

Oh, that's right. You know cars.

- This should be good.
- Here it is.



All right.

All right, turn it back on.



I think we're gonna be okay.

Nice job.

I don't trust this thing to
take more than two at a time.

Bottom line, don't move, don't panic.

Josh, you and Ray first.

- You sure?
- Go.

- See you up there?
- Yeah.

All right. Take us up.

You did great.

Thank you for everything.

Of course.


- You okay?
- Yeah, one star.

I do not recommend.

How's it going?

Train's moving, but nothing yet.

Come on, come on.

All right, he's here. He's here.

It's our last man.

- Whoo!
- You guys okay?

Yeah, we're okay.





Josh, oh my God. Josh.

Poor Josh.

This is gonna rock his world.

When you're a kid,
your parents are gods.

When I held Anais for the first time,

in a heartbeat,
I realized they're not gods.

Parents are just humans who had a baby.


Um, can you come with me for a second?


- She's here.
- Where's Dad?

That's a conversation.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, what the hell was Ian thinking?

There had to be a better way.

He was terrified of losing his family.

And ironically,
that's exactly what happened.

Yeah, which is sad because family's

who you need in the tough times.

Yeah, well, my father's my compass.

Without him, I couldn't find true north.

Make yourself at home.

Oh, yeah. Sorry.

[GRUNTS] My landlord dumped
all my stuff on the sidewalk,

and I didn't know where to put it.

It's just been a long, crappy day.

No worries, kid.

I'll be your compass.




I don't know how
you remember any of this crap.

You know, you got
a bright future ahead of you,

if you could just muzzle your temper.

How was class?

Fine, you know.

No, I don't know,
so you have to tell me.

Oh, come on, Remy,
you don't have to play dad.

Will you stop saying that?

We're roommates now,
at least for the time being.

And we need to communicate.



So, what's going on?

You'll find out anyway.

Find out what?


I dropped out of med school.