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04x12 - Sea Food Surprise / The Flyaway Sheep

Posted: 03/19/24 19:27
by bunniefuu
("The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill Theme Song")

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ Up on the hill ♪

♪ Let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playing all day ♪

♪ Hooray ♪

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill

- [Corky] And his best friend, Corky.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

- [Corky] Look, Bill, there's the beach

and isn't it a ripper of a day?

- [Bill] Just perfect for going out in our boat, Corky.

- [Corky] Great idea!

And do you think we'll have an adventure?

- [Bill] Of course we will, Corky.

Today's adventure is called Sea Food Surprise.

Will we take our sailboat, Bill?

There's not much wind for our sailboat, Corky.

You're right.

What about our speedboat?

That's more like it.

The speedboat it is!

- [Corky] Where will we go in our speedboat, Bill?

- [Bill] Wherever we like.

Come on then!

Let's get on board!

Ready to go, Corky?

Ready, Bill!

Then, let's get cracking.

Full throttle ahead!

- [Both] Whoa!

Where should we go first?

How about we visit a friend?

Sounds good to me.

- [Bill] See if you can guess where we're headed.

- [Corky] Looks like an island, Bill.

- [Bill] It is an island, Corky.

- [Both] It's Junkasaur Island!

Can you see anyone on shore, Corky?

- [Corky] I can see someone.

- [Bill] Then, it must be Jojo the Junkasaur.

- [Corky] Jojo doesn't look very happy.

I wonder why that is.

Let's go and find out.

Bill! Corky!

Am I glad to see you!

Is everything all right, Jojo?

No, we've got a big problem!

What is it?

You'd better come and see my Mom and Dad.

They'll explain.

We're on our way, Jojo.

Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Junkasaur.

Hello, Bill.

Hello, Corky.

Jojo said you've got a problem.

I'm afraid we have.

The problem is we're running out of junk.

But, you always have lots of junk.

We did, but not anymore.

What's happened?

The junk from the sea used to wash up on our island

but now it's stopped.

Why is that?

The sea currents have changed direction

and the junk's all going somewhere else.


We don't know!

But, soon, we'll have nothing left to eat.

And we'll have to leave Junkasaur Island.

I don't want to leave our home!

Don't worry, Jojo.

We'll get some more junk for you.

You will?

Just leave it to us.

Come on, Corky!

We'll be back with lots of junk before you know it.

- [Junkasaurs] Thanks, Bill and Corky!

- [Corky] Where are we going to get some junk

for the Junkasaurs, Bill?

We can ask Mrs. Whistlehead, Corky.

I'm sure she'll have some junk she wants to get rid of.

Hello, Mrs. Whistlehead!

Bill! Corky!

Nice to see you.

We're collecting junk, Mrs. Whistlehead,

and we wondered if you had any.

Try looking in the shed.

You might find some in there.

Thanks, Mrs. Whistlehead.

Paint me pink!

The shed's full of junk, Corky!

- [Corky] This should give the Junkasaurs

enough food for month.

All we have to do is move it out.

How are we going to get it down to the boat?

- [Bill] I think our truck will be big enough

to carry all this.

- [Corky] Sounds a good idea to me, Bill.

That's done the job nicely, Corky.

And Mrs. Whistlehead will be so happy that

we've cleaned out her shed.

I can't wait to see the look on her face.

You can say goodbye to your old junk, Mrs. Whistlehead.

The shed's as clean as a whistle.

That's not old junk.

- [Both] It's not?

It's my sister's antique furniture.

I've been storing it for her.

Oops! Sorry, Mrs. Whistlehead.

Can you please put it all back in the shed?

Right away, Mrs. Whistlehead.

Thank you, Bill and Corky.

I have got one bit of junk for you.

What's that, Mrs. Whistlehead?

It's an old fishing net.

Maybe that will come in useful.

Uh, thanks.

What are we going to do, Bill?

We haven't got much junk for the Junkasaurs.

Don't worry, Corky.

I know just the place to find some more.

- [Corky] I know where we're going.

It's Cedric the Scientist's laboratory.

That's right, Corky.

Cedric's sure to have some old junk

left over from his experiments.

Hello, Cedric!

Sorry to interrupt you.

Bill! Corky!

What brings you to my laboratory?

We wondered if you have any old junk.

If you can find any lying around, you can take it.

Thanks, Cedric!

But, you have to excuse me.

I must finish my experiment.

Of course, Cedric.

Look at this stuff, Bill!

- [Bill] Rusty old pipes and nuts and bolts.

- [Corky] They'd be perfect for the Junkasaurs.

- [Bill] And I'm sure Cedric won't be needing them.


What was that?

I hope Cedric hasn't had an accident.

Are you all right, Cedric?

I'm fine, thank you.

Did you find any junk?

Yes, all this old metal stuff.

It's just the junk we need.

That's not junk!

- [Both] It isn't?

They're the spare parts for my spaceship.


Indeed they are!

Oh, well.

Guess we'd better unload them then.

Just a minute.

There is something you can have, Bill and Corky.

What's that, Cedric?

This old metal pipe.

It's a top piece of junk.


Thanks, Cedric.

Glad to be of help.

- [Corky] What should we do now, Bill?

- [Bill] I think we'd better take

this junk to the Junkasaurs, Corky.

We haven't got very much.

No, but I suppose it's something.

- [Corky] I wish we had more junk for the Junkasaurs.

So do I.

Hey, Bill, who's that over there?

- [Bill] It looks like Molly the Mermaid.

- [Corky] She doesn't look very happy.

Hello, Bill!

Hello, Corky!

Are you all right, Molly?

No, I'm feeling quite sad.

What's the matter?

I have to leave my home!

Leave the Underwater Kingdom?

Why would you do that?

I'll show you if you like.

Lead the way, Molly.

- [Corky] The Underwater Kingdom is so beautiful, Bill!

- [Bill] I know, Corky.

Why would anyone want to leave it?

What's the problem here, Molly?

Everything looks just like normal.

It isn't normal.

Look more closely.

- [Corky] What's all this?

- [Molly] It's junk!

- [Corky] Junk?

- [Molly] It just started arriving here.

There's tons of it.

So, this is where the junk is!

But, what's it doing here in King Neptune's palace?

Hello, Bill.

Hello, Corky.

I'm sorry my palace is looking so messy.

The sea currents changed direction and now

junk is being washed into my palace.

But, what's made the sea currents change?

We don't know, but the junk is ruining everything.

Come with me and I'll show you.

- [Corky] There's junk on the dining table!

- [Neptune] We can't sit down to eat our meals.

- [Bill] There's junk all over the floor!

- [Neptune] We can't sleep on the sea bed

because it's so uncomfortable.

- [Corky] And there's junk on your throne!

How can I rule my underwater kingdom

when I can't even sit on my throne?

That's why we need to find a new home.

Where there's no junk!

Can't you just get rid of it?


Nobody wants junk!

We know some people who would love this junk, King Neptune

Our friends, the Junkasaurs, on Junkasaur Island!

But how would we get it there?

Leave it to us, King Neptune!

What's your idea, Bill?

We'll use the net Mrs. Whistlehead gave us.

Good thinking!

- [Bill] Luckily, it's a very big net.

It should hold all the junk around here easily!

Right, Bill, let's get going.


It's not moving, Bill.

It's much too heavy to pull, Corky!

I think we need some help.

I can get that for you, Bill and Corky.

(shell trumpeting)

Mrs. Grumbles, the octopus!

She's got lots of arms and legs to pull the net!

And look, there's Whopper!

He's really strong.

And Dennis the Dolphin can push with his big nose!

Everybody grab the net!

We'll soon have this junk at Junkasaur Island.

All it takes is a bit of teamwork.


What's happening, Bill?

The sea currents are pushing us back, Corky.

Let's go and see what's causing it.

I'll come with you.

- [Corky] I see something up ahead, Bill!

- [Bill] Blow me down!

It's an old shipwreck.

It's wedged into the rocks!

That ship wasn't here before.

That must be what's making

the sea currents change direction.

And why the junk is going into King Neptune's palace

instead of onto Junkasaur Island.

What can we do, Bill?

We need to move the ship and then

everything will go back to normal.

But it's too big and heavy.

Not for everyone, it isn't!

(shell trumpeting)

- [Bill] Who's this, Molly?

- [Molly] See if you can guess, Bill.

- [Bill] I think I know.


- [Corky] Wally the Whale!

We need to move this ship, Wally.

Can you help us?

The ship's just too heavy.

What can we do?

A strong lever will help.

Do you mean like Cedric's metal pipe?

That's exactly what I mean, Corky.

Now, Wally, put your weight on this.

- [All] Good work, Wally!

And look, here comes the junk from the palace!

It's heading straight for Junkasaur Island.

This is wonderful!

We won't have to leave our home after all.

And the Junkasaurs won't have to leave Junkasaur Island.

Let's tell them the good news!

I'm right behind you, Corky.

Bill! Corky!

This is fantastic!

You've found food for us at last.

And not just this lot, Junkasaurs.

There's lots more to come.


- [Jojo] Where did all that come from?

- [Corky] We found an old shipwreck blocking the current

that brought the junk here.

- [Bill] But Wally moved it and now

everything's back to normal.



Bill and Corky, you're the best.

- [Corky] Gosh, Bill, that was a big adventure today.

- [Bill] It sure was, Corky.

But all that exercise has made me very hungry.

Me, too.

So, I think we deserve a really good dinner tonight.

When you're right, Corky, you're right!

- [Corky] It's another great day today, Bill.

- [Bill] Let's lie back and enjoy the sun.

- [Corky] And will we have an adventure today?

You bet, Corky!

Today's adventure is called The Flyaway Sheep.

You can't beat relaxing in the garden, Corky.

There's a lot of things to look at, too.

(birds twittering)

- [Bill] I like to watch the birds.

How about you?

I like to watch the butterflies.

They're so colorful.

Spot on, Corky!

Look, I can see another one.

- [Corky] Are you sure that's a butterfly, Bill?

- [Bill] I think it is.

- [Corky] Are you really sure?

- [Bill] Actually, no.

It's Dandy the Fairy!

- [Corky] Right, Bill.

I wonder what she wants.

She's coming over.

Let's ask her.

Hello Bill and Corky!

- [Both] Hello, Dandy!

What brings you here today?

I've come to ask for your help.

We're always happy to help.

What can we do for you, Dandy?

I'm going to visit my friends, the elves.

Could you keep an eye on my house in Fairyland?

Of course we will, Dandy!

It will be our pleasure.

I just want to make sure Tricky the Troll

doesn't get up to any mischief while I'm away.

You don't think we'll get any trouble from Tricky,

do you, Dandy?

Don't worry.

He's promised me he won't play any tricks on you.

Tricky always promises that.

Then, he goes and plays a naughty trick anyway.

Take this bag of fairy dust just in case of an emergency.

I'm sure we won't need it, Dandy.

But we'll take it anyway just to be sure.

Thank you both so much.

Bye, now!

- [Both] Bye, Dandy!

A nice relaxing day in Fairyland.

That sounds good to me, Corky.

Me too, Bill!

Let's get going.

Right behind you, Corky.

[Mrs. Whistlehead] Yoohoo!

Bill! Corky!

That sounds like Mrs. Whistlehead.

And she sounds upset!

I wonder what's the matter.

I've been looking for you everywhere!

Is everything all right, Mrs. Whistlehead?

I have a big problem and I need your help.

What's up?

I just remembered it's my sister's birthday

and I must take her a cake.

What do you need us to do?

Could you keep an eye on my sheep while I'm away?

The Great Wild Wooly's around and

I know he'll lead them astray.

It will be a pleasure, Mrs. Whistlehead.

Thanks, Bill and Corky.

You're such good friends.

Have a lovely time at your sister's, Mrs. Whistlehead.

I will now that I know my sheep are safe.

Bye, Bill!

Bye, Corky!

(horn honking)

Isn't it great that we can be so helpful?

Bill, we've promised Mrs. Whistlehead

we'll keep an eye on her sheep.

That's right.

And we've promised Dandy we'll look

after her house in Fairyland.


But, that means we've promised to be in two places at once

Paint me pink!

You're right, Corky!

What are we going to do?

Let me think.

How can we look after Dandy's house

and the sheep at the same time?

I've got it, Corky!

You have?


We'll take Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep with us to Fairyland.

Let's go round them up, Corky.

- [Corky] How are we going to get

the sheep to Fairyland, Bill?

- [Bill] Leave it to me, Corky.

I'm an expert when it comes to sheep.

Come on, sheep!

Get going!

(sheep bleating)

Move along, sheep!

This way!

(sheep bleating)

They don't seem to want to go, Corky.

Let me try, Bill.

Baa! Baa! Baa-baa baa baa!

(sheep bleating)

That's it!

Come on now!

This way!


I didn't know you could speak sheep-talk, Corky.

Come on, Bill!

Let's get to Fairyland.

In you go, sheep.

Down the hatch!

(sheep bleating)

- [Corky] Fairyland really is beautiful, Bill.

- [Bill] It's a magical place.

- [Corky] The sheep are in for a great surprise.

- [Bill] Especially when they see all that delicious grass.

(sheep bleating)

I knew the sheep would love it here, Bill.

It's like they're on holiday, Corky.

Now we should go and check on Dandy's house.

No hurry.

First, let's make sure the sheep

really do like the grass here.

Okay, Bill.

(sheep bleating)

It's so peaceful here, Corky.

I don't think we'll be needing this fairy dust.

Neither do I.

What could possibly go wrong?


(sheep bleating)


(sheep bleating)

What's that?

(sheep bleating)

Sheep in Fairyland?

How did they get here?

I wonder what's inside that?

Fairy dust!

It doesn't seem to belong to anybody, so I'll take it!


(sheep bleating)

Oh, what was that?


It's Bill and Corky!

This must be their fairy dust.

I promised Dandy I wouldn't play any tricks so

I suppose I'd better put it back.


Oh, no!

The fairy dust!

Come back, sheep!

Come back!

Come back here, sheep!

(sheep bleating)

Oh, no!

What have I done!

(sheep bleating)

What is that noise, Bill?

It's just the sheep, Corky.

Nothing to worry about.

Where are the sheep?

I can hear them but I can't see them.

They sound really close, Corky.

They are really close, Bill.


- [Bill] Paint me pink!

The sheep are flying!

And so is Tricky the Troll!

He's taking the sheep away!

That naughty Tricky!

He promised Dandy he wouldn't get up to any mischief.

- [Corky] Do you think this is an emergency, Bill?

This is definitely an emergency, Corky.

Then we should use the fairy dust that Dandy gave us.

Right you are!


What's wrong, Bill?

The fairy dust has disappeared!

I left it right here!

Do you think someone took it?

Yes, and I think that someone's called Tricky the Troll!

Of course!

I bet that's how he made the sheep fly.

We'd better get them back and quickly!

But how, Bill?

We need someone who's an expert at rounding up sheep.

But who do we know who can do that?

- [Both] The Great Wild Wooly!

(wooly bleating)

- [Corky] There's the Wooly, Bill.

- [Bill] He looks a bit lost, Corky.

- [Corky] I think he's missing the sheep!

- [Bill] Then, let's tell him where they are!

Wild Wooly!

Are you looking for the sheep?

(wooly bleating)

We know where they are.

They're in Fairyland.

(wooly bleating)

Would you like to come with us to get them?

(wooly bleating)

I think he does, Bill.

Follow us, Mr. Wooly!

(wooly bleating)

Here we are, Great Wild Wooly.

This is Fairyland.

(wooly bleating)

Looks like The Great Wild Wooly

likes Fairyland a lot, Bill.

That's not why he's jumping up and down, Corky.

That's why he's jumping up and down!

(sheep bleating)

They're heading straight for us!

Out of the way!


That was close, Bill!

Corky, look what I found!

The bag of fairy dust!

So, Tricky didn't take it after all.

There's still some left!

What should we do with it?

We're going to use it to get the sheep back.

Mr. Wooly, how would you like to go flying?

(wooly bleating)

Right, Great Wild Wooly.

Let's go and round up those sheep!

What should I do, Bill?

Wait at the entrance to Fairyland with a big net.


See you soon!

There they are, Wooly!

Straight ahead!

(wooly bleating)

Bill, thank goodness!

You have to get me down!

No problem, Tricky.

Leave it to us.

(wooly bleating)

(sheep bleating)

Well done, Wooly!

The sheep are following us!

(wooly bleating)

Now, head towards the entrance to Fairyland.

Get ready to catch the sheep, Corky!

Ready, Bill!

(sheep bleating)

Good work!

Bill, Corky!

Is everything all right?

It is now!

Tricky, you promised me you wouldn't play

any tricks on Bill and Corky.

I didn't.

It was an accident.

Did you take the fairy dust?

Yes, but when I tried to put it back,

I tripped up and the fairy dust went all over the sheep.

Are you telling the truth, Tricky?

Promise, Dandy!

Promise, promise, promise!

I think he is telling the truth, Dandy.

We did find the bag of fairy dust on the ground.

There's just enough left to put things right.

(sheep bleating)

- [Both] Thanks, Dandy!

Now, it's time we were getting back to Fairyland.

Bye, Bill and Corky!

Sorry for all the trouble.

That's all right, Tricky.

See you, Bill and Corky!

We'd better get the sheep back to their field

before Mrs. Whistlehead comes home, Bill.

I think the Wooly can help us with that, Corky.

(wooly bleating)

(sheep bleating)

[Mrs. Whistlehead] Yoohoo!

Bill! Corky!

- [Corky] Here comes Mrs. Whistlehead, Bill.

We just got the sheep back in time.

Hello, Mrs. Whistlehead!

How was your sister?

She's fine, thank you.

How are my sheep?

They're fine, too, Mrs. Whistlehead.

You didn't have any problems with

The Great Wild Wooly, did you?

No, he was as good as gold.

(wooly bleating)


And, as a surprise,

I brought you back some cake from the party.


What kind of cake is it, Mrs. Whistlehead?

It's my sister's special Lemon Fairy Cake.

It's so light, it almost floats into your mouth.

Well, we've handled floating sheep today, Bill,

so floating cake should be easy!

When you're right, Corky, you're right!

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend, Corky ♪

♪ See you again ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪