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03x06 - The Cloud Catcher / The Volcano

Posted: 03/19/24 19:08
by bunniefuu
♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend, Corky ♪

♪ Up on the hill ♪

♪ Let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playing all day ♪

♪ Hooray ♪

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill

- [Corky] And his best friend Corky.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

What's today's adventure about, Bill?

- [Bill] It's about rain, Corky.

- [Corky] Rain, Bill?

Are we going to get wet?

- [Bill] We could, Corky because our adventure is called

the Cloud Catcher.

Our garden is looking very dry, Bill.

And this one can of water is all we can put on it.

We've got to watch how much water we use.

It hasn't rained for weeks and weeks.

- [Corky] And there's not a cloud in the sky.

So there won't be any rain coming soon.

Hold on, Bill.

There might not be rain coming, but a person is.

- [Bill] What do you know, Corky.

It's Cedric the scientist in his flying machine.

What a nice surprise, Bill.

Cedric. Cedric.

Hello Bill.

Hello Corky.

I have news of a most exciting nature.

Exciting indeed.

What is it?

I have a new invention.

Where is it, Cedric?

- [Cedric] It's on the back of my flying machine.

- [Corky] That's amazing, Cedric.

- [Bill] Incredible.

- [Corky] Terrific.

Uh, what is it?

Why it's a cloud catcher.

It will solve all our rain problems.

Better to say our no rain problems.

So it really catches clouds, Cedric?

Indeed it does.

It can catch clouds and take them to where rain

is really needed.

And that's exactly what we need.

There's only one problem.

There are no clouds around here.

And would it be the right thing to take clouds

from somewhere else?

They might need clouds too.


Which is why I'm going to catch clouds

where they're having too much rain

and would like the clouds to go away.

Where's that?

Junkasoar Island.

We have a good friend who lives there.

Jojo the Junkasoar.

It's going to be great to see him.

That's if you're inviting us to go with you, Cedric.

All aboard my flying machine.

Is everybody ready?

Everybody's ready.

Up, up, up.

- [Corky] Just look down there, Bill.

- [Bill] Everything is so brown, Corky.

We really need that rain

to make our home green again.

And it will once we catch those clouds

and bring them back.

Yes, it'll be green as green can be.

- [Corky] Here's the ocean.

- [Bill] Next stop, Junkasoar Island.

We're really zipping along now.

- [Corky] That's Junkasoar Island just ahead of us.

- [Bill] But Corky, where are the clouds?

Are there clouds we can catch?

- [Corky] Too right, Bill.

There's plenty of clouds to catch.

And they're big and dark too.

They'd be full of water.

Exactly the right sort to take back home.

You got it, Corky.

Prepare to land.

- [Corky] Watch out for all those puddles of water, Cedric.

- [Bill] We don't wanna land in one of those.

- [Cedric] I see them, I do indeed.

Perfect landing, Cedric.

Will you look at all this water.

It has been raining here and I mean lots.

But it's not raining now.

According to my rainer gage,

it will rain again very soon.


Paint me pink.

What's that racket?

It's our friend Jojo the Junkasoar.

Bill, Corky, and Cedric too.

Jojo, why are you making that sound?

We've had too much lately and too much rain

makes Junkasoars rusty.

Don't worry, Jojo.

I can take care of that.

Here it is.

An oil can.

Good thinking, Bill.

A little oil is just what Jojo needs.

Just hold still, Jojo.

Well that's nice.

Try moving now, Jojo.

That feels great.

And you'll feel even better soon.

Because we're taking some of this rain away.

You are?

We're going to catch some clouds

and take them home where we really need them.

And now is the time to do it.

It's about to rain again.

Let's go and catch some clouds.

If you can take this rain away, we'll be very happy.

Good luck.

- [Cedric] The best place to catch the clouds

is right in the middle of them.

How do we work the machine, Cedric?

Just press the switch and pull the lever.

Got it, Cedric.

Ready for cloud catching, Corky.

Listen to that, Corky.

It's warming up.


Just look at how many clouds we're catching, Corky.

Cedric, how does this little box hold so many clouds?

The cloud catcher squeezes them up until

they're very tiny.

I think we've got enough clouds, Bill.

But there's so many more, Corky.

We need all the clouds we can get back home.

But the box looks full, Bill.

Just one more cloud can't hurt.


Oh no, that's the overload alarm.

Is it a good alarm?

Bill, I don't think any alarm is ever a good one.

- [Bill] One more cloud was one cloud too many.


Pull up, Cedric.

- [Cedric] I'm pulling as hard as I can.

We made it.

But I can't restart the flying machine.

I think we're in trouble, Bill.

Right, Corky.

We've got a sea load of trouble.

Let's hope Jojo saw what happened.

Hold on.

I'm coming.

- [Bill] My tummy can't take much more of this.

Bill, Corky, Cedric.

Over here.

It's Jojo.

He did see we were in trouble.

What a champion.

Climb inside and I'll take you back to the beach.

Ready, Jojo.

Let's go.


Blow me down, we're getting no where fast.

How can we get out of this storm?

Maybe it'll break up.

It won't happen soon.

The storm is getting worse.

The cloud catcher, Bill.

Would it help break up the clouds?

It's broken.

It can't catch anymore clouds.

What if we pushed the clouds away?

Can we put it in reverse?

I don't know.

We could try.

Instead of catching clouds, it might blow them away.

Oh no, the engine's about to break down.

Did you hear that?

We've got to try something.

And quickly.

What if we push the lever the other way, Bill?

Let's try it.

It's warming up, Bill.

Here goes nothing, Corky.

Whoa. Whoa.

It's working, Corky.

The storm's breaking up.

- [Bill] And the waves are getting smaller.

- [Corky] But we're still going around.

Time for shut down.

Shut down it is.

Oh that was too dizzy for me.

The engine's working again.

- [Bill] Give it all you got, Jojo.

- [Corky] Look, Bill.

On the beach.

Someone's waiting for us.

- [Bill] That's Mr. and Mrs Junkasoar, Corky.

- [Corky] I'll bet they'll be glad to see Jojo.

Mommasoar, daddysoar.

Oh Jojo, you're safe.

I've never seen such a storm.

And Bill, Corky, and Cedric, are you all right?

We're fine Mrs. Junkasoar.

And very happy to be back on your island.

Very glad indeed.

But we are very wet.

Then it's just as well I brought some hot drinks.

That'll go down a treat, Mr. Junkasoar.

That completes the repairs.

It's ready to go.

We'll be back soon.

You're always welcome.

Bye everyone.

Goodbye. Goodbye.

Let's get home and enjoy this nice sunshine.

- [Cedric] There's the beach.

- [Corky] Home's not too far away.

But Corky, we're going home without any clouds

and it's all my fault.

I just had to take one cloud too many.

Nevermind Bill.

Perhaps Cedric will let us try another time

after he fixes the cloud catcher.

Yes indeed, I'm sure we can do that.

- [Bill] Home at last.

And I must get home to my laboratory.

Just look at those clouds.

I don't want to get wet all over again.

No indeed.

What clouds?

- [Cedric] Those clouds.

- [Corky] They are clouds.

They're the one's caught off Junkasoar Island.

Yeehaw. Yeehaw.

It's raining.

We'll have lots of lovely water again.

This is most exciting indeed.

Bill, I think this is the best rain ever.

When you're right, Corky, you're right.

- [Corky] There it is, Bill.

Junkasoar Island straight ahead.

- [Bill] I can't wait to get there.

- [Corky] We've heard that strange things

are happening on the island.

- [Bill] Now we can find out what's going on.

- [Corky] It'll be an adventure.

- [Bill] It sure will.

An adventure called The Volcano.

Here we are.

Junkasoar Island.

Hmm, what do you think, Corky?

It looks very peaceful to me, Bill.

There's nothing strange this way.

And there's nothing strange this way.

Let's go and see our friend Jojo the Junkasoar.

He could tell us if something strange is happening.

Whoa. Whoa.

Now that was strange.

And not so peaceful.

Was it an earthquake?

I'm sure of it, Bill.

- [Bill] Look Corky, someone's coming.

- [Corky] It's Jojo the Junkasoar.

- [Bill] I've got a lot of questions, Corky.

Bill, Corky.

Hello Jojo.

We just arrived.

And now you've got to go.


It's not safe.

Ahh. Ahh.

That's why.

It's the volcano.

Volcano? Volcano?

The big mountain is about to blow its top.

Everyone has to leave the island.

We can't leave.

Not when your home is about to be destroyed.

And not when others are in danger.

We're going to stay and help.

This calls for serious action.

Action it is.

I'm coming too.

To the volcano we go.

Wow, would you look at that.

- [Corky] The volcano, it's amazing.

- [Jojo] And a bit scary.

It's a lot scary, Jojo.

This is as close as we should get.

Is it me, Bill or is there something inside the volcano?

- [Bill] well spotted Corky.

- [Corky] What is it?

- [Bill] It's junk, Corky.

It's all junk.

What's that junk doing there, Jojo?

Uh, well, the junkasoars put it there.

The junkasoars put junk in a volcano?

It's spare junk that we'd stored there.

Whoa, I'm backing off a little.

But Jojo, why did you store junk in the volcano?

It was such a nice, big hole.

And the volcano was such a nice, quiet place.

Let's not hang around, Bill.

Spot on, Corky.

Back to the beach.

- [Corky] Somebody's down there, Bill.

On the volcano.

- [Bill] I see them, Corky.

- [Jojo] That's the wapalinks.

- [Corky] Flicker, Ticker, and Zicker.

That's not a safe place to be, Corky.

- [Corky] It's rescue time, Bill.

- [Bill] We'll go in low and pick them up with the ladder.



Let's go.



Straight down.




Grab the ladder.

Got it.

Missed it.

Missed. Missed.

We didn't pick up Zicker, Bill.

I'll go around again, Corky.

- [Corky] Look Bill, Zicker's using

that rock for protection.

We've only got one more go at this, Corky.

Now right, now left, now look.




Next stop, the beach.

Is everyone okay?

I'm good.

Righty right.

Feels great.

Okie dokie.

What were you wapalinks doing up there on the volcano?

We check boom boom mountain.

Went to see what's wrong.


Maybe the worst is over.

The volcano has gone quiet again.

I don't know, Jojo.

You never know with volcanoes.

The danger's not over yet.

- [Mrs. Junkasoar] Bill.

- [Mr. Junkasoar] Corky.

Somebody's calling us, Bill.

- [Bill] It's Jojo's mom and dad.

Mommasoar, daddysoar.

We're so relieved that you're safe.

We've been warning everyone to leave.

But we don't have enough time.

Enough time?

Run and help.

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

And we've done a terrible thing.

We've been so greedy keeping all that junk

we don't need.

And putting it in the volcano wasn't very clever either.




We're sorry.

Very sorry.


There's going to be a big boom any moment.

If only we could stop it.

You can't stop a volcano from booming.

Not a chance.

Forget it.

Big no no.

You can't stop it, but that doesn't mean

you can't make it go somewhere else.

I'm confused, Corky.

What do you mean?

Remember how the big rock kept the junk away from Zicker?

It was like a dam wall.

Right, Jojo.

So we just have to build a big dam wall.

Yes, that'll stop the junk destroying the island.

But what will you use to make the wall?

I don't know, but we'll need a lot of it.

I know, we can use junk.

We've got tons of that all over the island.

Brilliant Jojo.

We'll make a wall of junk to stop the junk.




Are you sure it'll work?

We're going to find out.

Let's get cracking.

- [Corky] What do we need to build the wall, Bill?

- [Bill] I reckon we need two cranes for you and me, Corky.

- [Corky] And two trucks for Jojo and the wapalinks.

- [Bill] That's the shot.

To the volcano.

Let's go.

Right behind you.

Go, go, go.

- [Corky] This looks like a good place

to build the wall, Bill.

And we better hurry.

That junk is coming down the mountain fast.

Here's the first load of junk.

Good work, Jojo.

Let's get building, Corky.

We'll need lots more junk, Jojo.

Keep it coming.

Will do.

- [Corky] The wall is building up nicely, Bill.

- [Bill] It needs to be much higher, Corky.

- [Corky] We'll make it as high as we can.

That's the way, fellas.

We'll build the best dam wall ever.

Uh oh, this has to be it, Corky.

It's the big one.

Here comes the junk, Corky.

Get away, Jojo.

You wapalinks too.

We're going.

Bydee, bydee, bye.

Our turn now, Bill.

Let's go.

Oh no, the engine's conked out.

I'm coming, Bill.

Jump on.

Jumping, Corky.

Let's get out of here.

Whoa. Whoa.

- [Bill] Is the wall strong enough, Corky?

- [Corky] It looks like it, Bill.

We did it.

We sure did.

Whoa. Whoa.

What happened Corky?

We fell into the stream of junk coming out of the volcano.

We're going to get swamped by it.

Let's get out of here.

Climb, Bill.

I'm climbing, Corky.

Dead end, Bill.

No where else to go, Corky.

Yes there is.

We're here to rescue you.

Grab the ladder.

We're grabbing. We're grabbing.

- [Wapalinks] Good catch.


Top the top.

- [Corky] The junk has stopped flowing.

- [Bill] I think it's cooling down.

Is it all over?

I think it is.


Your dam saved the wapalinks and their homes.

And the junkasoars and our homes too.

It wasn't just us.

- [Corky] Jojo and the wapalinks helped.

You're now invited to a big feast to celebrate.

We'll be eating all that extra junk we stored

inside the volcano.

And from now on, we'll never store any junk there again.

Sounds good to me, Jojo.

There's only one thing.

We can guess.

You don't eat junk like us.

There'll be lots of food at the feast

for you and the wapalinks.



Munchie yum yum.

Come on everyone.

Let's get the feast ready.

Paint me pink, Corky.

What an adventure.

It sure was, Bill.

But some adventures you want to have one time

and one time only.

And this has definitely been one of them.

When you're right, Corky, you're right.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend, Corky ♪

♪ See you again ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪