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03x13 - Sheep in Fairyland / Looking after JoJo

Posted: 03/19/24 19:15
by bunniefuu
(pleasant music)

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ Up on the hill ♪

♪ Let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playing all day ♪

♪ Hooray ♪

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And His Best Friend Corky.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

- [Corky] What are we doing today Bill?

- [Bill] We're fixing up the garden, Corky.

- [Corky] Are we having an adventure too?

- [Bill] You bet, and it's called Sheep in Fairyland.

All our hard work has paid off, Bill.

It sure has.

Our garden looks the best ever.

Hang on, is that a weed?

- [Dandy] Certainly not!

- [Bill] That's strange, Corky.

A weed doesn't talk.

- [Corky] And it doesn't have wings, Bill.

- [Bill] You're right there, Corky.

It's Dandy the fairy.

Hello Bill, hello Corky.

Hello Dandy, what brings you here?

Tricky has disappeared from Fairyland.

- [Both] Disappeared?

Yes, and when Tricky disappears

you can bet he's up to something naughty.

Have you seen him?

Sorry Dandy.


What was that?

- [Corky] It sounds like Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep.

- [Bill] It is Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep.

- [Corky] What are they doing in our garden?

I don't know, but they're heading straight for us.


Quick, get out of the way!


- [Bill] They've trampled on our garden!

Our beautiful flowers are ruined!

There's something else.

Look, up there! What is it?

- [Corky] Some kind of flying machine.

- [Bill] There's only one person I know

with a flying machine like that.

- [Corky] Tricky the troll!

Tricky, what are you doing here?

Chasing sheep, ah!


Oh no!

Our lovely tidy garden!

What a mess!


Now what?

- [Corky] Somebody else is chasing Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep.

- [Both] The great wild wooly!


The great wild wooly doesn't look too happy.

He's worried about Tricky

chasing Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep.

- [Bill] And I'm worrying about more damage

to our garden, Corky.

- [Corky] Especially to your prized tree.

Not my prized tree!

I can't look.


Oh no!


It'll take forever to tidy this mess.

No time to clean up now, Corky.

We need to stop Tricky.

And save Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep.

You're right, Bill.

Come on!

(pleasant music)

- [Bill] Where do you think they're going, Dandy?

- [Dandy] It looks like he's taking them to Fairyland.

- [Corky] To Fairyland?

Why would he do that?


Sheep in Fairyland?

That'll never do, Bill.

Mrs. Whistlehead will blow her top.

Just wait 'til I catch that naughty Tricky.

After them!

(pleasant music)

- [Bill] Look at those flowers, Corky.

Aren't they beautiful?

- [Corky] I hope Tricky keeps the sheep away from them.

I hope so too, but I wouldn't count on it.


Look at what they've done!

The poor flowers!

We have to stop those sheep

before they destroy all of Fairyland!

And quickly!

Where are they heading now?

- [Corky] It looks like some sort of cave.

- [Bill] I think we've been here before.

- [Dandy] You have, it's Boppy's home.

That's right, it's Boppy the bouncy coot, but where is he?

- [Dandy] There he is.

We have to warn him about the sheep.

Whaa, hey!


I think we're too late!

Boppy! Boppy, look out!

Who's yelling at me?

Watch out for the sheep, Boppy!

What was that Dandy?



Out of my way!




Are you okay Boppy?

I think so.

What are all those sheep doing here?

It's a long story, Boppy.

Which we don't have time to tell.

Because we have to catch them.

- [All] Bye Boppy!


What a strange day, real sheep in Fairyland.

(pleasant music)

- [Bill] Now where are we going?

- [Corky] Looks like the river to me.

- [Dandy] It is the river, and the bridge.

- [Bill] I hope no one's on it.

- [Dandy] It's Skip and Hop.

- [Corky] And the sheep are heading in their direction!

Out of my way Hop!


What do we do, Dandy?

Tricky's out of control!

And so are the sheep.

We just have to try and catch them.

Come on then!


- [Bill] Where do you think they're going now?

- [Corky] I can see lots more flowers.

- [Bill] They look like very special flowers, too.

- [Dandy] They're tuba roses!

- [Corky] Of course!

So Snooze the snorfin must be here too.

- [Corky] That's right, Snooze loves tuba roses.

- [Bill] They're his favorite food.

- [Dandy] I see him.

I hope he's ready for a big surprise.



I don't know about you two, but I'm beat.

Me too, I can't run much further.

It's all right, we won't need to, look!


They've stopped.

I wonder why.


Tricky doesn't look happy.

But the sheep are happy Corky, look!

- [Corky] They're eating the tuba roses!


At least things are under control now.

No they're not, we must stop them.

What's the matter Dandy?

Only Fairyland creatures can eat tuba roses or--

Or what Dandy?

Or all sorts of strange things can happen.

Paint me pink!

- [Corky] Not pink Bill, red!

- [Bill] Make that blue Corky.

- [Corky] And green too!

Yellow, orange, purple sheep.

All the colors of the rainbow.

Whatever is Mrs. Whistlehead going to say?


Even the great wild wooly is worried, Bill.

What are we going to do?


Tricky, land that machine at once!

I'm in trouble I am!

You are a very naughty troll Tricky

for taking Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep.

They made a mess of our garden.

A mess of Fairyland!

And they're eating all my tuba roses they are.

I only wanted to borrow them.

Why Tricky?

Because I couldn't sleep, and everyone knows

counting sheep puts you to sleep!

You wanted them to help you sleep?

I didn't realize it would cause so much trouble!

Oh I have an idea, Tricky if I help you

will you promise never to take

Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep again?

I do I do, I promise!

Great, then follow me everyone.

- [Corky] What have you got in mind, Bill?

- [Bill] A special troll bed.

- [Corky] It looks like a hammock.

- [Bill] It is a hammock, but it has something special.

What's so special?

I can't see anything special.

Take a look at this, Tricky.

- [Corky] This looks like a mobile, Bill.

- [Bill] Spot on Corky.

- [Tricky] What does that do?

- [Bill] You'll soon see.

Right Tricky, jump in.

Suits me!

Alley oop!

Now what?

Now look at the mobile.

I see lots of sheep!

Sheep you can count, Tricky.

Sheep that won't run away.

Sheep that don't make a mess.

Go on Tricky, start counting.

One, two, three.


I think it's working, Bill.


It did work!

No more sleeping worries for Tricky.

Our problems are solved!

Eh, not all our problems.

There's still a big mess to clean up, remember?

Then let's get to it.

- [Corky] First we have to replace

all those tuba roses that were eaten.

A little fairy dust will fix that.

- [Corky] Loads of new tuba roses!

That should keep Snooze happy.

Thank you everyone.

Now let's take Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep

back where they belong.


I think the great wild wooly wants to help us.

Do you great wild wooly?


- [Corky] He's leading them back home.

Good work, great wild wooly.

Now we can go too.

Sorry, just one more thing, Bill.

Gosh, do you think you can bring these flowers back Dandy?

We'll soon find out.

You did it!

They're as good as new.


All Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep safely back in their field.

But Bill, what will she say about their colored wool?

She'll blow her top all right.

Can you help Dandy?

I'll try, but I'm not sure my fairy dust is strong enough.


Not perfect, but it's the best I can do

and please, take the last bit of fairy dust for your garden.

Thank you Dandy.

See you soon Bill and Corky.

- [Both] Bye Dandy!

I wonder what Mrs. Whistlehead will say about this.

[Mrs. Whistlehead] Hello Bill, hello Corky.

Hello Mrs. Whistlehead.

Hello Mrs. Toottop.

What beautiful wool!

What marvelous colors!

You like it?

Like it?

We love it!

Just think of the beautiful sweaters we can knit.

Where did you get it?

Let's just say a little fairy gave it to us, eh Corky?

Right, Bill.

I hope Dandy's fairy dust works on our garden, Corky.

Fairy dust always works, Bill.

Here goes!

Wow, our garden looks great!

- [Corky] The best ever!

That was a really good adventure today, Corky.

But boy, am I tired.

Me too Bill.

Counting sheep might make you sleepy...

But chasing sheep makes you even sleepier.

When you're right, Corky, you're right.



- [Corky] Where are we going today, Bill?

- [Bill] See if you can guess, Corky.

- [Corky] I know, it's Junkosaur Island.

- [Bill] Spot on.

- [Corky] And is this where we're having today's adventure?

- [Bill] You bet, and it's called Looking After Jojo.

- [Corky] How long before we get there, Bill?

Any minute now, Corky.

Keep your eyes peeled

and tell me when you can see the beach.

See anything yet Corky?

Got it Bill, Junkosaur Beach straight ahead.

Any sign of the Junkosaur family?

They're all there Bill, ready to meet us.


It's going to be fun looking after Jojo

while his parents are away.

- [Corky] Let's land this chopper.

Bill, Corky!

- [Both] Hello Junkosaurs!

Thank you so much for helping us out.

Our pleasure, Mrs. Junkosaur.

We're looking forward to taking care of Jojo.

It'll be fun!

But remember to keep well away from the jungle, won't you?

We've been hearing very odd noises

coming from there lately.

There might be some very strange creatures

from the other side of the island nosing around.

Don't you worry, Mrs. Junkosaur.

We'll stay away from the jungle.

Right away.

Thank you, I know Jojo will be safe with you.

Come along dear, we'd best be off.

- [Jojo] Bye Mom, bye Dad!

Now Jojo, what should we do first?

I'm not sure.

What would you like to do?

I have an idea, Bill.

- [Bill] What do you have in mind Corky?

- [Corky] Something that flies, Bill.

- [Bill] I see what it is Corky.

Me too, it's a toy plane!

Can I try first?

Of course you can!

Here it goes!


Good one Jojo, now watch how I do it.



What a beauty!

That was some throw, Bill!

I didn't mean to send it so far.

- [Corky] I hope it stops soon.

Come on, after it!

Wait for us!

- [Bill] Where's it heading, Corky?

- [Corky] Looks like the jungle, Bill!

- [Bill] Oh no!

We promised Jojo's parents we wouldn't go in there.

I don't think it'll go in very far.

- [Bill] You're right Corky, look it's caught in that tree.

Look, there it is!

We should be able to get it down easily.

Wait a second Bill, there's something else in that tree.

- [Bill] An animal with a long tail.

- [Corky] And a cheeky face.

- [Jojo] I know what it is, it's a monkey!

- [Corky] Two monkeys!

- [Bill] Three monkeys!

I hope they're friendly monkeys.


- [Bill] They're taking our plane.

- [Corky] And they're going deeper into the jungle.

Give us back our plane!

Jojo, wait!

You can't go into the jungle, after him!

Where are they going now?

- [Corky] Wherever it is, I hope we can find them.

I see them Corky.

They're going very fast.

Hurry Bill, we don't want to lose them!

And we don't want to lose Jojo either.

There's something high up in the trees, Corky.

- [Corky] I think those naughty monkeys

have led us to their home.

I see them!

So do we, Jojo!

But look where we are!

Paint me pink!

The very place Mr. and Mrs. Junkosaur told us not to go.

The heart of the jungle.

What are we going to do?

I know!

Don't you worry Jojo.


I got us into this pickle and I'll get us out.

First we're going to get our plane back.

- [Corky] A rope should do the trick, Bill.

Spot on, Corky.

Up I go!

- [Corky] Be careful.

It's okay, I've got it all under control.


Stop that!

I have an idea that might help.

Whatever it is, can you make it quick?

What's this?

It's no time to grow plants, Jojo.

It's a special plant.

With yellow fruit.

- [Jojo] Bananas!

This is no time for a snack either.

It's not for me, Bill.



No bananas until you give us back our plane!


Good thinking Jojo.

Are you okay Bill?

No harm done, Corky.

Well done Jojo.

That's okay Bill, now the monkeys can have their bananas.

And we can find our way back to the beach.

But how Bill?

We don't know where we are.

What we need is a path, Corky.

And I think I can see one.

Do you think it leads back to the beach?

There's only one way to find out.

Don't you worry, Jojo.

We'll be out of the jungle in a jiffy.

I hope you're right, Bill.

I don't want to meet any strange creatures on the way.

(elephant trumpets)

I don't like the sound of that.

It's the noise we've been hearing from the beach!

The noise that Mr. and Mrs. Junkosaur

were so worried about.

That's the one, Bill.

I think we'd better start running.

Too late Corky, look!

- [Corky] What is it Bill?

- [Bill] Something very large and scary.

- [Corky] With big ears!

- [Bill] And a long trunk!


- [Both] It's an elephant!


Get off the path!


(elephant trumpets)


Hold on tight, Bill!

We're right behind you!

Do something!

Don't stop now, Jojo, we have to follow them.

I've got an idea!

Here it goes!


Now Mrs. Elephant, back to me!


Good throw!


I think Mrs. Elephant just wants to play, Jojo.

If we give her the plane, maybe she'll let Bill down.

Hey, thanks Mrs. Elephant.

Here Mrs. Elephant, it's all yours.

(elephant trumpets)

I think she's happy now.

Thanks Jojo, you saved the day again.

No problem Bill, but we still need to find our way out.

(pleasant music)

It's going to be dark soon.


I'm too tired to go any further, Bill.

Me too Corky.

Me three.

Let's camp under the stars tonight.

And find our way out in the morning.


Goodnight Bill, goodnight Corky.

- [Both] Goodnight Jojo.

(pleasant music)

- [Bill] Wake up Corky, the sun is up.

Great Bill, time to take Jojo home.

Where is he Corky?

He's disappeared!

Oh no!

We promised Mr. and Mrs. Junkosaur we'd take care of him.

We'd better find him quick smart.

Look! Jojo's footprints!

If we follow them, they should lead us straight to Jojo.

Then let's get cracking!

Right, he can't have gone too far.

Jojo's trail has been going a long time.

It must end soon.

Maybe he'll be on the other side of this hill.

Let's hope so.

Can you see anything Bill?

Not yet Corky, but I can hear something.

It sounds like a river.

Now what do we do?

There's nothing we can do.


Are you okay Corky?

I think so Bill.

But the water's getting faster, Bill.

Oh no!

That means only one thing.

- [Both] A waterfall!

- [Jojo] Bill, Corky!

That sounds like Jojo!

Over there Corky.

Catch hold of the rope!

Got it, Jojo. Me too!

Hang on tight!

Thank you Jojo.

You saved us in the nick of time!

I'm sorry I left you.

I was trying to find a way home

and I found some old friends.

What old friends?

You remember them don't you?

- [Bill] I think we do remember them.

Flicker, Zicker, and Ticker.

- [Both] Hello wobblinks.

Hi. Hello.

Howdy doody.

The wobblinks know every part of this jungle.

They can show us the way back to the beach!

Easy peasy. No problem.

Come with us.

Then let's get going.


(pleasant music)

This doesn't look like the way to the beach.

It looks like some sort of tunnel.

Why are they taking us here?

Are you sure they know where they're going, Jojo?

I'm sure we can trust the wubblinks.

They know every tunnel on this island.

I hope you're right, Jojo.

It's very dark in here.





Home at last!

Thank you wubblinks.

No trouble. Our pleasure.


- [All] Bye!


Are you here?

Mom, Dad!


We've brought somebody to show you.

- [Bill] I wonder what this is, Corky.

- [Corky] It's very small.

- [Bill] And very pink.

It's your new baby sister, Jayjay.

A baby sister?

Can I play with her?

You'll need to wait until she grows a little bigger, Jojo.


But you can hold her if you like.

Yes please!


Thank you so much for looking after Jojo.

Actually Mrs. Junkosaur, Jojo looked after us.

He did?

Well I never.


Goodbye Junkosaurs, see you soon.

- [All] Goodbye Bill, goodbye Corky.

(pleasant music)

Well Corky, that was another

top adventure on Junkosaur Island.

You're right there, Bill.

But I'm not sure we did a very good job of minding Jojo.

Jojo did a very good job of minding us.


When you're right Corky, you're right.

(pleasant music)

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ See you again ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪