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02x07 - Dandy's Birthday / Home Sweet Home

Posted: 03/19/24 18:57
by bunniefuu
♫ Bottle Top Bill and his best friend Corky

♫ Up on the hill, let's watch them as they play

♫ Playing all day, hooray!

- The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill

- And his best friend Corky.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

It's going to be a wonderful day, Bill.

- And a very special one, too, Corky.

- Because we're going to a party.

- That's right, today is Dandy's Birthday.

- Dandy is going to love our present, Bill.

- A new bag for her magic fairy dust.

- A sparkly new bag.

- Let's get it wrapped, Corky, then we can be on our way.

- I love going to Fairyland.

- Me, too, we'll always have fun there

and we have so many good friends.

- Especially Dandy.

- That's right, Corky, she's one of our best friends ever.

- Let's go straight to Dandy's tree house, Bill.

- And give her a big birthday surprise.

(soft music)

- Do you think there'll be lots of friends at Dandy's house?

- Too right, everyone loves a birthday party.

- I hope Dandy's house is big enough.

- She won't have the party in her house,

she'll have it in the garden.

There's lots of room there.

- I don't see anyone, Bill.

- Maybe we've come too early.

Hang on, Corky, I see someone now.

- And they're small and they've got wings.

- Do you think it's Dandy?

- I'm sure it is.

- Right, let's surprise her.

- Happy birthday! - Happy birthday!

(Dandy screams) (Corky and Bill laugh)

- Did we give you a surprise?

- It's a surprise alright.

I suppose you think it's funny to scare someone?

- We're sorry, we thought you'd enjoy it.

- Well, I didn't.

If you're here for the party, you're early.

Please go away.

- Paint me pink, Corky.

- I've never seen Dandy grumpy before.

- Something must be wrong.

- But what? - I don't know.

Let's go and ask.

- Who shall we ask, Bill?

- How about Tricky the Troll?

- Good idea, Bill.

Tricky knows everything that goes on in Fairyland.

- He sure does.

- Tricky! - Hello.

- Bill, Corky, (laughs) Hi!

- Those balloons look great, Tricky.

- They're for Dandy's birthday party.

Do you think she'll like them?

- We're not sure.

- Not sure, why not?

- That's what we've come to ask you about.

- Why is Dandy so grumpy today?

- Dandy?

Dandy's never grumpy, never ever.

- But we just saw her, she was really grumpy.

- Super grumpy.

- Hello, Bill. Hello, Corky.

Are the balloons ready, Tricky?

- All done and ready to go, Dandy.

- Oh, yes, they look beautiful, thank you, Tricky.

- My pleasure.

- And it's so good to see you Bill and Corky.

- It is?

- I do hope you're coming to my party.

- Uh, yes, at least if you want us.

- (laughs) Of course I want you.

You're two of my best friends.

- Great, we'll be there for sure.

- Good, now I'd better take those

balloons home and put them up.

- Here you go, Dandy.

- Thanks, Tricky.

See you all soon.

- What were you two talking about?

Dandy isn't grumpy.

- You're right, Tricky, she isn't grumpy at all.

- She's very happy.

- And she'll be even happier when

she gets the present Rumble and I made.

I'll see you there.

- See you there, Tricky.

- I'm sure Dandy was grumpy before, Bill.

- Maybe she was grumpy because we gave her a fright.

- That must be it, Bill.

- Let's make it up to her and help get the party ready.

- Good idea.

What do you think we can do to help?

- I don't know, let's ask Dandy.

Dandy, hello.

- Oh no, not you again, what do you want now?

- We've come to help prepare the party, remember?

- Go away! - Go away?

- Go away and stay away.

(door slams)

- I'm confused, Corky.

- Me, too.

- One minute Dandy says we're her friends ...

- And the next, she tells us to go away.

- What's going on?

- We need to speak to someone else about this, Bill.

- Spot on, Corky.

- Who do you think we should see this time?

- Someone we know very well.

- And someone who knows Dandy very well.

- Right, Corky.

- Then that must be Rumble the Dragon.

- Rumble, hello.

- Over here.

Hello, Bill. Hello, Corky.

- What are you making there?

- It's Dandy's birthday cake, it is.

I can't wait for the party, it'll be such fun.

- It might not be, Rumble.

- Not if Dandy keeps on being grumpy.

- Dandy's never grumpy, she's not.

- But she's been very grumpy with us.

- Twice.

- Rumble, hello, here's the eggs you wanted.

I hope there's enough.

- Plenty.

- Doesn't it look yummy?

I hope you like cake, Bill and Corky!

- Uh, yes, we do, Dandy.

- That's if we're allowed to have some.

- (laughs) Of course you are!

All my friends will get some.

- That's right.

- I must fly, so much to do.

See you all at the party.

- Dandy wasn't grumpy, she wasn't.

- But she was grumpy, wasn't she, Corky?

- I'm sure she was, I think.

- I've got to hurry with this cake.

I don't want to be late with the cake, I don't.

- We'll see you at the party, Rumble.

- Bye for now, Rumble.

- First, Dandy was grumpy, then nice.

- Then grumpy, and now nice again.

- We've got to get to the bottom of this, Corky.

Time for action.

Let's watch Dandy without her knowing, Corky.

- Maybe that way we can find out what's going on.

- Keep very still and very quiet.

- What are you two doing?

First, you scare a fairy, now you're spying on a fairy.

You two need a good lesson.

- A lesson, what sort of lesson?

- A lesson in how magic fairy dust

can turn you into big, fat toads.

- Let's get out of here, Corky.

- Right behind you, Bill.

- You can run now, but you'll soon

be hopping and croaking, too.

Oh, you stupid old bag.

(Bill and Corky panting)

- Corky, I think we've outrun her.

- Why is Dandy so cross with us?

- I don't understand it, Corky.

I don't understand it at all.

- Bill, Corky, look!

Isn't this marvelous?

- No, Dandy, please, we're sorry

for whatever we did wrong.

- Please don't turn us into toads.

- Run, Corky!

- Bill, Corky, come back!

It's only a candle for the cake.

The Fairy Queen gave it to me.

Bill, Corky!

- Oh no, we're right back at Dandy's home.

- Home, Bill, that's where we should go.

- You're right, Corky, home it is.

(surprised screams)

- Hey, where are you going?

The party's just about to start.

- And we're all here.

- We're trapped, Corky.

- Bill, Corky, is everything all right?

You've both been acting very strangely today.

What's the matter?

- We're confused, Dandy.

- One minute you're nice to us,

the next minute you're grumpy.

- And we don't know why.

- What's all this noise about?

I'm trying to have a nap.

- What the ...

- Yikes!

- Paint me pink!

- Now I understand.

Everybody, I'd like you to meet my twin sister, Brandy.

Brandy, these are my friends.

- Bill, this explains everything.

- You've got it, Corky.

- What's going on?

- We got all mixed up, because one moment you were grumpy,

then nice, then grumpy.

- Now we know it's because there are two of you.

- A grumpy fairy who we thought was you, Dandy,

but was really Brandy.

- Grumpy, who are you calling a grumpy fairy?

- Uh, well, um ...

- I don't want to be at this silly party, I'm going.

- Brandy, stay for the party, please.

- We're sorry, Dandy, we didn't mean to upset your sister.

- She really is very nice.

She's only grumpy, because she doesn't have any friends

to spend her birthday with.

- Of course, if she's your twin,

then today must be her birthday, too.

- But she can have friends to spend it with.

- Who? - All of us.

(soft music)

Where would Brandy go, Dandy?

- She does like it down near the little creek.

- Then let's see if she's down there.

- Oh, I have been grumpy today.

Poor Dandy, I should go back and apologize.

- Brandy!

- We've come to tell you about the new party.

- It will be twice as good as the old one.

- What new party?

- For Dandy and you.

- [All] Happy birthday!

- Is this true?

- You bet.

- We want to have a big party, we do.

- With lots of cake and presents!

- Oh, thank you, that's so very nice of you.

- Now, let's arrange the birthday picnic.

(soft music)

- Now, the presents, open the presents, Dandy.

Open mine and Rumble's first.

- This is so exciting, I wonder what it is?

(gasps) A new bag for my fairy dust.

Thank you, Tricky, thank you, Rumble, I love it.

- Brandy, this is for you.

- For me?

A new bag for my fairy dust,

oh thank you so much, it's beautiful.

- And as long as you have the red one

and Dandy has the blue one, we can tell you apart.

- Cake, cake, let's have cake!

- I'll light the candle, I will, stand back.

- Let's blow it out together, Brandy.

- [All] One, two, three, happy birthday!

- It's a wonderful day after all, Bill.

- It wasn't so wonderful at first, Corky.

- But it's turned out wonderful now.

- (laughs) When you're right, Corky, you're right.

- Where are we today, Bill?

- We're on Mrs. Whistlehead's farm.

- That's always a great place to start an adventure, Bill.

- Spot on, Corky.

And today's adventure is called Home Sweet Home.

- Mrs. Whistlehead's farm has never looked better, Bill.

- You're right there, Corky.

(soft music)

The sheep are in their paddock.

(sheep bleating)

Timmy is asleep in the garden.

And there's a big sign near the house.

- I can't remember a big sign on Mrs. Whistlehead's farm.

- You're right, Corky, neither can I.

It says 'For Sale'.

- What's for sale, Bill?

- Let's ask her and find out.

(soft music)

Now, where would Mrs. Whistlehead be?

- Let's try the garden, Bill.

- Good idea, Corky.

Hello, Mrs. Whistlehead.

(dog barking)

- And hello, Timmy.

- Hello, you two, I thought you might've been buyers.

- What are you selling, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- I've put my farm up for sale.

- Your farm? - Your farm?

- I've lived here all my life

and I think it's time for a change.

- Gee, we'll really miss you, Mrs. Whistlehead.

(dog whines)

- And we'll miss you, too, Timmy.

- Where are you going, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- I'm not sure, I was just about to start looking

for a new house today.

- Would you like us to help you?

- That'd be wonderful, I'll just go and get my hat.

- Why help Mrs. Whistlehead, Bill?

We don't want her to go, we want her to stay.

- Mrs. Whistlehead is our friend, Corky.

If she wants to move, then we should help her.

- You're right, Bill, but it'll still be sad to see her go.

- I'm ready.

- Where should we look first?

- The seaside, Bill, I'd love living by a beach.

- How will we get to the beach?

- We'll need something big like ...

- A plane, Bill?

- Not quite, Corky, we're going in a hot air balloon.

Everyone aboard.

Next stop, the beach.

- Everything is so beautiful from up here.

What a pretty bird.

- That's a seagull, Mrs. Whistlehead,

we must be near the sea.

(soft music)

- Look, there's the beach!

Let's go down for a closer look, Bill.

- Hang on, everyone, get ready to land.

- Smell that sea air. (dog barks)

Timmy thinks it's delightful, too.

- It looks as though Mrs. Whistlehead likes it here, Bill.

- It's the perfect place for a new home, Corky.

- While Mrs. Whistlehead is looking around,

we should set out a picnic.

- You must've read my mind, Corky.

You can't beat a picnic at the beach.

- Especially on such a nice, sunny day.

- Oh, it's getting a little hot for us, Timmy.

Let's go back.

- Did you find a spot to build your house, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- No, Bill, it's too hot to walk about and look.

- Why don't you have a sandwich and some cold lemonade?

- That sounds marvelous.

Oh, I'm still so hot.

How can we cool down?

- You should try cooling down in the sea, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- That's an excellent idea, Corky, I love the sea.

- Have a nice swim, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- You, too, Timmy.

- A lovely refreshing dip in the sea

would cool me down and wash this sand off us, Timmy.

Ew, we can't swim in there. (dog barks)

(splash) Uh!

- It's alright, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- We'll have that seaweed off in a jiffy.

- That's it, we can't live here.

There's too much seaweed, it's too sandy,

and it's far too hot.

- Do you want to see some other places, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- Yes, please, Bill, anywhere but the beach, eh, Timmy?

(dog barks)

- Where would you like to look now, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- I've been thinking, it gets

rather lonely on the farm sometimes,

and I think I'd like to live in the city.

- We're in luck, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- We're heading right for the city now.

- How exciting, what a huge place it is.

(dog barking) (horns honking)

- With lots of people, too.

(horns honking)

- There's always something to do in the city.

- I think this will be perfect for my new home.

- Hold on, we're going in.

(soft music)

- Do you see a safe place to land, Bill?

- I think I do, Corky.

There's a little park just down there.

- Perfect, Bill, take it in gently.

- Gently it is, Corky.

- This really is something, Timmy.

(dog barks)

This is much better than the seaside.

We'll like living here.

- I'll miss Mrs. Whistlehead if she moves to the city, Bill.

- So will I, Corky, but if that's what she wants ...

- I know, then we should help her.

- What do you think of the city, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- There's so much to see and do here, I'd never be bored.

(horns honking)


There is a lot of traffic in the city, isn't there?

What's that over there?

- I'm not sure.

- It looks like rubbish, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- How disgusting, the city isn't very clean, is it?

It's too noisy, we should go.

- Sorry?

- I said we should go, (laughs) oh.

- You don't like the city anymore?

- The city is too noisy, too smelly, and too dirty for us.

- Where to now, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- Somewhere clean, green, and quiet.

- Where would that be?

- Where else, the forest, of course.

- Right you are, Mrs. Whistlehead.

Next stop, the forest.

- Look down there, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- I see it, Corky.

- That would be a great spot to build a house.

- And there's plenty of room for a big vegetable patch.

- And there's lots of birds and trees and flowers.

(dog barks) - Timmy likes it already.

- What do you think, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- I think Timmy and I would be very happy here.

Isn't that right, Timmy?


- Where is Timmy?

- He's probably exploring.

Timmy, where are you? (dog barking)

- That's him. - Come on.

- Are you sure we're heading the right way?

- His barking definitely came from this part of the forest.

(dog barking) He's around here some place.

- But where? (dog barks)

Timmy, come here.

- Watch where you're walking, Mrs. Whistlehead.

You nearly fell down that hole.

(dog barks)

- Timmy!

How will we get you out of there?

- Don't worry, Mrs. Whistlehead, I've got what we need.

- What is it, Bill?

- Just the thing for getting dogs out of holes.

- Is it a crane?

- A crane it is, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- Good thinking, Bill, that's perfect.

- You take the controls, Corky, and lower me down.

- Will do, Bill.

- Be careful, won't you?

- Don't worry, Mrs. Whistlehead.

A little more, Corky.

And stop. (dog barking)

Good to see you, too, Timmy.

Pull us up, Corky.

- Will do, Bill.

- Timmy. (dog barks)

You poor little fellow.

Thank you for saving him.

- Our pleasure, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- The forest is a very nice place,

but it might be a little too dangerous for Timmy.

- He does like to get into trouble.

- Back to the balloon, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- Where should we look now, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- I'm not sure, Corky.

- There must be a place that's right for you somewhere.


What was that?

- It sounds like a storm.

- It looks like a storm.

- It is a storm.

- Whoa, hold on tight, everyone.

- Where are we going, Bill?

- I don't know.

- We'll have to land, Bill.

- Where Corky?

- I see a haystack below us.

- Then, let's land there.

- [All] Whoa!

- Thank goodness for that haystack.

It gave us a nice, soft landing.

- Where do you think we are, Bill?

- I don't know, Corky, the storm could've blown us anywhere.

- Let's take a look around.

What beautiful flowers.

(sheep bleating)

What adorable sheep!

And what a lovely farmhouse.

- It sounds like you like this place, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- It's marvelous, I think we've landed

in the perfect place to live.

(dog barks)

- It looks a bit familiar, Corky.

- I feel the same way, Bill.

- I do, too.

- Paint me pink, I know where we are.

We're right back on your farm, Mrs. Whistlehead.

- (laughs) Oh my, so it is.

Thank you, Bill, thank you, Corky.

- For what, Mrs. Whistlehead?

- For showing us that the perfect place to live

was right here all along. (dog barks)

This deserves a celebration with

fresh sandwiches and lemonade.

- Everything's turned out just right, Bill.

- It sure has, Corky.

- It just goes to show, there's really no place like home.

- (laughs) When you're right, Corky, you're right.

♫ Bottle Top Bill and his best friend Corky

♫ See you again, goodbye, Bottle Top Bill