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03x05 - The Dancing Shoes / A Helping Hand

Posted: 03/19/24 19:08
by bunniefuu
♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ Up on a hill ♪

♪ Let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playin' all day ♪

♪ Hooray ♪

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill

- [Corky] And his best friend Corky

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

- [Corky] Here we are Bill.

Sandy the Scarecrow's field.

- [Bill] And that's Sandy waiting for us right now.

He wants to see us.

Do you know why?

Whatever it is, Corky, it's going to be an adventure.

And adventure called

The Dancing Shoes.

Hello, Sandy.

How are you?

Bill, Corky.

I'm so excited.

It's time for the annual scarecrow party.

All the scarecrows in the country will be going.

That is exciting.

And the best part is,

you're invited, too.

We are?


We're going to have the best time.

I can't wait to see us all dancing together.

We have to dance?

Scarecrows love to dance.

It's the best part of the party.

I'll be in that.

I love to dance, too.

(gentle upbeat music)

Oh no.

I can't dance.

But everyone can dance.

Not me, Sandy.

Here, I'll show you.

(gentle upbeat music)

But you're good, Corky.




You see what happens when I dance?

It's alright, Corky.

You just need some practice.

Lots and lots of practice.

Corky, you don't have to worry about a thing.

I don't?

- [Bill] First we'll need our car.

- [Corky] What for?

- [Bill] I'm going to take you on a trip.

A trip to find help.

Come on, Corky.

Uh, alright, Bill.

(gentle upbeat music)

We'll be back in a flash, Sandy.

(motor revs)

(horn squeaks)

Good luck.

- [Corky] Where are be going, Bill?

- [Bill] We're going to see Cedric the Scientist.

- [Corky] So we are.

That's his laboratory.

- [Bill] He'll be able to help you dance, Corky.

- [Corky] Cedric's no dance instructor, Bill.

He's an inventor.

- [Bill] That's right, Corky.

He might have an invention that will do just what we need.

What sort of invention could help me dance, Bill?


- [Bill] You got me, Corky.

But if anyone can make one, it's definitely Cedric.

- [Corky] I hope you're right.

- [Bill] You just wait and see.


Hello, Cedric.

Are you busy?

Bill, Corky.

I'm never too busy to see you.

Cedric, we wonder if you could help us

with a little problem.

Please, tell me what it is.

I can't dance, Cedric.

But everyone can dance, Corky.

Not me.

Then say no more.

Because I have the very thing you need.

(gentle upbeat music)

They're dance-o-matic shoes.

What do they do?

How do they work?

All you do is put them on

and tell them what sort of dance you want.

They do the rest.

Paint me pink.


But do you have them in horseshoes, Cedric?

Indeed I do.

- [Bill] Cedric, you think of everything.

Oh, you embarrass me, Bill.

And we can take them home?

They're yours to keep.

Thank you.

This is wonderful, Cedric.

But there's something I have forgotten.


I'm sure you'll remember it.

Thank you, Corky.

I'm sure I will.

We'll see you soon.


And good dancing.

(gentle upbeat music)

Now, did I tell Bill and Corky how to stop the shoes?

Now that I think of it,

how do you stop the shoes?

Oh, my my my.

That's what I forgot.

I didn't invent a way to stop the shoes.

Bill, Corky.

Bill, Corky.

Now what do I do?

I must warn them.

I'll get on my scooter and ride out to them.

That should do the trick.

Off we go.



We're sorry we took so long.

We'll help you set up everything for the party.

Right after we show you what Cedric gave us.

Dance-o-matic shoes.

Dance-o-matic shoes?

What are they?

You watch and see, Sandy.

They're very comfortable.

Let them rip, Corky.

Here goes, shoes.

Dance ...


(gentle upbeat music)


What do you think, Sandy?


I can dance.

And I don't get all twisty and fall over.

You're a champion dancer now, Corky.

Should I try another dance, Bill?

Go for it.

I'll try.

Shoes, dance ...

a jig.

(jig music)


Those shoes are marvelous.

That Cedric is a genius.

Try your shoes on, Bill.

And we can dance together.

I'm way ahead of you, Corky.

I like those shoes, Corky.

But I still think you could dance without them.

But these make me dance so much better, Sandy.

I'm ready to go.

Shoes, dance a jig.

(jig music)


This is a beauty, Corky.

You said it, Bill.

- [Bill And Corky] Woo hoo.

Bill, Corky.

Stop the dancing.

It's Cedric.

He wants us to stop.

No problem, Cedric.

Uh, how do we stop, Corky?

I don't know, Bill.

That's what I forgot.

I didn't invent a way to stop the shoes.

We asked the shoes to dance.

What if we asked them to stop?

Right, Corky.

Shoes, stop.

I'm not stopping.

- [Bill] Shoes, stop.

Stop shoes.

Just stop, please.

They won't stop.

Oh, my my my.

What's happening?

A dance calamity, my dear Sandy.

- [Bill And Corky] Help.

- [Sandy] They're dancing away.

Jump on, Sandy.

Follow those dancers.

- [Bill] Where are we going, Corky?

- [Corky] I don't know, Bill.

Wherever these dance-o-matic shoes want to take us.

And right now, they want to take us

to Mrs. Whistlehead's sheep.

- [Corky] Watch out, sheep.

(sheep bleat)

- [Bill] We can't stop.

(sheep bleat)

We're sorry.

(sheep bleat)

- [Corky] Where are we going now, Bill?

- [Bill] Is that Mrs. Whistlehead's home ahead of us?

- [Corky] It is.

And I hope we don't crash into it.

Don't even think it, Corky.

- [Corky] Stop, shoes.


It's no use, Corky.

They won't listen.

(jig music)

How lovely.

Bill and Corky are coming for a visit.

(jig music)

- [Corky] Watch out, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- [Bill] We can't stop.

[Mrs. Whistlehead] Run, Timmy!


What should we do?

Jump, Mrs. Whistlehead.

Jump, Timmy.


(exciting music)

- [Corky] We're sorry.


- [Sandy] Bill, Corky.

We're coming!

I've never seen such a sight, Timmy.


- [Corky] Look, Bill.

Now we're heading straight for Farmer Sam's farm.

- [Bill] I know, Corky.

That's Sam's big farm shed.

- [Corky] And is that Sam?

- [Bill] It is.

And that's his puppy, Wag.

- [Corky] Farmer Sam, Wag.

Jump out of the way.

We can't stop.

What did Bill and Corky say, Wag?



- [Bill And Corky] Jump!

Oh, jump!

(all scream)


Corky, do you see what I see?

- [Corky] It's a small pen, Bill.

When we get through the gate, we can shut ourselves in.

(jig music)

Whoa, whoa.

We did it, Corky.

We've stopped dancing all over the place.

But we're still dancing on the spot, Bill.

Not for long, Corky.

Here comes Cedric.

And Sandy.

Bill, Corky.

What's happened to you?

It's Cedric's shoes.

They won't stop dancing.

I'm so dreadfully sorry.

Is there any way we can stop them?

Well, they will stop eventually,

once the batteries lose their power.

How long will that take?

Let me see.

About two weeks.

Two weeks!

Can you take the batteries out?

Good idea, Sandy.

(exciting music)

- [Bill] But it won't work.

- [Corky] We can't make our feet stay still for long enough.


What if Bill and Corky danced even faster?

Would that run down the batteries?

It will!

A most brilliant suggestion, Sandy.

We've got to try something.

Here goes, Corky.

Dance, extra double super fast.

(fast music)


I can't look.

I'll join you in not looking.


(swoosh and thud)

Bill, Corky.

Are you alright?

- [Bill] We're okay.

We think we're okay.

Thank goodness for that.


Please forgive me.

Don't worry, Cedric.

It was quite an adventure.

But we're happy it's over.

Our feet were getting sore.

Why I have the very invention for sore feet.

Another invention?

No more inventions, Cedric.

We're happy as we are, thanks.

I understand.

I do indeed.

(happy music)

- [Bill] Come on, Corky.

- [Sandy] We'll be late for my family reunion.

Do you really need me to come?

You know we won't go without you.

But I still don't want to dance.

We've been talking about that Corky.

And Sandy came up with a great idea.

I've got a dance that's just right for you, Corky.

A dance for me?

Let's dance

the Corky!

(happy music)


Do you think that's a real dance?

It's right fun.

Everyone will want to do the Corky.

Come and dance it with us.

I'm not sure, Bill.

Come on, Corky.


Oh, alright then.

Good on ya, Corky.

Now, let's all do the Corky.

(happy music)

(whistle) Whoa!

(whistle) Whoa!



You see, Corky?

Dancing's easy.

I think Sandy's party is going to be

a lot of fun after all.

When you're right, Corky, you're right.

- [Bill] Time to visit Mrs. Whistlehead, Corky.

- [Corky] And time for an adventure, too, Bill?

- [Bill] You bet, Corky.

An adventure called

A Helping Hand.

We haven't seen Mrs. Whistlehead for ages.


Let's find out how she's going.

Hello, Bill.

Hello, Corky.

How are you, Mrs. Whistlehead?

Not very well.

What's the trouble?

Both Timmy and I have a, a-, a-, a-,

ka-, ka-, kachoo!

(whines and sneezes)

That's terrible.

You should rest, Mrs. Whistlehead.


I can't rest.

I have to clean my house today.

No you don't, Mrs. Whistlehead.

We're going to do that for you.

(gentle upbeat music)

You and Timmy just relax here in the lounge room.

- [Corky] You can both sit down and get well again.

- [Bill] And let Corky and me do all the work.

(gentle upbeat music)

You don't have to go to any trouble.

I don't want to put you out.

It's no trouble.

We'll take care of everything.

(gentle upbeat music)

- [Corky] We'll start in the kitchen, Bill.

- [Bill] Right, Corky.

We'll get some breakfast ready.

- [Corky] That should help Mrs. Whistlehead get well again.

Now what should we get?

How about some cereal?

That's the shot.

(bird chirps)

- [Corky] It looks like a visitor, Bill.

- [Bill] Make that two visitors, Corky.

(bird chirps)

- [Corky] A bird.

- [Bill] And Sandy the Scarecrow.

Good morning, Sandy.

(bird chirps)

And good morning to you.

I've come to see how Mrs. Whistlehead is.

She's not well, Sandy.

She isn't?

(bird chirps)

I'd better come in and help her out.

Don't worry, Sandy.

Bill and I are taking care of her.

Are you absolutely sure I can't help?

We've got it all under control.

Leave everything to us.

Ugh, give me a hand here, Corky.

This bag is tough.

Got it, Bill.

And pull.

(exciting music)



(bird chirps)

Paint me pink.

This is a right mess.

Are you really sure you don't need any help?

Completely sure, Sandy.

Alright then.


Bye, Sandy.

(bird chirps)




Here's breakfast, Mrs. Whistlehead.

Thank you.

Uh, is that cereal on you?

Where, Mrs. Whistlehead?

On your heads.

Uh, what do you know?

(laughs) Isn't that funny?

Are you sure you can manage alright?

You bet, Mrs. Whistlehead.

You just think about getting better.

Go to bed after you have breakfast.

And don't worry about a thing.

(gentle upbeat music)

- [Corky] What's the next thing we have to do, Bill?

- [Bill] We have to put some clothes in the washing machine.

- [Corky] We've never used a washing machine before.

- [Bill] It'll be easy, Corky.

(gentle upbeat music)

In go the clothes.

And in goes the soap powder.

(gentle upbeat music)

Oh no.

All of the soap powder's gone in.

Don't worry, Corky.

That'll just make the clothes extra clean.

I hope you're right, Bill.

Trust me, Corky.

Mrs. Whistlehead's clothes will be like new.

Now what?

We press the switch.

And away it goes.

(washing machine rumbles)

That was easy.

Now, let's look at what else we can do

to help Mrs. Whistlehead.

(exciting music)

- [Corky] The next thing, Bill,

is to give the floors a good clean.

- [Bill] We'll start in the lounge room

with a vacuum cleaner, Corky.

- [Corky] Great idea, Bill.

(gentle upbeat music)

Ready to go, Corky?

Switching on, Bill.

(vacuum whirs)


This is one mighty strong vacuum cleaner.

I'll grab it, Bill.

It's too strong for us, Corky.

Let's turn it off.

It's too late.



(exciting music)

(vacuum whirs)




Bill? Corky?

What's happening down there?

(vacuum whirs)

Get ready, Corky.

I'm ready, Bill.


(gentle upbeat music)

Bill? Corky?

Is everything alright?

Everything's just great, Mrs. Whistlehead.

We've got everything under control.


Who could that be?

Hello, Sandy.

(bird chirps)

I heard some yells,

and just wanted to make sure everything was okay.

Of course it is, Sandy.

Why wouldn't it be?

Cleaning a house is a big job.

(bird chirps)

But we're experts, Sandy.

We know exactly what to do.

So you're sure you don't need any help?

Not a bit of it, Sandy.

Thanks again.

Alright then.

Good luck.

(bird chirps)

- [Bill] We'll finish cleaning the house later, Corky.

- [Corky] Because we should

make a nice lunch for Mrs. Whistlehead.

- [Bill] You got it.

A nice noodle soup is just right for someone with a cold.



We'll just let that simmer away while we work outside.

(gentle upbeat music)

- [Corky] We should water Mrs. Whistlehead's garden.

- [Bill] Right you are, Corky.

Her flowers look very thirsty.

(gentle upbeat music)

This is one of our easiest jobs, Bill.

Couldn't be easier, Corky.

(water splashes)

(gentle upbeat music)

That's done.

What's next?

Window cleaning.

- [Corky] We'll need buckets and cleaners.

- [Bill] No problem, Corky.

They're all ready and waiting.


Let's get cracking, Bill.

We're doing a top job here, Corky.

We don't need any help.

None at all, Bill.

(gentle upbeat music)

Blow me down.

What's that?

(exciting music)

It looks like soap suds.

- [Bill] Soap suds?

The washing machine!

(exciting music)

(crash, crash)

Oh no!

They're stuck.

What can we do?

We have to turn that washing machine off.

Quick as we can, Corky.

Look out!


Hurry, Corky.

The soap suds.


The soup!

(exciting music)

The sprinkler.


(exciting music)

What do we do, Corky?

Let's just think for a moment, Bill.

At least nothing else can go wrong.

(crash, crash)

(vacuum whirs)

The vacuum cleaner!



Just listen to that noise, Timmy.


I'm going to have to see what's going on.


Bill, Corky, what's happening?


Not to worry, Mrs. Whistlehead.

Everything's under control.

Do you need some help?

We don't need any help, Mrs. Whistlehead.

Remember, we're the ones helping you.

You shouldn't feel bad about asking for help.

A true friend won't mind.

Uh, well.

We might need a little help.

Let's admit it, Bill.

We do need help.

You're right, Corky.

Lots of help.

Then that's what I'll do.

I'll help.

But Mrs. Whistlehead, you need to rest.

We know who we can ask for help.

Right Corky?

Right, Bill.

We'll be back soon, Mrs. Whistlehead.

You just stay and rest in bed.

(gentle upbeat music)

I do hope Bill and Corky are alright.

They looked like they needed help to me.

(bird chirps)

- [Bill] Sandy.

- [Corky] We're so happy we found you.

Is something wrong?

You bet there is.

We need some help, Sandy.

And lots of it.

Yes, I'll help.

Just tell me what to do.

First, you could help us get these off.

I'll need your help, friend.

(bird chirps)

And pull.

Now that's better.

Thank you, Sandy.

Back to Mrs. Whistlehead.

(bird chirps)

(gentle upbeat music)

Oh no.

The soap suds are spreading everywhere.

We're going in and cleaning up.

Who's with me?

We are.

(bird chirps)

(gentle upbeat music)

(rooster crows)

[Mrs. Whistlehead] What a nice day it looks, Timmy.


A day in bed was the right thing for our colds.



Well, I never.

I didn't know we had so many visitors.

They must have all been helping us yesterday.

And what a wonderful job they did.


Good morning.


Mrs. Whistlehead.

Are you feeling alright?

I'm feeling very well, thank you.


So is Timmy.

That's great to hear.

It's all thanks to the help you gave me.

Sandy helped too.

Only a little.

You did a lot, Sandy.

(bird chirps)


I'm just happy to help.

And happy to know that Mrs. Whistlehead and Timmy are

a-, a-, a-, achoo!

I don't like the sound of that.


A-, achoo!

Or that.


It looks to me as if you've caught our colds.

You think so?

A-, a-, achoo!

There's no question about it.

You all sit back and rest.

Timmy and I will look after you.


You don't have to go to all that trouble.

It's no trouble at all.

Let's start with a little breakfast.

What a turnup.

We helped yesterday.

Now we're the ones needing help.


But that's what friends are for, Bill.

To give you help when you need it.

When you're right, Corky, you're right.

(gentle upbeat music)

(all sneeze)

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend, Corky ♪

♪ See you again ♪

♪ Good-Bye ♪

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

(Southern Star jingle)