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04x07 - Bill's Birthday / Rocks in Space

Posted: 03/19/24 19:24
by bunniefuu
(cheery music)

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ Up on the hill ♪

♪ Let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playin all day ♪

♪ Hurray ♪

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill

- [Corky] And his best friend Corky.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

I love birthdays, and there's one birthday

I love better than any other; my own.

I've got so many great things planned.

The first is getting a surprise present from Corky.

Good morning Bill.

Good morning Corky.

It's a nice day today.

And a very special one too.

There's not a lot for breakfast.

We'll have to go to the market Corky.

I'll do that right now Bill.

Don't you wanna say something to me?

I do Bill.

Yes Corky?

See you soon.

Corky didn't say happy birthday.

Ahah, that's because she's getting me a present,

and she'll wish me happy birthday when she gives it to me.

Corky, she's the best.

What's next on my list?

Have a birthday swim with our friend Ned, great.

I'll head over to Ned's place right now.

It's a perfect day.

We're going to have a fantastic swim.

I'm in luck, Ned's on his bike, so we can ride to the beach.

Hello Ned.

Hello Bill.

Are you all ready?

I'm all ready Bill to help my mother clean up the attic.

To what?

But Ned, aren't we going to the beach?

I can't go to the beach today.

You can't?

Sorry Bill, see you Bill.

Yeah, see you Ned.

Ned didn't wish me a happy birthday either.

He must've just forgotten.

Poor Ned, he always forgets things.

Let's see what's next.

Right, a birthday lunch from Mrs. Whistlehead.

Mrs. Whistlehead always puts on a spread.

This lunch being a special birthday lunch,

it'll be bigger than ever.

Good morning Mrs. Whistlehead.

Good morning Timmy.

Good morning Bill.


Here I am.

Yes, I can see that Bill.

I know I'm very early, but I'm all ready.

Ready for what?

For lunch.

Sorry, I can't have lunch with you today Bill.

I have so many things to do.

No lunch?

I'm on my way to the market right now.

Right, to buy a present, oops.

You're right Bill.

I am going to buy a present.

Ahah, I knew it.

Timmy's been so good lately, he really deserves one.



We'll have lunch another day Bill, bye.

(horn honking)

A present for Timmy?

I thought she meant a present for me.

Where are we on our list, right here.

Play a party game with Sandy the scarecrow.

Sandy won't forget my birthday.

If there's anyone I can depend on, it's Sandy.

Now, where is he?

He must be around here someplace.

Sandy, it's me Bill.

Hello Bill, are you excited?

I'm very excited

You bet I'm excited Sandy.

This is the best day of the year.

Spot on Sandy.

The day I collect straw for the winter.


I'm made of straw Bill,

and I have to get a good pile of straw

ready for the winter to keep me warm.

And you're doing that today?

That's why I'm so excited.

But, isn't there something else you're excited about?

Erm, I can't think of anything.

What else should I be excited about?

Oh, nothing.

See you later Bill.

See you Sandy.

(sad music)

I've only got one thing left on my list now.

How about that?

I've left the best thing 'til last;

afternoon tea with my friends from Fairyland.

Dandy, Rumble, and Tricky.

They won't forget my birthday.

Not a chance.


Knowing my friend Dandy the fairy,

she'll have afternoon tea all ready to go.

She's tops.

Right, now where is everyone?

- [Dandy] Bill, is that you?

- [Bill] That sounds like Dandy right now.

She's probably come to tell me all about

the party and what great food we'll have.

Hello Bill.

So where is it Dandy?

At your cottage or Rumble's cave?

Where's what Bill.

Our afternoon tea party.

I'm not having an afternoon tea party.

You're not?

I've got to see my sister Brandy.

That's why I'm passing this way.

So, there's no tea party at all?

Not today Bill.

Sorry, but I have to hurry, bye.

No afternoon tea?

And no happy birthday.


What's going on?

No one remembers it's my birthday.

All my best friends have forgotten.

- [Tricky] Bill.

- [Rumble] Hey, Bill.

Who's that?

It's Tricky the troll and Rumble the dragon.

Hello Bill.

How's it going Bill?

It's going terribly, that's how it's going.

What's the matter?

Please tell me that you know.

You've got to know.

I don't know what we're supposed to know.

And if we ask what we're supposed to know,

that means we know it already.

So, why would we ask.

So, you don't know then?

What Bill?

Tell us.

Today's my birthday and no one's remembered it.

Your birthday's today?

Today is your birthday?

You see, no one remembers.

No one's even said happy birthday.

Um, there could be a good reason why.

What reason?

Yeah, what?

Like, erm...

Like everyone is planning a surprise party.

I didn't say that.

Did I say that?

He didn't say that at all.

Paint me pink, no one's said anything

because they don't wanna spoil the surprise.

Hold on Bill.

Don't worry, no one will know that you told me.

Thanks Rumble, thanks Tricky.

Wait a minute Bill.

See you at the party, woohoo, woohoo.

I wonder how they'll spring the surprise.

Everyone could jump from behind a tree at any moment.

Okay, maybe not that tree.

Maybe not now, but a surprise party is going to happen.

I know it.



I've been looking for you.

I want you to come home straight away.

Ahah, I know there's something important there, right?

There is Bill.

Not that I know what it is though.

I'll be totally surprised.

I'll follow you Corky.

You almost fooled me this morning Corky,

but you had the surprise ready all along.

You know about the surprise?

I know everything Corky,

but I won't spoil it.

I'll act like I know nothing about it.

I bet I know who's inside Corky.

- [Corky] I bet you do Bill.

- [Bill] It's the perfect time to have friends over.

- [Corky] It's a friend alright.

Hi everybody.

Hi Bill.

Jojo the Junkosaur, you've come too.

That's great,

but where's everyone else?

It's just us Bill.

Just us?

I thought you said there was a surprise.

There is, Jojo's visit is the surprise.


This is a nice surprise,

but there's no other surprise?

What else could there be?

I thought there could be something like a party.

A party?

I don't know anything about a party.

Me neither.

Oh, right, great, who needs a silly party anyway?

(sad music)

What a birthday.

Not one thing on my list has happened.

Wait a minute, there's still one thing after all.

See the great wild wooly.

I'll invite him over and finally make friends with him.

There might not be a party to

invite the great wild wooly to,

but we can still be friends.

That would make this birthday something to really remember.

Great wild wooly.


Don't be like that great wild wooly.

I've come to be friends.


None of my friends have remembered my birthday.

So, I'm looking for new friends like you.


What a fantastic view you've got here.

I could live up here quite nicely.

I don't need those birthday-forgetting friends of mine.

It's just you and me great wild wooly.


My birthday's nearly over.

It's been the worst birthday that's ever been.


It might have been a bad birthday yesterday,

but that was a great sleep.

Now where's my new friend the great wild wooly?

Great wild wooly, hello.

Paint me pink, not even the great

wild wooly wants to be my friend.

That does it.

If no one here wants to be my friend,

I'll find a new place to live.

I'm off.

I'll go down to the beach and take

a boat to wherever it leads me.

I'll find myself a new home with new friends.

New friends who always remember birthdays.

I'm not even going to say goodbye.

This Bill is going and won't be coming back.

- [Corky] Bill?

Sorry Corky, can't stop, I'm running away.


Mrs. Whistlehead?



Even the great wild wooly.

What are you doing?

What else could we be doing Bill?

We're here to wish you...

- [Everyone] Happy birthday.

What, but I thought...

I'm all confused Corky.

Bill, you got so excited about your birthday coming

that you counted one too many days.

Yesterday wasn't your birthday.

You're right.

Today's my birthday.

- [Everyone] Hurray!

We didn't want to say anything yesterday.


That would've spoiled the surprise today.

The great wild wooly told us where you were.


So we set up the surprise party down here at the beach.

With all this food.

And a cake too.

And got ready to give you a big surprise.

And it's the most surprising surprise I've ever had.

I feel really silly for getting my birthday wrong.

Don't feel like that Bill.

Everyone makes mistakes.

You're all such great friends.

All I can say is, let's have some birthday cake.


The cake was right here, where is it?


(engine revving)

The great wild wooly.

Where, hopping mad.

Everybody on board.

We're after my cake.

Corky will you forgive me for

thinking you weren't a good friend?

Of course I will Bill.

The first thing I'll put on my birthday

list next year is to get the day right.

Do you know what the second thing is?

Keep the cake away from the great wild wooly?

When you're right Corky, you're right.

- [Corky] It's a great day today Bill.

- [Bill] It sure is Corky.

It's the kind of day that makes me feel really cheerful.

- [Corky] I hope our friends feel the same.

- [Bill] Don't worry, if they don't,

we'll cheer them up anyway.

- [Corky] Can we have an adventure too?

- [Bill] You bet.

It's called Rocks in Space.

Who should we cheer up first Bill?

How about Mrs. Whistlehead?

Great, and how will we get there?

On a day like today, you can't beat walking Corky.

Right Bill, walking it is then.

I wonder what Mrs. Whistlehead's doing today.

- [Bill] Let's see, what day of the week is it?

- [Corky] It's Monday Bill.

- [Bill] Monday, that's her washing day.

Washing's a very boring job Bill.

Right, so Mrs. Whistlehead will need lots of cheering up.

Mrs. Whistlehead, hello.

Hello Bill, hello Corky.

- [Bill & Corky] We're here to help you.

Help me, how?

We've come to cheer you up Mrs. Whistlehead.

Cheer me up?

I don't need cheering up.

You don't?

I'm feeling very cheerful thank you.

But what about all the washing you have to hang out?

Isn't that boring for you?

Not at all.

I love washing.

- [Bill & Corky] You do?

Especially on such a beautiful day like today.

Oh, right.

I suppose we better get going then.

You poor things.

Why don't you come back later and I'll

make you one of my special cakes.

That'll cheer you up.

Must dash.

- [Bill & Corky] Goodbye Mrs. Whistlehead.

Who else do you think might need cheering up Bill?

What about our friends the Junkosaurs?

It's a long way to Junkosaur island.

Good point Corky, but we don't have to

go there to find out if they're happy.

We don't?

No, we could look through the telescope.

- [Corky] Of course, we can see

everywhere with the telescope.

And if the Junkosaurs are unhappy,

we can be over to help them in a flash.

You got it Corky.

What can you see Bill?

- [Bill] I can see Junkosaur Island.

- [Corky] Anything else?

- [Bill] I can see the Junkosaurs.

- [Corky] How do they look Bill?

- [Bill] Actually, they look really happy.

Oh, maybe we can find another

friend who needs cheering up.

I'll have another look.

What can you see now Bill?

- [Bill] I can see the Moon Corky.

- [Corky] Do any of our friends live on the moon?

- [Bill] Now that you mention it, no.

I know who might need cheering up Bill.

Who's that Corky.

Tamo the space monster.

He lives all alone on his planet in space.

You're right.

Can your telescope see as far away as Tamo's planet Bill?

It will with a little adjustment Corky.

Any sign of Tamo?

No, no, yes.

- [Corky] How does he look?

- [Bill] Not very happy at all.

- [Corky] Great, he must need cheering up then.

We need to pay Tamo a visit.

How will we get to his planet?

We'll go and see Cedric the Scientist,

and ask if we can use his space rocket.

Right, there's not a moment to waste.

- [Bill] If we wanna see Cedric,

we'll have to go to his laboratory.

- [Corky] I hop he's home.


Paint me pink Corky, what was that?

I don't know, but it sure was loud.

- [Bill] I wonder who this is.

- [Corky] It's Cedric, Bill.

What was that loud noise Cedric?

I was just experimenting with my new formula.

What does it do?

It divides big objects into separate particles.

Wow, that sounds complicated.

Not really, it just blows things into lots of tiny pieces.

That sounds great Cedric.

It would be if it worked properly,

but my formula's missing one vital ingredient.

What's that?

I don't know, but nevermind.

How can I help you Bill and Corky?

We'd like to use your space rocket

so that we can visit our friend Tamo.

He lives all alone on his planet,

and he needs cheering up.

Of course Bill and Corky, it would be my pleasure.

Why don't you come with us Cedric?

A trip into space might cheer you up.

Excellent idea, I'd love to come.

- [Corky] This is going to be

a very exciting adventure Bill.

- [Bill] You bet Corky.

- [Corky] Are we ready for takeoff yet?

- [Bill] I think we are.

Have you got everything you need for the trip Cedric?

Oh my, I almost forgot my experiment bag.

You never know when it might come in handy.

Are we all ready for blast off Cedric?

Yes, but I think we'd better close the door first.

- [Everyone] Five, four, three, two, one, zero.

This is great Corky, we can see everything from up here.

Look at those strange planets.

- [Corky] They're amazing.

- [Bill] And look over there Corky.

- [Corky] It's the moon.

It's in the shadow of that enormous planet.

- [Cedric] That's not a planet.

What is it then Cedric?

That's a mighty meteor.

- [Bill & Corky] A meteor?

- [Cedric] It's a huge piece of rock

that hurtles through space smashing everything in it's path.

I wouldn't wanna get in the way of that.

Me neither Bill.

- [Cedric] It's heading straight for that tiny planet.

I hope no one lives there.

Someone does live there.

That's Tamo's planet.

Oh dear, that's most unfortunate.

He really will need cheering up now.

What are we going to do Bill?

We need to warn Tamo quick.

Full throttle ahead Cedric.


Full throttle engaged.

Destination: Tamo's planet.

- [Bill] There's Tamo down below.

- [Corky] He doesn't look very happy at all.

- [Bill] And he'll look even less happy

when we tell him that a meteor is heading for his planet.

Bill, Corky, how nice to see you.

Is that a new rocket?

It belongs to our friend Cedric.

Pleased to meet you Tamo.


Did you hear that loud noise?

It must be the meteor getting closer.

Actually, it's my stomach rumbling.

I've run out of rocks to eat.

So, that's why you were looking so glum?

We saw you through our telescope and came to cheer you up.

How nice of you.

Have you brought any rocks for me to eat?

I'm afraid not Tamo,

but there's a rather large rock heading this way.

Oh good, I'm starving.

It's not good, it's meteor.

And, it's going to break your planet into tiny pieces.

- [Corky] What are we going to do Cedric?

- [Cedric] We need to get off the planet immediately.

How long have we got before the meteor hits, Cedric?

By my calculations, the meteor will

strike in approximately seconds.


That's less than two minutes.


What are we going to do?

Quick everyone, back to the space rocket.

- [Bill] Start the engine Cedric.



I'm afraid the rocket boosters need time to recharge.

How long will it take.

Approximately seconds.

But that's exactly when the meteor will hit us.

Now what are going to do?

We can use my space ship.

Of course.

Let's go.

Your space ship looks great Tamo.

- [Cedric] A most interesting design.

- [Bill] And it looks fast.

There's one small problem.

What's that Tamo.

I've run out of fuel.

That's not a problem, we'll just fill her up.

What do you use for fuel?


Rocks? But you've eaten all the rocks.

I know, that's the problem.

We're stuck here,

and that meteor's getting closer.

- [Corky] We're going to be smashed to smithereens.

Calm down everybody, there's always

a scientific solution to every problem.

But how can you stop the meteor?

With my new formula.

Now, Tamo, I need you to hold this container.

What can we do Cedric?

I need a giant catapult.

No problem Cedric.

- [Corky] We can build one in seconds.

- [Bill] We only have seconds Corky, so we better be fast.

- [Corky] Fast it is, Bill.

The catapult's ready Cedric.

Now to add the missing ingredient;

space dust.

- [Bill & Corky] Space dust?

Are you sure it will work Cedric?

Not really, but it's our only hope I'm afraid.

That doesn't sound too good.

You'd better hurry Cedric.

The meteor is getting closer.

It's going to hit us any second now.

Formula complete.

Now what do we do Cedric?

Fire away.

Now what?

Run for cover.


Your formula worked Cedric.

You smashed the meteor.

Thank you Cedric.

It was just simple science.

Look at all these rocks.


Now there are plenty of rocks for Tamo to eat, Bill.

- [Bill] He'll never be hungry again.

I think we've really cheered Tamo up Bill.

And we cheered Cedric up by

helping him make his formula work.

That's two people we've cheered up today.

Bill, Corky, would you like to try one of my rocks?

They're delicious.

No thanks Tamo.

Mrs. Whistlehead's baking some cakes for us.

We'd better be getting back home.

Goodbye Tamo.

Thanks Bill and Corky.

And thank you Cedric for saving my planet

and getting me all these rocks.

It's a pleasure Tamo.

Thank you for your space dust.

- [Corky] What an exciting adventure we've had today Bill.

- [Bill] But it's sure good to be back home Corky.

- [Corky] Look, here comes Mrs. Whistlehead.

Bill, Corky, I wondered where you'd got to.

We've been on a trip to see one of our friends.

And I thought you'd disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Actually, we kind of did.

I made you some special cakes.

What are they Mrs. Whistlehead?

Rock cakes.

- [Bill & Corky] Rock cakes?

Did I say something funny?

Sorry Mrs. Whistlehead.

It's just that we've had to deal with lots of rocks today.

Oh, well I hope you like them.

They're delicious.

Do you really think so?

To be honest Mrs. Whistlehead,

I'd say these rock cakes are out of this world.

When you're right Corky, you're right.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ See you again ♪

♪ Good bye ♪

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪