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03x01 - The Whale Song / The Tooth Fairy

Posted: 03/19/24 19:02
by bunniefuu
♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ Up on the hill ♪

♪ Let's watch them as they play ♪

♪ Playing all day ♪

♪ Hooray ♪

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And his best friend Corky.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

What sort of an adventure will we have today, Bill?

- [Bill] An exciting one, Corky.

- [Corky] What's it called?

Today's adventure is called The Whale Song.

(moaning) Corky.

Are you making that sound?


(moaning) Where are you?

Here I am, Bill.

If you're there, Corky, what's making that sound?

- [Corky] It's coming from my new music player.

- [Bill] A music player?

Wow, I love music.

- [Corky] And this is special music.

It's singing.

What sort of singing is that?

It's special singing.

The singing of whales.


Blow me down.


It's wonderful, Corky.

I love it.

It is only a recording, Bill.

It'd be even better to hear the whales

singing in the ocean.

How could we do that?

Follow me, Bill.

I'm with you, Corky.

- [Corky] Every year at this time,

whales swim past our beach as they head

for warmer water.

- [Bill] Will they come close to our beach?

- [Corky] Not too close, but close enough

for us to see them.

So, when do we see the whales?

We have to be patient, Bill.

We might not see a whale for days,

or we might be lucky.

And see one now.

Look, Corky.

- [Corky] You're right, Bill, we are in luck.

That's a whale.

Not just one, Corky, but two.

- [Corky] How exciting is this?

They're beautiful.

Hold on, Bill.

There's something else.

- [Bill] That's another whale.

But this one's much smaller.

It must be a baby whale.

- [Corky] It's a whole family of whales, Bill.

Can we hear them sing from here?

We can try.

(upbeat music)

- [Bill] I hear something, but it doesn't

sound like a whale song.

- [Corky] It's awful, Bill.

- [Bill] And it's not coming from the sea.

- [Corky] It's coming from the land.

A person on the land.

- [Bill] It's coming from our friend, Ned.

Hello, Bill.

Hello, Corky.

Ned, that music is too loud.

Please, turn it down.

I can't hear you.

The music is too loud.

We know it's too loud.

Please, turn it down.

Sorry, I still can't hear.

I said, please turn it down.


Oh no, Ned, your music player.

- [Ned] Where is it going?

- [Corky] Into the sea, Ned.

- [Bill] All the way down to the ocean floor.

- [Ned] How far down is that?

- [Corky] A long way down.

Can we get it back?

We'll do our best, Ned.

(upbeat music)

This should do the trick.

(soft music)

Here it is, Ned.

Will it be okay?

I don't think it should be full of water, Ned.

That won't do it any good.

The whales.

What about them, Corky?

I can't see them.

That's just it, they're gone.


Over there, Bill.

What's that?

- [Bill] That's no whale, that's a boat.

- [Corky] A Coast Guard boat.

They might know what's happened with the whales.

Then we better get down there and fast.

Wait for me.

- [Corky] Where should we meet the

Coast Guard boat, Bill?

- [Bill] Down at the pier.

That's the best place to meet a boat.

- [Corky] Right, the pier it is.

Here comes the boat now, Corky.

- [Corky] It's Captain Hornswaggle.

Ahoy, me mateys.

Captain, it's great to see you.

But what are you doing here?

Come on board and I'll tell you all about it.

Are you now the Coast Guard, Captain?

That I be.

Me job is to watch after the whales

and keep them safe, yar.

But why did they disappear?

Baffling barnacles.

Some horrible sound scared them away.

A sound?

What sort of sound?

Was it music?

Aye, the loudest most terrible music I've ever heard.

Oh dear, it must have been my music player.

Don't worry, Ned.

We'll find them.

Too right we will.

Anchors away, set a course south by south east.

- [Everyone] Aye aye, Captain.

(soft music)

Look for the whales, everyone.

They can't be too far away.

I don't see them anywhere.

There they blow.

- [Corky] It is the whales.

I told you we'd find them, Ned.

Oh boy, they're the first whales I've ever seen.


What's that noise?

That's whale singing, Ned.

But it's not like the singing on my recording.

Right, Corky.

They sound unhappy.

And the whales just be going up and down in the one spot.

It's like they're looking for something.

And I've got a good idea what it is.

The baby whale.

It's not there.

You've got it, Corky.

Scuttle me skippers.

The little whale be lost.

And it's all my fault.

We found the big whales, Ned.

And we'll find the little whale.

Full speed ahead.

Keep a good lookout, yar.

What's that?

- [Corky] You found him, Ned.

- [Bill] Well spotted.

But he's gone again.

- [Corky] No, he hasn't.

- [Bill] Yes, he has.

We need a plan, Bill.

And I've got one, Corky.

- [Corky] What's this?

- [Bill] We need our diving gear.

- [Corky] So we can go underwater?

You've got it, Corky.

Beware the currents of the deep.

Danger be at every turn.

We'll be careful, Captain.

Are you sure you want to come, Ned?

You bet I do.

This is all my fault and I want to find the little whale.

Then it's time for action.

(water splashing)

Luck be with you, me brave true, yar.

What do we do first, Bill?

We look for some friends to help us.

- [Corky] Which friends would they be?

- [Bill] We can ask Dennis the Dolphin.

And there's Otty the Octopus, too.

- [Corky] With her eight long arms.

With help like this, we'll find that

little whale in no time.


Hello, friends.

Are we pleased to see you.

We're in a spot of bother.

Have you seen a little whale around here?


Are you sure?


That's great.

Where did you last see him?


That way?

Then what are we waiting for?

Keep up, Ned.

I will.

(moaning) What was that?

I'm sure I saw something.


There's that noise again.

Who's there?

I know someone's in here.

If you're the little whale, then don't be frightened.

I'm here to help you.



A crab.


Why did I run like that?

It was only a little crab, and he did look friendly.


Why am I moving?

Oh no, a sea current has got me.

It's pulling me towards that trench.

I don't know how deep it is.

I don't want to find out.

Swim, Ned, swim.


Help, Bill, Corky.

Help, help!

So you definitely saw the little whale around here?


- [Ned] Bill, Corky, help me!

That sounds like Ned.

It can't be Ned.

Ned's right here.

No, he's not.

- [Ned] Help!

We're coming, Ned.

- [Ned] Help!

Ned's in a big lot of trouble, Corky.

A deep sea current is pulling him towards that trench.

And it's pulling us too.

Swim, Bill.

Swimming, Corky.

The current is too strong, Bill.


Thanks Otty, we're in strife fare.

We still are, Bill.

How do we save Ned?

I'm slipping.

Hold on, Ned.

We'll rescue you.

We just need someone to rescue us first.

I don't think there's anyone who can do that, Bill.


- [Bill & Corky] Ned!

Tickle me pink, what was that?


I know what it was.

The little whale.

I'm here.

I've been rescued.

And I don't know by who.

It's the little whale, Ned.

He's the only one strong enough

to swim against the current.

It's true, it is the little whale.

Thank you.

I'm all right, I think.

He's rescuing us now, Bill.

And to think we came here to rescue him.


You all right, Bill and Corky?

We're fine, Ned.

Thanks to our friend, Otty the Octopus.

And especially to the little whale.


What did he say?

It's okay, he's just a little shy, Bill.

We won't hurt you, little whale.

We only want to take you back to your mom and dad.


How about that.

- [Corky] You found a friend, Ned.


Listen to that, Corky.

It's whale song, Bill.

And it's beautiful.

It be sweet to see a family together.

I may be the scourge of the seven seas,

but I'm all a-teary, I am.



- [Ned] Where are they going?

- [Bill] Off to find warmer waters, Ned.

- [Corky] So they can all play together.

I wish they could stay.

They'll come past again later in the year, Ned.

And will we see them?

You bet.

So it's not a goodbye, it's a see you soon.

See you soon.

- [Everyone] See you soon, whales.


I love every kind of singing, Corky.

But whale singing is the best of all.

When you're right, Bill--

You're right.


- [Corky] We're going to Fairy Land today, Bill.

- [Bill] We're invited to a picnic.

- [Corky] And will we have an adventure?

We will, and it's called The Tooth Fairy.

I wonder where we should meet our friends.

Down by the creek, Bill.

Come on.

- [Bill] Here's the creek, Corky,

but I don't see our friends.

- [Corky] You're looking the wrong way, Bill.

I can see them.

- [Bill] Silly me, Corky.

Here they are.

It's Dandy the Fairy.

- [Corky] And Rumble the Dragon.

- [Bill] And where's the picnic?

- [Corky] Right in front of them, Bill.

- [Bill] Hmm, doesn't it look great?

Hello Bill, Hello Corky.

How are you?

Very well, thank you.

Couldn't be better.

You're just in time for the picnic.

Show them your surprise, Bill.

Surprise coming up.

I love surprises.

Muffins, my favorite.

They do look good, they do.

They look brilliant.

There's one for each of us.

But someone seems to be missing.

Spot on, Corky.

Where's Tricky the Troll?

It's not like Tricky to miss out on a picnic.

I'll keep that muffin for Tricky.

He's sure to be along later.

Come on, everyone.

Tell me what they're like.




What's wrong, Rumble?

Is it a bad muffin?

It's not a bad muffin, it's a bad tooth.

You have a toothache, Rumble?


There's your answer, Corky.

You should go to the fairy dentist right away, Rumble.

A dentist?

A dentist with big needles and big drills?

And I'm a dragon.

They'll be even bigger for me.

The fairy dentist is very nice.

I used to be afraid of the dentist, Rumble.

He was.

But then I went and it didn't hurt at all.

If you like, Rumble, we'll go with you.

And keep you company.

What do you say?


I suppose so.

This will be over in no time at all, Rumble.

Then you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.

Actually, you don't have to come.

Are you sure?

I can do it.

I'm a dragon, I am.

Dragons are brave, see ya.

Is he really going to the dentist?

I don't think so.

How come?

Because the fairy dentist is that way.

We better find Rumble.

Because that sore tooth won't get better by itself.

Where could he be, Dandy?

- [Dandy] He's probably gone home to his cave.

- [Bill] So let's try there first.


Oh, Rumble.

Are you in there?

- [Rumble] There's nobody here.

Nobody with a sore tooth.


Oh, my sore tooth.

Rumble, you come out right now.

And we'll all go to the dentist together.

I don't want to go to the dentist.

I don't like the dentist.

Have you ever been to the dentist?

No, and I'm not gonna start now.


We have to follow Rumble and get him to the dentist.

- [Dandy] How do you get a dragon to do

something he doesn't want to do?

We follow him in our flying machine, that's how.

Then we help him to relax.

But first, we have to catch up to him.

Follow that dragon.


My sore tooth.

- [Everyone] Rumble!


- [Dandy] Please go to the dentist.

Not me.

That tooth must be very sore.

We want to help.

Then go away and leave me alone.

More speed, Bill.

More speed it is, Corky.

- [Corky] Sorry, Bill, make that slow down.

- [Bill] Slow down?

- [Corky] There's a big mountain straight ahead.

- [Bill] I see it, Corky, and it's very big.

Turn, Bill, turn.

Bill, Corky.

You don't have to worry.

Paint me pink.

What happened to the mountain?

Mountains in Fairy Land can move.


I've said it plenty of times, and I'll say it again.

I love Fairy Land.


We can't keep up with Rumble.

Let's land and work out a plan.

(soft music)

Even if we do find Rumble again,

how do we get him to the dentist?

Is there anyone he'd listen to?

Because he's not listening to us.

We need someone who can tell Rumble

that he has nothing to worry about.

Someone who really knows about teeth.

There is one fairy who knows something about teeth.

- [Bill & Corky] The Tooth Fairy.

That's right.

She'll help us with Rumble.

Where do we find her, Dandy?

Her cottage is that way.

Then why are we standing here?

To the Tooth Fairy.

- [Dandy] The Tooth Fairy's home is just ahead.

- [Corky] What a pretty home she has.

- [Bill] You said it, Corky.

It's a lovely little cottage.

- [Corky] I wonder if it's just as pretty inside.


What's so funny, Dandy?

The Tooth Fairy's house is very pretty,

but inside, it's nothing like you'd think.

- [Corky] Why is that, Dandy?

- [Dandy] Being the Tooth Fairy is

a very big and important job.

You need the latest equipment to do it.

- [Bill] You mean, computers and gadgets and gizmos?

- [Dandy] That's what I mean, Bill.

Blow me down.

This is amazing.

Replacing baby teeth under pillows

with little gifts is a big job.

It's a worldwide operation.

She needs many assistant tooth fairies to help her.

But where is the Tooth Fairy?

- [Tricky] Here I am.

- [Bill] Was that the Tooth Fairy?

- [Dandy] It didn't sound like the Tooth Fairy to me.

- [Corky] It sounded like someone else we know.

- [Bill] Tricky the Troll.

My favorite best friends.

Sorry I couldn't get to the picnic.

We did miss you.

Not that it was much of a picnic.

We've got a problem.

And we need the Tooth Fairy to help.

You're looking at him.

You're not the Tooth Fairy I know, Tricky.

She's away on holiday and asked me

to take care of things.

You're the Tooth Fairy?

Until she comes back.

That's terrific.

It is, it's great and it's not so great.

It's not?

The Tooth Fairy didn't tell me

how hard the job is.

I haven't stopped for days.

(sirens blaring)

What's that?

It's a baby tooth overload.

Oh my, look at all those baby teeth

that need picking up.

I have to send out more assistant tooth fairies.

That's more like it.

Nice work, Tricky.

But what can we do about Rumble?

If the Tooth Fairy's away,

I'm afraid she can't help.

Right now, I'm the Tooth Fairy.

So, I can help.

Rumble has a very sore tooth.

And he won't go to the dentist.

He won't?

We'll see about that, come on.

But Tricky, what about all your work here?

Don't worry about it.

Those baby teeth aren't going anywhere.

Where will we find Rumble?

That shouldn't be too hard.

We only have to listen.


- [Rumble] Oh, my sore tooth.

Now, that's using your head, Dandy.

We know where he is, but how will we

stop him running away again?

Leave that to me and my muffins.


Whose got muffins?

Once Rumble gets a smell of those muffins,

he'll come running.

He loves muffins.

Me too.

We might need to give those muffins a little help.

- [Bill] How so, Corky?

- [Corky] A fan will help send the smell to Rumble.

- [Bill] I'm with you now, Corky.

- [Dandy] I hope we don't have to wait too long.

Oh, sore tooth.




Right, Tricky, he's coming.

I really shouldn't have one.

Not with my sore tooth.

But if I take little bites--


Little bites hurt as much as big bites.


Please don't fly away.

We only want to talk.

The muffins are a trick.

Don't go, Rumble.


I'm not going to the dentist, I'm not.

Tricky, do something.



Do you know that I'm the Tooth Fairy?

You're not the Tooth Fairy.

I am until she gets back from holiday.

It's true.

I can help you with your sore tooth.

You can?

Trust him, Rumble.

Oh, all right.

But it better be good.

Now this is better, Corky.

There are better ways to fly than by dragon's tail, Bill.


My sore tooth.

Here's your chance, Tricky.

Try and get Rumble to go to the dentist.



Oh yeah.

Oh yeah!

Try that, Tricky.

Rumble, when the Tooth Fairy left,

she gave me all her magic powers.

She did?

And I can make a wish that going to the dentist is

no big deal.

No big deal?

Sounds good.

(speaks in gibberish)

Now you can go to the dentist, Rumble.

And it won't hurt a bit.

I will, I will go to the dentist.


- [Bill] What's the fairy dentist's like inside, Dandy?

- [Dandy] It's nice and cozy,

and there's a big comfy chair to sit in.

- [Corky] I'm sure Rumble's going to love it.

This won't hurt me, will it?

Of course not, Rumble.

Now open wide, please.


Goodness gracious me, how extraordinary.

I hope it all went well.

We can ask them right now.

Here they are.

How did it go?

Tricky was right.

It was no big deal.

When am I ever wrong?

It didn't hurt at all.

And the dentist was nice.

Nice as pie.

So what was the trouble?

I had a baby tooth stuck

and the dentist helped it out, he did.

Hold on, Rumble.

Did you say baby tooth?

- [Rumble] Baby tooth.


That's a baby tooth?

As far as dragons go, I'm still a baby, I am.

- [Bill & Corky] A baby?


What do I do with this baby tooth?

This is the last time I'm being the Tooth Fairy.

What a day, Corky.

We found out that Rumble is a baby

and Tricky is the Tooth Fairy.

Just a normal day in Fairy Land.

When you're right, Dandy--

You're right.

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

♪ And his best friend Corky ♪

♪ See you again ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Bottle Top Bill ♪

(soft jingle)