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04x10 - A Muddy Adventure / A Load of Junk

Posted: 03/19/24 19:25
by bunniefuu
♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ Up on the hill ♪

♪ Let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playing all day ♪

♪ Hooray ♪

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And his best friend Corky!

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

- [Corky] Are we staying in or going out today, Bill?

- [Bill] What do you think, Corky?

- [Corky] I'd like to go out, but there's big,

black clouds in the sky.

- [Bill] And lots of rain, too.

- [Corky] We can still have an adventure, though, can't we?

- [Bill] Too right. And it's called A Muddy Adventure.

I don't think this rain will ever end, Bill.

Don't worry, Corky. I'm sure it'll stop soon.

Is that today's newspaper?

Yes, and listen to this!

The world record has been broken for the longest ever

piece of spaghetti.

Whatever will they think of next?

Look Bill! The rain has stopped.

At last! Now we can go out.

Let's go and see Mrs. Whistlehead.

She's not been feeling well lately.

We could take her some flowers to cheer her up.

And see if there are any jobs that need doing.

Sounds good to me, Bill.

I hope Mrs. Whistlehead's home.

She's sure to be, Corky.


What is this? It looks like mud.

[Mysterious Voice] Hello Bill! Hello Corky!

It's Neighbor Ned!

What are you doing, Ned?

Why did you splash us with mud?

Sorry! I didn't mean to. I'm playing!

Playing with mud?

Yes! It's the best thing to do after rain.

Is it?

I'm making mud pies!

You can too, if you'd like.

Uh, no thanks, Ned.

I think we'll leave the mud pie making to you.

He's going to get very dirty doing that.

You can say that again.

(knocking on door)

Mrs. Whistlehead! It's Bill and Corky!

[Mrs. Whistlehead] Come in! The door's open.

Here we are, Mrs. Whistlehead.

How are you feeling today?

Not quite tiptop, I'm afraid.

That's no good!

We've brought you some flowers.

They're lovely! Thank you.

(birds whistling)

We didn't know you kept birds, Mrs. Whistlehead.

Where are they? (birds whistling)

I can hear them, but I can't see them.

[Mrs. Whistlehead] That's because they're not really here.

- [Corky] Then, where are they?

They're on the radio.

I'm listening to the birdsong channel.

(birds whistling)

This is one of my favorites.

Two mudlarks. Aren't they beautiful?

Uh, yes, I guess so.

Oh, I'd so love to hear them sing for real.

It's always been a dream of mine.

Has it really?

We were wondering if you had any jobs that needed doing.

Only to keep an eye out for the Great Wild Woolly.

I don't want to lose any sheep while I'm stuck indoors.

Don't you worry.

Just leave it to us, Mrs. Whistlehead!

I've been thinking, Corky.

Yes, Bill?

Wouldn't it be great if we could make Mrs. Whistlehead's

dream come true?

To hear a pair of mudlarks sing for real?

Yes! That would be magic, Bill.

But how could we?

Hm, we'd have to find a way to get the birds

to visit her garden.

- [Ned] It's cats that are the problem.

Pardon, Ned?

Cats scare the wild birds away!

That's true, Ned.

But cats don't like water,

so my uncle has built a moat around his garden

to keep them all out.

Now it's full of wild birds!

A moat! That could be just the thing!

What are you thinking, Bill?

I'm thinking we could build a moat

around Mrs. Whistlehead's garden.

Then the birds would come and sing to her for real!

Even mudlarks? Even mudlarks!

Come on, Corky!

Mrs. Whistlehead's garden will be perfect.

The birds will love it here!

- [Corky] You're right, Bill.

I think birds will like it here.

First, we need to dig the trench.

- [Corky] We'll need some spades, Bill.

- [Bill] And a wheelbarrow.

They should do the trick!

Where should we start?

Right here. Then let's get digging.

- [Bill] We'll be done in no time!

Phew. This is hard work, Bill.

Yes it is. And hot work, too.

There must be an easier way.

You're right, there is! Follow me.

Wow! Look at that mud!

It's enough to make a really big mud pie!

The biggest I've ever made.

I'm sure Bill and Corky won't mind if I borrow it.

This should do the job, Corky.

You bet, Bill! We'll have that moat done in no time now!

This is more like it.

Don't forget, Bill.

We also have to watch out for the Great Wild Woolly.

Don't worry, Corky. That sneaky sheep won't get past us.

(Woolly baaing)

Just look at this! The best mud pie ever!

(Woolly baaing)

Now I'll make it even muddier.

This is so much fun!

If I had more mud,

I could make the biggest mud pie in the whole world!

What a great idea!

- [Corky] We're nearly there, Bill!

Just one more scoop, Corky.

That's it, Corky. All done!

Now we'll need some pond liner.

Good thinking!

Otherwise the water in the moat will drain away.

I think there's some in Mrs. Whistlehead's shed.

Then let's get it.

(Woolly baaing)

(sheep baaing)

(Ned whistling)

(Woolly baaing in alarm)

(Wooly baaing)

(Ned whistling)

A digger! Brilliant!

Just look at all this mud!

(sheep baaing)

Not far now, Corky. Nearly there!

This pond liner is a lot heavier than it looks.

Do you think we've got enough to line the whole trench?

There's only one way to find out.

(sheep baaing)

Hang on, there's a sheep down here.

A sheep? I think it's stuck.

But how did it get there?

It must've wandered out of the sheep pen and fallen in.

Lucky it did.

Otherwise the Great Wild Woolly might've seen it

and led it away.

You're right! We'll take it back to the sheep pen

and check the gate is shut.

Come on little sheep. Time to go back home.

(sheep baaing)

(Woolly baaing)

(Wooly baaing in alarm)

This is so much fun! I love making mud pies.

(Woolly baaing in confusion)

(sheep baaing)

Right, Corky. Now we can get back to--

(sheep baaing)

More sheep?

What's going on? They weren't here before.

We're never going to finish if we have to keep stopping

for sheep. I know, Bill.

I'll take them back home while you line the trench.

Come on, you two! (sheep baaing)

Thanks, Corky!

This won't take long at all.

Now, all that's left is to fill the trench with water,

and Mrs. Whistlehead will have her very own garden moat.

Hmm. I'm sure I saw a hose around here somewhere.

Aha, there it is!

Mrs. Whistlehead must've been watering her front-- (gasping)

Paint me pink, Ned! What have you done?

Isn't it great? My biggest ever mud pie.

But Ned, it's right in front of Mrs. Whistlehead's house.

She'll blow her top!

Don't look now, but here she comes.

Uh oh!

Take cover! She's gonna blow!

Shhh, be quiet and listen.

(birds whistling)

It's just a bird.

Not just any bird, Ned.

That's the mudlark, and not one, but a pair!

(birds chirping)

They're right here outside my very own home!

Well knock me over with a feather.

Looks like mudlarks love mud pies, Bill.

They certainly do, Corky.

(birds whistling)

Hearing them has made me feel so much better.

Bill? Corky? What have you been doing?

Time to come clean, Bill?

Yes. You'd better follow us, Mrs. Whistlehead.

This is what we've been doing.

All it needs is water and it'll be finished.

What is it?

A moat. A moat?

To stop cats getting into your garden

and scaring away all the birds.

But I don't need a moat to keep the cats away.

Why not?

I have someone who does that for me already.

(dog barking)

Of course! Timmy the dog!

(cat meowing) (dog barking)

He'll never catch it, of course,

but it's wonderful exercise for him.

Oh dear. I'm so sorry about your garden, Mrs. Whistlehead.

We'll put everything back just the way it was.

Thank you. But not right now.

I think it's time for some afternoon tea.

- [Bill And Corky] Thanks Mrs. Whistlehead.

But first, we'll just check to see

that the Great Wild Woolly hasn't led my sheep away.

No problem there, Mrs. Whistlehead.

He hasn't been anywhere near here today.

- [Ned] Bill! Corky! Quick!

That's Ned. What does he want?

What is it, Ned? What's wrong?

Look! - [Corky] Who are they?

- [Bill] We've never seen these people before.

- [Corky] What are they doing here?

One is from the newspaper.

And the other one?

I'm not sure, but...

Good afternoon.

I'm from the World Record's office,

and I've come to award a certificate to the maker

of the World's Biggest Ever Mud Pie!

Did you hear that, Ned? Your mud pie is a record breaker.

Well done, Ned.

Here you are, Ned. Now smile for the camera.

Hold it there, and say cheese!


(camera shutter snapping)

- [Photographer] Who is that?

That's the Great Wild Woolly!

In the middle of my mud pie!

And in the middle of your photograph.

Trust the Great Wild Woolly.

He's always where you never expect him.

(laughing) When you're right, Corky, you're right.

(Woolly baaing)

- [Bill] Have you been up in the attic lately, Corky?

- [Corky] No, Bill. Have you?

- [Bill] I have. And it's full of junk.

- [Corky] Sounds like a good place for an adventure.

- [Bill] Spot on, Corky.

And today's is called A Load of Junk.

Wow, there is a lot of junk in here.

And we've got to do something about it.

Like what?

Like have a proper clear-out.

That'll take ages!

True, but it's got to be done.

Okay, Bill. Where do we start?

We start by sorting out what's what.

If it's useless junk, put it here.

And if it's useful junk?

(door closing) Over here.

What if we can't decide?

If in doubt, throw it out.

- [Corky] I never realized there was so much junk

up here, Bill.

- [Bill] No, neither did I, Corky.

- [Corky] Years and years worth.

- [Bill] You said it!

What do you think of this old chest?

That looks useful to me.

Really? Useful for what?

Useful for putting all this useless junk inside

so we can cart it away.

Great idea! Fill'er up, Bill.

Here it goes!

(junk crashing)

That's better. No more clutter.

Now what are we going to do with this, Bill?

Easy. We'll give it to the Junkosaurs.

Of course! They'll find this very tasty.

Grab a handle, Corky.

(both grunting)

It's too heavy, Bill. We'll never lift it.

You're right, but I know what will. Follow me.

- [Corky] What is it, Bill?

- [Bill] Something big, that can pick up heavy things,

and bring them down from upstairs.

- [Corky] It sounds perfect!

It is perfect! It's our crane.

Here we go!

- [Corky] While you do that, Bill, I'll get the truck.

Here comes the chest, Corky.

Good work, Bill.

Now, let's get going to Junkosaur Island.

The Junkosaurs are going to get a great surprise, Bill.

Hey! What's happened?

No idea! Uh-oh, the truck's stuck.

It's not meant to be driven on sand.

Then let's find something else to do the job.

We need a vehicle especially made for the beach.

- [Bill] Like what, Corky?

- [Corky] Like a beach buggy!

Yes! That's exactly what we need!

Come on Bill! Heave!

(Bill and Corky grunting)

This is much better.

Perfect for traveling over sand.

(buggy engine buzzing)

Now what, Bill?

Now we get our boat, Corky.

Do you think our boat will be strong enough

to carry all that junk?

Not a problem. Our boat is--hey!

Where's the beach buggy going?

(water splashing)

Oh no! We forgot to put the hand brake on!

(water bubbling)

Come on Corky! After it!

Wait, Bill! Diving helmets.

Good thinking! Now let's get that buggy.

- [Corky] Under the sea is a very big place.

- [Bill] It's huge down there, Corky.

- [Corky] And there's so many places the buggy could go!

Too many places!

Did you see which way it went, Corky?

No, Bill. But it couldn't have got far.

I'm not so sure. It looked like it was picking up speed.

- [Corky] There it is, Bill! We're catching up!

We should have it any moment, now.

Hang on, there's something up ahead.

- [Bill] What do you think it is, Corky?

- [Corky] Looks like a boat, Bill.

- [Bill] At the bottom of the sea?

It must be a

- [Both] Shipwreck!

And our buggy's heading straight for it!

(buggy crashing)

- [Corky] Oh no! The beach buggy's wrecked!

We're gonna have to carry the chest ourselves.

At least things feel lighter underwater.

You're right. A lot lighter.

Uh, Bill? Should it be feeling this light, though?

- [Bill] What's going on?

[Mysterious Voice] Heave-ho!

- [Both] A pirate ship!

Bill! Corky! Is that you?

- [Both] Captain Hornswaggle!

Come on up, me hearties!

- [Both] Aye, aye, captain!

(laughing) You've arrived just in time.

Why? What's happening?

All me pirate days I've sailed the seven seas

in search of shipwreck treasure.

At last, I found some.

Uh, but Captain-- That's--

Treasure! And it's all mine!

Hang on. What's this?

Junk. And it's all ours.

Junk? What be junk doing inside a chest?

We're taking it to Junkosaur Island.

That's the best place for a chest full of junk.

Where's your boat?

Uh, we haven't got one.

Well here, have one of mine.

- [Corky] But we couldn't just take it.

- [Captain] Think of it as a loan.

Thanks, Captain Hornswaggle!

That be my pleasure, me hearties.

- [Bill And Corky] Fantastic!

- [Captain] And don't forget your junk.

Thanks, Captain!

Hope you find that treasure someday.

I'll never stop looking. I'm a pirate, aren't I?


- [Bill] Nice rowing, Corky.

Keep it up and we'll be there in no time.

I hope so, Bill. My arms are getting tired.

Now that you mention it Corky, mine are too.

- [Corky] Junkosaur Island must be around here someplace.

- [Bill] It's not just around here, it is here!

- [Corky] Land ho!

Hello? Junkosaurs?

I wonder where everyone is.

Don't worry, Corky.

Hello Bill! Hello Corky!

- [Bill And Corky] Hello Jo-Jo!

What brings you here?

We brought you a surprise.

I love surprises! What is it?

Ooo, yummy!

Lots of lovely junk!

I thought I could smell something delicious.

- [Bill] And it's all yours.

(junk popping out)

The chest as well.

The chest? Oh no, Bill, we can't take that.

Why not? It's an old piece of junk, too.

No, it's still useful, that is.

At least it won't be so heavy now that it's empty.

Before you go, we'd like to give you a surprise.

A thank you gift from us.

- [Bill] Hang on, what is this stuff?

All the things that have been washed up on shore

from the shipwreck.

This is treasure. Real treasure!

But it's no use to us Junkosaurs.

Junk is treasure to us.

This stuff is very precious, Junkosaurs!

Are you sure you don't want it?

Please, take it.

What are we going to do with it all, Bill?

I don't know, Corky.

Maybe we can think of something on the way home.

Goodbye Junkosaurs! And thanks!

Thank you, too.

See you soon, Bill and Corky!

Have you had an idea yet about what to do

with this treasure, Bill?

No Corky, can't say I have.

- [Captain] Ahoy, me hearties!

Did you hear that?

I did, Corky.

- [Corky] It's Captain Hornswaggle!

- [Bill] What's he doing here?

I thought I'd better check up on yous.

To see that you were safe and sound!

We're safe, thanks Captain Hornswaggle!

Ah, still got that old chest with you, I see.

- [Bill] We wish we hadn't, Hornswaggle.

The Junkosaurs didn't want it?

No, and now they've give us--

Hang on! We could give it to Hornswaggle.

Yes! Great idea, Bill!

We've got a surprise for you, Captain!

We want you to have something.

(chuckling) I love surprises.

Stand by. I'll have you both on board in a flash.

(coins jingling)

- [Bill] What do you think of that, Captain?

Shiver me timbers!

That be the greatest load of treasure I ever seen!


And it's all yours, Captain.

Mine, did ye say? It's all for me?

Every last jewel, Captain.

Glory be.

I've waited all me pirate days to get me hands

on treasure like this.

So what will you do with it, Captain?

I'll show ye. Bill, give us a hand, lad.

Now, let's put it on top of the railing.

Now what, Captain?

Now, this.

(water splashing)

Captain! What have you done?

Why did you throw it away?

Because otherwise I'd have nothing to look for, would I?

I get it. You're a pirate.

You search for treasure.

- [Both] That's what pirates do.

Right, me hearties.

Now, it's my turn to do something for you.

What can it be?

I don't suppose you could give us

a lift back home, Captain?

If it's not too far out of your way.

It'll be my pleasure.

And I might even throw in a surprise for you both as well.

- [Both] Thanks, Captain!

- [Corky] It's good to be home, Bill.

Too right, Corky. It's been quite a day.

We had time for an adventure after all.

Yes, and to think it all started with a pile of junk.

- [Corky] What do you think of Hornswaggle's present, Bill?

- [Bill] It was nice of him to give us something in return.

- [Corky] It's a bit big, though.

It's a lot big, Corky.

It doesn't really fit in with the rest of our things though.

And it takes up an awful lot of space.

What do you think we should do with it, Corky?

I think we should put it in the attic, Bill.

We've got plenty of room there, now.

(laughing) When you're right, Corky, you're right.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ See you again ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪