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02x06 - The New Scarecrow / Old Lightning

Posted: 03/19/24 18:56
by bunniefuu
♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ Up on the hill

♫ Let's watch them as they play

♫ Playin' all day

♫ Hooray

- [Bill] The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill.

- [Corky] And his best friend, Corky.

♫ Bottle Top Bill

- [Corky] Are we going to Mrs. Whistlehead's

farm today, Bill?

- [Bill] We are, Corky.

- [Corky] And will we have an adventure there?

- [Bill] We sure will, Corky.

And the name of the adventure is, The New Scarecrow.

- Have a look at Mrs. Whistlehead's fruit trees, Bill.

What sort of fruit is on this tree?

- [Bill] Looks like apricots to me.

- [Corky] Delicious!

And what about those?

- [Bill] They're plums, Corky.

And check out the size of those peaches.

- [Corky] Big and juicy, too, Bill.

- This fruit is almost ripe and ready to eat.

(birds squawking)

- Oh, no, I don't like the sound of that.

(paper swishing)

- [Bill] What is it, Corky?

- [Corky] It sounds like a bird, Bill.

- [Bill] But not just one bird, there are three of them.

- Three hungry looking birds.

What are we going to do, Bill?

How will we keep them away from the fruit?

- Easy, Corky, we've got just the right friend to help us.

- [Corky] I think I know who you mean.

- [Bill] He knows how to keep birds away

from Mrs. Whistlehead's fruit.

- [Corky] Because he's a scarecrow.

- [Bill] Sandy the scarecrow.

- Good morning, Bill, good morning, Corky.

- Hello, Sandy.

- Are we happy to see you.

You've come at just the right time.

- I have, why?

- There are three hungry birds with eyes

on Mrs. Whistlehead's best fruit.

- Could you shoo them away, Sandy?

- All right then, if you think I should?

(birds squawking)

- [Corky] Here they come, Sandy!

- They're going for the apricots!

(birds squawking)

Start shooing, Sandy!

- Give them your best shoos ever!

- Shoo, shoo, shoo! (birds squawking)

- They've gone to the plum trees, Sandy!

- You'll have to shoo them from there now.

- Shoo, shoo! (birds squawking)

Shoo, shoo, shoo!

Shoo, go on birds,


I'm sorry, they just don't listen to me.

- Try again, Sandy. - You can do it.

- What's the point?

I'm just not a very good scarecrow.

- You are a good scarecrow, Sandy.

You just need a little extra help

and I know how to give it to you.

- Tell us your idea, Bill.

- Better than telling, Corky, I'll show you.

Follow me!

(birds squawking)

- [Corky] Where are we going, Bill?

- [Bill] To find everything we need to help Sandy.

- [Sandy] In the old shed?

- [Bill] That's the place!

(birds squawking)

- [Corky] So what are we looking for, Bill?

- [Bill] Have a look on that bench, Corky.

- [Corky] I just see a few old bits and pieces.

- [Sandy] How will they help me?

- Watch, this is going to make you a new scarecrow, Sandy.

- It is? - It's a mask.

- Why do I need a mask?

- You've got a very friendly face, Sandy,

and all the birds like it.

That's why you can never shoo them away.

- But if you wear a mask,

it'll be like you're a new scarecrow.

- And when I don't want to be a new scarecrow,

I just take off the mask.

- Come on, Sandy, let's see you shoo those birds, now.

(birds squawking)

- Here they are, Bill.

- You're about to get a shooing like you've never had.

Are you ready, Sandy?

- I think so, Bill.

- Good luck.

- Shoo, shoo, go away, birds!

(birds squawking)

Shoo, go on, shoo away!

(birds laughing)

- Bite me pink, they're laughing!

- They must know it's Sandy even with the mask.

(sheep bleating) (cow mooing)

- Who's that?

- I think it's a couple of our farm friends, Bill.

Look! (paper swishing)

- [Bill] It's Maisy the cow.

(cow mooing)

- [Corky] And Fuzzy the sheep.

- They're coming to say, hello.

- Hello Maisy and Fuzzy.

(cow mooing) (sheep bleating)

Fuzzy, Maisy,

it's just me, Sandy!

(cow mooing)

Don't be fooled by this, it's just a mask.

(cow mooing) (sheep bleating)

Don't go, it really is me!

- Can you believe this,

the birds know it's Sandy under the mask.

- But Maisy and Fuzzy don't.

- We'd better get back to the fruit trees.

- That's right, before the birds do.

(birds squawking)

- Well done, everyone, we've beat those pesky birds back.

(birds squawking)

- But they're back again now, Bill.

- And they're going straight for the fruit again.

- I'll have one more go at shooing.

- Make it your very best shoo, Sandy!

- Shoo,



(birds squawking)

This mask isn't working at all!

- I can't understand it, it works for Maisy and Fuzzy.

- Everyone but birds?

- Can you please take it off me now?

- No problem, Sandy, I'll have it off in a jiffy.


I need a little help here, Corky.

- Ready when you are, Bill.


- Make that two jiffies, Sandy.

(grunting) (feet stomping)

- Oh, dear!

- Not to worry, Sandy, we'll get some soapy water.

- That bucket will slip straight off.

- Please hurry! - We will!

(birds squawking)

- I don't think I'll ever be a good scarecrow.

Even with all the help that Bill and Corky give me.

(birds squawking)

I'm sorry for trying to shoo you, birds.

(birds squawking)

But it is my job as a scarecrow.

A job I'm no good at.

(birds squawking)

But if I can't be a scarecrow, what else can I do?

(birds squawking)

Maybe I shouldn't stay here.

(birds squawking)

I'll miss my friends so much.

I'll miss you, too, birdies.

(birds squawking)

But there might be new life for me just over that hill.

One where I don't have to be a scarecrow.

(birds squawking)

Goodbye, friends, please don't eat too much

of Mrs. Whistlehead's fruit.

(birds squawking)

- Sandy, we've got the soapy water.

That bucket'll be off before you know it.

- He's not here, Bill.

Where did he go?

(birds squawking)

- He went that way?

(birds squawking)

- Let's follow those birds, Bill.

- I'm with you, Corky.

(string popping)

(paper tearing)

- [Corky] It looks like he's headed out

into the country, Bill.

- [Bill] That's right, Corky, out towards the big cliffs.

- [Corky] I hope he's careful, it's dangerous out there.

- Now which way should I go?

(bird chirping)

What's that? (bird chirping)

It sounds like someone's in trouble.

(paper tearing)

Who's that calling out?

You sound like a bird, a baby bird.

I know what happened, she must have fallen out of her nest!

(bird chirping)

Don't worry, little birdie, I'll help you!

Just hop onto my hand, you'll be okay.

(bird chirping)

That's the way, now I'll put you back in your nest.

Someone's already in the tree.

They look too big to be your brother or sister.

It's your mother!

It's all right, now, your baby bird's safe!

(birds chirping)

You don't have to thank me, I was happy to help.

From now on, baby bird, you should

be more ca-



(spring bouncing)

Oh, dear!

(plastic squeaking) Oh, that's better!

It's not that much better!


(birds chirping) (birds squawking)

- Sandy! - Sandy?

(birds squawking)

- Sandy is down there?

- Sandy, how did you get there?

- Uh, I'm not sure.

- Nevermind, Sandy, we'll get you back safely!

- [Corky] What's this, Bill?

- [Bill] We can't help Sandy on our own, Corky.

- [Corky] So, we'll need a machine that can reach him.

- [Bill] And our crane is just the thing.

(motor chugging) - Help!

- A little more left, Bill.

Almost there, you got him, Bill!

Lift him up!

- [Sandy] Whoa!

- Easy does it.

- There you go, Sandy.

- Thank you, Corky!

And thank you, Bill!

- What were you doing, Sandy?

- I'm such a bad scarecrow,

I thought I should start a new life somewhere else.

- You can't leave, Sandy, we'd miss you too much.

(birds squawking)

Even the birds don't want you to leave.

- I know, they follow me everywhere.

- Jumping jellybeans, why didn't we see it before?

- See what, Corky?

- Let's go back to the fruit trees,

but Sandy, you walk slowly and wait for me to call you.

- Okay, Corky, if that's what you want?

- What are you thinking, Corky?

- You'll see in just a moment.

Take a look, Bill.

- Look at what, Corky?

I just see the fruit trees.

- That's it, Bill, just the fruit trees, no birds.

- You're right, Corky, no birds!

- You can come on over now, Sandy.

- Here I am. (birds squawking)

- Now that Sandy's here, so are the birds.

- Bite me pink, the birds like Sandy so much,

they follow him everywhere.

- That's very nice of them, but what does it mean?

- It means that you can be a great scarecrow, Sandy.

- It does, how?

- Let's do one more test.

Come with me to the old shed.

(birds squawking)

- You see, Sandy, where you go, the birds go.

- So if you stay away from the fruit trees,

the birds will stay away.

- I can be a great scarecrow

and I don't have to do any shooing.

- So, Sandy, I hope you're not going to run away now?

- And leave my friends?

I won't do that again.

(birds squawking)

- Well done, Sandy, you can be the best ever scarecrow

by not being a scarecrow at all.

- (laughing) When you're right, Corky, you're right.

(birds squawking)

(paper tearing)

- [Bill] Today is going to

be a hang on to your hat day, Corky.

- [Corky] Why is that, Bill?

- [Bill] Because we are going on a train.

- [Corky] Great, what sort of train is it?

- [Bill] A very special train, Corky.

It's called, Old Lightning.

- [Corky] This railway yard is amazing, Bill.

- [Bill] It sure is, Corky,

and I want to show you something.

- [Corky] What is it?

- [Bill] Try and guess, Corky.

- Is it a car? - No.

- [Corky] I know, it's a train!

- [Bill] Spot on, Corky, but it's no ordinary train.

- [Corky] There's smoke coming from it.

- [Bill] That's because it's an old steam train.

- Do you think we could go for a ride in it?

- I don't know, Corky, it's very old?

- Let's ask Mr. Puffer, the Station Master.

- Good idea, Corky, I think he's around here somewhere.

- [Corky] I can see him.

- [Bill] Are you sure that's Mr. Puffer?

- Definitely, and he's coming this way.

- Good morning, Bill, good morning, Corky.

- [Bill and Corky] Hello, Mr. Puffer.

- I see you're admiring Old Lightning.

- Old Lightning?

- That's the name of the train here.

- It's brilliant!

- It was brilliant, but it's too old

and rusty to go now, I'm afraid.

It's being taken away to the scrapyard.

- [Bill and Corky] The scrapyard!

- Yes, it'll be broken up and used to make other things.

- Why, Mr. Puffer?

- It's no use as a train anymore.

- That's terrible!

- I'm sure if we fixed it up and cleaned it,

people would use it again.

- Everyone loves steam trains!

- Can we try to fix it, Mr. Puffer?

- Oh, I'm sorry Bill and Corky, it's too late.

- It's not too late, Mr. Puffer,

we've got the rest of the day.

- Is that enough time, it's a big job?

- Just leave it to us, Mr. Puffer.

- We'll have Old Lightning ready to go in no time.

- All right, then.

You have until six o'clock this evening.

I do hope you can do it.

- Crikey, what have we got ourselves in for, Corky?

This is a big job.

- Too big for just us, Bill.

We have to ask some of our friends to help.

- [Bill] I'm with you, Corky.

Who should we ask?

- [Corky] There's Mrs. Whistlehead for a start.

- [Bill] You're right, Corky,

Mrs. Whistlehead would love to work on Old Lightning.

- [Corky] And where Mrs. Whistlehead goes,

Timmy the dog will go, too.

- [Bill] And I know who else would love to help.

- [Corky] Our neighbor, Ned, Bill?

- [Bill] You read my mind, Corky!

Once Ned finds out about Old Lightning,

we won't keep him away.

Come on, everybody, let's get cracking!

(dog barking)

(water splashing)

- Thank you, Timmy, I do need a clean brush

to get rid of this dirt.

Now, how about that, Timmy?

A lightning bolt for Old Lightning.

(train whistle blowing) Goodness gracious!

(dog barking)

- We did it, Bill!

- The engine is going!

- Good work, Bill and Corky!

- Very good work!

- Time for a test run, Corky.

- A test run it is, Bill.

- Main brake off,

emergency brake?

- Emergency brake off.

- And away we go! (train whistle blowing)

- [Group] Woo hoo!

(metal clanging) (group groaning)

(dog whimpering)

- What went wrong?

- We need an expert, Bill.

- Right, Corky, the best expert there is.

- Cedric the scientist.

- But how will we get to him quickly?

- [Corky] The dragster will get us

to Cedric's really fast, Bill.

- [Bill] Then let's go!

- [Corky] We'll be back soon, everybody.

- [Bill] Cedric the scientist must have something

in his laboratory that can help us, Corky.

- [Corky] Anything will do, Bill,

as long as it can get Old Lightning to work again.

- [Bill] And do it quickly,

because we're running out of time!

- Hello? - Cedric?

(silly laughing)

- [Bill] Do you here that, Corky?

- I do. - Who is it?

- [Corky] It's the person we're looking for, Bill.

- [Bill] You're right, Corky, it's Cedric the scientist.

- (laughing) Hello, Bill, and Corky, hello.

- Hello, Cedric. - What's so funny?

- It's my latest invention, tickle spray.

Here, try it.

- (laughing) Cedric, we've got a spot of bother.

- (laughing) We have to get an old steam train


- (laughing) Do you have anything that could help us?

- I might have just the thing.

Yes, in deed, here it is.

Zoom juice, just put that into the engine and zoom!

- Zoom?

- But only use a drop, no more than a drop.

It's very powerful, powerful indeed.

- Thank you, Cedric. - Let's go, Corky.

- [Bill and Corky] Goodbye!


- Ready, Corky? - Ready, Bill.

- Don't forget, Corky, just a drop.

- Just a drop it is, Bill.

- [Corky] Slowly.

- [Bill] Gently.


- [Group] Hooray!

- [Corky] It's working again, Bill!

- And let's hope it keeps working, Corky.

- [Mr. Puffer] Oh, well, I never!

You really did it!

Old Lightning hasn't looked like this in years.

- Our friends helped, too, Mr. Puffer.

- Well done to you all!

- What do you think about a test run, Mr. Puffer?

- A test run?

Oh, capital!

- All aboard who's coming aboard!

- Bill, Corky, can I ride with you?

- Sure thing, Ned, as long as you don't touch anything.

- (laughing) Me, touch anything?

I never do that.

- Timmy and I will start you off.

(dog barking)

- We've only got one go at this, Corky.

- Don't worry, Bill, Cedric's zoom juice won't let us down.

- Away we go!

- We're not going!

- We're definitely not going.

- Well, I'm feeling something now.

- [Group] Whoa!

Woo hoo!

- [Bill] Old Lightning is just like she used to be, Corky.

- [Corky] Thanks to Cedric's zoom juice.

- [Bill] And this is the best view

of the countryside I've ever seen.

- [Corky] Same here, Bill.

- Can I please pull the whistle?

- I can't see why not, Ned, go for it.

(train whistle blowing)

- [Mr. Puffer] Congratulations!

- Thank you, Mr. Puffer. - (laughing) Capital!

- Bill, we owe it all to Cedric and his zoom juice.

- After this test run,

we'll give him the biggest thank you we can.

- Wow,

this is zoom juice?

- Please, Ned, don't touch it!

- It's very powerful!

- Don't worry, I'll put it down now.

(rock exploding) - [Group] Whoa!

- Bill, the zoom juice is going into the engine!

And it's more than just a drop!

- It's the whole lot!

- What's that sound?

- I don't know, Ned, but I don't like it.

- [Group] Whoa, whoa!

- How long does the zoom juice work for, Corky?

- Cedric didn't say, Bill,

he just said it was very powerful.

- I hope we can stop soon!


Time for the brakes, Corky!

- Right you are, Bill!

- And,

paint me pink!

- Is it broken?

- It couldn't be more broken, Ned!

- Oh, no! - What is it, Bill?

- [Bill] It's a bridge.

- [Corky] There's nothing wrong with a bridge.

- There is with this bridge. - What?

- It's under repair and there's a big hole right

in the middle!

We've got to stop this train!

- But, we have no brakes!

- Yes, we do, we have the emergency brake on the carriage.

- That's perfect, Corky, because this is an emergency.

- [Bill and Corky] Mr. Puffer!

- Bill, Corky, why are we going so fast?

- We'll explain later.

- Right now, we need the emergency brakes.

- Emergency brakes comin' up.

(grunting) Hey, it's stuck!

Bill, Corky, I need some help!

- I'll have to go back, Corky.

- Be careful, Bill!

- Look, Corky! - Bill, lookout!

- Whoa!

That was close!

(train whistle blowing)


Now where's Mr. Puffer?

- [Mr. Puffer] Down here, Bill.

- Sorry, Mr. Puffer!

- We must stop this train!

- I couldn't agree more.

- All together! (grunts)

(wheels squealing)

- Will it stop?

- Can it stop?

- [Ned and Corky] Hooray!

- It did stop! - well done, Bill!

- It wasn't just me, it was Mr. Puffer, too.

- Ah, dear oh dear, just look at all this dust.

- What's Mr. Puffer going to say after all this?

- I hope he's not very cross.

- Well, I never had so much fun,

what a ride!

- Uh, does that mean Old Lightning won't

be taken away, Mr. Puffer?

- Never, never ever.

- So, can we start steam train rides?

- Right away,

but you won't be going as fast as that again, I hope?

- From now on, it's safe and steady.

- You can depend on that! - Capital!

- Right, Bill, the brakes are repaired.

- And the engine is running like a dream.

- We've invited lots of our friends

for the first official run.

- This is going to be the best train ride ever!

Let's take her out, Corky.

- And we should use one of Cedric's inventions.

- Oh, no, Corky, not zoom juice?

- Not zoom juice, Bill, but something even better.

Tickle spray, (laughs)

this way we'll have fun, too!

- (laughing) When you're right, Corky, you're right.

- [Group] Yay! (dog barking)

(train whistle blowing)

♫ Bottle Top Bill

♫ And his best friend Corky

♫ See you again

♫ Goodbye

♫ Bottle Top Bill

(dramatic music)