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04x02 - A Lambful of Trouble / Chocolate Pudding

Posted: 03/19/24 19:19
by bunniefuu
♪ Bottle Top Bill and his best friend Corky ♪

♪ Up on the hill let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playing all day hooray ♪

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And his best friend Corky.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

- [Corky] We're going to Mrs Whistlehead's farm today Bill.

- [Bill] That's right Corky we're looking after the sheep.

- [Corky] When we do that we always have an adventure.

- [Bill] And this adventure is called,

A Lambful of Trouble.

- [Corky] We'll have an easy day today Bill.

You said it Corky.

Because they're is no great wild wooly

to play tricks on us.

We got this letter from him yesterday.

- [Corky] The great wild wooly is on holiday.

Today will be a breeze.

All we have to do is keep the sheep

away from the vegetable patch.

That's no problem.

The sheep are over there.

And the vegetables are that way.

Those vegetables are as safe as safe

could be with us guarding them.

No sheep could possibly get in there.

So we can sit back and take it easy.



What was that?


Up there Bill.


- [Corky] It's a lamb.

A lamb up a tree?

That's impossible.

Then why can I see it?


- [Bill] How does a lamb get up a tree?

I don't know Bill, but we have to get her down.

Don't be scared, we'll help you.

Come on, down you come.


You go back to the other sheep.

And stay with them.

Now, where were we?

Sitting back and taking it easy.

Then let's get to it.


That sounds like the lamb again.

It is Corky.

Over there.


How did she get up there?

A lamb on top of a shed?

That's impossible too.

Don't move lamb.

We'll get you down.


- [Corky] We'll need to use the ladder this time.

No trouble Corky.

I'm getting the hand of rescuing lambs.


It's alright lamby, I'm on my way.

Careful Bill.

Come on.


Let's get you down again.

Well done Bill.

Now you stay with the other sheep.



That's what I wanna hear.

I still can't see how that lamb climbed up there.

Let's find out Corky.

- [Corky] What's your plan Bill?

- [Bill] How bout we hide behind that tractor.

And watch the lamb from there?

That's it Corky.

We'll keep nice and low so no one can see us.

I'm with you Bill.

See anything Corky?

- [Corky] Not much yet.


Hold everything.

She's on the move.

She's coming this way.

Now where's she going?

To Mrs Whistlehead's house Corky.

- [Corky] What will she do there?

- [Bill] Paint me pink, she's climbing.

- [Corky] Look at her go Bill.



There's your trouble Corky.

The lamb loves to climb.

- [Bill] But she doesn't know how to get down.


Just be still and we'll get you down again.

- [Bill] The ladder isn't high enough Corky.

- [Corky] We'll need a machine.

- [Bill] And I've got just the one.

Our crane.

Good thinking Bill.

This'll be our third lamb rescue.

That's a lamb rescue record.

Take me up Bill.

Up it is Corky.


I'll get you, don't you worry.

That's the way.

Down you come.

This really has to stop.

You're too young and small to be climbing things.

When you're bigger we'll take you to the snow mountains.

You can climb all you like there.

It's so high you can see the whole world.


But for now, no more climbing.

Do you hear us?


Little lamb, the sheep are that way.

Where's she going now?

- [Corky] She's heading for our flying balloon.

- [Bill] Why would she do that?

You don't think she's trying to

go to the snowy mountains Bill?

Stop lamb!

Come back!

Too late.

- [Bill] We'll have to follow her Corky.

- [Corky] What should we use Bill?

- [Bill] I think the helicopter's the thing.

- [Corky] Sounds good to me.

Follow that lamb.

- [Corky] There's no doubt about it.

She's heading for the snowy mountains.

- [Bill] I can see them ahead Corky.

- [Corky] And we gave her the idea of going there.

- [Bill] We shouldn't have said anything about them.


Little lamb, the snowy mountains

are too dangerous to climb.

I hope the rest of Mrs Whistlehead's sheep

stay out of that vegetable patch.

Or we're in big trouble.

We'd better hurry and catch this lamb.

Full speed ahead Corky.

The balloon Bill.

I see it Corky.

Lamb are you there?

She isn't here.

We'll have to search for her.



The snowy mountains are too big for just us to look.

We need help.

- [Bill] And we know two friends who

live in the snowy mountains.

- [Corky] They'll help us for sure Bill.

- [Bill] The snow monsters Flip and Chip.

- [Corky] They know everything about the snowy mountains.



Good morning Bill and Corky.

Are you looking for a lost lamb?

We are, how did you know?

We saw it going up the other side of the valley.

Where does that lead?

To the highest snowy mountain of all.

Mount Skyhigh.

Oh no, I bet she's going to try and climb it.

You better take us there, and fast.

- [Both] Mount Skyhigh.

The snowy mountain that almost touches the clouds.

It's very hard to climb.

Even hard for us.

Surely the lamb wouldn't try and climb that.

- [Corky] She's not that silly.

I'm sorry to say that she is.

- [All] Oh no!



Don't go any higher!

It's very dangerous!

Oh she's too hight to hear us.

Corky we need a plan.

What if Flip and Chip climb up after her?

A capital suggestion.

And you and I take the balloon up Bill.

So between us we'll rescue the lamb.

Top plan Corky.

Let's get cracking.


Oh lamb.

Do please stop.


She wants nothing more than to get to the top.

I can see her now Bill.

We know what's going to happen Corky.

She'll get to the top then realize

just how high she is.

- [Bill] Look at that rock Corky.

- [Corky] To get to the top the

lamb will have to climb over it.

- [Bill] She'll never do it.


- [Corky] She did do it.

That lamb is something else Corky.

She's almost as good a climber as we are Flip.



She's at the top.

Here it comes Corky.



Just like we thought.


- [Bill] She doesn't know how to climb down.

It's alright Bill.

Flip and Chip are with her.

Oh, that was quite a climb.

Now let's help that lamb.

Don't sweat little one, we'll look after you.

Flip, Chip, do you need any help?

We can handle it from here.

I think we're in trouble Chip.

I think you're right Flip.

(yelling) (baaing)

I have you.

And I have you Bill.

I'll pull you in on three.

One, two, three.


Oh no!


What are we to do?

Parachute Corky.

Parachute it is Bill.

Will you be alright?

No problems at all Corky.

I'm coming.

Good luck Bill.


I've got you, almost, I've got you this time.



That was terrific Bill.

Good show.

Thanks everyone.

Hey, that tickles.

We should be at Mrs Whistlehead's farm any minute Bill.

I love the snowy mountains, but it'll be nice to get back.


Here we are, safe and sound.

But Corky, what are we going to do

about this little climbing lamb?

I've been thinking about that Bill.

We'll build a special climbing wall for the lamb.

And a slide on the side so she knows how to get down.

Brilliant Corky.

It's everything a climbing lamb could wish for.

It's all yours little lamb, have a go.


She's amazing Bill.



She's down, no trouble at all.

That will keep her happy and safe.

Our lambful of trouble is over Corky.

I don't know about that Bill.

- [Bill] Oh no, I don't believe it.

The sheep did get into the vegetable patch.

Well Bill we don't have to worry

about a lambful of trouble anymore.

We don't?

Now we've got a whole flockful of trouble.

When you're right Corky, you're right.

- [Corky] Having lunch outside is a great idea Bill.

- [Bill] I'm sure Tricky the troll will like it too.

- [Corky] And whenever Tricky comes over,

we can be sure there'll be an adventure.

- [Bill] And today's adventure's called,

Chocolate Pudding.

Lunch is ready Bill but Tricky isn't.

He should be here by now.

- [Corky] Hold on Bill I think I see someone.

- [Bill] You're right Corky, I hope it's Tricky.

- [Corky] It is Bill, there's no

one else who looks like that.

How goes it Bill?

What do you know Corky?

Great to see you Tricky.

You've come just in time.

Lunch is about to be served.

I can't wait.

You'll love this Tricky.

Vegetable soup.






More like horrible!


Don't you like vegetables?

I can take them or leave them,

but mostly I leave them.

But the soup's good for you Tricky.

And very tasty.

I suppose so, not too much though.

We have a special treat for you too.

After the soup, we have chocolate pudding.

Chocolate pudding?

This is excellent Bill.

What do you think Tricky?

It's okay, for vegetables.

But it's not like chocolate pudding!

If vegetables tasted like chocolate,

that'd be fantastic!

Even better, what if everything tasted like chocolate?



If everything tasted like chocolate,

then chocolate wouldn't be special.

Chocolate is always special.

Not that I like chocolate that much.

You don't like chocolate cookie?


I've heard it all now.

Everything tasting like chocolate pudding

and Bill is there any pepper?

Pepper, I'll be right back.

Corky, could I have some more bread?

More bread coming up.

Now's my chance.

Fairy Dust!

Whatever food you eat, there's on thing you can't beat.

North, east, south, or west, chocolate is always best.

I did it!

These vegetables taste just like chocolate.


What's that mooing?

How's things Maizie?

You poor thing, having to eat that boring old hay.


Maybe, (laughs).

Get ready for a treat Maizie.

Here's your pepper and extra bread Tricky.

And after the soup, it's chocolate pudding time.

Where did he go?

It's not like him to leave before

he has chocolate pudding.

Something's not right about this Corky.



Maizie have you seen Tricky?


You don't sound too happy Maizie.


What's wrong with Maizie?

She can't help us with Tricky, Bill.

Come on then, let's keep looking for him.


Hello sheep.

We're looking for Tricky the troll.

Have you seen him today?


Look at that Bill, they're really eating fast.

They're not even stopping for a breathe.

- [Ned] Bill, Corky!

- [Corky] Someone's calling us Bill.

- [Bill] And that someone is our friend Ned.

- [Corky] Ned might've seen Tricky, Bill.

- [Bill] You could be right Corky.

Hello Ned.

How are you today?

I'm very confused.

How come?

Why are the sheep eating so much?

And so quickly?

We were going to ask you the same thing.

They started after I saw Tricky the troll.

You saw Tricky?

He was heading for Mrs. Whistlehead's farm.

Then that's where we've gotta go too.

And fast.


Mrs. Whistlehead?

Good morning.

I'm so pleased that you're here.


That's the last one Timmy.

You really must stop.


What's wrong with Timmy?

Just have one of those sandwiches and you'll understand.

Thank you Mrs Whistlehead.

Don't mind if I do.

They look delicious.

Paint me pink.

It's amazing!


This sandwich is cheese and tomato.

But it tastes just like chocolate.

It was that naughty Tricky the troll.

He did something to them.

Remember what Tricky said Bill?

How fantastic it would be,

if everything tasted like chocolate?

And now it does.

But I don't like eating a lot of chocolate.

Neither do I Mrs Whistlehead.


No Timmy.

You'll get a tummy ache.

We've got to find Tricky and stop him.

But could we have more sandwiches?

Take as many as you like.

Anything to stop Timmy from eating them.

I'd much prefer a carrot.

Let's catch up to Tricky.

Tricky must have used fairy dust

to make everything taste like chocolate.

You're right Corky.

The sheep's grass.

And those sandwiches.

Wonderful sandwiches.

Oh no, even my carrot tastes like chocolate.

Hi everybody!


We've been...

Looking for you.

Yeah looking.

You've got to stop making everything

taste like chocolate pudding.

Yummy chocolate.

I don't want to stop.

Everyone loves things tasting like chocolate.

You've been using fairy dust.

It's always trouble when you use fairy dust.

Not this time.

I'm a hero!

I'm not stopping until everything

tastes like chocolate pudding!

Tricky this is terrible!

It is terrible Corky.

We're out of sandwiches!

Back to Mrs. Whistlehead.

Bill, Ned!

Oh no!

They can't stop eating either.


I did warn you Timmy.

Mrs. Whistlehead!


What's wrong with Timmy now Mrs Whistlehead?

He's eaten too many sandwiches and

he has a terrible tummy ache.

You've got to stop too Bill,

or else you'll get a tummy ache.

Too late, I've already got one Corky.

So have I.

Tummy ache.

You keep an eye on everyone Mrs. Whistlehead,

I'll be back soon.

Oh dear.

- [Corky] The way Tricky was going

he should be near the pear trees.

I hope I can find him or everything in the world's

going to taste like chocolate.

How about that.

Pear trees.

Pear's are very nice.

But I know something even nicer.

If it tastes like chocolate!

I knew you'd be here Tricky.

I know what you want Corky but I'm not going to do it.

I'm not stopping until everything tastes like chocolate.

But Tricky, everyone is becoming sick.

You can't get sick because of chocolate.

If you don't believe me, just eat some of these pears.

I can eat as many as you pick.

Because they're just like chocolate.


(tummy rumbling)

What was that?

That was your tummy telling you to stop eating.

But I can't, it's too delicious.

You're going to be sorry.

My tummy doesn't feel so good.

See what I mean now Tricky?

I do Corky.

You need to make everything taste normal again.

I will, I will.

Just take those pears away from me.

Hop on my back Tricky.

Now let's fix this problem.

I never want to taste chocolate again.

I found Tricky, Mrs Whistlehead.

Do something Tricky.

We want our food to taste normal again.

Leave it to me Mrs. Whistlehead.

Chocolate chocolate we will eat, only as a special treat.

These sandwiches taste like cheese and tomato again!

You did it Tricky.

Thanks now we can all relax.

No we can't.

There's still Maizie and the sheep to help.


They've eaten too much.

They'll stop now.


The grass is back to being plain old grass.

What about Maizie?

Maizie wasn't eating, she was just very grumpy.

That's funny.

I made her food taste like chocolate too.


Poor Maizie must be so hungry.

She'll be able to eat soon.

Watch this Maizie.


Does that look better Maizie?

You see Tricky?

Not everyone likes chocolate.

Poor Maizie can't stand it at all.

Sorry Maizie.

Now there's only one last thing that tastes like chocolate.

What's it like Corky?

It's delicious Bill.

It tastes just like vegetable soup should taste.

I did it!

Thanks Tricky!

It's Corky we should all thank.

You were right Corky.

If everything tastes like chocolate,

it isn't special anymore.

And pudding should always be special.

I couldn't agree more.

We should pack up the lunch table Bill.

Right Corky.


Haven't you had enough for one day?

I can't help it.

I love chocolate pudding!

It's just like we said Bill,

whenever Tricky comes over, there's always an adventure.

When you're right Corky, you're right.

♪ Bottle Top Bill and his best friend Corky ♪

♪ See you again, goodbye ♪

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪