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03x02 - Bills Galore / The Faraway Friend

Posted: 03/19/24 19:03
by bunniefuu
♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ Up on the hill ♪

♪ Let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playing all day ♪

♪ Hooray ♪

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And His Best Friend Corky.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

(pleasant music)

- [Corky] Will we have an adventure today Bill?

- [Bill] We sure will Corky.

- [Corky] And what's it called?

- [Bill] It's called Bills Galore.

- [Corky] We've got a lot of jobs to do, Bill.

- [Bill] Don't I know it, Corky.

First we have to give the house a good clean.

- [Corky] It is looking very messy.

- [Bill] And that's only the start.

Don't forget, we also have to

go over to farmer Sam's place.

I hadn't forgotten, Corky.

We'll go to help make apple juice from his apples.

And that's not all!

- [Bill] We've got to clean up those leaves in the garden.

- [Corky] And pull up the weeds.

- [Bill] And keep an eye on Timmy the dog.


- [Corky] While Mrs. Whistlehead is away.

I don't know where to start.

There's so much to do.

We might need a little help.

I was thinking the same thing,

and I know where to find that help.

In our shed!

- [Corky] What'll help us in our shed, Bill?

- [Bill] You'll never guess.

- [Corky] I think I can, Bill.

Is it something that Dandy the fairy gave us?

- [Bill] You're on the right track, Corky.

That means it must be fairy dust!

Spot on, Corky.

Fairy dust!

But Bill, Dandy gave us that to use on our garden.

Dandy didn't say we couldn't

use it for anything else though.

Are you sure you know how to use it Bill?

Easy Corky, I know all about

using fairy dust, it's a breeze.

If you say so, Bill.

Let's start with these leaves.

I'll make them disappear in a flash.

Careful, Bill.


(dramatic music)


Bill, are you all right, Bill!

Couldn't be better, Corky.

Let's get started on that messy house.

But Bill--

Yeah what? Bill!

But, you just went inside.

That was fast Bill, I'm grumpy Bill

and I don't like cleaning.

I don't like anything much at all.



Three Bills!

Oh I'm lazy Bill.

I'm so tired I'm going inside for a nap.


Am I hungry Bill or what?

You bet I am.

Four Bills!

Time for a second breakfast,

then an early lunch, then a really early dinner.

Boy oh boy.


Hello, I'm naughty Bill.

Five Bills?


We could use some help in here you know?

Who made him the boss Bill?

I knew something would go wrong with that fairy dust!

What will we do?

Don't ask me, how would I know?

But Bill, you are a Bill.

Boo! Whoa!


You gave me a fright, Bill.


Naughty Bill pulled my tail!

He really is naughty.

(pleasant music)


Don't be afraid of the Bills, Timmy.

They might all be different,

but they're still our friend Bill.

I mean, Bills.

It's like they're all different parts of Bill.

There's fast Bill, lazy Bill,

and hungry Bill.



And a very naughty Bill.


You haven't mentioned me, why am I forgotten?


All right grumpy Bill, sorry.

Timmy, can you do something for me?


Stay here and look after the Bills.

I'm going to see Dandy the fairy.

She's the only one who can help us.

Why can't I come too?

I didn't know you wanted to come, Bill.

No one ever asks me to do anything.

You are very grumpy.

You'd be grumpy too if no one liked you.

All right then, you can come too if you'd like.

Why didn't you say that in the first place?

Hurry up.

(pleasant music)

- [Corky] I hope Dandy knows a way

to get all you Bills back together.

- [Bill] She's a pretty useless fairy if she doesn't.

Can't you say anything nice about anybody?

Why should I?

No one ever says anything nice about me.

- [Corky] Maybe you won't be so grumpy

when you see Fairyland.

It's a wonderful place.

- [Bill] Wonderful?

What's so wonderful about it?

- [Corky] It's very beautiful,

and lots of good friends live there.

This doesn't look beautiful to me.

I'd call it ugly.

There's nothing ugly here.

- [Bill] What about that thing over there?

That's ugly.

- [Corky] No it's not, that's our friend Dandy the fairy

and she's very pretty.

Good morning Corky.

Good morning Bill.

There's nothing good about it.

It started bad, got more bad,

and there's extra bad to come.

What's wrong Bill?

You sound very grumpy.

He is grumpy, he's grumpy Bill, Dandy

and there are more Bills at home.

More than one Bill?

Too many.

How can there be more than one Bill?

Bill used some of the fairy dust

you gave us and it all went wrong.

Oh dear dear, I'll come home with you

and try to fix things.

I hope you can do it quickly.

I'm bored just thinking about it.

Come on then.

(pleasant music)

What shall we do first Dandy?

We have to get all the Bills together in one place.

(pleasant music)

- [Corky] Hungry Bill should be easy to keep in one spot.

All we need is food!

- [Bill] Make that a lot of food.

Hungry Bill never stops eating.

(pleasant music)

Oh hungry Bill, hungry Bill!

What is it Corky?

We've got a lovely picnic for you.

A picnic?

You beauty, I've hardly had a thing

to eat all day, I'm starving!

Now I'll get lazy Bill.

Slow down Bill, you'll give yourself--


The hiccups.

Too late, he's hopeless.


I told you lazy Bill would be easy.

What about the other Bills?

Fast Bill must be over at farmer Sam's place,

and naughty Bill is around here somewhere.

What about me, what do I do?

You could stay here and enjoy the picnic.


That's the saddest looking picnic I've ever seen.

You don't have to eat it, Bill.

You can just be grumpy about it.

And there's plenty to be grumpy about.

The blanket is itchy and there are ants all over the place.


And listen to that hiccuping, this is the worst picnic ever.

That grumpy Bill loves being grumpy.

Come on Dandy, let's find those other Bills.



Where do you think you're going, Timmy?


Don't do that, it's going to be trouble.

I could stop him, or I could just be grumpy about it.

I'll go with grumpy, hmph.

- [Corky] Fast Bill will be over at farmer Sam's.

We promised to help him make juice from his apples.

- [Dandy] And will naughty Bill be there too?

- [Corky] Let's hope so because then

we can catch both of them!

Bill, Bill!

Any Bill will do!

Coming through! Stop Bill, we need to talk.

No time to talk, too much to do.

You've got to come home with us, Bill.

To join the other Bills.

Sorry, there's too many jobs to do.


Oh no, it's naughty Bill!

He sure is naughty!

Apple slide!

I've never had to run from apples before!

That naughty Bill is as naughty as grumpy Bill is grumpy.

What a mess, I've got to start all over again.

Don't go fast Bill, we need you to come home!

Fast Bill won't stop working.

And naughty Bill won't stop playing tricks.

Getting them home is going to be very tricky.

Don't worry Dandy, I've got a plan!

- [Dandy] A big hole in the ground,

and a cover over the top?

- [Corky] Now let's see if we can catch fast Bill.

I can't miss any apples.

If you're going to do a job, you've got to do it right.

(pleasant music)

Oh dear I've missed one.


I'm sorry Bill, but trapping you

is the only way to make you stop!

I can't stay in this hole, Corky.

I've got work to do.

Actually Bill, standing in a big hole is one of your jobs.

It is?

Isn't that right Corky?

That's right, and it's a very important job.

Okay then, if it's a job to do, I'll do it!

We'll be back soon, fast Bill.

Hm, standing in a big hole.

It might be one of my jobs to do,

but it's a very strange job.

(pleasant music)

- [Dandy] Now we have to catch naughty Bill.

A net should do it, Dandy.

How will we get naughty Bill under the net?

Easy Dandy, we'll just let him be naughty.

You get ready with the net.

Oh what a nice day to swish my tail.

I hope no one comes and pulls it!



Now Dandy!

We've got ourselves a naughty Bill.

Now let's get all the Bills together!

I just have to do one thing.

That's better.

Let's do this quickly, I've got so many jobs to do.

Quiet will ya?

I can't sleep.


(chomping, hiccuping)

Can't you hurry?

We'll be here all day at this rate.



Just stay still, Bills

and Dandy will do the rest.

All you Bills have had your fun,

now let's see Bill back as one!

Bill it's you, just you and no one but you!

Sure it's me, Corky.

But what's all this, and why am I under a net?

Don't you remember anything Bill?

I remember having that bag of fairy dust,

then suddenly I'm here.

And nothing in between?

Nothing at all!

We'll tell you all about it, Bill.



But only after we do something about this!

About what?

About that!


- [Bill] Paint me pink!

Now we've got lots of Timmys!

Dear oh dear!


I love Timmy, but more than one is too many!

I can say the same thing about you, Bill.

When you're right Corky, you're right.


- [Bill] It's time to inspect our vegetable garden, Corky.

- [Corky] And will we have an adventure too?

- [Bill] You know it, and it's called The Faraway Friend.

(pleasant music)

These are our best tomatoes ever, Bill.

Let's pick some, how about that one?


Oh no what is it?

It's a tomato Corky.

I'm not talking about tomatoes Bill,

I'm talking about up there!

Paint me pink!

Corky what is it?

- [Corky] It's a spaceship!

And it's coming right at us!


- [Both] Whoa!


I think it's landed, Bill!

And that was no soft landing, come on!

What a mess.


Is someone inside there?

It looks like there is, Corky.

We're about to meet them.

(dramatic music)

It can't be anyone we know.

- [Bill] And they can't be from our planet.

Lo hey.

And lo hey to you.

I'm Corky and this is Bill.

Tammy me.

That's a nice name.

Where are you from?

Are you from outer space?

Space far away way.

That was a rough landing you had.

Righty, a rough one.

You should come home and rest for a while.

Doogie doogie doo.

- [Bill] We'll need a machine

to take your spaceship with us.

Our crane should do the trick.


A little more, Corky.

A little left.

That's the way!

You've got it.

Home we go!

Doogie doogie doo!

This is our home, Tammy.

And while you're here, think of it as your home too.

Double thanky!

Your spaceship's a wreck.

Mess oh.

We'll find a way to fix it.

But right now, you must be hungry Tammy.

Din din, din din!

I think that's a big yes, Corky.

Then let's have something to eat.

I've been thinking Corky,

Tammy reminds me of someone we know.

I've been thinking the same thing, Bill.


Tamo to Tammy, where did you get to

you naughty little girl?

We're all very worried.

- [Bill] I hope you're feeling hungry, Tammy.

- [Corky] Because we have plenty to eat.

Ood ood.


You don't have to eat it all at once.

It won't run away.

I have it Bill, Tamo!

Tamo the space monster!

Tammy looks just like him!

Right Corky, and remember how Tamo tried to eat the moon?

If Tammy is from the same planet as Tamo,

she'd love eating!

Spot on, Corky.

Blow me down!

Where did all the food go?

- [Bill] And everything else.

This proves it, Bill.

Tammy is like Tamo.


We'll talk about it later, Corky,

after we put this little one to bed.

She looks very tired.

Ooze snooze.

You should be tired, Tammy.

Traveling all the way to another planet, I'd be tired too.

Goodnight Tammy.

Where did all the plates and cups and spoons go?

Could Tammy have, no, she couldn't have could she?

A good night's sleep will make you feel much better.

In you go.

Is that comfy?


Great, we'll see you in the morning.

Nighty night.

I like having guests, Corky, and I like Tammy.

I like Tammy too, Bill,

but I don't want her to stay too long.

Why not?

Just have a look at this plate.

Someone was eating it.

You don't mean Tammy?

I do mean Tammy, Bill.

That's impossible, Corky.

Tammy wouldn't eat a plate.

Then who else ate it?

That's easy Corky, it's mice.



What's all that noise?

It's coming from your room, Bill.

Tammy's in there.

I hope she's not in trouble.



Tammy's all right Corky.

For a moment I thought something had happened.

Something did happen, Bill.

Look at your room!

Where did all my furniture go?

I know where, Bill.

Tammy ate it.

How can someone as small as Tammy

eat things as big as my furniture?

Who else could it be?

It was, or maybe it was...

Let's work it out in the morning.

I bet it was termites.

It definitely wasn't Tammy.


It's a beautiful morning, Corky.

- [Corky] And I'm really hungry.

- [Bill] Let's get some breakfast going.

We'll start with a big pot of porridge.

- [Corky] With toast.

- [Bill] And hard boiled eggs.

- [Corky] And some fruit to finish.

That should be plenty, Corky, even for Tammy.

I sure hope so, Bill.

She needs lots of food, Corky.

She's a growing little space monster.


Good morning Tammy.

Did you sleep well?

Sleepy nice.

You sit up here and have some breakfast.


I'm worried.

How come Corky?

What if someone is missing Tammy?

They could be looking for her right now.

If they are Corky, we'll take care of her until they come.

Isn't that right Tammy?

Bill, look!

Everything's gone!

It's those greedy mice again.


Come on Tammy.

It's about time we started work on your spaceship.

Thanky Bill.


We have to go to the shed first, Tammy.

We need a few tools, a couple of screwdrivers,

a drill, and a hammer should be a good start.

- [Tammy] Busy go rush rush.

That's right Tammy, we will be busy.

Repairing spaceships is very difficult work.

I don't believe it!

Where's the rest of the shed?

I can guess where, Bill.

You mean to say Corky that...

Yes Bill, someone ate it.

I knew we had termites!


Come on Tammy.

The only termite here is Tammy.

This looks like a good place to start.

I'll put these wires back together.


- [Tamo] Tamo to Tammy, Tamo to Tammy!



And Tamo, it's me Bill.


And Tammy!

There you are!

So Tammy is from your planet, Tamo.

She's my sister!

- [Both] Sister?

You shouldn't have taken that spaceship, Tammy.

Orry me Tamo.


I'm so happy that she's with you, Bill and Corky.

We're taking care of her, Tamo.

I hope she's not eating too much

because Tammy can eat anything.


And everything.

I'll be there as quick as I can, signing off!

Did you hear that Bill?

I did, Corky.

I'm sorry, you were right.

Tammy was eating everything.

But at least we know where she's from now.

And Tamo is coming to take her back.

Take me Bill!

I'd love you to stay Tammy,

but you really should get home.

No go!


Tammy, what are you doing?

We've got to get after her, Corky.

How Bill?

- [Bill] We'll follow her in the plane.

- [Corky] The spaceship is still broken

so she won't get too far.

And our plane is very fast.

Up and away Corky!

I'm sure Tammy was heading towards the hills.

I can't see her, Bill.

Well I see the spaceship, Corky.

I knew it wouldn't get far.

- [Corky] But where's Tammy Bill?

We'll find her.

We'll just follow that trail.

What trail?

That trail of leftovers.

I see what you mean, Bill.

Tammy eats everything in front of her.


There she is, Bill.


No go.

Please don't run away, Tammy.

You don't want us to get into trouble with Tamo.

No no other for Bill and Corky.

So come home with us and wait for Tamo.

No go, stay Bill and Corky.

You've had a great adventure here.

And the best way to end an adventure

is to go home and tell everyone about it.

Isn't that a good idea Tammy?

Oh me a go go?

Oh me a go go it is.

- [Corky] Tamo should be here very soon.

- [Bill] There's something up in the sky, Corky.

- [Corky] It's a spaceship, Bill.

- [All] Tamo!

Hello everybody.

There's my naughty little sister!

Everybody mad mad Tammy.

No one's mad with you Tammy,

they're just worried.

Thank you for looking after her, Bill and Corky.

It was nothing, Tamo.

We'd better go.

Everyone's waiting at home.

Saddy bye bye.

Don't be sad, you can visit anytime.

Have a safe trip!

Goodbye Corky, goodbye Bill!

- [Both] Goodbye, see you soon!

(pleasant music)

You know Corky, I miss Tammy already.

She'll visit again.

And we better be ready with lots of food in the house.

Or else Tammy will eat our whole house!


When you're right Corky, you're right.

(pleasant music)

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ See you again ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪